Before the Second Coming of Christ, These 4 Signs Will Occur

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Before the Second Coming of Christ, These 4 Signs Will Occur Don't forget to subscribe
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do you think you're fully informed about the end times brace yourself for some eye-opening revelations in this video we're going to unveil truths that many have chosen to overlook what we're about to share goes beyond conventional Faith it's a perspective that'll Shake even the staunchest Skeptics discover the four unexpected signs of Christ's Second Coming that are unfolding right now and here's the most astonishing part what you're about to learn could utter transform your world view in a matter of seconds stay with us and unravel the mystery the book I'm discussing is unique unlike any other
history book you'll find in public libraries the Bible's narrative spans from the creation of the Earth to the end of the world covering a spectrum of events unprecedented in historical literature this is partly because no one was there at the beginning to witness and document making it impossible possible to authoritatively write about the onset of our world yet we stand as the sole bearers of knowledge on how it all will end and that's extraordinary the Lord didn't reveal the future to his followers just to satisfy their curiosity it was to prepare them for what's to
come so they're not caught off guard by his return and don't misinterpret the signs we should be grateful that Jesus shared with us what lies ahead in our future people often wonder if we're living in the end times but the Bible speaks of the last days and we have been living in these days for 2,000 years the last days began at Pentecost where the first Prophecy of the end times was fulfilled every Christian generation should live in Readiness for the Lord's return the Bible is a book brimming with predictions featuring 735 of them spread across
a quarter of its chapters out of all these prophecies 596 have already occurred and were fulfilled literally as per the scriptures this means that 81% of biblical prophecies have come to pass with some predicted centuries before they happened it doesn't take much Faith to believe that the remaining 19% will also come true the Bible has proven itself accurate in every prediction that could have been fulfilled up to this point most of the remaining prophecies pertain to the return of Jesus and the subsequent events how many of these prophecies remain to be fulfilled before Jesus return
the answer is around 20 and we're closely watching for these to unfold before we anticipate the Lord's return Jesus told us to watch and pray but what exactly should we watch for we can't just stand idle gazing at the clouds waiting for his appearance he meant for us to be alert to the the world's happenings and recognize the signs he has given us to prepare ourselves these signs are the prophecies so let's delve into Matthew chap 24 where the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of his coming faced with this query Jesus provided a direct
and unequivocal answer for which we can thank God for its Clarity in the Book of Revelation he offers a more detailed and comprehensive response but here he summarizes the signs that will precede his arrival the disciples approached Jesus privately while he was sitting on the Mount of Olives Matthew 24 3:36 they asked tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age Jesus replied don't let anyone mislead you many will come in my name claiming to be the Messiah and will deceive many
you will hear of wars and rumors of wars but don't be frightened yes these things must take place but the end won't come right away Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in various places but all this is only the first of the birth pains then you will be arrested persecuted and killed you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers many will turn away from the faith and betray and hate each other many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people sin
will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved and this good news of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come the day will come when you will see what Daniel the Prophet spoke about the sacri ious object that causes desolation standing in the Holy Place reader pay attention then those in Judea must flee to the mountains a person on the rooftop must not go down to get anything
out of the house a person in the field must not go back even to get a coat how Dreadful it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days pray that your flight will not take place in Winter or on the Sabbath for there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began and it will never be so great again in fact unless that time of Calamity is shortened not a single person will survive but that time will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones so if anyone
tells you look here is the Messiah or there he is don't believe it for false Messiahs and false prophets will arise performing Great Signs and wonders to deceive if possible even God's chosen ones see I have told you beforehand so if anyone tells you look the Messiah is in the desert don't bother going out there or look he's hiding here don't believe it for as lightning that comes from the East is visible even in the west so will be the coming of the son of man just as the presence of vultures indicates a corpse nearby
these signs indicate that the end is near immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from the sky and the heavenly bodies will be shaken then at last the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and there will be great mourning among all the peoples of the earth they will see the son of man coming on the Clouds Of Heaven with power and great Glory he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will
gather his chosen ones from all over the world from the ends of the Earth to the heavens now learn the lesson of the Fig Tree as soon as its Twigs get tender and its leaves come out you know that summer is near likewise when you see all these things happening know that his return is very near right at the door truly I tell you this generation will certainly not pass away until till all these things have happened Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will never pass away however no one knows the day
or hour when these things will happen not even the angels in Heaven nor the son but only the father now in this passage he gave four distinct signs of his coming so what exactly are these four signs that he has given us the first sign is clearly disasters in the world in various forms like Wars famines and earthquakes these events are certainly happening but they have been occurring for over 2,000 years they are intensifying so we are definitely living in this first sign Wars rumors of wars earthquakes and famines are already happening Jesus says not
to be deceived and he repeats this constantly as we approach the end the danger is deception both inside and outside the church in this instance he refers to false christs false Messiah individuals who exploit the chaos of natural disasters to present themselves as saviors there are well-known examples of people who pretend to be saviors and Lead others to desert places ending in tragedies however many false christs false saviors claim to be the promised Liberator from all our troubles the more problems there are the more false liberators will appear but as Jesus advises us we should
not be alarmed or worried when we hear of a new war a new tragedy or a new famine emerging he said something remarkable these are painful events but they are not death throws they are birth pains so when you read about disasters in the media these are the pains that mean something new is about to be born this should completely change our attitude we know where the world is heading we shouldn't be alarmed or dismayed nor as worried as the world will be about these things the disasters in the world are the birth Pains of
a new world that is about to be born therefore we are quite different we have sympathy for those suffering from disasters and hopefully we express this in help but in our hearts we are not alarmed we are hopeful we are looking forward to the birth of a new world and so we are not discouraged or depressed by All the Troubles in the world in summary Jesus advice to us would be not to panic not to be disturbed but even to rejoice and say that these are all signs of something new happening the second sign of
his coming is not in the world but in the church disasters in the world are the first sign the church not the world is the second sign of his coming the first warning is disasters around the world the second is changes in the church just as he divided the first sign into three parts Wars earthquakes and famines he also divides the second sign into three parts all occurring within the church the first is persecution we will be hated in all nations the second aspect of this sign would be a significant reduction in the size of
the church the love of many will grow cold as the entire church is under strain many nominal Christians if not all Tru true Christians will leave under the burdens of universal persecution their love will cool this is a very depressing sign the big surprise in the third part of the sign is that the gospel will be preached to all racial groups the third part of the sign is that the gospel will be proclaimed a smaller purified church will have a greater impact on the planet this is precisely what Jesus is implying false prophets can be
a major source of dis exception in all of this we are aware of the teachings of false prophets when there is no peace they preach peace instead of being a source of challenge their message is one of comfort they say it's all fine this won't happen now Jesus counsel is to continue not to give in to these false prophets those who endure to the end will be saved when this sign occurs when all aspects of the church are scorned by the world that is Jesus advice to all Christians why should it be this way the
answer is that the wheat and the tears grow together and as they approach full maturity the tension between them increases therefore it's natural for Christians to be under a lot of pressure at the end Christians are social Misfits hence there will be hatred the world is not our home our citizenship is in the Heavenly Realms we are unique and it's because of our unique uniqueness that hatred can arise just as Jesus was so different from everyone else he attracted hatred towards himself John 15:19 says if you belong to the world it would love you as
its own as it is you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world that is why the world hates you it's not pleasant to be scorned this leads us to the third sign of the end times which is the distress of Jerusalem geographically it will be very limited In this passage Jesus refers to the Prophecies of Daniel and there's a character in Daniel's prophecies referred to as the abomination of desolation Daniel mentions this three times what does all this mean what's the big deal it concerns a human being
a man who establishes himself in the very city of God declares himself God and refuses to accept anyone else's will above his own a Tyrant whose arrival will have Global ramifications but who will be centered in Jerusalem the city of God the holy place then Jesus says the fourth sign of his coming will occur immediately after this and then we'll know when he's coming and be ready when this sign appears there will be no danger of false prophets or false Messiahs there will be no deception it will be very quick what will happen is that
all natural light will be turned off the sun will darken the Stars will fall there are many predictions of this throughout the Bible Isaiah says the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll all the stars in the sky will be dissolved the heavens Will Roll together like a scroll and all their Stars will fall as withered leaves from the vine like shriveled figs from the Fig Tree natural light will disappear leaving only artificial light to illuminate the Earth what's happening what's going on people might ask this is it Christians will exclaim the sun stars
and moon will stop shining right before this happens God turns off the lights of Heaven to prepare for the Brilliance of the lightning that marks his return then he comes on the clouds back to planet Earth and we meet him we don't meet in an Earthly stadium for there is none large enough to accommodate such a large crowd we meet him in the air and that will be enough isn't it a fantastic Prospect when you see all these things know that he is at the doors about to enter he says then Jesus makes a very
simple statement about a fig tree and this is where many Christians have gone astray he says learn this lesson from the Fig Tree as soon as its branches get tender and its leaves come out you know that summer is near Jesus is telling us that when you notice all these events happening you'll know we're there now the analogy of the fig tree is not an allegory it's a straightforward analogy based on everyday experiences as Jesus often used in his teachings when you see the Fig Tree doing this it says summer is coming and so it
will be when you notice these four signs you'll know that summer is near unfortunately many people have interpreted this as an allegory we've explored together some astonishing signs but there's much more to uncover subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss the upcoming Revelations share this knowledge like and comment to help us grow our community join us on this ongoing journey of Discovery and mystery see you in the next [Music] video
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