PLAY THIS EVERY NIGHT! God In Your Room | Fall Asleep With These Beautiful Night Prayers

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
[Music] Jesus died on a cross he did rise again in Victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he said about being obedient to God the Father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the Amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross
expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple so if I may ask you the question when you look at the cross what does the Cross stand for what does it symbolize to you many will say it stands for Jesus Christ and the ultimate sacrifice it stands for his death his burial and his resurrection others will say it stands for salvation it stands for eternal life it stands
for love Holiness righteousness forgiveness it represents what Christ came on Earth to do and to give his life for us now since Luke 14 ver 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the question is what do you stand for do you carry your cross and stand for the love of Jesus Christ do you stand to represent the life of Jesus Christ a life that was marked with righteousness obedience prayer and forgiveness are you carrying your cross you see we need to truly examine ourselves the mouth
can so easily profess something but it's in your heart and it's in your actions that the truth is revealed what do you stand for do you stand with a willing heart should God speak to you today would you be willing to sacrifice the most important thing in your life for him when people see you do they see the love of Jesus Christ in you do they look at you and think I want the Peace of this person's life I want the joy that this person has do other people look at you and see a disciple
of Christ your life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross Saints Matthew 10:38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of God is clear regarding this either take up your cross and follow Christ or you are not worthy of him what will your choice be now let us pray dear King Jesus help me to take up my cross and follow you I am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that I
have you I am willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you Lord I am willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will King Jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as I take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of Love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant Gloom produce in me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs
14:30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but Envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of Envy From Within Me Lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you Lord as I make the decision to follow you and be your disciple Take Me As I Am and begin a good work within me should you see that I don't have self-control or I'm not gentle then I ask that you would help me in that area Lord should you find me not to be longsuffering or impatient then I pray you would work through
me and arrest these negative and ungodly character traits of mine when unbelievers look at me may they see the fruit of Christ in my life in instead of endless worry and anxiety things that attack so many people in this world may they see that I stand on the solid rock that is Christ Jesus and in you there is no place for worry or anxiety instead of Pride or arrogance help me to stand for humility to stand for meekness Lord Jesus instead of me being controlled by imp pulses passions or lust strengthen me and Purify Me
Lord so that I can be able to stand for self-control Let My Life represent who I stand for and that is you Matthew 6: 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and money I declare that you are my one and only Master you are my leader King Jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and I choose to stand to follow the
Light of Christ I commit to you Lord Jesus and my honest request is that the Holy Spirit would work within my heart and mind so that I will have the kind of commitment that says not my will Lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you Lord Jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility Holy Spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross Lord Jesus
your word in Matthew 5: 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father I will be satisfied in you King Jesus I will be nourished by your goodness I glorify Your Name Lord Jesus be blessed and be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen and amen Lord Jesus we praise you your word in second Corinthians 12:9 says my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my
infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we are grateful that you are with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider instead of the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you we find Mercy in you
we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you above Jesus we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because of your word father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that
you would defend me Lord fight for me and my family fight my battles Lord though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35 verse one and said plead my cause oh Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and
so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel for Elijah and even for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts
I reuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion of depression doubt and even despair trying to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me
to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name name of Jesus Christ I pray amen several years ago I worked with a man who had a daughter and unfortunately his little girl became very unwell now in the beginning he had every right to be concerned as a parent especially because the doctors had no idea what was causing her condition she was in and out of the hospital and doctors were doing all kinds of tests for months they did test but nothing
conclusive ever came of it now while all of this was going on this man was so worried he was extremely stressed he would worry thinking what if it was this disease what if something was wrong internally what if he loses his little girl the worry seemed to consume every single moment of the day his every other thought was worry and after after I saw the toll that it was taking on him and how it was affecting his health we sat down and I said to him why don't you stop worrying so much when you have
so much to thank God for and you can imagine he looked at me sideways and I told him other than the periods your daughter is feeling unwell she's at school and doing well right at home she's doing what little girls do she's playing with her friends right the doctor have performed so many tests on her but found absolutely nothing yet nothing for months so why are you worrying so much instead of thanking God that she's not been diagnosed with something serious I said to him instead of seeing God strengthening her all you seem to see
is what might happen to her now as it turns out the cause of her illness it was an allergy and once they addressed that she was absolutely fine the Bible says in John 14:1 do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me you see worry my friend it's all about perspective an optimistic man will look at an ambulance and say great help is on the way a worrisome man we look at the the same ambulance and say oh no someone's dying it's all to do with perspective a believer in
faith will pray and say Lord Make This Storm go away but if you've allowed it and it's your will that I should face it then give me the strength to stand this is a perspective that comes with a certain level of maturity but let me tell you a Believer who worries will pray and say God help me what if this storm destroys me what if this storm never ends God how come you're not stopping this so dear listener today you have to decide you have to make a choice how will you handle worry at one
point or another you will face something that could make you worry Jesus said in this world you're going to have trouble you will face some hardship not everything is going to go your way you might have to deal with the trials of sickness tragedy natural or economic disasters and oh yes the devil but here's the thing Jesus said yes you will face troubles in this world but John 16:33 says I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome
the world so regardless of what comes your way regardless of what the thing looks like that's staring you in the face regardless of all the chatter that you hear coming at you from the voice of the enemy never ever let what you see or what you hear make you doubt the god that you serve he is assured us trouble will come but he also assured us that he has overcome the world because we are in him we too are Overcomers dear friends this world if you're not careful this world will make you fearful news reports
are constantly filled with stories that spell out fear people are fearful about the economy people are fearful about crime people are fearful about so many things but here's what I'd like to tell you today if you're worried about something there's only one answer and that answer is the word of God if you're fearful the most potent remedy there is is the word of God if you're anxious about anything I mean anything at all The Cure is the word of God all in all as you get to know God's word you get to know God's voice
and as you get to know God's voice you'll come to know that fear and worry are not from God now I'd like to share with you one of my favorite passages of scripture I've read this portion in the Bible over and over again at different stages in my life and let me tell you it has strengthened me I pray that it will strengthen you today as well Luke 12: 22-32 then turning to his disciples Jesus said that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food to eat or
enough clothes to wear for life is more than food and your body more than clothing look at the Ravens they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for God feeds them and you are far more valuable to him than any birds can all your worries at a single moment to your life and if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that what's the use of worrying over bigger things look at the lies and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully
as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith and don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of God above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid Little Flock for it gives your father great happiness to give
you the Kingdom so you see friends our Lord has told us not to be anxious about our life this means that we should not allow the things of this life to affect us to the point that we become fearful and filled with worry because we are in the care of an almighty God now friends with this understanding that God cares for us and that he will provide for us let us pray to cast down fear and worry and to trust in our almighty God dear heavenly father when we're faced with life's uncertainties when we're faced
with life's challenges we choose to trust in you Lord when we're faced with situations where the outcome is unknown we stand firm in knowing you and we will trust in you Lord Jesus when we're faced with problems that are out of our control when we're presented with circumstances that look to be bigger than we are then we will look to you we will turn to you we will hold on to to your word which says in Psalm 20 may the Lord answer you when you are in distress May the name of the god of Jacob
protect you may he send you help from the sanctuary and Grant you support from Zion may he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings may he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed may we shout for Joy over your Victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God may the Lord grant all your request now this I know the Lord gives Victory to his anointed he answers him from his Heavenly Sanctuary with a Victorious power of His right hand some trust in chariots and some
in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord Our God they are brought to their knees and fall but we rise up and stand firm Lord give Victory to the king answer us when we call indeed some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember and Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God the God of all creation the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you are The God Who not only knows our needs but you are well able to provide for us even as we work hard to provide
for our families help us to work diligently while trusting in your guiding hand dear God lord Jesus you've told us in your word not to worry about our lives what we will eat or about what we will wear so instead of obsessing over material possessions instead of worrying about tomorrow we will trust in you we will trust in your word father we're at peace because we're in your hands we are in The Loving Hands of An Almighty God and so may the Holy Spirit help us to prioritize seeking God's business and living according to your
principles as we align our lives with your will may you bless us with peace and joy father we declare right now your word in Psalm 116 veres 1-2 I love the Lord because he has heard my voice and my supplications because he has inclined his ear to me therefore I will call upon him as long as I live and so God we praise you because you are The God Who is intimately involved in all our situations you are The God Who holds us together you keep us from falling apart and father I pray that you
would not let worry consume us don't let anxiety drown us but instead father lift our spirits and fill our hearts with joy God we thank you that you're the first and the last you're the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end there is nothing that will ever come against us that you cannot handle there is no situation that can overpower us because we are in you so father right now we thank you for your protection and we thank you for your peace God we bless your name and we thank you for listening to
our prayer it's in Jesus name amen I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world Luke 4 verse 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the
blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this is to Pardon our sins and set us free from a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true and Lasting freedom from every unclean Spirit further more when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace Colossians 3:15 says
and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't have to save up for it all we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our hearts then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love first John 4:16 says so
we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to grace and mercy and eternal life through Jesus Christ if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to freedom and liberty when Jesus comes into your life there is no more oppression
there is no more captivity there is only salvation there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be forced to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior in Jesus Christ we
have a miracle work in God and he will make a way when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look for the strongest
among us to demonstrate his power that would be too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strong among us then we could essentially rationalize the Lord and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to do his work many of us would take God out of the equation and say well that person was always an outstanding and gifted individual the Bible in First Corinthians 1: 27 says but God chose what is foolish foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is
weak in the world to shame the strong this means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not like our ways your biggest challenge can be used by the Lord to usher in your biggest breakthrough and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to be the very thing that catapulted him into his God ordained
Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood the disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can so often be the cause of us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappointment you feel now will work together for your good and so be encouraged
you may not see it now it may not make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters Trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way because ultimately he is in control and your life is in his Loving Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are there is peace there
is Joy there is life we invite you Lord to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be no captivity there can be no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you you freely offered yourself to die on a cross All Because You Loved Us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives blessings cannot help but flow from you you are the object of our affection
you demand our attention and our reverence and so we bow down to you none can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm 16:1 says you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our lives need for so
long this world has rejected you and turned away from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word which says in Ephesians 2: 19- 21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief Cornerstone of our lives
and we worship you and choose to obey you alone come into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty way cast out all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and unity into our families heal every heart that is Longing For Love
Today Lord Jesus we need you there is power in your name when you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can remain Lord I pray that you may do a new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the door of our hearts and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life whatever your will is may I be a
servant that is available for your use may your glory be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirits to tap into the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us may he minister to us may he counsel and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in Jesus name I pray amen our dear heavenly father all glory belongs to you all the honor
belongs to you and Lord I'm praying at this time because I need you Lord we need you we need your love and we need your grace Lord help us to serve For Your Glory Master help us to take up our cross daily and forsake the pleasures of this world master let our hearts be filled with the fear of the Lord so that we can pursue you above all else we need you King Jesus we're looking to you for direction we're looking to you for counsel we refuse to lean on our own understanding because we rather
choose to lean on you father in all that we do give us an attitude of humility give us a servant's heart may I I decrease as the glory of the Lord increases and may the name of Jesus be lifted Higher and Higher by the things I say and the things I do Lord your word says in Psalm 34:2 my soul shall make its boast in the Lord The Humble shall hear of it and be glad father teach me to boast in you and your alone help me to not boast in the talents and gifts that
you've given me but instead I pray that my soul boasts only in you King Jesus in my weakness I will boast of your strength in my difficulty I will boast of your saving power in my lack I will boast of your provision father in all I do I will continually boast only in you not in people not in my ability or resources but only in you my God your word says in 1 Corinthians 15:58 therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm letting nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain I pray that you would indeed help us to always be steadfast to always be immovable in you to always be abounding in the work of the Lord father let everything I do be for your glory and not my own help me to do good works not to be seen by others but to please you Lord and to bring Glory To Your Name Lord I just want to point others to your goodness and father I ask for your forgiveness If Ever I have sought
after the approval of man above your approval although my sinful nature May at times crave the admiration of others the Applause of others father teach me to crucify the Flesh and humble myself Lord you deserve the highest praise and and I thank you right now for hearing this prayer in jesus' name we pray and we thank you amen when we encounter tough times let us not be so overwhelmed to the point where we feel hopeless and discouraged let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ run
to the one who has overcome the world the one who is our refuge and strength the one who tells us to call upon him in the day of trouble the one who rescues us the one who heals all our wounds and diseases in this present day we often find ourselves in situations where our faith is put to the test and we must decide how we will respond but here's what the Bible says in first Peter 1 ver 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer
grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed no matter what your hardship might be be strong in faith don't allow yourself to be moved because as soon as you let go of God's sure promises you are bound to get swept up into the madness of this world Jesus Christ is our only sure Foundation he is our steadfast anchor the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1
now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see faith is necessary for every believer because it's only when you have faith that you can please God now let me ask you do you really have faith or do you rely on your own judgment your reasoning or what your eyes can see are you living by faith are you walking by faith when you think about some of the Heroes of Faith in the Bible and all of the trials they went through you'll see that they had one thing in
common they kept believing in God they had unwavering trust in the Lord and they were strong in faith and let me tell you something it takes Faith to follow Jesus Christ it takes Faith to continue pushing and standing for the gospel by faith the walls of Jericho fell down by faith Paul and Silas were beaten chained up and imprisoned but they still praised God the three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar all because they had such strong faith these are all great examples of people who stood their ground and trusted in the
Lord even when all the odds were against them their faith was not shaken their faith was not broken en because they knew that the god whom they served is bigger greater and more powerful than anything or anyone else who they could come up against all these people were pushed to pray because of the trials they went through and the obstacles they faced let us be encouraged to do the same let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven and
Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him now let us pray great is your faithfulness father be blessed and lifted High lord it's because of you that we can and we will overcome every challenge it's because of you that we can be Victorious and so we thank you Lord we surrender our battles to you we surrender every struggle into your hands God we surrender everything that comes to frustrate us or pull us backwards we surrender it into your
hands every enemy is already defeated in jesus' name any Spirit any giant or stronghold I bring it down in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord I pray for every soul that is under the sound of my voice I pray for everyone who is listening and in the need of help may you see them through every challenge they are facing I pray that your hand would mercifully lift them up from the situation they face today I pray that you would rescue them King Jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way in
your word you have promised to take every heavy load we carry and to take all of our burdens and so we surrender all Lord Jesus we surrender all that weighs us down Shine Your Light in our situation King Jesus may your voice calm the storm we Face may your voice be the ruling authority over all of our affairs the Bible says in Psalm 29:4 the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is majestic your voice is indeed powerful your voice brings healing your voice brings restoration your voice brings Victory and so
Lord we pray that our hearts and ears would be open so that we can hear from you Lord we believe believe your word to be true because in your word we are assured of Total Restoration thank you for giving us hope and strength for tomorrow I praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep our minds in perfect peace Lord as we fight the good fight each and every day May the highest praise be given unto you you are a good and faithful God for each
and every person listening I pray that you would Shine Your holy presence in our lives Shine Your Light Upon Us in this world of Darkness help us to be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the Holy Spirit give us hearts and ears that listen first John 5:4 says for whatever is born of God God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith father help us to live a life that is pleasing in your sight help us to live life as you intended for us a life where we
live by faith and not by sight and Lord should you find my faith to be weak may you strengthen Me Lord you deserve all praise for your Tender Mercies and kindness give us the grace to overcome the troubles that we may face in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we give you praise and we thank you for the perfect work that you accomplished on the cross Lord you hung on that cross for our sins you were blameless yet our sins were nailed on that cross with you Lord Jesus how could we ever thank you
enough words fail me there are no words to thank you King Jesus for that price that you paid on the cross for me the Bible says in Isaiah 53: 3-5 he was despised and rejected by mankind a man of suffering and familiar with pain like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised and we held him in low esteem surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering yet we considered him punished by God stricken by him and Afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the
punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed Lord Jesus in agreement with everyone listening We Praise You Lord we adore you and we worship you because you Lord were the one who was hurt you were the one who suffered because of our sins you were wounded for our wrongdoing Jesus you endured incredible pain for us and the blood that you shed was for our healing that blood that you shed is for our healing right now Lord I Thank you for the blood I thank you for the blood that
you shed King Jesus so that we could be protected so that our families could be protected so that our children and loved ones can be protected Lord Jesus I thank you for the blood that covers Us the precious blood that Shields us from evil the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 for I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures Lord Jesus we Rejoice because
you have risen from the dead Our Savior has defeated death death and we serve a living God we Rejoice that you are all powerful we Rejoice that you are a God who can resurrect and restore Lord Jesus we give you all the glory all the praise and all the honor I call on your name King Jesus to be our rescue be our Banner of Hope Lord you are the reason why we are more than conquerors you Lord Jesus are the reason why no weapon that is formed against us will prosper you Lord are the reason
why we cannot be intimidated by the devil in the name of Jesus we refuse to be oppressed suppressed or depressed by the enemy we believe and declare Psalm 20: 7 it says some trust in Chariot and summon horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God some find their strength and their weapons but we we will trust in you King Jesus some will trust in science some will trust in their own wisdom but oh we will only trust in you Lord Jesus we will boast in your strength and in your might alone
your name is above every other name and Lord right now we thank you for hearing this prayer for we speak it in your name and we bless your name yes it's in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus that we pray and we give thanks amen Jesus died on a cross he did rise again in Victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he set about being obedient to God
the Father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the Amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple so if I may ask ask you the question when you look at the cross
what does the Cross stand for what does it symbolize to you many will say it stands for Jesus Christ and the ultimate sacrifice it stands for his death his burial and his resurrection others will say it stands for salvation it stands for eternal life it stands for love Holiness righteousness forgiveness it represents what Christ came on Earth to do and to give his life for us now since Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the question is what do you stand for do you
carry your cross and stand for the love of Jesus Christ do you stand to represent the life of Jesus Christ a life that was marked with righteousness obedience prayer and forgiveness are you carrying your cross you see we need to truly examine ourselves the mouth can so easily profess something but it's in your heart and it's in your actions that the truth is revealed what do you stand for for do you stand with a willing heart should God speak to you today would you be willing to sacrifice the most important thing in your life for
him when people see you do they see the love of Jesus Christ in you do they look at you and think I want the Peace of this person's life I want the joy that this person has do other people look at you and see a disciple of Christ your life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross Saints Matthew 10:38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of God is clear regarding this either take up your
cross and follow Christ or you are not worthy of him what will your choice be now let us pray dear King Jesus help me to take up my cross and follow you I am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that I have you I am willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you Lord I am willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will King Jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father
and so as I take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of Love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant Gloom produce in me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart Proverbs 14:30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but Envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of Envy From Within Me Lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you Lord as I make the decision to follow you and be your disciple Take Me As I Am
and begin a good work within me should you see that I don't have self-control or I'm not gentle then I ask that you would help me in that area Lord should you find me not to be longsuffering or impatient then I pray you would work through me and arrest these negative and ungodly character traits of mine when unbelievers look at me may they see the fruit of Christ in my life instead of endless worry and anxiety things that attack so many people in this world may they see that I stand on the solid rock that
is Christ Jesus and in you there is no place for worry or anxiety instead of Pride or arrogance help me to stand for humility to stand for meekness Lord Jesus instead of me being controlled by impulses passions or lust strengthen me and Purify Me Lord so that I can be able to stand for self-control Let My Life represent who I stand for and that is you Matthew 6:4 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other
you cannot serve God and money I declare that you are my one and only Master you are my leader King Jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and I choose to stand to follow the Light of Christ I commit to you Lord Jesus and my honest request is that the Holy Spirit would work within my heart and mind so that I will have the kind of commitment that says not my will Lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but
it's All About You Lord Jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility Holy Spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross Lord Jesus your word in Matthew 5:6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father I will be satisfied in you King Jesus I will be nourished by your goodness I glorify Your Name Lord Jesus be blessed and be glorified I thank you for hearing my
prayer in jesus' name I pray amen and amen Lord Jesus we praise you your word in 2 Corinthians 12:9 says my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are are grateful as your children we are grateful that you are with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to
focus on the provider instead of the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you we find Mercy in you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you above Jesus we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about about tomorrow because of your word father we sincerely ask that
you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and my family fight my battles Lord though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the
worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35 verse1 and said plead my cause oh Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel for Elijah and even for
Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I reuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion of depression doubt and even despair trying to weaken my faith or steal my joy
I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen several years ago I worked with a man who had a daughter and unfortunately his little girl became very unwell now in the beginning he
had every right to be concerned con ered as a parent especially because the doctors had no idea what was causing her condition she was in and out of the hospital and doctors were doing all kinds of tests for months they did test but nothing conclusive ever came of it now while all of this was going on this man was so worried he was extremely stressed he would worry thinking what if it was this disease what if something was wrong internally what if he loses his little girl the worry seemed to consume every single moment of
the day his every other thought was worry and after I saw the toll that it was taking on him and how it was affecting his health we sat down and I said to him why don't you stop worrying so much when you have so much to thank God for and you can imagine he looked at me sideways and I told him other than the periods your daughter is feeling unwell she's at school and doing well right at home she's doing what little girls do she's playing with her friends right the doctors have performed so many
tests on her but found absolutely nothing yet nothing for months so why are you worrying so much instead of thanking God that she's not been diagnosed with something serious I said to him instead of seeing God strengthening her all you seem to see is what might happen to her now as it turns out the cause of her illness it was an allergy and once they addressed that she was absolutely fine the Bible says in John 14:1 do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me you see worry my friend
it's all about perspective an optimistic man will look at an ambulance and say great help is on the way a worrisome man will look at the same ambulance and say oh no someone's dying it's all to do with perspective a believer in faith will pray and say Lord Make This Storm go away but if you've allowed it and it's your will that I should face it then give me the strength to stand this is a perspective that comes with a certain level of maturity but let me tell you a Believer who worries will pray and
say God help me what if this storm destroys me what if this storm never ends God how come you're not stopping this so dear listener today you have to decide you have to make a choice how will you handle worry at one point or another you will face something that could make you worry Jesus said in this world you're going to have trouble you will face some hardship not everything is going to go your way you might have to deal with the trials of sickness tragedy natural or economic disasters and oh yes the devil but
here's the thing Jesus said yes you will face troubles in this world but John 16:33 says I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world so regardless of what comes your way regardless of what the thing looks like that's staring you in the face regardless of all the chatter that you hear coming at you from the voice of the enemy never ever let what you see or what you hear make you doubt the god that you
serve he assured us trouble will come but he also assured us that he has overcome the world because we are in him we too are Overcomers dear friends this world if you're not careful this world will make you fearful news reports are constantly filled with stories that spell out fear people are fearful about the economy people are fearful about crime people are fearful about so many things but here's what I'd like to tell you today if you're worried about something there's only one answer and that answer is the word of God if you're fearful the
most potent remedy there is is the word of God if you're anxious about anything I mean anything at all the Cure is the word of God all in all as you get to know God's word you get to know God's voice and as you get to know God's voice you'll come to know that fear and worry are not from God now I'd like to share with you one of my favorite passages of scripture I've read this portion in the Bible over and over again at different stages in my life and let me tell you it
has strengthened me I pray that it will strengthen you today as well Luke 12: 22-32 then turning to his disciples Jesus said that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear for life is more than food and your body more than clothing look at the Ravens they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for God feeds them and you are far more valuable to him than any birds can all your worries add a single moment to your life and
if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that what's the use of worrying over bigger things look at the lies and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith and don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of
unbelievers all over the world but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of God above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid Little Flock for it gives your father great happiness to give you the Kingdom so so you see friends our Lord has told us not to be anxious about our life this means that we should not allow the things of this life to affect us to the point that we become fearful and filled with worry because we are in the care of an almighty God now
friends with this understanding that God cares for us and that he will provide for us let us pray to cast down fear worry and to trust in our almighty God dear heavenly father when we're faced with life's uncertainties when we're faced with life's challenges we choose to trust in you Lord when we're faced with situations where the outcome is unknown we stand firm in knowing you and we will trust in you Lord Jesus when we're faced with problems that are out of our control when we're presented with circumstances that look to be bigger than we
are then we will look to you we will turn to you we will hold on to your word which says in Psalm 20 may the Lord answer you when you are in distress May the name of the god of Jacob protect you may he send you help from the sanctuary and Grant you support from Zion may he remember all your sacrif AC IES and accept your burnt offerings may he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed may we shout for Joy over your Victory and lift up our banners in
the name of our God may the Lord grant all your request now this I know the Lord gives Victory to his anointed he answers him from his Heavenly Sanctuary with the Victorious power of His right hand some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord Our God they are brought to their knees and fall but we rise up and stand firm Lord give Victory to the king answer us when we call indeed some trust in chariots and summon horses but we will remember and Trust in the name
of the Lord Our God the God of all creation the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you are The God Who not only knows our needs but you are well able to provide for us even as we work hard to provide for our families help us to work diligently while trusting in your guiding hand dear God lord Jesus you've told us in your word not to worry about our lives what we will eat or about what we will wear so instead of obsessing over material possessions instead of worrying about tomorrow we will trust in you
we will trust in your word father we're at peace because we're in your hands we are in The Loving Hands of An Almighty God and so may the Holy Spirit help us to prioritize seeking God's business and living according to your principles as we align our lives with your will may you bless us with peace and joy father we declare right now your word in Psalm 116 veres 1-2 I love the Lord because he has heard my voice and my supplications because he has inclined his ear to me therefore I will call upon him as
long as I live and so God we praise you because you are The God Who is intimately involved in all our situations you are The God Who holds us together you keep us from falling apart and father I pray that you would not let worry consume us don't let anxiety drown us but instead father lift our spirits and fill our hearts with joy God we thank you that you're the first and the last you're the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end there is nothing that will ever come against us that you cannot
handle there is no situation that can overpower us because we are in you so father right now we thank you for your protection and we thank you for your peace God we bless your name and we thank you for listening to our prayer it's in Jesus name amen I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world Luke 4:1 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he rolled the scroll and found
the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this is to Pardon our sins and set us free from
a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true true and Lasting freedom from every unclean Spirit furthermore when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace Colossians 3:15 says and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't have to save up for it all
we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our hearts then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love 1 John 4:16 says so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to grace and mercy and eternal life through
Jesus Christ if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to freedom and liberty when Jesus comes into your life there is no more oppression there is no more captivity there is only salvation there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose
trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be for to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior in Jesus Christ we have a miracle work in God and he will make a way when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability
our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look for the strongest among us to demonstrate his power that would be too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strongest among us then we could essentially rationalize the Lord and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to do his work many of us would take
God out of the equation and say while that person was always an outstanding and gifted individual the Bible in First Corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong this means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not like our ways your biggest challenge can
be used by the Lord to usher in your biggest breakthrough and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to to be the very thing that catapulted him into his God ordained Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood the disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can so often be the cause of
us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappointment you feel now will work together for your good and so be encouraged you may not see it now it may not make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way because ultimately he is
in control and your life is in his Loving Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are there is peace there is Joy there is life we invite you Lord to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be be no captivity there can be no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you freely offered yourself to die on a cross
All Because You Loved Us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives blessings cannot help but flow from you you are the object of our affection you demand our attention and our reverence and so we bow down to you none can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm 16:1 says you make known to me the path of life in
your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our lives need for so long this world has rejected you and turned away from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word which says in Ephesians 2: 19-21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and me members of the household
of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief Cornerstone of our lives and we worship you and choose to obey you alone come into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty
way cast out all all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and unity into our families heal every heart that is Longing For Love Today Lord Jesus we need you there is power in your name when you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can remain Lord I pray that you may do a new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the
door of our hearts and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life whatever your will is may I be a servant that is available for your use may your glory be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirits to tap into the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us may he minister
to us may he counsel and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in Jesus name I pray amen our dear heavenly father all glory belongs to you all the honor belongs to you and Lord I'm praying at this time because I need you Lord we need you we need your love and we need your grace Lord help us to serve For Your Glory Master help us to take up our cross daily and forsake the pleasures of this world master let our hearts be
filled with the fear of the Lord so that we can pursue you above all else we need you King Jesus we're looking to you for direction we're looking to you for counsel we refuse to lean on our own understanding because we rather choose to lean on you father in all that we do give us an attitude of humility give us a servant's heart may I decrease as the glory of the Lord increases and may the name of Jesus be lifted Higher and Higher by the things I say and the things I do Lord your word
says in psalm 34: too my soul shall make its boast in the Lord The Humble shall hear of it and be glad father teach me to boast in you and you alone help me to not boast in the talents and gifts that you've given me but instead I pray that my soul boasts only in you King Jesus in my weakness I will boast of your strength in my difficult ulty I will boast of your saving power in my lack I will boast of your provision father in all I do I will continually boast only in
you not in people not in my ability or resources but only in you my God your word says in 1 Corinthians 15:58 therefore my dear brothers and sisters S stand firm letting nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain I pray that you would indeed help us to always always be steadfast to always be immovable in you to always be abounding in the work of the Lord father let everything I do be for your glory and not my
own help me to do good works not to be seen by others but to please you Lord and to bring Glory To Your Name Lord I just want to point others to your goodness and father I ask for your forgiveness If Ever I have sought after the approval of man above your approval although my sinful nature May at times crave the admiration of others the Applause of others father teach me to crucify the Flesh and humble myself Lord you deserve the highest praise and I thank you right now for hearing this prayer in Jesus name
we pray and we thank you amen when we encounter tough times let us not be so overwhelmed to the point where we feel hopeless and discourage let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ run to the one who has overcome the world the one who is our refuge and strength the one who tells us to call upon him in the day of trouble the one who rescues us the one who heals all our wounds and diseases in this prayer present day we often find ourselves in
situations where our faith is put to the test and we must decide how we will respond but here's what the Bible says in 1 Peter 1 ver 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed no matter what your hardship might be be strong in faith don't
allow yourself to be moved because as soon as you let go of God's sure promises you are bound to get swept up into the madness of this world Jesus Christ is our only sure Foundation he is our steadfast anchor the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see faith is necessary for every believer because it's only when you have faith that you can please God now let me ask you do you really have faith or do you rely on your own judgment
your reasoning or what your eyes can see are you living by faith are you walking by faith when you think about some of the Heroes of Faith in the Bible and all of the trials they went through you'll see that they had one thing in common they kept believing in God they had unwavering trust in the Lord and they were strong in faith and let me tell you something it takes faith to follow Jesus Christ it takes Faith to continue pushing and standing for the gospel by faith the walls of Jericho fell down by faith
Paul and Silas were beaten chained up and imprisoned but they still praised God the three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar all because they had such strong faith these are all great examples of people who stood their ground and trusted in the Lord even when all the odds were against them their faith was not shaken their faith was not broken because they knew that the god whom they served is bigger greater and more powerful than anything or anyone else who they could come up against all these people were pushed to pray because
of the trials they went through and the obstacles they faced let us be encouraged to do the same let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him now let us pray great is your faithfulness father be blessed and lifted High lord it's because of you that we can and we will overcome every challenge
it's because of you that we can be Victorious and so we thank you Lord we surrender our battles to you we surrender every struggle into your hands God we surrender everything that comes to frustrate us or pull us backwards we surrender it into your hands every enemy is already defeated in jesus' name any Spirit any giant or stronghold I bring it down in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord I pray for every soul that is under the sound of my voice I pray for everyone who is listening and in the need of help may
you see them through every challenge they are facing I pray that your hand would mercifully lift them up from the situation they face today I pray that you would rescue them King Jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way in your word you have promised to take every heavy load we carry and to take all of our burdens and so we surrender all Lord Jesus we surrender all that weighs us down Shine Your Light in our situation King Jesus may your voice calm the storm we Face may your voice be the
ruling authority over all of our Affairs the Bible says in Psalm 29 vers 4 the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is majestic your voice is indeed powerful your voice brings healing your voice brings restoration your voice brings Victory and so Lord we pray that our hearts and ears would be open so that we can hear from you Lord we believe your word to be true because in your word we are assured of Total Restoration thank you for giving us hope and strength for tomorrow I praise you for promising that
you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep our minds in perfect peace Lord as we fight the good fight each and every day May the highest praise be given unto you you are a good and faithful God for each and every person listening I pray that you would Shine Your holy presence in our lives Shine Your Light Upon Us in this world of Darkness help us to be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the Holy Spirit give us hearts and ears that listen first John 5 verse 4 says
for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith father help us to live a life that is pleasing in your sight help us to live life as you intended for us a life where we live by faith and not by sight and Lord should you find my faith to be weak may you strengthen me Lord you deserve all praise for your Tender Mercies and kindness give us the grace to overcome the troubles that we may face in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus
we give you praise and we thank you for the perfect work that you accomplished on the cross Lord you hung on that cross for our sins you were blameless yet our sins were nailed on that cross with you Lord Jesus how could we ever thank you enough words fail me there are no words to thank you King Jesus for that price that you paid on the cross for me me the Bible says in Isaiah 53: 3-5 he was despised and rejected by mankind a man of suffering and familiar with pain like one from whom people
hide their faces he was despised and we held him in low esteem surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering yet we considered him punished by God stricken by him and Afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed Lord Jesus in agreement with everyone listening We Praise You Lord we adore you and we worship you because you Lord were the one who was hurt you were the one who suffered because of our
sins you you were wounded for our wrongdoing Jesus you endured incredible pain for us and the blood that you shed was for our healing that blood that you shed is for our healing right now Lord I Thank you for the blood I thank you for the blood that you shed King Jesus so that we could be protected so that our families could be protected so that our children and loved ones can be protected Lord Jesus I thank you for the blood that covers Us the precious blood that Shields Us from Evil the Bible says in
1 Corinthians 15 verses 3-4 for I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures Lord Jesus we Rejoice because you have risen from the dead Our Savior has defeated death and we serve a living God we Rejoice that you are all powerful we Rejoice that you are a God who can resurrect and restore Lord Jesus we give you all the glory all the praise and
all the honor I call on your name King Jesus to be our rescue be our Banner of Hope Lord you are the reason why we are more than conquerors you Lord Jesus are the reason why no weapon that is formed against us will prosper you Lord are the reason why we cannot be intimidated by the devil in the name of Jesus we refuse to be oppressed suppressed or depressed by the enemy we believe and declare Psalm 20: 7 it says some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the
Lord Our God some find their strength in their weapons but we we will trust in you King Jesus some will trust in science some will trust in their own wisdom but oh we will only trust in you Lord Jesus Jesus we will boast in your strength and in your might alone your name is above every other name and Lord right now we thank you for hearing this prayer for we speak it in your name and we bless your name yes it's in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus that we pray and we give thanks
amen Jes Jesus died on a cross he did rise again in Victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he set about being obedient to God the Father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the Amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own
cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple so if I may ask you the question when you look at the cross what does the Cross stand for what does it symbolize to you many will say it stands for Jesus Christ and the ultimate sacrifice it stands stand for his death his burial and his resurrection others will say it stands for salvation it stands for eternal life
it stands for love Holiness righteousness forgiveness it represents what Christ came on Earth to do and to give his life for us now since Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the question is what do you stand for do you carry your cross and stand for the love of Jesus Christ do you stand to represent the life of Jesus Christ a life that was marked with righteousness obedience prayer and forgiveness are you carrying your cross you see we need to tr truly examine ourselves
the mouth can so easily profess something but it's in your heart and it's in your actions that the truth is revealed what do you stand for do you stand with a willing heart should God speak to you today would you be willing to sacrifice the most important thing in your life for him when people see you do they see the love of Jesus Christ in you do they look at you and think I want the Peace of this person's life I want the joy that this person has do other people look at you and see
a disciple of Christ your life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross Saints Matthew 10:38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of God is clear regarding this either take up your cross and follow Christ or you are not worthy of him what will your choice be now let us pray dear King Jesus help me to take up my cross and follow you I am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means
that I have you I am willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you Lord I am willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will King Jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as I take up my cross us produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of Love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant Gloom produce in me a tranquil heart a
peaceful heart Proverbs 14:30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but Envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of Envy From Within Me Lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you Lord as I make the decision to follow you and be your disciple Take Me As I Am and begin a good work within me should you see that I don't have self-control or I'm not gentle then I ask that you would help me in that area Lord should you find me not to be longsuffering or impatient then I pray you
would work through me and arrest these negative and ungodly character traits of mine when unbelievers look at me may they see the fruit of Christ in my life instead of endless worry and anxiety things that attack so many people in this world may they see that I stand on the solid rock that is Christ Jesus and in you there is no place for worry or anxiety instead of Pride or arrogance help me to stand for humility to stand for meekness Lord Jesus instead of me being controlled by impulses passions or lust strengthen me and Purify
Me Lord so that I can be able to stand for self-control Let My Life represent who I stand for and that is you Matthew 6:4 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and money I declare that you are my one and only Master you are my leader King Jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and I choose to stand to follow the
Light of Christ I commit to you Lord Jesus and my honest request is that the Holy Spirit would work within my heart and mind so that I will have the kind of commitment that says not my will Lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you Lord Jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility Holy Spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and and desires help me to carry my cross Lord
Jesus your word in Matthew 5:6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father I will be satisfied in you King Jesus I will be nourished by your goodness I glorify Your Name Lord Jes Jesus be blessed and be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name I pray amen and amen Lord Jesus we praise you your word in 2 Corinthians 12:9 says my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in
my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we are grateful that you are with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider instead of the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you we find Mercy in
you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you above Jesus we magnify you above the Troubles of tomorrow tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because of your word father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I
pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and my family fight my battles Lord though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35:1 and said plead my cause oh Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and
so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel for Elijah and even for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind mind against discouraging and depressing
thoughts I reuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion of depression doubt and even despair trying to weaken my faith or steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus is that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would
help me to keep my mind focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen several years ago I worked with a man who had a daughter and unfortunately his little girl became very unwell now in the beginning he had every right to be concerned as a parent especially because the doctors had no idea what was causing her condition she was in and out of the hospital and doctors were doing all kinds of tests for months they did test but
nothing conclusive ever came of it now while all of this was going on this man was so worried he was extremely stressed he would worry thinking what if it was this disease what if something was wrong internally what if he loses his little girl the worry seemed to consume every single moment of the day his every other thought was worry and after I saw the toll that it was taking on him and how it was affecting his head we sat down and I said to him why don't you stop worrying so much when you have
so much to thank God for and you can imagine he looked at me sideways and I told him other than the periods your daughter is feeling unwell she's at school and doing well right at home she's doing what little girls do she's playing with her friends right the doctors have performed so many tests on her but found absolutely nothing yet nothing for months so why are you worrying so much instead of thanking God that she's not been diagnosed with something serious I said to him instead of seeing God strengthening her all you seem to see
is what might happen to her now as it turns out the cause of her illness it was an allergy and once they addressed that she was absolutely fine the Bible says in John 14:1 do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me you see worry my friend it's all about perspective an optimistic man will look at an ambulance and say great help is on the way a worrisome man we'll look at the same ambulance and say oh no someone's dying it's it's all to do with perspective a believer in
faith will pray and say Lord Make This Storm go away but if you've allowed it and it's your will that I should face it then give me the strength to stand this is a perspective that comes with a certain level of maturity but let me tell you a Believer who worries will pray and say God help me what if this storm destroys me what if this storm never ends God how come you're not stopping this so dear listener today you have to decide you have to make a choice how will you handle worry at one
point or another you will face something that could make you worry Jesus said in this world you're going to have trouble you will face some hardship not everything is going to go your way you might have to deal with the trials of sickness tragedy natural or economic disasters and oh yes the devil but here's the thing Jesus said yes you will face troubles in this world but John 16:33 says I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome
the world so regardless of what comes your way regardless of what the thing looks like that's staring you in the face regardless of all the chatter that you hear coming at you from the voice of the enemy never ever let what you see or what you hear make you doubt the god that you serve he assured us trouble will come but he also assured Ed us that he has overcome the world because we are in him we too are Overcomers dear friends this world if you're not careful this world will make you fearful news reports
are constantly filled with stories that spell out fear people are fearful about the economy people are fearful about crime people are fearful about so many things but here's what I'd like to tell you today if you're worried about something there's only one answer and that answer is the word of God if you're fearful the most potent remedy there is is the word of God if you're anxious about anything I mean anything at all the Cure is the word of God all in all as you get to know God's word you get to know God's voice
and as you get to know God's voice you'll come to know that fear and worry are not from God now I'd like to share with you one of my favorite passages of scripture I've read this portion in the Bible over and over again at different stages in my life and let me tell you it has strengthened me I pray that it will strengthen you today as well Luke 12 verses 22-32 then turning to his disciples Jesus said that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food to eat
or enough clothes to wear for life is more than food and your body more than clothing look at the Ravens they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for God feeds them and you are far more valuable to him than any birds can all your worries add a single moment to your life and if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that what's the use of worrying over bigger things look at the lies and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as
beautifully as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith and don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of God above all all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid Little Flock for it gives your father great happiness
to give you the Kingdom so you see friends our Lord has told us not to be anxious about our life this means that we should not allow the things of this life to affect us to the point that we become fearful and filled with worry because we are in the care of an almighty God now friends with this understanding that God cares for us and that he will provide for us let us pray to cast down fear and worry and to trust in our almighty God dear heavenly father when we're faced with life's uncertainties when
we're faced with life's challenges we choose to trust in you Lord when we're faced with situations where the outcome is unknown we stand firm in knowing you and we will trust in you Lord Jesus when we're faced with problems that are out of our control when we're presented with circumstances that look to be bigger than we are then we will look to you we will turn to you we will hold on to your word which says in Psalm 20 may the Lord answer you when you are in distress May the name of the god of
Jacob protect you may he send you help from the sanctuary and Grant you support from Zion may he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings may he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed may we shout for Joy over your Victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God may the Lord grant all your requ Quest now this I know the Lord gives Victory to his anointed he answers him from his Heavenly Sanctuary with the Victorious power of His right hand some trust in chariots
and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord Our God they are brought to their knees and fall but we rise up and stand firm Lord give Victory to the king answer us when we call indeed some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember and Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God the God of all creation the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you are The God Who not only knows our needs but you are well able to provide for us even as we work hard
to provide for our families help us to work diligently while trusting in your guiding hand dear God lord Jesus you've told us in your word not to worry about our lives what we will eat or about what we will wear so instead of obsessing over material possessions instead of worrying about tomorrow we will trust in you we will trust in your word father we're at peace because we're in your hands we are in The Loving Hands of An Almighty God and so may the Holy Spirit help us to prioritize seeking God's business and living according
to your principles as we align our lives with your will may you bless us with peace and joy father we declare right now your word in Psalm 116 verses 1- 2 I love the Lord because he has heard my voice and my suppli ations because he has inclined his ear to me therefore I will call upon him as long as I live and so God we praise you because you are The God Who is intimately involved in all our situations you are The God Who holds us together you keep us from falling apart and father
I pray that you would not let worry consume us don't let anxiety drown us but instead father lift our spirits and fill our hearts with joy God we thank you that you're the first and the last you're the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end there is nothing that will ever come against us that you cannot handle there is no situation that can overpower us because we are in you so father right now we thank you for your protection and we thank you for your peace God we bless your name and we thank
you for listening to our prayer it's in Jesus name amen I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world Luke 4:1 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of
sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this is to pardon our sins and set us free from a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true and Lasting freedom from every unclean Spirit furthermore when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace Colossians
3:15 says and let the peace of Christ rule in your heart to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't have to save up for it all we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our hearts then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love first John 4:1
16 says so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to grace and mercy and eternal life through Jesus Christ if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to freedom and Liberty when Jesus comes into your life there is
no more oppression there is no more captivity there is only salvation there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love love God to those who are the called according to his purpose trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be forced to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior
in Jesus Christ we have a miracle work in God and he will make a way when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't
look for the strongest among us to demonstrate his power that would be too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strongest among us then we could essentially rationalize the law and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to do his work many of us would take God out of the equation and say well that person was always an outstanding and gifted individual the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God
chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong this means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not like our ways your biggest challenge can be used by the Lord to usher in your biggest breakthrough and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to be the very thing that catapulted him into
his God ordained Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood the disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can so often be the cause of us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappointment you feel now will work together for your good and
so be encouraged you may not see it now it may not make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters trust God to make a way when there seems to be no way because ultimately ly he is in control and your life is in his Loving Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are
there is peace there is Joy there is life we invite you Lord to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be no captivity there can be no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you freely offered yourself to die on a cross all because you loved us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives blessings cannot help but flow from you you are the object
of our affection you demand our attention and our reverence and so we bow down to you not can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm 16:1 says you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our lives need
for so long this world has rejected you and turned away from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word when which says in Ephesians 2: 19-21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a ho temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief Cornerstone of our
lives and we worship you and choose to obey you alone come into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty way cast out all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and unity into our families heal every heart that is Longing For
Love Today Lord Jesus we need you there is power in your name when you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can M Lord I pray that you may do a new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the door of our hearts and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life whatever your your will is may I
be a servant that is available for your use may your glory be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirits to tap into the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us May may he minister to us may he counsel and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in Jesus name I pray amen our dear heavenly father all glory belongs to you
all the honor belongs to you and Lord I'm praying at this time because I need you Lord we need you we need your love and we need your grace Lord help us to serve For Your Glory Master help us to take up our cross daily and forsake the pleasures of this world master let our hearts be filled with the fear of the Lord so that we can pursue you above all else we need you King Jesus we're looking to you for direction we're looking to you for counsel we refuse to lean on our own understanding
because we rather choose to lean on you father in all that we do give us an attitude of humility give us a servant's heart may I decrease as the glory of the Lord increases and may the name of Jesus be lifted Higher and Higher by the things I say and the things I do Lord your word says in Psalm 34:2 my soul shall make its boast in the Lord The Humble shall hear of it and be glad father teach me to boast in you and you alone help me to not boast in the talents and
gifts that you've given me but instead I pray that my soul boasts only in you King Jesus in my weakness I will boast of your strength in my difficulty I will boast of your saving power in my lack I will boast of your provision father in all I do I will continually boast only in you not in people not in my ability or resources but only in you my God your word says in First Corinthians 15:58 therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm letting nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of
the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain I pray that you would indeed help us to always be steadfast to always be immovable in you to always be abounding in the work of the Lord father let everything I do be for your glory and not my own help me to do good works not to be seen by others but to please you Lord and to bring Glory To Your Name Lord I just want to point others to your goodness and father I ask for your your forgiveness If Ever
I have sought after the approval of man above your approval although my sinful nature May at times crave the admiration of others the Applause of others father teach me to crucify the Flesh and humble myself Lord you deserve the highest praise and I thank you right now for hearing this prayer and in Jesus name we pray and we thank you amen when we encounter tough times let us not be so overwhelmed to the point where we feel hopeless and discouraged let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to
Jesus Christ run to the one who has overcome the world the one who is our refuge and strength the one who tells us to call upon him in the day of trouble the one who rescues us the one who heals all our wounds and diseases in this present day we often find ourselves in situations where our faith is put to the test and we must decide how we will respond but here's what the Bible says in 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had
to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed no matter what your hardship might be be strong in faith don't allow yourself to be moved because as soon as you let go of God's sure promises you are bound to get swept up into the madness of this world Jesus Christ is our only sure Foundation he is our steadfast anchor the Bible says in
Hebrews 11:1 now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see faith is necessary for every believer because it's only when you have faith that you can please God now let me ask you do you really have faith or do you rely on your own judgment your reasoning or what your eyes can see are you living by faith are you walking by faith when you think about some of the Heroes of Faith in the Bible and all of the trials they went through you'll see that they had one
thing in common they kept believing in God they had unwavering trust in the Lord and they were strong in faith and let me tell you something it takes Faith to follow Jesus Christ it takes Faith to continue pushing and standing for the gospel by faith the walls of Jericho fell down by faith Paul and Silas were beaten chained up and imprisoned but they still praised God the three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar all because they had such strong faith these are all great examples of people who stood their ground and trusted
in the Lord even when all the odds were against them their faith was not shaken their faith was not broken because they knew that the god whom they served is bigger greater and more powerful than anything or anyone else who they could come up against all these people were pushed to pray because of the trials they went through and the obstacles they faced let us be encouraged to do the same let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven
enter will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him now let us pray great is your faithfulness father be blessed and lifted High lord it's because of you that we can and we will overcome every challenge it's because of you that we can be victorious and so we thank you Lord we surrender our battles to you we surrender every struggle into your hands God we surrender everything that comes to frustrate us or pull us backwards we surrender it into your
hands every enemy is already defeated in jesus' name any Spirit any giant or stronghold I bring it down in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord I pray for every soul that is under the sound of my voice I pray for everyone who is listening and in the need of help may you see them through every challenge they are facing I pray that your hand would mercifully lift them up from the situation they face today I pray that you would rescue them King Jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way in
your word you have promised to take every heavy load we carry and to take all of our burdens and so we surrender all Lord Jesus we surrender all that weighs us down Shine Your Light in our situation King Jesus may your voice calm the storm we Face may your voice be the ruling authority over all of our Affairs the Bible says in psalm 29:4 the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is majestic your voice is indeed powerful your voice brings healing your voice brings restoration your voice brings Victory and so
Lord we pray that our hearts and ears would be open so that we can hear from you Lord we believe your word to be true because in your word we are assured of Total Restoration thank you for giving us hope and strength for tomorrow I praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep our minds in perfect peace Lord as we fight the good fight each and every day May the highest praise be given unto you you are a good and faithful God for each and
every person listening I pray that you would Shine Your holy presence in our lives Shine Your Light Upon Us in this world of Darkness help us to be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the Holy Spirit give us hearts and ears that listen 1 John 5:4 says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith father help us to live a life that is pleasing in your sight help us to live life as you intended for us a life where we live by
faith and not by sight and Lord should you find my faith to be weak may you strengthen me Lord you deserve all praise for your Tender Mercies and kindness give us the grace to overcome the troubles that we may face in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we give you praise and we thank you for the perfect work that you accomplished on the cross Lord you hung on that cross for our sins you were blameless yet our sins were nailed on that cross with you Lord Jesus how could we ever thank you enough words
fail me there are no words to thank you King Jesus for that price that you paid on the cross for me the Bible says in Isaiah 53 veres 3-5 he was despised and rejected by mankind a man of suffering and familiar with pain like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised and we held him in low esteem surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering yet we considered him punished by God stricken by him and Afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment
that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed Lord Jesus in agreement with everyone listening We Praise You Lord we adore you and we worship you because you Lord were the one who was hurt you were the one who suffered because of our sins you were wounded for our wrongdoing Jesus you endured incredible pain for us and the blood that you shed was for our healing that blood that you shed is for our healing right now Lord I thank you for the blood I thank you for the blood that you
shed King Jesus so that we could be protected so that our families can be protected so that our children and loved ones can be protected Lord Jesus I thank you for the blood that covers Us the precious blood that Shields Us from Evil the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15: 3 3- 4 for I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures Lord Jesus we Rejoice
because you have risen from the dead Our Savior has defeated death and we serve a living God we Rejoice that you are all powerful we Rejoice that you are a God who can resurrect and restore Lord Jesus we give you all the glory all the praise and all the honor I call on your name King Jesus to be our rescue be our Banner of Hope Lord you are the reason why we are more than conquerors you Lord Jesus are the reason why no weapon that is formed against us will prosper you Lord are the reason
why we cannot be intimidated by the devil in the name of Jesus we refuse to be oppressed suppressed or depressed by the enemy we believe and declare Psalm 20 verse 7 it says some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord Our God some find their strength in their weapons but but we we will trust in you King Jesus some will trust in science some will trust in their own wisdom but oh we will only trust in you Lord Jesus we will boast in your strength and in
your might alone your name is above every other name and Lord right now we thank you for hearing this prayer for we speak it in your name and we bless your name yes it's in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus that we pray and we give thanks amen Jesus died on a cross he did rise again in Victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he set about being
obedient to God the Father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the Amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple so if I may ask you the question when you look at
the cross what does the Cross stand for what does it symbolize to you many will say it stands for Jesus Christ and the ultimate sacrifice it stands for his death his burial and his resurrection others will say it stands for salvation it stands for eternal life it stands for love Holiness righteousness forgiveness it represents what Christ came on Earth to do and to give his life for us now since Luke 14: 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the question is what do you stand for
do you carry your cross and stand for the love of Jesus Christ do you stand to represent the life of Jesus Christ a life that was marked with righteousness obedience prayer and forgiveness are you carrying your cross you see we need to truly examine ourselves the mouth can so easily profess something but it's in your heart and it's in your actions that the truth is revealed what do you stand for do you stand with a willing heart should God God speak to you today would you be willing to sacrifice the most important thing in your
life for him when people see you do they see the love of Jesus Christ in you do they look at you and think I want the Peace of this person's life I want the joy that this person has do other people look at you and see a disciple of Christ you're life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross Saints Matthew 10:38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of God is clear regarding this either take
up your cross and follow Christ or you are not worthy of him what will your choice be now let us pray dear King Jesus help me to take up my cross and follow you I am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that I have you I am willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you Lord I am willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambition s if they take me away from your will King Jesus there is nothing more important in my life
than you father and so as I take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of Love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement in constant Gloom produce in me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart Proverbs 14:30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but Envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of Envy From Within Me Lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you Lord as I make the decision to follow you and be your disciple Take Me
As I Am and begin a good work within me should you see that I don't have self-control or I'm not gentle then I ask that you would help me in that area Lord should you find me not to be longsuffering or impatient then I pray you would work through me and arrest these negative and ungodly character traits of mine when unbelievers look at me may they see the fruit of Christ in my life instead of endless worry and anxiety things that attack so many people in this world may they see that I stand on the
solid rock that is Christ Jesus and in you there is no place for worry or anxiety instead of Pride or arrogance help me to stand for humility to stand for meekness Lord Jesus instead of me being controlled by impulses passions or lust strengthen me and Purify Me Lord so that I can be able to stand for self-control Let My Life represent who I stand for and that is you Matthew 6:4 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and
despise the other you cannot serve God and money I declare that you are my one and only Master you are my leader King Jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and I choose to stand to follow the light of Christ I commit to you Lord Jesus and my honest request is that the Holy Spirit would work within my heart and mind so that I will have the kind of commitment that says not my will Lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and
my feelings but it's all about you Lord Jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility Holy Spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross Lord Jesus your word in Matthew 5:6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall shall be satisfied in you father I will be satisfied in you King Jesus I will be nourished by your goodness I glorify Your Name Lord Jesus be blessed and be glorified I thank
you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen and amen Lord Jesus we pray you your word in 2 Corinthians 12:9 says my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we are grateful that you are with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness
we choose to focus on the provider instead of the lack we choose to focus on the way maker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you we we find Mercy in you we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you above Jesus we magnify you above the Troubles of Tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because of your word father we
sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and my family fight my battles Lord though the adversary prows around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour I confess that I will be kept safe by the blood of Jesus Christ God will intervene in my circumstances God will
take away the worry and give me peace in my heart may you intervene in my Affairs and show your might David cried in Psalm 35 verse1 and said plead my cause oh Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me and so today I too will call upon the name of the Lord so that he may plead my cause I will call on the name of the Lord when I need divine intervention I will ask you my Father in heaven to step in just as you did for Daniel for Elijah
and even for Elisha we invite you Lord Jesus to move in a mighty way move in a mighty way in our lives Lord clear every trap that the devil has hidden in my path I pray that you would guard my mind against discouraging and depressing thoughts I reuke all thoughts of worry and anxiety about what tomorrow holds about what the future may hold instead I choose to have peace because I will have faith in you Lord and when the enemy throws darts of confusion of depression doubt and even despair trying to weaken my faith or
steal my joy I pray Lord Jesus that you will protect my mind with the helmet of salvation even in this present moment if I do struggle to live with the uncertainty of this world and all that is going on I pray that you would help me to keep my mind focused focused on you I bless your holy name and I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen several years ago I worked with a man who had a daughter and unfortunately his little girl became very unwell now
in the beginning he had every right to be concerned as a parent especially because the doctors had no idea what was causing her condition she was in and out of the hospital and doctors were doing all kinds of tests for months they did test but nothing conclusive ever came of it now while all of this was going on this man was so worried he was extremely stressed he would worry thinking what if it was this disease what if something was wrong internally what if he loses his little girl the worry seemed to consume every single
moment of the day his every other thought was worry and after I saw the toll that it was taking on him and how it was affecting his health we sat down and I said to him why don't you stop worrying so much when you have so much to thank God for and you can imagine he looked at me sideways and I told him other than the periods your daughter is feeling unwell she's at school and doing well right at home she's doing what little girls do she's playing with her friends right the doctors have performed
so many tests on her but found absolutely nothing yet nothing for months so why are you worrying so much instead of thanking God that she's not been diagnosed with something serious I said to him instead of seeing God strengthening her all you seem to see is is what might happen to her now as it turns out the cause of her illness it was an allergy and once they addressed that she was absolutely fine the Bible says in John 14 verse1 do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me you
see worry my friend it's all about perspective an optimistic man will look at an ambulance and say great help is on the way a worrisome man will look at the same ambulance and say oh no someone's dying it's all to do with perspective a believer in faith will pray and say Lord Make This Storm go away but if you've allowed it and it's your will that I should face it then give me the strength to stand this is a perspective that comes with a certain level of maturity but let me tell you a Believer who
worries will pray and say God help me what if this storm destroys me what if this storm never ends God how come you're not stopping this so dear listener today you have to decide you have to make a choice how will you handle worry at one point or another you will face something that could make you worry Jesus said in this world you're going to have trouble you will face some hardship not everything is going to go your way you might have to deal with the trials of sickness tragedy natural or economic disasters and oh
yes the devil but here's the thing Jesus said yes you will face troubles in this world but John 16:33 say I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world so regardless of what comes your way regardless of what the thing looks like that's staring you in the face regardless of all the chatter that you hear coming at you from the voice of the enemy never forever let what you see or what you hear make you doubt
the god that you serve he assured us trouble will come but he also assured us that he has overcome the world because we are in him we too are Overcomers dear friends this world if you're not careful this world will make you fearful news reports are constantly filled with stories that spell out fear people are fearful about the economy people are fearful about crime people are fearful about so many things but here's what I'd like to tell you today if you're worried about something there's only one answer and that answer is the word of God
if you're fearful the most potent remedy there is is the word of God if you're anxious about anything I mean anything at all the Cure is the word of God all in all as you get to know God's word you get to know God's voice and as you get to know God's voice you'll come to know that fear and worry are not from God now I'd like to share with you one of my favorite passages of scripture I've read this portion in the Bible over and over again at different stages in my life and let
me tell you it has strengthened me I pray that it will strengthen you today as well Luke 12: 22-32 then turning to his disciples Jesus said that is why I tell you not to worry about everything everyday life whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear for life is more than food and your body more than clothing look at the Ravens they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for God feeds them and you are far more valuable to him than any birds can all your worries add a single
moment to your life and if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that what's the use of worrying over bigger things look at the lies and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith and don't be concerned about what to eat and what what to drink don't worry about such things
these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of God above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid Little Flock for it gives your father great happiness to give you the Kingdom so you see friends our Lord has told us not to be anxious about our life this means that we should not allow the things of this life to affect us to the point that we become fearful and filled with worry because we are in the care
of an almighty God now friends with this understanding that God cares for us and that he will provide for us let us pray to cast down fear and worry and to trust in our almighty God dear heavenly father when we're faced with life's uncertainties when we're faced with life's challenges we choose to trust in you Lord when we're faced with situations where the outcome is unknown we stand firm in knowing you and we will trust in you Lord Jesus when we're faced with problems that are out of our control when we're presented with circumstances that
look to be bigger than we are then we will look to you we will turn to you we will hold on to your word which says in Psalm 20 may the Lord answer you when you are in distress May the name of the god of Jacob protect you may he send you help from the sanctuary and Grant you support from Zion may he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings may he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed may we shout for Joy over your Victory and lift
up our banners in the name of our God may the Lord grant all your request now this I know the Lord gives Victory to his anointed he answers him from his Heavenly Sanctuary with a Victorious power of His right hand some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord Our God they are brought to their knees and fall but we rise up and stand firm Lord give Victory to the king answer us when we call indeed some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember
and Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God the God of all creation the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you are The God Who not only knows our needs but you are well able to provide for us even as we work hard to provide for our families help us to work diligently while trusting in your guiding hand dear God lord Jesus you've told us in your word not to worry about our lives what we will eat or about what we will wear so instead of obsessing over material possessions instead of worrying about tomorrow
we will trust in you we will trust in your word father we're at peace because we're in your hands we are in The Loving Hands of An Almighty God and so may the Holy Spirit help us to prioritize seeking God's business and living according to your principles as we align our lives with your will may you bless us with peace and joy father we declare right now your word in Psalm 116 veres 1 through2 I love the Lord because he has heard my voice and my supplications because he has inclined his ear to me therefore
I will call upon him as long as I live and so God we praise you because you are The God Who is intimately involved in all our our situations you are The God Who holds us together you keep us from falling apart and father I pray that you would not let worry consume us don't let anxiety drown us but instead father lift our spirits and fill our hearts with joy God we thank you that you're the first and the last you're the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end there is nothing that will
ever come against us that you cannot handle there is no situation that can overpower us because we are in you so father right now we thank you for your protection and we thank you for your peace God we bless your name and we thank you for listening to our prayer it's in Jesus name amen I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world Luke 4:1 17-19 says and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to
him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at Liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor now I want you to notice what Jesus Christ brings good news to the poor this is what leads us to Salvation he comes to Proclaim Liberty to the captives this is to Pardon
our sins and set us free from a guilty verdict he also comes to set at Liberty those who are oppressed this is to give us true and Lasting freedom from every unclean spirit it furthermore when Jesus Christ comes into your life he brings peace Colossians 3:15 says and Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body and be thankful now because of the heavy price that was paid on the cross we don't have to labor for our own salvation we don't have to earn it we don't
have to save up for it all we need to do is to receive Jesus Christ it's to receive him in our hearts then and only then can peace rule our minds and finally I'd like to tell you that Jesus Christ brings love 1 John 4:16 says so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him it was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross and it's because of love that we have access to
grace and mercy and eternal life through Jesus Christ if you you have a personal relationship with Jesus you have access to all these things you have access to peace Beyond understanding you've got access to freedom and liberty when Jesus comes into your life there is no more oppression there is no more captivity there is only salvation there is life and there is freedom from sin we should be encouraged by the word of the Lord which says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those
who are the called according to his purpose trials and problems will come at one point or another we will be forced to fight battles that we'd rather not we will come across challenges that we may not want to face however we have a savior in Jesus Christ we have a miracle work in God and he will make a way when there seems to be no way humans love to be able to measure we love predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work out that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory
in life is all about our capability our credentials and our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look for the strongest among us to to demonstrate his power that would be too simple for him too predictable if God were only to use the strongest among us then we could essentially rationalize the Lord and Rob him of his glory if God were to only use the strongest among us to
do his work many of us would take God out of the equation and say well that person was always an outstanding and gifted individual ual the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong this means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong his ways are not
like our ways your biggest challenge can be used by the Lord to usher in your biggest breakthrough and blessing ask Joseph the worst thing that could have happened to him being betrayed by his own Brothers turned out to be the very thing that catapulted him into his God ordained Destiny ask the woman with the issue of blood the disease that had taken so much from her a disease that robbed her of her friends her wealth and dignity that same disease is what led her to experience the miraculous healing power of the master our weaknesses can
so often be the cause of us experiencing the power of God God has promised us in his word that all things will work together for our good if we love him that means the pain and disappointment you feel now will work together for your good and so be encouraged you may not see it now it may not make sense right now however trust the Lord to lead you trust him to make you lie down in Green Pastures trust him to lead you to Still Waters trust God to make a way when there seems to be
no way because ultimately he is in control and your life is in his Loving [Music] Hands now let us pray Heavenly Father you are the author of all things things that are good everything that is pure everything that is righteous is you Lord Jesus wherever you are there is peace there is Joy there is life we invite you Lord to come into our hearts and into our homes because where your presence is there can be no captivity there can be no no oppression there is only Liberty and freedom in you thank you Father because you
freely offered yourself to die on a cross All Because You Loved Us and now we praise you Lord because all authority has been given to you whatever you say will come to pass whenever you enter our lives blessings cannot help but flow flow from you you are the object of our affection you demand our attention and our reverence and so we bow down to you none can stand against your will Lord Jesus you are able to accomplish all that you set out to do your power and your goodness cannot be questioned Psalm chap 16:1 says
you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more father we invite your presence to invade our lives your presence is what my soul Longs for your presence is the very thing that our lives need for so long this world has rejected you and turned away from you and put their faith in worthless things however we as your children stand on your word which says in Ephesians chap 2 verse 19 to 21 so then you are no longer strangers and Aliens
but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy Temple in the Lord Lord Jesus you are the Chief Cornerstone of our lives and we worship you and choose to obey you alone come into our lives come into our homes come into our minds and bring restoration and peace and love in each of our hearts Lord displace every unclean thought drive out every cloud of
Darkness with your radiant light come and sweep our lives in a mighty way cast out all fear and every negative pattern of thinking at your voice demons tremble and flee because you hold all authority father move into our homes bring peace and unity into our families heal every heart that is Longing For Love Today Lord Jesus we need you there is power in your name when you speak chaos turns into order darkness turns into light evil is conquered and righteousness prevails in your presence nothing Unholy can remain Lord I pray that you may do a
new thing in our lives and even now you stand at the door of our heart and knock so help us to answer your call and to soften our hearts may you show up in a mighty way exercise your Sovereign rule over every part of my life whatever your will is may I be a servant that is available for your use may your glory be known to us in our families and even in our communities awaken our spirits to tap into to the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit within us father make us aware of your
presence daily and may the Holy Spirit speak to us may he minister to us may he counil and guide us each and every day I bless your holy name and I thank you for listening to this prayer in jesus' name I pray amen our dear heavenly father all glory belongs to you all the honor belongs to you and Lord I'm praying at this time because I need you Lord we need you we need your love and we need your grace Lord help us to serve For Your Glory master help us to take up our cross
daily and forsake the pleasures of this world master let our hearts be filled with the fear of the Lord so that we can pursue you above all else we need you King Jesus we're looking to you for direction we're looking to you for counsel we refuse to lean on our own understanding because we rather choose to lean on you father in all that we do give us an attitude of humility give us a servant's heart may I decrease as the glory of the Lord increases and may the name of Jesus be lifted Higher and Higher
by the things I say and the things I do Lord your word says in Psalm 34:2 my soul shall make its boast in the Lord Lord The Humble shall hear of it and be glad father teach me to boast in you and you alone help me to not boast in the talents and gifts that you've given me but instead I pray that my soul boasts only in you King Jesus in my weakness I will boast of your strength in my difficulty I will boast of your saving power in my lack I will boast of your
provision father in all I do I will continually boast only in you not in people not in my ability or resources but only in you my God your word says in 1 Corinthians 15:58 therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm letting nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain I pray that you would indeed help us to always be steadfast to always be immovable in you to always be abounding in the work of the Lord father let
everything I do be for your glory and not my own help me to do good works not to be SI by others but to please you Lord and to bring Glory To Your Name Lord I just want to point others to your goodness and father I ask for your forgiveness If Ever I have sought after the approval of man above your approval although my sinful nature May at times crave the admiration of others the Applause of others father teach teach me to crucify the Flesh and humble myself Lord you deserve the highest praise and I
thank you right now for hearing this prayer in Jesus name we pray and we thank you amen when we encounter tough times let us not be so overwhelmed to the point where we feel hopeless and discouraged let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ run to the one who has overcome the world the one who is our refuge and strength the one who tells us to call upon him in the day of trouble the one who rescues us the one who heals all our wounds and
diseases in this present day we often find ourselves in situations where our faith is put to the test and we must decide how we will respond but here's what the Bible says in 1 Peter 1 ver 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that to proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed no matter
what your hardship might be be strong in faith don't allow yourself to be moved because as soon as you let go of God's sure promises you are bound to get swept up into the madness of this world Jesus Christ is our only sure Foundation he is our steadfast anchor the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1 now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see faith is necessary for every believer because it's only when you have faith that you can please God now let me ask you do you really
have faith or do you rely on your own judgment your reasoning or what your eyes can see are are you living by faith are you walking by faith when you think about some of the Heroes of Faith in the Bible and all of the trials they went through you'll see that they had one thing in common they kept believing in God they had unwavering trust in the Lord and they were strong in faith and let me tell you something it takes Faith to follow Jesus Christ it takes Faith to continue pushing and standing for the
gospel by faith the walls of Jericho fell down by faith Paul and Silas were beaten chained up and imprisoned but they still praised God the three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar all because they had such strong faith these are all great examples of people who stood their ground and trusted in the Lord even when all the odds were against them their faith was not shaken their faith was not broken because they knew that the god whom they served is bigger greater and more powerful than anything or anyone else who they could
come up against all these people were pushed to pray because of the trials they went through and the obstacles they faced let us be encouraged to do the same name let us not run away from our problems but instead run to him let's run to Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him now let us pray great is your faithfulness father be blessed and lifted High lord it's
because of you that we can and we will overcome every challenge it's because of you that we can be Victorious and so we thank you Lord we surrender our battles to you we surrender every struggle into your hands God we surrender everything that comes to frustrate us or pull us backwards we surrender it into your hands every enemy is already defeated in jesus' name any Spirit any giant or stronghold I bring it down in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord I pray for every soul that is under the sound of my voice I pray
for everyone who is listening and in the need of help may you see them through every challenge they are facing I pray that your hand would mer mercifully lift them up from the situation they face today I pray that you would rescue them King Jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way in your word you have promised to take every heavy load we carry and to take all of our burdens and so we surrender all Lord Jesus we surrender all that weighs us down Shine Your Light in our situation King Jesus
may your voice calm the storm we Face may your voice be the ruling authority over all of our Affairs the Bible says in Psalm 29:4 the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is majestic your voice is indeed powerful your voice brings healing your voice brings restoration your voice brings victory and so Lord we pray that our hearts and ears would be open so that we can hear from you Lord we believe your word to be true because in your word we are assured of Total Restoration thank you for giving us
hope and strength for tomorrow I praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep our minds in perfect peace Lord as we fight the good fight each and every day May the highest praise be given unto you you are a good and faithful God for each and every person listening I pray that you would Shine Your holy presence in our lives Shine Your Light Upon Us in this world of Darkness help us to be sensitive to the voice and counsel of the Holy Spirit give us
heart and ears that listen 1 John 5:4 says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith father help us to live a life that is pleasing in your sight help us to live life as you intended for us a life where we live by faith and not by sight and Lord should you find my faith to be weak may you strengthen me Lord you deserve all praise for your Tender Mercies and kindness give us the grace to overcome the troubles that we may
face in jesus' name I pray amen Lord Jesus we give you praise and we thank you for the perfect work that you accomplished on the cross Lord you hung on that cross for our sins you were blameless yet our sins were nailed on that cross with you Lord Jesus how could we ever thank you enough words fail me there are no words to thank you King Jesus for that price that you paid on the cross for me the Bible says in Isaiah 53 verses 3-5 he was despised and rejected by mankind a man of suffering
and familiar with pain like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised and we held him in low esteem surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering yet we considered him punished by God stricken by him and Afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed Lord Jesus in agreement with everyone listening We Praise You Lord we adore you and we worship you because you Lord were the one who was hurt
you were the one who suffered because of our sins you were wounded for our wrongdoing Jesus you endured incredible pain for us and the blood that you shed was for our healing that blood that you shed is for our healing right now Lord I Thank you for the blood I thank you for the blood that you shed King Jesus so that we could be protected so that our families could be protected so that our children and loved ones can be protected Lord Jesus I thank you for the blood that covers Us the precious blood that
Shields Us from Evil the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 for I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day in a ordance with the scriptures Lord Jesus we Rejoice because you have risen from the dead Our Savior has defeated death and we serve a living God we Rejoice that you are all powerful we Rejoice that you are a God who can resurrect and restore Lord Jesus we give you
all the glory all the praise and all the honor I call on your name King Jesus to be our rescue be our Banner of Hope Lord you are the reason why we are more than conquerors you Lord Jesus are the reason why no weapon that is formed against us will prosper you Lord are the reason why we cannot be intimidated by the devil in the name of Jesus we refuse to be oppressed suppressed or depressed by the enemy we believe and declare Psalm 20: 7 it says some trust in chariots and some in horses but
we trust in the name of the Lord Our God some find their strength and their weapons but we we will trust in you King Jesus some will trust in science some will trust in their own wisdom but oh we will only trust in you Lord Jesus we will boast in your strength and in your might alone your name is above every other name and Lord right now we thank you for hearing this prayer for we speak it in your name and we bless your name yes it's in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus that
we pray and we give thanks amen [Music]
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