He Became A Powerful Immortal God After Being Betrayed

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harud is a disgusting pathetic useless kid whose father experimented on him when he was a kid in order to give him Godlike powers in the year 71 of the royal calendar Humanity aims to conquer the entire universe they have managed to build Dyson spheres called modules around the Sun thus transferring 70% of Earth's population there harud is a boy living in module 77 he has a good heart but is known for disliking competition especially when competing against shoko his best friend and the girl he's in love with however there's a big secret about harud that
not even he knows he was used in experiments by a group that controlled the world from the Shadows called magius they were beings from another plane who lacked a physical form and sought to attain one through the Val rves until then his school life was that of a normal boy he went to school to learn but his classmates preferred to talk about the war between the countries of Doria and ays harud belonged to Jor a neutral Federation that claimed not to care about the war they were only cons concerned with secretly advancing their technology after
class shoko and harud go to fetch the equipment to clean the classroom shoko asks why harud lost to her in the last competition haruto explains that he wishes to live in a world where there are no winners or losers where all human beings are treated more equally however a boy from a group of newly transferred students overhears this and becomes irritated this student snatches the key from haro's hand causing him to stumble to the ground the new student says that harud has a Fool's dream because there will always be people willing to take everything he
has and without the willingness to fight harud won't be able to protect anything he considers important the student then leaves and harud thinking he acted correctly decides to help his classmates clean a temple while discussing what happened he ends up knocking over a plaque with a love message shoko approaches and tells him about a legend concerning the temple if you confess your feelings there you will be loved by the person you like harud realizes this is a sign and decides to man up she calls him by his name becoming extremely embarrassed she never imagined he
would have the courage to take this step trying to calm her racing heart she encourages him to continue he is about to make the biggest mistake of his life when module 77 is attacked by Doria forces who believe Jor possesses a secret weapon and want to steal it everyone panics it's the first time they've witnessed a real battle harud realizes he needs to save shoko and the others they start running toward a shelter building but the forces of dorsa begin d dying everything including the school suddenly the ground starts to shake and harud notices a
gigantic robot emerging from the pool the whole group stops running to observe the robot but shoko notices someone unconscious inside a car she runs to help that person but haruto tells her no they need to leave and protect themselves shoko ignores his words and keeps running at that moment a Doria ship misses a shot aimed at a defensive J robot hitting the spot where shoko was haruto recovers quickly gets up and and starts running he looks everywhere but can't find shoko he thinks she's playing hide and seek but his classmates try to convince him to
leave they know she's dead they need to get out of there he begins to scream unable to contain the pain in his heart but more than pain he feels hatred the same boy who said he didn't want to hurt anyone now wants revenge against those who took something important from him just as the transferred student had said moments before he climbs into the robot and presses the button to activate what is called valve RVE on the monitor the robot begins to activate standing up but haruto doesn't know how to operate it he presses buttons manipulates
the joysticks but the robot doesn't move the forces of dorsa start concentrating their attacks on haro's robot after all this is the secret weapon they are seeking they know the robot has been activated and need to remove the pilot haruto panics he can't do anything he wanted to avenge shoko's death but he can't even do that suddenly her words about why he doesn't try to win echko in his mind at that moment he opens his eyes and notices a message on the screen there's only one way to control this robot if harud desires Revenge he
needs to do something he needs to abandon his Humanity it's then that he understands that sometimes the only option is to fight without hesitation he presses yes the robot completes activation but first injects something into haro's neck now with the robot's power harud advances against the commander and all the soldiers of the invading unit eliminating them one by one without difficulty leaving the Commander for last the soldier tries to hit him with a surprise shot but harud Dodges and then launches an attack with a mysterious energy in the form of a double slash the soldier
blocks the attack but in doing so harud moves to the side and quickly surprises him from behind cutting his ship in half and making it explode in the air winning the battle he lands the robot and realizes what just happened he managed to defeat the enemy however he can only shed tears for shogo with a shattered heart harud exits the robot and tries to return to his classmates suddenly he sees the newly transferred student walking toward him harud recognizes that his worldview was childish now he knows that sometimes it's necessary to compete and fight he
wants to know the name of this new classmate the classmate introduces himself as lelf a member of doria's Special Forces harud is shocked but at that moment l elf stabs him in the heart l elf and his companions are all members of doria's Special Forces and they infiltrated the school to steal that robot and use it in the war l elf then throws haro's body to the ground and fires two shots to ensure his death he heads toward the robot and prepares to enter it at that instant he feels something strange on his back he
turns around and sees harud with strange marks on his face who bites him on the neck having been executed by l elf in their previous encounter he rises and loses control of his Consciousness biting l elf and mysteriously taking over the body of an enemy his friends come to the rescue but only find l elf and haro's body lying Ling on the ground out of nowhere the group is surprised by the same invading force from dorsa who Point their weapons at them demanding they step away from the weapon however harud was actually controlling L elf's
body not understanding what was happening harud decides to launch a surprise attack and fires his weapon at the enemy Group after an exchange of gunfire he reunites with his friends to try to explain that he is harud in the enemy's body the group then decides to recover his original body somehow from there he coldly kills anyone who stands in his way recovers his original body and the valve Rave he had used and ties up L elf's body placing it in his cockpit his friend Rino also enters the cockpit to help him the Val Rave doesn't
function without harud being in his own body but he doesn't know how to return to normal rukino suggests that he bite his own body as he did with l elf because that's how it happens in anime harud follows her suggestion and indeed returns to his body he tries to return to combat to drive the Dorian fleets away from the area but ends up falling into the sea after being hit at the bottom he discovers there was a compartment that led straight to outer space but being thrown there he is surprised by a barrage of shots
he regains control of the combat after being hit a few times not expecting that kind of offensive and charges forward at high speed cutting one of the ships in half with his Sid in a downward attack taking advantage of the same movement he makes another quick slash but now from bottom to top finishing off the third he tries to attack the next one in the same way but the ship blocks his slash using a shield removing this shield from his path the ship attempts a surprise attack with a cannon but he Dodges to the side
seizing the opening and ending the fight by striking a kick to its head a weapon called ideal from the Doran Army is sent to confront him firing missiles from six different directions that home in on the valve he tries to escape the attack but is still hit a few times because he didn't expect that kind of offense in the middle of the confrontation shoko calls him and he discovers that she had Sur red and feels relieved by the news but l elf unties himself from the ropes inside the Val R's cockpit pointing a gun at
his friend rukino harud hears L elf's companions calling him a traitor because of what had happened after he took control of the boy's body and shot at them which they didn't know about he tries to talk to l elf while the valve Rave is hit multiple times causing it to start overheating not knowing what could happen if it reached its limit the boy decides to risk everything while trying to resolve the situation letting the engine overheat he Pilots the mecca to draw his sword and stabs it into his own core this ends up transferring that
energy to his blade and he pulls it out this releases a long-distance energy slash at the two enemy ships meanwhile the ays fleet appears in the combat forcing Doria to retreat harud returns to the school and reunites with shoko but remembering that he turned into a monster when he lost Consciousness he decides to run away from her on the following day he gathers with some friends trying to explain that something is now wrong with his body he shows them that he now possesses almost immediate regeneration which is why he survived the shots he took but
once again he loses Consciousness and attacks his friends they manage to calm him down before he hurts anyone moments later he is invited by the ays minister for a private conversation he discovers that he has the support of all the arys countries becoming a symbol of the fight against Doran tyranny even earning the nickname the boy who fought against the world wanting to avoid another direct confrontation it is decided that they will Evacuate the entire area with the help of ays forces harud encounters lelf accompanied by some agents who decide to interrogate the boy after
hearing his name but before leaving l elf says the following words as if they were a prophecy in short he says that at 3:14 p.m. there will be a earthquake and panic will fill the area and haro's answer to solve his problems will appear just behind him he Ponders this while watching the agents take lelf to one of their ships for questioning trying to understand what l elf had told him he goes on his way and begins to follow the evacuation instructions proposed by Aris helping the last people inside the buildings to leave the area
after almost everyone is ready to leave module 77 he realizes he is holding a loudspeaker just as l elf had mentioned he hears explosions beginning to occur also causing an earthquake amid all that chaos the students and his friends start to panic seeing that everything is happening in the exact order that l elf had warned he decides to look at the clock beside him noticing that it is exactly 3:14 p.m. this prompts him to look back at that very moment and he comes face to face with l elf who emerges from the Shadows knocking out
one of his friends Yamada l elf who had somehow managed to escape from AIS tries to make a deal with him saying that his greatest desire is actually to bring Revolution to Doria revealing that he has rebelled against his own Army harud refuses The invader's Proposal saying he will resolve everything on his own and l elf leaves his sight stating that when he changes his mind he should signal with his hand with no time to lose harud runs to try to understand why the earthquakes are happening and encounters the ays minister upon speaking with him
he discovers that arys had decided to steal the Val RVE from Jor and abandon all the students resulting in him being tied up and locked in a room but shoko appears rescuing her friend and explaining that she had tried to call him and since he didn't answer she realized something was off the minister losing control of the situation draws a machine gun while boarding his Escape ship however now free he manages to recover the valve Rave and prevents their escape threatening to hand over the weapons to dorsa if ays doesn't assist them in the battle
occurring in space with that he rushes to the front lines and begins shooting down several ships in the blink of an eye buying time against the enemy Army he initiates his evacuation plan by destroying the bridges that connect his module to the sphere and successfully pushing it away from the location the students discuss ays which also displayed bad intentions aiming only to acquire the Val Braves to enter into total war against dorsa but now they saw a third Nation a very small one that emerged in the midst of two world powers challenging them headon harud
sees his classmates who were taking math tests with him just last week now representing their country diplomatically with his friend shoko leading the way they officially declare National sovereignty showing that J would be an independent nation from that moment on the country of J now governed by students soon faces its first problem as a nation the local electricity suddenly stops and they realize that life won't be easy since everything now depends on the students to resolve even with all this pressure they manag to unite forces to prove that they are truly capable of fulfilling their
words and Promises they show that despite the difficulties they can still handle everything that comes their way together having witnessed the devastation of War destroying families and the lives of loved ones he promises to do everything in his power to prevent it from happening again with everyone's help the country succeeds in raising donations from various Nations thanks to an idea from his friend in yuzuka they decide to film parts of their territory's interior they wanted to show the world that even though they were devastated these people were still Standing Tall bravely facing attacks from an
enemy much larger and better prepared than they were transforming themselves into a universal symbol of Hope for everyone watching around the world as this lighter atmosphere returns so does the electricity allowing him to descend underground with some colleagues to try to find more things that might be there to their surprise they discover that in fact there were more hidden valve rves upon encountering the weapons of war he asks his friend rukino not to tell anyone about their Discovery however she surprises him with a kiss leaving him bewildered because he didn't understand what was happening only
afterward does he realize that she took advantage of his distraction to enter one of the Val rves he tries to persuade her not to enter the cursed machine saying he would protect Everyone by himself but she reveals that deep down she has always wanted to be recognized by everyone to be someone famous and important she believes her existence would disappear from the world if she couldn't etch her name into history without time for a truce a new attack from dorsa occurs the two head to the front lines and the girl eager to show the world
who she is moves ahead of him surprising dorsa because they thought there was only one such weapon with great skill piloting the Val Rave she single-handedly takes down several enemy ships with ease however Doria had prepared a more effective long range attack this time harud is hit by some missiles launched by one of the ideals which prevent him from approaching easily he tries to reach the ships but realizes that his friend has stopped supporting him she has frozen on the battlefield leaving him at a complete disadvantage shoko displaying her leadership Spirit contacts them via radio
transmission she asks rukino why she is standing still on the main stage just when the whole world is pausing to watch what she will do saying exactly what her friend needs to hear to take action motivated rukino returns to combat charging at the the ships that had harud cornered together they achieve victory for their small and brave country and he realizes that perhaps he doesn't really need to fight alone Upon returning to their base l elf appears Moments Later by hacking into the school's Communication System announcing that he has taken control of the place for
himself hearing this haruto heads toward his Mecca again but is surprised by l elf who was already waiting for him there in advance l elf tries to persuade him once more to accept his proposal but adre who had infiltrated the in pursuit of his former Ally appears wanting to understand the reasons behind L elf's betrayal a shootout begins and one of the shots hits haruto squarely in the chest causing him to lose Consciousness he is subsequently crushed by a steel beam rendering him unable to stand the Invaders reveal that they are not alone an entire
fleet is already prepared to attack again this prompts rukino to go outside the module to protect themselves she manages to execute some boosts using her own energy and attacks launching iron wheels that end up exploding some of the enemy ships however she realizes that it was all a trap when magnetic fixation Boomerang surround her overloading her valve Rave and immobilizing it harud wakes up to find himself trapped under beams with l elf by his side lelf tells him that even though he's pinned down he could still take control of his body again to fight seeing
no other choice but to cooperate with l elf harud decides to follow his plan so they won't be destroyed together right there biting l elf and taking over for his body harud runs to his robot where he finds notes written on pieces of paper by l elf the notes detail the weapons dorso would use and how their soldiers would act information that helps him handle the confrontation in the most effective way possible with a plan in mind he targets the ship that was firing the boomerangs entering into direct confrontation with h noon he successfully destroys
the boomerang device once again winning the third battle against the world power which decides to retreat yet again meanwhile inuzuka had gone to search for his friend among the rubble and finds haro's unconscious body on the ground realizing that he had probably switched bodies with someone else again but then inuzuka comes across Ana's floating corpse she had been caught in the crossfire of the last confrontation the sight of his dear friend lifeless causes him to enter a complete State of Shock after waiting for a moment to talk to him inuzuka confronts harud grabbing the collar
of his shirt angrily while trying to hold back his tears of pain asking why he didn't protect her completely devastated harud falls to his knees on the ground screaming revealing that in fact that Victory still left a bitter taste of defeat to make matters worse dorsha who had managed to infiltrate before all this happened reveals that they had also taken some photos of the location obtaining the information that there were actually five Val rves in total stationed in Jor l elf who after this combat had been captured and imprisoned by the students of Jor tells
them that their country has exactly 6 hours before it is completely destroyed and that he is still awaiting takushima haro's definitive answer about the two of them cooperating promising to save the place from the next Doran attack the attack that l elf had worn about finally happens harud alongside rukino shows that both are managing to use their weapons more effectively in battle but he quickly realizes that this fight doesn't seem to be heading toward a happy ending as his system had already been overloaded from the battle in space while things worsened in the module this
was because dorsa had actually regrouped some of their best soldiers for an armed confrontation not in space but On Solid Ground they managed to invade the location while the valve rves were occupied elsewhere along with three more of their main ships they take control of the battle by invading with a ship full of heavily armed soldiers ambushing Jor in yet another tactical trap not knowing how to act in this situation harud contacts his base asking to speak with l elf needing a plan to deal with everything he decides to accept the agreement made earlier saying
that he doesn't want to lose any more close friends or be forced to see friends suffer from the losses of loved ones who could have been saved by him but weren't with the alliance formed lelf is ready to provide support in the ongoing battle after hearing haro's speech he now seems to have a certain admiration for the student and promises that he can win that battle without losing even a single soldier lelf then begins giving instructions over the phone telling harud to aim his weapon at one of the lower entrances of module 77 which if
destroyed would send the module C out into space haruto follows his instructions and expels P the water into space which freezes and deactivates doria's magnetic weapons moreover this action simultaneously gets rid of the warships that were bombing the city with the battle suddenly turning around his new companion appears at his side in space taking the opportunity to launch a surprise attack with a ship while harud warns that his entire system is already overloaded hearing more instructions from his base they provide coordinates of the Target that harud needs to hit with his next attack while lelf
helps him by directly fighting against one of his former com Brands trying to create a gap in their defenses and buying more time for harud to act without worry harud with the overload ready prepares his strongest attack by placing his sword into the core to transfer energy to it performing a heavy Slash from top to bottom that causes a destructive yellow energy wave hitting the entire fleet in the blink of an eye with that they win yet another battle and harud rescues his new ally who was floating in the void showing that they could count
on each other from then on due to Ana's death his friend can no longer think about anything but Revenge which worries him shoko also mentions that inusuka liked her and that the two spent a lot of time together causing harud to fully understand the anger in yuzuka feels having experienced it himself before because of what happened to shoko a new offensive is launched by dorsa who now instead of engaging in direct confrontation against the Val rves or a ground Invasion decide to attack first with longrange weapons firing some cannon shots at the upper part of
the module but they are surprised when they realize that the defense of the place is now extremely well organized which will make things difficult for their army during the confrontation dorsa manages to carry out a successful attack on the location while simultaneously luring harud and rukino away from their Base by pretending to retreat after being surprised by the defenses thus regaining control of the battle before them this happens because the barrier system that had been set up in module 77 had overloaded the local power generators disabling their defenses without a plan to follow the students
are forced to use more of the Val rves from their base inuzuka and yamata are chosen to be the new pilots they enter the battle and change the course of the confrontation while Yamada is extremely aggressive in yuzuka possesses strong defensive capabilities making the duo extremely problematic for dorsa the Army fires a shot from their main Cannon but it ends up not being enough to surpass the student Shield who returns all that massive energy back to the enemy ship in yuzuka remembering the death of his dear friend promises that he will not lose anyone else
winning the confrontation alongside his new companion Yamada with the end of the battle everyone gathers again and harud returns to his base to see that his friends are now piloting the same demonic weapons as he is which doesn't please him at all because he is losing Consciousness more frequently and attacking anyone who is nearby as a result harud believes this is due to the side effects caused by the vals he confronts l elf because he doesn't want to see that happening to other people but inusuka manages to calm him down saying that all of this
had actually been his own choice and that he would deal with any consequences that might arise he and rukino meet with their two new Companions and begin explaining to the group of Pilots the secrets they knew about the weapons they hear over the school's General communication system that Aris during these days was still trying to persuade the country of Jor to participate in some international events they requested that J's representative meet them at the lunar base a place where a non-aggression agreement among humans existed discovering that Jor had decided to go to the moon and
that that an election would be held the group comments that if one of them were in power it would be easier to keep information about the weapon secret the boy decides to talk to l elf about this to find out if it was part of his plan but he discovers that it wasn't with that he leaves the place via the elevator encountering a classmate and ends up losing control again rukino appears kicking him in the stomach and calling him a pervert intending to hide that side effect from the other students the two go outside to
discuss what they would do if his condition worsened even more until they bump into shoko who was under pressure from the students to become the representative even against her will knowing his friend well he notices that she seemed bothered by something but wasn't telling anyone later noticing that she had also isolated herself toward the end of the afternoon he decides to look for her after talking with one of her friends named Marie who was worried about shoko upon finding her he discovers that she was secretly suffering while listening to her friend's requests for her to
participate in the elections she explains that she couldn't stop thinking about her father who had been captured by dorsa at the beginning of the war because he was actually the former minister of Jor this made her Wonder every day if he was still alive in their hands seeing his friend go through all that alone he realizes his foolishness and begins to blame himself for not having stopped to notice that someone so important needed his support in something so obvious he promises that he will rescue her father no matter what it costs accidentally letting slip that
she is one of the most important people in his life and because of that he couldn't stand by without acting a phase that ends up calming her she decides to run to be the minister in her father's place trusting in his promise to rescue him after that he decides to isolate himself again instead of going to watch her speech on the school stage because he felt he would lose control of his Consciousness again that day rukino who was looking for her friend appears and he attacks her this time even more out of control she realizes
that it wasn't the boy doing this but something it came to a curse deciding she needed to help her Ally alleviate his suffering somehow she allows to harm her body until his frenzy subsides completely traumatized by what he had done the previous day he asks to talk with his friend they go to the cinema where rukino implies that she has always been a lonely person hearing this he tells her that she doesn't need to feel that way anymore because now she has Companions and him by her side but at that moment their conversation is interrupted
by a new attack from dorsha that is taking place they go into space together listening to their B's strategy over the communication radio instead of engaging in in combat with dor they decide to change their modules route immediately toward the moon to try to avoid direct confrontation however the enemy Army doesn't let them Escape breaking the original formation of their combat ships to pursue them in space forcing the valra of team to face them directly all of this had actually been anticipated by their base under L elf's command he had informed the boy that if
the ships aligned themselves he could destroy them all in a single attack using the overload power of his sword he then waits for the right moment to act and announces that he's ready to attack with the overload after waiting for some time without thinking twice he decimates the entire Doran Fleet in a single slash with L elf's plan well executed they thought they had won the battle but Kan the enemy Commander had decided to personally go in a smaller ship to module 77 showing that the battle was not yet over and that this would be
his last effort to obtain the Val Raves Haro quickly returns inside the module and sees Kane reaching the location where the weapons were stored thanks to the his army had taken earlier the captain shoots at him and harud is unable to defend himself Kane easily overpowers lelf in hand to hand combat demonstrating that no matter how exceptionally skilled the young man was he still couldn't defeat the person who had taught him everything Kane then takes both of them hostage forcing them to merely watch the ensuing confrontation in Space the battle against the valve RVE team
continues dorsa finds a way to overheat J's robots even faster which ends up disabling three of them at once Akira one of the students who isolated herself from everyone else decides to emerge from her hiding place to try to help she spent all day on her computer hacking into the school system witnessing what's happening she decides to take one of the Val rves to help shoko survive as shoko was her only friend and she didn't want to lose her without doing anything the girl starts frantically pressing buttons trying to get a weapon to Fire and
discovers that it is actually equipment that can be used to hack enemy systems using her new weapon she infiltrates the dorion system and takes control of the enemy ships single-handedly changing the course of the battle by doing this the ships that had entered the module begin exploding in the air causing widespread chaos l elf seizes this moment of distraction to grab haruto and Float toward the valve so they can get away from Cain who had captured them moments earlier and was forcing them to watch the module's destruction the two recover the valve RVE and decide
to shoot at Cain in a way that he wouldn't be able to survive but even after hitting him directly Kane for some reason was not killed he begins to emit an unknown green energy and strange sounds start coming from his mouth that don't seem human he then floats through the air and reaches one of J's valve Raves successfully capturing it activating the weapon with his own mysterious energy he reveals that he is actually part of a group called Magus and alien race that aims to rule not just Earth but the entire universe from the Shadows
seeing that someone needed to stop Kane haruto charges at the leader of the enemy Army and the Fight Continues between the two he fires his cannon at the soldier but unable to land any shots he ends up taking a direct hit to the stomach from crystallized green energy he then tries to throw his Scythe with a chain attached to its handle to trap the robot's arms and pull him closer shortening the distance between them and allowing him to use his sword more effectively but his opponent conjures two more limbs of pure energy showing that he
used the Val rves as if they were an extension of his own body even though he had acquired the machine just minutes ago C grabs and throws the boy to another part of the module then grabs his leg and tears it off at a disadvantage haruto presses a button inside the module that attaches one of yada's armored arms to his own Mecca he fires a surprise long range attack at the soldier then advances trying to grab the captain who manages to hold his arm and push him back losing balance after that he is immobilized again
the boy ejects his sidethe hitting Kane's neck Kane retaliates by causing an explosion around his body pushing harud against the wall and tearing off his right arm in the process the Doran Captain wins the battle and manages to open haro's core with his hands trying to transfer all that energy to his own valve RVE afterward but due to the fight he ends up overloading and has to retreat along with his army which at that moment is losing the battle elsewhere Jor which was a peaceful country until days ago appeared to have military technology extremely Superior
to that of world powers arriving on the moon the students spend 2 months there achieving a bit of Peace shoko has become the leader of J's group group of Representatives and the valve Pilots are considered true heroes by the population with herud being moreover a global symbol of resistance against Doran oppression but fearing he might lose control again he asks to be locked in a monitored room during that time rukino seeing her friend in that state asks why they are keeping him locked up like a rat l elf and the professor respond that he himself
had asked for it and he agrees with them looking at his friend worried about him she even returns later to try to help him but he refus uses and runs away afraid of hurting his friend as he had done before he is found by l elf who appears in front of him saying that he had placed a tracker on his body before all that l elf says that the valve Raves no longer have energy to function for some reason and that his losses of control over his own mind could be directly linked to all of
this lelf explains to harud about the conversation he had with the professor where the two concluded that the Val rves operated using as fuel the smallest particles of information called runes because just as all matter in the universe is made up of atoms all information is made up of runes which include DNA speech emotions and memories and the only things in the universe that contain these runes are human beings therefore lelf suspects that harud is somehow collecting runes for the Val rves and that is actually why he was attacking people possibly making him a traitor
lelf pulls out a knife and asks harud to end his life right there not wanting to risk that the boy might just be an enemy infiltrator showing even to harud that it is the most correct choice in a wartime situation harud can't find arguments to defend himself while thinking about his friends he realizes that he is no longer willing to live as before and asks what would happen to his robot if he were no longer alive l elf responds sincerely saying they would simply replace the weapons pilot as they still need to use it in
future War scenarios haruto then decides he will continue living realizing that nothing would change with or without his presence saying he just doesn't want to see someone else suffering in his place with what deals with daily showing that he will carry that burden alone the two make an agreement that harud will feed what they called The Curse only with L elf's body sharing the risk they both possess by trusting each other harud then bites L elf's body which instantly reactivates all the valve Raves and confirms his unique connection with the weapons of war having regained
their robots the students prepare to continue their reconnaissance mission aiming to reach Earth with the valve Rayes leaving their module parked on the moon they plan to rescue their families and the researchers who belong to Jor in the midst of this they also plan to discover something new about the war machines he reunites with his friends and they finally meet their new partner Akira some of them comment that she was the girl who had hacked the country's National Education System a few years earlier they then listen to the instructions that l elf and their teacher
have prepared explaining how they will land on the planet safely satomi who is a Kira's brother receives a call coming through on a radio frequency that simulates that of module 77 he answers it which inadvertently provides dorsa with the information that their ship has left the moon leading them to attack as soon as the group approaches Earth to protect her brother Akira jumps toward the attack launched by the Army's new combat ship she steals inuzuka shield and blocks the shot but in doing so she distances herself from the main ship and overloads her Mecca which
begins to fall into Earth's orbit on an unplanned trajectory unable to move any further the engineers of J contact harud who is witnessing all of this and ask if wants to test a new combat device this device attaches to his right arm with some iron plates reducing its temperature and providing thermal support allowing him to move even after overloading he uses this to destroy the enemy ships in a single strike and propels himself towards His companion declaring that he can't leave her behind connecting the two valve Raves he also attempts to dissipate her overload he
succeeds initially but the test equipment explodes leaving them both on a collision course with Earth desperate aira's brother shouts the radio to the entire unit that they can't abandon his sister forcibly changing their rout she takes advantage of the energy drop caused by haro's rescue attempt to hack into doria's tracking system this allows them to try to rescue the two and reenter the planned route if everything goes well however they need an efficient pilot like l elf for this to work despite his reluctance lelf agrees to help enabling them to recover harud and Aira but
upon landing on Earth l elf communicates that he was unable to get back onto the original route causing their group to unintentionally crash directly into Doran territory Landing in enemy territory they discuss how they will find a way to reach jorah's territory by land they decide to send rukino and Akira into the enemy Army to infiltrate them leading the enemy soldiers into an ambush where he inuzuka and yamata will be positioned and ready to face the entire local army with the plan set in motion he heads toward his valve and runs into his friend Marie
who offers to help him repair some parts of the Val RVE before the combat begins the two work together to fix the valve Rave and he steps away from her to talk with other companions he discovers that his friends have successfully executed their part of the plan and are already returning he runs toward the mecca but realizes that in the short time he was away Marie has entered the cockpit of his robot preventing him from acting at The crucial moment meanwhile Yamada and inuzuka initiate the Ambush launching a series of direct attacks that hit the
Doran Army's ideal Bloom ship head-on but because haruto didn't appear at the right moment their plan fails leaving their group at a complete disadvantage in the battle to make matters worse an unknown Mecca appears and tears off yamata's arm this Mecca had been built by dorsa after they previously captured one of the Val rves unable to help his friends at such a critical time harud asks Marie what she is doing she confronts him expressing doubt about whether she can truly trust him citing what she had seen earlier and demanding explanations she explains that she noticed
something strange about him in the last battle where he had regenerated from a facial wound in a matter of minutes as if he were no longer human but before he can say anything lelf appears and shoots the girl straight in the head stating that harud needs to follow the plan exactly as he had ordered he adds that Marie now aware of the Val R's side effects could cause turmoil in the future so it was better to execute her however as the two are arguing the girl heals the wound on her head mysteriously coming back to
life right in front of them the two tried to figure out why the girl survived while Kino calls l elf to inform him that some members of his former Squad are also searching for them in the caves adding yet another problem to solve which forces him to detonate some bombs planted underground in the mountain the explosion ends up catching all three of them who become trapped in different locations harud now unable to reach the Val RVE can no longer help his friends this prompts l elf to order Marie to take over the battle in haro's
absence she activates the valve RVE and discovers along with l elf that she had been the test pilot of those during their development phase the runes that the valve rves used for energy were the memories of those who piloted them and because of this she could no longer recall her oldest memories as they had all been consumed nearly devoid of memories with her friends she weighs everything and decides to help in the battle anyway even if it cost her the remaining runs her memory still holds she appears on the battlefield wielding even more energy than
harud harud surprised that someone is using his Mech wonders who is piloting the valve Rave as he watches her at all the enemy ships as he looks up at the sky he reunites with l elf who explains that Marie was actually the original pilot of the valra which is why she is fighting in his place he tries to communicate with the girl piloting his Mecca but unfortunately he notices that his friend has no memories left unable to recognize him for some reason attempting to help his friend remember who she was the only thing he can
do is watch as she uses the overloaded sword to cause an explosion of catastrophic magnitude this final attack devastates both the enemy Army and the remainder of her mind resulting in the girl's death after saving their lives because of all the information he and l elf had obtained from Marie the boy begins to have nightmares where he dreams of losing all his memories just like she did until he can't remember anything at all this leaves him deeply shaken to the point where he can't even pilot his valve RVE as he normally would the next day
lelf explains that the Doran Royal Rebel Army had contacted the J group via radio offering assistance to the invading group because they share a common enemy the assistance from the local Rebel Army would be provided if they could manage to destroy a military submarine called Phantom this was a ship that didn't even appear in doria's records with its creation and purpose still unknown dividing their squad into two groups Akira and Yamada are tasked with rescuing rukino who was still infiltrated among the enemy troops while l elf and harud went to find and destroy the submarine
upon infiltrating it they come across an unknown symbol that belonged neither to the Dorian Army nor to the rebels inside the submarine Kudo faces dozens of people having their runes forcibly extracted being used merely as energy generators for something greater lelf observes this and comments that the advanced technology that had been discovered by J's researchers apparently wasn't exclusive to them and that dorsa also kept that knowledge secret for some unknown reason at that moment the two hear cannon fire outside and realize they need to reunite with their allies nearby harud showing that he is ready
to retaliate is stopped by elf who asks someone else at the Operation Center to Pilot the boy's machine saying that harud is no longer fit to operate it because he is emotionally fragile l elf explains that he decided this because after discovering what had happened to Marie harud had become reluctant to use his valve Rave again fearing he might end up dying as well because of that he could no longer trust the boy to give his all in battle but harud explains that in fact he didn't want to use the valve RVE because he was
worried about what would happen if someone else had to take his place deciding to regain his composure he returns to the front lines of combat destroying both the Doran Army and the submarine he shows no fear in his eyes as he ensures the mission's success returning to their base he and his group discuss the possibility of module 77 being attacked by dorsha in the meantime even while stationed in the neutral environment of the Moon they decide they need to rescue the people who had been forcibly taken by the army they wanted to discover what was
happening in their country so they could act more effectively from then on harud becomes excited because he was about to talk to his father after a long time if this Mission succeeded one of kan's main allies appears and reveals herself to be part of the monarchist army she goes to meet with him and his unit to deliver the supplies promised by the rebels before leaving the woman asks if there is someone named Michael in their unit l elf who is beside harud reveals that this was actually his own name before joining the Army he explains
that the only person who knew that name was an old friend of his Princess Lisa a lot this makes l elf realize that she might be in danger so he decides to rush to protect her abandoning haro's group and revealing that this girl was the real reason he had been fighting alongside him all this time his group tries to call lelf back so they can proceed according to their plans but harud understands his motivations and asks everyone to leave lelf alone since he also had his own reasons to fight harud decides to continue his mission
finding the people of Jor who had been imprisoned on Earth while Akira hacked into the main system to support him upon arriving there harud asks the scientists if they recognize his father's name they lead him to the man making harud realized that things would not be as he had imagined when he meets his father he discovers that his father actually works as a scientist who sees his son merely as a successful experiment he reveals that harud had been prepared in a secret project with infinite monetary funds aiming to create a new form of life with
herud being part of this new step in human evolution his father reveals several secrets about Jor and harud discovers that all the adults there were actually military personnel moreover the students who went to module 77 had been specially prepared to Pilot the valves feeling angry upon discovering the truth harud ends up punching his own father promising that he would destroy everything the man had built in the name of the people and friends who died without any of them caring concluding his Rescue Mission with a bitter taste in his mouth with his mission completed arudo now
needed to escape the ongoing attack taking down some enemies who appeared before him he ends up encountering l elf who had managed to save his friend princess liselot but was currently cornered he helps his ally Rescue the Princess and as the two flee together she reveals that she is a Magus who had betrayed her own race because of this she had been held captive there she tells them the story of how the magist are an alien race that came to earth 100 years ago needing to steal the bodies of animals and humans because they lacked
a physical form recalling the conversation with his father harud realized is that the scientists had unknowingly built an artificial physical body for the Magus to use while they were stealing runes from the pilots to obtain more energy but with no time to ponder all of this he regroups with his friends to make their escape unfortunately doria's offensive is very strong and liselot wanting to help her friend l elf decides to use what remains of her energy to propel their rocket back to the moon this allows harud and his friends to escape but she perishes in
the process her body consumed from within by the overexertion before dying she asks harud not to tell l elf the truth about her race or that she had chosen to sacrifice herself to save them breaking free from Earth's orbit he and his companions managed to intercept an attack that was heading toward their country in space and they safely land in Jor harud finally returns the scientists to their families on Solid ground but he no longer seems to care much about any of it even though the boy had succeeded in his mission he couldn't stop thinking
about things going wrong he also discovers that rukino had not managed to meet up with them and had been left behind on Earth observing the whole situation and discussing it with his companions he realizes that he needs to devise a plan to defeat the organization called Magus once and for all he tells everyone to try to manage without L elf's help who was emotionally shattered after nearly dying in the last battle to save the girl who sacrificed herself allowing them to escape from Earth he meets again with shoko who had become an excellent diplomatic leader
of the country successfully forging trade agreements with arys and several other nations she is planning to impose economic sanctions against their enemy to force them to negotiate at the table but the two are interrupted by the magius group in a sudden worldwide broadcast the magius convene commenting that the meeting between lelot and the pilots from the country of Jor could not become public knowledge deciding that they would have to remove them from the main stage by force exposing their captured companion life the Magus disguised in human bodies display rukino tied up on a giant screen
even after suffering a fatal wound she is still able to regenerate they reveal that the human race has beings From Another World among them with their Planet invaded by an alien race they ask Humanity to unite against the threat emerging from module 77 of the country of Jor placing Targets on the backs of the valv of Pilots watching all of this harud begins to realize that the magius are an organization with people all over the world capable of even forging false evidence against your while controlling the global media using the bodies of well-known and important
people worldwide his friends who were watching everything by his side tried to explain that it could all be a misunderstanding but their attempt fails when one of them is struck directly in the head a shootout begins where several students are targeted by the new alliance of ays with dorsha who have decided to unite forces against module 77 he abandons shoko at the scene and joins the other valve pilots who are also being attacked in space while trying to protect module 77 they fight as they attempt to flee from the Moon haruto intercepts a directed attack
from one of doria's Mecca appearing in space throwing it backward Yamada manages to help him by grabbing the enemy's weapon but ends up receiving a kick afterward Akira also appears but is hit in the head as her enemy fires a cannon shot in sequence but inusuka manages to block it with his shield counterattacking afterward in the midst of the confrontation some ships appear trying to support the Doran Army's Mecca but the boy quickly gets rid of them causing his memory to start erasing some more recent memories at that moment his support base makes a call
saying they are also being attacked and need help he rushes there to assist worried about shoko who is also at the location but discovers that it was a trap set by the students to make him return inside module 77 because the students had believed the story The International media had exposed about rukino and their country his friends had now lost trust in him and asked if harud could at least prove that he was human seeing his former allies pointing weapons at him calling him an alien Invader he tries to resolve the situation through dialogue but
ends up being shot in the heart he gets up after the shot inadvertently proving to everyone that he really was no longer human and that the things reported in the broadcast were true shoko seeing this accepts the facts and also tells him that he was no longer one of them obliged as the nation's representative to expel her best friend from the module along with the other valves in the name of the nation making him realize that besides his already complicated situation he had now lost the trust of the person he loved most being considered by
her as an enemy of humanity as well shoko and the students accept agreements to Ally with ays against the valves preparing to hand over harud and El elf to them leaving the two on the surface of the Moon to be captured by doria's ships but the world power not wanting to risk possible infiltrators leaving the country reveals that their real plan was to destroy Jor completely without saving any of the students firing their ships at the module in yuzuka turns on his transmission radio and reminds everyone of his reasons for fighting there saying that even
if he is called called a scoundrel he will protect the people he still cares about at all costs he throws his Shields to Yamada while deciding to use his own valve to block one of the enemy ship's cannon shots which would have killed all the people inside the module managing to open an Escape Route and buying time for everyone to flee harud can only watch his friend die from inside a capsule literally unable to do anything else while hearing inuzuka say that the story between him and shoko couldn't end in such a sad way sacrificing
his life so that the two could try to resolve things later and before departing inuzuka asks harud if he still loves shoko even though he was already starting to lose some of his recent memories with her he affirms that he does this allows his friend who had helped him so much to at least die with a smile Faithfully believing he made the right choice by trusting him to resolve everything after being stranded on the surface of the Moon he tries to find a way to escape asking for L elf's help however l elf having lost
his reason to fight isn't willing to do anything to survive he l elf telling him not to try anything either because everyone he knew had turned their backs on him even the girl he loved had done so l elf mentions the monster he had become capable of even killing her father in one of the previous confrontations against dorsa not understanding anything he asks l elf what he's talking about l elf begins to tell him the whole story during one of the attacks dorsa had tried to win the confrontation differently they called J's base during the
battle and showed shoko that her father the former Minister was being held hostage they informed them that if they didn't hand over all their valves they would execute him right there she had to choose between saving her father by giving up the fight or ordering her best friend who had promised to save him to destroy the entire fleet which would also result in her father's death unable to make a decision she could only watch his attack being launched with tears in her eyes as her father died hearing all this he begins to lose control again
blaming l elf for being the real culprit of everything and all the wrong decisions his country had made up to that point he charges at lelf with a punch but l elf Dodges the blow grabbing his arms while delivering a kick to his back in the same motion unable to defeat him in a straightforward fight harud tries to shake l elf emotionally just as l elf had done moments before he reveals the truth about liselot his dear friend who was actually one of the magius and had been turned into a prisoner for being a traitor
to her race she had done this with the idea of trying to unify them all instead of watching her people wage war against humans upon hearing this l elf charges at him unable to believe what he's hearing as he confronts reality the two begin to vent everything they had bottled up inside to each other they argue as an extremely balanced fight ensues harud keeps getting hit on one side while l elf relentlessly attacks on the other after taking out their frustrations on each other with nothing left to hide they decide to unite once again now
knowing the true story of his friend l elf decides to fight for the dream she protected until her death after a long time he rises again and starts thinking with harud about how they will escape together alive a dorion ship appears ready to fire at them and facing it they decide to create a new nation side by side where everyone could live together without more Wars but the first step was to reveal the true identity of the maius to regain J's trust rukino who had managed to free herself for some mysterious reason appears and rescues
the two from the enemy ships showing that luck was now on their side he returns to module 77 and meets with shoko in intending to retrieve his Val RVE she informs him that they cannot stay in the country because they have not yet been able to publicly prove their innocence haruto notices that his friend is trying not to cry for some reason upon seeing him again while asking all of them to leave the valra system then reports to him that shoko had entered his cockpit and discovered through some recordings that he had sacrificed his Humanity
to Pilot the ship and avenge her death believing he had seen her killed in the crossfire on the first day of the Doran Invasion with that he looks at his friend again and without saying a word they understand each other the boy takes up his weapon of War promising to expose the truth about the world while holding back tears in his eyes wishing he could have just one more peaceful day in his life after all this is over he departs and reunites with the group of Val pilots who decide to stake their lives in the
next confrontation appearing by surprise amidst the Dorian forces and blowing up their ships in the blink of an eye with haro's attacks using the four valve rves they had left they Tred to force their way through the entire fleet by br root strength while he manages to aim his overload attacks at the main ships with the help of equipment previously created by his former engineering team but with few memories left he realizes he won't be able to keep using his attacks for much longer rukino appears at his side having noticed that he is reaching his
limit promising to support him so he won't die fighting alone she charges ahead holding off two fleets simultaneously by herself so he wouldn't expend his energy there but ends up having her legs blown off by enemy ships Akira and Yaman take advantage of the opening in the enemy formation and reach the main ship Akira begins hacking their satellite while Yamada provides cover alone using the shield that inuzuka had thrown to him before exploding seeing his friends fighting with everything they have he remembers that he needs to fight for them to end the war so that
no one would need to use a Val RVE to protect themselves from anything everyone there had trusted him and to prove to shoko that he really wasn't an enemy of humanity he leaves rukino behind and helps his group again in covering Akira one of doria's main ships appears leading Yamada into a hand-to-hand confrontation he grabs the arms of the Doran Mecca while aiming his shoulder cannon at its Shields the enemy raises the robot's feet dodging his shot in doing so the soldier uses the hole made by yamada's own weapon to prop up his Cannon catching
him by surprise with a point blank shot a Akira informs them that she has managed to hack the enemy satellite she then looks up and sees her friend Yamada split in half but happy to have succeeded in the mission Yamada tells tells them not to worry about him as he had already achieved the Revenge he so desired and now he needed to go visit a friend named Nabu a student who had been killed in the first Invasion by the Army being torn apart limb by limb by the Doran attack his Val R of explodes ending
his life having gained control of the satellite the group only needs to wait for l elf who had infiltrated the Dorian Army and discovered that his former platoon had also uncovered the whole truth about their Commander Cain being one of the Magus reuniting forces once again they invade the place where a meeting between the two leaders of Doria and arys is taking place an encounter that is being broadcast live to the whole world providing the population with details about the unexpected Alliance of the two Powers l elf shoots all the escort soldiers while swiping right
the throat of D's Supreme Commander the entire world's population watches the scene horrified becoming even more surprised when they see the Commander's neck regenerate afterward revealing to the world that the man who had accused yor of being the Cradle of an alien invading race was actually one of the real Invaders of planet Earth Akira had hacked the satellite and prevented the magius desperate attempt from shutting the broadcast down despite all their efforts the transmission continued and the entire population discussed the unfolding events online the Magus used their influence to try to control the narrative through
the media they bought out powerful news outlets to manipulate the story twisting it repeatedly over time meanwhile C appeared in his valra confronting harud headon he conjured a crystal of energy and aimed it directly at harud harud dodged the attack while firing his cannon at the captain Cain closed the distance and struck haro's face attempting to slice him in half harud blocked the attack and tried to land a point blank shot with his other arm Cain grabbed his hand before he could fire crushing part of haro's robot and causing an explosion one of L elf's
former comrades arrived to support him in battle discovering that Cain was one of the Magus he confronted his old leader and Unleashed a barrage of cannon shots at him taking advantage of the distraction he tried to attack Cain with his Scythe Cain effortlessly destroyed its chains making harud realize that none of his previous attacks had been effective harud fired again at Cain who deafly dodged charging forward harud aimed another direct blow at The Soldier's cockpit but Kain repelled him with a burst of energy forcing him back into his module at that moment exin decided to
sacrifice himself to damage kan's valve R in any way he could by doing so he managed to immobilize one of Cain's arms harud took advantage of exi help and got back up he met with l elf who told him that as a mere novice in military combat harud couldn't defeat Cain alone hearing this harud asked for L elf's help they decided to fight together with l elf allowing harud to take control of his body merging their combat skills with the power of the valves Cain having freed himself from exin Advanced toward them to continue the
fight harud launched a quick attack using both his sword and Scythe to strike from both sides noticing the difference in their movements Cain realized that his former pupil and harud were now fighting together against him and that their close combat abilities had improved significantly the soldier fired a beam directly at haro's chest closing in and aiming an attack at his right side harud dodged and put some distance between them Cain is unwilling to give him any respit and fires again harud is forced to block the attack which pushes him backward onto a bridge Cain begins
to explain that the Magus Council isn't in fact an organization with evil plants he claims that humans were responsible for the conflict between the two races the magist came to Earth seeking peaceful coexistence but Humanity decided to attack them because they saw them as Invaders he explained that the Legends and myths known worldwide were merely Chronicles of his people's suffering over the ages because of this when they took control of the most influential figures within Human Society they chose to remain hidden fearing to rekindle Humanity's fear to keep Humanity from descending into chaos and panic
they erased memories in exchange for energy in Cain's view they were the true heroes of the entire story after hearing all of this harud said that it was simply a justification the magius used he decides to continue the battle outside the module to avoid civilian casualties leading Cain to pursue him into space once again in the void of space he evades another of Cain's blasts Cain seizes haro's hands striking him repeatedly and unleashes blades from his own body each one piercing harud Cain opens his core again and attempts to to drain haro's Mecca of energy
just as he had done in their first battle but harud uses every memory he has left to fuel a surge of energy letting out a furious scream he finally uncovers the truth the magius had never pursued peace but had always used their powers to control everyone sacrificing innocent lives for their true objectives he raises his sword and attacks clashing his blade against canes each strike he now launched cost him a precious memory of his friends harud charges forward with a frontal attack wielding his two melee weapons Kane Dodges en counters with a swift strike harud
evades and leaps onto the captain's back spinning in the vacuum of space he slices Kane's body in half Kane takes the hit exposing a gap on his right side seizing the opportunity harud delivers another powerful strike severing Kane's arm grasping his core with both hands harud fully energizes his valve he drives his sword through kan's chest causing him to explode with the battle over haruto had learned the whole truth but ironically he had no memories left l elf regained control of his body and tried to help his friend but there was nothing he could do
except watch the boy who had bravely fought alongside him and become his friend die in the end harud never had the chance to explain what he had discovered he realized too late that he had been used all along as a mere tool of the Magus Chosen and manipulated because he was an innocent kind-hearted boy who always tried to solve everything on his own he never noticed what was happening around him after all his efforts his body was now just another corpse unable to build the new nation of Peace he had told l elf was his
dream watch this next video see you on the next one [Music]
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