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one which Ramones Glossop ass yo babe Indus sandwich humanoid especial para todos noise most elements privilegio brassiere G Segundo a grassy dose of the mozu Pastor John Piper John Piper banquet in Sedona Brazil is asked review my cincuenta libras the skies minds dream deliveries ice town in Portuguese he owned dailies bustling Terry sensing trotted us does very bad theology principles in focus teleological the minister is the pastor john piper casey liver soup rangy do por Dios ultimate recommend a view it's a vine Kentucky a key locating geez afiyah odd oh oh Corazon to Pastor John
Piper no it's to do the palavra he dental Toronto sleep signal Rahman same status edge Taurus no Brazil team publicado whose lives the pastor john piper le Pastore oprah trente eat raisins I agree sir Batista Bethlehem in Minneapolis Minnesota yo ministerio de lis agua como presidential married to seminary o Bethlehem eaten Bay no desiring God I want G Le Thanh country boy you do know ministerio ginseng Donna sandwich I'm still crazy govt pastor john piper homes hora con le le fou todos nice so let's pray Co Co Co Meath obrigado por a sandwich time special
on govt Masato palabra iva-mos continued immediate turn on to a palpable casino otra vez de Santo Spirito valios Nasser Skouras wants edgy figure to igreja Prag gloria do senior at reveille is dutiful pastor john piper eatin being a bench juan de dios a moment we trod the tradition the past or a bee campus junior or almost this is procedure and privilege he comes out Chiana surah so Minami Jesus Christ and also saying or Assad army before I get into the message I have two preliminary things that I want to say to you the first is
that I want to thank you for welcoming me and Noelle my wife to Brazil and são Paulo in particular because you've been very kind to us the medical is capable study pays for his sabeti on me yummy as far as I know el I can't these things and the second thing I wanted to say is that I don't come to you with any authority in myself quizzical character if I have anything that's of any lasting value to say to you it's because it will come from this book giving it should we wait daddy figure it
out thanks so pause [Applause] that's gonna cramp your style I know the Lord will provide yes signore Provera okay I don't want that last point to be missed Don okie dokie boasts a speck on TV it's the watchable Punto human preachers have no authority except what comes from the Bible pray God or Izumo knows Dante Miyamoto radhaji anon 2nd ave de Biblia does it matter how famous they are or how intelligent they are no importa chrome for mozilla sound for intelligent easily sound and not only must the truths come from the Bible you know some
inches as verdad distinctive veer mm but you have to see them in the Bible my suppose a stinking galas nasa's critters so if if I can't show you from the Bible what I'm saying you don't have to believe in town co-hosts eg mostra Kyoto days and Oh Apache disease clitoris voice I don't agree but if what I say comes from the word and you see it you should believe it my civil say ovules Shivaji's and o yella Vieira's descriptors via the Bible in Thomas I think agree so the Bible will decide tonight whether what I
say is true or not a bibliophile cg.o John OHS seocho-gu a Varadero Oh No so now we go to the message according to achieve I promise Asha and I want to begin with an illustration yo Kapo Masako my eustress son but I'm only gonna give you half of the illustration and then the other half at the end of the message my servo damnit agile a loose trussoni otra meta-gene final diamond Sasha okay suppose I wake up in the morning tell me machinae qn g xi p la mañana and I'm trying to be very quiet so
that they don't wake up my wife yo Thoth Antonio Fuca being silly Suzu live on tad silly show Sam each one awkward a nice pose and as I'm walking out of the bedroom I tripped over some clothes that she has left on the floor and banged my arm against the door yeah yeah me too the cosine dodo to Trapasso montijo Paciello the Shoshone yo battle brass sauna porta and in anger I turn wake her up and say something really mean yeah IRRI yo me votó para ella accord to EG guagua pichincha moldos then I discover
that they were my clothes not her clothes are you just Google just hope acero Mia's no madam down so I tripped over my own clothes and blamed her for it don't throw bussiness me as problem solvers yaku paper is so now I have doubly sinned then we'll sue oppa Kate do plumbing chigorin it was wrong to get angry in the first place and secondly they weren't her home for your hardware we carried out the broken well at the premiere of en el primero moment with the boys no I don't hope a Stella so now it's
a half an hour later we're in the kitchen together got a machine am I out of the poison star shown to Lana you see and there's ice in the air you climate a gelato she's got her back to me as she stands at the counter I yell a pink Navidad og Costas for me I mean judicata proximally the peer and everybody in this room he knows what needs to happen he thought the wound on a salut gotta kiss a bouquet think I gotta see an assassin I need to humble myself and apologize and ask her
for forgiveness if racism you Millie are EP cheaper down EPG Keala me a consider amoeba desculpa sprockie local fees my question before I stopped the illustration is this Amir / giunta's antes yo Freya mezzo para hacerlo stress away singing why should I want to be forgiven por que quiero ser paired whadda there are wrong answers to that question existing as fast as they Hadas is a pergunta and there is a right answer to that question yes Asuma has basta Sirte propoganda so I'm gonna stop the story right here they will punish you at the end
of the message evo para story a key Evo terminal olefin massage and the point of this message is you fall to the massaging so that you will be able to provide the right answer without me telling you epic Evo simple cidades foster self is a parent a single person such is it okay so the main point I'm trying to ask in this message is what is the gospel or what is the greatest good of the gaas Doris Powell a parent ago turned on his phone the NSI massaging and key away from Shelly oh oh okay
my your main dubbo an offer to imagine we would all agree that the term gospel means good news todos nós Concordia muskie a palaver evangelist significance novice and my question is what's the the best highest final good that makes the good news good Ianto Mia Peralta equally O'Malley or koala poof in now Emma's valios been katana as a bone of a boa is the best thing about the gospel justification by faith Sara cue my or no Adagio quiz Emile you're a US citizen falafel is the best thing about the gospel forgiveness of sin Sarah kamila
residue modulo P nan SpecOps with the best thing be the taking away of the wrath of God Sarah going to hell Sarah key millio Syria Uchida our camo very rigid oh so they shaji prefer with the best thing be liberation from my sin so that I'm not a slave of sin Sarah Kumail your Syria a liberty' so new picado konami cinta my sis cravat Deepika is the best in high esteem eternal life Sarah Camille your Co is a Aveda terminal now every one of those and more are very very precious aquatic indominus quizzes Casa de
e mais some told us moving to moon to precios Jesus died it that all of those would be true of everyone who believed Jesus Cristo Maharaja todas esas quizzes kill mention a forcing ver de datos forcing hailey dodges not vida de todo ki cream but amazingly you can know all of those are true and think they are true of yourself and not be saved my suppose evil versus a shark a todas esas really digest Commission a some validators itself where that there is a serious pay to yaw in the scene was a no a sound
I don't think any of those wonderful gifts of the gospel are the highest good of the gaas Yasukuni no matter squirrels coming soon a see a pod is a qualification oh my you're bein does boss novice division so I'm gonna try to define what is the highest best final good of the gospel from second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 through 6 Sara Caro destacar koala o mais out to Emily or you Finn out who bein fee now kotone I kissed on evangelii you ever say is so opportunistic Monica inches so if you have to squat
three six or if you have a phone with the Bible on it now suppose that there might be no telling us why people until a little for any boot award I would like you to look at these verses with me ago study Cuba solely Asus's vs. kamijo because remember I said if you can't see it in the Bible you shouldn't believe it because I say it lambda orgy Sunoco Miyazaki's Vosseler Michigan a Biblia who cottages and OH in town versus on the video career so I'm gonna read verse 4 and verse 6 in town a
Volare los restos Quattro he says in town Segundo Caritas Quattro vs. quadtree says from 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 you see what equity interest capital quad I'm leaving out verse 5 because I'm gonna come to that later Evo de Senado moment an immense over so cinco por que le vault autonomous tarji 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 4 10 Segundo inches Quattro ver su quad in their case that is in the case of those who are perishing new squeeze squeeze good new cars Akitas he fit into oculus kisi pair them the god of this world that is Satan
has blinded the minds of unbelievers who they was the secular courtesy - inna sathanas say going things you meant to lose incredulous to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God but Achilles know his plan dear son I lose with Angelou the glory Cristo Huawei moshing Judas now I'm gonna read verse 6 I've got a vole overseas and if you're reading it with me watch for the parallels between 4 and 6 deceive us italiano comigo absurd use parallel lose entries vs. quattro it says
let me just remind you of the last part of verse 4 one more time they show record ah I watch him a patch of the Versa Quattro mais uma vez the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ I lose with Angelo da glória G Cristo ok now let's read verse 6 algorithm liver says for God who said let light shine out of darkness por que Dios KGC das Travis responded said I lose so the picture is this don't have a figure they're singing he's referring back to creation when God said let there be
light and there was light if it does he fit into a curious and wanted lzc as a loose yo V loose and then he say the God who said let there be light has done that in your heart i le vide isaiah akeli deus KGC as a loose face this su na sua vida so let's keep reading Duncan Tom's question 11 he has shone in our hearts to give and here comes the parallel ella misma responded saying no su corazón Yaga revealed parallel the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face
of Jesus Christ para alumina sound the coin cemented ah Gloria Judea faster decreased so light verse 4 corresponds to light in verse 6 don't lose the verso Quattro correspond Jo alumina sound oh they're saying gospel in verse 4 corresponds to knowledge in verse 6 in town Evangelion Reverso Quattro eco hispana Konya cement universal says glory of Christ in verse 4 glory decrease another so Quattro corresponds to glory of God in verse 6 for his panja come glory genell's the master says and here's the interesting thing ya gotta quizzing that essential as soon as he says
glory of Christ in verse 4 he adds who is the image of God see clearly is gravy a glory decreased oversupply through La Crescenta who qualia imagine G dales and as soon as he says glory of God in verse 6 he adds in the face of Jesus Christ yet cuando el is cravaack glory ejidos Omar so says La Crescenta now fasted Cristo now here's why that matters bishop or cake is important what satan is blinding people from seeing is one glory not to glory ok satin assist is condemned do practice pessoas knowing shagging oh my
glory and on some duels glorious there's one divine glory is this chick Alma Gloria Jay vena it's the glory of Christ a glory crystal but it's also the glory of God my son may our glory details because Christ is the image of God pretty Christine moshing videos and because God is shining in the face of Jesus Christ if Ricky do stop brilliant do not faster crystal so this is really important there is a Kia muy importante what Satan does is blind people to the glory of God in Christ he satisfies a cigar espresso espera Gloria
deals no faster decreased no notice I want to zero in on the word gospel for a moment in verse four our observable characteristic a key a palaver Evangelion of air--so Quattro if you just had for by itself what would the gospel be she was a such a vessel versa quarter-sawed seeing exceeding Evangelion he says it's the gospel of the glory of Christ still exists and we were sharing you not glory to crystal so the good news is that the glory of Christ is made known in the lab or nova iike Gloria Jay dose at or
nada Queen Sita now we all know from first Corinthians 15 one two three todos los sabemos de première ecologist Kinsey versus what race that the gospel is a narration of historical acts historical events AQ evangelio amana hassan juventus historical jesus died Jesus mihail he was buried LEL for a Sippel tada he rose again le Isuzu tall and those three events are for our sins it told us this stress event to some perros not suspect so the gospel is a series of events by which God covers the sins of those who believe to evangelio Messiah Juventus
pillow squeeze they'll score Barrios pecados tequila skin le creme but what second corinthians 4:4 says is that the gospel is the gospel of the glory of Christ Mizuki una Corda juice Quatro Quatro cheese whoever shall you and will find Shelly the glory decreased to now how would you put 2nd Corinthians 4:4 together with first Corinthians 15:3 then come across a only premiere according to silver girl it's Quatro Quatro come premiere according to skin Z versus what race I would say that these events have their highest meaning is that they reveal the glory of Christ Algeria
kisses event to Stanko most significant do primordial no father is real alluring so Christ in dying for sinners and rising again so that we might have eternal life those events don't do so Saitama Hondo SOC Tondo Palacios picados SSD Ventus is the place where you can see the glory of God in Christ most clearly as on 7th ozone evil second second Sagara glory details in cristo de forma my sclera Dookie kokyo to vent so my answer to the question what is the highest best final good of the good news my answer is in town Amir
has FASTA a choir Emilio who supremo who you feel now bein our sumo being doc even shall you else again being able to see and enjoy and be changed by the glory of God in Christ set up to a ver hacer tomorrow we transform our dope Allah glory to Christ I would say all of the other good things about the gospel are good precisely because they bring us to that note responds yo creo que todos nosotros coisas que los alamos depuis mister massaging sand boas proculus conducing is why sesor me justification by faith is a
glorious thing because without it we wouldn't be able to approach God we would be unclean and unrighteous Zeus offical simple affair on being a sailing ship or kissing you soon on conseguimos was approximately in Syria in geology sana presented it is the removal of God's wrath is crucial and salvation from hell is crucial but they're not the ultimate thing heimo sound alleged arrows he saw the sound when fab know some quizzes Boas might know some Oshima's know some Asuma Bain and eternal life is precious but what is that Vida Tammy Preciosa Mizuki a Vida Tama
jesus said eternal life is to know you father and the whom you have sent Aegis Jessica Vida Tiana echoing Sarah chip I yeah Kelly keep doing the Astra so my answer to the question what's the best highest final good of the good news that makes everything else good is the glory of God in Jesus Christ Tommy 'his pasta upper goontack all a million Oh mais au to you Ben phenol de Bourgh nova our glorious this this is a real objective glory SIU Mai Gloria objects Eva ah hell I think if you have eyes to see
it shines off of every page of this book civil setting all use prevail as a Gloria brilla jacquard a passion of this chili I would define the glory of God something like this you'll definitely acknowledge ideals my so Mendoza Singh it's the greatness of God and grandes a jadoo has the beauty of God your beliefs that you deals and the infinite value of God you followed infinite to deduce those three things it seems to be comprehend what glory means when we talk about God s astray squeezes premier Ellis a branching cooky Gloria Jay deal significant
every single person in this room was made by God to enjoy that glory todas auspices Keystone s it is seen to foreign Fatah's Porteous para disfrutar in desig Laura if you think there are great things in the world suppose say a shakyas easting quizzes bolas new moon or you think there are beautiful people or things in the world esposa Aashiqui existing pessoas Linda's it causes Linda's no mundo if you have things that you value in the world see acquiesce give us a value reason mundo all of those are pointers to what you were made for
toda zealous upon Tom Prachi Lou Pro quavo Safeway creado you were made to enjoy greatness and beauty and worth verse ff8 Oprah disfrutan grandes ax bellezza evil or then the greatest thing is the glory of Christ Yakuza my or a glow yeah decrease the most beautiful thing in the universe is the glory of Jesus Christ of course a mais linda universe a glory decreased and the most valuable thing in the world is the glory of christ yakuza - valios on o mundo our gloria decreased now I want to ask three implication questions Delgado Carol levantar
trace / giunta's G implica so what does this imply about the condition that you were in before you were saved Kiki su a significant a circuit that Khun G sound a quaver say stava introduce yourself second what does it imply about what happened to you at the point of conversion what happened a Segundo Co a significant Kiki su implica circa do Kia contest sale no men to the swap over sound and third what does it imply about your role in other people being converted in tercera lugar kikyo implica cerca de sel papel acerca de otras
at a commerce NGO tres pesos so let's take those one at a time come on for logic indominus tres oma porvis so the glory of Christ or the glory of God in Christ is the greatest good of the gospel to my glory to those increase to Elma you're being diversion what does that imply about the condition you were in before you were safe don't call a implica soon a psychotic indiscernible was a stava on Jesus's South now to see the answer let's just back up to verse 3 and read verses 3 and 4 presenter sabe
resposta vote prover so trace projections versus tres cuatro even if our gospel is veiled Mass you know Steve Angello in destank Oberto it is veiled to those who are perishing a participating Castaing Cobert in their case the god of this world that's Satan los cuartos de Circulo it affirmed us at Ana's has blinded the minds of unbelief say going things I'm introducing cradles to keep them from seeing para keel is now a splint ASA the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God a loose livin Shelly the glory
decrees took away a Martian Judas so the answer to the question is the condition everybody was in before they were saved is blindness so 'his pasta / gudaguda so now called todo mundo stava unto the supper miss Alma cicada there are a lot of ways to describe unbelievers before they were saved existing virus form of it was just anxious hunches revealing a crystal we could say they're lost agent ridiculous tone perdidos you could say they're perishing a change politics town more handle or their unbelieving Oh some the scream cheese or they're not born again oh
no NASA dos de novo or they're dead in trespasses or mortising delete to see picados or they're unrepentant or some impenitent cheese or hostile to God oh cheese para condos in amigo de Dios without hope Oh singing speranza and every one of those is biblically true it totals Ella song Billy Comanche valadares but focus with me on this one my support for Kakuma Koki Nessa is present before you came to Christ untouchable severe Cristo Satan was blinding you Saturn asked Thomas Segundo say what couldn't you see Kiki more cynical secure there you could see Jesus
Superjail ishizu's all you have to do is open the Bible total something fuzzy a billion and start reading the gospel to commence alleles ever jealous fact after fact after fact goes into your mind flat to a boss five tapas far to enter on a swimming you can know hundreds of things about Jesus by reading the bus the purchasable Cynthia knows request the solution Sue's soap or less wobbly so what could you not see my Zhu Qiqi will say no Pooja and Paul's answer is you couldn't see this Jesus as glorious esposa de paola vosen conseguir
vase ishizu's como glorious beautiful Bello supremely valuable valios dementia supremo more valuable than anything else in the world mais value pseudo key cualquier otra cosa no mundo so jesus said to the Pharisees seeing they do not see Jesus was dispersed parasails van do no vain and that's the way all of us were we could see with these eyes but we couldn't see with what Paul calls the eyes of the heart he severe the little sick of de todos nós nos podemos Becca Winstone soil is best known consequence in Sega console used to chorus soon so
we looked at his his love and wisdom and justice semi central have approached there one more possibility oppressors shisa we looked at his power and his meekness angel ever pursue poder Yasuo mio dodgy his sovereignty a sauce over an ear the way he dealt with little children a man-eater comme le cuidado speaking Minos the way he shut the mouth of his enemies Monica Monica have a book of the sales in amigos the way he suffered for those who hated him Imani the camellias so free up or Achilles cure Java we looked at all of that
and felt nothing Shane she flew to Turkey listen Chia not it was not beautiful it was not great it was not valuable than wear a bell you know Aragon Josue no era values and then something happened yeah you my quest won't sell what happened kick egg on sale if you're a Christian civil simcha stone if you believe that Jesus is the supreme treasure civil sacrilegious crystal pasado super-mo he's the greatest person le on my yard Paso he's the most beautiful reality in the universe yeah really dodgy Mises Bela do any worse something happened to you
alguma coisa conseguimos say do you even know what it is Saba kong-sirkazhi cedeño cell Gurgaon cell okay so that's my second implication question ESS segunda implica Sonapur goontack 11th el segundo if the glory of God in Christ is the supreme good of the Gospels SIA Gloria Gio's increase no supremo bein diversion what is it imply about what happened to you in conversion Okura implica CERN was so Barry osser catacomb simple was sayin a conversa verse 6 gives the answer it's one of the most precious verses in the Bible versus a star hispano xerus was my
spritzos de biblia 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 Saguna query inches capital quarter of vs. says the God who said let light shine out of Darkness for Godot ski Jessie does Travis explain the Sara lose has shown in our heart in amazement his splint is suing no Sakura sound to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ para luminescent green cement to the glory Jos the forest that's how every Christian in this room was saved si forma G DiSalvo sound jihad induce Kristin's Nessa lugar once Satan was
blinding you to the glory of Christ Oh V tempo ng satin a cigar vamos a hacer que da glória decreased he had no compelling Beauty to you anivia anima billy's Achilles come policia Cristo he may have been a an interesting even great teacher Toby's recipients a serial killer interests and Sheikh want to in quantum mastery he may have been a legend of azo Melinda more than likely he was just boring and now my real disease is della Sera Chateau and then verse 6 happened to you I versus a is a consequence a if verse 6
has it happened to you through legislation Sylvester says no acontecer Cola save us n-no McChrystal people who are blind to the glory of Christ are not Christian Mahaska so Sega's our glory decrease to know some crystals what God has to do is overcome Satan's power ok building fuzzy air vents air suberin so Barry put their decide on us he causes spiritual light to shine in your heart Ellie fights conky lose SPD 12 really no circular sound and the way you experience that is that Jesus is suddenly more valuable than anybody yamaneika most experimental is Rakesh
azuz pastor say mais valley also do keepo character by Zola Jesus once said if you don't love me more than you love your mother and father you're not worthy of me just a visible tsunami and I'm a miser almost so pious for mine but say no magic no Jimmy let me give you a one verse parable from Jesus Matthew 13:44 Sudama l'm braless G parabolic eating universe Boogedy Josue's matil stress de cuenta Quattro I think this is Jesus way of summing up what I've been trying to say yo creo que hacer formaggio zouzou miracle Cotentin
explicar it goes like this we're seeing Matthew 13:44 Matt illustrates the quadratic what the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field for Haman who sells a common tasers congedo income which a man found and covered up human control in the boys in Terranova me and then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has in town in Google angela greer a Levi's Avenger totally thing and he buys that field nearly completely calm what's the point of that parable Ubuntu Kaleo cinchy to the parabola when the kingdom of God breaks into
your life cuando hay noodles it home P oily bleep Cabras my haters the adentro sua vida or more personally when Jesus breaks into your life as king out of is my special magic wand o Jesu zinc want to hey interna sua vida it's like finding a treasure in a field a coming contra el desorden come and the treasure is so valuable you are willing to sell absolutely everything you deserve Don Valley oh so people say I disposed of in the to do para Taylor that's what it means to become a Christian a significant Citroen uncle
stone the blindness is taken away a sagaie de hecho nada you were looking at a treasure for years for centavo lyndah pizarro honest and he looked worthless to you a new king of our Lord promised say you enjoy almost everything else more than that trash bucyk Cuccia prácticamente todos nosotros choices - no calculators ooh and then verse 6 happened to you I ever say is a contest say oh no sua vida or has it happened to you Oh sera que canta say on a Soviet I really don't know you you know consumer says I'm looking
at you I'm trying to read your faces and I don't like lists and au lait as fast as you versailles Mizuno conceived I don't know if this is a cultural thing or what you know say see some critical to tau Oki care I wonder if verse 6 has happened to you if you imagine and OC vs. a scale major consumer say I hope it has there is Sparrow kissing and if it hasn't you see no local to sell it happened during sermons a contest student just ceremony stop happens while people are preaching the gospel and
lifting up Jesus that's when it happens Hakan tastico episodes is the only program the women's lue see on the Josue's they're gonna contest verse 6 is very precious to me there's to say cement ratios apply me because if verse 6 hadn't happened to me she also says don't you consider me a vida i would walk away from Jesus Christ every day you know if I study Jesus Jesus I just want money you saw your kid aging in or fame or fum more hell for my soul all your life or V demise longer always get the
last word when I'm arguing with my wife and she sits right there simply doubt you my father are they what they are could you tell me expose that another kind of an inch but verse 6 happened to me vice versa say is a Contessa enemy of it that is the most important event in our lives is your event to Mai's important she does not say when the power of satan is broken cuando poder de cetanas a Cabrera the blindness is taken away a sagaie de la Movida and the person who was boring is now more
precious than anything yep a solo personage aqui para Seattle shaft oh I got a myspace show Suzuki Kokila turquoise I want to read you an email [Music] we're just gonna balance it on top I saw a killer by rocky performer suspicious at least the Sanji discharging to be blown I thought the problem was gonna be that I was gonna you it was shaky problema Curia Bob Davis a miser Bachchan microphone thank you oh you're amazing give him a raise all applaud oh they want me to play any of your gang kipapa okay I want to
read you an email that I got from a man in the Netherlands okay roll a parable says only Mayo cohesive vision warm in all London he he he's Jewish Elisha do and he wants me to know that the Ellicott of savages and I'm reading it to you as an illustration of how verse six happens yo Toland Oh Bravo say se Mayo Bravo Xabi come back you versus a is a contest so this man begins to listen to a sermon as a blind unbeliever in Thomas yeoman Kumasi Alvaro sermon c'mon this cranky sack and by the
end cuando Tamina he's not blind anymore in West Egg mice here's really fast oh look at this I can't believe it took me two whole years to understand young consiga credit a Camille fo dough is a nose in Tarot sprinting there I am a Jew yo Sol Judeo a Christian Jew since two minutes ago Oh miss Adele Kristen deja noise minutes at Rice I believe that Jesus is God yo creo que es su seduce Jesus is Elohim Jesu the Elohim as the Hebrew word for God Sao Paulo break upon us he who has the son
has life akela kita you feel you think Vida God used that audio sermon to crush the mind of this stubborn jeu de oz o Achilles mo you know jus bra a mossad Amenti this issue deal so beer I must say that I had trouble with the father's name being pronounced as Jewish culture does not pronounce God's name which is a key of him winning comma Dada Pournami de pais sir pronunciation la cultura Judaica le no apron Oh Sarah I decided to go on and listen yo Kanchana way of in the mesma scene my eyes went
opens mills all use Sabrina just today I was angry with God oh she me so totally radical news I said to him why are you letting me search without finding an cheerfully Braila simple cake septum addition do pro Cora saying in contra has pasta well I found it now as I mean country God Jesus is Elohim kazusa Elohim I will make sure that this message will get spread out here in Europe evolve Azir todo is for subversive approaches a massaging sage sporadic in Europe I'm from the Netherlands hey so that alone diagram I can't believe
it no single credit ah well actually I do believe I love this verse a given task estar for us Jesus is Elohim Jesu Elohim praise Jesus vados ishizu's praise elohim livadas Asia your brother in Christ say we're moon in crystal what happened to Michael kick on sale al Michael second Corinthians chapter four verse verse six has gone according to squat Rose says a consumer God shown into his heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God there was brilliance el corazon Paulo da coco Nascimento the glory today was not fast it
could in the face of Jesus Christ mufasa Jesus Christ that's how you were saved they are think evil suffice off and let me say something to encourage you here yo characters I'm a quest chiaki you may be a genuine Christian vasa partisan crustacean we know and never have heard that that's what happened to you dear no Anoka pero v dokey it's okay console yourself don't think that if you don't have words no basic civil 70s palabras to describe your experience this crevice to experience that the experience is necessarily unreal DK experiencing aware verde radicular my
hell there are so many ways to describe the process by which we are saved existing in numerous formats disk review process but while some ourselves final questions Ultima pergunta or final implication which mainly casa if the glory of God in Christ is the greatest good of the gospel see a glory those increase - oh my god beta version what does it imply about your role in the conversion of others Paulo implica some key sutras para su papel nakamura-san G others so if being without Christ means you are blind see starts increased so significant system a
Sega and only God can conquer Satan and take away the blindness Assad ellos podrían estar cetanas e th e de si Guerra what's left for you to do kick against the Bravo citizen in bringing other people to see and be saved ultras air otras personas para very mystery solvers now this is where I said I was going to return the verse 5 where we are aqui aqui oh jesus promises Cahuilla Volta reversal sync with all my other verses in verse 5 verse o Cinco is sandwiched between the blindness of verse 4 tano Miyake Dom seguro
de ver su cuatro and the seeing of verse 6 e Vista two verses and what verse 5 does is describe the human means that God uses to create the site over Cinco desk revi whose meizu Manos kiddos you Chili's APRA Cree our Vista so here's verse 5 they're single what we proclaim is not ourselves working now news program oohs and aahs mismos but jesus christ as lord meisa cristo Josue's consumer and ourselves as your servants jános mismos como vas service - two things right don't do it squeezes pasaba proclamation of Jesus Christ as the Lord
all proclaim a so Jesus Christ to come sing or Cerritos and humble service of other people's needs a service ooh-ooh mujika dangers necesidades as pessoas so I would say the role of you and me in our gdq papel say we mail in bringing other people out of darkness ultras our pessoas dust Revis is not that we give them sight Nowacki nozzle is the most vista but that we give them something to see my skin özil estamos algate Prevert God gives the sign those that Avista but God is not going to take away blindness if there's
nothing there to see my still do my hatred a seguir a sympathy not a profit and what do we want them to see you cash in calculus measure we want them to see Christ as in calculus vision crease we want them to see the glory of Christ in calculus vision Guardia de Cristo and we want them to see it in our words faithful Proclamation jinteki a leasing share gear soon as gnosis palabras not proclamation Fjell and we want them to see it in our lives humble service Yamashita mean calculus vision osmosis Vedas service tsumuji so
I think verse 5 is just a beautiful answer to the question is there anything left for us to do they worship don't give a sink where my Bella has pasta Paragon the Soraka so bro war Marcos a bit fuzzy our job is to proclaim Christ and show Christ our no spa Belle Epoque Lamar Cristo in Mostar crystal speaking and serving falando is serving them okay now I'm gonna summarize where we've been and then closed with my illustration don't vote kazumi on Genosha Gamow see a fish taco me lose LaSalle we began by asking what is
the highest best final good of the gospel no scum estamos parent Ando koala Oh mice out ooh ooh my spray co-ceo Chima bein do imagine what is so good about the gospel it is what makes all the other parts of the gospel good stray koala Aquila care Dumbo evangelio Kitana todos nosotros purchase to evangelio boas and we answered God Himself is the highest good of the gospel and also has pasta for proprio dias a Oh sumo bang the machete God in Jesus Christ those angels Christ all satisfying and glorious todo up to a new such
as fuzzier glorious and then we drew out three implications yeah in Ostia most recently cosines before we were saved we were all blind to that glory antecessor mo salvos todos éramos sag was is a glory ii Segundo the way we became saved was that the blindness was removed and God gave us the light of that glory a farmer como vamos salvos a key as Sagada for five mov de dios Nose Day O'Connor songs in shale gas a glory and third in tercera guard our role in helping that happen all over this city and oliver brazil
all over the world our role is to speak Christ and serve as Christ oh no su papel medida que NOS vamos vamos vamos esse as a Vista nas Fallon Moe's de Cristo is servi moose como Cristo so the summary of this message is God is the gospel in town we assume that some massaging a de hacer with machete now let me complete my story that I started at the beginning the shelter Minami is story aqui oh jeez economists say no in each of them and so I got up I tripped over my own clothes I
dinged my arm and I blame my wife and don't ever say you'll be saving out all the room all right I mean suppose it's not sighs I mean Jesus kill father Liu throw pass in a hope of a chick report uh uh but also report this has happened before he once I've started talking about my wife while she's walking out yoga most of all that means suppose the other side oh she's gonna scold me after I deposit or it okay so i'm i am totally wrong your totem in Jihad I have sinned against my wife
a Oh pick a contra me suppose I need to apologize and ask for forgiveness if this is super cheap air down a school bus I'll why do I want to be forgiven porque yo quiero saber Dada no I'm sure you're smart enough to see the analogy that I'm drawing you crave people say a intelligence of change printing the analogy a courtesan okay I want you to be asking why you should want to be forgiven by God you care give us a comment say pergunta por que que vas a cursor paired Wado por Dios but let's
just stay with my story mais um communist or a piranha there are wrong answers to the question why should you want to be forgiven existing hospices a Hadas a pergunta por que que vas a hacer droite I'll give you three wrong entry watch adopt raised responses i Hadas number one primera I want to be forgiven because if if I don't get forgiven I'll have a guilty conscience all and that will make me feel miserable yo quiero ser dejado personal Kaka conscious apology Terry over fika Davis Todd oh I don't like feeling misery I don't go
astray missing Chi Davis Todd oh that's a bad answer s ama has pasta mean to him here's the second wrong end segunda has pasta hada I want to be forgiven because if he stays upset with me yo quiero ser dejado coxiella permanence Chaddock amigo our sex life is going to be ruined no Sevilla sexuality are we nada that's a bad answer mi esposa tomó into wine it's true a ver dodgy third wrong answer yes it has foster father I want to be forgiven because the Bible says you should forgive her and I should keep the
rules yo quiero severe drought the per capita jiske think appeared wha yes thank you cool Prius haggis so I got a I got a rule here in my Bible thing about Hagar gonna be a baby I gotta keep the room Thank You Monte Agnes that's a bad answer yes someone has foster have done Moin to win so what's wrong with those answers didn't I have the question says Bastas every one of those answers dishonours my wife told us SS has Fosters basil homies was there all about me told us they evict comigo they don't make
her great at all they don't it is not Donald la gran Gee Gee Coquette Munira what's the right answer well I suppose a certain I should want to be forgiven if they would disappear lado not because I want a clear conscience Nobuko Caro my concern selling / or not because I want better sex nobody to care about sex so many are we're not because I want to be a good rule keeper no quiero ser my pesto chicken breast Agnes I want to be forgive because I want my wife back yo quiero separado cara means positive
alta I want her to look at me and not have any barrier of Caracalla ellebra mean aquino washable haters interest I want there to be unity and peace okie-dokie Asha only dodgy bus I want to enjoy her and have her enjoy me yo karo kuchela if hasn't mcElhatton being a probe ageist Akram even the point of forgiveness is to get things out of the way born to do pare down she disguises dis da male 2 hello sentimental between me and another person entry AoE otra pessoa see see where I'm going st. angel Joker sugar why
do you want to be forgiven by God okay keep a sick-ass appeared wada / tails to get out of hell beside three fabula have a clear conscience so Michael Cecil Impa be a good prosperity person and not yet sick anymore same episode prospering of comas Dwayne G or O has the light shine into your heart I'll loose my shell your brilliance Oh chorus so that God in Christ is more precious than anything the tall Formica guara a Gloria Jay deals increased to a mice Preciosa Dukey kokoro turquoise if if you forgive or if you want
forgiveness from your wife save a second pair down a swiss pose because you want good sex and be a good rule keeper forgive us a care sack so beau in serum company door take address you're simply using her pasa symbols meant out chilies and ooze and well you get what you really want but they'll give us a helmet and it's not her in Whalen and if you use God is Vasilisa reduce to get what you want that's not God but they don't give us a cake in Osage adduce you don't honor him percent on wall
and I think that the simplest way to say it is that the gospel is God you don't wash come on either my simple ZQ evangelio deals according to second Peter 3:18 jacquard conceived una Pedro Trejo so it Christ died to bring us to god they'll cristo more help renews livadas whose condos illative and Psalm 16:11 says this is sounds sa sausage is a sing in your presence is fullness of joy not to a presence a plenty to gel agree your right hand are pleasures forevermore yeah to a destiny suspect patronage so God is going to
be honored and I'm gonna be satisfied don't do say so how do we oversee such a state when he is the greatest good of the gossip on do a Leah on my or bodily for oh my or Bangla Magette let's pray so father I have in my heart now sing or the thing I got animal chorus sound those who have perhaps not yet experienced the shining of verse six Achilles Keith of his Dante miss Perriman table really are the vs. ace now we're asking the name of the most beautiful Savior Jesus Christ Eugenia no no
me too - Bello Salvador Jesus Cristo that before this night is over the key you know the sandwich you see you're really into our hearts brilliant nose nauseous chorus eyes to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of yourself in the face of Jesus atrazine luminous own the queen cement to the glory of do singer novice Jesus Lord for all the rest of us he singer / todos nós whose demise grant that we would speak the glories of Christ saying or kosaki no sabemos phallus Gloria Christian become humble and serve like Jesus Christ
in astronomers emerges is severe most commercial scripts that we give unbelievers something to see Parker Shinji consider Dale's incredulous al Braille is very when you do the miracle of opening their eyes cuando Senor Fierro Milagro Chile's Abreu soldiers in Jesus name Normandy Jesus amen thank you so much you just went obrigado don't winter ball Takuma say God bless you there was I've been sorry [Applause]
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