Surprising Characteristics of the Holy Spirit You May Not Know - C.S. Lewis

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Surprising Characteristics of the Holy Spirit You May Not Know - C.S. Lewis
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in today's world many people offer online Consulting teaching specific topics for a determined period and often at high prices however imagine how wonderful it would be if every Christian knew they already have the best consultant in the world available 24 hours a day 7 days a week at no cost this consultant is not limited to a specific area he is an expert in everything we wish to ask there is no better deal than this but do we really know this consultant well before we proceed it is important to understand that God is Triune Father Son
and Holy Spirit the son Jesus Christ came to Earth to fulfill his mission of restoring our connection with the father however Upon incarnating Jesus assumed a human body limiting himself geographically ly he could not be in multiple places at once therefore he sent another in his place someone who is also God and does not have human limitations this is the holy spirit Jesus told his disciples it is for your good that I am going unless I go away The Advocate will not come to you but if I go I will send him to you thus
Jesus ascended to heaven heaven after the resurrection and sent the Holy Spirit as his substitute today everyone who accepts Jesus as Savior receives the Holy Spirit despite this it is curious how little we know about the Holy Spirit many churches do not dedicate enough time to studying him therefore I will share 10 characteristics of the holy spirit's personality that you might not know shall we before we continue I ask you to like this video subscribe to the channel and activate the notification Bell to receive updates whenever I post a new video daily at 10:00 a.m.
I share messages of Faith and Hope as well as pray for your life let's walk together every day the first characteristic of the Holy Spirit highlights his ability to think and have purpose the Bible reveals that he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God Romans 8:27 this verse shows us that the Holy Spirit has a mind which implies that he has the capacity to think reflect and have intentions this is fundamental to understanding that the holy spirit is not
a mere impersonal force or energy but a Divine person with intellectual attributes the mind of the holy spirit is mentioned in contrast to the human mind which is limited and often Guided by carnal Desires in Romans 85 it is said that those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires but those who live in a accordance with the spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires this indicates that the Mind governed by the spirit is life and peace suggesting that the Holy Spirit has desires and intentions
aligned with the Divine will which are a source of life and Harmony the holy spirit is described as someone who teaches and reminds Believers of Everything Jesus said John 14:26 this implies that he has the ability to understand and communicate spiritual truths which is an intellectual and relational function the Holy Spirit can also Express the will of God in a clear and specific manner as in Timothy 4 one where it is said that the spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons this
shows that the Holy Spirit wants to communicate unequivocally leaving no room for doubt Christ was indeed saying that those who trust in him thus become children of God they share the life of the Son of God he goes on to explain that the life of the father and the son or that which the son derives from the Father which he now the son gives to us is Holy Spirit a new kind of Life a a new quality of existence in itself a new life that communicates from one to another Mere Christianity the second characteristic the
Holy Spirit has Wills the scriptures declare all these are the work of one and the same spirit and he distributes them to each one just as he determines one Corinthians 1211 this passage reveals to us that the Holy Spirit IR acts with intention and purpose in granting spiritual gifts each gift is distributed according to his will not according to our merits this teaches us humility as we recognize that any skill or Talent we possess is not the result of our own efforts but a gracious gift from God to serve the body of Christ therefore we
must value and use these gifts with gratitude knowing that they are part of the divine plan plan to edify the church and glorify God the beauty of the body of Christ lies in its diversity where each member has a unique and indispensable role the holy spirit in his wisdom distributes the gifts so that each one contributes to the whole Mere Christianity the third characteristic of the holy spirit is his love a central aspect of his nature and work the Bible tells us I urge you brothers and sisters by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the
love of the spirit to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me Romans 15:30 the love of the holy spirit is an active and transformative force that motivates us to act in unity and intercession the love of the holy spirit is described as Agape an uncondition conditional and sacrificial love that seeks the well-being of others above all else this love is the foundation for all the actions of the spirit in our lives he loves us with a love that reflects the love of God the Father and Jesus Christ it is a love
that is not based on our merits or actions but is a free and undeserved gift this love is also what produces the fruit of the spirit in us as described in Galatians 522 23 where love is listed as the first fruit the love of the spirit is the source of other qualities such as joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law meaning that these expressions of Love Are Always appropriate and never forbidden the love of the holy spirit is is what enables us to forgive others even when
it seems humanly impossible forgiveness is one of the deepest expressions of Christian love and it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the grace to forgive as Christ forgave us as Paul writes in Ephesians 4:32 be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you divine love loves us not because we are lovable but because he is love this is the love that transforms us and enables us to love others in a way that goes beyond our natural capacities the four loves the fourth characteristic of the holy spirit
is Joy which is one of the fruits of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5 22:23 the joy of the spirit is a deep and Lasting quality that transcends external circumstances and is independent of the fluctuations of human happiness it is a joy that arises from our connection with God and is sustained by The Continuous presence of the Holy Spirit In Our Lives the joy of the spirit is different from the joy the world offers while worldly Joy is often temporary and based on circumstances the joy of the spirit is eternal and based on the unchanging
reality of God's love even in times of difficulty This Joy remains because it is grounded in the salvation and hope we have in Christ the joy of the spirit is contagious and has the power to influence those around us when we live in the spirit and exhibit The Joy he produces others are drawn to Christ through the testimony of Our Lives the joy of the spirit is a demonstration of the kingdom of God In Action reflecting God's nature and the reality of the Gospel if I find in myself a desire which no experience in this
world can satisfy the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world Joy is the serious business of Heaven surprised by Joy the fifth characteristic of the holy spirit is encouragement the word of God States then the church throughout Judea Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit it increased in numbers acts 9:31 this passage reveals that the holy spirit is our greatest encourager he is always available to hear our concerns Comfort us and encourage us to move
forward the holy spirit is is like a faithful friend who supports Us in times of difficulty he strengthens us when we feel weak gives us courage when we Face challenges and reminds us of the hope we have in Christ his presence is a source of comfort and encouragement especially when we Face trials and uncertainties to fully experience the encouragement of the Holy Spirit it is essential to increase our intimacy with him this involves listening to his voice and following his directions which are always aligned with the word of God when we yield to the guidance
of the spirit we find strength to persevere Faith to overcome obstacles and joy even in adversity when the Holy Spirit speaks he leads us back to the scriptures reminding us of God's promises and strengthening our faith this encouragement is vital for a robust and resilient Christian Life Mere Christianity the sixth characteristic of the holy spirit is his ability to communicate the scriptures teach us that the Holy Spirit speaks and that we must be attentive to his voice when he speaks it is the voice of God reaching us the communication of the holy spirit is often
specific and clear as indicated in Hebrews 378 where it is said so as the holy spirit says today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts as you did in the Rebellion during the time of testing in the wilderness the Holy Spirit not only speaks but expresses God's will in a way that we can understand and follow in 1 Timothy 4 one it is mentioned that the spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons the word clearly underscores the holy spirit's
intention to communicate directly and comprehensibly without ambiguities or confusions the communication of the Holy Spirit can occur in various ways he can speak through the scriptures bringing understanding and Revelation to our hearts it can be a still Small Voice in our minds a prompt in our spirit or even through circumstances and people the important thing is to be tuned in and receptive to his voice ready to respond and act according to his Direction anything the Holy Spirit communicates to us will be in perfect harmony with the word of God the Bible is the standard by
which we should measure all Revelations and guidance we receive Mere Christianity the seventh characteristic of the holy spirit is that he is our teacher the Bible teaches us this is what we speak not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the spirit explaining spiritual realities with Spirit taught Words 1 Corinthians 2:13 this passage highlights that the holy spirit is our divine teacher the one who teaches and reveals spiritual truth to us when we are sensitive to the teachings of the Holy Spirit our perspective changes we do not see only with
natural eyes but also with spiritual eyes the spirit enables us to discern spiritual matters distinguishing what comes from God from what does not he guides Us in understanding the scriptures revealing the mysteries of the kingdom of God it is important to recognize that human wisdom is limited and often influenced by temporal and cultural values however the Holy Spirit teaches us Eternal truths and leads us to God's will therefore we must constantly seek the spirit's guidance asking him to reveal the depth of the scriptures to us and help us apply these truths in our daily lives
the Holy Spirit not only teaches us the truth but also transforms us through through that truth making us more like Christ in our character and actions Mere Christianity the eighth characteristic of the holy spirit is that he can be grieved the Bible warns us and do not grieve the holy spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption Ephesians 4:30 this passage reinforces that the holy spirit is a person if he were only an personal force it would not make sense to speak of grieving him however since true Christians are sealed
by the Holy Spirit any attitude that goes against his character also Grieves him examples of behaviors that grieve the Holy Spirit are found in the verses preceding this warning lying staying angry giving the devil a foothold stealing and using improper words are some of these behaviors is when we follow these paths we feel discomfort because the Holy Spirit convicts us leading us to repentance and correction before God God Is Not An impersonal abstraction but a person who desires an intimate relationship with us grieving the holy spirit is a sign that we are hurting this relationship
Mere Christianity the ninth characteristic of the Holy Spirit it is that he can be insulted the Bible warns us how much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot who has treated as an Unholy thing the blood of the Covenant that Sanctified them and who has insulted the spirit of Grace Hebrews 10:29 to insult means to affront to offend when someone insults the holy Spirit they close their heart to his action blasphemy against the holy spirit is considered unforgivable because it rejects the only source of
Salvation and help that God offers us therefore we must be careful not to belittle or offend the Holy Spirit recognizing his importance and revering his work in our lives there is still hope for those who sincerely repent the holy spirit is always ready to welcome and restore those who to acknowledge their mistakes and seek God's grace Mere Christianity the 10th characteristic of the holy spirit is that he can be resisted the Bible tells us you stiff necked people your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised you are just like your ancestors you always resist the Holy
Spirit acts 751 to resist the holy spirit is to oppose him however the holy H Spirit respects our Free Will whenever we desire to return he is ready to reconnect us with God therefore the choice is in our hands and the Holy Spirit is always willing to guide us back to the path of Truth and communion with God God created things that had free will this means creatures that can go wrong or right some think they can imagine a creature free but without the Poss possibility of doing wrong but they cannot if something is free
to be good it is also free to be bad and Free Will is what made evil possible why then did God give free will because free will though it makes evil possible is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or Joy worth having the problem of pain these are some of the characteristics of of the Holy Spirit who as I mentioned is a person of the Trinity and should be treated as such although he is powerful and influences us he should not be seen merely as a force or influence but rather
as a person with intelligence and emotions his purpose is to help counsel teach convict of sin and guide us in truth the holy spirit is Christ's only substitute and was sent by the father we do not need to pray for the father to send the holy spirit for he has already done so what we need to do is to increase our intimacy with the Holy Spirit to discern and hear his voice as we spend more time in his company and allow him to govern our actions thoughts and words we will be more steadfast with God
and see this world with more love if you enjoyed this message share it with friends and family and subscribe to my channel God bless you [Music]
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