Your Life Will Never Be The Same Once You Change Your Self-image

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Once you change how you see yourself, you unlock the key to unstoppable success. Learn how to shift ...
Video Transcript:
welcome to ca in B this is a very spiritual ho in Divine place as you can see welcome to the video in this video I want to talk about the importance of self image simply per the self-image will determine the limitation it's not only just a concept of yourself or idea like oh I think I'm this and that but it actually said the limitation so this is the reason why the 90% of the people cannot achieve their goals because they set the limitation too low they are not confident their self image is so low so
that they cannot expand their potential and achieve their goals at all so if you change your self image if you see yourself worthy if you actually think that you're confident if you think you can do it subconsciously then that's what's going to happen it will change your genetic expression it changes your production chemical production in your brain it will change the course of Your Action so without you knowing you take a different type of action and it becomes a pattern and that's why there are people who always succeed there are people who always fail and
it all comes back to the self-image so before I'm going to tell you how you can build a strong self-image and subconsciously be absolutely confident and you can believe yourself without you having any self-doubt or any type of like second thoughts or fear that you will just be so certain that you can achieve your goals and then you will get what you want so in this video I will explain how you can change your subconscious mind and change the self-image so that you can start achieve your goals and make your money make more money and
then grow your business and then be happier be more confident be proud of yourself at the end of the day that's exactly what you want but you have to understand if you're not happy and fulfilled whatever you have in terms of like the physical material success it's not going to give you the Fulfillment right so like what we want to achieve is that changing the self-image and an achieving goal but also be fulfilled and happy so that we can just win this game of Life all right before we're going to go into the depth of
self image let me show you a little bit of the apartment obviously I was working here and my yosa and editing this is the plant this is gigantic plant his name is Johnny the Johnny is and we have nice kitchen and we're charging drone we have actually did we test drive this draw couple of hours ago and then we did we did that there because I thought the ceiling is high enough and then I was like L just crushed into his ceiling so now he's resting this is the fridge this is my poison so I
don't drink at all it's been more than 3 years and a half so people who do who don't drink salute uh the only poison that I drink is sparkling water and a coffee if you don't if you don't drink Sparkling Water you're wasting your life if you don't drink your sparkling water I'm going to say it again you're wasting your life you're missing something the most important thing in your life is the sparkling water because if you drink your sparkling water you become Sparkle and you realize that I am the sparkle I am the sparkle
of my life and you start being bubbly you know and that's what the sparkling water does to you if you're not drinking a sparkling water that means that you're very flat and boring in a plane like a steel water the upstairs is the master bedroom and we have a absolutely amazing view well uh so we got the view let's just have a look cuz we get all the sunset beautiful scenery I love the I love the fact that I can wake up with this view cuz it makes me feel really really good and positive and
okay here's a tip if you want to feel good instantaneously then you have to change the pattern and this is exactly what I'm going to talk about in depth about self-image so every morning I come out 6:00 a.m. wake up boom do a little bit of stretch you know body tapping and do a bit of like movement to wake myself up and I'll go the reason why the self-image is so important is because it will set the limitation as I said so the limitation cannot be surpassed because you create your own limitation it's like the
cage so you sit the cage and then you're going to live in the cage right but think about it if this limitation is like so massive that you don't even feel that it's limited it's like you're are living in this planet of course it has a certain level of limitation sky is a limit but you don't feel limited right but imagine that you're living in your only your hometown you feel so limited I used to look at myself that I'm not worthy of getting money I'm not worthy of charging money I don't like getting paid
I don't like it talking about money I had a bunch of limiting beliefs around money but also I couldn't see myself worthy I couldn't feel that I'm confident sure there is some areas that I was really really confident but then when it comes to the business when it comes to the money when it comes to the luxury Life Style I was not confident and I couldn't see myself in it because I set the limitation very very low in terms of the lifestyle you see I came from relatively poor family and and to be honest I
really appreciate the fact that I came from nothing because that Journey the story inspires people and I love the fact that I'm in the interesting story so I need to work on a self Mage from the minus because I couldn't even give myself a treat like this I would say like oh I shouldn't spend money on this so I probably Sav money here and then spend somewhere different and blah blah blah but they all thought process coming from from a self-image right those are subconscious so subconscious determines the 99% of your internal and then also
the external decision such as physical actions or even the thought process or the idea pops up in your head imagine that you think that it's oh I got a good idea but it's your subconscious is literally navigating you to failure but it's happening over the time and as a matter of fact the people spiritual people say like oh this is a sign from the universe but it's not it's your subconscious giving you that aha moment and then this moment of like this is synchronicity this is a sign and then showing you exactly what your subconscious
mind is showing you so if you have that self-image L self-image you can't see your selworthy you're not confident you don't think you can believe in a really subconscious level in a deep level not your conscious mind but in a subconsciously like in the Deep level unconsciously you cannot believe in yourself you're not confident then even these signs that you think like oh this is a sign this must be a good idea this must be a good sign it's literally going to take you to the failure it's going to take you to exactly where you
are right now and one of the biggest part of this change you're making from low self-esteem or low self-image to really strong self-image you have to think highly over yourself you have to think that you are really good at something you have to think that you are the best and if you are very very humble then this is going to really kill your success and slow down your process because back in the days I was really really humble and because I like the fact that I'm being humble and in Japanese traditions and being humble is
a great thing right but then it took my confidence away cuz I always feel like oh I should be humble I should be and then all this decision that I choose is complete much with my low self-image and then you might be also feeling the same way as me like you're really humble and kind to people and you're generous and then that is the most beautiful things like I want to be kind to people and I stay generous even if I have a lot of money I Manifest this and that or I became famous whatever
that is I want to stay kind and I want to connect with people in a deeper level that's who I am but I was too humble is because I felt like I need to be a good person I felt like oh I shouldn't act in this way because there's a societal condition because there are people talking about oh you shouldn't do this that's insecurity you shouldn't do that oh that's that's the XYZ but the truth is you're living your life and no matter what people say you should feel worthy for what you want you should
give yourself the credit for your progress instead of focusing on the problems and then you should give yourself the love that you need because everybody needs love but I wasn't giving that I was too hard on myself I was always focusing on what's not working and what I need to do to achieve more and then blah blah blah and I realized that I am being humble is because I feel like I need to be a good person but then this quote hit me this quote which goes are you here to do a business or are
you here to be liked and then it really woke me up because I remember the first time I took a leap of faith and I was like you know what I don't care what people think about me I'm just going to go and then like post my content and like really start sharing what I think about meditations and spirituality and in law of attraction in life and then worked and I manifested a millions of followers so it really woke me it really hit me and it woke me up because I'm here to do business I'm
here to achieve my goals I'm here to manifest what I want why am I humbling myself for anyone who who who like why am I trying to be humble and then telling people and proving everybody that hey I'm not argon hey look at me I'm a good person but this is exactly how it's going to sabotage you this is part of the self-sabotage that you have as a pattern that comes from your self-image because you deep down you feel like you're afraid to be liked is because you don't have that strong self-image you see if
you have a strong self image oh that's a b right there because if you have a strong self-image you genuinely don't care because you care about your success you care about your wealth and health and the people around you you care about your family you have about friends around you so so this is the reason why you should allow yourself to want what you want because everything start by wanting everything start from wanting something okay you know what I want to make more money that's fine because money is not a b thing at all I
want to have the luxury and the material success that's fine go get a nice car if you want to travel around the world like me because my value is a freedom I want to be free I want to do what I want to do and I want only want to do what I love and this is the reason why every single day I work every day I work every day but I only do what I want to do it's because I value my freedom I value that part so I live the way that I want
to live I strict I don't want to do what I don't want to do I only do what I want to do because this is my life and my my life is limited I don't want to waste my time doing things that I don't like so this business entire business that I built is what I want to do content creation I love it and makes me also grow and I love that I get to travel around the world and stay in beautiful places and make contents I'm doing everything I want to do is because I
decide to do that and then I first allow myself to do so so it doesn't matter where you are you have to first allow yourself to have that desire that then go and take it because if you want it then it wants you as well and stop being a nice person do you want what you want or you just want to be liked by everybody that you come across in your life and as a matter of fact fact that's impossible and if you change your self-image subconsciously in a deeper level then the rest of the
belief system they actually follow like a domino effect if you change your self-image then the rest of the belief system the way you think that ties to your self-image will follow effortlessly and as a result you start to make more money you start to achieve your goals you start to attract the different type of people and different type of energy and more abundance and more wealth or whatever you want okay there's a three aspect that you need to understand first is allowance you got to allow yourself to be the version of yourself you have to
allow yourself that you deserve all this material success and the money and whatever instead of thinking that oh I should be humble I need to be a good person blah blah blah but you want what you want and if you become abundant you can share that with everybody and that's amazing and the second aspect that you need to be confident confidence is one of the most profound aspect as a matter of fact if you go up to if you go on a street and ask beautiful ladies what do you see what do you see the
most attractive tra in man and then a lot of people will said confidence so it's not only a data for a man but confidence is one of the best aspect that you can own to get the result it's not the opposite you get the result and be confident it's not the way it works because a lot of people believe that you have to get the result to be confident no you're confident that's where you get the result and I can prove that because if you're confident and go up to beautiful ladies then they will tell
you that okay he's attractive right if you go up to interview and hey like I'm the best I can I can get the position better than everybody else boom they will see you like okay he's confident he knows what's up so they you get the job but if you come off in pretty much anywhere being too humble and oh I'm willing to learn I don't know uh I'm always willing to learn I'm like doing whatever it takes then you're going to be the slave you're going to be the slave of everything you see because there
are people sing girls and paying so much money on it and there are people who is just becoming a slave of the big company and then stuck in 95 and then depressed is because you're not confident you're not worthy you're not realizing that how worthy you are as an individual and then you're not giving yourself a credit you're not giving yourself the allowance to be that person and you have to stop doing that and number three is that you have to speak and think highly of yourself this is not narcissistic at all you have to
speak and think highly over yourself no matter what people say it doesn't matter because they don't know you in the way that you know yourself they are struggling with their self-love their confidence level that's why they're they're basically attacking everybody else by saying that oh you're this and that you can't do this but if they're happy and successful and like they love uplifting people then they're not going to tell you that they'll tell you something that gives you motivation they will tell you something that actually makes you step forward not the step back backwards so
don't listen to other people's limiting beliefs don't listen to other people's pain struggle and LW self-esteem listen to yourself and only think and only speak and think highly of yourself if you do these three things every single day with the affirmation and mixed up with different practices then your self- image is going to be completely different and therefore the limiting beliefs and the belief system that ties to your self image will fall down and then you start to establish a different way of thinking from this self- image because self- image is a cool and then
you start to feel more confident you start to love yourself you start to feel happier and then go ahead and take different actions that leads to a different outcome and that's how you start taking action let me tell you something you deserve to get what you want but you have to allow yourself to go and take it if you want it allow yourself to go take it and stop talking yourself like a start start talking to yourself like you're the best right with just said if you want to achieve your goal faster if you want
to grow your business and really change your life and then do what you love then apply from the link in the description I will show you how and I genuinely hope that you start to feel better about yourself you start to feel good start to see yourself differently and you start to feel confident because confidence is everything even if you feel stuck right now know that you're doing this alone but we all in this together working on ourselves this journey you're not alone all right with I said make sure you to subscribe all the notification
Bell and I really appreciate for watching my my video peace
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