$5000 PER MONTH Amazon Side Hustle Selling Coloring Books Full Tutorial (WORLDWIDE)

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Video Transcript:
I just found the next best thing that you need to be doing right now that will make you tons of money and I'm talking about selling coloring books you probably like coloring books let me go ahead on and click on the next video but I'm telling you guys people are creating and selling these coloring books on Amazon and they are making thousands of dollars a month and it is so easy to do anyone can do this from anywhere in the world and I'm gonna show you how you can actually create this literally in less than
10 minutes and I'm going to tell you how to make sure you pick the right book so that these things can sell right after this what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I've been going for a little while but I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa wagwan Shalom assalamualaikum Namaste thanks for stopping by but don't be a stranger hit that subscribe button and join the family so I just came across this amazing side hustle that not
many people are doing right now so you're going to want to hop on this quick before it becomes over saturated and it's hard to get these sealed and there is no better time than right now to do this why because we're going into the holiday season and people are looking for gifts to get for kids and for adults too so these coloring books are hot items that are selling right now and the good thing about this is you will not have to worry about having any inventory because once you create your book and upload it
to Amazon and then someone orders it from Amazon they do all the work they're gonna print it for you and they will ship it it for you in my previous videos I have already showed you how to make low content books like journals and notebooks I have showed you how to make word search puzzles but now we on to the bigly and we will be using the same tool that we have used thus far and that will be bookboat and in case you are not familiar with bookboat is an absolutely amazing site that not only
helps you to create books by giving you pretty much everything you need all you have to do is Click some buttons and you have a book but they also provide a research portion which is extremely important y'all this is the main reason that a lot of people don't sell books because they're not doing the right research you can look up the top 100 books of the top 500 books in whatever category that you are looking to create you can also find keywords to use when you're uploading these books to Amazon and don't worry I will
be showing you how to use all of those things later and you want to make sure you watch this entire video because I have some special giveaways that's going want to be in it so you don't want to miss out so we're going to start right here with creating these books so when it comes to making these books we're gonna go up here to this tab we're gonna go into create then we're going to go to book boat studio so once we get into the studio we will be brought to this section right here because
we have a new project it's going to x what type it is we're going to select cover and interior because we're going to be working on them at the same time we're going to name it I always call it millionaire because we are millionaires in the making and as far as size all of the coloring books that I have come across are 8.5 by 11 inches so you want to make sure you go with what's working and we're going to keep it black and white if you keep it black and white that's going to cost
less far to be printed and we're going to select bleed because it just makes it look better and as far as page count this part is going to depend on how many pictures you want in your coloring book and for right now I'm going to pick 25 and I don't know if I mentioned this but I did go with the paper back cover and interior so we're gonna go ahead on and start working on the interior of this coloring book as you can see over here this is cover we're not going to focus on that
now we're going to come down here to page one and we'll have this beautiful blank canvas right here for us to play with so at this point when you are ready to go ahead on and make your interior and start adding Graphics that you want the people to color what usually would have to happen is you have to find a site that will sell you graphics and you'll have to pay for every single graphic which would end up costing you a lot of money so what bookbo has done they have created a Premium plan they
have said they will provide you with four different topics or niches of Graphics that you will receive every single month and you'll get an email like this and you get this click here to download your first month's graphic pack this is what each pack look like this one is dinosaurs as you can see this looks nice we also have different flowers that we can use there's also one that I really like that I think will do awesome with kids like I said people are looking for Christmas gifts for kids and this will be a hot
one y'all and the last one we're going to actually be using today is the fairies and I already kind of uploaded to save us a little bit time all of the graphics so they are all in here and what we're going to do we're working on page one you can choose whatever order you want these to go in I just select the graphic and then it pops up yo it's that simple I mean then I go to the next page I just click on it over here I go back to that photo tab I already
selected one then I do two that's it and you just keep on doing that until you have all of the graphics on here and FYI guys I want to let you know really quickly if anyone responds to your comments down below talking about reach out to them on WhatsApp on telegram or whatever else they're telling you to do that is not me please be careful there's a lot of scammers out there all right guys so to save some time I went on ahead and added all of the graphics to our coloring book so one of
the things that we can do to make sure we fill 24 pages because right now it's 20 it's at a this be long suit page so we would leave a blank page in the beginning something really cool though that comes with the packs that book both sent is they also have assets which are just a bunch of different random Graphics that you can utilize to fill your coloring book maybe add a butterfly at a flower add something to it I'll also go up here to this text box and I'm going to add some text and
we'll take this belongs to and I'll change the font because it's a fairy we want it to look magical and you can play around with the fonts and choose whatever you feel like is best for you and another thing I'm going to do is add a line I'm going to select this and then I'll drop it in there pretty much drag it across to the length I want and it's kind of Thicker Than a Snicker so we're gonna go ahead on and thin it out and this is pretty much our this belongs to page we
still have three more pages we need to fill now there's a couple of ways that you can do that too one of the things I did was I went to my photos and I looked at the graphics that pixabay has I'm actually going to be using this on the cover in order for me to turn this into a coloring page what I'm going to have to do is go up here to effects and then I choose black and white sometimes it works for some of these pictures that you can find on pixabay sometimes it don't
so for the last two pages that I need to feel I'm just going to go to the assets and I'm gonna grab some stuff from there as well I'll just put that together and then there's also like some outfits in there and I'll just add that so you can just have as much fun as you want with this and be creative so that is pretty much the inside of the coloring book and when we come to our cover page here we go and click on that cover template and we hit hide the kbp cover template
so we can see what we're doing now for these I usually use pixabay to find some kind of photos to put on the cover I found this picture here we got the magical background now we're going to look for some more Graphics so I found this very here let's see you could type in fairy or wand magic and I also found this one here I'm gonna use I might swap that and make it go that way make her go up there and then now I'm going to add a title to it and in my research
like I told you on Book boat you can do some research let me show you where I picked this title from so when I go to my research Tab and I put cloud I went to coloring book I put top 100 and I put fairy coloring book and then I came up with Beauties in Fairyland this one and the last month has gotten 485 sales so that's a good amount and so what I'm think I'm going to do is beautiful fairies in Fairyland another thing I want to do I want to put the title in
like a cloud or something like I said I want this to be like really magical looking so let's look for a cloud look at that one I like that one I'll make her a little smaller make the cloud a little bigger and we'll also make it opaque kind of like that and then we'll bring this to the front we want our words to be in the front we can make it fit in the cloud beautiful fairy and we can change the font here let's try this one then we're going to add another text that says
in Fairyland and change that fonts beautiful fairies and Fairy Land and then the next thing I'm going to do is add like a little strip we'll go to the shapes we'll do maybe rectangle drag this bad boy and I'm going to make that maybe yellow we'll click the box go up here to this and we can make it yellow but I think I'm just going to decrease the opacity of it I'm going to add another heading and in it will put coloring book four kids will make you small so it can go in that and
we'll also change the font again and so on this side the right side is actually the front of it the back of the book is going to be the left side but let me show you how we're going to do this because we want to give them an idea of what will actually be in the book what they'll be coloring so what we're going to do from here I'm going to actually put four of the graphics on the back and so I'm going to go to my shapes and I'm going to get a rectangular shape
make it like that and I'm also going to make it white okay and then when I get it to the perfect size that I want I'm going to just duplicate that you can go over here on the side by the rectangle make sure you're on the right one once you click it it'll highlight and then we'll hit duplicate for the next one and then we'll hit one more time so now we're going to go to where our Graphics are saved in our uploads and just pick whichever four we really like here is one that looks
nice and we're going to bring it down put it in there and then we're going to go and find our next one I guess we can do maybe this one like that and then and we'll find one more I'm just randomly selecting whichever ones usually you want to get the ones that you feel like will capture their attention the absolute most like we're almost done y'all we don't want to just leave it like this we want to add just a little bit of something else to it just to make it pop in a bit so
we can actually find another fairy if you want to like that if you want to because it kind of makes it look like she's telling you this is where you need to color so that is pretty much all there is to actually creating the coloring books but there's some more important things that we need to discuss but let me tell you about this Premium plan because that's what made it so simple they actually provide these graphics for you like I said you'll get four different sets every single month but on top of that something else
they give you is customizable ready to upload book Interiors a niche report basically they're going to tell you the Hot Topics things that are in demand that people are searching for you get a 12 week private training that's going to tell you different information you can use to become one of the top KDP sellers this costs a little bit of money but it's definitely worth it yo right now it's at 29.99 a month but I do have a coupon that's going to save you 20 and I'll have all of this information down in the description
but we're actually going to be giving away thousands of dollars different type of prizes we're just going to do a lot this season and today I want to actually start with the giveaway with bookboat and they have decided to give away three free premium plans yo for an entire year no not for just one month or two so what I need you to do Come On Come a Little Closer let me tell you this is the secret to win like this video for me this won't really help me out okay also make sure you watch
this video Until the End I'm gonna be checking the analytics to make sure you're doing it and the last thing I want you to do go down in the comments and tell me what would you do with this Premium plan and also make sure you leave your email address in the comment because in about a week we'll be going through all of these comments and then we'll find three winners and we're going to email you and let you know that you have one you have to respond so make sure y'all put the right email address
but that's all there is to this giveaway guys so we are back over here on the research section of bookboat and this is where all of the information is that you need to make sure you're choosing the right product I've talked about the cloud before just a quick recap over here you're able to find the top selling books in whatever category that you are looking for now another thing you want to do over here is when you are under the cloud click on result data and that's going going to tell you what the lowest price
of the top bookstore and what the highest price is this is important because this is what's going to show you how much you want to price your books so the average price is around 702 so that's probably the price that you want to make your books or you could be like you know a little bit under that if you want to really be competitive and sell your books I just wanted to quickly touch on a few of those tools another thing is the keywords those are important because when you're uploading your book to KDP that's
where you're going to have to upload your book and it's very simple that's why I'm not really going through the entire process of how to upload the book I've talked about it before I'll link that video so that you can kind of follow along with me over there but some of the main things that you want to keep in mind is they're going to ask you for keywords keywords are what's going to help your book to be found by the right people just like with any type of YouTube video when people are searching for particular
topics they're going to use certain words to find those topics and you want to make sure you're using the words that people are searching for so Book boat has a keywords tab that will allow you to do a little bit of research and figure out which keywords are working and whatever you title your book on the cover page of your book that's what you're going to also have to include in your title like we called ours beautiful fairies in Fairyland that's going to have to go somewhere in that title when you're uploading it to KDP
so you can put beautiful fairies in Fairyland coloring books for kids relaxing book like it doesn't have to be one simple short title you can put a long title on there just so when people are searching in case they don't put beautiful fairies in Fairyland they may put something else in that title that's going to bring your book before them so that's why you want to utilize as many different keywords as you can because look at this long title Beauties in Fairyland coloring book of mindfulness and anti-stress coloring book featuring 50 fun and relaxing Fairy
like that's really long y'all I actually have some more things I'm going to be going over with you guys soon I'll be showing you how to make planners because you know that's a big thing coming up the New Year's coming up everybody's going to want to organize their life if you want to provide them with the organization all right so I'll show you how to make planners we'll go over holiday journals again we'll just do a lot of low content medium content type of books other than that I thank you so much for watching and
until next time we are out peace [Music]
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