Neglectful Dad & Evil Stepmom Tried to Kick Me Out of My Own House To Give It To My Spoiled...

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Neglectful Dad & Evil Stepmom Tried to Kick Me Out of My Own House To Give It To My Spoiled, Pregnan...
Video Transcript:
neglectful dad and evil stepmom tried to kick me out of my own house to give it to my spoiled pregnant stepsister because her boyfriend left her and she is nothing my m34 miserly self-centered and usually absent dad m62 has recently found out how much I'll earn and shockingly so he has decided to kick me out of my own house all in the name of family Ash f29 my stepsister and daddy's little gem who does nothing wrong ever has magically gotten pregnant and obviously with her very self-reliant goals of being an escort and an only fans
model she has trouble getting herself a place to stay now daddy wants to fix everything and I'm the fix unfortunately I got to give up my house and my heart earned cash to this woman because she made all the wrong choices now I'm the guy my dad openly rejected as a responsibility multiple times but ever since he found out about my new house job and surprisingly income as well he's gotten pretty touchy about how we're the same blood while I'm not quite excited about him frequently reminding me who my father is he's also aiming to
strengthen the bonds I have to his wife and her daughter Grand Ed she's my dad's kid too but I was cast away far too early to make any kind of connection with the woman glad I didn't cuz I'd be so disappointed before you all start I just want to remind you all that I'm only here to vent out my emotions okay so I got opinions and thoughts and feelings to write out they might not sound okay to you and you may disagree but I'm just letting you know anyway cause frankly I don't have anyone else
to tell now let's introduce Ash short for Ashlin who's my half sister she's around 5 years younger than me and she's making her dad proud literally dad dad's delusional caused this woman's out there doing nothing but being an escort sleeping around with a flop only fans and my father calls her his pride yep you read that right I'm guessing he doesn't know the main deal who's going to tell him now I'm not very conservative but I try to focus on my morals and career I Court women when I find time to try and get to
know them better sometimes there's a spark but other factors come into play like long distance and availability issues other times there's no understanding at all I try not to sleep with random people I think I should wait for the right woman having a high body count grosses me out I don't know why guys show it off like a metal disgusting anyway this is what I apply to my own life my steps sister is sadly the opposite in opinion she probably has lost count of her physical partners then she's an escort now where that in its
own disgusts me there's also the fact that it's extremely dangerous too some guys like to do weird stuff to escorts I don't know how anyone would think it's okay to work like that then she up UPS inappropriate videos and photos of herself on the internet to make money off it and she doesn't get much success there probably doesn't know how to get the traffic running but for whatever reason it's a flop how do I know of it here's an embarrassing narrative my friend told me about it said Ash texted him one time after they met
for a drink and asked him if he wanted to have fun now hearing the story I'd already heated up a bit cause the guy went out with my sister but he said it was when he didn't know she was my sister I don't know if he's telling the truth but he said she'd sent him the link to her page and he showed it to me too she's always broke and asking dad for money so I think it isn't working too well for her I couldn't bring myself to ask her about it directly and I never
told Dad of it either another time I saw her taking a call and then sitting in the car with an elderly guy he gave her flowers and they drove off she would sneak back in the house through the window at odd hours I noticed this when I used to come home from college for the holidays I don't know if she's still at it though but I don't want to be a part of any of it I have a respected post where I work and I'm happy about it finally I haven't lived much with a new
family since my dad was bothered enough to send me away any chance he got but I have seen Ash close enough to say that she takes after her mother Marissa f58 Marissa was her she believed she was quite the icon in her prime she used to be a flight attendant and was fairly attractive to womanizing males like my dad now she's a typical botched face Karen if you know what I mean she with her claw-like hands with nails longer than her lipstick manages the neighborhood daycare of sorts weird how parents would leave their kids with
Edward Scissor Hands like that she may poke out a child's eye with those long nails anyway she's just as Pokey as her nails she has an opinion about everything and loves to cause problems in other people's lives she has a very bad voice and has more plastic in her body than the ocean she's as genuine as fake leather she influences dad for the worst she was I believe a major reason why my dad didn't think twice before sending me away to boarding school when I was eight because she didn't want to raise a kid that
wasn't her own now let me tell you about my dad he's kind of the main problem in all this really he thinks whatever he does in life is Justified even when it's far far from it because he's lived a whole life so he knows better says he regrets having me because I'm nothing like him thank God I'm not my mom was a strong woman she knew her priorities well and took good care of my dad but they fell out she used to tell me that Dad wasn't a bad person just a different person and no
matter what happens he's always going to be my dad and I should never forget that but she was a good Soul she didn't want to poison my thoughts against my father I'm sure he was as unbearable to her as he is today they separated and divorced a few month later I was 4 years old at the time and then 2 months after the divorce my dad married Marissa they had Ash when I turned five and then my mom died in a car crash I can't forget it because she was out to come get me from
school she had always been on time just once she was 10 minutes late to me it seemed like an hour but it was 10 minutes she got hit at an intersection by a drunkard he survived and she did not he got a DUI in a few years and I was left alone forever I waited in school and it took them 2 hours to come and get me I was lied too and confused since my dad had come I'll never forget his annoyance when he looked over at Dead face Marissa and asked what they should do
about me and she said your kid your problem precisely dad now you can't come and tell me I'll have to take care of your spoiled kid I have a stable job finally and manage a few small businesses on the side I've worked really hard since I turned 15 and I've been earning since after boarding school I went to college only visited during the holidays so I've been out on my own since 8 I've put in a lot of effort to get where I am and recently bought a house it's a nice little place much better
than the shared Department I had with my friends it was a life goal I thought I'd never achieve thing is I only just moved in last month I may not like my family enough but basic decency was to involve them in a moment this big so I invited them to the housewarming too my Dad's reaction was pretty sad to watch he looked envious to be honest a little annoyed as he asked about the furniture the architect and the interior designer I told him what I thought was good enough info and he responded with taunts like
I wouldn't know you never bothered telling me trying to gain attention making our weak relationship obvious in front of friends and work colleagues even my boss a week passed and I got a call from him I was at work and had this complex project to manage he said he wanted to meet since it was urgent and I agreed I went home and saw a very angry Marissa and swollen red-eyed Ash giving me a side eye from the living room dad was in the kitchen taking out bottles of beer from the fridge he offered me one
and I politely declined worried what he'd say I asked him what he wanted me for and he raised his brows and responded with another question ask me if I'd finally started giving a damn about us I frowned in confusion because I didn't understand what he was getting at he asked me to join Ash and Marissa in the living room I nodded and went over to a couch across the two and sat down Ash folded her arms and Marissa rolled her eyes dad walked in and sat with him facing me he put his beer bottle on
the coffee table and leaned back he then asked me if I were blind there was a pause confusion at my end and anger at theirs probably before I could respond he asked added that it's either I'm blind or I choose not to see things that need to be seen he said I had probably gotten very proud ever since I got a house and refused to look at the people who actually mean something to me I sighed and asked him what he meant by all of that and requested that he'd be more clear he blew sarcastically
and then told me I was unbothered by the serious situation in the room he said that I chose not to see that the family was in Jeopardy and I had decided not to offer to or be of any sort of help obviously I asked him what Jeopardy he was referring to he looked over at Ash who rolled her eyes and announced that she's pregnant like any normal person I wanted to congratulate her but before I could she started crying Marissa hugged her and told me I should know what's going on at home that I should
care enough to ask Dad said Ash has just found out she's pregnant and the boy responsible has now broken up with her because of it Marissa added that Ash has decided to keep it and that is what we should base further decisions on all I could manage to say was can she afford it I got a death stare by both Ash and Marissa and honestly I meant well it was my concern in my head I had already assumed that maybe they want me to chip with money to help her out and I was genuinely ready
to do that but then Dad stood and walked over to my side and sat down with me he then said that that was why he called me he said that he's a good father to his girl and maybe my mother didn't teach me how to be a good brother but brothers would give their life away for the comfort of their sisters I beg your effing pardon I know my financial input is needed but I'm not dying for her I sighed and asked what he wanted me to do about it he smiled and patted my back
and said that's my good boy I gave a fake smile which got off my face the moment dad spoke his next few words words you're giving your house to Ashlin no I'm not yes that's what I said immediately dad frowned he asked me why not so I told him that I could help out with some cash but the house is mine I can lend her a room without rent until she can manage to pay for it and Dad stood from his seat and shouted nonsense it makes perfect sense to me Dad but he insisted I
not only give her the house but also move out and buy another for myself I argued that Ash couldn't even afford to pay the bills and manage the house if she's having a baby and unemployed and dad told me that those would also be my responsibilities excuse me hell to the no I was Furious but I had to remain respectful so well got to my feet and told him that was not possible and that I would now be leaving then I left he didn't stop there he then showed up at my house a week later
while I was at work I don't know how he got inside where he got the keys from but when I came home I saw men moving boxes outside the house boxes full of my stuff I hurried inside as I asked them what they were doing and they told me the house owner has ordered them to throw that stuff out I sh that I was the owner of the house and that they should get my stuff back inside and leave immediately I lost my cool but this was the last thing I'd expected to witness coming home
too I went inside to find Dad and Ash and they still stood there demanding i' do what brothers should do I told them to leave but they didn't listen so El told them I'd call the cops on them that's when they finally left they badmouthed me using curses and whatnot now I know this is a lot to read but it was so much worse in person a week has passed and I kind of feel bad about it which is why I'm posting here was I wrong I feel like they need me and I shouldn't cut
them off like this but I also feel like there are limits to what I'm okay doing for them it angers me how disconnected and unbothered they were about me as I grew up but now they expect me to lay my life for them bit much don't you think let me know I can't even involve my friends in this you all are all I have right now update hey you all I hope you all are well been a week since I posted and honestly I didn't expect it it get the attention it got I read the
comments as they came and so made me question a lot of things but soon enough I decided not to cut my family off entirely this was because I received a call from Ash she told me she wanted to meet me and I accepted it she asked to meet at my house since she wanted to tell me a few things but I was still recovering from the scene made last time therefore I insisted we meet somewhere else we went to a coffee shop and she was pretty uneasy in the start normally she's pretty arrogant and rude
but she seemed pretty unlike herself we sat in the corner and she told me she'd recently been broken up with I responded saying I had an idea since Dad said that the guy who got her pregnant had left her she shook her head and said that that's what Dad thinks I asked her then what was it really and she told me that dad thinks her BF left her because he has commitment issues but in reality she's the one with the commitment issues shocking right she said that she really cared for this guy but he'd found
out about a few things in regards to her just a few days before she broke the pregnancy news to him when they Med he wanted to confront her for those things but she spoke first and that enraged him further he got pretty crazy in that moment and put a hole in the wall she said he scared her then he told her he was breaking up with her and left without hearing heing her response she's been trying to call him constantly and he doesn't respond at all he's only texted her back once saying that she needs
to get rid of the kid first and let him know only then will he speak to her at all but she has to get rid of the kid to get that chance now I know Ash ain't a saint but this guy I don't like this guy at all I only asked her what those things were that he'd found out and she said it' be weird to tell a brother about it I kind of understood that she was probably referring to the on the Vans and escorting so I Shrugged and said that it's okay if she
doesn't want to tell me before I could speak to ask her what she'd wanted to meet before she Drew in a deep breath and let it out then she told me that she'd been involved in Shady things I was worried as I didn't really want to hear the confirmation to all my suspicions but I did she told me that she'd wanted to paint and become an artist but Marissa told her that it wouldn't fetch her a good life or money Ash was told that she needed to find herself a man as soon as possible soon
enough she started gaining the attention of elderly men which kind of grossed her out at first when she told Marissa about it she told Ash that that was a good thing it was indeed the older men that knew what to do with the money they had and that they were the ones making any money at all Ash was only 19 at the time and Marissa told her College wouldn't or couldn't fetch her a good comfortable life Ash had Youth and there were many who would pay for that Ash decided she wanted to become a model
she tried and went to many modeling agencies none seemed to be interested in her then she met a guy in his 40s who told her he could get her a gig he took her to parties and bought her expensive clothes and jewelry for the events and she was happy until she was told about her first gig turns out she was to sell her time to a man in exchange for a modeling gig she thought it would just be dinner but it was a night and she spent it she did get a small modeling gig where
she got to take photos for a small brand but that was it a few more men used her while she hoped for a gig in return but she'd be told that they didn't select her she then found out that the guy investing in her was actually selling her he was profiting off of her she thought it unwise to confront him for it because she was afraid he'd have her killed so she told him that she didn't want to pursue modeling anymore and was okay with minimum wage jobs thankfully he let her go without an issue
she then tried to wait tables at bars and it was pretty tough for her that's what hard-earned cash is Ash but anyway she also said that Marissa would humiliate her for choosing to do those small jobs she'd tell her women are the beauty of this world and should only be there to shine and smile like a showpiece they need to be taken good care of and so on so Ash started going out with men only for dinner but she charged for it she said there were many loners out there who just wanted conversation but that
too ended up with stalkers and obsessive men who thought they were owed more than what theyd paid for she decided that talking to men making them feel connected to her was more problematic than sleeping with them so she started escorting it worked fine until a friend told her about on the Vans she tried to get it going but she wasn't really good at handling a camera and editing things she wasn't social enough and it required a lot of work so that didn't work out either and then she met her BF who was an ex-coworker he
worked at a barista and they met again she liked him a lot but he was too clingy he was a little possessive too and didn't trust her much granted he had every reason to doubt her because she was in fact still on all the Vans and an escort without his knowledge she stopped escorting at all the Vans completely and her BF started taking care of her with a little money he made and she was fine with it Marissa wasn't though but then she got pregnant and her BF found out everything she said she has a
few men on the list who could be potential fathers they all chip in with money to support the kid and her one of them had even proposed to her but she knows all of them are doing it because they think they're the only one there is which is ridiculous since they know she's an escort but she doesn't outrightly tell them that caet pays her bills and would probably help with the kid she said she decided to tell me all this because she couldn't tell Dad and Dad thinks she's only been modeling here and they're making
little money and that she had one guy in her life who left her when he should have stayed Marissa knows most of it and suggests Ash marry the guy who proposed and let him think he's the father but Ash doesn't know what to tell Dad then also she doesn't want to marry the guy cause he's weird and old and she doesn't want to let anyone believe a lie I asked her what she wanted me to help with and she said that some Financial input would be fine and she wants me to make up with Dad
she said that should agree to what dad's asking and then move out for some time then I could come back when matters aren't as heated how's that a solution I respectfully declined her offer and told her I could only contribute some cash but I wasn't okay with moving out of my own house she then told me I was selfish for thinking like that that she exposed her whole life to me and I didn't have the least bit of decency to help her out even then she said Dad was right about me and I deserved to
be sent to an orphanage and not taken in when I needed a place to live she got up and stomped away I think my response wasn't too extreme but is it selfish really what do you think of her side of the story does it justify her demands should I trust her I feel like she was telling the truth but does it mean I should do what she's asking for let me know y'all update this thing's picking at my brain at this point another week has passed and a few things happened thought I'd hit the keys
and update y'all on it thanks for the support on my previous update you guys such a relief to have people support my thoughts for once anyway so after I met Ash I got a call from Dad he wanted to meet me at the bar and settle a few things curious I agreed and went to meet him we sat at the counter and he said that he knew how much I'll I'm earning I asked him why does it matter and he said he knew I could afford to buy another house in a few years I Shrugged
and told him I already have a house and this discussion should seriously be put to an end he insisted that I didn't have a family yet and it's harder for women to raise a child alone that kid needs a safe space he can call home so I reminded dad that Ash has been living with them long enough and nothing seemed to be a problem a little baby won't hurt I also asked him what she would do living alone in a whole house when she's pregnant I said she needed to be surrounded by people so that
she can be taken care of that's when Dad shocked me once again he said he and Marissa would move in with Ash in my house I couldn't believe my ears before I could react to that the bartender let out a sarcastic chuckle dad took offense and asked him what was so funny to him Ash he replied he said she uses everyone and then throws them away my dad asked him if he knew who he was talking about and he nodded saying he was her boyfriend my eyes widened so this was the guy dad balled his
fists and spoke sternly to the guy asking him why he thought it was okay to start a family he couldn't support the guy held his hands up and told Dad that he wasn't responsible for the family in question also he had no interest in raising a child that was not his own dad dared him to explain why he thought that he smiled and told us that he'd had a vasectomy done last year because he didn't want any kids but Ash still got pregnant also he found her driving off with different men after lying to him
about where she'd been going then he found out she had an on the Vance said he didn't want to believe any of it when Ash finally told him they were having a baby that was the last straw for him he couldn't have a kid so it confirmed it all he told Ash that she'd been cheating on him all along and he knew and she spilled the beans all I could watch was Dad's face shifting from anger to shock to disappointment while my ears were pinned to the guy's voice he Shrugged and told us he owed
Ash nothing rather she owed him money time sincerity and at the very least love he said he didn't know if dad knew any of it but he was sure no dad would be proud of a kid like that Dad tightened his lip and got off the stool without a word and walked away later that evening he texted me telling me he had to go pick Marissa from her yoga class I don't know what went on after that but I'm sure it was something because the very next day I found Ash at my door crying she
told me I ruined everything I pulled her inside to avoid a scene and calmed her down to tell her that I didn't tell Dad anything it was her boyfriend who happened to be the bartender where Dad and I had gone she then told me dad told her to quit everything and stay at home said he was disgusted with her and never thought she'd resort to such practices he told told her to mend her ways and find a good man then he also pointed out that her chances to find good men were pretty slim now I
listened to her and hugged her she said she was sorry for thinking it was me because Dad had just come home from meeting me when he' confronted her I forgave her and then she went back home while she was ranting and telling me about how pathetic she felt she mentioned that Marissa was pretty quiet when dad was talking about good women and their loyalty like she could say anything Ash said one of the things she can't speak about I asked her what she meant by that and she said that Marissa couldn't have an opinion since
she is yoga I could only frown in confusion before Ash continued on with her crying as she narrated what else happened yoga hm stuck with me what do y'all think really happened is Ash going to be dad's Pride still no one's contacted me ever since I'm going to see and let y'all know though I know y'all probably didn't expect me getting back to you so soon but I couldn't help it update just 2 days after my last upload and I'm here for the ones asking Ash's ex's name is irrelevant but we can call him Bob
here's the new bit so the day before yesterday I went to meet Dad I told him I decided a few things I said that I'd wanted to help raise Ash's kid and I was ready to lend a room to her I would be okay to pay for the diapers and stuff but she needs to get a job as soon as she can dad told me that then there'd be no one with a baby so El suggested she tried freelancing or working from home Dad wasn't his usual rude self this time he took a pause and
then sighed he sat down on the couch and told me he thought i' hated him he was right but I asked him why he thought that he said it was because Mom hated him too I quickly told him she never told me that that she always told me Dad loved me and cared about me I told him that the only reason why I was disappointed at all was how wrong my perception of dad was mom told me all that and then what I felt from dad was total neglect and lack of care he rubbed his
eyes and told me he hated himself for a lot of things said he liked mom but they hadn't known one another long enough to decide if they were actually each other's type he sighed and said that he got her pregnant and that's why he had to marry her she was a good wife to him but he never felt the spark between them and then he met Marissa when he said that I could feel my insides tingling I couldn't move I didn't know any of this dad told me that Marissa sparked a flame in him he
never knew he had he was so happy with her and before he knew he caught feelings before he could navigate his way through Rights and Wrongs he got Marissa pregnant too and then he told Marissa it was wrong but it was too late she was pregnant he told her to wait he wanted to tell Mom first but Marissa felt insecure and came to our house she told Mom everything mom confronted dad and he accepted it it was a very ugly episode because Mom was extremely hurt but even then she was polite and asked Dad for
a divorce y'all my parents divorced cause dad had an affair with my stepmom and got her pregnant I don't know how worse this man could get Dad took a pause and looked over at me he said that he'd spent a nice year with Marissa when mom died and he had to bring me home Marissa hated everything about it she was again insecure that Dad might prioritize me over their baby somehow because of guilt or whatever so he sent me away to boarding school 3 years later and then I never had to stay home long enough
to cause Marissa any discomfort love makes you do stupid things he said and I wanted to punch this man in the face but I controlled it I turned around to see Marissa standing in the doorway water bottle in hand she said she was just leaving for the yoga class and she put her bottle on the table and went in the kitchen I blinked and before I could think straight she was back and went through the door I was numb so I followed her out I picked up her water bottle to return it to her when
I got out she'd already gotten in her car and was driving off I needed a drive to clear my mind so I quietly sat in my car and drove following her she parked outside a yoga club and got out she looked around herself and then started walking into an alley she again looked around herself and got into another car she hugged and kissed the driver and they drove off I could hardly blink I clenched my jaw and parked my car got out and went inside the yoga Club asked them about Marissa checking in and they
denied giving me personal info I said I was worried about her and insisted I was at least told if she were there they told me they had no client with that name I got back to my car and waited and I don't know what came over me but when that other car rolled in I started making a video a man got out and opened her door for her hugged her and kissed her then slapped her butt as she joyously made her way to the parking lot so much for yoga Marissa before she could get to
the parking lot I left so my dad cheated on my mom and he's getting cheated on now karma dad has called me a few times but I didn't pick up going to see what happens cause all I want to do now is go and ask Marissa about it all should I update hey y'all this is probably going to be the last update I think and I know it's a week late and y'all expected it to be sooner but so much happened in this week first I actually managed to man up and go and confront Marissa
I went when Dad wasn't home Ash was asleep I asked her if she had yoga class that day she said she had it every day even on Sundays she was in the kitchen cooking pasta I asked her who her yoga instructor was she took a random name I asked her if that were a dude she said no and laughed why would I take a boy she said I told her it was funny that she had a female one when the club she went to didn't have any female instructor she told me I was mistaken but
her voice was caught off guard and her hands weren't stirring the pasta sauce anymore I told her i' joined the club yesterday and that's what they told me she asked me how I knew where her Club was I told her I followed her the last time I'd visited she dropped a spoon I picked it up and she turned around what are you getting at she asked me so I told her what I saw she denied it as expected I said I saw it with my own eyes she Shrugged and told me dad would never believe
me I pulled out my phone and played the video and told her he'd believe his own eyes at least she stood in shock and was speechless for a minute then her Expressions calmed down and she continued to cook pasta she said it didn't matter anymore she was already planning for a divorce anyway my eyes widened this woman was Despicable granted my dad deserved all of it but man she's a snake she told me that the guy she goes to meet at the club is her lover of 3 years now they revived their Romance when it
was safe too she said they'd fallen in love long ago but at that time he was married to another woman whose father had hired him in his company a lot was at stake but Marissa and her lover decided that he choose to keep his marriage and settle his finances then he'd divorce his wife and get with Marissa but Marissa got pregnant so then she was desperate to pin a guy down for support as women should that's how she decided to keep Dad they were seeing each other off and on but then Marissa met her lover
and got pregnant so she chose dad and told him he had to do something about it said he got cold feet so she had to take it in her own hands and that's when she spoke to Mom now her lover is a widower and owns a company she's good to go she said women need to do what they can kid and turned around with a smile but her smile froze as she looked over my shoulder her smile was gone in the next moment I turned around to find dad in the doorway fists bald and eyes
red he was shaking well then dad woke Ash up and brought her to the kitchen he asked her who her father was she looked over at Marissa and shook her head she told told him she didn't care about blood because she always knew him to be her dad he ran his fingers through his hair and paced the floor over the next 2 days Marissa and Ash were told to leave his house the divorce is in process Ash and Marissa are staying at a shelter dad has asked me to find him a therapist and he's apologized
a lot since I forgive him every time as with Marissa her lover didn't take her in he denies having any contact with her I have the proof and Marissa has begged me for it she's even asked me to think of Ash in her pregnancy what can I say Marissa your kid your problem what should I do delete the video or hand it over we'll update in the comments sometime later thanks for being with me for the suggestions and support means a lot
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