the story of Idris known as Enoch may peace be upon him in the English language he was a man who was tall he was very good looking he was very calm he had a full-grown beard and he spoke very very clearly when he spoke he was calm when he walked he lowered his gaze and looked on the ground and he was a very collected individual calm and collected and he used to ponder and reflect and he used to advise with so much goodness was born at the time of Adam and Adam Idris how many generations
between Adam and Idris six Generations so Idris is the sixth grandson of Adam and the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said Idris was a prophet and he is the first man to ever write with the pen so writing before Idris did not exist until Allah right is the one that taught people how to write he came as a prophet to help stop and call people away from acts of corruption which they knew were corruption away from their desires as we know such as Zina and the Act of Killing and it is said also in
our history books that Idris alaihissalam was the first to take up arms against another Army to fight against Injustice when he saw the corruption spreading spiritually among the people of Kabir and that corruption is spreading even within the people of Idris so Idris declared war against the corrupt people and he prepared an army of Horsemen and people walking fighting against the people of kabil and the corruption of the people of tobil and Allah thank you and make mention in the book of The Prophet Idris indeed he was very truthful and he was a prophet indeed
we raised him a very very high status they make mention of the meaning of a high level he was elevated to a very high level by Allah in that he was granted nubua and he was praised by Allah and he is mentioned in the Quran that is a high level in fact in another place is peace be upon them all three of them were very patient so this is another quality of Idris he was very patient and Allah says and we have granted them from our Mercy they were all Pious people so these are the
qualities we know and this is definitely a very high status however Abdullah Abbas once asked about this verse he asked him what's this about Idris said one day the Allah will give him the rewards of all the good deeds of mankind every single day ever The Good Deeds of address Allah will also give him the rewards of all the people living at the time of Idris so Idris thank Allah for that and he realized the only way to increase Mur rewards is to live for longer and he knew that his death was approaching so he
had a friend from the angels and he spoke to this friend he says you know Allah has promised me this reward and I'd like to amass a lot of reward before I go so why don't we speak to the angel of death let's see what he has to say to say look just try and see if you can seek permission to prolong a little bit so the angel says look that is a matter that is decreed by Allah however there's no harm in trying come you ride on my wing and let's go so he rode
on the wing and he was taken up to the heavens he crossed the first heaven he crossed the second heaven he crossed the third heaven when he got to the fourth Heaven Allah had instructed the angel of death to take the soul of Idris salaam on the fourth Heaven they met the angel of death and the angel spoke to him about what Idris had spoken to him before and the angel of death said but where is Idris he replied he is upon my back the angel of death said how astonishing I was sent and told
to cease his soul in the fourth heaven I kept thinking how I could cease it in the fourth heaven when he was on Earth then he took his soul there out of his body and rasulullah confirms in an authentic narration that when he went up for Maharaja he met Idris alaihissalam in the fourth heaven and this is why some of the mufacilities say when Allah says he raised him to a high level he is speaking of literally Allah took him up physically to the top and then his soul was taken there foreign died and time
passed there is a difference of opinion of how much time passed after Edris reported that the prophet sallallahu said There Were Ten centuries or ten Generations between Adam is they all lived according to Islam during that entire time they were all on Islam meaning they did not commit Cirque they did not commit shirk in any way shape or form one God there were no statues no idols no invoking prayers unto others no Dwights unto others no offerings to others or along with Allah only absolute but what was there there was corruption in actions there were
sins it became a big gap between Idris and the next prophet and messenger being sent few centuries now Prophet no messenger after the death of the Prophet Idris there was the followers of address very righteous very God-fearing very obedient Allah people used to respect them they were called the first man was called what [Music] after him was [Music] a these men were so loved by their people and they honored them when they died the people gathered at the funeral of what the first one got an idea they came to these people at the time of
their grief and they found an opportunity to give them a bad idea what did they say these noble men this noble man what and the likes of his they deserve to be acknowledged we have to remember them they said what should we do they said build a statue that resembles him and build it at the place where he used to be and make it a moment of Memorial just so that you can remember them every time you go there you remember them so what did they do they did so but they didn't worship it so
what happened after that the next Generations that came the shayateen told them your forefathers left these statues for a reason they used to worship them to remember God through these noblemen so what did they do they started giving offerings and donations in the names of they began in their prayers to supplicate to Allah by mentioning their names giving offerings to them and he said to them have a statue of theirs in each one of your houses so that you can remember them and that's how the Shirk start to spread among the people after the death
of Idris and the Shirk took over the world that there was no one saying except Noah oh [Laughter] [Music]