5 Traits of Irresistibly Magnetic People (Be Attractive AF)

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Aaron Doughty
Taking on these 5 traits will make you MAGNETIC AF! Find out your vibration now and receive a person...
Video Transcript:
- Have you ever met someone that just oozes charisma and magnetism? When you're around them, it may just make you feel better, make you feel more confident, or make you feel more energized? And you ever wondered why some people attract people like moths to a flame and why some people tend to repel people no matter what they do?
Well, in this video, I'm gonna show you the five traits of irresistibly magnetic people. I'm gonna show you how you also already have this energy within yourself, how to embody it and how it will completely transform your life when you do so. Now, first off, let me say that as time has gone on, as I've been on this journey of doing what I love and especially making YouTube videos on magnetic energy over the last couple years, I've talked a lot about this.
There's certain things and certain patterns I've learned within myself. And as I've embodied different ideas, different ideals, as I've embodied new, like more empowered aspects of myself, I've noticed people respond to me in a very different way as I've changed my own energy. Now, I will say that one huge epiphany insight I've had over the last six months or so has been this simple idea around understanding the power of detachment from outcome, but also how you can begin to source your own sense of appreciation for yourself and as you start choosing yourself, other people start choosing you.
It's crazy. I've talked about this in Instagram videos and other content before, and people say, "What does it mean to choose yourself? " Literally what this means is the outer reality, what we experience in our relationship dynamic to other people is a reflection of the relationship dynamic we have with ourself.
Now, what I began to do these last couple months is I had this belief a while ago, something that I had to heal over the last two or three years was that of a mixture of anxious attachment style and avoidant attachment style in some ways. And I believe, by the way, when we talk about attachment styles, sometimes people say, "Oh, you're just one or the other. " I believe that it can be somewhat contextually.
You can have a more anxious attachment style, especially if you attract someone that's more avoidant, or you can have more of an avoidant attachment style if you attract someone that's anxious. I've gone back and forth and recently, I've looked at this at a much deeper level and I feel like I've healed a lot of the energy between going from one side to the other, to well, I feel more secure within myself than ever before. Now, the thing about this and the thing that I believed for so long subconsciously, was that in order to feel whole and complete, in order to feel enough, I needed someone else in my life to reflect that energy back to me via a relationship or someone that I was dating.
And there was this belief there. And what would happen is then, it would create resistance within my body and I would find myself sabotaging different dynamics. And it was because what I was doing is I was putting resistance into the area of my life around that of love.
And I'm sharing this with you because this, what I'm about to share with you changes everything. Now, the funny thing about this is, is different people in their lives will do this in different ways. For example, I have a buddy of mine who sometimes has challenges with attracting money.
He's an abundant dude, but sometimes he gets in his head and he will start worrying about money. He'll kind of put it on a pedestal, it'll become this important thing, and then he'll kind of sabotage his own energy around it and create resistance. And the thing that's very important to see, or that's very like easy to see, is that the more he puts it on a pedestal and the more important he makes it and the more he needs it, the more he lacks it.
Now, the funny thing is, is in my own personal life when it comes to money, it's very smooth for me. Money comes very easily for me. I don't put it on a pedestal, I'm kind of cool either way.
I understand money doesn't equal happiness, and I just simply know and it's a part of my natural self-image that money comes easily and it comes in abundantly and therefore, I've been able to make multiple seven figures in my life. And it's like not something I even really think about. It just happens.
Now, what's funny about my buddy is that when he puts it on a pedestal, makes it important, it's very easy to see that it creates resistance and that that resistance then creates problems. It creates negative synchronicity. And I was looking at this with my friend and then I realized, oh, sometimes I do that with myself when it comes to all this importance and pressure I put on myself to feel validated or worthy.
And what I began to do as of the last like couple months is I began to open myself up more and I began to question why do I want what I believe I want? What actually happened for me is I had reflections in my life where I had the potential for certain types of having someone around that just thinks about me in a certain way, having that validation and I realize deep down what I really value isn't what I thought I did. What I value more so is, and I never went through a phase of my life where I really just appreciated and chose myself.
Where I really understood how much I enjoy being in my own energy, where I enjoy like being able to be in my own house and like do my own research and enjoy having the freedom to get up and travel when I want or go to friends. I realized that in a way, I never really appreciated and chose myself. And the funny thing is, is as I started realizing, wait, I thought that what I really wanted was a relationship or some type of connection like this.
Not even that I wanted it, but that somehow I needed it to feel worthy. As I started to realize that I don't need it, I started to focus on how I appreciate and I love my own freedom, how I love being in my own energy. I started focusing on the positive parts of gratitude for myself.
How I love, like when I go to bed at night, I love dreaming. I love like there's just so many aspects of me being alone that I love and that allow me to be free 'cause I can do whatever I want when I want. I mean, you could do that in a relationship as well, but there's just a level of freedom that comes from being in my own energy.
Now, the funny thing is the more I have chose myself, the more I have become free in my own energy, the more magnetic my energy has become because the less attached to other people I am. The more reflections I get in my life of beautiful people where I have amazing interactions with. It's come to the degree to which I realize I don't need it.
Just like my buddy, I tell my buddy, "You don't need it. You're good either way. You have abundance always coming in.
Don't focus and put so much pressure on this area of your life. " So, realize the degree to which you don't need someone else in your life is the degree to which you will be magnetic and attractive. Now you say, well, how can I not need it?
Like growing up, we may believe we need someone else's energy. Now, there was this great analogy I wanna share that came actually from an Instagram Live that I did the other day and it was somebody said this and I now use this metaphor. So thank you if that was you.
A lot of times what we do with validation and approval, because we need from someone else, we need their validation approval, that's what we believe because in childhood maybe we didn't receive it, so now we believe we need it from other people. So instead of needing it from other people, what we do when we do this, by the way, is we are outsourcing our own sense of love, our own sense of validation and approval. We outsource it.
Like you're at a company, you're working in a cubicle or some shit and then you're outsourcing something to a different department. I'm dependent on you bringing this thing in. Now, the problem with outsourcing is that we're putting the power outside of ourselves and we're looking for it in other people.
Like if I were to outsource, like I outsource video editing, for example. I don't do it myself. I outsource it to someone named Nick who's editing this video right now.
He edits it and therefore then I get it back and then it saves me time. But if we outsource something that can only come from within, like our love, our approval, then we're putting it outside of ourselves and we're giving someone the incredible burden of giving us something they can't give us anyways. So the thing with this is you put incredible pressure on other people to outsource your love to get to say give me back the love and approval that I didn't receive as a kid.
They then, it's the most unmagnetic thing you could do. It's the most repelling thing you can do because you're giving them all this pressure. So instead of outsourcing, there's two other levels to this, these metaphors that came to my mind.
Instead of outsourcing love or validation and approval, which sometimes we confuse is love, you could either one, self-source it, realize the truth, you can give it to yourself. The more I've gave myself love, approval and even just the recognition of the appreciation for myself and the positive qualities I have, the more other people have noticed it in me, the less I need it from them, funny enough. So, self-source, self-source your own love and approval by realizing all you've been doing is believing that someone else has your approval or validation and then looking for it in them.
It's just a belief, it's an attachment. When you self-source your own love and approval and validation, you begin to embody your own energy to where you don't need it from other people. Now, let's take this a step further.
You can self-source, which is kind of an ego thing 'cause it's like I realize I am worthy, I am enough, I am enough, I'm enough. There's a higher level to this though, I believe. Instead of self-sourcing, connect to your inner source of the divine.
There's just like the ego validation. What about the divine? What if the divine, what if you realize you don't need validation or approval or the divine can flow through you with that love naturally?
That is truly magnetic when you realize you don't need it from anything other than God, the universe, source energy. Let it flow through you. When I make videos, it's not my ego necessarily making them.
I use my ego in a way to use terminology and stuff that maybe people can understand, but it's an energy that flows through. I don't know how to describe it. I mean, from what I understand and from what I hear from people, it magnetizes people to me.
How do I know that? Well, there's a million YouTube subscribers, plus. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying like there's proof that somehow the energy that I am bringing through is magnetic.
And it's not 'cause Aaron is so cool because he worked his nine to five job, and says that in a lot of his videos and it just attracts people, okay? It's because this energy is flowing through me. Why?
Because I have the intention of adding value out into the world. Now, let's bring that to the second level here that I think that's even used me as an example. I tend to attract a lot of people to my channel.
I get a lot of eyeballs. One thing that I believe has made me more magnetic than ever before is my vulnerability. Like this video, if you watch my videos and one thing that has attracted you to my videos is vulnerability.
It's the fact that I share things that aren't the coolest thing to share. They're things that are vulnerable to share. Like even just earlier talking about, oh, I used to have and be this attachment style or whatever.
It's not cool to share that. What would've been cooler is to say, yeah, I'm just so secure all the time. Don't have any childhood trauma.
I just like, everything's just so cool and easy for me. Life is just easy. Every person I talk to is just in love with me.
Like that sounds really cool, but it also probably sounds a little bit like superficial or something. Vulnerability is magnetic because it allows you to connect with people in a depthy way, in a more connective way. So, vulnerability, the word vulnerability, and I know it takes vulnerability to tell someone else you're attracted to them.
It takes vulnerability to ask someone else out. It takes vulnerability to tell someone else you have feelings for them. It takes vulnerability and courage to be this way.
Now, here's the thing. Vulnerability will repel some people. Vulnerability will repel superficial people.
That's not a problem. That is actually a good thing. You are polarizing the people that wouldn't mess with the depthy part of you anyways and you are attracting people even more to you that resonate with you at a deep level.
I can't tell you how many people I meet in public that remember the vulnerable stories that I've shared. And they relate to it. Either they've had someone in their life that was a narcissist, like my ex stepmom.
They've had to work or like maybe they worked a nine to five job and they started going after their passion. I was at Whole Foods yesterday and I tend to meet a lot of people that recognize me from my videos at Whole Foods, it's always Whole Foods, especially Whole Foods in Sedona, Arizona. If I'm at Whole Foods in Sedona, Arizona, there's been times where it's like (laughs) it's funny.
But yesterday, I met three people at Whole Foods who recognized me for my videos and two of 'em are like wanting to make YouTube videos, they resonate with my story of having a nine to five job. I do retreats in Costa Rica sometimes and it's very common. I attract people and as I get to know them, 'cause those are a little bit more intimate, people have had narcissists in their life.
They've had to heal the mother wound. It attracts them because of the stories I share. Vulnerability is attractive, it is magnetic.
It also shows someone else that you have courage to express the real you. You know how many people in society and in the world now, it's just such a lack thing. Like you see the Instagram thing, it's like ooh, it's like the perfect person eating the perfect meal and all of these thing's all fabricated so that you think they're perfect, when in reality what people really want is depth.
They want depth. I like saying that, depth. So, don't be afraid to be depth, to give depth.
Say the word depth right now. Depth, depth. Sorry if that's going into the microphone.
It's just a funny word to say. It's like oil. Oil.
Depth. Anyways. So, now also think about this.
I heard this from Robert Green, I think is his name. Is it his name? Anyways, the word vulnerability.
Vulner means wound, ability to go into the wound. When you show your wound, you then also allow someone else to be there to help you heal it. Because a lot of times, healing comes in the presence of an empathetic witness.
So you allow yourself to heal and you allow other people to, in a way be around you to also, there's just a connection that comes from that. I don't know if it's a reciprocity or something where like you ask someone for something, then they feel more indebted to you. It's like a thing in psychology where if you ask someone to do something for you, it's like then they're more connected to you or something even though you're like you're asking them for something.
But in general, sharing vulnerability is something that is highly magnetic and not having fear to express. Like if you're a woman watching this or feminine energy and you want the masculine, like isn't it attractive if the masculine puts themselves out there to show their intention, to show that maybe they're at attracted to you? They lead.
That's probably attractive. That takes vulnerability. It does take vulnerability to lead.
So, realize vulnerability is something that a lot of times, we're not taught, we're told not to do it. But in fact, when you do it, you will realize you are more magnetic than ever. People respond to you in a different way.
And this doesn't mean, by the way, crying and like complaining all the time from a level of victimhood. Vulnerability means expressing the real you. Now, the third trait of highly attractive people, and I've learned this as I've gone on with my life, especially this last couple months.
The more you stand for something and the more, you in a way, are authentically living by your own values, the more attractive you are. What does this mean? Most people are living according to the values that society gave them.
They're living to the values of what other people want them to be living by. So, what happens is you meet someone, it's like a people pleaser or something and you ask them what their favorite food is or something and they're like, "I don't know, what is your favorite food? " Or you say your favorite food and they give you a weird look and you're like, "But I only like it sometimes.
" You're like, "What's your favorite food? " You're like, "Well, I like Indian food. " And they look at you funny and you're like, "But only sometimes, only certain Indian food," 'cause I'm tuning to someone else and I don't feel confident with my choice because what do you think about my choice?
What kind of sports do you like? Oh, you know, I like basketball. And then someone's like, "Yeah, basketball's boring.
" Yeah, but I only watch the finals. I only watch the playoffs, instead of owning who the hell you are. Own it.
That's another aspect of this. It's not even on the list that I'll talk about for a minute. Anything that you think is an insecurity that you don't own, other people will feel that off of you.
People are just ping to the energy dynamic you are playing out. So, if you don't own being shy, the more you don't own being shy and think you have to be loud, the more energy will come off that's like needy and that's like not authentic and the more other people will feel it. Just own being shy.
Just own it. And the funny thing is the more you own being shy, the more extroverted you will be. Isn't that weird?
Literally, the more you become okay with being more quiet in a group, the more you will find yourself opening up. It's a paradox. But what you wanna do is focus on owning the things that you think are your flaws.
Maybe your greatest gifts. Oh, I have a mole right here. Reframe that mole.
That mole is not something to be insecure about. It makes you unique. You could name the mole, give it a funny name.
You don't have to tell people about the funny name of your mole or anything, I'm just saying just loosen it up for yourself. See it more comically. Now, when we talk about this, living by your own values, for me, I've realized recently that I've had to really tune back to my own frame and understand who am I and what am I about?
And I've always talked about this on videos, but I value vulnerability and authenticity over pretty much everything else, over validation, approval, all those things. And this means as well, standing up for something means also not being afraid to share the real you. Like for a long time, I was afraid, for example, to share, even to this day, I was in Instagram DMs not that long ago and I posted something about I went to Whole Foods last night and I got oysters.
And some people comment, two people comment sometimes when I post food and they go, "You're not vegan? " Because five years ago, I was vegan. For like three or four years, I have not been vegan.
I eat healthy food, organic food, organic meats, fish, like I eat healthy, but I'm not vegan. And there was a part of me that for so long was afraid to share this on YouTube or in Instagram. Even now, I don't really, I mean, maybe I could do this, I just I don't know.
So I also pick and choose my battles, so polarizing, but maybe it would be more magnetic if I did this. If I just post it every time I go to a steakhouse 'cause I do eat. I don't post my food nearly as much as I used to because I eat lots of meat.
I eat bison just about every day. I love bison. I used to be afraid to even share this because I would be worried that I know that there's a certain percentage of my audience is vegan and they're not gonna like it.
They're not gonna approve of it. Oh my god. When in actuality, it doesn't matter.
Like I don't need the validation or approval of anyone. And if someone disagrees, that's okay. I don't think I don't get on people for being vegan and think what they're doing is wrong or bad or like not healthy.
I think people should do whatever the hell they want. I was vegan for years and then I realized it really wasn't serving me. I didn't feel that healthy.
I was eating too many freaking carbs. This is just me, not telling anyone what to believe. But I believe that the more I stand for who I am and the more I'm not afraid to express that is the degree to which it may polarize people, but the polarization of people is good.
An example of this. I had an ex-girlfriend years ago that was vegan and at that time, I was much more soft with my own frame. I would kind of do what someone else wanted me to do because I didn't wanna like offend them, so it was also convenient for me to be vegan.
And what I would find myself do is I would, I'd pick restaurants they would wanna go to that was vegan and blah blah blah blah. And then eventually what happened is we broke up and then like a year or two later, I started getting my own frame. This is when I started bison.
I realized when I ate bison, I felt really grounded. I'd eat bison, that was when I lived in Sedona. And then I met someone else that I ended up getting into a relationship with for like a year.
And this person, I had a choice. I could either kind of like tiptoe around what I eat on like the first date or what I could do is I could just express the real me unapologetically and I remember doing this. What I did is instead I remember thinking to myself, am I gonna like be soft about what I eat or kind of like not express what I really eat for fear of like what if they don't like that or something?
And instead what I did is I just owned it. I said, "Yes, I eat bison. This is what I eat.
" I owned it, I wasn't afraid to eat it in front of someone else. Guess what ended up happening? My energy was way more magnetic when I was owning who I am.
Now, I will say this too. One time, I went on a date with someone after I broke up with my ex, this is a while ago. I went on a date with someone who was vegan who I could tell this person was awesome.
I was a attracted to her. And we go on this date and I was also being that version of me where I was like, I'm not afraid to like order steak or whatever. And I could tell it totally turned this person off.
They were not about it. I could tell they were like moralistically, like someone that's like, I'm gonna be with someone that is also vegan and people just think I'm vegan, so maybe it was a big trigger when she saw me eating steak like unapologetically. And that, I believe, may have been a turnoff for this person.
Guess what? It's okay. What would've been worse?
Pretending to like meat for a while? Pretending to be someone I'm not. No, you save yourself time the more you are unapologetically yourself.
So, the reason I share this with you is don't be afraid to own who you are, knowing it may be somewhat polarizing, but live according to what you believe instead of living a lie. And find out what do you really value? I value vulnerability, authenticity.
I value expressing how you feel when you feel it, not suppressing emotions. I value, like I'm not a big fan of the whole superficial bullshit. I hate fucking small talk.
Get into an elevator or something and like somebody says something like, "Hey, how's the weather? Ha ha ha. " Stuff annoys me.
But we do it 'cause we're in this reality or whatever. Be the real you. Don't be afraid to express the real you.
I had a neighbor come over yesterday that said that they thought someone was breaking into another house. They wanted me to get into a group chat with two or three other neighbors that they could talk about like in case something happens in the neighborhood, like the safety of the neighborhood. And I said, "No.
I do not wanna be in a group chat with neighbors. No offense, I'm very busy. I've been in like these group chats before with neighbors and I just never respond.
" Don't be afraid of tension too. Don't be afraid of saying no because one of my values is I value my time. I also value how I feel in the moment.
The old version of me would've just been, okay, let's exchange phone numbers and I'll probably never respond, but let's be in this group chat or whatever. I did not want to and I said no and guess what? I live by according to the values if I express like what I feel in the moment, I set boundaries if I need to.
And this person was really cool about it. "They're like, oh, I'm busy too. " But just in general, I believe valuing your own time, valuing doing what you want and expressing it is very attractive, it's very magnetic.
Now, the fourth trait of highly magnetic and attractive people, you wanna know what it is? Do you wanna know? I'm sure you do 'cause you're still here.
It's being in your body, in your body, being present. Most people are pinging to other people, they're empaths. A lot of people that watch my videos are empaths.
I was empats for a long time. And they could tune to other people. It's funny, people that are empass, there's this study that happens where people are brought to look at different facial expressions and then to interpret those facial expressions and people that are anxious attachment style were like 10 times more likely to very quickly interpret someone's expression to be something negative and much more quick to like jump to that conclusion probably 'cause they have a belief that says people, it's like a survival mechanism to like tune to other people to know what they are thinking and feeling.
Is it safe? Is it safe? And one of the reasons I believe this is, is because people with that attachment style have kind of like left their body and gone into their third eye as a protection mechanism to understand is it safe?
Is it safe? Is it safe? Instead of being present inside of your own body.
Now, here I'll share this as well. This is gonna sound. .
. This is something I've shared in a couple videos before. This is a simple exercise.
And by the way, the solution to that exercise I just showed is like if you take a couple more minutes to feel inside of your body and then to interpret something, you may get a different result. I was at in Costa Rica in 2017 and that's when I did ayahuasca and plant medicine for the first time, but there was this teacher there that was like a metaphysics teacher. And she did this thing with the group, with this exercise in front of the group and she said, "Everyone, want you all to send me your energy right now?
" She's at the front of the room. "Send me your energy, send me your energy, send me your energy. " Everyone's just sending her energy.
And she said that from that, she would feel energetically like backing up. It was like so much that it like in a way, repelled her. And then what she did is she said, "Do the opposite.
Bring the energy in your body, bring it into your heart, bring it into your bottom three chakras. Feel it in your legs, feel it in your hands. Bring it back to yourself.
Bring it back to yourself. Bring it back to yourself. " She said when we all did that, there's an energy that was magnetizing her towards the room.
Interesting, isn't it? That's how I believe it works in our real life too. You have someone you're incessantly thinking about, excessively thinking about, excessively thinking about, you're projecting them energy, giving the energy from inside of yourself, projecting it at them, maybe even then putting all this pressure on them.
Like give me the validation back, give me the approval back that I searched for in other people. And of course, then they can't give it 'cause you're giving them a role that they can't even fulfill. Projection, projection, projection.
What is the answer to magnetic energy? Bring your energy back. Bring it back inside of your own body.
Bring it back into your hands and your feet. I've done this, I call it the frame technique. It's a simple exercise.
I have a shadower teacher that I had for years who had two PhDs who taught me this. I've made YouTube videos about it that have hundreds of thousands of views. I meet people in the streets that say the frame technique transformed my life, made me more magnetic than ever.
It's so simple. Bring the energy in your body. Feel the separation between you and the wall, you and the computer, you and your phone.
Feel the separation. I know we're all one consciousness, we're all one. But guess what?
Empaths don't need to hear that. You are already at one with everything, I get it. Instead, feel the separation.
Feel the safety in your own body. Many of us sometimes just haven't felt safety in our own body because we had to attune to our outer environment in order to feel safe growing up. Bring the energy inwards, be present.
That means also not doing things to get somewhere else. Instead it means being with people and being in the experience of it as an end of itself. Does that make sense?
I used to work that nine to five job selling women's shoes. If I'm helping someone to get them to buy something, that's manipulation. If I'm enjoying the process of helping someone and I'm connecting with them, it's more of an end result of itself.
Funny enough, they end up mine. They would buy more when I did that energy instead of like pressure, give, give the money or the validation or the approval or whatever. So, be in your body, be present to the moment.
Sometimes when I get out of the sauna at the gym, I feel so present, I will go places. I'll go to like Whole Foods like I did yesterday and I met three subscribers that were there. And there's just like this, I could just feel, I was way more connected and present by just being in my body.
Didn't need anything, didn't need to prove anything, didn't need to like. . .
Sometimes I put this pressure on myself to be like even overly nice to people 'cause I know it means a lot sometimes when people meet me in public or something, so it's like, I'm like, oh, I gotta like be like, I am in the YouTube videos. What's up? My name's Aaron.
How can I help you? Just expand your consciousness. Imagine me like the ninth, the aisle nine.
Expand your consciousness. This video today, I wanna be sharing with you how we can have a great interaction in public. Like, you see what I mean?
It's like there's no pressure. Chill out, bro. Now, the fifth trait of highly magnetic and attractive people has to do with something.
. . Two-part thing.
One, inner authority. Who's your daddy? Who's your inner authority?
Is your inner authority the government? Is it mom and dad who maybe never gave that approval? Who's your inner authority?
People that are magnetic, either giving themselves their own authority by tuning to their body and saying, "What do I think about this situation? How do I feel about this person? How do I feel?
" Or from the divine. Have the divine show you so you can trust more so. Giving yourself permission.
Realize you have to be the one to give yourself permission to be a more authentic version of you. Now, for myself, I remember a long time, I was waiting, I was waiting, I was waiting for someone to tell me, "Aaron, you're good enough to make YouTube videos. Just start making videos.
You're good enough. " I was waiting for Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, all these people that I just wanted to tell me, "Aaron, you're good enough, go for it. " You wanna know what eventually happened?
They did it. They validated me. I met Tony Robbins and he said, "Oh my god, Aaron, you're gonna be so famous one day.
You're just gonna like make such a difference in the world. You're gonna impact so many people. " And then I met Jack Canfield, he said the same thing to me.
He said, "Oh my god, Aaron, you're just so amazing. I can just tell intuitively you're gonna be the best speaker that ever lived. " And I was like, "Okay, I'm good enough to start making videos.
" So, what I'm saying is you need to wait for these famous people to tell you you're good enough. And of course, I'm being completely sarcastic here. None of that happened.
I eventually validated myself. I eventually said, "Aaron, go for it. " The fear was there.
I'm not credible enough, I'm not worthy enough. That was all still there. That went away as I stepped into this new version of me.
I became my own inner authority. All right? Otherwise, you're gonna be waiting forever, waiting and waiting.
You're also giving them the burden and the pressure of giving you something that you can only give yourself. So, give yourself your own sense of inner authority and give yourself permission to be this new version of you. In the process of the person you become doing that, you will be more magnetic and attractive.
I think because I've been able to put myself out there, I've been able to also connect to my purpose. Are you living your purpose? Are you living your passion?
When you are in your purpose or your passion, you are way more magnetic. I promise you. I've met people before and I start talking about something they're passionate about and at first, they're like, "Oh, what's up?
You're having a good day? " blah, blah blah, blah. And then I'll say, "Can you talk to me?
Like what are you passionate about? " And they're like, "Oh man, I just love art, man. When I create art, I get in there, I just start painting.
I just get into this flow. It's like the divine just flows through me. And then I love the different colors I can create and the different textures of the art," and I'm like, "Whoa, you are alive now 'cause you're talking about something you're passionate about.
" You'll know when you're something you're passionate about, when you start talking like that. That's the difference. Are you doing your passion?
Are you following your purpose? People that are magnetic are living their purpose. They're living their dharma.
If you see someone working a nine to five job they hate, they probably aren't the most magnetic person they could be. To realize the more magnetic you are is how much are you living your purpose? How much are you living in your own passion?
It makes such a big difference. Now, like your vibration is what you're getting a reflection of your life, so really focus on your vibration, focus on how you feel. If you want to learn more about your own vibration and you haven't checked this out yet, you go to www.
whatsmyvibration. com. Calibrate your vibration, get a meditation that'll help you get your vibration to the next level, and watch how much it begins to change your life.
Now, while I was in Costa Rica, I talked to two people actually that did this one meditation. They said it completely changed their life. One of them said she was drinking, depressed, smoking 'cause she said she listened to it on 420 and she did my meditation on how to Raise Your Dominant Vibration Permanently.
She did this two years ago and she said since then, her life has never been the same. She said she's no longer depressed. So, there is something that shifted in her that completely changed her life.
And it was such an inspiring story that I'm like, I wanna promote this in my next YouTube video. But this person did this and said and claims that this meditation completely transformed their life. And I heard from someone else at the same retreat, the same meditation shifted everything for them, so if you want to do this meditation for 21 days, it's completely free, see it right here.
Raise Your Dominant Vibration Permanently. Listen to it for 21 days and watch what happens. This meditation will change your dominant vibration permanently.
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