The liver is one of the organs responsible for the health of the body, its health is directly linked with what do you eat with the food you eat So how is your liver health? I will I ask you a few quick questions, you answer me if yes to one of these questions I will I invite you to watch this whole video and I'll give you great tips to keep it your body your organism Clean of your regenerated liver watch with me until the end let's go Do you consume a lot of alcohol? medium Do you often consume processed foods?
oh pizza hamburger biscuit cookie soda? do you order a lot of food on iFood? by the app?
you smoke? Oh okay, tell me the truth at your house you can't miss a frozen pizza one ice cream pot? For the love of God, lasagna, snacks, that cheese bread over there freezer?
Even broccoli pizza doesn't matter, can't it be missing from your house? must have? I already I asked this once in one of my videos, but you're that big tingle that can't be without candy in your home?
do you have to have candy? if not, you freak out or, if not, do you go look for it? and you are that person who you can't live without salty but it has to be salty You know that salty, that fried coxinha Oh that thing you drink with coffee, that's delicious, I'm not like that, people, but I would love to be So do you like salty?
Fried salty, that salty snack from the snack bar? How good is it, right? mouth watering all the best right Are you overweight?
Do you do any physical exercise or just lifting remote control? When was the last time you cleansed your body in the liver last week? I doubt it good guys you answered yes to one of these questions So I'm going invite you to watch this video so you can leave your liver clean Ready to shoot again I'm Dr Anamaria Chiaverini and you're on Dr Anamaria's tips good people cleaning the liver is something that almost nobody does nobody just gets dirty You just send things inside, right but cleaning really is the kind of thing that no one does, but what no one knows is that you don't need it make amazing combinations to clean your liver I've seen several recipes on the internet Wow the thing is absurd, something like that you really clean ah, you don't need it the same way you contaminate it gets dirty you can clean it how do you make it dirty by eating, right?
so we go eating let's treat our own Okay, I'm going to give you a list of natural remedies that are totally indicated for you When you eat, your liver is cleansed, let's go, everyone, the first ingredient you need to have to clean your liver like a good cleaning Have you ever cleaned your house? or never did? that what you need to clean your house broom not water water you have to drink plenty of water for the at least two liters a day everyone says that it's not so well known, it's worse that it's true without water your liver is not clean the water cleans the liver it removes the toxins it filtered and still leaves you are fully hydrated it regulates the body's functions good green tea You've heard of it of green tea?
do you like green tea? Ah, I know which one you take, put it here, it's that one, right It's this one here or this one I bet you drink it every day, right? It's not this friend.
Forget it, it's the green tea you use Go buy the leaf to make green tea at home, it really cleans the liver, cleaning it the toxins balance the body loses that beauty but why does he lose weight because he it will remove fat from the liver and, consequently, the circulating fat in your body, but that this one look That's just You're getting fat my friend There's carbohydrate, there's sugar preservative everything bad food for your liver, so if you think you're doing well, you're doing it badly it has to be the original tea Ok Look there is scientific research that came to a conclusion that real green tea, right from the leaf itself, protects the liver against liver cancer, right people did you know that spinach also cleans the liver Look how cool because of the same substance called glutadione, it activates the enzymes that cleanse the liver it is very important that you eat spinach is a piece of cake, aren't you serious or good thing that it's in the spinach you don't even eat my daughter 6 year old eats spinach or a whole foot Oh Giba put the picture on the list and eating spinach bro until looks like Alice eats old spinach, I'm going to get this little Japanese boy, he's very good looking no one will know the difference even then, well, of course she eats spinach. Beauty lemon, in addition to being an oxidant, helps the liver to produce enzymes to remove fat from itself even if they are carried, it melts the fat, so it's cool if you didn't watch it Watch my video about water with lemon and you will have a light about water with lemon that it mainly does its profile for the liver as it is good and water with lemon too You know, there's a little lemon to lose weight But it's because it cleanses the liver of toxins when you take that water with lemon, the toxins go away and the toxins that remain in the liver that you intoxicated your liver because it's normal we eat the liver and the toxins remain there and you just enjoy it good food right but the liver holds the load Ok another food that cleans the liver OK, we're the avocado, not him, but he has fat, he can't eat fat because it's a good fat, you know, it's a healthy fat that lowers cholesterol and melts cholesterol bad and the fats that are around your body and pliers it produces a substance called glutadione, right? And this Joana drop is what regulates the body's fat function, lowering it this fat and throwing it away only you have to eat the avocado regularly today never again it's no use treating it with avocado let's go into the avocado ok Garlic according to research garlic has a great detoxifying power of the liver is excellent, research points out and it is great way for you to decontaminate your liver because allicin activates enzymes that dissolve and clean the liver fat if you haven't seen my video about garlic, watch it there, garlic is really fantastic, but there is a right way to prepare garlic that is there in my video You watch it so you can use the garlic benefits everything else is wonderful but for all the benefits it has a secret that you will watch the video ok olive oil is also a great agent to clean the liver, but it's not fat but it's a good fat people it's a fat that has fatty acids that have omega 3 is a fat that truly cleanses the body Do you believe that olive oil does it it sucks the toxins out of the body and they fall out this is the main property why yours liver is healthy, however, those who have hepatic steatosis should consume in moderation because I am Even seeing it, right?
The fatty person is there, right, throwing a lot of oil that I said is good, right? That's not it people do it in moderation Okay, look at the guilt, as saffron from the earth does very well, it cleans a lot even the liver has antioxidant properties and it has a substance inside that is capable of removing toxins from the liver activates the enzymes that carry the toxins out, I already made a video about turmeric, go watch it so you can use all the information, but that's basically it there's a short one like at home put the powder in the rice in the food ready It's Clean Magic o No it's not that but daily use will help you to improve the condition of your liver there is no point in putting turmeric in for example on top of bacon right It's no use on top of a pizza that's not how it works you need all of it a structure of change in your life so that this blessed thing takes effect But you see that you are changing habits You go today an avocado is not water with lemon then garlic and everything else you go modifying your habits Of course, your liver just has to thank you, it must be great, right? Another thing what cleans the liver are whole grains it has B Complex and vitamin B and it cleans the liver you You already know that, right And they are rich in signs so brown rice whole wheat bread bread that you do it at home LIt's logical that you make a bun at home, right, yummy people, this has a lot of niacin and it cleans your liver a lot because of the fibers from these grains, you know, a cart is fat they don't make bread at home until my daughter makes bread at home Giba puts a picture of Alice making it bread at home, doesn't it have Giba?
oranges, like lemons, have a lot of vitamin C antioxidant promotes liver cleansing Once again, if you want to cleanse the liver, taking it is no use orange juice to save money Oh you bought a bag when are you going to eat that bag just juice, go there and make juice, it's no use if you haven't watched my video about food that cause non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis watch over there and I'll talk about the juices then the orange for an orange that is not sweet you will eat an orange after lunch will you help clean the liver you know it's good for digestion improves your blood fat level of your body but it can't be a juice ok the nuts the chic things eating nuts right people is It's beautiful, it's expensive, but it's good if it's a medicine, it's worth it, it's cheaper than the medicine that is you'll pay at the pharmacy or at least the nuts, three nuts a day start doing this Liver Cleanse because it has fatty acids that dissolve the fat in the liver Look how cool it also has omega 3 that dissolves the fat there helps to detoxify how flaxseed in the same way if you do not want to use walnuts because it is more expensive to buy linseed cheaper linseed a tablespoon of powdered linseed also has omega 3 has the same effect and dissolves the toxins in your liver well Cabbage is good for the liver did you know who has hepatic steatosis has to undergo treatment with cabbage, it's hard, hard, nothing has a right way to do it, there are two types of cabbage it is purple cabbage and the normal purple one is less strong than traditional cabbage, however it has the way to dive there in the water there to completely remove that nitrogen, you know, it's so strong that it gives you flatulence but if you eat it raw it's better than eating it nice ear and you make a beautiful one salad with olive oil, the kind I told you about, avocado oil will go very well with your liver is seasoned properly with onion, which also cleans the liver. Clean liver recipe let's not cabbage? Giba puts a picture of Alice eating cabbage over there oh oh easy to eat.
Man, it's been a lot of work to edit this old video, let me see here oh, This one is also great, a beautiful family eating a huge plate of old salad top! Another thing that cleans the liver very well is tomatoes, it's delicious, right? It's good to remember to eat it.
. . organic you can't organic you look for cherry tomatoes or do that tip I already gave I don't know if you've already watched the video where I give you a tip to remove pesticides from the bark of tomatoes, which is dipping the tomatoes or grapes Anyway, in baking soda with water, okay a tablespoon of bicarbonate to a liter of water that you dip your food in there by the less the pesticide in the peel is removed and you can consume tomatoes with more peace of mind in addition to lycopene, it has that gluteone that improves the enzymatic capacity of the liver and there it also manages to dissolve the fats in the liver Carry it out, not to mention that if you consume it tomatoes daily you will prevent cancer various types of cancer including cancer, right prostate pineapple easy, right pineapple everyone knows that it cleans You go to the steakhouse like that bunch of fat right that rump steak well bleeding there full of fat then you say Well, now I'm going to clean my liver, you make a slice of pineapple with cinnamon, right?
thick, right, in that sugar it's delicious, it's just the pineapple, people don't bloom, yeah Giba, put the picture Just kidding, my daughter doesn't eat pineapple, but pineapple is extremely good for cleaning the liver it carries the fat out and activates the liver enzymes to disappear with that fat too people like everything I sayright, but before you buy a pineapple and that's it, I've already cleaned mine liver, no, you will use it frequently, so when you don't have pineapple, you change it to another fruit in the other food that will help you carry out the Orange Pineapple Liver Cleansing treatment they are fruits, right, that you find more easily that help to clean the liver of other toxins interesting thing the sweet potato the sweet potato is a carbohydrate, right, but it helps you to clean the liver because of beta-carotene, which is an anti-inflammatory And then you know that fat in the liver it causes inflammation, right? Then comes the sweet potato with this beta-carotene and reduces inflammation the liver there and helps eliminate fat Another thing beta-carotene is transformed into vitamin A and vitamin A is excellent for cleaning the liver Look how magical sweet potatoes can be eaten, people it is very good for you and you will have an increase of vitamin A directly in the liver with clean beetroot the liver and it purifies blood it has to be raw ok You eat boiled beets, I don't recommend it It increases the sugar content a lot, which will cause hepatic steatosis, okay, all these foods from carrot root beet Cruz are excellent they are hepato protectors and clean the liver nice people broccoli is excellent for cleaning the liver too, besides being because of the chlorophyll, you know, which is a exceptional people to give more energy for the liver to be able to work more it protects the liver from accumulating fat so it's like a protective shield for the liver that's why broccoli It would be nice for you to consume it daily nearly so that you have access to it benefit or this everyone will like at least most coffee Do you like coffee people, coffee is it's great for the liver, you say people, how can I drink coffee, it attacks my liver, it's for those who like coffee Coffee is good for the liver those who don't like coffee don't do it well understood That's it then the liver he likes it he doesn't like it but for coffee lovers, two cups will do well of coffee, you can drink it without sugar, it's much better, you can have it with sweetener, it's against the grain, right? what we're talking about has glutamate preservative anyway, coffee without sugar, wonderful, it's good There is an antioxidant rate in coffee that you have no idea, and it helps to clean the liver very good, huh?
Did you know that coffee also has a substance that protects the liver against liver damage alcohol Look how cool Look, cebophiles like onions, onions are super good for the liver OK, it cleans the liver, it also helps to reduce fat rates, as well as garlic for the same property that the allicin one you will make the little combination there garlic onion you can use which will help a lot to improve the condition of your liver oregano sage and rosemary spice São wonderful for the liver if you already use oregano, use it really well, you know it that they put oregano on the pizza In the past I thought it was just because of the flavor but that it helps to improve and preserve the pizza for a longer time because the seasonings that condiment, right they they have a huge amount of antioxidants, that is to say, a amount of natural preservatives that prevent the food spoils Look at that Bárbaro So you can use the condiments as you like turmeric curry oregano, save Rosemary, use your will, you'll only have food in your food for a while You will have a longer life, you will also have these benefits, right, antioxidants with a lot intensity red fruits I already made a video of red fruits because of Resveratrol they also clean the liver grapes blackberries raspberries They have a substance there that regenerates and cleans the liver is very good, right? Ginger is a tonic for the liver. and then you have to open a Coke to improve it, you want to improve it, you peel it with ginger, right, and make it just the way I've already taught you, there's going to be a ginger tea people you really want to feel good, make a tonic with ginger, put ginger in the tea and drink it straight and in the fall the liver loves apples for those who don't know the apple is wonderful for the fliver really cleans you have a bad liver kinda sick with malaise there was a video The covid destroys our liver no that's right then Apple You can eat as much as you like it's very good and cleans your liver and finally your Propolis Propolis is excellent for cleaning the liver, improving the condition of the body, lowering the glycemia and prevent new fats from forming in the liver So use propolis now too there's a wonderful video talking about propolis But 15 drops of real propolis a day already start to work very intensively on your liver Now you are having a level 2 to level 3 steatosis needs to speed up the process on the market there are several multivitamins that help detoxify the liver it is not a medicine it has to be a vitamin to help the liver to fight this fat and eliminate you achieve this result faster with more intensity because allopathic medication cannot treat the liver more the liver Wounded with steatosis, in fact, you cannot receive any medication because it's a shot in the foot, the liver will filter the medication toxins and if you give a medication to treat the liver there will be a toxin and you will deteriorate and it will hurt your liver even more, which is why we always recommend a diet, right?