Step into a world where extraordinary heroes and fierce villains collide in a battle for survival an...
Video Transcript:
in a world divided by fear and ignorance Charles Xavier a man with a broad Vision bravely strives to unite those who are different he forms a team of extraordinary individuals people who are both blessed and cursed with unique powers there's Angel master of flight and aerial maneuvers Jean Gray a powerful telepath and cyclops with the explosive power of His Eyes among them stands Wolverine alone and rebellious soul haunted by a past filled with secrets and rage Rogue a Wandering Spirit who can absorb life forces Colossus a gentle giant with impenetrable skin and storm an enchanting
goddess capable of controlling the weather but darkness is also on the rise led by The Fearsome enemy Magneto a mutant who believes in the superiority of his kind beside him stands Mystique a spy and master Shape Shifter to two sides one battle the fate of the world hangs in the balance prepare for a new dawn the X-Men are here we didn't start this war but we will certainly finish it