Best Outreach Method For SMMA

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Iman Gadzhi
If anyone ever tries to tell you what the definitive best method of outreach for SMMA is… …they’re ...
Video Transcript:
so in today's video we're gonna be talking about the best outreach methods to get SM ma clients in 2019 now if you don't already know who I am my name is Eva and gedgie I'm actually the founder of grow your agency we are a training business that helps people start and scale their marketing agencies now let's get into the topic of this video which is the best outreach methods in 2019 now obviously with my training business and you know my youtube and pretty much any social platforms I get a hell of a lot of questions
and the one that like really just makes me the most infuriated is this what is the best outreach method if you are an agency owners and here is why it seems like everyone thinks that they have an answer to this question and in reality very very few people do and quite frankly if you ask someone hey what is the best outreach method as an agency owner and they give you a blanket statement a blanket answer you can basically just like disregard that person because it's quite clear they have no idea what the they are talking
about because if you went to a doctor and you asked the doctor hey what is the best medicine out there and the doctor gives you a blanket it you know this is number one this is number two this number three out of you know just a plethora of medicines out there and alternatives and options out there if they just gave you okay I'd say this is number one this is number two and this is number three quite clearly you wouldn't listen to that doctor because that doctor didn't take the time to listen or ask you
well you know what exactly is wrong with you what are the symptoms what is it have you tried any medicines in the past what do you not respond well to when someone comes out and they say no this is the best outreach method and I see it time and time again you know some shmuck will be like no this is the best outreach method or no this is the best outreach method cold calling is a hundred percent the best method or LinkedIn is 100 percent the best method or cold messaging is the best method or
cold video out which is the best method no networking groups are the best method and look at the ending all of these work all of them work and they work for a reason there is zero dispute that cold messaging cold video outreach email cold calling leveraging a personal brand leveraging LinkedIn leveraging you know driving through your network and using referrals like all of this stuff works like using an automated client acquisition funnel like a case study funnel all of this works all of it does which is why you can't give someone just a blanket statement
no this is the best method the best approach comes down entirely to what any shirt in where in the world you're in and what you're like as a person so let's break this down further so let's go ahead and start with the knee different niches respond to different things if you're trying to reach a restaurant owner a lot of time cold calling works exceptionally well whereas if you're trying to reach let's say someone like a dental practice and actually reach the decision maker it's very very very difficult I know that with my time with nice
fish dental care who was a client of mine we ran their social media and content they were pre-much the last client I ever did that for and I know personally from speaking to me like she there's no way she would ever pick up a cold call it was hard enough even just setting up shoot date she was that busy you know now whereas a few cold call as I said a restaurant or maybe a gym you know that might be a completely completely different story now look if your niche is you help coaches and consultants
you know maybe a cold video outreach you know illumines tool I always use everyone within the grower agency community like our cell people use loom maybe that might be the best method compared to say something like sending them a cold message on Facebook instead sending them an email with a loom because they probably get tons and tons of messages and d-ends etc etc where is pretty much everyone I can tell you for me personally like pretty much every business owner checks their email and quickly goes through things etc etc whereas a long time you know
they have their team checking in on their social media platforms or whatever all in all you have to take these things into consideration you have to ask you what Nisha my MA bring in and within different niches now look if someone said hey a hundred percent LinkedIn is the best method for this this this niche then I can start to be like okay that can make sense you know same way if a doctor was like these are the three best nested medicines if this is what's wrong with you and these are the symptoms that are
starting up here I'd be like okay that makes sense it's just as I said I have an issue when someone makes such a blanket statement saying no this is the best outreach method for every single niche and it's just not true so as I said the first thing you got to look at it start with your niche and just look at historically what's worked best for other people within your niche and then just test play around with it now the next thing is where you are in the world I remember doing a Q&A with one
of my good friends old mentor Bob he was telling me in Holland you can't even cold call people apparently this is a bit like a cold call like there's a directory if you put your phone there then you can't receive cold calls and it's like illegal so quite clearly and Holland cold calling isn't going to work the best whereas say something like cold email that might work exceptionally well now somewhere else on the world cold email might be in a different market in a different environment whereas cold call it might be you know the best
thing you can do as I said you always have to identify what part in the world are you are you catering to Eastern Europeans you know more my origins Russians polish Bulgarians or are you catering more to you know places like England France Germany etc or are you catering to the US or maybe you're catering to the eastern Asian market and said you or maybe the Middle Eastern Market like you know you always have to take things these things into consideration you have to look at where in the world you are reaching out to and
different methods around the world work differently now the last thing you ask yourself is what are you like as a person to give you an example estaban who used to work for a full time as my sales guy now he's part of the team at grow your agency he's one of the head coaches that guy is killer at cold calling on the phone he's slick as whereas typing an email I know what I've tried to get him to do customer support sometimes you know he could be a bit of an idiot comes to email and
very just clunky and whatnot so you know someone out there telling him no do trust me cold email or cold messaging is 100% the best thing you know that's just not true because you have to look at what the person is like some people are so comfortable on the phones some people are so comfortable writing some people are so comfortable and networking and driving through people's networks and making that human connection so it all just depends on the person some people don't want to put themselves out on social media build a personal brand do all
of that deal with scrutiny this thing that thing pull out the camera shoot some videos for their Instagram in order to get more like real estate clients or shoot a YouTube video on how to get results for real estate clans do some on LinkedIn you know everyone's kind of different some people don't work for the camera at all they are happy to hide behind the email or cold calling so this is all stuff you need to take into consideration please so to answer your question what is the best outreach method in 2019 what I would
do if I were you is start studying within your niche specific typically you know other people in your niche like what sort of results are they getting and what outreach method is driving the best sorts of results now after you do that you know you'll start to get an idea that okay you know usually in this niche these sorts of outreach methods work and these sorts of outreach methods don't now once you've done that now it's time to put that into practice and see which one works best for you so please remember this the next
time someone tries to make a blanket statement this is this is the best outreach method just remember that's like a doctor seeing of all the medicines out there and I have no idea what the actually wrong with you or what you're like as a person I'm just gonna go ahead and set a hundred percent this is the best medicine you look at that doctor is an idiot in the same you gonna look at that person who is trying to preach that this one outreach method is the best outreach method out there you gotta look at
them like an idiot too because you can start to see how there's more diagnosis that needs to go into it so guys I hope you enjoyed that video and I'll see you in the next one
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