The #1 AI Automation Agency Niche for 2025

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Liam Ottley
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over the past 2 years I've built and sold AI automation systems in every Niche imaginable from International Logistics to martial arts to even recently in NBA team and through my free and paid communities I've seen the successes and the flops of thousands of AI automation agency owners when it comes to niching down and so I'm pretty uniquely positioned to know what's working and what isn't when it comes to AI automation agency niches and so in this video I wanted to make sure as many of you as possible start the year on the right foot by
revealing my number one pick for AI automation agency niches in 2025 so if you want to start building an AI business or start making money from the AI space generally then you can take my exact pick that I would choose right now if I was to start over now niching down is of course an extremely important part of running a business it affects basically everything you do from the skills you need to learn like if you're specializing in a certain area the kinds of clients you're going to work with and be targeting and reaching out
to the way your business operates in terms of the size of the deals you're going for the retainer structure or the payment terms you take and all of this determines really the the feel and how the business runs it's such a significant part of it and it's something I see beginners struggling with all the time so I want to sort of clarify firstly what niching down is right so your agency Niche is what I I prefer to call as your agency scope and that refers to what you sell and who you sell it to so
your agency scope can be anywhere from completely General to all the way to fully product service where you're selling a specific set of a specific product or set of products to a certain set of people or you can be completely General and un niched and do your best to deliver on everything that people ask you for and so between this fully General model and the fully productized model of selling a specific set of products to certain people you have a lot in between and you have basically different shades of niching down different stages is what
we call it and so you can Niche down by just the industry that you're serving so I make AI automation solutions for chiropractors or you can Niche down by the category of solutions you provide so I make AI voice agents and so that's a way of niching down by solution type and then you can start combining the both so you could say I make AI voice agents for chiropractors or I make AI appointment setting systems or AI receptionist systems for prior practice and you can start to combine the industry aspect with the solution category or
the solution type so it could be the category of voice agents or the type of appointment seers or AI receptionists right then you can sort of cross them over and be even more narrowed down by what you sell and who you're selling to so that's just a quick update if you're not familiar on the niching specifics of AI automation agencies and the services we provide now that we have that out of the way we can move on to what you all been waiting for which is my number one pick for 2025 now as some of
you probably guessed this is a bit of a trick question and I'm not just going to give you one Niche because it's actually not the best process for picking the niche the number one Niche for you will be very different to the number one Niche for me and the very different to the number one Niche for someone else right so give me two second and I'll explain this entire process but I'm going to give you a a a worksheet or a process that you can go through to identify the number one Niche for you because
business is all about finding your unfair Advantage your unique advantage that puts you far above everyone else and you can really play your advantage and and that's how you get ahead you never want to be joining the back of the queue or joining dead in the Middle where where you are competing with everyone who's on the same level as you all of us have nhh strengths which I'm going to go through here based on your background based on your connections based on your interest you need to base your niching strategy on something that gives you
a a unique and unfair Advantage for example in in my business morning side AI we worked out that our unique Advantage our unfair Advantage is to be building AI automation systems for education and coaching businesses why because I have my own education and coaching business that one I deeply understand the problems in and therefore I can make much better systems that people actually want and two I have my own business to test it on so I'm going to go through this worksheet with you now this is actually directly from my accelerator and this is the
first thing that people come in when they join my program they go through this worksheet so I want to give you guys a little freebie of the stuff that we do inside the accelerator because this is such an important part to get right and I thought the new year let's start everyone off on the right foot as possible and so for the rest of this video I'm going to be walking you through the finding your unfair Advantage process that I take all accelerat members through and at the end I'm going to be showing with you
how you can get this worksheet yourself and so you can go away and fill that all out and get the best Niche for you in 2025 so this process of finding your unfair Advantage is really a self audit and it's broken into four different stages of business access experience connections and interest so I'm just going to walk through what each of these is about and why it's so important that you analyze this first in order to direct you towards a niche that's best for you so firstly we have business access which basically means do you
have a business that you have access to whether it's your own some people come into this business model with their own business that they're coming from or do you have access to maybe your your parents or your aunties or your uncles or or or your best friends or someone close to you who has a business who will basically give you access to that business where you can go in and try to identify use cases for AI Automation and you have a very free roam and and low pressure environment to experiment and test this is such
a huge advantage and you should absolutely Niche down to wherever you have access to a business because it gives you that space to experiment and learn I promise you if you were coming into this brand new and you're maybe not familiar with AI automation as a skill set and actually doing the technical side or you've never run a business before or both then this kind of Freedom that you have and and safe space to innovate and test and and learn and stumble is the most important thing that you could get and by far the most
valuable thing that you could have so that's number one business access and by the end of this process I'm going to explain sort of the grading criteria on what you should prioritize and when but first one is business access and I've got a little stat here for you according to Startup genome on average startups have to Pivot upwards of seven times for achieving product Market fit so when you come into this new business and you're trying to find a solution that you can sell that is really creating value for people and you can sell repeatedly
to other businesses you may have to go into this business you have access to and try this and try this and try this up to 7even or more times until you find something that's actually worthwhile so that's just like setting the expectations and when you have that safe environment to do it by far the best thing so that should be your number one pick the second part of this self audit is centered around experience so all of your past experience and the idea with this is that if you have maybe worked in the Landscaping industry
before worked in the insurance space before the experience that you gained in those years or maybe decades that you worked in it is going to allow you to understand the unique problems that that industry faces so that you can create a product or service around solving that problem business is all about value creation through problem solving and so the core of anything you're trying to do when you're starting a new business is finding a valuable problem to solve and so the experience of' gained allows its firsthand experience right so this is allowing you to really
pinpoint and Target something that you know is painful that you are kind of datab backed as what I try to tell all the accelerator members try to find some either firsthand or secondhand data that this is a problem that's worth solving so that you can start off on the right foot I have another a stat here basically this is going to remove a lot of the guess work for you because if you come into a niche where you're completely new to it you're going to go I'll go on Reddit I'll watch some YouTube videos sure
you can you can guess your way but it is literally guessing what problems need to be solved and again I want to remind you of that stat startups have to Pivot upwards of seven times before achieving product Market fit where they have something that really serves the needs of the market that they're trying to serve so by doing this and prioritizing niching Down based on your experience and understanding problems that that particular niche has you get to eliminate as much of that guess workk and sort of jumping r as possible and ideally you just bang
the nail on the here the first time it's probably not going to happen you probably are going to need a couple little pivots with the product or the service that you do but you can sort of get the general area right first time and that's why experience is so important the third stage of the self audit is based on your connection so who you know who you have relationships with there might have been friends colleagues anyone in your family even basically any connections that will allow you to either firstly talk to them and say hey
what problems and try to like leech off the their experience and like I said the experience of firsthand like what problems are actually in this industry is ideal but if you have connections who have maybe 10 years experience in a certain industry you can have a conversation with them and say hey look what are the main problems that you're facing on the dayto day can you sit down with me for a bit maybe you need to pay them a little bit if you're not very good friends with them or the connection isn't very strong or
if it's a family member take them out for dinner or or go make dinner for them if you're really trying to be a good family member and have a chat with them say walk me through the biggest problems you're facing in your business and really try to absorb all of the information and and understanding they have of their Niche and the problems that they face so that you can then go and create some ideas of services and products you can recommend to them so hey how would you like this what about this if I could
build this automation that would take this off your plate would that be really valuable and you just use them as a sounding board and go back and forth and the second part of why connections can be so valuable is that one first you they could be a a first client for you or a free client that you get to build it for but more importantly they could also have if they've been in the industry for a long time have an extensive set of connections and you can say hey look let's let's cut a deal here
well we've we've dialed it and we've got it really working on your business or on your example um now we can take it and sell to other people do you want to do a deal where I can sell it for $4,000 and I'll give you a cut 5050 or you know you can do whatever cut you want there just to get things off the ground and they can actually help you with the distribution and they can provide referral leads and referral leads According to some of the data that I've I've found for us referrals as
in people say your connection referring someone to you and saying hey look I know this guy who's got this really cool AI system or this great AI offer for for your consulting or education according to refer reach B2B organizations with referrals encounter a 71% higher conversion rate you also have faster deals overall with 69% of B2B sales Personnel believing that referred leads close faster than other leads per refer re statistics and finally you get higher value customers through referrals as well the Warton School of Business found that referred customers have a 16% higher lifetime value
on average right so massive benefits to referrals so you can use Connections in two ways either to learn more about their problems they face and really leverage their understanding of the problems that they face on the dayto day and then use them as distribution Partners if possible so that's why connections are massive win if you're trying to pick a niche where you have an unfair advantage and the final part of the self order to find your best Niche for 2025 is based on your interest what are you what gets you really excited what gets you
motivated and you're really curious about what what the potential is for this certain area your interest may be sented around a certain niche as then like man I'm really interested in learning how I mean trades people I keep using an example of plumbers I just think it's so interesting that at some point plumbers are going to be using AI throughout their business and I mean someone's going to be the one to facilitate that and sort of map out the the plumber AI stack you know I think that's pretty interesting to me I don't I don't
know why but if you you may be interested in a certain Niche H and how AI can affect that and really help businesses grow or or have some impact in overall like this agriculture cool stuff going on there's Healthcare but I'd probably stick to something sort of more basic service based business if possible but again interest is an interest and aside from just the industry that you could be interested in you could be interested in the solution type or the category saying hey like I'm really interested in this AI appointment setting thing I think there's
so much value to be created with these systems and taking humans away from doing this mundane stuff and allowing them to focus I think AI appointment set is a really cool and I really want to go deep on that or it might be the solution category so type is like the specific the category as the whole and the solution category of hey I think these AI voice agents have a lot of potential and I'm really interested and I like seeing where that's going so an interest is an extremely good way of of picking an unfer
advantage because if you have like I go back to Nal lot on this Nal rant um he says do what feels like play to you but may look like work to others and this comes back to his concept of specific knowledge and he calls out stuff that you you can't go to school and be taught it so specific knowledge might be knowing in to end how to implement an AI sales co-pilot system you can go to school and get taught math you can go to get school and taught the basics of Economics but you couldn't
necessarily go to school or university and be taught into to end how to implement an AI sales co-pilot right there's a lot of extra I could tell you the steps and you could understand it but the actual implementation of that there's a lot of extra stuff and specific knowledge that's gained like the the hes along the way that you need to dodge and so he says specific knowledge like this is extremely valuable and we should all try to find it to be to be very successful and specific knowledge is found much more by pursuing your
innate talents your genuine curiosity and your passions if you're not 100% into it somebody else who is 100% into it will outperform you and they won't just outperform You by a little bit they'll outperform You by a lot and so to bring this back to niching down and finding your un advantages here I can use example of myself at least um I am absolutely obsessed with this AR in businessing and it is just and and content creation as well this is something it's just I found the perfect mixture of things that interest me and that
I'm good at and that's why you have seen me if you guys have been watching me for a while really just absolutely take off in the past few years and I'm so grateful for that and while I am of course grateful for the monetary stuff and everything that comes with it but I'm actually more grateful that I found something as a job and as a as a career that combines all of my interest and also matches my my talents and and skills if you want to call that and I've seen time and time again people
try to copy what I'm doing or try to also get into AI cuz they just see it as a shiny object and because they don't actually love it they just get like a fraction of the results that myself and my team have got so please if you are looking for any the the interest and something that actually motivates you and you're really interested in is a significant factor but I do see interest and passion as a nice to have in this case and also as a last result so if you give me a second I'll
break down how these different things we've got business access we've got experience we've got connections and interest so breaking down the scoring criteria business access is number one if you were looking to pick your ideal Niche for 2025 wherever you have access to a business should be the place you start that is by far the most important thing even if you're not super interested in it trust me if you start making progress and making money from it you kind of get naturally interested in it as well to a certain degree and if you don't have
business access the second best option is a niche where you have both experience and connections right so if you have the experience know the problems connections to help sell that and distribute it that's second best and then third best is if you have either connections or experience so one or the other that's third best and number four is if you don't have any of those options you just have some interest in hey oh these these like AI Automation and Building Things on make and air table and stuff interest or I'm interested in voice agents just
having some kind of interest is the the bare minimum and the bottom bottom tier of this however interest can also be added on top of all of those so if you have business access and you're really into it that's even better if you have business or if you have experience and connections and you're really obsessed about it then that's even better so interest is more of like a nice to have and like a jet fuel or a rocket booster that you can strap onto your your niching selection and your business as a whole but if
you do have the business access experience connections Etc and don't have interest don't worry about it but again to reiterate priority should be business access and then experienceing connections interest is a nice to have and also if you don't have any of those three then interest is is a is a good last result so if you don't have any other option do what you're interested in all right so that's the breakdown and and if you don't have anything that you're interested in the AI space then go out and watch some videos go and watch more
of my stuff watch more of other people's videos there's so much out there if you just find something to C latch on to and you go wow that's interesting you feel that pull like you want to go and have a have a play around or learn more about it that is your Niche and that's what you should stick to so I want to just wrap this up now it's probably been a bit longer than I planned but I got in a little bit of extra explanations in there to share with you guys but the resource
that I want to give away is actually directly from the accelerator as I said so my accelerator program paid program I have a free community as well soon as they come into my accelerator they use this exact worksheet that I'm going to give you access to and to get access to it it'll be in the first link in the description you go in and fill out a little form then it's going to be sent to you directly via email um and that's how you can get this entire worksheet that I put my accelerator members through
so again sorry to bait and switch it with that title but I hope you got to the end of it and you realize that I'm actually trying to do this for your own good don't let someone like me or other people be like that's the right Niche for you you need to do this unless I sit down and have a chat with you of course and you're on my Q&A in the free community but don't like try to be spoonfed either I heard there's a lot of money in real estate so I guess we go
into real estate no use your brain follow the exact process I've just given you by far the most important thing you can do because you want to do work that feels like play to you or you have a ridiculous unfair advantage in that is all for the video guys thank you so much for watching if you want to watch another one from me I've just put out a massive video on AI agents which I put a lot of work into if you haven't seen that already highly recommend you check that out aside from that thank
you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
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