Playing as IRONMAN in Super Mario! (Mario Odyssey Mods!)

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Manx Ninja Pig
What if IRONMAN was in Super Mario Odyssey? Today we find out what happens when Iron-Man is added in...
Video Transcript:
Mario has found a Hyper Reactor that's transformed him into Iron Man, And that's given him new special abilities like Rocket Boots, Laser Blasters, X-Ray Vision and Guided Missiles. But first, it looks like we've unlocked the skill tree, where when we collect Iron Man items, we unlock these new abilities. So at the moment, we only have one of the items unlocked.
. . the Arc Reactor, that gives us super strength.
But maybe this guy here will be able to help us collect more abilities. What's up man? Hey, it's me, Tony Stark!
What? This guy's an imposter. .
. he looks nothing like Tony Stark! You gotta help me, man!
Bowser has stolen the Hulkbuster suit, and launched Peach's castle to the moon! With Peach still inside! What?
Oh yeah! There's a giant hole where Peach's castle normally is! I left my rocket boots under the rock on the hill.
Maybe they'll help! Oh, I think I see the hill that Tony Stark's on about. We might be able to do a massive jump up to it with our super strength.
Because as you can see, we can pick up rocks and stuff like that and chuck them around. And it also gives us super jumps. Boing! 
Like that. There we go. Hey, jumping around won't get you very far.
Yeah, it did. It got me this far. It got me all the way up here.
Let's pick up this rock, like this, took it away, and the boots were hiding underneath the whole time. So, let's collect our next upgrade, the Rocket Boots. Hey, wait, wait.
Oh, I've been trapped in the platform. Get me out, get me out, get me out. I want to see the boots.
Aaaah!  These look cool, don't they? I wonder how high we can fly with them.
Let's see. Whoop. Whoa!
Oh, I'm like a rocket man! Oh, that is so cool. We can fly up so high with them.
Let's see how fast I can move whilst I'm flying as well. Whoop! Woah!
We can fly across the map! Look at the pine across the water! This is crazy!
And this is only the second upgrade! I wonder how crazy the other ones are gonna get! I love that the Avenger tower's in the background as well.
We should probably go talk to Tony Stark though, I forgot to talk to him before. Hey! Bowser has hacked my system with his new new suit!
Wait, my new suit!  Oh yeah, because he's stolen the Hulkbuster suit! Break into the Avenger Tower to get an upgrade!
Ahaah, this is going to be cool going into the Avenger Tower! Don't scratch anything though, otherwise you'll pay for it! You've got enough money as it is, Tony Stark, aren't you like a multi-billionaire?
That's like his superpower, isn't it? Just having loads of money. Anyway, let's fly up to the tower.
I want to land on this flying car to refill my rocket launchers. There we go, very nice. And then fly all the way up!
Oh, that was so smooth! Oh, smooth landing! Hey!
Look at this. He's got a helicopter up here and two Lamborghinis. That's crazy.
He's got mental money. Wait. We've got to make sure the tanks don't destroy it.
Maybe I can. . .
bruh. Oh, get out of your tanks. I'll smoke you guys out.
There we go. Wait. They're robots.
They don't breathe. I need to ground pound on them before I die. Come on.
Don't attack me. Don't attack me. Bam!
! Hey! Let's go.
We should be able to make our way into the Avenger tower now. Oh, I see Iron Man's suit right there! Oh, wait, wait, wait.
We should just be able to go fly over and grab it, can't we? Let's see. No, what?
It killed me! Is that a force field? What the heck?
Oh, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Why isn't this tank shooting me as well? Maybe you have to flip the switch to get rid of the force field.
Nope. Oh, no! No.
. That, that just spawned the tank! That made the tank come alive!
Maybe we can shoot the force field? No. Wait, what if we shoot this thing up here?
What is that rabbit? Oh, I blew it up and the rabbit's fallen down. What's up?
Flip 3 Switches, dumbo! Don't call me a Dumbo. Oh, but I see the next switch that we might be able to activate if we shoot the TNT.
Shoot the TNT and it might explode. Yes, let's go. Let's go to the next switch.
Fly over across the void. What even is this Avengers tower? Is it just an empty building?
There we go. Next switch. We only need one more, to hopefully deactivate that force field.
Alright, let's do a big jump over to this next tank. It looks like this tank sat on one of the switches, so we might be able to. .
. . .
ground pound, and then. . .
Oh, did you hear that sound? As the force field- Yeah, the force field's deactivated! Let's go!
We had to do a little puzzle. We should just be able to fly over now, and collect this epic-looking Iron Man suit. Look how cool that looks!
Okay, this is exciting. Let's see what it does. Look at this!
Wow, this suits Mario so well! And it also looks like we've unlocked the force field ourselves! So we've got two different forms of the force field.
We've got the red force field. And we've got the blue force field. Let's see what it does on some of these spider guys.
If we. . .
Whoop! Fly over? Spiders, come attack me!
Haha, you can't, because I've got my force field. Let's see the red force field. Oh, the red force field just kills them instantly.
So if they try and come near me, they get. . .
Bombed! I reckon once we've upgraded our skill tree fully, we'll be able to defeat Bowser on the moon. Oh, look at me all kitted up!
Hey Tanks, get away from me! Ha! You're too easy to defeat now!
Unlucky! Oh! It looks like Tony Stark is by the helicopter!
What's up? What's up? You need to get to the city!
Some crazy bird took my gloves there! Since you've stolen my suit, you may as well take my helicopter as well! What do you mean I stole your suit?
You literally told me I could have it as long as I didn't damage it! This guy! I don't even think he's a real Tony Stark!
Anyway, let's- Bro, stop talking to me! I need to- I need to use your helicopter! Brrrr!
Hey, let's go, we made it to the city! I don't see any birds around here though. There are loads of toad goomba guys, It's gonna be dead satisfying if I put my force field like this, and push them off the building!
Bop, bop, big tower of them! Haha! Get out of here!
Get out of here. I guess what we should do is do a massive jump using our rocket boots, all the way over to this city area. I reckon I can do it in one.
And whilst I'm going over, I wanna give a huge shout out to anyone who subscribed from the last video. Subscribe if you want to shout out in the next video. I do really appreciate anyone who subscribes!
But there looks like there's loads of spiders here surrounding these guys. Hey, spiders! Stop bullying this guy.
I'll use my force field on yeah, Let's go. I saved him. Aaaarrrgghhhh!
I hate spiders! Hey, I feel like a proper superhero now. That's pretty cool.
Wait, wait, wait! That's the bird! That's the bird!
That's the bird that Tony Stark was on about and he's just stolen Cappy off me. Where's he taking him? Oh what?
! He's taking Cappy to the tallest building. Oh, that's so cringe Oh no!
Oh no. What am I meant to do without Cappy? Well, at least I still have my force field and I still have my rocket boots.
So, it should be pretty easy to get up to him actually because we'll be able to just boost up, up to the buildings like this. Oh! What's up, city man?
I like to check in all the trash can. I love trash! !
! Bro. .
This guy is weird. He loves trash. I'm going to get away from him as quick as possible.
I might become a trash man as well. Oh, there's another guy. What are all these guys doing up on buildings?
What are you doing up here? Shouldn't you be saving Peach? I am saving Peach.
This is part of saving Peach, because I need to upgrade my skill tree fully, before I can save Peach and Bowser. That bird is giving me the creeps! Oh, he's looking up.
He's looking up to the bird. Why are you standing on a cowboy hat? You can't use the electricity rails without Cappy!
You’d better take the elevator! I know I can't take the electricity rails. But I've got something better than taking the elevator.
I've got rocket boots, so I can just fly up. Woah! We're getting pretty near the top now.
Oh, I can hear Cappy crying out for help. And I can hear those wings going. Go on!
There they are. There they are! Can I smoke them out?
Can I use my smoke ability? Or my force field, maybe? Come on.
Force field. Force field. Red force field.
Why isn't this killing him? Come on. What happens if I just jump on him?
Come on. There we go, there we go! He seems trapped.
Can I jump on him? Ground pound, maybe? Why won't he die?
Oh no, I'm on 1 HP. Wait, there's a big wooden rocket up here and I noticed this trash can behind that's not normally here. Maybe I can open it up by bonking into it.
And there's gloves inside! Maybe that crazy guy wasn't so weird about liking trash before. Because there's Iron Man gloves hiding.
Let's collect them. Hey, there we go! It says we've unlocked a new ability as well to shoot out- Lasers!
Whooooa! That looks crazy! Okay, okay, let's see if we can laser Clepto to get Cappy back.
There he is, there he is!  He is flying around with Cappy. Let's see if I can.
Pew! Oh no, I missed. I hopped on the motorbike by accident.
Pew! Yes! Hey, don't forget me!
Yeah! We got a Cappy back. Let's go!
Okay, I'm gonna grab a moon quick, just so I heal up, because this 1 HP sounds annoying me. So I can. .
. pew, like that. Nice.
But what I did notice at the top of the building was there was a wooden rocket that maybe will take us to the moon if we capture it, Like. . .
That! Hold B to launch? see where this takes us.
Hopefully the moon, I reckon, will not be strong enough to fight Bowser. Wait, never mind! Never mind!
It's only taking us to the cloud kingdom. . I guess this wooden rocket wasn't powerful enough.
And I see the Iron Man mask here in the cage. What's this toad saying? Awesome, you bought back my high-tech rocket.
Wait, what? You call that a high-tech rocket? It's literally made out of wood.
You'll need a key to open the cage. . I dropped it down the pipe!
Oh my gosh, this guy! I'm not getting it. It's dangerous down there!
Oh what? So the toad's making me go down the pipe? Ah!
At least we’ll unlock the Iron Man mask. So, let's go down it, let's see if we can find the key! We really gotta save Peach.
Yes we do, Cappy. There should be a key hiding in this sub area somewhere. At least I can get rid of all the enemies then easily.
This is gonna be satisfying knocking over the boxes. Probably do that, yes, with the shield! Ha ha!
That's so cool. And this platform isn't even a challenge at all because we got a rocket boots, which just makes everything so easy. I love knocking over this box as well.
Bully, come at me, I've got my new laser abilities. You can't do anything. Wait, he's respawning, watch this.
Chooom! Ahaah! I love how glowy they are.
For some reason, our hands keep on sticking out even after we shot them. Unless I throw my cap. Hey!
Get out of here! Haha. Oh.
Keep your eyes peeled for a key, because it could be anywhere. Hey! Get away from me.
Haha. I'll just lazy ya. I'll just lazy ya, big chain chomp.
You think you're gonna do anything? You get lasered. Brrrrr!
I think the rocket boots keep your momentum, so if I do a cappy jump like this and get a load of speed up, I should go really fast! Wait, wait, wait, I see the key, but it's surrounded by loads of goombas, so if I get my laser pointers out, choo! choo!
Oh my gosh, that was a massacre there! Ha! That was so fun, but if we collect this key, I think this is gonna unlock the Iron Man mask for us.
I heard something being unlocked at least. Let's go! This barely even feels like Mario Odyssey anymore.
This just feels like an Iron Man superhero game. Let's go down this pipe and check out this Iron Man mask. Hey, it looks like the cage is folded down and is now unlocked.
That helmet looks so cool, doesn't it? I like his little glowing eyes! What's up there, toad?
You did it. You just flew across to avoid all the enemies, right? I wish I did that.
That would have been smart, Toad. But unfortunately, I'm not that smart. You gotta rescue the castle!
Go man, go! Yeah, I've gotta rescue the castle and hopefully collecting this mask will help out. I reckon it's freezing cold up here in the clouds, so I'm gonna warm the mask up a bit before I collect it.
There we go, get nice and toasty. And now let's collect the mask! Eyyy!
Woah, this looks amazing! Look at my glowy eyes! This is so sick, isn't it Toad?
Oh, nice mask! Thank goodness you've saved me from the cage, I felt like a hamster in there. What?
Did you hear that? That was Jarvis! I saved him from the cage, yeah I did!
Aw, the high-tech rocket's been knocked over as well. I told him it wasn't high-tech! There is a hidden platform off the side of the map.
Wait, there's a hidden platform off the side of the map. Is it over this way? Jarvis is gonna give us little hints and stuff, I think.
It will take you to where you need to go sir. It's gonna take me to where I need to go. Oh I see it!
I see it down there hiding within the clouds! Oh, it's a ground pound platform. So if I ground pound on it, what's gonna happen?
Oh, we're flying up. Where are we going to? Wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wait! I know what that is. That's the shield airship.
Okay, okay. That's gonna be really useful. That's some high-tech stuff.
It also looks like we can stand on lava at the moment. Maybe Iron Man's immune to lava. Wait, what am I doing platforming?
I've got my rocket boots, I can just do that. To get across. I was platforming like I'm still Mario.
Try throwing your cap onto the ship, sir. Alright, throw my cap onto the ship. Whereabouts?
Just anywhere. Jarvis, where do I throw Cappy? He's not telling me.
Oh, I've captured it, I've captured it. I can hold B to launch. Let's blast off.
Yeah, let's blast off, let's go! Whoa, we're blasted off so high. Emergency.
The tanks have invaded the spaceship. Oh no, oh no! Emergency!
Tanks, tanks, tanks! Okay, okay, okay, the tanks are shooting off as they've invaded the ship. Get out of here, tank.
I'll shoot you with my laser. Where are we? It looks like we're, oh, we're in the Earth's atmosphere.
Okay, we've got to get rid of the tanks. Whoa! This looks crazy.
We're flying up towards the moon. Okay, tanks, tanks, tanks. Oh, oh, oh there's asteroids coming in as well that we've got to avoid and a spaceship that massive alien spaceship.
Okay, okay. Okay, there's one more tank and then I think we can like look at the view a bit more. I want to look at the view because this looks beautiful.
Am I trapped? I think I'm trapped under the ship. There we go.
There we go. I'm out. Bam.
We got rid of all the tanks. You need to avoid the incoming objects. We're almost at the moon now, but can't avoid the big asteroids.
Amazing. I love how glowy my eyes look like this. Oh let's go.
We've almost made it to the moon. Wait, who's sailing the ship? We're going past the moon.
I'm just gonna jump down to the moon. That's probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen inside of Mario Odyssey. Hey, we've hit a load zone.
Oh, oh! I see Peach's castle right there, and is that - is that Bowser in the Hulkbuster suit? Am I ready to fight him yet?
I don't know. I've got my lasers and stuff. I've got my shield, got my rocket boots.
But on the skill tree, there's still a rocket and a question mark missing, so I guess we're not quite ready. But it looks like Tony Stark has followed us up to the moon. How are you surviving up here?
You don't have a spacesuit. What's up? Oh there, you're not powerful enough to fight Bowser?
Yeah, that's literally what I was just saying. You're gonna want my QT-571-A's! .
. Awesome, right? What was that?
My rockets, man, My rockets! They're down the pipe! Oh!
That was like code name for the rockets. So down this pipe is the rocket ability that we need to collect. We're going inside the moon here.
Oh! There it is, there it is! It's the L.
. . I don't know, I forgot what it's called.
The QT something? Let's collect it then, let's collect these rockets. Oh, we've now unlocked missile attacks.
Look at that coming straight out my face. Can I hit that p-switch with it? Yeah, is this like a math equation?
Box plus rocket equals p-switch? And how do I get past this wall? Obviously I could just fly over it.
But I think this is a puzzle that I have to beat. Maybe if I press the p-switch, something will happen. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Oh my gosh, so many goombas just spawned! How come they're immune to lava as well? Get out of here.
I can shoot my rockets at them. Be gone! Wait, oh!
Hahaha! I exploded that cardboard box and then the wall disappeared. This ability is so good for getting rid of hordes of enemies though.
There's another cardboard box up there that we can aim our guided missile that like, whoop! I did not just miss. These are quite janky to control, to be honest.
There we go! We hit the cardboard box and then a ramp spawns, so we can go up this way. Oh, that's cool.
So the cardboard box spawns stuff. So there's another cardboard box up there. Buy some mini-goombas, we need to hit the cardboard box.
Oh bruh. . Let's try that again.
Let’s try take out the mini goombas as well. Oh, I didn't take out the mini goombas. But, I hit the cardboard box which exploded the wall and then there's another box this way.
I need to be a sharp shooter to hit this one. Let's see. Let's see.
Let's see. Bam! Let's go!
Very nice! And that spawns some climbing frame thing and if you look at the skill tree, that's unlocked something else. There's like a secret unlocked right at the end.
I wonder what that could be. Anyway, let's go down here And let's see if we're powerful enough to defeat Bowser. Oh, there we go, we're back out at the moon!
There is a hidden suit, sir. It's in an indestructible crate behind the castle. There's a hidden suit in an indestructible crate.
Oh, Bowser's right there in his Hulkbuster suit as well. I'm gonna shoot a warning shot so he knows not to mess with me. Go on.
Bam! Haha! Maybe that'll damage him a little bit.
I shouldn't have alerted him. I wanna sneak past and see if I can get to the indestructible crate. Oh, there it is, there it is!
It's hiding in a crater. It shouldn't be that indestructible though, I can… shoot my rocket at it! Wait, my rocket just bounced off it!
How? I guess it might be indestructible. Let's try that again from up close.
I'm just gonna plant my rocket here till it explodes. There we go! There we go!
We've blown up the rocket! And it seems like there's an Iron Patriot suit underneath. How much more powerful is this gonna make me?
Oh, I'm excited for this one. Let's collect it Oh, it's completely changed me to blue Iron Man! I love this glowing eyes.
What a fine choice of colour. Oh, thank you Jarvis. You need to get inside the castle to rescue Peach.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We do need to get inside of the castle. That should be our number one priority to defeat Bowser.
And we are looking very, very powerful right now. Alright, let's go in. Let's fight Bowser.
He's no longer at the entrance, so I'm guessing he's up to something. The wedding hall. He's going to be marrying Peach.
We've got to stop him. Should be easy as Iron Man though. Break open the door.
Burst into the wedding. Woah, that suit looks amazing. Alright, I'm here to stop you guys.
I know you look menacing with your Hulkbuster suit, but I'm here to stop you. Oh, he's snatching her away and laughing at me. Oh, you think you're a funny man, but I'm fully unlocked.
I've got all my abilities, so I should be good. Oh, he's stamping his foot. We're standing right on a trap door, of course.
He's pranking us. Oh my gosh! Why didn't he just use his rocket boots there?
Oh, I couldn't really do anything because it's a cut scene. Now we're falling into the moon caves. Where's Bowser?
Waaah, what a big man! Oh, he's just clicked his fingers, he's just been raised up like Thanos. Get ready Mario!
What are you gonna do? Scream at me! Haha!
Here's your happily ever after! Where's he gone, where's he gone? Now's your chance sir.
There he is, there he is! Now's our chance! Yes, yes, yes!
Laser his butt. Okay, I will laser his butt! Go on, let's see if the laser will defeat him!
Bam! Yes! We defeated Bowser!
Let's go. . .
that was too easy! But how do we get out of here to unlock our last ability? I guess I could just fly up.
That was a bit anti-climactic. Yeah, but we should just be able to fly up. And now we're back at the top of the castle!
Nice! We somehow gotta get this castle back down to the Mushroom Kingdom. Maybe I could use my rocket boots to get up.
I highly doubt that this castle will be able to fly, sir. Wait a sec, is that Jarvis giving me a hint by saying the castle can't fly? Maybe I can capture it similar to the shield rocket.
I see, but from a cap round. Oh! Hold B to launch?
What? Wait, is it about to take off? What?
That was mental! Oh, we're landing, we're landing. Haha!
That looks so good. Wait, Where am I? Oh, I'm flying down now.
Hey, let's go. Hello, Bowser! .
Noooo! Is this going to be the last upgrade? Actually playing as the Hulkbuster.
Let's see if I can throw Cappy onto him. Yeah, we can! Whoa, look at me, upgraded to 6 HP!
I can do my swipe. Can I do fireballs? Can I put my shield?
Yeah - I can still use my shield! Can I use my lasers? Oh, my lasers come out my feet now.
That's so janky. And then I can also fly around. Wooooooo!
I think Bowser's too heavy for the rocket. That's funny. That's funny.
Yeah! Oh yeah, give me back. Boop!
Haha. Push them all around. Oh, I love this so much!
Haha! Oh anyway, I want to give a huge shout out to Biishop for making this Iron Man mod, he's done an amazing job with it. And a huge shout out to you for watching to the end!
And if you enjoyed this video, you might also enjoy Mario Odyssey, but every moon evolves you into Pac-Man, Where we start off as Mario and evolve our way all the way to being Pac-Man. It's a really cool video and I think you would enjoy it if you enjoyed this one. You get to see Mario in loads of different Pac-Man forms, so click on screen to watch it now and I'll see you over in it.
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