New Vitamin D paper

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Dr. John Campbell
Vitamin D: A key player in COVID‐19 immunity and lessons from the pandemic to combat immune‐evasive ...
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well a warm welcome to this video now I want to look at an article that's just out this month September 2024 on vitamin D and this is the article here a vitamin D A ke key player in covid-19 immunity and lessons from the pandemic to combat immune evasive variants now this is largely about uh vitamin D and Corona virus but it does apply to I think pretty well all viral infections and arguably a lot of bacterial infections and other problems as well and we just learned yesterday from uh Professor Dow gich the famous oncologist that
um a lot of his cancer treatments don't work unless the patient is vitamin D replete has normal levels of vitamin D now if everyone in the world had adequate levels of vitamin D just think how many less drugs would be sold just think how many less drugs will be sold so why is it that this paper is this gets a bit boring we note that it's not from the United States not from Canada y not from the United Kingdom no not from Australia no not from New Zealand no not from Europe no this this particular
one is is from Egypt actually so uh but pretty but very very good science and we looked at a paper just recently from from China I mean a lot of other countries other than our sophisticated scientific European countries are coming up with with pretty good stuff strange that we don't come up with a lot of really good stuff that doesn't um that promotes Natural Health outcomes maybe we do maybe I'm just missing it anyway let's get straight on to what this paper is actually talking about now here is the uh that's the title that's the
link there as of July 2024 um 775 million confirmed cases of covid-19 and and this really took me a 13 a half billion doses of vaccine with all this vaccine you think that uh you think that uh Corona virus have been completely abolished if that's the case why do I keep getting reminders on my phone from the British Health Service to come and get another covid vaccine I haven't quite gotten around to go in yet so uh probably won't actually um I mean the idea that they're still pushing these vaccines to people like me to
me just seems Preposterous anyway um 13 billion a half billion Doses and still hasn't doesn't seem to have done the trick right now the authors go on to say it's unclear why some patients develop severe symptoms While others do not liter literature suggests a role for vitamin D in this and again from Professor D that we talked to yesterday he'd been giving cancer treatments and he known for a long time that patients could be neatly divided into two groups those that respond to a particular treatment and those that don't respond to a particular treatment and
it took a while to realize I that those who responded had adequate vitamin D levels because it's so important for immunity and fighting cancer is an aspect of immunity as as well as other reasons why these drugs weren't working so um people that were vitamin D replete the drugs were working people that vitamin D deficient the drugs weren't working and you've already worked out all you need to do is make the vitamin D replete give the patients vitamin D and hey these anti-cancer drugs start working so we're not saying we replace other drugs with vitamin
D we're saying we make patients vitamin D repete to make other drugs work better and to minimize the need for other drugs and indeed this article actually talks about new antiviral drugs working better in patients that are vitamin D replete as opposed to patients that are vitamin D deficient um literature suggests a role for vitamin D obviously vitamin D plays a crucial role in the infection or ameliorating the severity of symptoms so vitamin D is important whether you get infected or not in the first place or how severe ameliorating making the symptoms less severe if
you are vitamin D replete but vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased hospitalization of CIO patients and increased levels of covid-19 caused mortality and we know from um many other authors we've talked to for example we've talked to people like Dr David Grimes who did a lot of the original research on vitamin D wrote this superb text on vitamin D that that it's not just viral infections it's a whole range a massive range of other conditions in which vitamin D levels are absolutely vital and the fact that this book hasn't been picked up and acted
on by the medical establishment I would consider to be um unfortunate some might say a scandal uh let's go on just with the main headlines again of the paper the mechanism and action of vitamin d and vitamin D deficiency is well now we're going to give you some of these in a minute why this is so uh efficacious vitamin D levels and genetic variation in the vitamin D receptor vdr genes significantly impact the severity and outcomes of covid-19 now what this means is people that have difficulty using vitamin D that have deficient vitamin D receptors
and find it more difficult to uh allow the vitamin D they have to activate their genes particularly genes uh to turn on Gene um subscript uh Gene transcription in the uh white blood cells those people have more severe disease so if the people that have more difficulty utilizing their vitamin D get more severe disease then that is analogous to people that have normal vitamin D receptors but don't have enough vitamin D of course people with abnormal vitamin D receptors the the minority of people that have this genetic difficulty then clearly we need to make them
even more vitamin D replete to make maximum use of the vitamin Vin D receptors that they have but clear evidence that vitamin D is important really because those that are genetically unable to use vitamin D as well have poorer outcomes it seems pretty clear evidence to me vitamin D levels and genetically uh genetic variation there we go so people with the poor vitamin D receptors poor outcomes especially in the infections caused by Delta and Omicron these researchers found the later variance of the virus furthermore vitamin D deficiency this is back into people with normal genetics
now the vast majority of us causes immune system D disregulation upon infection with SS Corona virus 2 so disregulation means that the immune system uh sometimes doesn't work enough but sometimes the inflammatory part of the immune system works too well and you get this cyto cyto storm and sepsis either way it's bad for your health you're either not getting enough immunity or you're getting too much inflammatory immune response because if you're vitamin D deficient you're more likely to get disregulation indicating that vitamin D sufficiency is critical in fighting against covid infection true and and again
as we've learned from Dr Grimes and Professor Anderson and many others um this is true of all infections yeah all infections and probably all cancers because vitamin D is essential for the functioning of all of the white blood cells all of the white blood cells have vitamin D receptors all of the white blood cells need Vitamin D to activate their genes to make the cells work properly uh the pathophysiology is pretty convincing and pretty conclusive potential role as a preventative and treatment adjunct as a prophylactic and treatment adjunct so in other words give vitamin D
to prevent severe infection or infection at all and treat uh treat vitamin D as Vitamin D as well immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D so immunomodulatory means that um again it'll if it's immunomodulator it's moderating the activity of the immune system it's make sure sure the immune system is not getting too active in certain areas or underactive in other areas and anti-inflammatory effects we don't want too much inflammation so there's anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D as well now the authors also point out that new antiviral drugs work better when the patient has adequate levels
of vitamin D which is again is fairly obvious and they also say there's a need for large scale randomized double blind control trials rest assured authors in Egypt this is not going to happen funded by Western drug companies or Western Regulators um you might have your suspicions as to why that's not going to happen I would love it to happen but um wouldn't hold my breath for it to happen moving on uh mechanisms of action now let's just look at these briefly I'm not going to go into too much biochemistry on this because we'll be
here forever and I don't understand it all fully myself actually but let's just look at some of the basic mechanisms here now this first mechanism of action is to do with the macr fages these large defensive cells here derived from monocytes macrofagos often live in the tissues and we see that they produce uh defensive proteins and we also see that they can stimulate naive tea cells they can produce cyto kindes that stimulate naive tea cells and this is important because when the the te- cells are are new tea cells they need to be sensitized to
a particular type of antigen so that's one mechanism of action vitamin D is necessary for that uh this is another one identified in the text so activated T lymp it activates T lymphocytes and mature b lymphocytes into plasma cells so we get the vitamin D is necessary to activate the uh T cells and also here we see the B cells are activated into plasma cells and the plasma cells are important because it's the plasma cells that actually produce the antibodies of course we need the antibody production as part of the immune response not the only
part but part of it so again well established science really in how this is working now this one is um because vitamin D prevents inflammation and Vaso constrict ition and fibrosis of the lung so I'm not going to go through the Angiotensin system here but this is the Angiotensin system that works from Angiotensin uh activated by renin in the kidney but basically if you haven't got enough um if you got enough vitamin D you're going to get reduced inflammation you're going to get reduced phaso constriction and you're going to get fibrosis because in the lung
um if you get fibrosis obviously that's fibrous tissue that means the lung basically can't work at all if you get voso con rtion you're going to get less blood going through the lung and that also makes it harder for the right side of the heart to pump the blood out and of course if you get fibrosis lung fibrosis is a terminal condition scar tissue in the lung so uh again adequate vitamin D levels necessary um otherwise we'll get more inflammation more vasoconstriction and more fibrosis another mechanism here is is related to cyto storm so here
we see that the the macres here that produce these inflammatory cyto kindes these uh chemicals that go from cell to cell to stimulate them um if there's not enough vitamin D we can get cytokine storm too many of these um cyto kindes adverse effects on the heart adverse effects on the liver adverse effects on the lungs and adverse effects on the kidneys so for example in the lungs there it's causing acute respiratory distress syndrome in the kidneys there it can cause acute kidney injury so so quite a few mechanisms there for how the vitamin D
is working here's another one a c reactive protein so it prevent if you repleting vitamin D that prevents excess secretion of C reactive protein which is produced in the liver and as we see if you got too much C reactive protein here we get these inflammatory effects we get more atherosclerosis we get more risk of blood clotting which of course we know killed many people in the pandemic we get more inflammation and we get more what you call Ross reactive oxygen species that can damage the uh the blood vessels and I remember uh basically a
motra was the doctor that thought of this um he realized that there could be accelerated development of atherosclerosis and I'd never heard about that at the time and I don't think it was in literature at the time but he identified this and and it's now confirmed by these researchers in um in Egypt uh increase rates of atherosclerosis the furring up of the arteries and vitamin D can also directly reduce uh viral replication as well so some mechanisms of action clearly known about and have been known about for some time um but the biochemical pathways are
still being refined but it's it's strange that people just don't seem to link this with the obvious need for making people vitamin D replete almost like a will willful blindness Professor d g talked about uh was in um Abal Lord Nelson seeing no ships so uh there was a fleet approaching and he didn't want to see the fleet approach approaching so he put the telescope to his blind ey so I see no ships so you can choose willful blindness if you like um not saying that there's a lot of willful blindness just seems strange that
people don't take this obvious biochemistry on board um because it's just a matter of simple science vitamin D can protect against acute respirator distress S as we've said seven out of nine studies reviewed by yac which is that link there have indicated a crucial role in vitamin D status in covid-19 infections prognosis and mortality again pretty well accepted now vitamin D dose to decrease the risk of Contracting new infections people at high risk of covid-19 to take 10,000 units of uh vitamin D a day for a few weeks according to these authors of course I
can't tell you what to take we're not prescribing here you need to take what your own doctor tells you to take but this is a direct quote from this study for people that are at high risk and are low in vitamin D 10,000 units a day for a few weeks is going to Bunk it up is what these authors are saying followed by 5,000 international units a day to raise the uh concentrations of the active form of vitamin D now we do it does take time of course to activate the vitamin D now the one
thing that the authors didn't talk about on this level was uh in this paper was this in regards to the vitamin D levels cuz I think this is important now Professor Anderson uh David Anderson who we've interviewed on this channel sent this to me from uh Italy where it's commonly used calid now the key thing about calid is this is the activated form of vitamin D so if you take vitamin D tablets uh the liver will produce will turn that vitamin D into calid over time but it will take time whereas if you take the
calidi when you've got an acute infection it will work straight away this works within an hour or two whereas uh Vitamin D supplements take days to a week or two to work so the trick is um to make sure that when you get the infection your vitamin D levels are up to the levels you would like that they are replete so that means basically need to keep it up all the time of course because you never know when you get going to get an infection but for people that are low in vitamin D um if
they take this if they take this um there we go if we take this uh calidi that will work straight away within hours so obviously obviously what we should do is everyone who gets a severe infection we should test the vitamin D levels and if they're low their doctors should prescribe calid because this will put it up in an hour or two if someone's got an acute infection there's no well yeah there's no point not to but if you give them vitamin D it's not going to help them within a few hours or even a
day or two really might start having some effect after a few days so if it's an emergency why not give them this calid and get the vitamin D levels up straight away just think how many other expensive drugs we could save just by giving a simple activated form of vitamin D anyway as I said the authors didn't mention that um regulatory bodies might want to consider this to help save people's lives or publish reasons why I'm wrong of course I'm always open to um correction blood levels of vitamin D now blood levels of vitamin D
below 12 nogs per mil indicate severe deficiency now in the in the United Kingdom we we don't use nanograms per mil we often use uh micro moles per liter so you have to divide that multiply that by 2.5 to get that so that would be what about 30 or something but we we'll stick with nanograms per mil levels between 12 and uh 20 nanograms per mil suggest deficiency treatment recommended uh for levels below 30 NR per mil but if you think about it 30 NRS per mil in um in English units that would be 60
75 would that be am I right 75 um so a lot of people so many people are below this level so many people are below this level now um we don't know how many people because most of the time we simply don't bother testing one of the most fundamental predictors of good health is vitamin D levels and it's very rare to get it tested uh in UK Primary Health Care unfortunately um but these doctors are saying look if your vitamin D level is below 30 NS per Mill about 75 um nanomoles per liter um bunk
it up a bit treatment levels Optimum levels are between 30 and 60 nanograms per mil recommended doses now very often children are missed out with vitamin D so this paper is saying these are not British recommendations these are the Egyptian doctors but what they're saying for their recommendations uh up to one year 400 units a day that's 10 micrograms uh above one year 600 units a day above 8 years half the adult dose and the adult dose is 800 to 2,000 as a main do on on the conservative side I would have said but anyway
but they do say routine toxicity monitoring is not necessary for doses under 10,000 units per day um so there we go um good awareness of the importance of vitamin D in Egyptian researchers less so in the what you might call the mainstream publishing streams in the United king Kingdom and uh basically no admission at all of the importance of the activated form of vitamin D acutely so um if you know anyone who's in the Regulatory Agencies just suggest that we might include this as part of our severe infection and sepsis protocols will actually work very
quickly antibiotics can take even intravenous antibiotics 6 12 hours to work whereas this can work within a couple hours but giving the vitamin D itself is going to take much longer so anyway fascinating stuff there on vitamin D um so many basic inexpensive things that we could be doing to reduce morbidity and mortality to reduce our requirement for expensive sophisticated drugs and yet for some strange inexplicable reason rarely done but let me know what you think but for now thank you for watching
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