my name is Rachel and I've always been the odd one out in my family not because I did anything wrong but because somehow My Success made me the enemy I grew up in a middle class home where money was tied but I worked my ass off to build a life for myself I got a scholarship to a great College landed a high-paying job in finance and now at 32 I'm doing better than I ever thought possible I'm not a millionaire but I'm comfortable I own my home outright travel when I want and up until recently
I sent money to my family every month just to help out I never expected gratitude but I also never expected them to betray me like this I should have seen the signs years ago my mom always favored my brother Mark The Golden Child who could do no wrong he bounced from job to job never taking responsibility for anything but somehow he was always trying his best while I was too serious about work or thinking I'm better than everyone my my sister Lisa was no better she was the queen of passive aggressive comments always making sure
to remind me that money doesn't by happiness while conveniently forgetting that she had no problem cashing the checks I sent her when she was behind on rent and then there was my dad who just went along with whatever my mom said never standing up for me never calling out the blatant favoritism but despite it all I still tried every holiday I came home with gifts every family dinner I paid the bill every time one of them needed help I was there I thought foolishly that maybe if I kept giving they'd finally accept me instead they
decided to show me exactly where I stood it started at a holiday party just a casual get together at my parents house we were all sitting around the dining room table plates filled with my mom's signature overcooked turkey when I smiled and said I can't wait for the reunion tomorrow it'll be nice to see everyone again for a second there was silence then Mark let out a short chuckle what the reunion was yesterday I blinked what Lisa smirked sipping her wine like this was the most entertaining thing she'd seen all night yeah it was yesterday
didn't mom tell you I turned to my mother heart pounding you told me it was on the 23rd she Shrugged not even looking guilty oops must have gotten the dates mixed up mixed up mixed up I wasn't some distant cousin they forgot to call I was their daughter their sister and they had a whole family reunion without me my Aunt who had been scrolling through her phone held it up showing me a picture everyone was there my cousins my uncles my nieces and nephews Mark Lisa my parents smiling laughing arms around each other and I
I hadn't even gotten a text Mark grinned shaking his head damn that's awkward guess we forgot to mention it Lisa giggled oops my bad LOL something inside me when I cold I put down my Fork stood up and walked away from the table without another word I didn't yell I didn't cry I just walked away because in that moment I knew this wasn't a mistake this wasn't forgetfulness they had done this on purpose and they were going to regret it I walked out of the dining room my footsteps steady my breathing controlled I didn't slam
the door behind me I didn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me lose my temper instead I grabbed my coat from the hallway and stepped outside into the cold winter air letting it bite at my skin as I processed what had just happened they had planned this they had all known my mother my father my brother my sister every single one of them had looked me in the eye smiled at me and let me sit there like an idiot while they laughed about forgetting to tell me I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled
through my messages nothing no Miss calls no texts not even a half-ass wish you were here message I wasn't even an afterthought a dull ache settled in my chest but I forced myself to push it down I had spent years pretending their favoritism didn't bother me that their little digs and cold shoulders didn't sting but this this was different this was deliberate this was them making a statement I stared out at the quiet street watching as snowflakes drifted Down Under The Glow of the street lights I should have just gotten in my car and left
driven back to my house and cut them out of my life right then and there but I didn't because I wanted to see how far they would take this after a few minutes I forced myself to take a deep breath and turned back toward the house the laughter inside continued as if nothing had happened I pushed open the door and stepped back inside hanging my coat up as if I had only stepped out for a breath of fresh air my fingers were cold but I didn't rub my hands together I wanted the chill to settle
into my bones to remind me of what they had done when I walked back into the dining room my family barely acknowledged my turn my mother was slicing into a piece of pie my father was refilling his glass of wine and Lisa and Mark were whispering to each other grinning I pulled my chair back out and sat down Lisa raised an eyebrow thought you left I met her gaze my face unreadable why would I leave it's just a silly mistake right she gave me a slow knowing smile of course just a little mixup Mark snickered
you're taking this way too seriously it's not like we did it on purpose I leaned back in my chair you all had an entire family reunion everyone was there you had to coordinate food drinks decorations someone had to organize a venue set a date send out invitations but not one of you remembered to text me I tilted my head slightly you expect me to believe that my mother sighed dramatically as if I were the one being difficult Rachel don't be like this it's the holidays let's not ruin the mood over a simple mistake a simple
mistake I glanced around the table watching the way they all avoided my eyes waiting for me to just drop it and move on like I always did I could feel the expectation in the air this was the part where I was supposed to sigh brush it off and pretend I wasn't hurt that's what I had always done not this time I picked up my Fork twirling it idly between my fingers you know I said keeping my tone light I've been thinking a lot about the monthly money I send you all that got their attention Lisa
sat up a little straighter my mother's eyes flickered with something close to panic my father who had been silent up until now finally looked up from his plate what about it Mark asked the suspicion in his voice unmistakable I set my Fork down gently I just think it's interesting I help pay Lisa's rent when she falls behind I cover Mom and Dad's medical bills I even send Mark money when he needs a little extra for whatever it is he does these days I let the words settle before adding and yet somehow I wasn't important enough
to be invited to the family reunion silence Lisa forced out a laugh but it was nervous now oh come on you're not actually mad about this are you I didn't answer mark on the other hand scoffed look you're acting crazy it was just a mixup Rachel nobody's out to get you and besides he added waving his fork in the air you're doing fine it's not like you need the reunion you've got your fancy job your nice house your your perfect little life oh there it was the jealousy the bitterness the resentment that had been bubbling
under the surface for years disguised as jokes hidden behind backhanded compliments I smiled but there was no warmth in it you're right Mark I do have a great life Lisa gave me a sharp look Rachel don't be Petty I let out a soft hum of amusement Petty you mean like throwing an entire family reunion and conveniently forgetting to invite me no one spoke spoke then Mark rolled his eyes oh my God you are so dramatic you always have to act like a victim don't you he shoved another bite of food into his mouth shaking his
head whatever you'll get over it just like you always do I watched him chew a smirk playing on his lips like he had already won like they had all won and that's when he said it besides he added wiping his mouth with a napkin I already ordered those new Jordans with the money you send me every month you wouldn't ask actually cut us off over something this stupid right the room went deadly quiet my mother's eyes widened her fork hovering midair Lisa stiffened my father cleared his throat awkwardly pretending to focus on his plate Mark
oblivious just grinned I mean come on you wouldn't do that to your family and just like that the decision was made I set my napkin down folded my hands neatly in my lap and smiled wouldn't I Mark's grin faltered he blinked at me waiting for me to laugh it off to wave my hand and tell him I was just joking but I wasn't joking the silence stretched heavy and suffocating as realization settled over the table my mother opened her mouth then closed it Lisa shifted in her seat her fingers tightening around her fork even my
father usually content to stay out of these things finally looked up and met my gaze with an expression I couldn't quite read mark on the other hand scoffed oh come on he said his voice dripping with forced confidence you're not actually serious I tilted my head slightly watching him squirm you think i' keep sending you money I said slowly after you all pulled this Lisa forced out a short nervous laugh Rachel you're being ridiculous you know Mark didn't mean it like that oh I leaned forward slightly resting my elbows on the table then how did
he mean it Mark let out an exasperated sigh and tossed his napkin onto the table Jesus you were so sensitive you're acting like murdered your dog or something we just forgot okay you're making a huge deal out of nothing I nodded thoughtfully right just a little mistake my mother jumped in then her voice sac and sweet Rachel honey we love you you know that we're family she reached across the table placing her hand over mine letun not let a simple misunderstanding ruin that I stared at her hand then at her face the carefully constructed mask
of motherly concern the same mask she had warn every time she had dismissed my feelings every time she had brushed off their favoritism like I was the one imagining things and I realized something right then and there they weren't sorry not for what they had done not for how they had treated me they were sorry because I was finally standing up for myself I pulled my hand away you know I used I wonder how different this conversation would be if I didn't send you all money every month my father cleared his throat Rachel I held
up a hand no really what any of you even be trying to smooth this over if I weren't your personal bank account no one answered Lisa had the audacity to look offended that's not fair we care about you I let out a soft laugh you care about what I can do for you mark rolled his eyes oh my God here we go again you always have to play the victim maybe we didn't invite you because we didn't want to deal with this exact kind of drama I arched an eyebrow then you won't have to deal
with it anymore the tension in the air shifted my mother's expression licked with unease my father looked down at his plate pretending to be uninterested but I saw his fingers tighten around his Fork Lisa's mouth pressed into a thin line and Mark Mark just laughed oh please you're not going to cut us off you're too nice for that I smiled I guess Youk find out Mark's face fell I stood up smoothing my dress and grabbed my purse from the back of my chair the whole table watched me like I was about to detonate a bomb
Rachel my mother said her voice edging toward Panic now don't be rash we're family you don't just turn your back on family I turned to look at her my expression unreadable you all turned your backs on me a long time ago with that I walked toward the door wait Lisa blurted out scrambling to her feet you're not actually serious right you're not really cutting us off I opened the front door the cold air rushed in cutting through the warm suffocating air of the house I looked over my shoulder my voice calm almost casual enjoy the
shoes Mark and then I stepped outside closing the door behind me I barely made it to my car before my phone started buzzing mom I let it go to voicemail then Lisa ignored then surprise surprise Mark I smirked to myself shaking my head as I climbed into the driver's seat that didn't take long I wasn't even out of the driveway when the first text came in okay uh-huh very funny you made your point can you send the money now I rolled my eyes and put my phone on silent the drive home was peaceful for the
first time in years I felt a strange sense of freedom I didn't have to play the role of the nice one anymore the one who always forgave always gave always put up with their nonsense I was done but they they were just getting started by the time I got home my phone had exploded with messages Lisa had sent Rachel don't be so dramatic family is family mom said you don't mean this we raised you better than this Dad uncharacteristically brief just sent call your mother and then there was Mark who had sent far too many
messages for someone who supposedly didn't care at first it was the usual Mark nonsense mocking condescending assuming I'd cave like always you're really cutting us off over this unreal then another what are you going to do spend all your money on candles and fancy pillows come on then a final jab fine be Petty whatever then the shift happened hey okay listen I kind of need that money like soon I smirked here we go I ordered some stuff expecting you to send it this month oh now he was admitting it it's not just the shoes I
may have also gotten a new TV I raised an eyebrow and a PS5 and a laptop but I had it all planned out your transfer was supposed to come in today ratch come on I took a slow sip of my tea scrolling further you're seriously not answering this isn't funny they're going to charge my card tomorrow Rachel I don't have the money to cover it do you want me to go into debt I nearly choked on my tea oh this was gold Mark wasn't just inconvenienced he was in real trouble for years he had lived
with this smug confidence knowing I'd always come through always help he had spent money he didn't have because he assumed I would keep paying and now he was desperate a notification popped up incoming call from Mark I let it ring then another and another then a message short and to the point pick up the phone I sat back watching my screen a slow grin forming on my face for the first time ever I was the one in control they thought I'd just roll over that I'd let them Gaslight me into believing it was my fault
that I was being unreasonable but they forgot one very important thing I was done being the family's ATM and Mark Mark was about to learn exactly what that meant I put my phone down and stretched out on the couch feeling more relaxed than I had in years let them squirm let them panic I wasn't their safety net anymore and they were about to feel what that really meant Mark had always been Reckless with money but this this was something else he had gone ahead and racked up a bunch of charges on his credit card fully
expecting me to cover them like I always had and now that I wasn't playing along he was spiraling I scrolled through his messages again shaking my head a new TV a PS 5 a laptop and that was on top of the expensive shoes he'd already mentioned earlier how much had he actually spent knowing Mark he' probably gone for the top-of-the-line versions of everything assuming it didn't matter because I was footing the bill but now the reality was hitting him hard I put my phone on silent and turned on the TV ready to enjoy my evening
but before I could even pick something to watch my phone lit up again another call from Mark then another and another he was relentless I ignored them all but then after a few minutes my phone buzzed with a message from Mom Rachel call your brother now I scoffed oh now she cared funny how that worked then another one this is serious heun's in trouble you need to help him I took my time finishing my drink before even considering a response then a message from Lisa okay look I get that you're mad but you've made your
point can you just send the money now heun's freaking out I grinned they were starting to crack then Mark again Rachel if you don't send the money tonight I'll be in trouble do you get that I can't pay for this oh I got it all right I let another 15 minutes pass the messages kept coming then finally one that really made me laugh Rachel please ah there it was the desperation I let that one sit unanswered for another 10 minutes before finally picking up the phone and calling Mark he picked up on the first ring
finally Rachel what the hell you've been ignoring me all night I leaned back on the couch oh I saw your messages I was just busy busy busy doing what relaxing he made a sound of pure frustration Rachel you don't get it I know Mark you don't get it my voice was calm but firm you assumed I'd keep paying for you you didn't even ask you just went ahead and spent money you didn't have because you thought I'd be there to bail you out again there was silence on the other end then he scoffed oh come
on you're really this mad over some dumb reunion it was a mistake we forgot to tell you big deal but now you're punishing me for it that's insane I shook my head no mark this isn't about the reunion it's about the fact that I'm done done being treated like a walking wallet done being lied to done being used his voice Rose used oh my God Rachel you're so dramatic you're acting like we're stealing from you we're family you have money it's not like it's a big deal to you there it was the entitlement the expectation
the sheer audacity of it I let out a short laugh well you really don't see it do you see what that you're being completely unreasonable no that I don't owe you anything I was helping because I wanted to but now I don't want it anymore you can't be serious he breathed Rachel you can't do this I already spent the money I can't just return everything not my problem I said simply you don't get it he snapped they're going to charge my card at midnight if I don't have the money my account is going to overdraft
you're just going to let that happen I was quiet for a moment letting his Panic settle in then I spoke my voice calm yes I am he let out a strangled laugh like he couldn't believe what he was hearing Rachel Rachel come on just this one last time just send it and I swear I'll never never ask again I sighed that's what you said last time in the time before that in the time before that this is different no it's not it's exactly the same you made a reckless decision thinking I'd clean up your mess
but I'm not doing that anymore Rachel his voice cracked slightly please I almost felt a twinge of sympathy almost but then I remembered every time I'd been dismissed every time they'd laughed at me every time they treated me like an outsider in my own family I stood firm you'll figure it out I said good luck then I hung up within seconds my phone started buzzing again I ignored it then a message from Lisa what did you just say to him he's freaking out I didn't answer then Mom Rachel you are being cruel HEK your brother
you have to help him no I didn't and finally another message from Mark you're going to regret this I smiled turned off my phone and went AB bed let him Panic let them small panic because for once I wasn't the one losing sleep over it the next morning I woke up to a ridiculous amount of missed calls and messages Mark Lisa mom one after another all trying to get me to Cave but I had already made my decision I wasn't backing down I took my time getting out of bed made myself a nice breakfast and
scrolled through my messages while sipping my coffee most of them were the same guilt tripping whining and demands but then I saw something new Rachel I swear to God if you don't send the money I'll come to your house myself I raised an eyebrow oh a threat now then another message this one from Mom Mark is on his way over please just talk to him I set my cup down inside so that was how they wanted to play it fine letun play about an hour later just as I was finishing up some work my doorbell
rang I already knew who it was I opened the door to find Mark standing there looking like an absolute mess his hair was disheveled his shirt was wrinkled and there were dark circles under his eyes he had clearly not slept Rachel he said trying to keep his voice steady we need to talk I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame talk about what I thought I made myself pretty clear last night his jaw tightened I just look I messed up okay but I need you to help me out this one time one time
I tilted my head you mean just like last time and the time before that his hands clenched into fists come on you have the money it wouldn't even hurt you I let out a short laugh that's the problem Mark you think my money is your safety net that it's just something you're entitled to but it's not he let out a frustrated sigh running a hand through his hair Rachel I don't have time for this the charges are hitting my account today I stared at him Mark I just want you to take responsibility for once in
your life his face Twisted into something ugly this is because of the reunion isn't it you're being petty over a stupid party I laughed again oh trust me Mark this is about a lot more than just that he was breathing heavily now like he was barely holding himself together so you're really not going to help me nope his hands clenched at his sides his nostrils flaring then as if something in him snapped he hissed you're just a selfish brat you think you're better than us because you have money news flash Rachel you're not you'll always
just be the pathetic little sister who had to buy her way into respect and when you finally lose all that money don't come crawling back to us because we won't care I didn't even Flinch I just smiled good to know Mark now get off my property he stood there glaring at me waiting for me to Cave but I didn't after a few tense seconds he let out a bitter laugh and turned to leave fine whatever don't help me but don't expect this to be over I watched as he stormed off muttering under his breath as
he got into his car my phone buzzed again a message from Mom Rachel what did you do Mark is furious I shook my head and shut the door sending a final message to my family I'm done don't ever ask me for money again it felt final I hit send turned off my phone and went on with my day for the first time in a long while I felt at peace the following days were quieter my family didn't reach out anymore and for a while it was like they just accepted that I wasn't coming back to
the role they always put me in their ATM their backup plan their easy way out I didn't hear from Mark or Lisa it was a relief but also a bit strange a week passed and then another I didn't even think about them that much I focused on my work my life and doing things for myself then one night I got a message from Mark I messed up I don't know what to do please Rachel help me I stared at it for a moment feeling no rush to reply I wasn't Angry Anymore I wasn't frustrated I
had simply moved on I deleted the message without responding the next day I went about my routine completely unbothered and in that moment I realized that for the first time in my life I was living for myself no guilt no expectations just me and that was exactly how I wanted it to stay let me know your thoughts in the comments