in just 30 days we increased this beauty Brand's return on ad spin by 86% by just making a few simple tweaks to Facebook ads and it all started with their campaign structure over the past 8 years I've set up campaign structures that have turned seven figure Brands into eight figure Brands multiple times and in this video I'm going to give you the exact campaign structure that I use across all the brands that we're trying to scale aggressively today this exact case study happened over the course of a year but this specific change in row has happened within a 30-day period we have old campaigns on the bottom three here and we have new campaigns on the top three here and what's crazy is that this exact structure almost every single time gets the most profitable results that you could possibly imagine now there's a lot of steps involved here but the structure itself is the foundation of your ad account this is literally what allows you to do all the more complex strategies and advanced systems within your ad account it's what allows you to graduate campaign it's what allows you to graduate ads it's what allows you to scale that structure is so important we all know it's the foundation it's like the home of the ad account when we took over the account there was a previous agency running this account and as you can see here previously they were driving a 0. 94 return on ad spend and if you just take a look at the spend they were spending $94,000 at a loss so what we did was we made fundamental changes now when we come in and we take over ad accounts we don't just throw out the old campaigns right that's ridiculous there's still ways that we could salvage some old campaigns so what we like to do generally speaking is we like to transition things over we'd like to apply the best settings and then transition things to a better overall structure so this this period right here is a big swap from their campaigns to our campaigns and you can see that actually detailed in this section right here we can see all of their campaigns Dr by tremendous amounts overall spent in their primary prospecting campaigns dropping $444,000 5,000 in their retention based campaign $4,000 in their retargeting campaign and then all of our new campaigns are going up drastically in terms of percentage points what actually happens when we do this we see an 86. 8 1% increase in return on ad spent across the board and this is in apples to apples 30 days versus 30 days comparison so we take this brand from literally losing money on $90,000 in ad spend we reduce the spend by about 35% so we come down from $94,000 to $91,000 in ad spend cuz we needed to like really cut the brakes quick stop the bleeding in this account really wanted to really focus on driving the most optimal return on ad spent and make this brand profitable instantly and that's exactly what we did so return on Adent jump from 0.
94 to 1. 75 and one of the bigger metrics for this brand is actually cost per purchase so in this case we dropped cost per purchase by $54 that is crazy right so this went from a brand that was previously acquiring a customer for $958 and after the changes that we made that I'm going to go through in this exact structure here we dropped this all the way down to $41. 56 it's a 56% reduction in cost per purchase and as you can see through the purchase return on ad spend that's an 86% increase in return on ad spend from completely unprofitable to very profitable and still able to scale what we did Beyond this what we did after these first few weeks of making drastic changes is we scaled this happened during a very turbulent time so instead of just saying hey we're going to Coast here we're going to stick with this 1.
75 this brand really took advantage of this scenario what they did was they said cool we found what we needed to do we fixed our settings we fixed our structure and now we're actually able to scale let's break down exactly what we did here and how we've done this over and over and over again for Brands to on average get a purchase return on ad spend increase of 43% now just just taking a step back if you know anything about Facebook ads you know that structure is the foundation you know it is so important you know that you can't create complex and different systems within an account until you have that important perfect structure in place so what even is a structure there's so many different ways you can run Facebook ads you've probably heard of things like everyone's running Advantage Plus these days you've probably seen people going super broad or maybe you've seen or in the past you've run accounts that are really really granular dozens of campaigns and dozens of adsets and you're tweaking things every single day the most important part of this is that this is a structure that is scalable and that works regardless of the size of your business so there's a few things you need to tweak based on how much you're spending but generally speaking everything I'm going to go through here applies if you're literally spending your first 23 $400 on Facebook or if you're spending 30 40 50 $100,000 on Facebook ads now every structure has three core components we have campaigns which is the actual foundation of the entire structure we have ad sets which are all our audiences and then we have ads the actual creative that we're delivering to the end user that's ultimately causing the conversion to happen so each of these places you unique role the most important starting at ads but second being ad sets and third being campaigns now here's the big caveat while ads are the most important part of your account if you have really really really great creative and it's run in a poor structure it will underperform an account that has mediocre creative in one of the best structures possible the point of the structure is to create a scalable predictable system that when you create new creative and you launch that new creative into your account you know that the best creative is going to the best audience not only to the right people but actually at the right time and at the right place but 99% of your competitors have completely forgotten about this everyone out there is running to the same broad audiences they're spending the same amount of money every single day of the week now it's our job to be really really specific so normally what we see is by just fixing the structure of your account you're going to see somewhere around a 10 to 30% increase in return on ad spend and then the compounding effect of doing this every single month and actually implementing the graduation process that we're going to get to you will then see an even further increase of return on ad spend where in our case in just 90 days you'll see a 43% on average this is not our worst definitely not our best but on average a 43% increase in return on has spend so if you think your account right now is a complete mess that's actually a good sign that means there's a ton of opportunity and you're definitely going to beat that 43% if you think your account is really well structured maybe you fall under that 43% but following this structure and implementing this is actually going to allow you to scale so not only is your Raz going to maintain or get better but your profit which is ultimately the most important thing that we have here acquiring your customers spending more driving more Revenue contribution margin driving up those are actually the most important things that we're working on here and ultimately that's what this structure is about is about scaling predictably and as efficiently as possible so the very first campaign that we're going to set up is going to be an Advantage Plus campaign so once you go into the actual ad account click create go to sales click continue and select Advantage Plus shopping campaign in terms of naming conventions I would generally recommend you name this A+ or ascore scale this is meant to be your number one primary scaling campaign and I'm going to show you exactly how that works and how we graduate ads into this campaign what you want to do is make sure you set this up as website and Shop select your proper pixel and make sure your attribution settings are set to 7-Day click and 1day view now we're going to optimize the ad account on a 7-Day click setting however we're going to allow Facebook to optimize to 7-Day click and one- day view the reason we're doing this is because we want as many signals as possible to feed this Facebook algorithm however when we make data driven decisions ourselves and we decide which ads to turn off we're going to always be doing that on a click basis terms of audience locations obviously make sure your audience locations are set properly and then when we're actually talking about reporting which is a super important caveat here make sure you have set your engaged audiences and your existing customers so you could actually tweak all these in your manage your advertising settings button right here so just click that and once you click that button you're actually going to be able to add engage audiences and existing customers right here for your engage audiences the easy recommendation here is 30-day site visitors and then definitely you want to have some sort of like engagers for a Facebook and Instagram this is not a silver bullet so don't stress if this isn't the exact setup that you might be seeing here if it's 30-day site visitors and Facebook and Instagram engagers you're in a good position for actual existing customers grab 180-day purchasers from your pixel and then get your CRM implemented make sure clavo or whatever you're using for your email list is fully implemented into your ad account and you're grabbing your entire customer list as an automated daily pull very important don't just upload your customer list from this random section you need to have an automated daily pull that pushes right into here once these are set up go down to your budget because this is your scaling campaign you're just setting this up this is only going to start at around 20% of your total budget the next thing we're going to do in most cases here is set our existing customer budget cap to 0% here what this is going to confirm is that there's never going to be existing customers hit on this Advantage Plus campaign because we're going to have a separate campaign where we specifically Target them with very specific ads so we're going to set this for zero we're going to set our daily budget to 20% of whatever our total budget is just for this example like going all the way through I'm just going to assume we have a $1,000 daily budget so our daily budget here is going to be 200 bucks for Budget scheduling we can completely skip this and we can move down to the ad level itself so once you get into the ad level you'll notice Advantage Plus doesn't have any targeting so Advantage Plus is running broad it's running to the entire United States it's running to every demographic every cohort this is kind of a little Hidden Gem the only way you could actually tweak your settings for what's run in Advantage Plus is by going to your Advertiser settings on the left hand side here once you're in here you can go to account account controls and then you can tweak your audience controls and your placement controls so in many cases businesses that we work with can only serve in specific locations so you can type in countries here you can even type in exclusions on a state level so what we'll often do is we'll exclude certain States right so I'll give you an example one brand has a lot of retail facilities in New York that we work with we like to avoid New York advertising because they do it in a different way right so we literally just type in New York here and we could exclude New York and a radius or the whole city from our entire account second thing that's really really helpful is my business's advertisers age restricted goods or services now heads up if you do this you're probably going to get a little flag internally on the Facebook side so I would be a little careful on this side this is just honestly knowledge that just comes from being in this industry for a really really long time whenever you select something that says something like age restricted you're kind of giving Facebook a little hint of hey maybe heads up on who we serve this to so minimum age making sure it's set normally to 18 if you are a very age restricted product and yeah no problem set it to 21 set it to 23 whatever your specific audience is in most cases I would not tweak these settings because Advantage Plus is going to just take a few weeks and then ultimately figure out who your most valuable customers actually are okay so you're probably wondering what about creatives what do we put in this Advantage Plus campaign now here's the thing you're going to be putting your best creatives only in this Advantage Plus campaign how do you actually decide what creatives to put in your Advantage Plus campaign so what you're going to want to do is go into your primary prospecting campaign that currently exists now if you don't have your setup where you know your primary prospecting campaign and everything's kind of just mixed in together right now it's okay go to all of your ads and don't think twice about it once you go into all your ads go to your column set go to compare attribution settings and set everything to 7-Day click choose conversion account as all conversions click apply when you do this you're now going to see a difference between click conversions and view conversions all we care about when we're optimizing and deciding what the best ads are are the click based conversions the next thing you're going to do is sort by amount spent what we want to push into here is our top creative only when I say top creatives I generally mean the top 10% very strictly you might say wow there might only be three ads cool if it's three ads it's three ads they are proven winners now a top ad is a top spending ad and a top converting ad it is not a low spending ad with a boatload of high row as that's not what it is it's high spend High row as so when we're looking at this account right now I would sort by amount spent that you could see during this month that I'm looking at we spent exactly $78,000 and our average return on ad spend was 3. 09 so this was a big month for this brand right we spent 78k we drove 240,000 in revenue and that's just for this specific adset on the whole account we spent a total of $117,000 to drive a total of $544,000 in Revenue now when we look at the actual ads I'm looking at the 7-Day click conversions that's what I want to optimize on so for our actual amount spent we're sorting here and then I'm going to go to the right I'm going to look at my return on ad spend when I look at my return on ad spend I'm looking at an average of 3. 59 for my 7-Day click and then what I'm going to do is is try to take anything that's above this 3.
59 and at the top tier of my spending right off the bat I can tell you that I see some winners here these three are the same creative that's an easy winner top spending High return on ad spend here's an example of one I would skip this is one where yes it has high spend but the return on ad spends about 10 to 15% under my average that's not something I would necessarily promote another example of a winner number one right we have just above our average return on ad spend but then check out the second variation of it at a 6. 45 and we're talking about scale here we're talking about big spending ads here are some examples of ones that we don't care about this ad in particular spent $91 out of 7. 5 return on ad spend now you might think holy crap 7.
5 return on ad spend isn't that what we want isn't that what we want to duplicate yes but Facebook would promote this ad way more they would make this ad scale if it showed signals that we literally can't comprehend as advertisers as human beings it would scale this ad to the Moon if it could continue to drive a 7.