This Is Why God Allows CHOSEN ONES To Be BROKE

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A Word of Wisdom
This Is Why CHOSEN ONES Are BROKE Support Our Channel's Growth🙌 If you enjoy our videos and wish t...
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chosen ones this message you're about to hear it's a divine revelation designed to awaken your spirit strengthen your faith and remind you of who you truly are in Christ as you listen prepare for chains to be broken and for your purpose to become clearer than ever before let God's word speak directly to your heart for he has chosen you for such a time as this I stand before you today not by chance not by coincidence but by Divine appointment I stand before you because you have been chosen for such a time as this you are
not here by accident your very presence in this moment has been woven into the fabric of Destiny this message is not for the faint of heart it is not for those who are content with the status quo who live in complacency or who shrink back at the sight of adversity no this message is for you the ones marked by God called for a greater purpose destined for more than the world can even comprehend you are the chosen ones and yet even as I speak these words I know many of you are weary you are tired
of the struggle tired of the financial battles tired of the weight that presses on your soul but I am here to declare to you today that what you see as Financial struggle is the hand of God shaping you refining you preparing you for a wealth far greater than money alone a kingdom wealth that carries Eternal purpose God's call on your life is not ordinary and because your calling is extraordinary your path is different do not be deceived into thinking that your current state of financial lack is evidence of God's absence no it is the very
proof of his presence his process his PR preparation you are being prepared in the fire of lack so that you may emerge worthy of the wealth of Heaven you stand now in a season where the struggle is real where your bank account doesn't reflect the vision God has placed in your heart you see the promises but they seem distant even unattainable You Hear The Whispers of Doubt telling you that you'll never break free that this is as good as it gets but those are lies meant to Blind you from the truth of God's refining process
the Bible says in Malachi 3:3 he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver the Refiner's Fire is not meant to destroy but to purify when a refiner purifies silver he places it in intense heat removing impurities until All That Remains is pure shining metal this chosen ones is where you are now you are in the heat but God is Not absent in your struggle he is sitting as the refiner watching carefully knowing exactly how much you can bear waiting for the moment when he can see his reflection in you welcome to a Word
of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to date with the word of God do not confuse refinement with punishment you are not being punished for your struggles you are being prepared for greater wealth the struggle is temporary but the glory that will be revealed in you is eternal God is stripping away the old mindsets the Reliance on material wealth the love of money and replacing it with a heart that beats for his kingdom this is why your struggle is necessary it is
breaking you free from the bondage of Earthly wealth so that you can handle the true wealth of the king Kingdom look at Joseph he was thrown into a pit by his own brothers sold into slavery falsely accused and imprisoned every turn in his life seemed like a step further away from the dream God gave him but each trial each moment of lack was positioning him for the palace his years of hardship were God's preparation for the wealth and Authority that would one day be placed in his hands Joseph struggled Les were not a detour from
his Destiny they were the very path God used to bring him to it and so it is with you you may be facing eviction struggling to make ends meet or wondering how long you can go on but this is not the end of your story this is your refining moment this is your preparation season you are being shaped for greater things for Kingdom Authority for the wealth that will be entrusted to you for the glory of God you are not being punished you are being prepared chosen ones you're not broke you're being positioned for Kingdom
wealth I want you to grasp this in your spirit you are not broke you are being positioned the world may look at your circumstances and label you as broke poor struggling but God sees you differently he sees you as being positioned for something far greater than the fleeting Riches of this world the financial struggle you're in right now is the setup for your breakthrough and not just any breakthrough but a kingdom breakthrough that will shake the very foundations of how you perceive wealth in Philippians 4: 19 it is written and my God will supply all
your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus the key phrase here is his riches the wealth you are destined for does not come from this world it comes from the storehouses of Heaven God is Not merely interested in giving you enough to scrape by he is preparing to pour out his riches his abundance into your life but first he must ensure that your heart is aligned with his purpose this season of lack is the pruning season in John 15:2 Jesus says every branch that does bear fruit he prunes that it may bear
more fruit the financial struggles you are facing are not meant to destroy you but to prune you to remove anything that would hinder you from bearing more fruit from handling the wealth that is to come God is shaping you into a vessel that can carry the weight of his glory the weight of his wealth and the weight of his purpose when God brings you out of this season and he will he is not just going to give you enough to pay your bills no he is going to entrust you with Kingdom wealth wealth that is
not for self-indulgence but for the expansion of his kingdom wealth that will be used to break chains to set captives free to feed the hungry to house the homeless to fund Ministries to send missionaries and to glorify his name in ways that the world has never seen but you must understand this you cannot take Kingdom wealth into the hands of someone who is enslaved by a poverty mindset that is why this season is so critical God is breaking off the chains of a poverty mindset he is Renewing Your Mind transforming the way you think about
money wealth and provision you are being positioned not just for financial success but for a financial responsibility that will have eternal consequences do not despise this season chosen one this is the season where God is positioning you you are not broke you are being aligned with the very purposes of Heaven now let's go deeper beyond the external circumstances beyond the bills the empty bank accounts and the financial pressures there is a spiritual reason for your financial struggles God is teaching you to trust him trust is not birthed in Comfort it is forged in the fire
of adversity God knows that for you to fully step into the wealth he has for you you must first learn to trust him as your ultimate provider in this season God is stripping away your dependence on anything other than him in Matthew 6: 31-33 Jesus says so do not worry saying what shall shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear for the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given
to you as well this is not a call to ignore your financial situation but it is a call to shift your focus when your heart is aligned with the kingdom your provision will follow you are being trained to Rel on God and not on your own efforts this is the essence of faith faith is not Faith until it has been tested you are being taught to trust God in the wilderness just as the Israelites were taught to trust God for Mana each day they could not store it up they had to trust that God would
provide daily this is the lesson you are learning God is teaching you to trust him for your daily bread and in doing so he is building a faith within you that cannot be shaken your financial struggles are not random they are a part of God's divine plan to strengthen your trust in him you are learning to trust that God will provide for you not only for today but for every day that lies ahead he is teaching you to lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways to acknowledge Him and He will make
your path straight Proverbs 3:5 to six when you trust God for your provision you shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance you begin to realize that you serve a God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills a god whose resources are Limitless you are not bound by the economy of this world you are tied to the economy of heaven and Heaven's economy is never in recession I want you to let this sink into your spirit chosen one you are not destined for poverty you are destined for wealth but not just any
wealth Kingdom wealth in Deuteronomy 88:18 the word says but remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his Covenant which he swore to your ancestors as it is today God has given you the ability to produce wealth not just for your own gain but to confirm his Covenant this wealth is Covenant wealth tied to your purpose tied to your calling tied to the kingdom God is not raising you up just to make you comfortable he is raising you up to make you impactful the
wealth he is preparing for you is tied to your kingdom assignment this is why you must go through the refining process this is why you must learn to trust him in the wilderness so that when the wealth comes it does not consume you but you consume it for the purposes of the Kingdom chosen ones I stand before you today not just to speak but to ignite a flame within your very Soul this moment is not the conclusion of your journey it is the spark that will set the course of your destiny Ablaze you may be
walking through the valley of financial struggle but let me tell you this this Valley is not your home it is merely a passageway to the Mountaintop that God is leading you toward your financial struggles are not the enemy they are the very tools God is using to forge something extraordinary in you these challenges are chisling away the doubt refining your faith and positioning you for something far greater than what you can see right now they are necessary because without this season of fire the strength and wisdom needed to manage the wealth that's coming your way
could not be formed you are being positioned not punished you are being refined not forgotten God sees you he knows your cries he feels your weariness and he understands the weight of your burden but know this the weight you carry today is building the spiritual muscle you'll need to carry the blessings that are on their way lift your head chosen one for your Redemption is drawing near the time of breakthrough is closer than you think but first you must walk through this fire this fire though it feels consuming is not here to destroy you it
is here to purify you it is here to burn away the impurities that would weigh you down when the floodgates of Heaven open it is here to prepare you for the Magnificent Kingdom wealth that will soon be entrusted to you you are not broke you are being positioned for something much greater you are not abandoned you are being prepared for an assignment that will impact Generations God is not finished with you oh no he is just beginning to reveal the greatness he has placed inside you the abundance that is on the horizon is not just
for you but for his kingdom for his glory for his people you are being prepared to Steward this wealth not just for your family but for the expansion of the kingdom of God here on Earth this fire you're walking through is not in vain every tear every moment of frustration every sleepless night it all serves a purpose it is shaping you stretching you preparing you the fire may feel unbearable at times but let me assure you you are not walking through it alone God himself is is walking with you just as he walked with Shadrach
meach and Abednego in the furnace you will come out of this fire but you will not come out the same you will come out stronger wiser and more equipped to handle the abundance that is coming your way chosen ones hear me God is not just preparing you for financial blessing he is preparing you for Kingdom responsibility the wealth you will receive will be unlike anything you have imagined but it will not be wealth for selfish gain this is Kingdom wealth wealth that will carry the weight of his glory wealth that will advance his purposes on
Earth it will transform lives it will build his church and it will bring hope to the Nations hold on Chosen One do not let this temporary season of struggle cause you to lose sight of the Eternal reward the fire you feel today is the very fire that is purifying you for tomorrow's abundance it is the fire that is preparing you to handle the weight of responsibility that comes with Kingdom wealth it is the fire that will ensure that when God releases his abundance into your hands you will be ready to Steward it with wisdom Grace
and integrity I tell you today go forth in boldness for you are not walking in lack you are walking in preparation you are not defeated you are being refined you are not forgotten you are chosen for this exact moment in history your financial struggles are the Stepping Stones to your financial freedom and the wealth that awaits you is not just material it is spiritual it is eternal it is divine do not despise the season of struggle for it is birthing something holy within you your faith is being strengthened your trust in God is being deepened
and your character is being shaped the fire that surrounds you is the same fire that will Propel you into your destiny rise up Chosen One know that you are called anointed and set apart for such a time as this the wealth of the kingdom is on its way but before it arrives God wants to ensure that your heart your mind and your spirit are aligned with his will this season of ing will not last forever but the fruits of it will the lessons you are learning now the faith you are building now the trust you
are cultivating now they will sustain you when the abundance arrives you are not just being prepared for wealth you are being prepared for greatness you are being prepared to lead to influence to impact the world in ways that you cannot yet comprehend the dreams that God has placed inside you the Visions he has shown you they are not fantasies they are realities that are waiting for the appointed time to come to fruition so I say to you stand firm hold on to your faith do not be shaken by the temporary for the Eternal is at
work God is with you in the fire and he is bringing you through to the other side and when you emerge you will not just be blessed you will be a blessing to others the wealth of the Kingdom awaits you Chosen One the fire you endure today is the fuel for your destiny tomorrow this is your time the time to rise the time to believe the time to step into the fullness of what God has called you to do not give up do not lose Heart The God Who called you is faithful and he will
see you through and when the day comes when the abundance flows when the doors of opportunity swing wide open when the wealth of the kingdom is placed in your your hands you will look back on this moment and know that it was all worth it the fire will make sense the struggle will make sense and you will give glory to God for he is faithful to complete what he has started in you go forth Chosen One in power in faith in expectation for the wealth of the kingdom is not just coming it is yours let's
pray this prayer of faith together as one family Heavenly Father in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus I come before you standing in the gap for every chosen one who is listening to this message right now father you are the god of abundance the god of provision the god of refining fire and I declare your sovereignty over every life over every situation and over every Financial struggle they are facing Lord I pray right now that you ignite a holy fire in their hearts a fire that will burn away every doubt every fear every insecurity
that has tried to take root in their minds Let the Fire of the Holy Spirit consume every lie of the enemy that says they are forgotten that says they are abandoned remind them right now Lord that they are chosen that they are called and that you are preparing them for greatness father I declare that every Financial struggle they are experiencing is not their downfall but they're set up for a mighty breakthrough in the name of Jesus I pray for strength in their spirit that they will not give up that they will not grow weary in
well-doing but they will hold on to your promises knowing that in due season they will reap if they do not faint Lord I ask you to refine their faith in the fire let this be a season where their trust in you is solidified where their Reliance on your provision is deepened when they look at their empty hands remind them Lord that you are the God who fills them when they feel like the resources are running out let them look to you the source of all things the one who provides every need according to your riches
in glory through Christ Jesus I declare over their lives that the floodgates of Heaven are opening I decree that their faith is being perfected in this fire and the weal that you have ordained for them is on the way I thank you Father that the wealth you are preparing is not just Financial but it is wealth of wisdom wealth of influence wealth of purpose they are being positioned for Kingdom wealth that will transform lives and expand your kingdom father I come against every Spirit of lack every Spirit of poverty that has tried to hold them
down in the name of Jesus I break every chain that has kept them Bound in financial bondage I declare that Every curse of scarcity is being broken right now in the name of Jesus father release them into a season of abundance release them into a season of overflow not just for themselves but so that they may be a blessing to others Lord for those who will share this message I speak a special blessing over their lives let their obedience to spread read your word be met with Divine favor and open doors let those who are
courageous enough to share your truth be vessels of light in the darkness and let their boldness bring healing deliverance and breakthrough to everyone who hears it for those who subscribe like and comment Amen on this message father I pray that their faith is activated in a new way let this act of Engagement be more than just a digital interaction let it be a spiritual agreement ment with the power and purpose of your word I ask that you release a special blessing over them that as they declare their amen it will be a seal of agreement
with your promises let their amen be the Catalyst for a shift in their circumstances for a breakthrough in their finances for a release of your Divine provision over their lives Lord bless their households bless their families bless their businesses their jobs their Ministries let everything they put their hands to prosper in accordance with your will and father I declare that no weapon formed against them shall prosper every tongue that rises against them in judgment you shall condemn they are your chosen ones and they are marked by your favor I declare Supernatural favor over their lives
Lord I declare that as they walk through this fire they will not be burned but they will come out purified stronger and ready to receive the abundance you have stored up for them I declare that they will be vessels of Kingdom wealth carriers of your glory and conduits of your blessings father as they go forth let them walk in the authority and power that you have given them let them not shrink back in fear but let them rise in faith knowing that you are with them you are Je Jehovah jir their provider and they will
not lack any good thing you are the god of more than enough and you are about to show up in their lives in miraculous ways we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise for we know that you are faithful to complete what you have started in the mighty name of Jesus we pray and we declare Victory breakthrough and abundance over every chosen one and let every heart say amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in
the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work
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