Have We Really Found The Theory Of Everything?

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History of the Universe
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Wolfgang powley was one of the most brilliant physicists of his time but he was also Savage in his criticism happy to use his considerable witch to tear apart ideas or theories he thought lacking he took to signing off his letters with the title D Gaisor goddess German for the scourge of God but perhaps most famously he once solemnly responded to a young physicist's Earnest paper with a simple but brutal epithet that the offending work was not even wrong although not all ideas have a powerly to puncture them most scientific theories do end up dead and
forgotten most scientific theories fail they may have had their day they may have been widely believed the focus of papers seminars and conferences only to end up a footnote in the history books [Music] once upon a time it was thought that something called flow giston existed residing inside objects it was released when they were burned during the 18th century the theory of logistan was one of the foremost explanations for heat and combustion professors taught it students learned it and the chemists of the day attempted to interpret their results with it but the idea very simply
was wrong the flow just an account of heat was a fantasy the truth as we now know lay in chemistry and the combination of different elements in various chemical reactions somewhere at some point in history the last believer in the flo Justin theory of heat died in the mid-20th century there were two competing ideas for understanding the origin of matter in the universe one was the Big Bang Theory the idea that the cosmos was once extremely small dense and hot and then expanded into the vast Cosmic structures we observed today but there was also another
competing Theory the so-called steady state theory in which Mata was constantly being created to sustain the universe so that it remained on large scales eternally the same at one time the steady state theory was one of the most discussed ideas in astrophysics and cosmology even Einstein had an interest in it but over the years evidence piled up in favor of the big bang and with the discovery of hugely powerful quasars at cosmological distances which dated from the younger universe and have no counterparts today gradually the lights went out for steady state the last Conference was
held the last talks were given and the last adherence of the idea tired leaving only filing cabinets packed with old yellowing notes and so we arrive to the present day and the ongoing quest for a fundamental theory that explains everything within our universe the quest to unite the two pillars of general relativity and quantum mechanics our current leading Frameworks for quantum gravity are known as string theory and M Theory ideas which claim extra dimensions and Tiny vibrating strings exist deep within everything at the as yet unobserved heart of nature or even vast multi-dimensional brains stretched
across an imperceivable bulk many many physicists and mathematicians are working on these cutting-edge ideas regular conferences are being held packed with both young and old all chasing the Holy Grail of physics a unified theory that explains it all will these theories last do they really represent viable solutions to the fundamental questions of the universe or tragically misled Community lost in elegant mathematics with no hope of finding connections to the real world let alone a shred of testable evidence will one day string and M Theory too be found as Dusty footnotes in fading tones are they
as Paulie wants mused not even wrong this year's Nobel Prize in physics was awarded for Research into quantum entanglement leading to deep questions about whether our universe is even locally real unfortunately for controlling our devices our macroscopic world does appear to have different locations this is where our sponsor any desk comes in the best remote desktop software on the market helping you access any device anywhere anytime from it support to easily working at home from Super straightforward file transfer to controlling everything with just your mobile any desk is a secure and fast way to stay
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first the scale of insects little creepy crawly objects one centimeter across a factor of 100 next head down to the size of cells the powerhouses of human metabolism that brings us down by another factor of ten thousand reaching micrometers we go again another scaling down by a factor of a thousand brings us first to molecules and then to atoms and the quantum mechanical bonds of electrons in orbitals that hold atoms together to form the building blocks of life where now distances slightly less than one billionth of a meter where quantum mechanics rules if we were
to look around in a little Cube one billionth of a meter across then the number of such cubes that would fit inside our body is greater than the number of stars in the observable universe and yet this is only the start of our inwards journey at the center of atoms lies the nucleus the radius of the nucleus 100 000 times smaller than the size of the atom itself the nuclear ball consists of protons and neutrons little clumps of quarks both held together by the strong nuclear force and also attracted to each other by the strong
nuclear force we're now at distances of one fentometer one million billionth of a meter and entering the realm of particle physics particle colliders are our world's most powerful microscopes using these and in particular the Large Hadron Collider we are able to probe inwards by an extra factor of one thousand to picometers but no more the realm Beyond this is the realm of theory where we would continue to go in a deeper and further until we reach the scales on which our ordinary classical Notions of space and time break down and must be replaced by some
quantum mechanical replacement for the classical theory of space-time described by Einstein's theory of relativity calculations suggest that this would occur at a distance of 1 million billionth of a picometer where quantum gravity will take over and it is at this distance scale we perhaps reach the scale of strings relativistic quantum mechanical strings that some physicists say may be the most fundamental building blocks of the universe what everything is truly made of and yet surprisingly this idea String Theory did not start off as a potential fundamental theory of nature to climb back up the ladder at
distant scales of around a femtometer only one million billionth of a meter we are in the realm of the strong force the strong force which at one point many people believed was actually a string Force String Theory started its life in the summer of 1968 as a possible theory of the strong nuclear force a candidate to explain the forces and interactions that hold protons and neutrons together the first paper on string theory arrived in Berkeley in the summer of 1968. everyone had stopped what they were doing and were asking if this idea could be extended
however it did not turn out to be a success in this String Theory account of the strong force the internal structure of protons and neutrons involved strings not particles this made a clear prediction when launched towards each other at high energies these particles would slop off each other like balls of jelly and not bounce like hard billiard balls and so in the early 1970s these experiments were carried out and careful measurements revealed that the number of these hard scattering events was far far in excess of what was predicted by the string theory of the strong
nuclear force as a theory of the strong nuclear force String Theory died in 1973 to be replaced by the correct theory of quantum chromodynamics [Music] but in theoretical physics sometimes death is only the Prelude to Resurrection some felt that there was something too neat about the calculations in string theory beautiful features that had no obvious reason to be present and yet were and so throughout the 1970s some physicists notably John Schwartz of Caltech and Michael Green of Queen Mary in London continued to develop String Theory not as a quantum theory of the strong nuclear force
but as a potential quantum theory of gravity itself many times it seemed that the theory was on the verge of failing of being ruled out as simply inconsistent with the laws of quantum mechanics it only seemed to work where there were precisely nine dimensions of space neither more nor less but then always there was a way through that made the theory appear ever more unique during the 1980s String Theory became established as the leading candidate for a quantum theory that would include gravity a theory where you could put both gravity and forces like electromagnetism together
in harmony for the first time perhaps some dared to dream in proud and Foolish Dreams all aspects of particle physics would be uniquely singled out everything could be predicted with strings [Music] however by the late 1980s one aspect of string theory appeared odd it had been touted as the theory at least in universes with 10 flat space-time Dimensions the singular answer to all of the problems of particle physics the only problem was that there was not just one string theory which existed in 10 Dimensions there were five of them the type 2A String Theory the
type 2 B Theory two type 1 theories and finally something called the heterotic string theory theories all had slight differences both the type 2 theories and also the heterotic theory were what is called closed string theories all the strings involved will close Loops reaching back on themselves like elastic bands they had no ends between themselves the internal dynamics of these three theories also differ slightly the strings in each case behaved in different ways the type 1 theories also included closed strings but in addition open strings these were not closed but instead had end points vibrating
at the speed of light like a perpetually cracking whip the open and close strings differed in their interactions while the closed strings behaved more like Gravity the open strings behaved like generalization of the electromagnetic weak and strong forces and so five five is not a large number however it posed a puzzle five is not one to any ambitious possibly arrogant physicist hoping that string theory might be the unique Theory even two would have been one too large given the existence of five consistent theories what singled out one of these five theories as opposed to any
of the others as the chosen one the presence of five different theories did not imply that each Theory only had one solution in the same way that our ordinary theory of gravity contains as a solution both a single lonely Rock flying through space and the full complexities of our solar system with satellites orbiting moons orbiting planets orbiting the Sun so each of these five string theories admitted many many different possible solutions for their equations there may have only been five possible sets of fundamental equations but the number of solutions was effectively unbounded but still in
terms of the fundamental equations there appeared to be five choices and five is not the same as one [Music] in an ancient Indian Parable an elephant wanders into a town where a group of blind men are sitting the Blind Men can hear the Beast and decide that they need to touch it to get a sense of what it is one places his hand on the trunk which is around and feels along it I know he announces the being is a type of snake another man touches one of the elephant's legs and feels how large and
strong they are no he says this is a kind of walking tree trunk a third man finds his hand on the Tusk hard long and sharp you are both wrong he says this is a moving War Machine each could feel one part of the animal but none of them could see the coherent Mega animal that is the elephant viewed from today the physicists of the 1980s studying five string theories are like the blind townsfolk touching the elephant and that is because today we think of each of these five theories as different limits different boundaries of
a single underlying object one both deeper and more mysterious not an elephant but M Theory and whether m stands for mystery magic or something else has been left open to interpretation of course the idea that five similar but different string theories were actually aspects of one single hole would have appeared bizarre and surprising that is until Edward Whitton spoke at the 1995 strings conference Edward Whitton is the physicist who almost never was widely regarded as the premier mathematical physicist of his generation his undergraduate degree was in history after briefly assisting on the 1968 McGovern presidential
campaign he decided that his principal interest to lay in the Sciences still unsure that he would be able to catch up he initially applied to do Graduate Studies in economics fortunately Princeton saw through his background to detect the innate talent and took him on as a graduate student in theoretical physics theoretical physics and pure mathematics are two subjects divided by a Common Language although both use similar notation their ways of thinking and standards of rigor are very different to a mathematician physicists are frustratingly sloppy with a fundamental inability to give precise definitions to physicists mathematicians
are so obsessed with rigor and proving results that are obvious they can never address problems that actually matter witton's great gift was that he was fluent in both languages and Rose to prominence at a time when the interface between physics and Mathematics had been long neglected he reignited the relationship using Quantum field Theory and string theory to draw many deep connections between the two subjects resulting in him becoming the first physicist to win the fields medal the premiere prize in mathematics and so by 1995 a long list of discoveries had turned Whitten into the person
everybody wanted to hear as participants finished their welcome coffee and settled down for the 9am talk on the 14th of March at the 1995 strings conference some of them had an inkling that they were about to witness something special but as Whitten got up and began talking the audience soon realized that this was something truly Monumental for he was describing a wholly new map of string theory there were not Whitton claimed actually five fundamental theories but really only one and the five string theories and one extra non-string Theory called supergravity should be viewed as being
on the boundary of one even more fundamental M Theory this one theory was continuously connected through a mysterious interior in the same way that flourishing coastal cities like Perth Darwin Adelaide and Sydney are all part of the single continent of Australia filled with a large interior desert the path through the interior may be difficult and complicated but it does exist and joins these boundary cities together indeed the m in M Theory didn't stand for anything in particular but had been chosen as a placeholder of sorts the word beginning with m to be finally decided in
the future when more about the theory revealed itself and what was more said Whitton M Theory was 11 dimensional not 10 and the fundamental objects of this 11-dimensional Theory were no longer strings but a mysterious object taken from super gravity the sixth Theory the fundamental objects of M Theory were brains these were extended objects stretching through more than one's spatial Dimension when some of these spatial Dimensions became very small the brains could wrap around them and look like strings and in these situations the 11-dimensional theory could in practice be described as a string theory so
for 10 years string theorists had been working obsessively on a theory of strings on string theory as the proposed fundamental picture of Nature and now the most dominant intellectual figure in the subject was saying that it was not strings but rather higher dimensional objects called brains which really mattered but what were these mysterious brains and how can we visualize them start with a string a one-dimensional object under tension a violin string or wire a long thread at heart the strings of string theory are just one-dimensional extended objects and all the physics from String Theory flows
from studying the relativistic quantum mechanical theories of one-dimensional extended objects moving and oscillating their quantum mechanical relativistic way through space a brain is basically a version of this with more Dimensions the name comes from membrane the two-dimensional version a taut surface think the skin of a drum the boundary of a cell or the surface of a soap bubble a two brain is an object extended through two spatial dimensions a three brain extended through three spatial dimensions and so on a one brain is simply a string while it is relatively easy for us to visualize stretched
objects with one spatial Dimension or two spatial Dimensions mathematics happily extends this idea to even more spatial dimensions for example the equations can Define even if we cannot visualize an object with four spatial Dimensions extended within a space of nine spatial dimensions and so the world of M Theory Whitton told his audience was one of 11 dimensions and with brains not strings as the fundamental objects different to lower energy limits of this 11-dimensional world in which one of the dimensions became small produced the five ten-dimensional string theories the audience were already familiar with the string
theories that could be the quantum gravity theories of our world in these lower energy situations like our universe the brains of M Theory in particular something called the M2 brain turn into the strings of 10-dimensional string theories but what does this all mean how can a brain turn into a string as one dimension becomes small what indeed does it even mean for a dimension to become small there is no way to make this perfectly intuitive but we can meet our intuition part of the way how might extra Dimensions be real but yet unobservable one way
to have a sense of this is to imagine an insect walking on a plant vine a Vine both long and thin an ant or any other insect can walk along the vine either forwards or backwards the surface of the vines certainly has two Dimensions zooming in with a powerful microscope we would see the surface made up of many cells stretching off in all directions but the insect small though it is is still too large to treat the vine as having anything more than one linear dimension in truth the surface of the vine has two Dimensions
but to a big enough insect there is effectively only a single Dimension as for the ant so too perhaps for us if these extra dimensions are small enough we and all our technology are simply too big and too clunky to resolve them like building Lego with boxing gloves without tools that probe such incredibly small distances any structure on these distances is simply inaccessible this is believed to be the case for the extra dimensions of string theory the extra six spatial Dimensions wrapped up very very small but M Theory takes this counter-intuitive concept A step further
imagine a two-dimensional M brain an incredibly high tension shrink wrapping surface wrapped around a long thin wire objects under tension want to shrink and fold up think of the spandex material of a morph suit this is a two-dimensional stretched object which is under tension and has a natural tendency to shrink its surface area so that it tightly wraps the object which defines the boundaries in this case the Hume inside it and so the extreme tension of the brain shrinks it down and wraps itself around the wire effectively turning it into a one-dimensional object and much
of the connection of M Theory to string theory relies on this idea brains wrapping around small Dimensions thus becoming lower dimensional objects objects which would in string theory ultimately make up but a fundamental level the world we experience where one of the 11 dimensions of M Theory becomes very small much smaller than any of the other dimensions the one-dimensional strings of string theory would emerge from the truly fundamental two-dimensional brains of M Theory in part by wrapping around the small extra 11th Dimension thus becoming one-dimensional indeed all five string theories emerged as various limits of
11-dimensional M Theory with one small Dimension our universe would hypothetically exist on one of the low energy boundaries of this mysterious M Theory a world of strings born from wrapping higher dimensional brains around minuscule extra dimensions and so on that California morning in 1995 a new view of string theory appeared out of the Mist one in which even the strings themselves were not fundamental objects arising as they did from another even more fundamental object mathematically this was remarkable but what did it mean for reality could the brains of M Theory ever really make predictions about
our world a hot big bang and expanding Universe full of majestic galaxies [Music] when you look closely at the surface of a pond you can sometimes see insects perched there water boatmen or backswimmers they skit along the surface apparently oblivious to the depths below or the Great Heights above for such insects it appears that the water surface is their home and they are confined to it separate to the great bulk above and perhaps some scientists wonder the same is true of us as for the insects on the surface of the pond in three-dimensional space so
for us living on a brain embedded within higher dimensional space for as well as the fundamental two-dimensional M2 brains M Theory also predicts five-dimensional M5 brains when wrapped around both the small extra 11th dimension of M Theory and one of the small dimensions of string theory some physicists have speculated that these five-dimensional brains could become three-dimensional and large enough to fill the universe and so perhaps they say we live on such a brain embedded within a higher dimensional space and the electromagnetic weak and strong forces that make up the standard model of particle physics are
fluctuations which spread out along the brain confined to its surface as ripples are confined to the surface of a pond so waves on a brain would be confined to the surface of this three-dimensional brain the words to be true the one exception would be gravity gravity it seems is the most universal of forces and it follows from the equations that gravity is not and can never be confined to the surface of a brain its Force lines spread out not just within but also away from the brain it is this that provides one possible explanation for
either gravitational force is so much weaker than all the other forces with just your little finger and its electromagnetic nerve impulses you can pick up pen against the gravitational pull of the entire Earth all six billion trillion tons of it acting together to pull the pen downwards why what makes gravity so much weaker than the other forces perhaps this is because our universe resides on a brain inside a 10-dimensional space-time and while the strong weak and electromagnetic force lines remain within the brain the gravitational force lines spread out in additional Dimensions thus reducing their potency
our cosmology only a fraction of the truth of Heaven and Earth and that is not the only Road physicists and philosophers have gone down when exploring the brain world brains on the possibility of two colliding brains also appear in cosmological scenarios for the early Universe in the idea of brain inflation the enormous tensions and energies associated with brains would have been responsible for driving a period of enormously rapid accelerated expansion in the early universe in this scenario the motion of a brain through an extra dimensional bulk would have been responsible for generating the early acceleration
of the universe We Believe occurred in another scenario called the equipirotic scenario in the far past another brain would have traveled towards our brain colliding through and past it the legacy of this Collision would be a series of small deformations on the surface of our brain which would subsequently grow under Gravity to the cosmic superstructures galaxies and clusters of galaxies which we observe today and so the possible ramifications of living on a brain are intriguing but why imagine exotic and speculative higher dimensional cosmologies unless we have any reason to think that they could possibly be
correct that these Notions of brains and M Theory and actually make any sense in the first place [Music] there is one ordeal all theoretical physicists face at some point a thick envelope arrives containing a neatly printed book The accompanying letter explains since retirement I have been developing a new theory of Nature and I think I have found some errors Einstein made perhaps you would be so kind to take a look the manuscript will be in paoli's phrase not even wrong instead the concepts will be undefined the sentences will not follow from one another as ill-defined
equation follows ill-defined equation to an expert in theoretical physics the manuscript is clearly nonsense even if to an outsider one complicated equation looks very much like another complicated equation and so this question lingers on behind every new development is something similar true of M Theory is it not even wrong there are two Notions of correctness in play here the first is the question of whether M Theory is a true theory of our world if we look at the Universe on the deepest possible scales if we look to smaller and smaller distances higher and higher energies
will M Theory be the ultimate theory of our existence our String Theory M Theory and brains included as part of the same great painting that features Newton's laws of gravity Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism the special and general theories of Relativity and the standard model of particle physics are they true theoretical physics is hard at the best of times even when operating together with experimental evidence and this is a problem for the ideas of string theory and brains and other theories of quantum gravity tread and especially lonely path a path beyond the direct reach of experiment
for there is absolutely zero direct experimental evidence for m or string theory direct experimental evidence would require us as a species either to devise or build large experiments and large colliders which can determine the truth about this universe and for theories of quantum gravity this is a very hard task to put this challenge in perspective the Large Hadron Collider reaches energies that are smaller than those required to test the scales of quantum gravity by a factor of one hundred thousand billion to build an equivalent collider that could reach energies at the quantum gravity scale using
the same technology a similar set of magnets running the entire way around the earth's equator would be hopelessly inadequate one would instead need a similar circular collider around the Sun somewhere between Mercury and Venus which is not going to happen anytime soon but there is a second notion of correctness still hard to achieve but not quite as hard as a solar system spanning collider this is the notion of mathematical correctness of internal consistency how do we test that our equations actually make sense to a non-scientist trying to follow debates about the frontiers of theoretical physics
these discussions can sometimes sound like a Pokemon battle with Scientists throwing ideas at each other perturbative finiteness dualities or background Independence who is right either both or no one it is very hard to tell in principle one may think this question is easily answered by reading someone's papers just go and look and see if what they say makes sense but in practice this is not so straightforward understanding someone else's new ideas takes time how can we tell apart a wrong idea from one we simply have not grasped yet or alternatively how can we tell for
sure that an idea or theory is internally consistent and so above all in the absence of any experimental data or even the possibility of it how can we ever prove whether brains hidden dimensions and M Theory are right or wrong thus M Theory ultimately represent a fresh example of Paulie's brutal put down an untestable not even right not even wrong Rabbit Hole of elegant equations or is there another way [Music] short distance from the never sleeping city of New York lies the quiet college town of Princeton and at the edge of this famous campus lies
The Institute for advanced study secluded amongst the woods the professors of the institute for advanced study do not need to teach undergraduates or turn up to practical classes to show clumsy students how to use an oscilloscope instead they are paid to think deep thoughts Robert Oppenheimer led the institute at one time Freeman Dyson was another faculty member but one of the very first hires was the most famous Albert Einstein although his spell there in the latter part of his career was not his most productive error as he struggled in vain to find a unified theory
of all physics today one of the most preeminent thinkers there is the Argentinian physicist Juan malda Cena quiet and softly spoken there are many other physicists who are Brasher or louder phew a deeper and so it was in 1997 that malda Cena buried in profound thought on the physics of brains introduced a striking new idea whereas M Theory seems to have been named with an eye for the attention it may bring this idea had a far more humble moniker the ads CFT correspondence [Music] this correspondence is probably the most important theoretical idea to have emerged
from string theory in the last 30 years for it leads to a profound re-evaluation of what gravity means and also for the dimension of space means malusena's remarkable Insight had originated from thinking about what physics would look like to a hypothetical Observer moving extremely close to a brain there were he argued two possible ways of thinking about this in the first he imagined life on the brain looking at all the physics in terms of fluctuations of the surface of the brain physics if you like perceived by the water boatman on the surface of the pond
and how these fluctuations interacted with themselves and each other in the second he imagined the brain as a gravitational object within a larger space time with the description now all governed by the higher dimensional theory of gravity physics viewed by a higher dimensional external Observer peering down at the surface of the pond malda Cena's key Insight was that while the actual physics had to be ultimately the same these two different observers would use very different equations to develop these same physics The Observers living on the brain would describe these physics using a non-gravitational theory a
theory analogous to those used to describe the standard model the second Observer the person peering close to the surface of the pond is the external one in the bulk this Observer sees the brain as a gravitational object within space-time and describes all of the physics near it using a gravitational Theory a theory which uses all of the spatial dimensions of the brain itself but with one extra spatial Dimension corresponding to the vertical Direction perpendicular to the surface of the brain maldoseena realized that as these two theories describe the same physics they must always give identical
answers even though the descriptions of the two different observers appeared very different there was only one physical system and so the results they gave must be the same whatever the process for any physical quantity one could compute in this system there would be two different ways to obtain the answer the first using the theory of the first Observer similar to those used to describe the strong force within the standard model while the second was a purely gravitational Theory involving an extra dimension of space perhaps malda Cena dared to dream it was because these apparently different
descriptions were actually the same theory in the terminology of physics the two accounts were dual to one another any calculation you could do in one you could also do in the other famously the Rosetta Stone allowed Egyptian hieroglyphics to be deciphered through the knowledge that the information on the stone was the same in all three of the languages used a duality is like a scientific version of the Rosetta Stone where exactly the same information is present except presented in different languages here is one quantity computed with this Theory a product of a heroic calculation to
levels of accuracy that go beyond any of those achieved within the standard model of particle physics if you are asked to write down a random fraction you would not be writing down these there is no way you could write down this expression by chance this expression arose as a result of the calculation in physics as perceived by The Observer living on the brain looking at the brain as a surface under tension which fluctuates although in this case the surface is a four-dimensional hypersurface according to maldosena's Duality this calculation should be precisely and totally equivalent to
a calculation done in a five-dimensional gravitational Theory and this calculation has also been done exactly the same all the complicated structure of the first calculation worked out in the four-dimensional theory for those living on the brain is reproduced by the second calculation done in a five-dimensional gravity views the brain as a gravitational object inside a higher dimensional space-time but what did this all mean to understand this we must first understand something about one general property of quantum theories some theories are more Quantum than others but some descriptions of physics classical physics works extremely well to
describe how gravity affects a ball thrown in the air we do not need to use quantum mechanics although Quantum effects are there they are so utterly tiny that we can entirely neglect them near a black hole Singularity Quantum effects May matter in gravity but for most purposes they are minuscule but for other theories the quantum nature of the system is crucial to everything the physicists trying to understand the details of the strong force inside the standard model of particle physics the quantum effects are always large and this was the surprise for a pivotal feature of
malda Cena's Duality was the equivalence the sameness between a gravitational Theory and five dimensions and a non-gravitational theory in four dimensions it was a shocking claim that initially appeared to physicists as complete nonsense a gravity theory in five Dimensions being the same as a non-gravitational theory in four dimensions it made no sense but this was the key the fact that on first appearance the claim was bizarre and obviously wrong is what made its truth so profound ever since it was first proposed the evidence formaldehner's bold conjecture about the physics of brains the ads CFT correspondence
has piled up and this evidence has shown again and again that brains in string theory are mathematically and theoretically consistent even if we still don't know whether they relate to the real world whatever our initial skepticism whatever our initial surprise it seems that at least this Duality is on a mathematical level true radically different theories can in fact carry the same information in different languages there was no way that this could have been chance clearly manifestly there was a deeper structure a deeper consistent structure that explained these mathematical connections very different starting points very different
calculations But ultimately the same answer and most importantly for our understanding of the world this could only happen if the brains of string theory were real consistent objects of course where the M Theory is ultimately the consistent theory of our world we do not know yet but we do know enough to say that it is a consistent theory of something deep ideas lurk behind the symbols space the final frontier not so in the world of physics but will the drive to penetrate the ever more fundamental parts of physics through atoms through nuclei through subatomic particles
and the standard model down to the mysterious realm of quantum gravity will this lead us to the fabled final frontier or are the explanations endless do they continue to Cascade onwards further and deeper getting smaller and more fundamental forever and ever perhaps not perhaps the zooming stops with tiny quantum mechanical strings and brains at the heart of everything we do not as yet no what we can say now though is that the ideas of brains of dualities of a map of theories linked together into an overall M Theory R mathematically consistent and just perhaps this
foreshadows physical correctness as well you've been watching the entire history of the universe don't forget to like And subscribe and leave a comment to tell us what you think thanks for watching and we'll see you thank you
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