Teenage Groom Murdered after Marrying 65 year old Bridezilla (True Crime Documentary)

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True Crime Case Files
In this gripping episode of True Crime Case Files, we delve into the shocking story of 19-year-old N...
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welcome to True Crime Case Files today we take you to the peaceful community of Sedona Arizona often associated with healing and Tranquility the town was left reeling when the body of a 19-year-old was discovered under shocking and bizarre circumstances this is the story of a Teenage groom a 65-year-old bridezilla and a marriage that ended in Murder Noah Beasley was a 19-year-old with a shy and quiet personality born and raised in the small town of Cottonwood Arizona Noah had just graduated from high school and May 2021 where he was known as the shy kid who always
carried a guitar on his back while many of his classmates were preparing for college or starting jobs Noah was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life he had a passion for music and dreamed of becoming a musician one day but he hadn't yet decided how to make that dream come true Noah lived with his mother Jenna Beasley in a modest trailer on the outskirts of town their financial situation was tough Jenna was a single mother who had struggled to make ends meet for most of Noah's life especially after losing
her job due to the economic downturn caused by the pandemic the stress of their financial difficulties weighed heavily on Noah he often felt responsible for helping his mother who was deeply in debt despite his quiet nature Noah had a kind heart he was the type of person who would go out of his way to help others he when he was struggling himself in the days leading up to his death Noah was in a strange situation just a week earlier he had married Gertrude JY Harford a 65-year-old retired Harris JY was known for her extravagant lifestyle
and had been married several times before she insisted on a grand wedding which took place at a luxury resort in nearby Sedona the wedding was over the toop with expensive decorations a gourm make menu and a designer wedding dress that JY had specially made her groom Noah however seemed out of place at the event he appeared nervous and unsure about the whole situation the sudden announcement of his marriage to 65-year-old jerre Hartford came as a shock to everyone who knew him many wondered what could have led the gentle introverted Noah to make such a drastic
decision some speculated it was connected to his mother's Financial struggles While others feared he was being manipulated Noah's relationship with JY wasn't just unusual because of their age difference JY was a demanding and controlling person she often threw Tantrums when things didn't go of her way and Noah found himself increasingly overwhelmed by her behavior he confided in his mother about his doubts and fears but Jenna encouraged him to stay in the marriage as a result Noah felt trapped torn between his mother's wishes and his growing discomfort with his new life at the time of his
death Noah was still trying to navigate his new reality he had withdrawn from his friends and spent most of his time in his new home with JY his dream of becoming a musician seemed further away than ever he was a young man who had lost his way unable to see a future that made sense to him on the morning of octo October 8 2021 the peaceful town of Sedona was shaken by a grim Discovery at 8:30 a.m. margerie Lane and 82-year-old neighbor was out for her daily walk when she noticed something unusual at the luxurious
home of churre Hartford Beasley the curtains were drawn and the front door was slightly ajar margerie who had lived in the neighborhood for over 30 years found this odd especially since Jud was known for her strict routine and usually had everything in perfect order curious and concerned Marjorie decided to check on the house as she approached she called out but there was no answer hesitant she stepped inside and immediately noticed a strong bitter smell it was then that she saw Noah Beasley lying motionless on the living room floor his body was slumped against the couch
and scattered around him were several empty pill bottles all prescription medications a half empty glass of water sat on the coffee table beside him Marjorie was frozen in shock her heart RAC she had known Noah and couldn't believe what she was seeing fighting back tears she quickly pulled out her phone and dialed 911 her hands trembling as she gave the operator the address and explained what she had found when the 911 operator asked her to check for signs of Life Marjorie hesitated but did as she was told she knelt beside Noah and gently shook his
shoulder calling his name there was no response she could see that his face was pale his lips slightly blue and his breathing had stopped marjorie's mind was racing she recalled the wedding just a week before where Noah had looked so out of place standing beside the much older Gertrude in her extravagant wedding gown she couldn't understand how things had gone so wrong so quickly with tears streaming down her face she stayed on the phone with the 911 operator until the police and paramedics arrived the authorities quickly declared Noah dead at the scene Marjorie shaken and
devastated was escorted outside where she sat on the curb staring blankly at the house where Noah's Young Life had tragically ended the police arrived at the Hartford Beasley residence just before 9:00 a.m. on October 8th 2021 leading the investigation was detective Marla grundal a seasoned investigator with the Sedona Police Department known for her sharp instincts and No Nonsense attitude detective grundal wasted no time in assessing the scene accompanied by Officer Tom Jenkins a young but eager recruit they entered the home that had now become the center of a tragic mystery the living room where Noah's
body was found was eerily quiet the luxurious furniture and tasteful Decor contrasted starkly with the lifeless figure on the floor detective Grunwald immediately noticed the empty pill bottles scattered around Noah and the glass of water on the coffee table she took note of the labels prescriptions for medications like sanx and oxicontin drugs often associated with overdose cases the scene itself was surprisingly clean no signs of struggle no overturned Furniture no blood it was almost too clean which raised red flags for detective Grunwald the neatness suggested that whatever had happened it wasn't the result of a
sudden chaotic event but something more calculated detective grunwell directed officer Jenkins to begin photographing the scene while she called in a forensics team to dust for fingerprints and gather evidence the coroner Dr Evelyn on arrived shortly after to examine the body she confirmed that Noah had likely died from an overdose but the amount of drugs present far beyond the recommended limit made it clear that this was no accident as they continued their investigation detective grun wal's eyes were drawn to a small detail a wedding photo of Noah and Gertrude on the mantle in the photo
Noah's expression was distant his eyes downcast a stark contrast to Gertrude's beaming smile it was a SLE but telling sign that all was not well in this new leard household the forensics team carefully collected the pill bottles the glass of water and any other potential evidence they also noted a faint smell of perfume in the air a scent detective grald recognized as something Gertrude was known for a signature fragrance from an upscale brand channel number five by the time they finished detective grum wal had a growing sense that this was more than just an overdose
the evidence pointed to Foul Play and the investigation was only just beginning as the investigation into NOA beesley's death deepened the police turned their attention to the most obvious suspect Gertrude JY heart for Beasley Noah's 65-year-old wife JY was a well-known figure in Sedona Infamous for her extravagant lifestyle and commanding personality born into wealth jery had been married multiple times each Union ending in a bitter divorce JY was obsessed with staying youthful and was legendary for her Tantrums when things didn't go her way her reputation as a bride Zillow was well earned as she demanded
nothing but Perfection from everyone around her when detective Mara Grunwald and officer Tom Jenkins arrived at jy's home later that afternoon they found her lounging by the pool just a few feet from where her husband died sipping on a mosa and flipping through the latest issue of Vogue despite the tragic circumstances JY seemed unnervingly calm dressed in a designer captain and oversized sunglasses she exuded an air of indifference that immediately caught detective grun bald's attention jty greeted the officers with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes when asked about the events leading up to
Noah's death she explained that she had gone to bed early the night before leaving Noah in the living room to play his quote computer games she claimed that when she woke up that morning and didn't see him in bed she assumed he had slept on the couch she expressed surprise and some sadness upon hearing of his death but didn't seem particularly distraught as if she had heard a friend's fat had passed away during the interrogation jy's story remained consistent but her lack of emotion raised suspicions she was cooperative but distant and answering questions with rehearsed
Precision when asked about the pill bottles found at the scene JY stated that Noah had been struggling recently and had been prescribed medication to help him cope she insisted that she had no idea he might overdose and suggested that perhaps Noah had taken more pills than he should have in a moment of Despair despite her calm demeanor detective gumal noted a few inconsistencies in jy's story for one JY had mentioned that Noah was playing video games but the TV was off when Margery lanee discovered the body Additionally the bed in the master bedroom was untouched
suggesting that JY may not have gone to bed at all the more detective Grunwald pressed the more it became clear that JY was hiding something however without concrete evidence the police couldn't hold her dery's Alibi seemed airtight but her behavior left a lingering sense of Doubt as the interrogation concluded detective Grunwald couldn't shake the feeling that this glamorous poised woman was more involved in Noah's death and she let on with Gertrude Hartford Beasley remaining a person of interest the police turned their attention to the second suspect Jenna Beasley Noah's mother Jenna 49 was a woman
who had faced more than her share of hardships her life had been a series of bad decisions each one seemingly worse than the last struggling with crushing debt Jenna had resorted to selling prescription drugs under the table a secret she had managed to keep hidden from most but not all having been arrested several times detective Mara grumbled knew that Jenna's desperation might have driven her to push Noah into his ill-fated marriage with Gertrude after all the union offered Jenna a Lifeline out of her financial woes the idea that her son's marriage could secure her future
was too tempting to resist but what cost when the police brought Jenna in for questioning she appeared frazzled and nervous dressed in faded jeans and a worn t-shirt she was a stark contrast to the polished image of Gertrude Jenna's hands shook as she lit a cigarette habit she had picked up again in recent months and her voice wavered as she answered the detective's questions Jenna admitted that she had encouraged Noah to Mary dirr painting it as an opportunity he couldn't pass up she spoke of the wedding held at a lapish Sedona Resort where Noah had
seemed out of place amidst the opulence Jenna claimed she had wanted the best for her son that she believed Gertrude could provide him and her with money something she had never been able to provide however when the conversation shifted to the drugs found at the scene Jenna became defensive she denied knowing anything about the massive amount of kills insisting that Noah must have taken them himself and gotten it from someplace else but detective Grunwald wasn't convinced Jenna's Financial struggles her involvement in illegal drug sales and her desperation to secure her future all pointed to her
involvement Under Pressure Jenna's responses became more erratic she began to contradict herself at one point claiming she hadn't seen Noah in days then later stating she had visited him him the night before his death her nervousness and inconsistent statements only deepen the police's suspicions despite her denials Jenna's connection to the drugs and her clear motive to ensure Noah's marriage work made her a prime suspect detective grundal knew Jenna was cunning ruthless and would do anything to protect herself even at the expense of her own son as the interrogation ended they were closer to unraveling the
truth but more pieces of the puzzle were still missing with both Gertrude Hartford Beasley and Jenna Beasley under scrutiny the police turned their attention to a third suspect Harry Hartford Gertrude's ex-husband at 70 years old Harry was a wealthy Real Estate Mogul with a reputation for being ruthless in both business and his personal life his most recent Venture involved developing retirement communities across Arizona a lucrative business that had only expanded his Empire Harry's relationship with Gertrude had ended in a bitter divorce just a few months before she married Noah but the divorce had been a
public spectacle gossiped about in Arizona's highest Social Circles kurru had walked away with a sizable portion of Harry's wealth leaving him angry and humiliated the timing of Noah's marriage to Gertrude a much younger boy toy had added insult of injury Harry's jealousy and lingering resentment made him a prime suspect in the investigation detective Marlo Grunwald and officer Tom Jenkins decided to bring Harry in for questioning when they arrived at his sprawling estate they found him in his home office surrounded by legal documents and Architectural blueprints Harry greeted them with a firm handshake his demeanor confident
and controlled unlike Jenna who had been nervous and agitated Harry was calm and collected almost as if he had been expecting their visit during the interrogation Harry was cooperative but his answers were carefully measured he admitted that he was angry about gertrud's new marriage describing it as a slap in my bleeping face however he denied any involvement in no 's death Harry explained that he had been busy with his business and had little contact with Gertrude or Noah since the divorce when asked about his whereabouts on the night of Noah's death Harry provided a solid
Alibi he claimed he had been at a business dinner in Phoenix meeting with potential investors several high-profile attendees could vouch for his presence making it difficult for the police to challenge his Alibi despite his cooperation detective grundal couldn't shake the feeling that Harry was hiding something his calmness seemed almost too practiced as if he had rehearsed his responses the fact that he had been seen arguing with Gertrude just days before Noah's death only added to the suspicion Witnesses had reported a heated exchange between the two at a local Country Club where Harry had reportedly told
der trouge she would regret their divorce while the police didn't have enough evidence to arrest Harry his possible motive jealousy and revenge kept him firmly in their sights the investigation was far from over and detective grumbled knew they had to dig deeper to uncover the truth on October 15 2021 just as the investigation seemed to be stalling a critical piece of new evidence emerged it was a cool sunny afternoon with clouds beginning to form over Sedona detective Marlo grundal was at the station reviewing the case files once again when officer Tom Jenkins rushed in holding
a sealed envelope it had been delivered anonymously to the station that morning raising immediate suspicion inside the envelope was a USB drop Drive the contents of the drive were shocking a series of text messages between Jude Hartford Beasley and an unknown contact dated just days before Noah's death the messages detail the plan Jude had been hatching to divorce Noah and cut him out of her will using her knowledge of Jenna Beasley's illegal drug dealings as legal leverage the messages were laced with Gertrude's frustration over Noah's Sullen attitude and lackluster sexual performance as her husband and
her growing impatience to rid herself of him sex with him is so vanilla one message read his bleep is smaller than my ring finger another chilling Tech stated if that bleep Jenna thinks she's getting away with this bleep she's got another thing coming I'll make sure she and that small bleet bleet pay the messages provided crucial insight into gertrud's mindset and her intentions it became clear that she had been orchestrating a plan to eliminate both Noah and Jenna from her life but the message is also hinted at the involvement of a third party someone who
was helping Gertrude gather information on Jenis prescription drug dealing detective Grunwald and her team immediately began tracing the origins of the messages they discovered that the Anonymous contact was in fact one of gertrud's private investigators someone she had hired to dig up dirt on Jenna in the days before she married Noah this investigator had uncovered Jenna's drug dealing record and was feeding Gertrude the information she needed to execute her plan the New Evidence painted a damning picture of Gertrude as a manipulative and vengeful woman willing to go to any lengths to get what she wanted
it also raised serious questions about Jenna's role in Noah's death had Jenna learned of gertrud's plan and acted out of desperation or was she merely a pawn in gertrud's Twisted game with this fresh evidence in hand the police intensified their focus on both Gertrude and Jenna the investigation took on a new urgency as it became clear that the truth was far more complex than anyone had initially suspected the pieces were starting to fall into place but the full story had yet to be revealed hey True Crime case solvers interested in more real life murder mysteries
be sure to like And subscribe to our Channel and do you have any thoughts about this case or have a case of your own you'd like us to investigate leave us a comment stay safe True Crime case solvers on October 20 2021 as the investigation neared its Breaking Point detective Mara gumbold received a breakthrough after analyzing the tech text messages found on the USB drive and cross referencing them with phone records it became clear that Jenna Beasley Nova's own mother was behind the deadly plot Jenna had been using her son as a sexual pawn driven
by desperation and greed the police now had enough evidence to arrest her Jenna Beasley 49 was a woman who saw Life as a constant struggle crushed by debt and haunted by poor Life Choices Jenna saw Noah's marriage to gertrud as her ticket out of financial ruin she was Terri ified that Noah who was not known to be sexually interested in women would leave Gertrude shattering Jenna's hopes for a steady supply of cash to ensure that wouldn't happen Jenna had been secretly feeding Noah prescription drugs and sexual enhancers to keep him compliant and Performing sexually but
her plan went terribly wrong when Noah accidentally overdosed taking far more than she had intended The Twist came when it was revealed that Gertrude unsatisfied with Noah's lack of sexual enthusiasm as a husband had been planning to divorce him and cut both him and Jenna out of her life she had discovered Jenna's drug dealings and intended to use that information to keep them out of her money but Jenna desperate to keep the marriage intact took matters into her own hands on the night of Noah's death Jenna had given him a stronger dose of the drugs
woking to calm him down but Noah distraught over his Loveless marriage and fearful of Gertrude's viciousness took even more pills on his own leading to a fatal overdose Jenna hadn't meant to kill her son but her actions directly caused his death when the police confronted Jenna with the evidence she initially denied everything her demeanor was panicked and frantic a stark contrast to her earlier calm but as detective Grunwald laid out the damning messages and phone records Jenna's defenses crumbled Jenna claimed she never intended to kill her son only to keep him in the marriage until
they could secure their financial future Jenna's arrest sent shock waves through the small towns of Sedona and K wood Noah's family was devastated by the Revelation that his own mother had caused his death the community already shaken by the bizarre circumstances of the marriage was now grappling with the tragic reality that greed and Desperation had led to such a senseless loss as Jenna was led away in handcuffs she appeared numb unable to fully grasp the gravity of her actions the Beasley family overwhelmed by grief expressed their sorrow and disbelief struggling to come to terms with
what had happened the arrest marked the end of a dark chapter in seda's history but the pain and shock would linger for a long time Jenna Beasley's trial began in early December 2022 the courtroom was packed with reporters from Outlets like the Arizona Republic and True Crime weekly eager to cover the shocking details of the case the prosecution led by assistant district attorney Mark Christensen 42 painted Jenna as a manipulative and desperate woman who had placed her own financial needs above the life of her son Christensen known for his sharp intellect and Relentless pursuit of
Justice argued that Jenna's actions were premeditated and driven by greed he pointed to the text messages phone records and Jenna's own confession as irrefutable evidence of her guilt the defense headed by public defender carita Vasquez 28 countered by portraying Jenna as a troubled mother who had made a terrible mistake Vasquez a seasoned attorney with a reputation for compassion argued that Jenna never intended to kill Noah she emphasized Jenna's Financial struggles her desperation to secure a better future for her family and the fact that Noah's death was accidental Vasquez appealed to the jury's sympathy asking them
to consider Jenna's difficult circumstances and the pressure she was under throughout the trial Noah's family watched in agony his mother's actions had torn their family apart and the pain was evident in their tearful Expressions the prosecution's case was strong but the defenses argu for leniency struck a cord with some jurors on December 15 2022 the jury delivered their verdict Jenna Beasley was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter the jury believed that while Jenna's actions had caused Noah's death there was not enough evidence to prove that she had intended to kill him the courtroom was silent as
the verdict was read with Jenna showing little reaction her face pale un expressionless the judge sentenced Jenna to 10 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 5 years the sentence was met with mixed reactions some felt it was too lenient given the tragic loss of Noah's life While others believed it was fair considering Jenna's desperate circumstances for Noah's family the verdict brought little Comfort they were left to Grapple with the reality that their loved one was gone taken by the very person who was supposed to protect him the town of Sedona too was
left to processed the disturbing events that had unfolded in their midst a stark reminder of how greed and Desperation can lead to Unthinkable actions in the months following Jenna Beasley's sentencing the impact of the case continued to resonate deeply within the Sedona Community the trial had left a lasting mark on everyone involved from the Beasley family to local residents Jenna Beasley was sent to the Arizona State Prison Complex in Perryville a high security facility located near Phoenix in prison Jenna faced a challenging environment her case had received significant media attention and she was often the
subject of gossip and judgment from fellow inmates the prison system offered her limited opportunities for rehabilitation and support leaving her to reflect on the tragic consequences of her actions Jenna spent her time participating in prison programs aimed at addressing substance abuse and mental health issues hoping to find some sense of redemption and prepare for her eventual release despite the turmoil life in Sedona gradually returned to normal the town held a memorial for Noah at a local park attended by friends family and and residents who wish to honor his memory the event featured live music and
speeches celebrating Noah's life and dreams it was a somber reminder of the young man whose life was cut short and it offered the community a chance to come together and support one another as for the media coverage of the case eventually faded making way for new stories and developments however the impact of Noah's death and the subsequent trial continued to serve as a poignant reminder of the consequences of desperation and greed a affecting everyone who had been touched by the tragic events of October 2021
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