guys we have to talk I'm going to give you the full sauce of what I'm doing with my portfolio my portfolio is doing great I respect your time let's not waste any of it let's Jump Right In And I want to talk about Palance here okay the first stock paler is back up to $70 per share you can see my Holdings right now on the screen I have a lot of my stocks doing just a my portfolio is at 4133 I have had not had much of a pullback at all and as I said we're
business as usual let's talk about pal here let's talk about Tesla let's talk about AMD let's talk about my Holdings and what positions you have to take where you have to add what covered calls you have to do all right so basically palent is currently trading above its 50-day moving average reserves as a key support level around $65 per share and as you know it just like that we went from 65 to 70 so we have fantastic support and all the animal spirits and the emotions even though there's a lot of that in the market
right now paler has fallen kind of like a falling knife but I recommend purchasing Palante here for the longterm because I'm a long-term passive income long-term investor shortterm doesn't matter to me so you guys can get out of here if you want to do the short-term stuff not interesting okay I'm interested in making long-term wealth type of wealth to set you free from your 9 to5 to to have freedom to have retirement that short-term stuff go go to the day trading guys go go to them all right paler is down because of animal spirits and
because it has high beta I've said that let me give you some new information the new information is there was an overaction in the market the market overreacted they got hot like like hot like you know Hot Cakes okay here's the fact though what you need to do this week if you want to play it smart palen here is revolutionizing industries by unlocking power of big data analytics and AI making it's indispensable it's indispensable to the government and last time I checked government makes a lot of money and spends a lot of money and that's
going to go to Palante here's pockets all right it's as simple as that paler AI Big Data these are the trends that you got to be invested in 2025 if you want to make a ton of dough you know a ton of dough you're going to have like a wheelbarrow of cash be in AI I'm telling you it's a simple that people don't believe me 20202 all right watch the company let me read some of my notes all right the companies kind of get software such as Gotham and Foundry two things that I've been talking
about for a very long time it is unmatched because once it integrates into a company there's no getting out okay once they integrate they analyze the data they give insights to managers this information helps companies make better decisions or government better decisions once paler is installed that's it it's not getting uninstalled because the implementation cost is super freaking High it is so high why would you spend a100 billion do for example on a contract and then get rid of that company there's no plan B there's only plan a with paler when companies go with paler
I'm telling you there's no plan B once you get paler installed it's game over so the stock pulling back doesn't really change long-term opportunity at all it almost gets hilarious for me to make another P your video because if you're not selling puts you're just missing out okay sell $60 puts on pound here for March traditional expiration which is the third Friday expiration you can also go for 65 you more aggressive guys that want entry into paler and you guys realize that the pullback right now is just a shortterm little bump in the road go
for 65 cell puts for February 21st expiration it has massive support absolutely massive support and the partnership um that they have the government agencies the defense organizations position pan as a critical player in National Security and global stability you know like it or not guys I don't like War I don't like to see what's going on with Russia Ukraine I don't like to see what's up with the Israel and Palestine and all that Middle East stuff by the way they had a they had a peace agreement recently with with with Trump coming into office you
see what Trump's doing already telling you it's going to be a bullsh year because Republicans are pretty good for the market better than Democrats in many ways not that I have a side I don't really care I think Democrats and Republicans are on the same side they have a boss above them that's all making money from our attention doctors don't want you to get you know healthy the system is all about money all right I'm just trying to teach you how to make money don't shoot the messenger all right I'm just telling you War unfortunately
governments treat people in a way to make money off of them all right that's how the healthare system works that's how the stock market works if you want to make money look at the money flow the money flow very clear War Healthcare uh the consumer is getting a little bit weak we'll talk about that stuff a little bit later on this video but look government makes money on people so you might as well make money back it's as simple as that government makes money you make money back invest in what the government is making money
on you all right so big big one there is going to be paler I think we already talked enough about paler so let's move on and talk about Sofi Sofi F it's under $15 per share I don't have Sofi in this portfolio I have in my other portfolio but let's pull up Sofi and I'll tell you the coverage strangle position that I'm going to be that I am running okay what is a coverage triangle okay this is an option strategy an option strategy that coverage triangle is selling puts and selling covered calls on the same
stock Sofi is at 1657 as you can see on the screen sell 16 puts sell 17 covered calls a covered call the name covered is because you have a 100 shares so it's a covered call so 6 16 cell put 17 covered call print money on Sofi why well a lot of you guys doubted me Sofi fell I got all these comments my comment section turned into all negativity Henry's doesn't know what the heck he's doing uh you know I have one year of experience Henry has 11 but Henry's a he's an idiot unsubscribed that's
fine I don't mind people unsubscribing that are short-term minded they weren't real subscribers to begin with but you actual subscribers you know what's up when stock pulls down and it's a high quality long-term stock I buy more I buy hand over fist bicep over tricep all right that's how it is you guys are making fun of me when the market pulled back I'm GNA make fun of you right now if you sold any stocks I'm sorry you made the wrong decision and the stock market is business as usual we are going up in 2025 you
don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that if you're going to jump in and out of stocks you're going to get bad results because the more action you take the the worse results you get the less action you take the less decisions but smarter decisions make you the money Jeff bezos's wakes up you know what he says my job is to make one high quality decision per day one of the richest men in the world makes one high quality decision per day why you think Mark Zuckerberg wears the same thing every single day
Bill Gates does the same thing right because they want to keep their mind fresh to make one high quality decision per day that's why in my Discord Community I'm not all over over the place I'm trading a specific set of stocks and I'm making more money than everyone else by doing less than everyone else because that's how life works all right you have the 8020 rule you do you know 20% of the results get 80% sorry 20% of the actions get 80% of the results so f it pulled down people lost confidence the real people
that understand why I'm holding it in my Discord I talk about why I'm holding it I spend a lot of time going over my portfolio Mondays and Wednesdays this stock is fantastic and Sofi specifically look banks are dinosaurs making Sofi an obvious play for disruption you guys know Kathy Wood Kathy Wood runs famous AR invest right A lot of people look at her what plays is she making why it's because investing in disruptive innovation is where the money is at all right the money is at disruptive innovation because listen when you disrupt something like a
dinosaur like where I used to work at Goldman Sachs when you come in and you take the old money money and make it into new money there's a lot of money to be made because these old processes they're not as attractive right all the new generation of younger folks right then where the new money is going to be going right because people are dying and that money that there's like a transfer of wealth right inheritance and so on and so forth there's a lot of money being inher herited in America right where is that money
going to go well it's not going to go to the dinosaurs of Goldman Sachs and and these old places it's going to go to new fintech companies fin Tech there's a reason Tech has performed extremely well in 2024 in January I had a webinar I told everyone just buy Mag 7 and my prediction of Mag s I'll perform the market by two or three times right I didn't look at the exact but you it's pretty obvious I said Mac 7 which is Tesla Nvidia Etc look I think Sofi is a $25 stock in 12 months
maybe a $30 stock we may see up to 100% return and that's going to happen in 12 just to be conservative 24 months okay that's how I look at things I look at 12 to 24 months I'm looking to sell options for good entry I'm looking to do covered calls to generate income I'm looking to scale clients portfolios from 100K to 500k 500k to seven figures and beyond all right that's a simple process that's the financial formula that I'm going after and soof far reported positive net income all right looking at my uh research here
for four quarters now and profitability is expected to continue to improve at this point so net income was $61 million in the third quarter up from a 267 million loss boss last year you know how insane know how insane that is all right I know some people say oh is Henry on drugs no you're mistaking my normal energy for most people's low energy I just enjoy making these videos I enjoy putting money in your guys' pockets that's why I'm excited look Sofi has a strong support at $15 per share very strong we just bounced we
bounced like a rabbit right we're like bouncing like a little bunny all right we we're going from 15 to over 16 like like this like it's nobody's business all right why it's because as soon as Sofi went below 15 it was too cheap it was stupid cheap all right it was stupid cheap so Sofi is a really good covered call at $16 for February 21st I got to have fun in these videos guys I've been at it for so many years I want to have fun as well when I make these videos right listen let's
go to the next stock AMD AMD I know it's hitting alltime lows I know people are in pain but listen you're going to thank me later all right let's go to AMD right now and when a stock hits lower lows it's okay don't worry about it all right the stock market's price doesn't matter it's just in the opinion in the short term only thing that matters is are you getting in at a price today that's going to be much higher in the future okay if I said that correctly if a stock is like AMD is
going to be 175 in let's say September mber October or what even next year who cares right we're not here to do short-term stuff and today you pay 121 or 131 or 127 and a half look it doesn't really matter $5 here and there is not that big of a deal buy a company that has strong fundamental buy a company that has a strong Trend it didn't matter where you bought Amazon five years ago okay because Amazon went up because online shopping everyone's lazy bums who sits at home and wants to order a bunch of
Amazon packages which I don't blame you if I was living in the United States I would do the same thing I would order package after package right but I'm just joking here but you get the point when you're in a good company you get good results AMD for me is like a $170 stock and yes it's a falling knife but when it converts to a bullish move that bullish move maybe four or five% in a few days in a row three four five days in a row all of a sudden you have a $140 stock
all of a sudden people are like is it time to buy AMD no bro dude it was time to buy AMD right now when it's 120 it's even better to buy AMD by selling put options at 115 what's better 115 or 121 115 so sell puts at 115 I know it's a falling knife okay I don't have any knives right here I have a um a pencil that I write my notes Here listen catch it like that all right catch it like that I know it might hurt a little little bit you're not going to
die you're going to get good long-term results that's my opinion obviously I'm not a financial adviser just giving you my thoughts right I'm just a successful investor giving you my opinion all right so this week I'm purchasing on any weakness I see I saw weakness last week I purchased everyone else sold I purchased all right so you got to go against the grain if you want unusual results do what other people are too scared to do all right so when the stock market goes down you should view that as a buying opportunity when the stock
stock market goes up a lot you should view that as taking profit opportunity all right so I'm buying shares on any weakness and you can't perfectly time the market but I want to be early the corporate world is shifting from Intel to AMD so don't miss this opportunity by trying to time the market and waiting stop tiptoeing jump into the pool if you don't know how to swim you better learn how to swim real fast all right so check out the AMD chart I'm going to go to the three months right here this stock is
hitting low after low after low and another low and that is okay so if you can take you know if you could take the tough times there's going to be good times and vice versa the stock market is not an only good times thing it's some rough times some good times if you had the right strategy you experience more Good Times simple as that AMD was a stock that was over $200 per share and so you know maybe we're not going to hit 200 but can we hit like right around here 175 178 absolutely absolutely
because there's a big shift from Intel to AMD and the risk reward guys it's all about risk all right it's all about uh uh at pickups risk and reward that's what that's what finances are that's what relationships are listen the risk for AMD to me makes a lot of sense because the downside is okay we can be maybe at 100 per share upside is$ 175 so we're looking at $20 of downside worst case scenario bare case and then bull case you know we got 175 maybe 180 so we got $60 upside maybe $20 downside so
that's a good risk to reward ratio for me now let's move on and let's go to Tesla Tesla I have a big big position I've had a big position on Tesla since 202 one that's how I went from 100K to 700k scaling is done best with high implied volatility stocks Tesla is a good example Nvidia is a good example Tesla fell below 400 people were panicking I said buy buy with all you got don't stop buying buy like you know like it's co times and you got no toilet paper at home and you're like I'm
going have to use my hand or I'm have to use some toilet paper I'mma pay triple for the toilet paper all right obviously just having a lot of fun in this video but look for Tesla it's a good company it's a good stock it's as simple as that I'm up 200k on this position you guys know I made Tesla videos you guys already know I have over a mill in Tesla my other portfolio and I'm buying it literally bicep over tricep on Tesla so I'm still bullish on Tesla because I'm still bullish on Elon Musk
Elon Musk is the man he's the G this guy knows what he's doing Tesla is going to keep innovating full self-driving we hit a floor at $400 guys I don't even know how Tesla went to 376 I wish I would have bought call options I wish but I'm not really an option buyer so I wish I bought call options that would have been a good purchase 450 covered calls right now I'm down on covered calls expiring on March but listen if you get into covered calls right now go for 450 go for 455 go for
460 for March expiration buy Tesla Handover fist sell puts on Tesla 400 for February 21st HH uh oh you guys thought I wasn't going to give you nothing else new put credit spreads I recently made a put credit spread video you guys have to watch it I've been 100% right that was a few days ago we didn't get many views I'm telling you that video is important to watch I'll have it at the end of this video or in the um description or I'll do in both okay put credit spreads I give you an Nvidia
play which is still good by the way in that video test 400 390 put credit spread sell the 400 put buy the 390 put for a put credit spread expiring February 21st this position and actually let me show it to you my Uncle Henry is all about showing why am I talking when I can show okay go to sellp put all right we're going to go for the February first expiration all right and then we're going to scroll down here we're going to find the 400 the 400 has boners premium premium out of like out
of a movie all right this is a Hollywood movie right here 400 cellp put 32 Delta 65 implied volatility open interest 14,800 we about we about to make some money all right so 400 cput we're going to buy the 390 uh the 390 right here so you'll see that it is a 375 premium that we can collect we're going to be risking roughly $625 all right so you know roughly 625 risking we're getting over 50% return what a beautiful return in 35 days now listen I will tell you this is a medium risk okay High
reward play if you want a lower risk you simply go down 380 all right you can go 380 no I'll just whatever 380 370 I want to make sure this video is too long all right let's move on to the next stock Nvidia Nvidia I think we found a good floor on Nvidia many asked me if it's a buy and my answer is yes Nvidia and AI you guys know how crazy AI is and has an opportunity got no idea Nvidia has continued to develop numerous new products some of which just announced at the CES
conference right on the surface level by the way when you when you look at the valuation of Nvidia the price to earnings ratio of 53 is above S&P 500 average right so understanding that Nvidia is not cheap though many slower growth tech companies have a higher earnings mul how about that so it's not cheap when you look at the other companies when you look at the other crap out there you're like man Nvidia has high growth yeah the price earnings isn't magically low but is definitely very reasonably valued in um compared to the competitors right
and compared to other stocks in the tax space all right listen also Microsoft expects to spend roughly 80 billion building out its AI infrastructure this year so this is the early innings for NVIDIA whether all the chips go to Nvidia or not whether people buy and the companies buy off of Nvidia or not I know they got some big suppliers that is the risk it's going to be all right so Nvidia remains a great way to play the AI infrastructure buildout and does trade at an attractive valuation so you want the stocks on sale you
want to buy stocks that you know have reasonable valuations I would say Nvidia has really juicy premiums so I'll show you what Nvidia looks like right now go to ndda and then we're going to sell some put options on Nvidia um and you can already see this thing is going up this thing is going up so I got some cover calls at 145 they're looking a little dangerous but what I did was I did a 14 5 covered call this was a few days ago during my coaching session I guess so if I go down
here and go to my history this was done on jan5 so like three days ago right now three days ago so midweek during my trading session that I have in my Discord on Wednesday so it looks like on Wednesday I sold some 127 put options for $3,500 and we're about to make the full 3500 looks like I probably made a lot of money on this short term so I might actually close it out for a profit because when I do get a profit short term it it does make sense to close it out for a
gain um you know why would you hold it if you made most of the premium already so Nvidia has a good floor I would sell 130 puts obviously the 127 is what I did uh February and March both have really juicy premium so this is number one save stock now let me talk real quick about the Spy because spy I'm buying spy and I'm investing in spy so the how you know let me talk about the concerns real quick because I want to talk about you know I don't want to be a hype man here
I want to tell you the concerns and my objective sorry the objective facts on you know spy and where the market's at listen the housing market I see some concerns to be honest with you there's a high mortgage rates uh driven by elevated 10year treasury yields which we know is a problem in the market it's a problem with the fed and uh these 10year treasury yields are significantly impacting the housing sector choking off all right we're getting choked off of activity right we're getting choked off of activity and this is a key area of concern
for economic performance all right the housing Mark is the most important thing where you think all the Moola goes from people most people are middle class people right there's very little rich rich people like stupid rich people all right there's also a lot of people on the Poor Side okay that's just how the genie index works right there's a lot there's a few rich people and the 1% have as much money as like the bottom 50 okay so what happens with like 90% of people they literally spend most of their money on housing okay even
when I was working at Goldman Sachs my paycheck after taxes was like maybe I think it was like 5,800 or something or 4,800 it's been been almost almost like so many years now but after taxes my rent in Los Angeles was around $1,800 or so so I was spending you know like 40% of my income on rent so it's no joke and I know I had a decently High salary like 75k was a lot of money in 20 what it was like 2017 guys it was eight years ago so 75k today was is is definitely
six figures so I was making a inflation adjusted six fig um pay back then so yeah it's crazy to look at the housing market and but you no look look despite a weakening housing market and ongoing struggles in manufacturing sector due to high mortgage rates and a strong dollar these are not the best for S&P 500 I still think S&P 500 is going to hit 6,500 um by year end so I think we will hit that uh point which is you know a reasonable return and and I was I was actually looking at some research
and I was watching a video from Mark Newton a fun track Global head of technical strategy and he mentioned the percentage of stocks above the 50-day moving average is down to just 25 so this actually made me think wow we actually have reasonable technicals in the market so check out this Quick 60-second Clip and I want to show you what he said you know the percentage of stocks right now above their 50-day moving average is down to about 25% so it has been a very hard hit Market in the last month uh the one Saving
Grace is that technology to its credit came back and actually has helped the broader indices remain afloat so long-term trends actually remain in very good shape it's more Just near-term Breath deterioration um you know as well as I think sentiment has also gotten uh abnormally uh you know pessimistic regarding the potential plans for you know the president-elect's policies which many of those don't even we don't even really understand understand the extent to which that could be inflationary and there's a lot ofces happens yeah what what what becomes uh law is actually done but it it
still seems like you're saying look the index the indices are are holding up even though if you lift up the hood what's going on is not great when you look at the detail you still like 6650 for the for the S&P though well it's just January that's my year-end Target I do think that's going to be hit so look the sense ment is pessimistic regarding potential plans for the presidential policies you know we have some main concerns like inflationary policies none of that stuff matters guys I'm buying spy because you guys know I'm a long-term
investor I expect spy to be higher at the year end so I'm not going to look if this is point a and this is point B and I know you know it's an upward slope I'm not going to try to time this little situation right here I'm not going to try to do that all right so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to hang out own spy and then honestly just like look at the facts I'm just going to leave you with this fact before I finish off with QQQ in the tech
sector specifically the stock market kind of had a you know a bad performance in a little short period of time right last week but if you didn't panic and simply did nothing then you'd be up more than 5% this week so if you're an Nvidia shareholder you'd be up over 11% and by the way this is this is I'm making the video in the morning I see nvidia's up a good amount today and we're a couple hours into the market this is these numbers are rookie numbers we're up over 7% on the stock market and
over 15% on Nvidia so excuse me all right this is the big difference between emotional investors and smart investors emotional investors sell and lose out on big days which I said don't do so I encourage you if you want to get the best results just subscribe I'm going to keep giving you guys the best place I'm going to focus on where I see wealth building opportunities where I see option plays what stocks I see outperforming if you want long-term results with minimal effort and less mistakes I'm doing specific research and I'm going to keep uploading
fre videos so make sure that you are subscribed because you're going to get a lot better results if you are it's as simple as that let's wrap it up with QQQ the technology sector has been helping overall because tech stocks have been outperforming again the big Tech mag 7 stocks they're doing super well and all of the money is Flowing there because going back to the genie index there's a few rich people and there's lots of poor people same thing with companies there's a few companies making all the dollars and then the other companies they're
fighting for even their midcap um for midcap right being a midcap stock and having A10 billion valuation is hard but uh these these stocks that are at you know trillion dollars they can add a 100 Bill pretty easy 100 B with a billion so they the story is still uh in full motion Innovation America will continue Tesla will dominate Nvidia will dominate and the biggest sector weight so far is these big tech stocks so buy QQQ buy spy dollar cost average don't get emotional be a long-term investor we're going to make some money in this
market I am very confident and I've been very profitable in my community I'm going to hold that way so subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one