my friend how long will you let Satan win Satan's greatest fear is seeing you step into the person God created you to be he knows how Unstoppable you'd be if you truly understood your worth your purpose and your identity in Christ that's why he doesn't always attack you with big obvious battles instead he keeps you stuck in the little things distractions doubts and despair because the truth is is the enemy doesn't need to destroy you outright he just needs to keep you from moving forward think about how often you feel overwhelmed by distractions social media
feeds are full of comparison traps leaving you feeling like you're not doing enough or not good enough hours slip away scrolling gaming or binge watching shows these distractions aren't inherently bad but when they consume your time and pull you away from what matters they become tools the enemy uses to keep you stuck you might question if you're on the right path if God is even listening or if you're worthy of his love the enemy Whispers lies like you're not good enough you'll never be like them you're not smart strong or holy enough to make a
difference doubt often Creeps in during times of uncertainty when you're trying to figure out your future navigate relationships or make big decisions it leaves you feeling paralyzed unsure of your next step but do you know what God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made and there are times it looks like burnout when you're juggling school work and relationships and you feel like you're falling short in every area other times it's loneliness even when you're surrounded by people it's that feeling of emptiness that Whispers you're alone no one really gets you for some despair might come
from deeper wounds broken families heartbreak or failure that seems impossible to recover from these feelings can make it hard to even get out of bed some days let alone Chase your god-given purpose what to do about all this the word of God says come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest surrender your struggles to him shift your focus from pleasing people to honoring God remember your identity is not in what you do but in who you are a child of God trust God with your future Proverbs 3
reminds us Trust trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight Satan wins when you stay stuck when you let distractions steal your time doubts Cloud your confidence and despair keep you from moving forward he's getting exactly what he wants but you are stronger than you think because God is with you he's already given you everything you need to resist the enemy and move forward James 4:7 says submit yourselves to God resist the devil and he
will flee from you when you align your life with God's word you become a force that the enemy cannot stand against the Bible is full of examples of ordinary people who did extraordinary things simply because they trusted God obeyed his word and walked in his purpose do you know what happens when you align your life with God's word you gain Authority God says I will give you the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven you start
to walk in confidence and your life starts to impact others because the Lord says you are the light of the world let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in Heaven and finally you overcome the enemy as the sword of the spirit is the word of God the enemy's greatest fear is seeing you step into the man or woman God created you to be why because a person aligned with God's word is Unstoppable you carry the power to tear down strongholds to lead others to Christ and
to walk boldly into your calling the question is will you take the first step will you let go of distractions fight the doubts and rise above the despair God has an incredible plan for your life the power to walk in in it is already within you through Christ don't let the enemy keep you stuck stand up step forward and let God's word guide you into the person you were always meant to be you are not ordinary you are a child of the king a warrior for his kingdom so rise up align your life with God's
word and watch how he transforms you into a living testimony of his power his grace and his love God bless you amen [Music]