Realise when it’s time to let go

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hi guys I know this is not my usual setting but I was actually going to bed and um I felt called to do this video and it's basically about letting go knowing when to let go and uh how to let go and the reason why I want to do this video is because for the past days I have been helping a friend of mine giving him advice on how to let go of a job that he has been working at for 7 years and uh it's like his career field and he just stopped growing in
that career so he began to feel miserable and um the boss kept promising him stuff but never delivering on it and he basically told me Liz what what should I do and I told him you have to leave you know when you're stuck in a situation like that where you're miserable people are promising your stuff they're not delivering on it or you're stuck in a relationship what you need to do you need to think about I was reading this book yeah in um the art of thinking clearly it talked about something it's called the sun
cost fallacy Sun cost fallacy basically means you don't have to look at how much time or energy you spend into something as a reason as why you should stay you should look at what is the future of this thing like it doesn't matter how much time or energy you put in if the future of it is not going to get better if if you have put put years into that relationship and energy and whatever but you're unhappy and you see your future in that relationship being unhappy then there's no point in staying if the same
with with the company or your work if if it's not going up there's no point in staying first thing I what you should do is realize when you're being manipulated when a person is promising you stuff and never delivering on it you are being manipulated if someone is is telling you even if a boss is telling you yeah you will get this position if you do this then you do that thing and you still don't get that position that's manipulation because it like they're promising you stuff but they're never delivering on it you know same
way in the relationship they're promising you to change they're promising you that they'll do better or whatever it won't happen again but then it does manipulation they're just saying anything to make you stay if if the words don't match the actions you leave you guys need to stop believing people on words people are full of okay let's be honest here like it's so easy to lie why would not everyone lie you know if I wanted to keep a girl but I know I I like I'm not serious with her but I can just sleep around
with her I would also lie to her to make her stay you know why not if I can why not you know most most people don't feel bad when they do that and you need to realize that not everyone has a good heart or morals or or feel feels bad about the stuff no most people don't and you guys need to start realizing that the world is really harsh when the words do not match the action see I had so many people in my life screaming to me Liz I love you I love you but
then they would do stuff to me that was so shitty that I would think like how is this love you know and then you have me I'm verbally I don't say that much like oh I love you but I will always show with my actions that I respect you I love you and I'm loyal to you like my actions will always show I don't talk I show you and that's how you have to look at people look at your boss is are they just talking or are they actually giving me what I want and what
they promised me look at your relationship the same way other thing is what they can easily get will never be valued okay and also if you're easy like if you're loyal to a company that is literally not giving you what you want but promising making false promises also they will not value you because see with my friend the issue was what his boss did is he promised promised promised never delivered but the boss knew the guy would never leave he's so loyal to this company he knew he would not leave so he knew this Behavior
could go on for years and years without him really doing anything you know and they would even say like oh no he will never leave doesn't matter whatever that's how these people start to disrespect you start to Value yourself you know start to Value what you want and what you think that you deserve relationships don't get too easily with people make them literally work for you make people prove especially if you're going into relationship with a man make that man prove to you that he's worthy of being with you because in this day and age
and I truly believe this is the issue with most relationship these days is because we we've created this whole thing of like oh no uh they don't have to do anything anymore everything is equal this and that so then you have men that don't want to show up and be men anymore they're just like okay whatever I I don't have to do anything so they're not going to do anything and even worse they want to take from the woman now yes I do believe in equality I do believe a man and a woman should be
equal and and I'm happy if that's the way it is but at the end of the day if if you like make it so easy for a man to get with you and he doesn't have to do anything at all and he can still be in a relationship with you they will abuse that power they will abuse that power and that is not an that's not equality you know cuz again they're more powerful over you because you're giving yourself away for nothing this person doesn't even appreciate you respect you doesn't do anything for you and
you're just giving yourself you're giving your time value yourself making someone uh literally prove to you that they're a good person with their actions is valuing yourself that is self-respect there's just nothing worse than waste of time wasted time on people don't waste your time your your time is valuable you guys like literally I've heard so many older people say time flies like this today you're 20 years old tomorrow you're 80 and it flies like this don't waste your time on dumb people don't waste your time on dumb people don't put your energy into people
that promise you stuff don't deliver don't go to people that don't respect you or are toxic because you're lonely and you don't have anyone so I'll just stay with them but then you end up being miserable again they're taking away from you they're taking away from your years and you end up feeling bad about yourself you end up feeling insecure and thinking that you cannot do anything bad those kind of bosses those kind of relationship people what they will do is they will make it seem like you are this is the only good thing you
will ever get like you cannot get any better than this and that is just such like that's one of the things they do with their manipulation yeah they have to make you feel like you cannot get do anything better so that toxic partner will make you feel like you cannot get anyone better than him or anyone that treats you with decency and respect they will make you actually believe that or your job they will make you believe that oh you cannot get anywhere better you will not be paid better you will not get the same
uh respect or position what that's such like stop listening to these people it's not true it's not true order to to control you they have to make you feel this small but you have the power to take to take that back and be like no you know what I deserve much better and I'm capable of much better and yes I can get much better than you and you can there's literally billions of people in this world and you think this one douchebag is your only option please there's literally so many companies you can start your
own company there's so many options in this world money is only an energy if you start to understand money in an energetic way you also start to realize it doesn't have to be this hard he stocks people constantly benefit from putting you down and making you feel this small but like stop it has to stop and the only Power you have right now is to take your own power back you gave away your power to those people those people are not powerful without your energy that you gave to them that company is nothing without you
that company needs you you don't need them that toxic person needs you you don't need them you think anyone wants to be with someone that treats them like nobody wants to do that so when they're telling you you can't do anything better they're actually projecting onto you they can't do anything better that company cannot find a better employee than you that partner cannot find a better partner than you because you're the only one that wants to put up with their stuff nobody else wants to do that whether it's a company whether it's a relationship that
thing whatever it is should always add to your life and not take away from it for example the my friend that works for a company he completely doesn't have any time anymore uh for his friends or family constantly working constantly working became miserable his relationships are failing um so and he doesn't even make enough money to make up for that you know so it's like his relationships are completely failing and the company is taking away from his relationship his person personal life it shouldn't do that if you're doing a job that job should add you
should make your money and and you should like you should still have your life you should still have be able to keep your relationships and the same way you know I'm going to say one thing have a partner and you have a good family that cares about you and your family says that this guy is not good for you or this girl is not good for you and they can see it and and you actually also know there's kind of red flags but you still choose that partner over your family and you lose your family
because you chose that partner that's a dumb decision I'm going to say it here that's a dumb decision if you have a good family I'm not talking about toxic families if you have a family that actually cares about you once that toxic person that got you away from your family knows that you don't have anyone anymore and you're not communicating with your family anymore you're done you're done you're literally like caged for them because they have all control now every time you want to leave they'll they'll say where do you want to go you don't
have anyone they they literally feed off of this you cannot catch me go against literally the people that I love because of a man honestly truly us had friends co-workers people that I used to know tell me that they did this when when they had a good family and they said it was the worst decision of my life the person became abusive the person literally did anything and everything to me and um yeah at the end of the day they felt isolated so much trauma coming out of it because you're not talking to anyone anymore
you don't have anyone to go to now you only have this one toxic person and you're isolated with them with them that sometimes people around you that love you you might feel like oh they're going against me they don't know what they're talking about whatever sometimes they know better believe me trust me I have seen it with my own eyes not with one case I've see multiple cases like this sometimes your loved ones know better realize that it's okay to change your mind you don't have to do things like one way or just because you
studied this and you're this in this company and you did this job but you don't feel good there and you want to do something else it's okay to do something else you know it's never too late to change direction you will anyways go where you're meant to go or where your intuition leads you you will get there but maybe it's not a straight line maybe you have to go like this or try different things to in order for you to just feel like oh this is what I want to do I was watching this interview
from Tony Robbins and Tony Robbins was basically talking about uh humans get unhappy and depressed when they stop progressing in life progression is literally what makes us happy that's why even if you look at people that are at the top they have millions and millions they you you might look at them and see whoa oh my God they accomplished everything but they're miserable why do you think that is they stopped progressing in life they don't have that drive anymore because they have everything so we constantly need to find that thing that drives us need to
find that thing that makes us want want to involve and when you feel like it's not okay to change your mind or you have to stay this way because this is what you've been taught and whatever you'll become miserable at the end of the day because you know that this is not what you want and second of all you feel like you're not progressing because this is not even what you want to begin with you don't even want to progress in this thing so you're stuck and you will really become miserable start thinking about okay
maybe this was not what I wanted I tried this but this is not what I want this relationship I tried it but this was not what I want I want something else it's okay to change your mind it's okay we are here on Earth to constantly evolve when you stop evolving that's when you stop living so once you made that decision for yourself that you have to let go you plan your exit okay if you're in that company and you want to leave what you do is you search for another job in another company or
maybe you're like okay I don't want to work for now I'm going to take off and travel or whatever or I'm going to do whatever you can also do that uh whatever you want to do but plan your exit plan your exit in a relationship if if this is really not what you want okay you start thinking about how can I get out of this relationship do you need financial do you need money um whatever you need uh maybe you can uh find family members friends anyone that can help you to get out plan your
exit you do not stay where respect is not served you do not stay where you're manipulated you do not stay where you're miserable once you have let go and you close that door you do not open that door again and why am I saying this listen I used to constantly when I was uh I had an ex me and my ex were good friends but um he would constantly like he would take care of me financially when I was really really broke and I really needed him but I didn't like the relationship anymore and there
was no love and I wanted to leave I I constantly would like ask God like please give me someone that I love that they scare of me um but that would never happen and I would constantly be stuck with this partner so what happened is I literally in a moment where I was my Brokers I was like you know what I have have to let go of my ex otherwise the person that is meant for me can never come in so what I did is I was like okay I'm just going to let go of
him I don't care that I literally have no money you know without him so then I let him go and then literally like uh a year later I met my partner now and he's literally what I've wanted and what I've prayed prayed for so in order for that manifestation to come in that you want about maybe the partner or or the job that you want you need to let go of the thing that's not serving you if the thing right now is not what you want but you just hold on to it because it's comfortable
you have to have faith and let go because I really really believe if you don't believe in God believe in yourself if if whether it's the universe something else I don't know I really believe God has a bigger plan really honestly I I believe God has a bigger plan and I think the thing we ask for are just pathetic and he has like such a big plan and we can have like huge huge stuff but where we don't think that we can have it so we never Attract it and this is what I told my
friend as well I'm like you have to show God that you trust him you know you have you don't have to be afraid to let go of this toxic uh job that you have right now and uh be like oh no if if I don't let this go I will not have something else you will cuz God always provides you will always have always but you have to have some faith and if you don't believe in God believe in yourself you will provide for yourself you will you got yourself out of so many bad situations
did you not like we literally went through so much and we're still standing we're still doing our stuff doing like trying to get better and trying to evolve so you're still here are you not why do you not believe in yourself then why do you not think you can get better every time you thought that this was the end and and like you will never get out of this you got out of it didn't you why do you think that this time you're going to fail yourself you're not trust me trust me once you let
go once I had let go of all the shitty friends that I had all like my partner that there was no love anymore once I let all of that go I I promise you everything I ever wanted came in and there is no person that has left my life that I miss truly truly I'm sorry and there is no person that I would take back from from my previous life like in this like in this new reality that I'm living no I'm sorry I'm literally not but once all that that like unwanted is gone your
true purpose starts to show you start to see what is meant for you and and literally Miracles start to happen because you had Faith you had faith in yourself you had faith in God and you were not afraid to take risks sometimes in life you need to get uncomfortable you see when you're jumping from your uh present reality to the new one that you want in the beginning it might be a little chaotic like it's not going to be amazing from the get-go you know and you have to accept that but that's okay you know
you've survived much worse much worse this time when you're going into this you actually have a plan and you have wisdom that you didn't have before so this time around it will be different I promise you it will be different and don't also think like oh no it's too late like my age this and that whatever no people have done incredible things at 60 at 70 they've accomplished only you know it doesn't matter it doesn't matter your age doesn't matter see age is just a number we are a soul you know it's it's all about
our soul you guys have to realize that our souls are here on Earth to evolve literally and to learn constantly we have to learn once we stop learning and involving we stop living so in order for you to do that you constantly have to experience new things you have to create those experiences for yourself and you don't have to be scared to do that fear stops everything instead of fear have faith have faith in yourself if you believe in God have faith in God have faith in the universe everything will work out for you at
the end but don't do a dishonor to yourself Yourself by staying where you're not welcome anyways guys I love you guys so much I'm so sorry looking like this because I know a lot of people don't like it uh when I am not dressed up but honestly I just really wanted to share this message with you guys because I felt like I felt some of you need it um so yeah I love you guys so much bye-bye
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