5 Life Changing Speeches You Need To Hear TODAY - Best Motivational Speeches

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Eddie Pinero
"The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self." - The Dalai Lama More fr...
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[Music] you can allow yourself to be distracted or as Robin Sharma suggests you can do incredible things can't do both you can stay where the Safety and Security is or you can risk what you have in pursuit of your dreams but you can't do both you can remain the character depicted in yesterday's story or you can take those lessons experiences and craft a news story but you cannot do both life is a game of trade-offs where any decision to go in One Direction is a simultaneous decision to not go in another a commitment to X
is necessarily a rejection of why at least in that moment making this question all the more important what is your North Star I ask because everything you do is bringing you closer to or holding you back from capturing it [Music] one of my lifelines over the years has been clinging to the quote or idea that Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication consistently trying to arrive there why because when things get complex in my life I don't know what I'm choosing clutter means I've lost sight of what's necessary versus what's trivial I become unclear on those critical
trade-offs I'm making and we've all experienced this right the simplest questions are always the hardest to arrive at we can talk in circles about the details but how often are we honest with ourselves about the why I remember job interviews in college going on and on about the books I read the papers I'd written current events but then falling flat on my face when asked so who's Eddie Pinero uh a dude doing an interview like what do you want from me my brain had never gone there [Music] or even less formal I'll never forget a
friend of mine a few years back asked me what my perfect day was just casually as we're driving I said I don't know Tom I've never really thought about that he goes then how are you ever supposed to have a perfect day if you don't know and how simple and simultaneously incredible who wants a life without perfect days right like like what is all this for the world is infinite and you can be ruled by its variability and its complexity you can run around adhering to all its rules hoping you're doing the right thing whatever
that is or you can identify carve out and rule over your own little piece of it your own kingdom you can choose you if you take the time to uncover who you are what lights you up and then as Emerson Advocates hits Your Wagon to that star the best investment of our time is to truly understand and decide what we should be saying yes to because if we don't know what matters then nothing does here's the famous dialogue from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland Alice would you tell me please which way I ought to go
from here that depends a good deal on where you want to get to said the cat well I don't much care where said Alice [Music] then it doesn't matter which way you go said the cat well so long as I get somewhere Alice added as an explanation oh you're sure to do that said the cat if only you walk long enough beautiful passage if you don't care where you go any road will take you there and see it's not wrong to not know it doesn't make you bad or mean life is a waste of time
it just means you're taking a large portion of control which is one of your superpowers and tossing it up into the ether it means you are bowing to Hope and I know that no one here wants to live every day merely clinging to Hope this is not a we'll see how it goes Channel or podcast right this is about the little changes that take life from a six out of 10 to a nine or a 10 out of 10. it's about using what's around us to maximize the miracle we are living and breathing every day
again life is complex so for you to take the time and simplify to remove what's unnecessary what an advantage yeah I could do this or that I could go here or there but guess what I've spent the time thinking asking myself the tough questions and now I can be more deliberate in choosing my path so that I arrive at a correct destination a destination that belongs to me that means something to me that lights me up and excites me that's living and of course this isn't a one-time light bulb moment a permanent move no as
we grow we change what we want shifts hey sometimes the current path even reveals itself to be the wrong path it's happened to me plenty but when you're consistently in tune with what matters to you who you are you can make the adjustments you can be deliberate no more shooting targets in the dark because life is too short our days numbered are arrows finite live life like each day means something because each day is transporting you to your something let's use the pieces around us to build our own skylines etch our own stories into the
sands of time if a decision to do one thing is a simultaneous decision to not do something else make sure to have that North Star in scope so that you don't amidst that chaos of Life unknowingly turn your back on ask yourself who you are and be as patient as possible working for that answer because as far as I can tell that information is the key that unlocks infinite possibility it's knowledge that opens the door to life on your terms [Music] [Music] the world it needs you but it needs the real you not the one
with the mask looking to blend in nor the one making all those concessions to avoid being left out no the real you with your flaws and your insufficiencies your strength and your gifts your hopes and your dreams it needs the you that so often hides away underneath that blanket of caution and skepticism the you that's coupled with vulnerability more easily ignored than brought to life with conviction but that's the you this world needs when I was younger I seem to separate life into two categories me and one and everyone else and the other and guess
which of the two categories I assumed had it all figured out in my mind I was the one the only one who didn't know the one who was winging it stumbling my way through each and every day all those other people though they not only had plans they had the right plans they knew the right details but I didn't and so in my head me being right required I necessarily look to them I follow their lead since there exists an established correct path that must be where I steer the ship but then some time passes
you grow older maybe pick up a little wisdom along the way when you realize that no one really knows what they're doing there are very few objectively correct roads that must be traveled life is not a paint by number it's a blank canvas and understanding this changed the image in my head from one of me knocking on the door of a party everyone else was at to visualizing almost 8 billion individual Souls running around trying to figure things out in the limited stretch of time they have here on planet Earth I realized I had at
times felt small only because of the gravity I attributed to people who were just trying to figure it out themselves and the point certainly not to diminish anyone else's Journey it was to give myself permission to Embark upon my own it's just hard to do that when you view everyone else as one Collective all-knowing entity as opposed to eight billion people just like you with thoughts fears hopes and plans the question is not what is the right thing to do here the question is when will you allow yourself to venture out into the world fine
with the right thing means for you that's what's required and the world will be better for you having found it because after all no one sees life like you do [Music] no one has the background or world view the universe has conspired to put you as you are here now almost an impossible occurrence in and of itself how easy that is to forget we were born on the summit yet the inclination for some reason is to keep our eyes closed [Music] now open them take it all in allow the view to propel you forward the
world needs you it needs you with your mistakes that have helped you evolve into the person you could never have been without them it needs you with your worries and your fears [Music] conquering them will be pivotal in your evolution it needs you with your flaws and blemishes how else would life convince you that the things that make you different are the same things that make you strong it doesn't matter how many people tell you or try to explain to you the magnitude of what's at your feet life does not begin until you allow yourself
to start living Until you realize that yesterday does not define you and the categories in which you've placed yourself they're transitory the past is not the reason you can or can't begin again it's not who you are forever no it's the advantage you now possess As you move forward should you choose to move forward [Music] foreign it's in realizing you were Bound by nothing that you free yourself for the one wondering why does it matter what I think why should I start or try or risk anything why should I pick up the brush and start
painting on that canvas before me well because that step is where it all begins the meaning the purpose it's all predicated upon our willingness to pick that brush up and start painting you ask what's the point the point is everything one detail at a time we dismantle our previously held Notions about what life is supposed to be and finally start living one that matters no one's Masterpiece will look like yours no one's depiction of life will follow the same parameters you've etched onto that canvas [Music] in fact there are people that will be changed forever
because you chose to live your life fully foreign [Music] you that will be transformed because you picked up the brush there are stories that will now end in Triumph because you found the courage to start to see light in yourself you being fulfilled and the world being better off they're not two different things when you live a life true to yourself when you let go of the half twos and step into the get-toos the world experiences the luxury of the beauty that comes next when you fill your cup up first you're able to then replenish
those around you that's not nothing [Music] so who are you beneath the characterizations beneath the rolls you've taken on beneath what you feel you're supposed to be it's all that who are you and will you give life to that person will you be that courageous after all that's what life is it's not a game of right and wrong so much as it's a game of Courage the ones willing to take the leap end up world away from where they began so my ask of you is that you begin tearing down those walls created in your
head foreign the ones that accumulated over days and months and years the ones that box you in or keep you out that suggest you are anything other than that one in 400 trillion miracle [Music] ready to Embark upon the ride of a lifetime and sure it means shedding the comfort of obscurity the safety of projection looking yourself in the mirror and saying I am worth it and there's more out there means without question you are taking off the training wheels dancing with vulnerability [Music] so mean s when that time and you look back on how
you lived your days you can say I truly lived and say that the world needed and I had the courage to heed to call [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's comfortable to walk but no flowers grow Vincent van Gogh what is normality well according to the dictionary normal is the usual average or typical state or condition common is also a decision there's a quote by Robin Sharma and I've looked to this for years it states if you want what the five percent have you need to be willing to do what only the five percent are willing
to do what they obtain is not definitionally speaking normal it's uncommon and what they do to arrive at that outcome is also uncommon they play by a different set of rules and in doing so end up with an entirely different outcome than most to put it simply we arrive at normal when our effort level is normal you put in normal hours or give average effort at work most likely your results career progress compensation will be normal you pay moderate attention to your Fitness your health well your level of physical fitness will be normal you dedicate
typical levels of effort to your relationships your relationships will be normal not terrible but not remarkable right I'm sure you get the the idea here the pattern generally over time what we get starts to reflect what we gave and here's where the self-assessment comes in the awareness you have to ask yourself in pursuit of something greater whether your actions are aligning with your goals and objectives there's nothing so futile is telling yourself you're going to achieve miraculous Larger than Life outcomes and then putting in average typical normal effort if normal goes in normal comes out
and as I was thinking about this recently you know as it pertains to my life I had a little epiphany right so Fitness is a big area of focus for me I run or do some type of strength training six days a week as far as I can tell that level of effort is beyond normal right I go above and beyond uh in that area of my life but even though I'm aligned on my mission to be the five percent there I realized there was a gap I realized my diet was very normal completely unext
ordinary it's just easy to convince yourself to eat whatever you want after a really long run right why not pizza after all it's the normal thing to do but I had to remind myself that what I wanted in that area of my life holistically is not normal therefore the inputs cannot be normal it was time to start standing up to those things that are very easy to say yes to to rationalize and that's the idea here I pick my five percent categories where I truly want to Excel and make sure there's nothing normal about their
development you want top-tier results you have to give top tier effort make the sacrifices map out the path you know I've come to see this differently over the years it's not an indictment against you as a person for choosing normal but know that it is indicative of a choice put eventually comes to a line with the in all the actions or lack thereofs Stack Up to resemble something and it's up to you to decide what that is and so the next question perhaps somewhat of an obvious one is when it comes to the things that
matter most to you why stay confined to normal it's the above and beyond the peak experiences the times we overcame fought and won took the risk and came out on top that's when we are at our best that's when we get the most from life so it was normal the end of the world no it's just that abnormal is the beginning of one the other day I went to check out an open mic and basically people sign up to share their short stories their poetry stuff like that and I'm sitting there soaking it all in
enjoying each one as they went up on stage and eventually this girl makes her way up the first thing she does is she tells the room hey I've never done this before but I've always wanted to so here I am it takes out her phone begins reading some of her poems and pretty quickly two things stuck out to me one is she was brilliant and it's just so incredibly talented that I'm thinking man if she keeps doing this she's gonna find herself in some crazy places she's really gonna make an impact that was the first
thing and the second as I sat there and watched uh was that I noticed that her hands were visibly shaking I was pretty close to this stage and I could see this happening to the point where she had to place one on top of the other right to to keep the hand that was holding her phone from bouncing around while she read That's How visibly nervous she was and immediately my mind went down this road reflecting back on the moment I've had just like that because man I've been there where you're both determined and terrified
at the same time but somehow the desire to try outweighs the fear just enough for you to find yourself in that exact situation just enough that you step into a foreign world still wondering whether you made the right move you know every step of the way from the car the building onto this stage until you hit the point where okay well now you can't turn back now you're here you can't leave and the thing is and this is what was so beautiful to me she was never forced to do this at gunpoint no one made
her step into that chaos it was self-created she could have stayed home she could have closed her journal or the notes app on her phone and that would have been the end of that but no not today one yes would lead to another would lead to another and another and despite the nerves the sweaty palms and shaky hands she would open a new chapter in the story of her life prove to herself that she's Bolder than she thought she was just a few hours ago that there's upside when you confront those unknowns in life and
as I sat and watched I was so incredibly moved so proud so impressed partly because I know that to many of the people in that room it might not have looked like much you know it's like okay great Round of Applause for the new artist or poet welcome [Music] but I know the gravity of the moment I understood how big it truly was and regardless of what words came out of her mouth or how well they were assembled that night was not about the performance know what was about New Beginnings it was about outstretched Wings
opening one's eyes to the Learned helplessness and pinpointing the opportunity that was simply waiting for that first step to occur that's what I want to emphasize that's what I believe every single one of us needs to understand fully get the biggest moves we make in life well it's easy to convince ourselves that they aren't necessary or worth it the things that transform us hide themselves a lot of the time they don't feel urgent they aren't life or death decision they can be this stages we never step on the people we never talk to the chances
we never take [Music] because well what happens if we simply stay right where we are say thank you but no thank you to those fleeting opportunities nothing happens more of the same and realistically nothing is far less scary than all that other stuff we don't fear nothingness we don't intrinsically fear more of the same no we fear stepping onto the stage We Fear vulnerability We Fear messing up looking stupid being judged and yeah when you do nothing you get to skip all that avoid all that discomfort and that potential pain but you also Miss the
feeling of victory of closing your eyes at night knowing how badly you wanted to just let that ship sail how terrified you were about what could go wrong but you did it anyway you get to feel you have earned the rush of stepping into a chaotic world and even if temporarily you tamed it that's what life is about always remember that we have a natural proclivity to avoid pain not to pursue the things that make us feel alive deep down in our DNA there exist instructions instructions to run away from the things that could hurt
us embarrass us our minds will race our bodies will kick and scream our hands will shake that's just the way it goes and so we prove to ourselves that it's all conquerable that reality can be relearned it's a layer of resistance that has to be faced and then dismantled why was I so moved that night because I got to watch in real time someone dismantling that fear on their way to something incredible it's courage stepping into the arena not for the people next to you or anyone else but for you because you know there's more
you know that where you are pales in comparison to where you can be I'm definitely one to look back from time to time and reflect and I'll tell you what I'm incredibly thankful for the hard times that shaped me the challenges that were forced upon me and made me who I am but beyond that and perhaps even more so the times I stepped out on my own accord terrified and manufactured change the times that the fear of staying the same eclipsed the fear of failure the times I could have stayed home woken up the next
morning and lost nothing but instead saw what there was to be gained and threw myself into that metaphorical fire so that confidence could be forged and new chapters could be written let's all remember how out of focus the present moment looks remember how inclined we are to look at life through a lens of scarcity we are trying to avoid avoid avoid but if you can even briefly find the strength to step back and ask what is there to be gained you see that not going is the real Danger and those stages that seem arbitrary that
seem like optional stops along the way well they're just as imperative as the air you breathe they are not some things they are everything we all hit a point where we look back on the roads we traveled and see the culmination of footsteps that have come to constitute Our Lives and we want that moment to feel full like no stone was left unturned like we put it all on the line so will you step onto this stage of Life stand your ground as the curtain opens reads your poems to a foreign audience will you share
your voice even though it trembles because if you do you're giving yourself permission to truly live to feel look we're not here for a long time this is a very short ride so why not give as much of yourself to the world for as long as you possibly can why not step out knowing that the difference between nothing and everything is what you do with shaky hands [Music] it's easy to look back and think about all the things you could have done differently [Music] especially since as we get older we get wiser right time provides
this beautiful gift of clarity and ultimately we realize things like maybe a lot of our hesitation was unwarranted maybe a lot of our decisions or indecision was fear-based and knowing that it's easy to look over your shoulder and feel like you could have lived a different life or taken a different path at the very least wish you'd done things differently but the reality is everything you've done has in fact taken you here to this moment and when you dwell on the past the should Haves and the could haves you completely diminish the power of right
now the current moment you completely underestimate the knowledge and the wisdom you've been collecting for years whose single job is to assist you in your next move it's a compounding of experience the good the Bad and the Ugly has landed you right here right now and how beautiful right here is the infinite blank page the forever Fresh Start and that's not to say the past doesn't matter it's to suggest that your prior discomfort your mistakes and lessons have equipped you to deviate from the routines and the cyclical nature of your past the past is a
gateway to now not a life sentence and there's a difference you say last year or last month or last week is valueless because you did X when you should have done why I say to that doing the wrong thing has positioned you to now do the right thing potential energy right like a spring being pulled back tighter and Tighter and Tighter awaiting its opportunity to propel forward you don't get that without those could haves and should have they're integral to the process the reason you'll be different moving forward you can say I wish I'd taken
more chances I wish I was Bolder I wish I followed my heart two pieces of news for you one that's fantastic it seems as though you're now aware of those times you fell short and can therefore mitigate them moving forward and two you're not dead yet we have to stop looking at yesterday like it's anything but a ladder to Greater competency the gymnasium for your decision making anyone can cherry pick the path but the Practical me asks what does beating yourself up about what's gone do for you what does it add to your life except
for enabling and legitimizing the same identity you're looking to evolve and move on from see we don't limit ourselves because of right now it's always because of yesterday look what happened look what I lost look how things turned out and it's like take the data and trudge forward you now have the tools to move right into that darkness of night [Music] five years you'll look back and sure you'll wish you did things differently and same five years after that but that's why life is a journey and not a standardized test s we are picking up
the pieces as we go painting the Masterpiece one brush stroke at a time and even though you might wish yesterday's brush stroke was a different color little darker different shade it's just as valid as all the others in contributing to the mural in its totality so sure be your greatest critic but be your greatest Ally as well and that calls for being bold enough to let go of what's gone yesterday and and something anything that's up to you but hear the message it's up to you now not who you were yesterday or what you did
not how people saw you or how you used to live your life you have an opportunity now to go wherever your heart desires stronger and wiser at this point in time than you've ever been in your life so rather than dwell on what's gone how about asking how you can take those pieces of yourself and build again [Music] sometimes the inspiration doesn't come to you no sometimes you have to go out find it When it Hurts the Most when the deck seems stacked against you when the road to travel seems to be longer than you
can endure [Music] these are the times we're tasked not with waiting but with creating and those lows they become highs because they force us to self-assess to look around and say I don't want to feel this way anymore I'm done tolerating X accepting y associating with z and so a bridge must be created to something and your question is simply what's that something going to look like here's what's interesting knowing what you don't want is off in the beginning it breathes life into a first step maybe you look up and you have no idea what
step 2000 or 3000 looks like and that's perfectly okay you don't need to know exactly where you're headed exactly what the top of the mountain will look like what took me forever to figure out is knowing that here isn't right for you wherever here is is enough because it is the beginning the engine that makes it all work you don't owe explanations apologies aren't required of you all you needed was that feeling in your stomach that more is out there and perhaps you've been depriving yourself of it for a tad too long you just need
to leave scarcity behind and train your eyes to find the abundance you exist Within the other day I saw a quick interview Tiger Woods was giving and I'm not really a big golf guy but when the greats talk I listen and those who have been following him know that he's had kind of a rocky pass right a very public uh you know family situation to injury surgeries a recent car accident and you can only want someone like that to Rise From the Ashes right I feel like everyone's rooting for him to ReDiscover the dominance he
once possessed and basically in this interview the interviewers asking him about day one of the Masters where tiger played well enough to make the cut you know he survived day one and was about to continue uh the the tournament into the weekend but it certainly wasn't the best golf he's ever played and so upon reflecting on it he says and I'm paraphrasing things aren't the way I'd like them to feel but I've given myself a chance and I love the way that sounded right not just because it came from a man who's been metaphorically battling
uphill for what feels like sometime now but because it's how we all re-emerge from our adversity it doesn't matter what happened yesterday in your past all of it the ups and downs the bumps and bruises they've all brought you here and if life is one giant tournament you've made the cut you get to play in your masters tomorrow is coming and it brings with it the chance to write the ship to discover the Undiscovered to find yourself again by showing up today you've given yourself a chance and that is the most powerful thing one can
possess a chance I think too often we look at what we don't have we spend our time focusing on the holes the blank spaces the gaps instead of looking at the opportunity we've created to Pivot wherever we deem necessary the flexibility is the asset but only valuable when we recognize and utilize it and yeah that can feel like a tall order when we are not at our best foreign at a level that let's say is less than ideal it's easy to see all the problems we're going through as supporting evidence that the world is bigger
than us that we are outmatched by life but really all these things that have come together to create our current state they're nothing more than life providing you a chance an opportunity to turn page [Music] I'm a tiger you know those lows those setbacks and perhaps even the personal anguish one would assume would accompany those things they've given him the gift of now and he recognizes that just like everything that has paved the way for you has done the same it's created the conditions from which you can now grow further evolve providing A little nudge
towards those things we need to do but maybe sometimes drag our feet a little too long [Music] so when the world throws you curveballs how about seeing the situation as a chance to hit off speed to step up to the plate and make something of what we thought was misfortune when one trades it's happening to me for it's happening for me your presented advantages that were previously unavailable they weren't there and not because they didn't exist they weren't there because they weren't recognized because perhaps you saw the very thing that could help you as the
thing that would hurt you [Music] but regardless here you are sharpened by the mistakes you made and shaped by the lessons you learned you are here now to relive the past but to create a new reality write a new chapter walk A New Path you are here and wherever next happens to be let it unfold because you chose it let it evolve because it's who you are leave the stands and make your way to the stage we're sure the stakes are higher but so is the upside [Music] I often talk about the power of looking
over our shoulders that those highs and lows from time to time not because they have power over us but because they have made us powerful look at all you've endured see all that you've overcome and for what well to put it simply for the gift currently at your fingertips the chance to say years from now that sure you lost yourself [Music] things became chaotic confusing convoluted maybe you were unsure maybe at times you even felt alone but those times the same times that could have kept you down instead reminded you what you were capable of
becoming you don't get the light at the end of the tunnel without walking through the darkness and so to remember that that all this has unfolded to bring about something beautiful on the other side well that just might be the perspective that you've needed that you've left behind the world will only give you what you ask for and so right here right now instead of accepting a continuation of your past how about demanding an evolution of yourself that game of life awaits and so for your sake and the world don't be afraid to play [Music]
there's a saying don't worry about losing other people worry about losing yourself while trying to please other people [Music] and see holding on to our authentic selves not always easy in fact Emerson said to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment and that holds true and especially in our fast-paced world shiny objects constantly buzzing around us sometimes it seems like the only way to see with clarity is to keep our eyes closed I was in the car the other day had Spotify on shuffle an
adjacent Aldean song came on it's called better at being who I am and it's essentially about a guy who loses himself in a relationship a little bit at a time and the chorus is basically him sharing his Epiphany looking around and going whoa what the hell happened and it was laid out in a way that wasn't sort of the obvious blatant you know be yourself I mean sure part of the theme was how important being yourself is but the emphasis was on how fragile of a thing that can be he put a spotlight on the
idea that he got good at forgetting he was in a place that he knew he didn't belong [Music] how we can become masters of forgetting that champions of rationalization and that was his message being that he has somehow somewhere lost himself along the way that concession after concession can ultimately put you in a place where you don't know who you are where you can know something isn't quite right and still slowly and subtly it creeps in that can consume your reality and that's what cut through me not simply because it occurred it wasn't so much
the Epiphany itself but more so that he showed how easily the erosion of this self can occur in our lives how easily we lose ourselves how sneaky the whole thing can be and this particular example is pointing to a relationship with his girlfriend and it certainly can be this but it doesn't have to be and often it's not it can be a job you don't want to do but hanging in there just one more day you know turns into more days than you can count there can be time with the wrong people doing the wrong
thing going against your best judgment it can be the business decision for short-term gain that ultimately points you in a Direction you don't want to go right before giving life to that convenient phrase well I've come too far to turn back now life is like a small child always gently tugging on his mom's sleeve to get her to stop doing what she's doing and go get ice cream right it's the temptation to move away from the task at hand to abandon the principles just slightly the objectives just enough that they'll be pulled off track right
that that's always there and to reiterate because this Nuance is why I think the idea is so important the message is not simply about being authentic I think we all understand the value and necessity of authenticity or at least I hope your value is in who you are the things that make you unique are the gateway to a life of fulfillment what makes you you and how can you delve into that share it with the world that's the good stuff okay so let's presume we know this my Fascination and goal is to point out the
fact that so much around us is looking to take that authenticity and subtly over time transform it that if we are not aware of what we are we will lose Who We Are and that's where you end up in those wrong relationships wrong places doing the wrong thing a lot of times it wasn't deliberate or conscious it wasn't one swing of the ax it was letting yourself slip away one day at a time it's the pressure of an infinite number of things right that the billion choices you have pulling you in all different directions it's
the people in your life that may have different incentives than you it's that deep biological tendency to want to appear like you're winning now it's your brain telling you to do what the crowd does because the alternative creates pain it's not wanting to let others doubt because you want to be their source of Happiness completely forgetting that an empty cup has nothing to offer it's the deception online the highlight reels filtered pictures humble brags and exaggerated success stories all prompting us to say well then I must have miscalculated my path must be the wrong path
and maybe we don't come to this realization and immediately jump ship but be taking a little water every day every time we open the app and feel lesser because of an impossible standard every time we put the thing that meant something to us on hold for someone else every time we chase that shiny object in exchange for what we expect will be short-term validation but here's the crazy part it's like when I shut everything off when it's just me and my thoughts no distraction I have a very good sense of who I am and what
I want just in my gut I know what feels right to me and it's only when the chaos comes in that the target can get blurry and the goal seems to live a little further away and maybe that's why that song had an impact why the light bulb went off [Music] the idea that something so obvious so powerful so important can elude us and deceive us there's something to that [Music] I'm better at being who I am of course I am and so are you so why don't we why isn't there an emphasis there why
is that something that doesn't get our thought and attention we can't afford to Forfeit that instinct [Music] and so this is the part where I remind myself and everyone listening that you get nothing in life without some semblance of self-trust [Music] you have to take the time to understand who you are and trust yourself to build that from the ground up without that you'll get swept up by the currents of everyday life to know what matters in your world and to hold on to it with conviction that's what it's all about and then yes you'll
have success letting people into your life when they contribute to who you are as a person when they align with your values when they feel like wind on your sails [Music] and yeah of course take the proven path and utilize The Beneficial tactics but only when they align with what you are building if not you know walking away is the best option wandering around until you find alignment now that brings more value than a toolbox of the wrong tools and sure sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do I get that that's
called being responsible but those things as annoying as they are should be contributing to something that does matter to you the building's Foundation is not fun or sexy but it's necessary just make sure you believe in what will ultimately be built on top of it otherwise you were most certainly wasting your time your gift is you you have something to share something to explore nurture and grow stand in front of that never hide behind it protect it it's the Benchmark against which all other things should be measured we're all better at being ourselves than some
impersonation of what we think the world wants us to be I think the question comes down to will you allow that greatness for yourself will you be courageous enough to keep the spotlight on what matters most will you maintain the awareness that when you're walking down a path that doesn't align with who you want to be you can self-correct turn around put emphasis on that part of you that lights you up because that will not only benefit you but it'll benefit everyone around you and ultimately benefit the world [Music]
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30 Minutes To Start Your Day Right | MORNI...
Eddie Pinero
YOU VS YOU - Motivational Speech
YOU VS YOU - Motivational Speech
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WATCH: Michelle Obama speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention | 2024 DNC Night 2
WATCH: Michelle Obama speaks at 2024 Democ...
PBS NewsHour
𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹
𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗻�...
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5 HABITS that CHANGED my LIFE in 1 WEEK |...
James The Stoic
Oprah Winfrey's Speech NO ONE Wants To Hear - One Of The Most Inspiring Speeches | Motivation
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Let's Become Successful
Eddie Pinero
5 Life Changing Speeches You Need To Hear TODAY (2021)
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Fearless Soul
THIS WILL CHANGE YOU! Navy Seal Admiral Wi...
Mulligan Brothers Interviews
70 Life Lessons That Will Fix 93% Of Your Problems
70 Life Lessons That Will Fix 93% Of Your ...
THE MINDSET FOR SUCCESS | Best Motivational Speeches of 2023 (So Far)
THE MINDSET FOR SUCCESS | Best Motivationa...
Eddie Pinero
WATCH: Former President Barack Obama's full speech at 2024 Democratic National Convention
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PBS NewsHour
Coach Pain
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐕𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮.
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐕𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮.
SELF LOVE | Positive Morning Motivation | LISTEN EVERY DAY!
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Mind Motivation Coaching
5 Minutes for the Next 50 Years - Mathhew McConaughey Motivational Speech
5 Minutes for the Next 50 Years - Mathhew ...
Life Advice
WATCH THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Denzel Washington Motivational Speech 2023
Make Your Dreams Come True - The Best Motivational Video Of 2023
Make Your Dreams Come True - The Best Moti...
Never Tell People What You Do | Powerful Jim Rohn Motivational Speech
Never Tell People What You Do | Powerful J...
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