How to Become #1 in Your Industry

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Russell Brunson
Discover the secret strategy behind the world’s most successful businesses: becoming a Category King...
Video Transcript:
gosh dang it can we race marker oh my gosh this was like the thing that I needed it was really interesting okay it's really hard to throw in a category king after they're in their spot and so the question is like well how do we become a category King how do we do that one of the biggest mistakes that new entrepreneurs make happens to be the thing that the biggest companies in the world have mastered yet they never talk about and this book is the first book I've ever found that actually explains it in a
really cool way this book is called play bigger and you may or may not have heard of this book it's one of the more rare books out there yet this is the one that gives you the key how to be successful all has to do with figure out how to dominate your market now a lot of people think dominating the market is all about um figuring out like what's the market you're going to go into right and that's actually the exact opposite of what you should be thinking about in fact I want to walk you
guys through a a really quick process um this is something I talk about in my book expert Secrets uh I talk about figuring out what Market you're going to be in okay what we're going to be figuring out today is how can you become a category King so when you think about markets there are three core markets almost every business falls into okay these are the three markets this is health wealth and relationships if you go back in time like a hundred years ago back when you know business was first getting started every business kind
of fell into one of these three things right and there weren't a lot of entrepreneurs doing businesses right you had have a lot of money startup capital and so um but almost every business fell into one of these three things and then over time you know everyone was in the Health Market the wealth Market the relationship Market these markets were growing they were thriving and this is when entrepreneurship here in America started sprouting started growing and from there people start saying well how can I be successful I want to start a business so what happens
is they go to like the market right so health wealth relationships and the first thing you do is start creating what's called submarkets so this example let's pretend like it's the health market and you want to become a health influencer right so first he looks like hey there's these big companies having success in health but they're very it's kind of big it's broad like the first thing is moving down from the Three core markets so these are three core markets the next phase is called the subm markets okay so theide of Health you might have
for example um maybe you've got um weight loss right cuz that's part of Health but there's weight loss but there also could be you know some want to get stronger weight gain there could be people inside of the Health Market who are trying to get their skin to look better right so you got skin care like there's all these different submarkets and there's literally thousands of submarkets now so you come back here we have the Three core markets Health weth relationships then you have submarkets every single thing now you notice initially I painted these all
in blue right CU these are blue oceans now blue oceans dice cuz when you first get into it you're the only person and you're able to throw your uh your fishing pole in and start pulling out fish like crazy what happens is when a bunch of people say Market that market get starts getting red gets redder and gets redder okay and the ocean gets bloody cuz there's 10 20 30 50 100 people all trying to be successful in the health market and so the only way to be successful then is to shift to the um
to the submarket this is where you figure out your own blue ocean right so the very first person inside the Health Market who broke out and said I'm just going to focus on weight loss all they're in this blue ocean and all they get all the money to throw there you know thrown there fishing poles out and all the the fish are coming really really simple really easy and some else is the next one the next one right these all become blue oceans now this was business you know 30 40 years ago the reality is
what's been happening now is that every one of these submarkets have all become red oceans right how many people you guys know in the weight loss Niche how many guys how many oceans do you guys know uh people in the weight gain in skincare like all these oceans have become red and bloody and so for you guys right now the next phase people do is like okay what's the next thing like what's the next Direction and it's coming back here say okay now that weight loss is you know it's a red bloody ocean I want
to move to the third level and the third level is the niches right so that's the third level so inside of weight loss it's like well what do we have in here we've got there's the keto diet right and then there's a brand new blue ocean and then there's the paleo diet and then there's and like all the different diets start popping up as well right now this is the world we live in today okay there's the Three core markets tons of submarkets and now we're in the niches but the problem with the niches is
the niches have also become bloody right and so this is where most of you guys who are beginners of getting into business okay I want to start a business I'm going to be in the keto Market the problem though is the keto Market is a red bloody Market there are millions of people literally competing in inside this market so how do you stand out how do you be different how do you become successful and that's what play bigger is all about playing bigger if you read the title here it says uh how Pirates dreamers and
innovators create and dominate their markets they're not coming in and dominating they are creating and then dominating okay that is the key to be become a category King inside of a market it's all about going and creating a brand new category so for a good example for this when we launched our company clickfunnels a decade ago right where does it fit into okay Three core markets clickfunnels is in the wealth market right help me with make more money okay you come down here the submarket is probably going to be websites and then from there it's
going to be uh sales funnels now we were the very first people to come in here right when we carved out this Market we didn't come into like okay there's email Mark automation there's email autoresponders all these there all these different bloody oceans I didn't come in say okay hey we have this thing called clickfunnels it do this email automation because there was there was already a a bloody Market we came in and we were the very first people to say and put on this this Crown right and say okay we are sales funnels the
person who is the category King it's very difficult to Dethrone them in the future so for you when you're figuring out like what Market you want to be into what you want to do is you want to create your own category after you create your own category you instantly by default become the category King and now you have time to go and become the biggest person in that industry before all the wannab bees and the knockoffs start jumping in okay and so that's what this book play bigger is all about it's one of my favorite
books um I think the title should have been how to become a category king um but it's called play bigger and I highly recommend reading it but if you like um I actually for um I have a a group one of my H in Mastermind groups it's called the category Kings and we had uh Dave Peterson who's one of the authors actually come and speak to us he spent 4 hours talking to us going deep into how to become a category how to do category design how to become that person and what's crazy to me
is he said after the entire um like 10 15 years he's been focusing teaching this he said of all the things in the book there's one thing that was the very most important and I don't want to spoil what that is for right now this was taken from a presentation inside my inner circle every single person who's in the room spend $50,000 a year to be in there and normally we do not let these presentations out outside of the walls of that room but I want to take this clip because it'll help you understand how
to figure out what the problem is you can design a category around it is the secret and the craziest thing is that uh Dave told us that that he learned this process after he wrote the book so this part's not even in the book yet it's the most important thing to understand and to master if you want to create your own category so that said let's jump into my in circle room and watch this presentation um about how to become a category King oh my gosh this was like the thing that I needed it was
really interesting um for me the the world that I like the lens that I look at the the world through is always offers right like I always lead like what's the offer we're going to create what's the offer we're going to create how many you guys lead with an offer right I think for most of us that's the lens that's the lens that I was taught through from like Dan Kennedy for everyone's like what's the offer you're going to create and then we try to make the best offer and we go from there with category
Kings with what Dave Peterson thought it was interesting he stepped one step back and the first question he asked us all was like what is the problem do you solve now instinctively for all this entrepreneurs like oh easy got it right I don't solve a problem I solve thousands of problems I solve this and this and this and this and this like and that was my first instinct I'm like oh like can we skip to the good stuff and he end up spending two hours on this question and by the time it was done there
wasn't a single person in the room who was actually able to answer their problem it was really fascinating including me I was like what is the problem I solved and the problem I solv is different now than it used to be so this is um what we spent two of the four hours with them just trying to answer this question which was really really fascinating and so let me step back a little bit so if you how many you have read the book play bigger okay if not it's amazing book it's all about how do
you become a category King right he talks about most businesses most Industries when they start there's a there's a there's a Cate King that owns a category right you think about Apple like they own the C they own the smartphone category right and the category King typically sucks up like 80 to 90% of the business and all the competitors come in and they fight over the last 10 to 15 20% of the business and over the scraps okay it's really hard to throne a category king after they're in their spot and so the question is
like well how do we become a category King how do we do that and um I pulled a couple slides from his presentation because I think they're really useful he was talking about how if you think about categories the easiest way to think about it is when you go to a grocery store right you don't walk in a grocery store and wander around hoping to find stuff you're like okay I need canned soups so you walk to the can soup section that's the category and you see all of the different competitors all different options you
pick your thing right or if you're like oh I need pillows you go to that section the store and there's all the pillows and you get it from the so the category is there and there's all the people inside the category are kind of in the thing right and so um it was interesting CU like people don't um people don't think about the product first they're not like okay I need to get green beans from um I haven't bought green beans I don't know what what's the the giant the Jolly Green Giant you don't think
about the product first you think about the category first like oh this is the thing I need you go there and you start figuring out now if you read any of my books it's interesting cuz cuz I look at through similar lens right I think about you guys probably see me draw this doodle a million times but like all of our all of our customers looking for a result right all they know is that they want this thing they want to make money lose weight whatever the thing is right this is the category the result
the thing that they're looking for like that's what they want and then there's a whole bunch of options right there's like well you can do it through the Atkins diet or the paleo diet or like there's all these different vehicles that can get you there right and so the the result the problem that that has happened this is the um this is the category and then these are all the different things inside the category right and so it was taking kind of what he was saying I was like how does this fit into the lens
that we look at the world through right and so I wanted I'm going to come back to this in a minute but that was kind of the first thing talked about categories and then as they went through category design the very first thing he says we start with the problem he started looking at the big companies we know he's like they can all articulate their their big Pro the problem that they solve for the marketplace in 10 words or less and notice it's one it's one problem not a whole bunch of problems cuz I guarantee
if I said on a pad of paper write down all the problems you guys have how many guys can write down 3500 problems you solve in your business right that's not the question the question is like for the market for people like what is the problem you solve as a whole um and these are some examples he shared right uh taxi stink who who like that's the problem who solved that one Uber right right uh the end of software how many you guys know who solved that one Salesforce you go through my favorite one of
this list was uh I want to S I want to surf in cold water longer that was the problem this person was supposed to solve and they invented the wet suit okay but they're all simple things uh I said the um all of the problems uh the problems you try you have to try to identify it in 10 words or less ideally if you go 11 or 12 that's probably fine but but it's got to be a short thing where you can say that really really quickly and really easily now what's interesting is that um
uh he was telling us in the meeting that what he he uh one of his close friends he got in a he was hanging out with his friend like once a week his friend owned a big company and he asked his friend he said hey hey uh really quick what is the big like what's the big problem that your your company solves and the friend told him he's like oh cool and then he secretly wrote it down next week we went to hang out with him again he said hey uh remind me again real quick
like what's the big problem yourest company solves and the guy like TOS him again kind of annoyed and he did it again third week the fourth after five or six weeks his buddy's like dude quit asking me that question I've told you every single week for the last five or six weeks and and he said ah check this out he pulled out his notepad he said every single time I've asked you you've answered a different way he's like what's the problem you solved and the guy looked at and said they all were kind of counteracting
right um the next thing he said that when they do category design for companies he said the first thing they do is they go to the executive team they ask everyone in the executive team like like uh what's the biggest problem you solve he said every time not like most of the time or once in a while like every time every single person in the executive table had a different problem they thought they were actually solving as a company it was fascinating and so we had a couple people who were like in the category Kings
Group email their their teams like what's the problem we solve and all people had different problems coming back and it was fascinating like most of us can't articulate what is the problem we solve in fact it's interesting because um as I was sitting there with with clickfun I was like I know what the problem I solved seven years ago was the problem I solved seven years ago was basically entrepreneurs aren't don't have technical ability so it's like we freed entrepreneurs so they could they could um they could build things on their own like that was
this problem we were solving okay that was s years ago today fast forward to 2021 is that the problem entrepreneurs have no I'm not I understand there's like a million different places of dragon drop Builders now that you can build websites like that's not the problem I'm solving today if I'm still trying to solve the problem the entrepreneurs are free and now you can go and build your own funnels and websites like the market is shifted the category is shifted and I'm going to lose right he talks about the category Kings who don't maintain their
status is because they're solving the wrong problem so with clicks 2.0 this is the question I'm asking myself this why I sat there for three or four hours on Monday trying to figure out like what's the what's the problem I solved today it's different right and I was email on my team and everyone's giving different ideas back and it was interesting so for you guys I want you to think about like what is the problem you actually solve today uh this is another one that was interesting he say just because I'm tired doesn't mean I'm
thirsty can anyone guess what that's the problem can anyone guess the the category king of this one boom five outter energy I don't want to drink a big energy drink I'm not thirsty I just I'm tired and that became Boom the category and blew up okay um interesting so he said problems move people features do not the the thing he said was interesting is we we thought the meeting for the with him for for the four hours is going to be us C like designing our category and he totally says he's like everything I learned
about category design I learned after the book came out and uh he said what was interesting is he said that um uh he used to focus on like category design up front he's like now with companies we focus on figuring out what is the problem they solve and then the category appears is that interesting we didn't talk about category design once in the four hours it was figuring out what's the problem we solv all right Zach got the wheels your head spinning thinking like what is the category what is the problem what's the thing that
you can actually solve better than anybody else on the planet like for me after I heard a l my Wills my head were sping like what is the thing that I can do what's the problem that I can solve better than anybody else and hopefully by understanding that it's going to change everything for you guys again the key is not going out and figure out what Market am I going to jump to what Market I'm going to dominate the key is crafting and creating your own uh your own category and you do that by understanding
the problem at a level that nobody else can at all which is really cool now a couple years ago I actually did a really cool video on how to create a red hot Market I'd love for you to watch that video next the link is right here check it out and I hope you guys enjoyed this video on to become a category key
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