one of the names of Allah is so he is the from comes into so these are describing different stages of creation because Allah creates things in stages I mean he says be and it is but his Sunnah is that things are created in stages like the human Janine even the human being the first human being Adam and he'll get into that so um and then the is the one who actually brings the form of the thing out so the the the basic material is created and then from that material it begins to emerge into uh
different things and from those different things the speciation happens so Allah so he's and and and so he says that he's this term is from uh IB Cena is is the first one that uses this term and the idea behind it because the dominant uh theological position of our umah is that that that every when you this is the argument from contingency that when you look at things created things they're contingent in other words they're from the realm of possibilities they don't have to have existed they they exist based on something else so like we
weren't here and now we're here before we were here our parents were here and then before they were here our grandparents and then our great- grandparents if you go back some people knew their great- grandparents but if you get great great grandparents it's very rare that somebody would have ever known their great great grandparents but the the basic idea is that we were nothing and now we're a thing so what was that contingent upon what what what did it rest upon it rested Upon A that brings us into existence that decides that we will come
into existence and so the the the position of the Muslims is that like the Christians and the Jews that creation is ex nio it it would it came out of nothing and for it to come out of nothing means that it's it's contingent and and so what is because this is It's contingently existent it's the the because it could exist or it could not exist both possibilities existed before it came into existence just like a unicorn a unicorn exists in our mind nobody's ever seen a unicorn as far as we know but somebody imagined it
so you can imagine things but then imagining a horse with a horn is not that uh far-fetched because there are many animals that have horns right I mean even a rhinoceros basically has that horn there so you can imagine a horse with a horn like a Nar whale it's a whale with a horn that actually exists but for for a a unicorn to come into existence in reality it would need somebody to bring that not in the realm of imagination but in the realm of actualization so Allah is because he's the only existent reality that
is not contingent upon something else so he's necessarily existing he exists out of necessity everything else exists out of uh contingency but he exists out of necessity he's and so he said he because he is the and we use this Mazin you know the subub he's he's the the uh the subub of every existent thing right because everything is it came in with a there's some behind it some some cause and and and not in we use these terms very carefully in theology because of the problem of you know calling like God the first cause
in the sense of a cause and an effect relationship so he he is is from him and by him in other words it em it emanates from his Kun right it comes out of Allah's creative power and it's be it can only be through him right he's the he's the means by which we come into existence he is the reality behind uh our existence the means is the material that he creates first and then brings us out of that so then he says Uh there's two types of created things the the celestial intelligible so there
there are things that that are understood uh in in in in we we we comprehend them and they're intelligible they're they're immaterial like angels angels are not Material they can take form but they're not actual material beings they're immaterial they're Spiritual Beings so substance when you look at substance there's material substance im an immaterial substance so they have substance but it's immaterial so that's those are the and then there's the they're the terrestrial sensible things that we can actually see and touch and feel and that's the realm that we exist in down here but then
we go into like the malakut we go into we have access to dream worlds true dreams so we go into other worlds so we know there's other dimensions that are intelligible but they're not uh we don't experience them by sensoria we experience them uh through the medium of our minds and then he says uh that so those Celestial intelligibles were created before the the the the Tres this is why IM says so he says in that look into yourself first that's where you begin and then look into the because ibraim was told to look into
the malakut of the heavens and the Earth that we have access to that through understanding think about where things come from because all of this we see like you see a a a tree under the tree is all these roots that we don't see the only time we see the roots is when the tree is uprooted right like the wind comes and it knocks the tree over and then you see these roots or you get a mud slide and then you see this whole root structure that's the Unseen World so there's a whole source of
this world that we're in that comes from the Unseen that we don't see but it's real it's called even the material scientists know that most of the Universe I mean they actually say around 95% of the universe is dark matter we don't see it they know it's there but we don't see it so it's just like the light spectrum nobody before we had access to infra and Ultra red light nobody knew that there were other lights hummingbirds see colors we don't see they they have actually access to colors that we don't have access to based
on uh their eyes so so even in the phys physical world there are things that are unseen that now we can measure because we have material uh technology that enables us to measure them we have microscopes so we see this whole Unseen World that was hidden from us before now we see it so people in you know the Ancients understood these things I mean dragons where did dragons come from you know those are it's all comes from going deep inside through meditation through going inside they saw things there's sea creatures we don't even know about
there's sea creatures that have never been seen before in the ocean that we don't even know about I mean they for a long time they didn't even think the giant squid existed then they found the marks of it on whales because there's a fight between whales and giant squid in the in the ocean it's only recently that they they had they thought they were sailor wives tales about these giant squid but these giant squid exist so just like in the seen world there's all these unseen things that people thought were wives tales and then you
find out later that they actually believe in them that's probably not a politically correct thing to say wives tales yes we'll say husband's Tales yeah so so so uh so then he says so he says then go to the Celestial realm and then go to the lower realm this terrestrial realm you will see a creation with wisdom you know this this is a this is a a warp and and and wo of of wisdom by a hand an all powerful hand creation it's been woven with wisdom by by by the Divine Weaver's hand and and
people you know they don't see the patterns because they're not looking but if you start looking you'll see the patterns so then he says that the it's and this is for for the students here you know when when it's put into the generally it means that it it has some weakness in it in the narration so he's saying that it's been related that that the first thing that Allah created was the pen and then the the and then the uh the tablet and Allah said to it write what is going to be uh existent until
the end of time and so that is the Matrix everything is written in that and one of the things about the modern world which is very interesting is that the uh you know we now have in our hand these these um these telephones that are like a and there's all the it's everything in there it's all it's all you could just click on and look up anything you want the theory of relativity just click it on they'll explain it to you eal mc² and then they'll give a whole you can even read what Einstein said
about it it's all there you can look up anyi you can look up any it's all there on this and when Jobs first introduced it he introduced it with the of Moses that was on when he when he first revealed it he showed the the and so here's the in our hand and we don't think Allah has all the information everything we've ever done every because that that you you have walking around with you can tell you where you were if you if it was with you it'll tell you where you were what store you
went in now the police use it to track people if they were there or not they'll know if you're in an accident whether be on your phone or not so this is all this is all Material Sciences that has have has achieved this and we don't think that Allah subhana wa T can't monitor everything can't Allah says that the angels are writing everything down they're recording yes I mean they're literally recording everything right they're recording everything in a digital book I mean Allah uses that term is is digit is digitalized so it's a book that
is it's it's a book that everything is written in it it's a numbered book and so Allah is showing all this and 01 on off I mean that's how it's all done with zero one there's only one and zero there's Allah and nothing everything else is zero and so everything's recorded now like this and so we're in this world where all these signs are so manifest and yet people are more heedless than ever the Ancients didn't have any of the signs that we have and they were more aware more present with God so then he
says so this is also uh very weak but it's related and uh you know some of them they don't uh they consider it not you know to be but anyway it's related and he's using it IM also in the end of his he has a whole section on the importance of the so the is very important we have and reason and Revelation reason is very important without without reason we we have no access to Revelation so Allah has given us an we're not so the is is is Central in our tradition but the Revelation is
necessary the actually have a view that the can reach truth without Revelation our tradition says no the there's too many blind spots in the intellect there's too many and and there's certain things that it could never know it could never work out except through Revelation but it's important and so he says uh that he Allah said to so he said come and it came and then he said go and it went and and then Allah said in this tradition so by you I I reckon and and and by you so I in other words I
punish and I reward and and I uh withhold or prevent and upon you is my reward and My Punishment so I I take and I give uh I I withhold and I give Bashar so now he's going to move into a philosophical position which this is a very debated position in the amongst the uh philosophers and things about the what they call the so uh but he's obviously inclines towards this position so he so it's indicating that this is a a noble Essence and from it emanate the human intellects so there is a view that
the the this first intellect is is where abstraction comes from that without it we would not be able to abstract so to use a really poor analogy it's like the hard drive for the software of our individual intelligences so it's like the cloud so we're tapping into this and that's how we're able to abstract and get Beyond uh what the animals are in the animals are only in perception they perceive but we conceive so we can actually conceptualize and this is something that differentiates us from other creatures so so this the first intellect so he
means the philosophers and some of them said that the intellect here refers to uh it's it's an expression for the afor mentioned pen in in the previous uh tradition and Allah knows best so he's he's saying Allah he he's not really taking a position here but he does indicate that he inclines towards that position of so after that Allah made the heavens and all of the the immaterial uh substances the spiritual matters excuse me so they are neither uh puffed up with pride uh from from from Devotion to God nor do they weary of that
devotion they don't get tired so these are creatures that are created solely for the worship of Allah subhana wa taala um they they don't have Shah they don't have animality they have pure Spirit uh the Angelic realm and so his creation of all of these things is by way of which is unparalleled creativity in other words is is there's no previous template so all of human creativity is from previous templates like whenever they do aliens or any of these fantasy things there's always why do they have hands and faces and they speak and because they
can only work from pre-existing templates they cannot conceptualize anything outside of some type of experience they've had whereas Allah can do from from there's no pre pre pre ordained template there's there's nothing that Allah is working on there's no iterative process where H I'll try this or I'll try that it's so the is the one the originator of the heavens and the Earth without any prior existent thing to to to suggest to God what he should do what God should do so so it's it is is to create a thing without any prior thing uh
uh that enables that thing to come into existence it's not from some pre-existing thing or idea or template so this is a premodern type of and and I I I do think it's it's perfectly valid it's more poetic uh than it is scientific but it it's based on uh experience so so so then he says then he created the four elements so the the are the four elements most pre- uh modern cosmologies believed in four or five elements so for instance in in if you go to ayurveda if you go to the the Hindu tradition
you'll find um they they have these the elements if you go to the Chinese tradition they have the five elements if you go to the Greek tradition they have the four elements so there was this idea of what were the fundamental elements I mean now we know with the the table of elements that there's over hundred different types of elements there's a lot of ele but all of them will go back to to these basic things and so in that way if if you just look at it at a basic level these things are true
so so like you can say radium is an element but it comes out of the element of of fire right because it's it's it's it's heat it's a type of uh radiation so um and and so that's har which is heat bua which is cold it's the absence of heat right bua and Thena which is wet or moist and then yusa which is dry so these four elements human beings we have these in our bodies according to this traditional model foods are hot wet cold or dry so for instance dates are hot and dry so
if you eat a lot of dates and you're hot and dry they'll they can they can actually create disruptions like you you can break out in rashes things like that this is all experimental muar as the Arabs say morania they know these things very well because I was eating a lot of dates when I was there Mariam kind of felt sorry for me because it the food was so limited people from a West Africa know about this I mean some it's amazing H How uh few things that people live on out in the desert so
she would get the dates out and I ate a lot of dates and then I broke out and they all said ah eating too much it's hot and dry so they understood that it's muar so so then these elements were created and then the jamat these the jamat in the perer tree you have you know you have the substance and then the the first thing you have is it material immaterial and then is it living or is it non-living so if it's non-living it's jamad these are called jamad and then the the living is the
namat so then then is it is it vegetable or animal right so so the namat are the are the the things that grow and then the are the the animal things so these are sensient beings and then and then he completed Creation with this human form so this it's in Muslim it's actually from it's one of the of Muslim but it's actually from um and it's it obviously can't be taken literally um but it's it's about the the creation it's from the is because they have these beliefs also um and the that human being was
created on the on in the last of the day so then he says so when we speak about creation most of the time we will say that a thing comes we mentioned the thing that it comes from before it so Allah created the human being from from Earth so the human being is Created from Earth and then he says and then there's a composite so we are composite unlike Allah subhana wa tala in the in the western Scholastic tradition they say that God is simple but that means that it just means that God is Not
composite there's no hypostasis in God according to the Jews and the and the Muslims the Christians have a different view on that but our tradition is very clear we are radical monotheist and that God is one and and that there's no composite nature to God nor are there more than one God so God is neither composite in uh the divine nature in other words there's no parts so it negates and it negates neither of them and so so then from everything we created in pairs so everything is created in pairs even the atom right when
you get down to that basic fundamental structure you'll find these pairs these opposites Allah has created glory be to the one who created everything in pairs these are these are what now this term is used a lot but it's true the they're binaries Allah has created things this is a binary world there's up there's down it's all opposites there's hot there's cold there's wet there's dry right there's intelligence there's stupidity everything is in pairs Allah has put everything in pairs even our bodies are paired Allah has put us in in in in in these pairs
and then he made for us we made from yourselves mates pairs opposites not the same opposites I mean that's really important they're opposites as zo is opposite the left and the right foot they're not the same they're opposites they're mirror opposites in the same way that male and female are mirror opposites the the woman when she sees the man she sees her internal reality when the man looks at the woman he sees his internal reality men are hard on the outside they're soft on the inside women are tough on the inside but they're soft on
the outside this is the F of Allah subhana wa tala that's why women have immense capacity to Bear pain it's well known anybody that's worked in medicine knows this you know get these old ladies you do a arterial uh blood draw on them I'm fine go ahead sweetie you know and then you get the big biker you know starts crying I'm not making that up am I Dr Yousef you seen that huh yeah so so then so then he says everything from these from these extraordinary uh unprecedented Creations are complete there's absolutely no deficiency or
defect in them if there was any defect or deficiency it would indicate a defect in the the the one who made or created them so as for the created one who is composite by Nature it's it's possible he can have deficiency but that that deficiency comes not from the original template not from the original creation it comes later so in other words like birth defects all these things that happen these are from different things that have entered into uh when when people don't I mean there's a lot of reasons for them there's genetic reasons but
they're they're they're not from the original they're not from the original the way Allah created Allah created everything perfect but then because sin enters the world because of the and this not to say that people that have unfortunately some cultures they actually believe that there like a punishment things like that there's a lot of reasons now we there's environmental reasons you can be exposed to toxins and you get children that are born with birth defects and things like that so this is all it's not from the original creation that's his point so don't think that
effects that you see are from God's creation they're actually secondary effects all right then he says so this is an idea I mean I think he's referring to what they call the super lunary world um you know the the the the the in the in the celestial realm are free from any possibility of corruption so things in this world can be corrupted even our own physical uh uh genetics there can corruption can actually come in so so but he's saying that in in that higher world there's no uh realm it stays in its pure State
now they used to think I mean the atian view was that everything in the Heavenly world was perfect everything revolved in perfect circles you had uh Tommy who created the epicycles to explain retrograde motion in planets because he wanted everything Circle was the perfect because the circle is is is is a perfect form because it it has no beginning and no end so it represents in that way a kind of symbolization of of of the Divine reality and that's why the circle was often used for that effect um we you know we make a circle
around a square which is very interesting when we do ta the squared Circle right we make a circle around a square in the in the so that's just part of Allah's creation is that he's he's he's put all these Mysteries into it and so then what the the human being is two human beings Adam so Adam is is the first human being and Adam is from most of them say it's from udma you know because he was taken from the top soil of of all the Earth Allah took and that's why we have white black
brown yellow we have all these different colors red because all of the different soils are are there in in Adam and so we have what they call recessive genes the dominant gene is dark right we know that so light comes out of the so and that's why Adam was tny he was dark and ha was dark they had to have been ha in Arabic is one of the meanings of it is very dark so so so so that's the first uh he's the father of humanity so he um really amongst human beings he takes the
place of the seed from it o other others were created so from the seed comes other seeds right so he's the first so Allah took it upon Allah to create Adam directly without intermediary and also to uh educate him to raise him and to teach him so he says to what has prevented you from prostrating or bowing down to us bowing down uh to what I have created with my own hand and Adam was taught Allah taught Adam all of the names so so in Arabic is a mark and the as we know the Kun
form writing the original writing was actually it was to imprint into mud and so Allah subhana wa tala is saying that it's been imprinted in us this knowledge of naming and what naming is is naming is being able to see the universal in the particular this is the gift that Allah has given the human being is called abstraction he sees the universal in the particular and so what this is essentially we have been created as we are making everything one so so the MU is the one who who makes something one so when we talk
about book like I say this is a book what is a book this is one book but what is a book how is it that our intellects can derive out of one particular book the concept of book so we can have big books little books fat books skinny books written books picture books Japanese books Persian books Arabic books but they're all books what is that our ability to see the bookness of a book that is the ability to make many one and that is the that's what Adam has been taught to do he's been taught
to make many one so all of these attributes of God that look like PL pluralities that in many cultures they end up being worshiped like Shiva and Khali right these are different these are attributes of God but they they personified into actual other than God beside God right so seeing the many in the one seeing the one in the many not the many not getting you have been distracted by multiplicity you're distracted by Multiplicity until you go to the source right you're distracted I mean means obviously also accumulation of wealth but multiplicity is so you're
distracted by multiplicity so Allah subhana wa tal has given us this gift that he taught Adam and then his children by extension he created them also the Creator but he made their their nurturing and their education by means both material and immaterial both material and immaterial bodily and spiritual so our parents are the source of our material existence and the immature is the angels that are actually they they they they are the ones that make sure everything's happening properly so they're actually with us all the time they're are guardians but they're also in the womb
they're making sure that everything is happening that's meant to happen for good or ill so the the uh the child and see the is and Allah says look at this for all these pro-abortion people the is 40 days a weren't you a like you were never a n we were all right which is the Zat and it's not 40 days this Hadith is actually a more correct because there are different uh narrations of this Hadith so the idea of 120 has been clearly uh disproven by modern embryology and science will dictate if it's absolute if
it's then you have to reinterpret theith if science is you have to reinterpret the Hadith so we don't have any doubt about the embryological stages anymore this this is and so the idea that it's 120 days is just it's even though that is the jam the vast majority there are that said 40 days but it's clear that it's 40 days so so here and then Allah so it becomes and then it becomes it becomes it clings to the womb so it embeds the zot moves down so the fallopian tube when the bua comes out and
then the the men comes they meet and that is an incredible meeting because that is the moment of creation that Allah is bringing a new creation into existence and all of us went through that and when they meet immediately biological Life Begins the bua doesn't it's it's not biological life the many is not biological life right when they meet biological Life Begins and this is a completely unique set of in any form that he create to to combine you Allah says that in the Quran he combined you and now they talk about combinatorial DNA Allah
combined the human being from all of the Prophet alaihi wasam said every child every single human being from Adam and Eve all the way down to your creation every single one of them participated in your coming into existence and we know that now with Material Sciences the prophet told us that who told the prophet that so he says that that it becomes embeds into the womb and then it becomes a it the initial stages it looks like a chewed piece of Flesh and you can see this now with microscopes they they see this look chew
piece of Flesh and then it becomes after the and then it becomes and then Allah creates a new creation so the angel brings in the and this is the beginning I think because the first brain waves that we detect are around are at around seven weeks so it's around 40 days you you see the beginning of actually brain activity so Consciousness is emerging in the human being because the Consciousness is from is from the and because your parents are the means by which you came into existence Allah has magnified their right and he has necessitated
after giving gratitude to Allah to give gratitude to your P to your parents to thank me and to thank your parents and to me is your return we call the the the the W is called which which is from uh I built the building so what he's saying there is very interesting the the the Banny didn't create the materials he's just putting them together so he's the source but he's not the the real Source he's just putting them together so now so to make mention of the elements in by which the human being has come
into existence so he mentioned these elements that he created Adam and he mentioned that he created the human being through seven degrees there's seven stages and and he indicates this in different places uh based upon uh what what the wisdom of it requires so whatever the wisdom required Allah makes mention in one place he said so when he said he created him from T this is to indicate the very beginning the very initiation of creation is from T and then he said and then from from uh mud which is the the mixture of the two
which is now he's mixed water with Earth right because we're water and Earth if you look at human constituent the constituents that make up the human being it's water and Earth we're about 70% water as you get older you dry out more but we're about 70 children have even more why we have to hydrate all the time because we're water and then we're Earth We're made up of the same elements it has all all these elements that you find in Earth you're going to find in the human being calcium and potassium and all these different
elements so so then now he's added oxygen to the mix and it becomes so it's and it's also black so it's a black uh clay that has a smell because of the the the the oxygen and this is an indication because when he refused to bow down to Adam one of the things he says what I'm going to bow down to something like black clay like he actually points out the color of the clay because he's Fire and Fire the hottest fire what's it look like is White Fire you know he's like very proud of
his his coloration like he's looking so if you want to know from that's one of the Hallmarks is that they have no problem with color either way the prophet wasam said he went both ways there's no preference and he also didn't collectivize he didn't say there's no preference of whites over black he said because it goes down to the individual level I was in New York and this man said to me you know he's tell me how you're you you're uh he said you you're a recipient of white privilege I said I I don't use
those terms he said well because because you benefit from it I said well give me an example of white privilege he said well I was in a building and these two cops came in and they and and uh and I I immediately said hey I didn't do it and one of the cops said you're the right color he said that's white privil I said no it's not that's racism that's that's the problem is in the cop don't don't project that onto me I'm I'm not going to feel ashamed the way Allah created me you know
it's a big problem but this is this is the source of it is it's it's kber it's an arrogance in the heart so so then he said so now it's become that it's ready to have form so it's read like a Potter forms the clay at a certain point it's ready for him to make he has to prepare the clay and then he can begin to Fashion what he's going to Fashion so he's saying it's and then and then it's dried and you as if you can hear the Sal like a a ringing in it
and then finally this is the seventh the sixth stage and then it becomes like this firing phase where it's it's like a ready for firing so it's ready to be fired to be put into uh the the the the stove so it it becomes like is is like Potter's it's the ceramic so it's ready to be is finished to be prepared they say is p porcelain right the Chinese ceramic and because of this fiery potentiality in the human being because there's there's there's fire this force of fire the human being has a demonic uh susceptibility
because of the fire in the human being the human beings is susceptible to that fiery element to become like a demon I mean look see his IST Bal is so beautiful so he's saying and this is why Allah said the human being Man was created from the human being was created from this fired clay and then immediately after and he created the Jin there's a relationship because we have the element of fire in us there's a relationship that we have a susceptibility to become like Jin like the demons and then marri what is marri n
you know is is inst it's there's an instability to it so the demons are unstable they're not stable right that's why people that are under demonic influence are become un they're completely unstable right so so it's like it it doesn't have any whereas we're Earth so we have a kind of there's a there's a there there's a grounding to us and healthy human beings we say he's very grounded like this what we say and and for people that aren't well you say flighty you know they're like Airy they're not you know there's they're not grounded
there's no substance there's nothing there right so then he says so by mentioning the Jin immediately after that he has demonic potentiality to the degree with which there is the effects of the fire from his original creation so he's from this this unstable um this unstable flame that has no uh grounding and then Allah subhana waala has reminded us of the completion of the human being by the blowing of the spirit into him into the human being I am creating a human being from clay so I when I have made him and then breathed into
him the r and this is now the Bowing down of the Angels so these are the seven stages that Allah has indicated just as you see it went through these seven stages now look at this and then he indicated the completion of the human being of the Soul with knowledges and you know audition by saying and we taught Adam all the Nam Nam all of them and then after that he mentions the creation of the children of Adam and the elements from which they're created stage after stage so we are also created in seven degrees
just like Adam was created in these seven degrees we are created in seven degrees so look at the seven degrees we created the human being from a chain beginning with Earth two and then we made the zot into this clinging thing three and then we created four we created the and then we created the five and then we covered the the the the with with meat with flesh we clothed it clothed it in flesh seven and then we created a new creation another creation a unique creation so blessed is God the the best most beautiful
of creators now look at this this very important first of all and are both used in the Quran is with is without when you have one over the other you will take uh the the uh like if if you have if a narration has Thum and Fa then the meaning is going to be fa right because Thum has the meaning of fa as well right so so it's very interesting that Allah says because this means that they're very close together in fact can be actually used to be you know you can say s his his
son um his son ruled and then the father so can actually doesn't have to be always has doesn't have to have t in Arabic but always has t so so it's an indication that this was quicker than uh is indicated by the other narrations that use and also in Allah uses but here he uses so this is the rationality this is the new creation this is when we become human before that we're vegetable and then animal now we're human right and and this happens very early people it's a human being in the womb it's a
human being now look at this why did he say and then we clothed the bones with flesh he didn't say we created from it flesh like he said about the other things so if you look at it's all and then he says he doesn't say he says and then he says this is to a very subtle thing of Allah's creation that the when it becomes eventually these bones and then he creates the flesh this is a new creation he made it like a cloth just as a human being wears a garment and he wears it
out and then it's renewed like that the flesh you can cut it and you can lose a piece of it it grows back so he's saying because the is renewed it's renewed it's not like the other things if you if you sever the bone you lose the bone but the the the flesh can be renewed and this is why they have grafting and all these things right I mean grafting is basically you get cloth from you know and then you add it on and it grows back amazing if you sever meat from an animal it
will grow back but it's not like bones that won't uh be restored after they've been severed so what if it said how can you say that all of creation all of humanity was created from a a chain beginning with mud when when Adam was the one that was created and not his children we can this can be said looked at from two different perspectives when Allah subhana created Adam from a chain from clay his children by extension are also from that chain but the second so the human being he who he he comes out of
this nah is Created from this and then continues to grow from the the blood that comes into the nourishment right from the I mean he's in this the placenta like he says I think uh I mean generally is the menstrual blood but obviously it doesn't mean that but is also is also so it's also related to so comes out you know it's it's out of the the the the pregnancy so the very fact that it comes out of the blood of the pregnancy so it could be is the blood of the pregnancy in other words
the the child is being nurtured by the mother's blood so they both came from uh from nourishment and nourishment comes from animals and animals get their uh growth from uh vegetables and vegetables come out of the Earth and so we're all from a you can look at it from that perspective so in reality the human being is from a chain from Earth let the human being look at his food or her [Music] food so so look at the being look at his food we we poured on it water and then we uh caused it to
from to split from the earth and then we brought forth the seed and then from that all those things that come out and and then we place that n in a safe place not a place to be violated by a doctor it's a safe place it's a safe [Music] place and he created you from Earth and then from a and then he made you into Pairs and so he's saying again that we we he says we're from Earth [Music] and from among God's signs that God created you from Earth and then there you are human
beings multiplying spreading [Music] everywhere the one who perfected everything that that that God created he made it beautiful and perfect and and initiated the creation of the human being from Earth from mud and it's what is meant by human being here is Adam and then Allah says we made Adam's offs spring from a chain from aah Mahana is contempt you know it's something low you know it's it's like a vile fluid is a fluid that you know I mean somebody would be disgusted by it so so that's and Mna is like menial work you know
menial menial labor they call and one of and she must she was obviously a true Master of the Arabic language but when when when she was asked what the prophet was like in the house she said he was in doing menial tasks for his like she she didn't say she was pointing out through the language that he did things that maybe other people wouldn't think you know very interesting like doing those things that maybe most people wouldn't want to do like cleaning something that I wish he would have gone into but he's saying I could
go into more detail but it's not a appropriate for this book I'm amazing book it's trust me it just G it gets more and more intense and then he ends it and it's uh yeah