Convert TradingView Indicators into Strategies with AI (IT FINALLY WORKS)

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Michael Automates
I finally found a reliable method to convert any TradingView Indicator into Trading Strategy! You ca...
Video Transcript:
that's right guys in this video you will learn how to convert an indicator into a strategy using AI finally this is the method that will help millions of people to do that and after my last video where I took the top five indicators I converted them into strategies while coding I did it myself you guys asked me okay Michael that's all great you showed us that the indicators that we're using are not all so great and we should use strategies but how to freaking create strategies especially when I have an indicator it looks great how
to convert it into a strategy well that's why I'm making this video because I wanted to help you and I found the method guys okay I found the right AI the right prompt that you can use to make this happen and in this video I'm going to show you all of that this video will be less cutting and more raw because I want you to also see the problems that can happen and how to solve them there are not a lot of problems but a couple of them might happen and I want to show you
how I do it in real time without cutting out all of those errors right so guys if you love that make sure to destroy the like button okay massage it cuddle it love the like button just click on it because I am making these videos to change your life to give you gamechanging educational content on this channel while this is not Financial advice crypto is risky you can lose all of your money but that is why you subscribe to this channel you watch the videos that I make because that increases your chances of success guys
right that's the whole point we have to be better than other people because it's a player versus player game so let's get into this video let's learn how to create a strategy from an indicator with AI it's going to be awesome let's get started I'm very excited to show you this guys because it makes you independent and gives you so much power guys right you can turn any indicator into a strategy and you can create even completely new strategies you can combine different indicators into a strong strategy but let's get step by step into this
topic right first of all we're going to convert three indicators into strategies using open Ai and let me show you which open a we're going to use because you have to use the right one so you have to use chat gpt1 preview that is the one that gives the best results and that's why I'm so excited about this method right I have had a couple of conversations as you can see here we have the bull market support band conversation super Trend and Ballinger band and the results that I got guys are incredible okay so this
is my version of the strategy right producing 736 per profit with these other kpis and when I turn on the GPT version of that strategy turning it on now you can see the exact same results okay that is fascinating the next thing is the super Trend strategy my version right with 53% profit and GPT version 53% profit exactly the same yes it's a lot of stuff in the chat but just to show you that this AI version that we're using here to create strategies produces very good results results and I want to show you how
to do it yourself right now all right guys let's start with the bull market support band this is an indicator that you have seen in my previous video that looks like it's actually quite nice because whenever the lines cross right to the upside there might be a good Buy Signal and then when they cross to the downside might be a good sell signal so let's convert this idea into an actual strategy right so first of all bull market support band let's add it to the Chart click on indicators search for bull market support band and
click on this one you will have it on your chart it will look the same as mine now the next thing you need to do is you need to hover with the mouse over this indicator here and click on the source code because you need the code to give it to chat GPT right to convert it into code into a strategy so click on that and here you get the code of that indicator just copy it right just copy it as it is and go here to The Prompt which is below this video copy paste
the prompt and everything and in this prompt you have three sections and before I put the code let me explain the sections the first section is basically telling chpt what we want from it and also we're giving it a good confidence saying hey you are a professional pinescript version 5 developer right so that it does the right thing for us the second section is giving it instructions on how to behave in certain situations which settings to use per default so I have put this together carefully so that we avoid the common issues and the third
section is the code of the indicator right so I'm telling it hey this is the code code and here I paste the code right and that's it you don't have to change anything else now copy the whole thing right and now go to chat gbt and open a new chat and make sure you are on the 01 preview version that's the only one that actually makes sense and just paste the whole thing and let's give it the first try and see what happens now what will happen here is that it is thinking you see that
it's not immediately answering because the 01 preview version is a better version that is actually thinking about his actions before giving a response which is professional right so that has resulted in amazing results for the strategy creation and after like 40 seconds 60 seconds something like that it gives the first version of the strategy so usually there are tiny issues in there but they're very very easy to fix I will show you exactly how to do that after we get our first version all right after 49 seconds it gives us the first version let's copy
the code without even looking at it and let's create the strategy back in trading view right you see here that you cannot edit this because you need to create a working copy that's perfect so click on create a working copy right click on that you get a new script with a no title at all just delete everything inside and put the code from chat GPT here right and then click save click save again and let's see what happens is there any error no no error so far if there was an error I would show you
how to fix it but I'm sure it going to happen in the next indicator now the next thing you need to do is you need to add it to the chart and let's make sure I am not in the way no I'm not in the way that's good so add to the Chart so now you need to click this button to add this strategy to your chart to start seeing the results all right so we have added it to the chart and as you can see here produces well quite good results not exactly the same
as mine so mine was let me open it right now mine was 736 profit well this one is 383 per profit but hey still not bad but now I want to create the same result as my strategy but how can you do it right how can you double check if it's actually done the right thing or not well it kind of depends on you as well because when you look at the indicator then you have to make sure that these buying and selling arrows right that you see here that they're happening at the same time
as when you would buy and sell based on the indicator so now you have to use your own mind and come up with something that you would be doing as well now as you can see here there is a cross to the downside and after the cross there is a sell signal should be a sell signal right now when I turn on the strategy again we can see that it is selling but it's a bit later let me double check here if that is the case yeah so it should sell here right because this is
the the cross of the indicator but it sells way later so for me that looks like it's selling when it goes below the line instead of selling when there is a cross let's see let's go back to the chat GPT version and let's tell it that we want to buy when there is a cross to the upside of these two EMAs and then we want to sell when there is a cross to the downside let me formulate the sentence and come back to you okay so I'm telling it to buy when EMA is cross to
the upside and sell when EMA is cross to the downside and I don't know if you noticed but there are these strange staircases that happens because the strategy is actually going to the one we chart to get the numbers or the the prices and then creates the results on the one day chart long story but if you don't do fill gaps then it will look like that so I am telling it and I told it already by the way to fill the gaps but you know sometimes it doesn't stick to all the rules that I
give it it says here fill gaps right so it didn't do that so I will tell it to do that now okay so I'm saying also fill gaps to avoid jumps in the lines in the lines so let's click enter and see what happens okay we have a new version let's see if that works out so we have here gaps off that's not really smart right because um yeah that's the whole point of filling gaps so they should be on but okay like it's not the end of the world and so let's copy this code
and go back to chpt and by the way if you want to make sure you're editing the right code of your strategy then click on these source code brackets and you will arrive back in your own code you just delete everything in there put the new code click save and then see what happens okay it didn't fill gaps but let's see about the profit results and now it looks like it has the same exact outcome yes it has the same exact outcome as my strategy so there you go guys we have managed to convert an
indicator into strategy and it does exactly the same as I would do right so doesn't get much better than that I hope you learn how to do it now let's go to the next one and do it there as well because I want to show you as well a situation where there is an error in the code and how to fix that okay guys the next strategy that we want to create is from the Ballinger bands and the reason is that simply it's the best one from my previous video it makes the most profit so
I think it makes sense for you guys to know how to do exactly that one and so first of all you have to add the Ballinger Bands To Your Chart go to indicators search for Ballinger band and click on the technicals right this is the Ballinger band indicator that you want to add to your chart click on that and then you see exactly the same as I do we are still on the Bitcoin one day index chart guys right and now again you need to use your brain a little bit to zoom in to the
chart and understand okay when would I buy right because again it's an indicator it doesn't have buy and sell signals right so when would I buy and when would I sell and to make it faster in this video because I already explained it in the previous video I would buy when the price goes above the upper band okay and then stay in the trade for as long as the price goes below the lower band right so quite long and then it would sell here right so that would have been a very nice trade buying here
and sell selling roughly here making 356 profit so let's see if that idea leads to a lot of profit in general because sure nice that it work here but does it produce false signals does it have a high draw down all of this stuff okay the same as before we go here with the mouse we click on the source code I will make this larger I will just copy the whole indicator I will go to our prompt and I will make sure to delete the previous code here and put the new code right copy the
whole thing again go to chat GPT open a new chat make sure you are on the 01 preview and put the whole prompt in there click enter and get a coffee while it is thinking man it's thinking for a long time what's happening okay 41 seconds I don't have any patience guys okay anyway so this is nice let's see if it works but for sure we're going to have to tell it one more time when to buy when to sell because we just told it hey convert it to a strategy and it made up its
own mind when to buy when to sell you can see here the long condition has something to do with the date range that's fine but also it has to do with the crossover but let's see if it does the right thing just copy the code create a working copy click on this blue text here right just delete what is in there put the code from GPT click save click save again and now let's hope that there are no coding errors okay no coding errors there that's nice and now again click on add to chart okay
this one here okay we have it on the chart and well it it doesn't make money right it's actually losing money but that's because most likely it would just do the wrong thing so we have to tell it when to buy and when to sell but the first thing that we should be doing is checking if when we turn off the strategy and we turn it on again if you know the Ballinger bands they overlap each other right so that is the case which is very nice that means that it turned the indicator into a
strategy so that's cool but then it doesn't know when to buy and when to sell properly right so it buys here and then it sells like whatever okay we want to do other things so now I have to formulate a sentence where I tell it that when the close price goes above the upper band buy right and when the close price goes below the lower band sell which is definitely not doing right now you see it does something totally different okay so go back to GPT and let me formulate that sentence and come back to
you okay so I'm saying thanks you always have to say thanks okay you get better results like this yes be friendly guys right even to the AI you never know when the AI will be in the form of a robot in front of you and you can say I was always nice to you please take care of me treat me nicely as well okay I'm just saying okay so thanks but now change the buy condition to buy when the close price is above the upper band and sell when the close price is below the lower
band right and so guys keep in mind that you have to necessarily have some plan okay you cannot just hope that there will be the best strategy on the planet coming to you for free right you have have to think a little bit so you have to go to the Chart zoom in and think when would you buy when would you sell and just tell it to the GPT right and then it will create a strategy so that's the thing right when you create a strategy from an indicator you have to Define when to buy
and when to sell exactly right not just an indicator an indicator always looks great with the eyes but then when you actually trade it it's not so good that's why I'm making these videos guys to show you how it's done and how to evaluate this stuff okay okay 16 seconds not a lot of time so it was quite fast let's just copy this and hope that it did the right thing and again let me click on these source code brackets just to be sure I'm editing the right thing delete the whole thing put the new
code click save and let's hope we have better results this time so this time wow it looks very nice 1,1 187% profit right so way better but before we compare with mine let's just zoom in and see if it did the right thing so you see it is buying when cuz this closed Above This closed above the line very slightly so it bought on the next candle right so that's nice and then here you can go and see that it actually sold when the candle closes so it it sells it sells on the next candle
the first second right that's why this candle closed below Boom the next candle is a sell signal right and that's by the way best practice you should only act on candle close because otherwise you get faked into a trade or out of a trade right so if we Now activate my strategy which which is let me zoom out to find it it's here this one you can see it's exactly the same net profit exactly the same draw down everything is same so guys there you freaking go guys we converted two Strate two indicators into strategies
got to the same result as before and we still don't have coding errors so I'm guessing I have to go to do one more strategy for you as a bonus we're going to do the super Trend as well next let's go okay guys this is the super Trend indicator click on indicator search for super Trend and in the technicals click on super Trend okay yes there is a strategy but the whole point of this video is to show you how to convert any indicator into a strategy Okay click on super Trend and then you will
see pretty much the same you see the same as I do right so when would you buy and when would you sell you have to always ask yourself that question before creating the strategy so I want to buy when it's green and I want to sell when it's red okay like very simple right and so I don't know yet how to tell it to GPT we'll figure this out but that's what I would do here right so yeah there will be a lot of fake trades as you can see here so buying here selling here
so here you lose money right here you almost like you lose a little bit of money here right so you will see guys so first of all like always we go to the source code and we copy the whole source code and we go to our prompt we delete the previous code that we had we put the new code we copied the whole prompt and we started new conversation in GPT make sure again 01 preview not not anyone else any other version it wouldn't work Okay click enter and let's wait for the first result of
course like I said we have to still tell it when to buy and when to sell but let's see maybe it does it correctly in the first try Okay after 43 seconds we get our first version and let's see how that performs on the chat copy the code right and go here click on create working copy delete everything put the new code click save click save again and no coding oh coding errors perfect because well we wanted to have this issue right so that I can show you how to fix it so you just copy
this error right you copy this error right and you make sure to tell it that it's in line 26 okay so let's go back and say in line 26 we have have this error right put it there click enter and now it will fix it hope hopefully let's see what I've also seen often is that when I start a chat and goes in the wrong direction and I can't make it work then it's simply better to just start a completely new chat from the scratch the same prompt okay and then it will result into something
useful that's crazy but that's what it is right so sometimes it just goes the wrong direction and it will never come back to do the right thing but hey that's fine again it's very easy to do that right so when you do this right couple of times you get errors errors errors you never get out of the errors then just start a new chat okay so I have a new code I put it here save seems to work great click on add to chart right as always we're going to get a back test and the
back test yeah it's pretty bad but let's first see if the indicator right the coloring is correct okay so you always have to do that right so by the way let's close this and just close and open the indicator and see if they have done if the basically GPT has found the right Trend and is doing the right thing as you can see it's a bit funny because it's actually buying when the trend is red and it's selling when the trend is green so well that's stupid right it has to do exactly the the opposite
so I go back to chat GPT and I'm telling it to switch around the buying and selling as you can see the sentence is okay but now buy when the trend is green and sell when the trend is red exactly the opposite of what you were doing and let's see what happens okay guys after 31 seconds we have a new code let's copy it here and let's make sure we're editing the right indicator the right strategy actually click on this and let's copy well not copy but delete everything put the new code click save and
let's see if now it is doing the right thing let's see the strategy tester so now it makes money so that's already way better than before right and let's zoom in and see if it makes does the right thing when we look with our own eyes right so it's green it's buying it's red it's selling sing green is buying red is selling yeah looks great right so let's look at the result again we have a draw down of 47 you know all of that from the previous video but let's also check if it has the
same profit as my version right okay so that was the Super Trend strategy this is my super Trend strategy as you can see the results are exactly the same guys right so now you have seen all the cases that can happen right we had a coding error we just told it in which line is it telling the line otherwise it's a bit confused and it fixed it itself then also we told it when to buy when to sell and it did that as well now if you are super cool right because that's very easy right
to convert indicators into strategies you can say you want multiple indicators right to be combined into a strategy but that is a bit more advanced and I might make a video if I get enough likes on this video if I get above 100 likes I will make that video as well guys you see guys it is very easy to do if you're using this method we went through all of the issues that you can have there are not so many because it's actually a very easy method right the only thing you need to do is
you have to have a subscription for the chat PT version that I mentioned but once you have that you are fully free to create any kind of strategy from an indicator that you want gone are the times where you have to ask me to create a strategy from an indicator now you can do it yourself and more guys right you can go bananas with this right you can create your own strategies and by the way once you have a strategy and and you want to fully automate it then head over to Signum Dooney as you
know this is my software for automating any trading view strategy whatsoever without having to put anything special in the code you just create the strategy normally and then you can automate it with Signum to buy and sell for you fully automatically on your exchange I do that you can do the same it's very easy and with all of that in mind in order to learn how to automate a trading strategy this is the next video you should watch it's trading view uh-huh oh yeah oh yeah strategies we know what to do yeah do yeah yeah
stop L said watch the bus rise and fall
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