Como é o campo de concentração de AUSCHWITZ na Polônia

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Nesse vídeo fomos visitar o campo de concentração de Auschwitz, localizado em Oświęcim na Polônia. N...
Video Transcript:
Good morning my friends starting another video today we took a public transport that takes us to the city of oswitzen because we are going to visit the concentration camp of Auschwitz well we got off here in this city now we are going to the field of concentration it was not easy to get here but it worked let's see if we can find where it is about 15 minutes of walking 1 km for us to get there the sign over there is saying that it is a military area here well we are here in front of the camp there is still half an hour before we can enter and here are some pictures of when the concentration camps were released and when the prisoners were also released and they are very interesting pictures to see these photographic records they were taken after the liberation of the field because there are not many records from the time it was under Nazi rule well we are waiting to be able to enter because there is a scheduled time we are not paying anything to be able to enter rar because the entrance is free they don't charge anything I don't think there's much intention of turning this into a tourist spot but a point of historical interest 78 years ago World War II ended millions of people were murdered by the hand of the Nazi Germans in what was the biggest genocide in the history of the world and today we are going to visit the Auschwitz camp which was the place where these deaths occurred more systematically this concentration camp it was a forced labor camp and also an extermination camp only that in austers 1 million and 100 thousand people died it is a bit shocking to visit this place but I think it is necessary for us to be able to remember what human beings were capable of doing and not let this happen again in the history of the world we're going to enter the field and obviously we're going to try to be as friendly and respectful as possible and let's see what's in there right now we're entering the conceit field here Auschwitz attraction number one and right here at the entrance we can see it written in German The work frees this plaque that is here in front it is a replica of the original that used to be here but a few years ago they invaded here they stole the original plaque then they made a replica to put here to stay the same as the original sign it was made by prisoners who were here in the concentration camp who had some Metallurgical skill and it is important to understand that this Nazi slogan Work sets you free is not a slogan that was created during the Nazi times it was the title of a German book that was used by the German government before the second world war to try to fight unemployment And then when Nazism started they appropriated that phrase and ended up becoming a symbol of Nazi Cruelty if we tried do the exercise of looking at it from the perspective of a prisoner who was coming here at that time when they said that work frees him if he I convinced him that he was going to come in here that he was going to work like a slave but that would end up bringing him freedom but that's not what happened Look from the back you can see the sign better it's all iron and there's a B that it was placed upside down by the prisoners who built the sign The idea was to make a kind of silent protest because there are companies here well let's enter here in the field here we can already see this fence that was electrified and it was here to stop the prisoners There 's a sign written Rouge storge if I'm not mistaken, keep your distance so you don't get burned over there by the electric fence well let's walk here Here it is written block 24 few people know but in this block 24 there was a brothel for the nazis because the Nazis who lived here they had a normal life they had a cinema they had a cafeteria And then they also had a brothel at first impression when you enter the concentration camp here it has a very beautiful aesthetic the buildings are very beautiful it looks like a village this place we are in is oswitter 1 soon we will visit oswitch 2 which is said to be a concentration camp with a much less inviting appearance i think this one is one of the saddest videos we've ever made here on the channel but traveling is also learning and I think that there's no better way to learn about the holocaust than to be here in this place where all of this really happened it's been over 70 years since world war ii ended so pretty soon there won't be any people alive who survived the holocaust and keep that this place is like this Memorial this memory is a way of teaching future generations about the barbari that happened here next to the electric fence Let's try to pass by to take a look at the blocks here here is a kind of administration I don't think so I know if we can be here Anyone who has watched the movie about the Second World War knows how emblematic these barbed wire railings are I think many people must have watched that movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas that the cover of the movie is in one of these bars So you're here and seeing this with your own eyes the real bars here at Auschwitz is very impressive very impressive indeed No, it's not electrified, it's not curious, right? see how they did it from here, right, they made two walls of barbed wire that at the time were electrified and here was the part where the prisoners were and here it seemed that the Nazis stayed precisely to isolate them so they could stay far away and not running the risk of the prisoners trying to escape because I think it was kind of difficult to escape through here, the Nazi soldiers could pass through this corridor here and then they kind of isolated themselves, they protected themselves from any insurrection that could arise there. of the Jews and the prisoners who were on the other side of the electric fence and it's strange to say that it was a prisoner, right?
here there is an exhibition about the concentration camp this one here are the real uniforms that the prisoners who were here used that you can see here is one of m another one of a man who has the pants over there, right, it's already another dress here are exposed several prostheses of the Jews who were arrested here and later were sent to the gas chamber in this room so exposed several shoes piles of shoes on both sides there are shoes As a child, the number of people who came here is really impressive. This is to have a vague idea of ​​how many people came, right? they wrote the names of the suitcases here when they arrived here in Auschwitz because they hoped to get these bags after children's clothes How was the human being able to do that here are the photos of several prisoners and here is the date they arrived in the field and the date they died some stayed a short time this guy here stayed a year and two months here this one stayed six months this one stayed only three days some they discarded right here you can see that he was already a gentleman and when the person was older I had a health problem or a physical disability he was already sent directly to the gas chambers to die because here was a labor camp so people who didn't have useful for working, they were simply discarded and children were also discarded, so we are entering another block here .
the first time they tried to kill people with gas was in the experiment with 600 people in this basement and only later did they build a camera for the purpose and here on the outside of this patio there is the wall of death which is that wall at the back where the prisoners sentenced to death they were put there and they were killed with a shot and here there are kind of flowers in homage but it was here that the prisoners and They were murdered with gunshots here is a representation of the Wall where the Nazis put the Jews there and shot them and here is a somewhat artistic drawing like this showing a Nazi officer some Jews here infernized and there are these dry trees in front it is a minimally curious setting it is important to mention that not only were the Jews arrested there were also soviet prisoners there were gypsies they were Poles there was anyone who was considered a traitor to the Nazi regime but most of the people who were sent here and that the Nazis finished off the Jews well this here was one of the gas chambers they executed the Jews for you to have an idea they had a whole theater that they used to do before the Jews were brought here precisely so there would be no Panic at the door from the gas chamber there were two smiling Nazis handing soap to them under the pretext that they were going to go in there to take a shower to kill the lice there as soon as they entered they turned away they took off all their clothes they put all the people inside a completely confined room One A Nazi would go up there and through a compartment he would put a product called Zayn, which was a product that rvia to kill worms to exterminate pests on ships and grain mills this product has a specific feature when it comes into contact with air it turns into gas it was small crystals that were thrown in the room and turned into a gas that killed everyone that was there they left the room completely closed for a while then they removed the bodies and sent them to the crematorium which was right next door and then they called a new group of Jews to bathe again here on the wall we can see it from here black that they are ashes from the crematorium the number of people who were sent here to the gas chambers and immediately afterwards were burned was so great that you could smell the Burning of the Burned bodies from afar and you could see ashes falling in the sky is it they used to kill more than 6 thousand people a day here in the gas chambers people are here in front of the gas chamber here there is a gallows and it was on this gallows That they hanged the commandant of the Auschwitz camp after and the nazis fell he was convicted of war crimes and as a form of symbolic protest they decided to hang him right here in front of the gas chamber well let's go inside the gas chamber to see what it's like in there you can see the people to have an idea of ​​the size of the gas chamber here could fit a lot of people they put the maximum number of people that could fit in here all standing up and then they threw the gas here on the wall we can see these marks that belonged to people who got desperate and they scratched the wall here on the ceiling you can see this hole which is where they threw the crystals that fell on the floor and turned into thousands here to kill everyone here was the gas chamber then you go to the next room and here were the crematoria they put the bodies there and burned there and the smoke came out of the chimney or here you can see that the ceiling is all black practically the ceiling of the entire room is black and here we have an idea of ​​the thickness of the door that was well sealed in the the time they threw the gas right behind me here the sunset in Auschwitz here you can get an idea of ​​how much the forest that surrounds this place is beautiful but tomorrow we will continue exploring camp 2 of Auschwitz which is where the true genocide starting another day we are here at the bus stop waiting for the bus to go to Auschwitz 2 to see the channel and it's minus seven degrees everything is white and pretty to look at just to give a little bit of context about why we're here here behind me we are seeing the gates of Auschwitz 2 if you have seen World War II movies You have probably already seen this scenario in one of them we are here in front of the train track where the trains that entered these gates arrived gates were known as the gates of death World War II it was divided into two parts from 1939 to 1941 where the Nazis confiscated all property from the Jews and from 1941 to 1945 where the plan to exterminate them it started happening in 1941 the head of the nazi party had civilians built 2 which was solely to deal with what they called the jewish problem the nazis called this plan to exterminate jews the final solution here in auschwitch 2 it was built over 250 sheds to house the Jews and it could fit more than 100 thousand people well this was a forced labor camp and also an extermination camp because here was a region that had several factories and the Jews who were imprisoned here they worked in these factories, there was even a factory that manufactured the gas they used to kill the jews in the gas chamber well because of the snow you can't see it like the rails but these rails used to come with trains from all over europe and a daily jew was brought inside these gates you must have noticed that here a region that it's very cold in the winter and one way the Nazis used to kill the people who were here was also to kill them with the cold because they didn't have much more than light clothing to protect themselves from the cold , people who are full of clothes wrapped up and we're cold imagine who was stuck here who didn't have a coat at all as it was torturous well let's go inside the Campo there is now we're going to go in here for Inside the concentration camp it is gigantic they say that Auschwitz has more than 191 hectares it is quite big even here there is a photo of the prisoners digging a drainage duct which is the one we can see here which is to drain the water there to Apart from this photo I just showed, it was taken by the SS, here you can see the electric fence all over Campo, it's walled, it's surrounded, you know, with an electric fence and here you can see it full of ice because of how cold it is, it's even snowing. I know if you can see this shed in the video , it was a quarantine shed, this is where the prisoners arrived, they were brought here to see if any of them had an infectious disease, if they were going to die, there would be a problem because then if it was the if they already sent them straight to the gas chamber, otherwise they would go to the forced labor camp, here you can see the sanitary conditions that had different from the other Camp, this one has much more precarious facilities, not that that one there was something much less precarious but here there is no thermal insulation so Those were much colder they don't have windows and these sheds They were built by the prisoners themselves from the other Camp the train entered through the gate here And it stopped here if you were a child or elderly you were already sent to this side straight to the gas chamber if you had to work It will be sent to the other side in this shed here or one of the sheds that have back there to be quarantined there you can see one of the train cars and these cars they are used to transport cattle but at the time they used to transport the Jews here is a picture of the time full of people who arrived here in Auschwitz And then they were confined behind these gates here let's go in here to take a look Good second plate there we were reading that here was a men's sector and over there was a women's sector and there are several sheds for and there's a rope here preventing us from going there you can see that there are some wood supporting the wall over there is a matter of conservation they don't let people go there to keep it standing for a long time even here to this side here you can already see that some are Ruins when the Nazis realized they were going to lose the war they started to destroy all this from here so as not to leave evidence well Let's walk here to know in depth well some important numbers about what the holocaust was the nazis killed five million people of these 5 million 3 million were Polish Jews and that 's all in Auschwitz a million people were killed out of these 1 million people 200 thousand were children that's why Poland is the country that suffered the most with the second world war this place here if it weren't for all that happened it's a very beautiful place right one too bad they used such a beautiful place to do something so nefarious so horrible look here you can see the tree all full of snow a whole forest back there all snow and here there are more Ruins here are the ruins of the gas chamber over there everything is destroyed here there is a piece of the structure depressing place right And them blowing up everything was a way for them to destroy evidence against themselves even at the end of the War they intensified the killing of the people they they started putting people in the gas chamber on a much larger scale precisely so that there would be no living proof of the horror they were doing here there is a memorial and here it is saying that in this place the Nazis exterminated millions of people men women and children forever written in several languages ​​here now we are walking here in the forest there are some buildings in front let's see what is here there is another building destroyed and there is a lake I say that this forest is beautiful it is really beautiful and I think that it looks prettier, right? Look at this, there's a sign with a photo, according to which it says here the Jews who were selected to be sent to the gas chamber, women and children, they were waiting here before being placed inside the gas chamber, well, we are now going towards some blocks that are ahead and we are in the middle of nowhere here is so big that we get a little lost because we even more with snow the gen you can't identify where we are Look at this whole field over there in the background I don't know if you can see it on camera there are several structures destroyed So if you think about it, there were many blocks that the Nazis dynamited before leaving here, now we are Arriving here where the Jews slept , let's go in .
It's a very unpleasant environment. It's claustrophobic. It's dark .
bottom which is apparently here was the bathroom that has a ladder to go up here but I think they went up supporting themselves because not all of them have stairs, I don't know if over time they removed this ladder apparently here it is improvised, right?
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