Curso Word #07 - Formatações Baseadas em Estilos

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INTRODUCTION ♬ ♬ MUSIC Hello, little grasshopper! Welcome to another lesson of their course of Word. My name is Gustavo Guanabara, I am your teacher and now we will continue our basic studies Word starting with formatting based on style.
So it is, we saw last class as you make specific formatting in a word, a term, a specific phrase, as you boot in italics and all. What I'm going to show here is how you will prepare your document intelligently using pre-defined tags for each situation. Take a look at what we did last class!
Last video, our document stopped this whole mess here right? So we go first, right away, discard all this crap here that we did. First thing we will do is to select all the text I taught you last video: how do you select a phrase, how do you select a word, how do you select an entire paragraph, but I did not show how it selects an entire text.
To select the entire text in Word, you have a shortcut key that is very useful: The "Ctrl + T". "Ctrl + T" to select all. Beauty?
Aperta then "Ctrl + T", and we will undo all formatting that has been made in the last class. Then pressing "Ctrl + T", select the entire text looks, if you look're all selected. And then, we'll clean up the formatting.
To clear the formatting, the first way is you click up here look, "Clear All Formatting" Clicking it cleared, it turned everything in plain text. And there is another way also using hotkeys. Then I'll give O, O will go here!
Or by pressing "Ctrl + Z", returned to normal. Select all, you can click "Ctrl" and press "Space. " In "Ctrl + Space", it removes formatting, but does not remove colorization and to paragraph marks.
So if you just want to turn off the formatting, "Ctrl + Space" if you want to undo all formatting, you come here look, "Clear All Formatting" and the text back to what it was before. This tip clean formatting is also very useful when you copy and paste the internet texts. For example here, I will go on Wikipedia, and I'll get a text.
What? It will say that you do not enter in Wikipedia to get your work texts? Smart ass !
! ! Then I'll get here O!
For example, take this one, "Ctr + C" will come here in Word, stop on the last line here, gives "Enter" to go to the next page and I will paste. To paste, paste can "Paste" he pasted all possible formatting. I can select this thingie here, select all the text, and clear formatting, "Ctrl + Space" will also remove all links.
This is a way to stick. Now I will show another more practical way. I will delete here instead necklace by clicking here or by pressing "Ctrl + V", here I come I click on the little arrow below, I have three options O!
Necklace keeping the original formatting, Paste merging the formatting of the original, but keeping certain things such as links or, the last option is simpler, it is only to keep the text. So I click here keeping only the text and the whole collage was made using the standard of my document formatting. You saw how simple it is!
So by the time you paste your text you realize now that you have several options to be able to paste the way you prefer. Or if you paste in the traditional way, you can clear formatting. I've shown you how to do it.
So the first step we will do is clear all formatting and vote to normal text. That's what we did here. I even eliminated the text I pasted here Wikipedia why he will not make use now.
Now is this: remember the last class and is probably what you do in your day to day, where we wanted to do a title, and we just increased the size. And you're doing it wrong, I tell you. Why it works with Word styles.
Take a peek here! So when you cleaned up the formatting, you realize that all my documents, all my text anywhere you click will be with standard formatting. Normal is the basic formatting, style is the basis of the whole document in Word.
But not only is there this kind of format, there is specific formatting, such as bonds. So here I O! Several titles, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, everything else, you have several titles here, various configurations.
So what I'll do here is: this Video Course will be "Title 1" It will be the main title of my document. Then you're thinking, but Guanabara I do not want this formatting there he was blue, I do not want! Calm down, you can format the way you want.
Then I'll do here, this here is my "Title 1" and this here is the "Title 2" my "Title 1" It will be the caption "Title 1". We do here O! Tool, "Title 2" tool, "Heading 2," Entering here, so these are my subtitles.
And probably the subtitle that you have in your home that're different. So let's learn how do I set a specific style. It is important to say this, look: I have a main title and three subtitles.
What I do now is to format the styles, beginning with the "Title 1". Right click on it. I'll click Modify.
On here, the first thing you will do . . .
. . .
Heading 1 style is based on Normal. I will not put in Normal, it will be no style, only. It is based on no style at all.
And then we set up, the first thing we set is the letter, so I want to "Calibri Light". The size, I want size 20. The color, I want the Automatic color.
Bold. Everything is set to title, will be Calibri, size 20 and in bold, Automatic color and Aligned Left. After Title I want to put a "small space" here after paragraph.
To do this, I'm going to do is Click Format Paragraph. That other paragraph formatting window will appear. And I'll do next, look, before my paragraph I want a spacing of 10pt, will enter here 10, and then, I want a 5 pt spacing.
Clicking OK. Now you realize I have 10 points (10pt) up to 5 points (5GB) underneath. I'll click OK.
Automatically already set up my title. And you might be thinking, "But Guanabara, is not the same to select? " My dear, same thing is full of Japanese truck!
From a look at it by the time I set the Title 2. Then, Title 2, "Introduction," "Toolbar" and "Typing" all three . .
. let me put on the same screen . .
. all these three are Title 2, right? If I wanted to format I taught to you last class, as you use the Format Painter.
Now, I'll teach you how to replicate that style, simply using Styles. Then I'll click with Right Click here "Change," the title. I will also say that it is not based on any title, any style.
I will set up, Calibri, size 16, It will be a Dark Grey in Italics. I'll format here too, my paragraph, saying that before I got 5pt and then I'll have 3pt. Clicking OK.
You will get a preview here. Now look at that! When I Click OK, you will realize that all securities, which were set to Title 2, They will be exactly alike.
Clicking OK. Look that. All three titles are the same way.
See how it's smarter to do so? From now on, any title I create, that is Heading 2, will stick with this format, you want to see? Bota here I will create a new title down here.
Click here, it will be Title 2. He has called the format "Title 2" I'll put here, Selections. I'll give Enter and automatically came to Normal, this seeing here?
This is because in Title 2 configuration, here, Modify, It has an option, "Next Paragraph Style", that is, this my Title 2 is not based on any style, and when I enter, press the next line below it, will be in the Normal style. You saw how easy it is, I will generate text here side. So as he is in Normal Selection, I will generate a paragraph, 4 sentences.
I generated there. And he was in the normal format. And then, based on that, you can intelligently think: "Yeah, but wait, then I can do with the Normal too!
" Can my dear! Here with me his uncle's line of reasoning. Let's imagine the following, I'll get here, my first paragraph.
You see, it is aligned to Left, if you look here it is Aligned Left. I can justify. Click here for Justified.
Perfect! It was Justified. But the bottom paragraph, was not.
And then what do you do? Click Justified here too. And this paragraph will not!
What do you do? Click Justified here too. He saw that will give a damn job is not?
It has a much simpler way. Let's undo this "shit" we just did. Then I'll break here, "Ctrl" + "Z" undid.
So none of them are justified. What I will do is: click right here in Normal, modify. When I change, I can say, you know, Calibri, size 12, It will be Justified, and I want a spacing of, you know, 1.
5. I will come here in the Paragraph Formatting, and I'll put here for a spacing between lines of 1. 5.
Look there, 1. 5 spacing. I will also do, the text has a kickback.
That retreat Paragraph. So the first line, it will have a retreat also 1. 5.
You will notice that he will be here with a drop side. OK? Look there!
It is with spacing of 1. 5 and 1. 5 Indent here in front too.
Clicking OK. All paragraphs will have the same formatting. Here O.
If not, you click OK, all of them, will be atualizadíssimos, Normal for the new style, you put. You saw how simple it is to work with Style? And the people to create a specific style, for example, A Style for a callout.
For this very simple. You will click, this little arrow down and you will put here, create a style. This my style will be called, Important phrase.
I'll click Modify. And it will appear that same screen, style formatting we saw earlier. So what kind of style here, it will not be based on anything.
So an important phrase . . .
whenever I have an important phrase . . .
I will put a letter, you know, more farfetched here for example, this letter here, I will put in a slightly larger size, 14, also, justified. And I'll give a Setbacks here, I will give a retreat whenever an important phrase, we will have a retreat, I'll click here You will have a great retreat. Clicking OK.
This one is as important phrase, I will put as normal, Beauty. Ai here then I'll put an important phrase. I will create a sentence with .
. . This one I'll format as Important phrase.
Click here. And it is already with the retreat and formatted with the style that I selected. If I happen, create another important phrase, look "Testing 1 2 3" And format as Important phrase, it will stick to the same format.
If by chance. . .
Look, I'll modify my phrase here Importantly, I want, Important that all Phrase be in Italics. And that black is standing out here a lot, then I will change the color, I want all Phrase Important, the font color, you know, gray a little clearer, okay? Okay, and now, all my important phrases are the same color and with the same formatting.
Beauty? So sufficed us do the formatting once, and from now on we have the style, and this style can be used throughout the document. Use this type of formatting.
There are people who think so: "Oh no, that's no big deal, it's cool. " It is not! From that point, it is that we will be able to create, for example, automatic indexes within our document.
So my dear, Follow our tips! You can not go wrong. Never forget, you can have more tips on Word, Clicking here!
Here you will get the Playlist, with all videos Word Course. Clicking here, you will register with the Canal, and every time you leave a new course, every time you leave a new video, a new tip of Word, You'll be warned. By clicking here you in the middle, you will have access to our website, where you will see all the progress that we have, available directly to you.
Never forget also, up here has our interactive area, with specific things that we select, for example, the last class that talks about Basic Formatting, You are up here. It is very important for you to see. So all Video Video Course, one of the "clicadinha" up here, and see what we selected important.
For you to learn once and for all to use this important and valuable tool, which is the computer. A strong little hug Grasshopper, We'll see you in the next class. Until then.
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