🌟Chosen Ones🌟 You are shifting from ‘wanting’ to ‘having’… here’s how it works

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🌟Chosen Ones🌟 You are shifting from ‘wanting’ to ‘having’… here’s how it works Chosen Ones, what ...
Video Transcript:
chosen ones what I'm about to share may surprise you even shock you if you're watching this video right now it's not by coincidence God has led you here because something powerful is happening in your life you are shifting from wanting to having Yes you heard me right the very things you have been praying for hoping for and waiting for are no longer just desires on the horizon they are already moving into your reality this is more than just a mindset shift it's a spiritual and energetic transformation and as a chosen one you're going to start
seeing things fall into place at a rate that will leave you speechless but you must understand how this works so you can align with this powerful shift and walk fully into the manifestation of your desires before we dive into this lifechanging message take a moment to pause this video and do three things hit that like button subscribe to help us reach 1,000 subscribers and leave a comment with the number 77 this number will send a powerful signal to the universe amplifying the energy of this video and remember if you are truly a chosen one you'll
watch this video Until the End Because deep down your spirit already knows that this is for you if you're not ready to receive this truth you might not make it to the end but for those who do your life will never be the same now let's get into it you are shifting from wanting to having here's how it works chapter 1 the power of Desire chosen ones let's dive even deeper into what it truly means to want when we talk about desire we are acknowledging a Gap a space between where you are and where you
want to be this Gap is not just a mental or emotional experience but a spiritual one desire is the essence of knowing that you were created for more that your life has an unfolding story and that something greater is on the horizon however this awareness of the Gap can stir within you a sense of longing a feeling that something vital is missing from your life this sense of wanting often brings with it feelings of frustration impatience and sometimes even anxiety you might be praying for love hoping for financial abundance yearning for success or longing for
inner peace whatever it is that you seek wanting puts you in a state of yearning for something that feels just Out Of Reach something that always seems to be a step ahead of you but let me remind you chosen ones desire is a powerful force it is the spark that ignites the flame of creation without desire there is no motivation to move forward no reason to pursue growth and no impetus for change your desires whether they are whispered prayers dreams you carry deep within or goals you actively work toward are seeds planted into the fertile
soil of the universe the moment you desire something you have already set the wheels in motion for it to manifest yet here's the challenge many people remain stuck in the phase of wanting they pray they hope they yearn but they never move beyond that initial stage they become trapped in a cycle of Desire without ever shifting to the state of having why does this happen it's because wanting alone keeps you in a position of lack it constantly reminds you of what you don't have reinforcing the idea that there's a gap between you and your desire
every time you affirm I want this or I need that you are energetically declaring that it's not yet yours as a result the universe continues to respond to your vibration of lack and you find yourself in a state of Perpetual waiting but chosen ones you are not meant to stay in the cycle of wanting you have been called to shift Beyond it you are different you have the power to shift the energy from wanting to having and that's the key to unlocking your desires the moment you understand that desire is the beginning not the end
is the moment you begin to reclaim your role as a co-creator with God you see when you stay stuck in the wanting phase you are passively waiting for things to happen for doors to open for circumstances to change but when you step into the role of co-creator you align your energy with the belief that what you desire is already on its way you become an active participant in your own manifestation process no longer chasing after your dreams but allowing them to Flow To You let's go even deeper the moment you shift from wanting to having
you create a powerful energetic shift in your life instead of focusing on the lack of what you don't have you begin to embody the energy of already having it you start to think act and feel as though the thing you desire is already yours and when you do this you collapse the gap between desire and manifestation this is where Faith becomes essential faith is not just hoping that one day your desires will come true faith is The Confident assurance that they are already done that they are already yours when you shift your mindset from I
want to I have you are stepping into a Divine truth you are aligning with the universal principle that says what you seek is already seeking you this shift is what allows your desires to manifest at an accelerated rate you move from a state of longing to a state of receiving instead of constantly asking when will it happen or why hasn't it happened yet you begin to live in the frequency of knowing it's already yours you start to expect your desires to show up and you recognize that the timing is perfect even if it doesn't look
like what you expected chosen ones understand this the universe is always responding to your energy if you continue to emit the energy of lack and wanting that is what you will continue to experience but the moment you shift into the energy of having everything begins to align you start to see signs synchronicities and opportunities that match the vibration of what you desire doors that once felt closed will swing open resources will flow to you effortlessly and the Very things you've been praying for will begin to manifest but here's the catch you must believe it before
you see it you must hold the energy of having even when it hasn't yet shown up in the Physical Realm this is where many people get stuck they lose faith when they don't see immediate results but that's not how manifestation works just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening the universe is always working behind the scenes arranging things in ways you cannot yet perceive your role chosen ones is to stay aligned with the energy of having speak as though it's already done act as though it's already yours feel the emotions of gratitude
joy and excitement as though the manifestation has already happened when you do this you are not just hoping for something to change you are commanding it into existence you are co-creating with God and that's a powerful place to be so the next time you find find yourself wanting something remember this you are not meant to live in a state of lack you are meant to shift from wanting to having you are meant to step into your Divine role as a co-creator and claim what is already yours when you do the universe will respond to your
energy and bring your desires into your reality faster than you ever imagined chapter 2 Shifting the mindset chosen ones it's time to dive deeper into the mindset shift that moves you from wanting to having this isn't just a simple mental exercise it's a transformative process that rewies your entire way of thinking feeling and acting the truth is the difference between wanting something and having something is all in your mindset it's how you perceive your relationship to your desires when you're in a state of wanting you are constantly affirming to yourself and to the universe that
there is something missing from your life this creates an energetic barrier between you and the manifestation of your desires think about it if you're constantly saying I want this or I need that you're subtly telling the universe that what you desire isn't yet yours and as long as you hold that belief the universe will reflect that reality back to you the mindset of wanting keeps you in a state of lack you start to focus on what you don't have and that becomes your dominant energy and as you know energy attracts like energy so if your
mindset is filled with thoughts of lack that's what you will continue to attract into your life more lack but here's the secret chosen ones when you shift your mindset to having you are telling the universe a completely different story instead of affirming what's missing you're aligning with the energy of already having it you begin to think act and feel as though your desires are already fulfilled and the universe responds to that energy with abundance so how do you make this shift it starts with awareness you need to become acutely aware of your thoughts and how
often they reflect a state of lack every time you catch yourself thinking I wish I had this or I need that stop and refrain the thought instead to say to yourself I am grateful that this is already mine even if you don't yet see it in your physical reality speak as though it's already done this isn't about pretending or tricking yourself into believing something that isn't true it's about aligning with a higher truth the truth that your desires are already being manifested in the spiritual realm and are on their way to you you just have
to allow them to come into your Reality by matching your energy to that of having not wanting gratitude is a powerful tool in this process when you focus on what you're grateful for you're telling the universe that you are already abundant gratitude shifts your energy from lack to fulfillment and that shift is what accelerates the manifestation process so instead of focusing on what you don't have focus on the abundance that already exists in your life this will naturally raise your vibration and align you with the energy of having visualization is another key practice take time
each day to visualize yourself already living in the reality of having your desires see yourself in the house you've been dreaming of or with the partner you've been praying for feel the emotions of joy peace and fulfillment as though it's already happened when you do this you're training your subconscious mind to accept that this is your reality and when your subconscious mind believes it the universe has no choice but to bring it to you it's also important to act as though your desires are already yours this doesn't mean spending money you don't have or making
Reckless decisions it means embodying the energy of the person who already has what you desire how would you behave if you already had the financial abundance you've been seeking how would you carry yourself if you were already in the loving relationship you've been wanting start to embody that energy now and watch how quickly things begin to shift chosen ones understand that this mindset shift is not about forcing things to happen it's about allowing them to flow to you when you shift from wanting to having you're no longer chasing after your desires you're attracting them effortlessly
because your energy is aligned with their manifestation this is the power of the mindset shift and it's available to you right now now chapter 3 trusting Divine timing now that you're beginning to understand the importance of shifting from wanting to having let's talk about another crucial aspect of manifestation Divine timing chosen ones one of the biggest challenges in this process is letting go of the need to control the timing of your desires you may have heard the phrase trust the process and while that may sound cliche it holds profound truth the universe operates on Divine
timing not human timing when you shift into the mindset of having it's important to understand that what you desire is already yours it's just a matter of when it will appear in your physical reality this can be the hardest part for many people because we live in a world that encourages instant gratification but the truth is everything unfolds at the perfect time and the perfect way for your highest good when you're stuck in the mindset of wanting you often feel a sense of urgency you want things to happen now and when they don't you start
to doubt question or even lose Faith this is where many people fall back into the cycle of lack they get frustrated with the timing and begin to think maybe it's not going to happen or why is this taking so long this doubt and frustration send mix signals to the universe which can slow down or block your manifestation but chosen ones when you shift into the mindset of having you trust that everything is happening in Divine timing you let go of the need to control when and how your desires manifest instead of asking when is it
going to happen you affirm I know it's already done this is a powerful Declaration of faith and it aligns you with the flow of divine timing Trust trusting Divine timing means understanding that there's a bigger picture at play sometimes things don't manifest immediately because you're being prepared for them the universe is aligning circumstances people and opportunities behind the scenes that you may not even be aware of when you trust this process you allow things to unfold naturally without forcing or rushing it's also important to remember that delays are not denials just because something hasn't shown
up yet doesn't mean it's not on its way sometimes the delay is a sign that something even better is being prepared for you so instead of getting discouraged when things don't happen as quickly as you'd like take it as an opportunity to deepen your faith and trust in the process while you're waiting for your desires to manifest continue to live in the energy of having celebrate the progress you're making even if it's small recognize the signs and synchronicities that show you you're on the right path and most importantly stay aligned with the vibration of gratitude
and abundance the more you trust the process the faster things will manifest chosen ones Divine timing is always perfect it's not about when you think it should happen it's about when it's meant to happen for your highest good when you fully Embrace this truth you release the need to control and surrender to the flow of the universe and when you do that your desires will come to you in ways that are even more beautiful than you imagined chapter 4 the role of faith and manifestation chosen ones let's talk about the role that Faith plays in
the manifestation process if you've ever wondered why some people seem to manifest their desires effortlessly While others struggle the answer often lies in one key factor faith faith is the foundation of every manifestation it's the bridge that connects your desires to your reality faith is not about hoping that something might happen it's about knowing that it will happen when you have faith you're not waiting for physical proof before you believe you believe before you see any evidence this is the essence of true manifestation Faith allows you to hold the energy of having even when your
current reality hasn't CAU up yet when you're in the mindset of wanting it's easy to let doubt creep in you might start to question whether your desires are possible whether you're worthy of them or whether they'll ever come to pass this doubt weakens your manifestation because it sends conflicting signals to the universe one moment you're saying I want this and the next moment you're thinking but what if it doesn't happen this confusion slows down the process but when you're in the mindset of having faith is unshakable you hold on to the belief that what you
desire is already yours regardless of what things look like on the outside this is the kind of faith that moves mountains when you believe with this level of certainty the universe has no choice but to bring your desires into reality Faith requires patience but it also requires action you can't just sit back and hope that your desires will magically appear you need to take inspired action that aligns with your faith this might mean stepping out of your comfort zone making bold decisions or trusting your intuition even when it doesn't make logical sense faith without works
is dead and your actions must reflect your belief that what you desire is already on its way chosen once when you live in faith you're not just passively waiting for your desires to manifest you're actively participating in the process you're showing the universe that you're ready to receive and that's when things start to shift in your favor faith is the key that unlocks the door to having everything you desire now that you understand the power of Faith let's continue exploring how this shift from wanting to having plays out in your life chapter 5 aligning with
the frequency of abundance chosen ones let's talk about the frequency of abundance and how it plays a vital role in your shift from wanting to having you see everything in the universe operates on energy your thoughts emotions and beliefs all carry a specific frequency and that frequency is what attracts your experiences when you're in the state of wanting your energy vibrates at the frequency of lack you're sending out signals to the universe that say I don't have what I want and the universe responds accordingly but when you shift to the energy of having you begin
to vibrate at the frequency of abundance you're no longer focused on what's missing from your life instead you're aligned with the feeling that your desires are already fulfilled this is the key to manifesting faster and with more ease the universe responds to the energy remit and when you're aligned with abundance you attract more abundance into your life so how do you align with the frequency of abundance it starts with your emotions one of the most powerful ways to shift your energy is to cultivate feelings of gratitude joy and contentment when you feel grateful for what
you already have you're sending out a message that says I am abundant this in turn attracts more things to be grateful for even if you haven't yet manifested everything you desire find the things in your life that bring you Joy and focus on them it could be something as simple as a beautiful sunset the love of a friend or family member or the Peace of a quiet morning when you place your attention on these small moments of joy and abundance you begin to shift your overall energy and as you do the universe takes notice another
important aspect of aligning with the frequency of abundance is how you speak about your desires when you in a state of wanting you may find yourself saying things like I need more money or I wish I had a better job but when you shift to having your language changes you begin to affirm that what you desire is already on its way instead of saying I need more you say I am grateful for the financial blessings that are flowing into my life this shift in language is powerful because your words carry any energy the words you
speak create your reality visualization is also a key practice in aligning with the energy of having spend time each day visualizing yourself already living in the reality you desire see yourself in the home of your dreams driving the car you want or experiencing the love and peace you've been longing for but don't just see it feel it the emotion behind the visualization is what makes it effective when you can feel the joy excitement and gratitude of having what you want you're sending out a powerful signal to the universe that says this is my reality it's
also important to release any feelings of Doubt fear or unworthiness that may be blocking your alignment with abundance these lower vibrational emotions can create resistance and slow down the manifestation process if you find yourself feeling doubtful or fearful ackn those emotions but don't dwell on them remind yourself that you are worthy of all the abundance the universe has to offer you are a chosen one and abundance is your Birthright as you continue to align with the frequency of abundance you will notice that things start to shift in your external reality opportunities will come your way
doors will open and the things you once thought were Out Of Reach will begin to manifest in your life this is the power of aligning with the energy of having it accelerates the process of manifestation and brings your desires to you more quickly and effortlessly chosen ones remember that this shift from wanting to having is not just about getting what you want it's about embodying the energy of abundance in all areas of your life when you do this you not only attract material blessings but you also experience greater peace joy and fulfillment this is the
true essence of abundance chapter 6 releasing resistance chosen ones as you continue on your journey from wanting to having there's an important step that many people Overlook the power of surrender you see while it's essential to align with the energy of having it's equally important to release any resistance that may be blocking the flow of your desires resistance comes in many forms it can show up as doubt fear imp patience or the need to control how and when your desires manifest to fully embrace the shift to having you must learn to let go and Trust
the process surrendering doesn't mean giving up on your desires it means releasing the need to control every detail of how they will come to you when you try to force things to happen you create tension and resistance this resistance can actually slow down or block your manifestations from coming into your life but when you surrender you allow the universe to work its magic and bring your desires to you in the most Divine and perfect timing the act of surrender requires Faith you must trust that the Universe knows what's best for you and that everything is
unfolding exactly as it should this can be challenging especially if you've been waiting for a long time or if things don't seem to be happening as quickly as you'd like but remember chosen ones Divine timing is always perfect just because you can't see the results yet doesn't mean they aren't on their way one of the most effective ways to practice surrender is through meditation and mindfulness when you meditate you quiet the mind and connect with your higher self this allows you to release the worries doubts and fears that may be holding you back in this
state of peace and Stillness you can Surrender Your desires to the universe with trust and faith you let go of the need to know how or when your desires will manifest and simply trust that they will another aspect of surrender is Detachment Detachment doesn't mean you stop caring about your desires and means you release the emotional attachment to the outcome when you're emotionally attached to your desires you create resistance because you're afraid of not getting what you want but when you detach you free yourself from that fear you know that whether or not your desires
manifest in the way you envision you will be okay this Detachment allows you to remain in a state of peace and Trust which accelerates the manifestation process chosen ones surrendering also means being open to receiving in ways you may not have expected sometimes the universe delivers our desires in a different form than we imagined and if we're too attached to a specific outcome we may miss out on something even better by surrendering you allow the universe to bring you what is truly for your highest good even if it looks different than what you initially wanted
when you release resistance and surrender to the flow of the universe you open yourself up to receiving in ways that go beyond your imagination this is where miracles happen your job is to focus on aligning with the energy of having and the universe will take care of the rest chapter 7 living in the state of having chosen ones you've now grasp the profound shift from wanting to having aligning with the energy of abundance and the transformative power of surrender but the real change occurs when you fully embody the state of having this isn't just a
mental shift it's about deeply integrating your divine power and moving through life as if you already possess everything you desire because on a spiritual level you do living in the state of having means no longer seeking external validation or proof of your worth you understand that abundance starts within the very fact that you desire something is a sign it's already on its way the universe responds to your Clarity and energy you may wonder how can I live in the state of having when I still see lack this is where your divine power comes in living
in the state of having isn't denying your current circumstances it's transcending them you recognize that everything you desire is already available to you even if it hasn't manifested physically you are no longer defined by your conditions but by your connection to Divine abundance chosen ones as co-creators with the universe you don't wait for blessings you actively create them living in this state brings Faith trust and a sense of Peace you're no longer chasing you're receiving your energy shifts and you become a magnet for what aligns with your purpose opportunities relationships and resources flow to you
effortlessly this state also transforms how you approach your goals no longer motivated by lack your goals Express Your Divine expansion you're not trying to get something to Feel Complete You're simply banding on the abundance already within you trust that everything is working out for your highest good even setbacks are setups for greater success trust in Divine timing and let go of the anxiety of when or how things will manifest living in the state of having also extends to others you no longer compete or compare instead you celebrate other success knowing abundance is infinite this state
is expansive Ive and rooted in love as you live in the state of having your life begins to shift you stop seeing obstacles as barriers and start seeing them as opportunities for growth you Embrace change knowing it leads you closer to your Divine Destiny living in this state becomes a daily practice of aligning with abundance trusting the process and embracing your divine power as a co-creator gratitude becomes your foundation and as you let go of fears or attachments to outcomes blessings Flow To You effortlessly over time the results of living in the state of having
become undeniable life flows more smoothly synchronicities increase and you find yourself in the right places meeting the right people receiving exactly what you need this is the magic of living in abundance it creates a ripple effect that touches every part of your life chosen ones as you embrace your divine power and live in the state of having your connection to your higher self strengthens your intuition sharpens and you receive clear guidance you stop doubting yourself and trust your path you're Guided by a higher power and move forward with confidence and purpose ultimately living in the
state of having is about embracing your true nature as a Divine being you are not here to struggle or live in lack you are here to thrive expand and experience life's fullness as you step into your role as a powerful co-creator capable of manifesting anything your heart desires you begin to see how abundant you already are chosen ones your time is now fully embrace your divine power trust the process and know that everything you desire is already yours no more chasing or struggling just open your heart trust Divine timing and let the blessings flow this
is the ultimate shift from wanting to having it's a Journey of Faith surrender and divine connection as you continue living in this state the universe is ready to pour blessings upon you you are already abundant worthy and whole live in this truth and watch as the universe responds to your Divine energy the shift has begun and the blessings are on their way receive them chosen ones I hope this episode has opened your eyes to the incredible power you hold in shifting from wanting to having remember you are not just a passive Observer of your life
you are an active co-creator with the universe everything you desire is already within your reach and as you make this shift you will begin to experience the Miracles and blessings that have been waiting for you if you found this message resonating with your spirit be sure to like like subscribe and leave a comment with the number 77 to send a signal to the universe play this video on repeat to soak in the powerful energy and let it transform your life and most importantly if you are a true chosen one I know you'll stay with this
message till the very end the shift is already happening chosen ones trust the process and get ready for the abundance that is about to flow into your life until next time keep walking in Your Divine Purpose you've got this
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