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Academia de Pregadores
Na Lição 11 - A Salvação Não é Obra Humana, estudaremos a doutrina bíblica de que a salvação é exclu...
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[Music] Salvation is a gift from God, no one can deny that, even in the face of arguments. centuries-old emblematics such as those that occur between Calvinism and Arminianism, one thing no one can denying salvation comes from God is a gift from God is the manifestation of God's Grace of course we need to respond positively to salvation This is our part but no one can respond positively to salvation if the spirit itself does not operationalize this Salvation in us, that is, if the holy spirit does not reveal salvation to us why can I answer why can I I was able to respond positively to salvation because the spirit revealed salvation to me This is true, we need to understand that salvation is not our merit in any way. Christ died for us God himself planned salvation the holy spirit revealed salvation to us and we respond positively to this saving grace of God towards us, dear ones.
Welcome to the preachers academy, we are together once again in our school Bible lessons Sunday already heading towards the end of the quarter is our penultimate lesson We are studying the first quarter of 2025 and Today we will study lesson number 11 lesson number 11 of the day March 16, 2025 the title of our lesson is salvation is not a human work salvation is consolidates in the lives of human beings But it is the work of God as I just said salvation is a work of the father carried out by the son and operation carried out in us by the Holy Spirit this cannot be changed, it cannot be changed, of course in today's class, although I mentioned the discussion Centennial, right, millennial, almost from Arminianism and Calvinism, we are not going to go into the merits of thing here because it is not a proposal of our lesson and we do not have time for that but a sure thing salvation comes from God it is executed by Christ and operationalized in us by the action of Holy Spirit the audio text of our lesson is in tto Chapter 3 Verse 5 not by the works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of Regeneration and the Renewal of the Holy Spirit Paul is writing to Titus and making it clear that this salvation is not by our works, it is not because we were righteous, it is not because of our merits It's not because we fear good things that we are cool no no no it's because of your mercy the word mercies comes from the union of the word misery plus Cardia which is where the term comes from cardiologist, that is, God put his heart in our misery and God opened his heart to a wretched enter then we are saved because of God's tender mercies practical truth salvation is an act of God's Sovereign Grace by the merit of whoever is Christ Jesus or of Jesus Christ and does not come from human works, first realize that salvation is an act of Grace, the word of God in us says this because the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all men it for us She is free but Someone paid the price Jesus paid the price So she is by the merit of Jesus Christ and it does not come from our works, what we need to do is simply surrender ourselves to Christ the key word of our lesson is salvation, that's what we're going to talk about, the doctrine of salvation or soteriology we do not have time here to deal with salvation in old testament in the New Testament How salvation was given in the old testament have you ever stopped to think about it How was salvation given there before the death of Jesus before Jesus was born How If salvation was given in the Old Testament, there are several aspects of salvation that are important to be thought But we will here walk within the proposal of our writer the biblical reading in class is in Ephesians Chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10 Paul writes the letter to the Ephesians I say that it is a text in which he takes a church as if it were a spiritual baby and goes teach the rudimentary principles of the Christian faith to that church until this church be ready for a battle as he says in Ephesians Chapter 6 which is the chapter that he will close his letter the letter to the Ephesians was a church it was a circular letter to the churches in Asia Minor were interested in the Church of Ephesus, which was the church where Paul stayed for about 3 uninterrupted years teaching this church and he addresses this Letter to the Church of Ephesus the church which was in Ephesus but was a circular letter to the churches of Asia Minor and if we want learn about ecclesiology for example not a better book to study of course than others texts but the book of of of of the letter to the Ephesians this this text of the letter to the Ephesians is a book that we studied to understand a little about ecclesiology, which is understanding the church as a living organism let's go Ephesians Chapter 2 from verse one to 10 and made you alive being you who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the sea of ​​the spirit who now works no longer in you as if Paul had said but in the sons of disobedience among whom we all also walked before he says look we were there my friends in the desires of our flesh doing the will of the flesh and of the thoughts and we were by nature children of Wrath like others too but God who is very rich in mercy for his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ, by grace you are saved, and raised us up together with him and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus to show us in the ages coming the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus for by grace you have been saved through faith; this does not come from you; it is the gift of God; it does not come from works. so that no one may boast because some people have done better and greater works than others. of works so that no one can boast because we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God separated for us to walk in them this text is a wonderful text it is a text that takes time is not true for us to think about it for us to deal with it anyway but Paul is talking about salvation in the last class I talked a little about this I mentioned I made reference to this text, right?
I talked a little about some things here and it's interesting for us to think that we were made alive we were dead in trespasses and sins, that is, separated from God because of our offenses of our sins against God and we were made alive then we heard the voice of God it is possible to hear the voice of God, it is possible, we just have to read Ezekiel 37 For example, when the Lord question to Ezekiel in front of a valley of dry bones: could these bones revive and Ezekiel's response is Lord you know and the Lord says prophesy over these bones so that they long live Ezekiel prophesied there was a noise noise bone hitting bone but the bones revived prophesied eh eh the spirit after upon them and they became a great army then it is possible in the spirit that is dead separated from God because of offenses and sins is possible a vivification occurs we are vivified, that is, we return to live again and this spirit once alive This is soteriology it sheds light on the soul The soul also awakens it Imagine you are sleeping in a dark room, everything closed, and someone comes and opens the window. open the window blind and let the light in and we automatically have that thing to wake up this is the idea that occurs the spirit speaks to our spirit because the Bible says that the same spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God then our spirit is dead separated from God not annihilated Ok will separate stopped from God death here is separation and then the holy spirit arrives and speaks to our spirit our spirit awakens then wakes up to the life and then he opens light on our soul the light of the word comes on our soul and then moves us our feelings with our emotions and we position ourselves before God This is in practice what happens with salvation I think this is wonderful because when I teach the doctrine of salvation I do it I draw this like this on the board and I'm going to draw a picture so we can understand how salvation is operationalized in our lives then we need to understand the following to our soul is awake our soul is awake our feelings and our daily emotions Are they really involved in salvation if they are, it is because the Spirit is shedding light on our soul if it is not there you need to open this window ok So this is our Bible reading in class let's go to the first point of our lesson Where we will deal with salvation under the grace of God under under salvation is under the grace of God first paragraph the description of the Spiritual State of the human being the apostle tells us our writer employs some exess to reinforce the reality of sin as we discussed in the last class, the Bible treats sin with severity what are these expressions we were dead in trespasses and sins that is we were lost another expression we walked according to the course of this world be it according to the will of the world what the world commanded according to the prince Let me go back here that according to the prince of the power of the air is the way we walked according to the spirit that now works. I will change this again, the spirit that now operates in the children of disobedience no longer operates in us but Opera is there in the children of disobedience because we walked according to the desires of our flesh and we were by nature children of Wrath and this is This was the tragic picture the tragic photograph of humanity was the way we were we were all torn apart with sheep that have no shepherd, completely lost, far from God, far from God, Paul speaks to the for the church of Ephesus, right?
In fact, it's not Paul, it seems like Peter is going to speak. that we have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and transported into the kingdom of His wonderful light we were not even a people but now we are the people of God The Bible tells us about this also or rather This was the picture why is it important for us to understand This picture because if we didn't understand the place we were in and the place God put us in we didn't value it the salvation plan we do not value anyone who does not or anyone who cannot understand the tragic reality that was unable to value what was done for him I often say this in relation to our children, for example, a simple fact: Our children will never know the value of having a car at home because they have never ridden the bus. They never had to stand on foot, they never had to stand at a bus stop in the rain with umbrella there and get all wet they never needed the bus to come like that at the bus stop that's life of poor people if you have never lived give glory to God I saw it on the bus bridge like this and before to stop so we could get in with that shit and throw that pile of water at us, we're guarded rain running after the bus because it stopped there in front and the wind turned the umbrella the opposite has never been experienced this was ah it was almost an adventure Ah I lived it once or twice I want see this happen every day, I want to see you wake up at dawn with a cold, go out in the rain to go to bus stop for 40 minutes and then the bus broke down, they've never faced this, Débora is here oh R here in the studio they never faced this so they don't know how to value it so they complain Our this car is this this car is that is complaining I want to see not having the car to drive or in other words to Those who do not understand the degrading situation they have already lived will never value the fruits that are reaping what was planted by other people and we need to be careful because this is a truth in our spiritual life especially people like me who were never born in the world in the church, the son of a believer and the son of a believer have this habit of not valuing because those who had it there in The world smoked, drank, got up to mischief, it was all that confusion, it was nothing, it was a slave to the devil, a puppet of Satan, right?
hell's horse people speak like the parents we used to say now there he suffered there at the hands of the devil there Come to Christ now I know a pastor I can mention her name no problem white pastor from Ipatinga the white shepherdess she she she she made pacts there before becoming a believer come on daughter of a believer but she made pacts there in spiritualism and such and she says pastor you know why I make a purpose you know why I fast, you know why I pray because when I was there in the world it was like this, she said there was one time what the hell dove gía asked me to go a year without eating meat and I really like meat I went a year without eating meat, then it seems to me that I went a year without drinking soda now why that I will not do for God who has never lived this dark side of the force was raised in the church was free and such he doesn't know how to value this but we need to look at biblical texts like this one from Paul in the letter to the Ephesians and understand what our situation was, we were lost, dead even though I am the son of a believer who served God my entire life, involved in sin, condemned to hell and salvation has come and found us if we stop to think where we should to be and where the Lord has placed us now we will value salvation a little more and we will stop thinking that being a believer is difficult, being a believer is difficult, it's a lot of renunciation that I don't know what that no difficult people are serving the Devil. He is the one who, just like a shepherd did once, arrived to talking to young people he arrived at the pub with the orange he peeled the orange he peeled the orange he sucked it the orange masora threw the pulp up in the air and put his foot down and spoke to the young people, that's how it is the devil does to you, he just sucks everything you have and then leaves, it's hard to serve the devil, to serve to God he did not make us alive when we were dead in our trespasses and sins second paragraph from the first point academia de adores has a message for you Hello dear students of the academy of preachers It's great to have you with us at this special moment, we are here to present the new platform of the preachers academy that has been built over the last few months with much affection A great investment to bring you not only excellent content but also cutting-edge technology see with me the courses are organized by trails on the main page Here you will find suggestions for specific releases and other categories at the bottom of the page. There is a path with all the courses after starting your studies the first path will be to continue watching that shows only the courses started by you on the course cover there is the number of classes the workload and a button to add to Favorites in this arrow you can expand and watch an introductory video to log in click on the avatar in the top right corner and enter your email and password used in registration if you have forgotten your password just click here link fill in the registered email and the password will be sent in the upper left corner is the new portal menu when you open a course for the first time you see the course information and the teacher and on the side or just below if it is on the cell phone is the list of modules and classes Some initial classes may be free and anyone who registers quickly can attend after enrolling Here you see the completed classes released or scheduled classes You can add favorites rate the course and track your progress and if you leave the course and return then the system will open exactly the last class attended if you are on the computer use this arrow to enlarge the screen just below the video lesson you will find the links to download attachments such as audio and handouts and in this blank field you can make your notes while watching later just print or save when you finish the course click on the issue my certificate button and it will be generated automatically at the same time and free of charge by clicking on the Avatar you have access to the your profile and payment history in my cards can add a new credit card to make payment for your plan if you were already our student and your card does not appear here Add a card on the new platform Then enjoy the news and click subscribe now Choose one of the plans Come to the preachers academy, the largest online Bible school in Brazil [Applause] first point dead in offenses and sins what is di What does this mean I already talked about it here but our writer will make it clear to us that by spiritual death the Bible means that fallen humanity is separated from God death is separation and does not mean spiritual annihilation Total this happens and we need to be careful so we don't run the risk of Annihilation.
what do we call a total degradation, a total annihilation? what is this Annihilation I say that when the sins we commit no longer have any effect on we are one step away from total Annihilation because every time we fail to our conscience has to accuse us if we sin and nothing happens we don't feel anything if it's the greatest danger it's the greatest risk we can run we are at risk of Total Annihilation That is, when we are truly far from God who is the sin of apostasy come on the image degraded likeness is able to receive again the action of the Holy Spirit So I already talked about this here it wasn't a total Annihilation it was a degradation a corruption of the image and likeness of God I have already explained this here even in a somewhat how detailed the spirit vivifies sheds light on the soul the soul wakes up and begins to serve the Lord third paragraph of the first point the exegesis of verses 8 to 10 this biblical passage eliminates any interpretation or attempt at salvation with human help or any effort additional to complete the work of Christ the term Grace means favor and deserved grace It is a gift, that is, there is no merit and I made a point of writing it here, I will just read it because I already said it but I'm going to read it, we only respond positively through faith because we receive it illumination of the Holy Spirit we only respond positively to salvation because the Holy Spirit enlightened us I don't even have the merit to say ah I raised my hands to give my life for Jesus Jesus received me No I only did this it is not my merit I only did this because the Spirit The Saint revealed salvation to me, and I was able to respond positively. If it weren't for an action of the Holy Spirit to reveal salvation to me I wouldn't be able to answer Okay, second point of our lesson, second point is inadequate theologies in antiquity.
first of them the reincarnationists the reincarnationists the followers and the supporters of reincarnation reincarnation supporters have in common the search for perfection through a process evolutionary until these cycles of the wheel of rebirth Stop turning then the reincarnation does not believe in the project of salvation as we believe because they believe that they will be reincarnated reincarnated going through their karmas until they reach nirv Anana which is the perfect stage a fallacy a conversation is not it is not the same process of what unfortunately teaches Roman Catholicism that has deviated from the true faith which is the process of purgatory Oh, you have to go through purgatory, there are no people, the deal is here and now, the Bible says that after death follows judgment, so there's no such thing as reincarnation, huh? There's no such thing and then the reincarnationists say the following: if you haven't lived a life Well, here you will reincarnate into an inferior creature so that you can live better and then reincarnate into a superior creature and then into another more superior still more superior more superior until you reach perfection talk talk don't fall for that no this is blah blah blah second paragraph Gallists is the name given to the legalistic Judaizers who opposed the apostle Paul in the province of Galatia We have already studied this here, it was the Jews who had converted, right? The writer says this.
Here, these Jews converted to Christianity wanted the Gentiles to observe the law of Moses as a condition for salvation Paul fought hard against the Judaizers who are called here of galaci onist because they were people who were in galatia and it was to this church that Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians fighters here and the third paragraph the gnostics the gnostics founded By mny who lived in the year 216 to 276 in Persia which is modern-day Iran his teaching was that the universe is composed of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light and these two fight for dominion over nature and of the human being himself according to these with these teachers in this way, by the way, let me just Go back a little here, look at these two fighting, this is what we call dualism good exists because of evil and evil exists because of good has a symbol that today is not so portrayed but it is a symbol of the new era, right? It is round like that, it has the half and half there, the Ying Yang he represents this dualism by saying that what they go to the point of saying is that God created the Well, God created evil because we can only identify evil from good. and one lives for the sake of the other, this is a fallacy.
Ok, so in order to be saved, the human being needs to free oneself from the prison of the world and its planetary powers and this liberation is only possible by through a mystical knowledge that gnosis and therefore Gnosticism is a mystical knowledge What a mess I have here, the mystical knowledge that is gnosis, a kind of enlightenment spiritual the others the other people are not people materials and cannot receive this knowledge, that is, for the Gnostics, salvation comes through from the knowledge of the Cosmos knowledge of oneself and from this knowledge we free ourselves of this evil influence but not everyone achieves it, so for the Gnostics the grace of God is not manifested bringing salvation to all men, it is only a select group that manages to reach the full knowledge of gnosis is clear this is ridiculous it is a is a is a heresy which is also ridiculous So it's not true But it is implanted and it has a very strong root in the our days this gnostic knowledge he oh he he has been preaching this for a long time H for centuries and has reached our days the third point of our lesson, the soteras or the doctrines of today's inadequate salvation we have already dealt with a little here we go our writer he proposes talk a little more in the first paragraph about Islam according to this religion if the works are the good deeds outweigh the bad ones such a person will go to paradise and here is the reference there in the Quran Quran chapter 13 verse 22 and 23 I don't even know if it says exactly that but it is Quran 13. 22. 23 and Here they believe that if the comrade is willing to do everything that Allah wants, that he is the God of Muslims they will go to paradise and they will be there in paradise next to 70 virgins that is it is a totally meritorious salvation they still teach that Allah does not love sinners but only the pious allah does not love the aggressors allah does not love the aggressors aah does not love any ungrateful sinner Unlike what Paul teaches us here in the letter to the Ephesians that Christ died for us being dead in our trespasses and sins, then realize that this here too, as I said in a previous class This here is a dissidence and it is Sunni, right?
It is not a dissidence, it is a dissidence radical Muslims are a Sunni dissidence, right? They don't love the aggressors there, so they don't have them here. nothing to do with terrorists suicide bombers no no here there a dissidence but it's a heresy ok it is a heresy according to the second paragraph of the second point as Jehovah's Witnesses salvation is not in Christ but in their religious organization, different from what the Bible teaches, the word of God exists two groups of saved ones one that has the right to heaven restricted to 144,000 which is the class of anointed the other the class of the great multitude that will inherit the earth according to the theology of Jehovah's Witness movement then heaven itself for Jehovah's Witnesses is restricted to 144,000 people I once told Jehovah's Witness will you go in there because I I think you already have more than 144,000 in the world for the rest they will redeem the land even the land will be restored there is that little magazine there of a sentinel in a nice little magazine Attractive we take what people offer, they are very incisive in their evangelizing action They use the New World Translation Bible, we need to say this and we take it and it's a business very attractive and dangerous because those who do not have a good biblical foundation embark high because their speech is an interesting speech So in short Jehovah's Witnesses say that salvation she is linked to their religion not through Christ heaven is for 144,000 a special class The Anointed And the rest of the people will inherit the earth, this earth will be restored and then they they take biblical texts that speak of the Restoration of the earth, which is an eschatological act that will happen in the Millennium they take part of it And of course and in an inappropriate and Deprived way of a biblical theological truth they say that the earth will be restored 144,000 in heaven and the the rest of the gang will stay there inheriting the earth and finally Mormonism Mormonism Mormons believe In a general sense, let me highlight this here because I want to read all of this here to here and here the Mormons the Mormons Mormons believe in a general salvation in which the non-Mormons are punished and then released to salvation so that's what we call Annihilation Total Annihilation, that is, in the end everyone goes to heaven, is the theory.
they are followers of the theory of Total Annihilation the Mormons do not need to be punished they are right, they already have direct access, notice that it gives an idea more or less of purgatory, the non- Mormons are punished and then also released for salvation. In other words, the door is wide open. the world is fine and from an individual perspective in which salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus and by obedience to the laws and ordinances then just as the Anes they also attach to salvation the obedience of laws and ordinances they consider ordinances according to articles TR and 4 of the rules of faith faith in Jesus repentance Look what a heresy is Sometimes you see something No but faith in Jesus is right, repentance is also right, baptism by immersion This is a thing of pentecostalism laying on of hands my God this is a blessing but there are other requirements one of them is accept Joseph Smith Junior as God's spokesperson then when we analyze some issues eh of sects and heresies it is necessary to analyze as a whole so that we can understand doctrinally and of course that what we are dealing with here during this quarter is something only panoramic for you who If you want to study a little more, you need to delve a little deeper with biblical doctrinal solidity because if you don't have solid biblical doctrinal solidity, you can also get carried away.
But we need to understand that what Paul says in the letter to the Ephesians is what the plan truly is of God's salvation for all humanity very well in today's lesson we dealt with soteriology we understand the work of salvation we talk about some ancient heresies about some heresies modern in relation to their theology the doctrine of salvation we learn that salvation does not come from you of us does not come from works, it is not for anyone to boast, salvation is a gift from God and it is through a repentance that can only be generated in us because of an action of the Holy Spirit not there is merit in us in salvation merit is from God but we respond positively God tells you bless you and may this salvation be expanded in your life for the glory of the name of Jesus.
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