Tina Knowles BLASTS Richard Lawson Asking Spousal Support | Richard Wants Money

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Tina Knowles BLASTS Richard Lawson Asking Spousal Support | Richard Wants Money Oh bummer! All good...
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we became friends and it hung out and I supported her because she was going through a tough time with the divorce and the remarriage of her previous husband and um we just took our time we became friends we hung out we traveled and little by little you know all the things that were naturally connective the connective tissue with us happened in a beautiful sort of evolutionary oh snap all good things do actually come to an end I guess well it's official guys Tina no and Richard Lawson have finalized their divorce but here's the thing Tina
has to pay Richard some cash as settlement while she didn't receive anything from him but allegedly even before they got to that agreement Richard wanted more than just a one-time settlement and Wanted Tina to provide SPO support child the way we know Tina there was no way she was going to accept it and she was probably like look here's your onetime payment take it or leave it but are you guys also wondering why she had to pay him anything shouldn't each have just kept anything that they came into the marriage with and then divide up
anything made during their time together why exactly what Tina need to pay Richard is it to buy his silence but then again 300K is not enough to buy The Silence of such an established man so what's really the deal here baby this is what we are going to try to figure out okay as y'all may recall Tina and Richard shared 8 years of marriage after exchanging vows on a yacht in Newport Beach California in 2015 and for both of them it marked the second marriage and before things really went South they actually had the sweetest
things to say about each other when I met Tina REM met Tina and we started hanging out I felt a vibration because we vibrated on the same level we talked about the same things we had energy we had we had a rhythm we did things together and it just was so natural that when her hand did mine was in mind I felt a power and I felt an energy and I felt a vibration that made me feel so good and so proud to walk with her to talk with her to have every experience with her
and it was truly on a spiritual V vibrating level now about what happened with Tina and her previous husband Matthew NOS well that's really not news because Matthew was sleeping with anyone he could convince they actually separated in 2009 after it surfaced that Matthew had fathered a love child with Alexandra Wright Tina then dropped the suit in 2010 only to refile in the following year stating conflict of personalities which prevented them from reaching a reasonable reconciliation as the reason and it wasn't just about Alexandra cuz Matthew had been cheating with other women for a pretty
long time let me tell you something about taking a picture crying next to a garbage dump that is the most dramatic thing ever but I see even though you're in such a way you can still get your nails done did girl okay and jakoa was pregnant at the same time as Alexandra Wright and this is all on the it's a blurred line as to whether he was actually divorced from Tina or going through divorce whatever it is it's really sloppy I wonder what Salange says you know what I mean cuz now that we know a
bit about Solange I like I wonder whether she windmilled him as a matter of fact when it comes to Matthew there were also some serious sa allegations that were making round especially from one of Beyonce's former bandmates Farah Franklin unfortunately my manager happened to be Beyonce's father Matthew know he propositioned me invied me over to the hotel to meet and speak with him did Matthew try to sleep with you Farah um I haven't met too many people in my life who haven't liked me I'll just put it like that as for Richard he was married
to his first wife actress Denise Gordy from New Year's Eve 1978 until 1989 now Denise is a pretty Hush Hush person so we really don't have a lot of details about what happened in that marriage but anywh who last year Tina filed for divorce from Richard and while a lot of Hollywood divorces are usually dragged and drama filled this particular one actually took such a short time according to court documents the decision to end their marriage was caused by irreconcilable differences that arose between the parties which led to the IR remediable breakdown of the marriage
making it impossible for the parties to live together as husband and wife now terms of the settlement reveal that neither party will get spousal support but Tina was ordered to give Richard a one-time payment of 300K as far as assets Tina got a 2018 Tesla a 2020 bentle The Matriarch book partnership with penguin randomhouse a 1% interest in Kirby Beauty management LC furniture and art in her possession and all creative Works ideas drafts and materials that she generated during their marriage the settlement also said that Tina was awarded her separate property which included her La
home a property in Texas all furniture in her properties all jewelry in her possession her retirement accounts and all earnings she accumulated since the date of Separation she also agreed to pay off any credit cards in her name and all outstanding balances on any and all household expenses on the other hand Richard was awarded a 2021 Cadillac Escalade various bank and retirement accounts all money owed to Richard Lawson Studios earned royalties and all his creative works that manifested during the marriage Richard was also awarded All rights to his Studio artwork jewelry clothing his royalties and
All rights to his sag Pension Plan Richard will cover his credit card debt and all debt related to the catc and like I mentioned Tina agreed to pay a one-time payment of $300,000 to Richard and in addition the settlement also had a non-disparagement clause that prohibits either of them from speaking negatively about the other or the other's children and their spouses the Clause stated with respect to the mutual desire to protect the Privacy rights of any and all present or future grandchildren of either party the parties agreed that they will not when asked by any
Media or person discuss said grandchildren or future grandchildren whether verbally or in writing honey to specifically tell Richard not to spread tea about Beyonce and family is crazy to me but it's also smart cuz you know all the radio shows would have asked him to go on their shows just so they could ask him how they are and so forth plus allegedly there's a lot of tea about Richard from the 70s and ' 80s and he was apparently known for running his mouth a lot so maybe this is something Tina knows and that's why she
chose to add that clause in the divorce settlement I mean truth be told Richard has spoken a bit about the grandkids in the past but positively you can see the transition in terms of her being a little bit more calm she's the diva but she's sharing her Diva well word on the street is that Richard was not satisfied with the one-time payment of 300K and was seeking spousal support and while most people were already struggling to understand why he was even given a one-time payment others were like huh you actually want spousal support baby I
personally cannot confirm that Richard asked for spousal support cuz to me he looks like somebody who can comfortably stand on his own but we also had people saying saying that because of what Tina put him through maybe he does deserve the spousal support and where people are coming from with this is how Tina was allegedly super mean and disrespectful to Richard for the entirety of their marriage fans always saw the signs way before the separation and when it comes to Tina and Richard people first knew that there would be trouble when Tina decided to keep
the last name of her serial cheater ex-husband Matthew NOS mayy how do you keep the last name of somebody who made it his life mission to disrespect and embarrass you for years well a lot of people may argue that it's because Tina played a huge role in making the no's name but to others she just never thought that Richard was worthy from the beginning and that's why she didn't drop the no's name anyway when they were together people also started noticing that there was trouble in Paradise when they did an interview an Tina said Richard
was far from perfect I envisioned the type of man I wanted I prayed for the type of man I wanted and I got pretty much that is he perfect absolutely not but you know he has a lot lot of the qualities no he has a lot of the qualities that uh that I love and we're having a really good time and I'm enjoying life so there is hope women honey I know that no one is perfect and Tina was not wrong in telling Richard that he is not perfect but it's the way she said it
though she embarrassed the hell out of her ex-husband and he was very visibly upset I mean when she saw the look on Richard's face she could have said something like baby nobody's perfect but you are perfect for me or says something like I love your imperfections you know something that would have S softened the blow but for someone who literally has a daughter who sings Love songs and has been in the music industry for decades her response was not very demure something else that people saw as a red flag was how Richard was obsessed with
Tina while she was still married to Matthew the thing is they had already known each other for decades before they actually got together it was wonderful you know I've known Richard for 40 years and uh when we reconnected it was you know it was it was just feel like a a gift from God I mean I really mean that because I prayed after I went through a divorce it was you know it was pretty devastating after 33 years and um I always planned on uh if it was in God's plan to to get married again
because I like being married I like being in a relationship but um you know it was pretty scary for a minute but he came back into my life and and it's been wonderful but Richard himself said that he was blown away when he first saw Tina in a post where he remembered the first day he met her he actually wrote the thing that was so striking was that your beauty continued to be enhanced by your incredible heart compassion empathy generosity and philanthropy you were pregnant with Beyonce at the time and married so my incredible attraction
for you could only live in my fantasy y'all Richard was not just attracted to a pregnant married woman he was also married himself at that time he had been married for 3 years and his daughter Bianca was 2 years old well as much as Richard decided not to make his feelings known to he still decided to keep her close as a friend obviously until she got divorced and then he made his move at least that's what they said but we all know there were rumors that as Matthew was cheating on Tina she was also cheating
back and even had a thing with Richard you see David Lee Brewer Beyonce's childhood vocal coach wrote in his tell all Beyonce raising genius a teacher and his Prodigy about Matthew and the affair with Richard saying quote turns out he had escalated to Stronger drugs and even stranger behaviors rumor had it that coke had long since stopped satisfying his thirst and had turned to crack Coke then he talked about Tina also cheating on Matthew with Richard adding quote I soon discovered that although Unhappily Married Celestine was not suffering all by herself going over to the
main house to retrieve my keyboard one afternoon I happened upon Celestine kissing a man I recognized him immediately Richard Lawson a famous actor the startled Celestine had no choice but to introduce me talk about awkward she was supposed to to be at her Salon I extended my hand to Richard telling him how much I admired his work so they had been together for years well a few months before she filed for divorce people also noticed a few things here and there for instance for two people who regularly posted each other on social media Tina's last
post with her second husband that appeared on IG was at the Vanity Fair Oscar party in mid-march months before their separation in fact her Instagram bio used to have Richard's name but Tina changed it from Tina NOS Lawson to Tina NOS dropping Richard's last name in addition Richard was also visibly absent from Jay-Z's mom's Gloria Carter's wedding with roxan Wilshire even though the entire family was present there were also other things like when Tina was also noticeably absent from Richard screening of his film Black Terror at the Essence Festival in New Orleans but the sign
that just made everything clear was when Richard was spotted without his wedding ring plus they also skipped their yearly heartfelt social media posts to celebrate their wedding anniversary proving to some that they were indeed not together it was also noticed that Tina had been deleting comments and blocking people who' been asking where was Richard on her IG in addition Tina and Richard were also missing from Magic Johnson's annual summer Friends cruise last year and usually they attended and took lots of photos together basically fans were right and a divorce was already in the works and
other than the official reason that was given which is a reconcilable differences and the alleged disrespect from Tina there was tea going around that Jack a Harry was was responsible for the divorce allegedly Richard was cozied up with somebody allegedly Jackie Harry while Tino was on tour with Beyonce and someone snapped a photo and sent it to Tina allegedly Jack a and Richard had been on and off for almost 40 years again these are just rumors people but you let me know what you think about how the divorce was finalized why do you think Tina
has to pay Richard 300K and what's your theory on what really happened there sound off in the comments section below oh
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