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I Will Not Waste Your Time in this video I will only talk about how to actually increase your height it doesn't matter if you are over the age of 20 because you can grow taller no matter your age as your growth plates never close so let's get started growth hormone growth hormone is crucial for increasing your height without proper growth hormone levels no matter what type of exercises or stretches you do you will never grow taller here are three ways to boost your growth hormone sleep do you know that the majority of your growth hormone is released in the first 90 minutes of sleep neurologist Andrew Huber emphasizes the importance of sleep for growth hormones growth hormone is released every night when you go to sleep and it's released in the early part of sleep during so-called slow wave sleep so the two conditions that have to be met in order for growth hormone to be secreted regularly for tissue repair Etc are you need to get into slow wave sleep the so-called deep sleep and you need blood insulin and glucose to be relatively low now you know that sleep is super important for your growth hormones so you need to go to bed early a good way to improve your sleep quality is to limit blue light exposure before bed turn your screen reading mode on or get some blue light blocking glasses intermittent fasting intermittent fasting can help increase HGH levels fasting periods lead to spikes in GH eaing in fat loss and muscle gain here's how you can implement it in your life fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8 Hour window example eat between 12:00 p. m. and 8:00 p.