Who Was Melchizedek & Why is He Important to Us?

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who is melkisedek and why is he important to us throughout the pages of scripture certain figures stand out as mysterious and captivating leaving us intrigued and eager to uncover their significance among these interesting figures is MDC melchisedek is only talked about in a few lines of the Book of Genesis but his short appearance is very meaningful it gives a small hint about a character who is important Beyond just the Here and Now the encounter with melchisedek in Genesis Genesis 14:1 18-20 then melchisedek king of Salem brought out Bread and Wine he was Priest of God
most high and he blessed Abram saying Blessed Be Abram by God most high creator of Heaven and Earth and praise be to God most high who delivered your enemies into your hand then Abram gave him a tenth of everything NIV Genesis 14 provides the backdrop for the mysterious encounter between Abraham and melkisedek a moment that holds significant implications for understanding the role of priesthood in Biblical history in this chapter we witness Abraham's courageous pursuit to rescue his nephew lot who had been captured in the aftermath of a regional conflict as Abraham returns Victorious from Battle
he is met by two significant figures the king of Sodom and melkisedek king of Salem and priest of God most high it is melchisedec's appearance that captures our attention as he Emer emerges suddenly onto the scene without any preceding introduction or explanation of his background melchisedec's actions in this encounter are notable he approaches Abraham with Bread and Wine symbolizing hospitality and blessing moreover melchisedek blesses Abraham acknowledging God's role in granting him victory in battle Abraham in turn responds by offering a tithe a tenth of his spoils to mzc recognizing his authority and spiritual significance the
significance of mdc's encounter with Abraham lies not only in the immediate context of their interaction but also in the broader theological implications that it carries melchisedec's dual role as king and priest foreshadows the greater priesthood to come ultimately fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ as the writer of Hebrews later expounds melkisedek serves as a type or shadow of Christ whose priesthood is superior to that of the levitical priesthood through this encounter in Genesis 14 readers are invited to ponder the deeper significance of melchisedec's priesthood and its implications for Understanding God's Plan of Redemption as
we explore this encounter further we will uncover layers of symbolism and meaning that point to the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise in Christ join me as we delve deeper into the encounter with melkisedek in Genesis seeking to understand its significance for our faith and our understanding of priesthood in scripture Genesis 14 a closer look at the encounter with Abraham melchisedec's sudden appearance in the narrative is striking as he arrives without any proceeding introduction or explanation of his background yet his presence carries profound significance As He blesses Abraham and offers him Bread and Wine symbolizing hospitality
and spiritual sustenance the meeting between Abraham and mkdc is a key event in the story showing us important ideas and religious truths first melkisedek being both a king and a priest shows us how spiritual and worldly power are linked this hints at a greater priesthood that will later come with Jesus Christ next when melkisedek blesses Abraham it shows that God helped Abraham win his battle this blessing confirms that God looks favorably on those who follow his commands then Abraham's reaction to the blessing is important he gives mkdc a tithe which is 1/10th of all he
has won this is Abraham's way of saying saying thank you and acknowledging melchisedec's spiritual leadership this story in Genesis 14 asks us to think about true worship and following God's commands just like Abraham did when he responded to melchisedec's blessing it also makes us think about the role of melchisedec's priesthood and what it means for God's bigger plan of saving people characteristics of melkisedek priest of God most high melkisedek mentioned first in Genesis 14 is known as a priest of God most high this title is very important in the Bible because it shows us a
lot about who he is when we learn about melkisedek as a priest of God most high we can see his important role in the Bible number one his special role as a priest melchisedec was different from other priests who came later under the laws given to Moses these other priests were from Aaron's family but melkisedek did not come from any family line that the Bible talks about this shows us that his role as a priest was for everyone everywhere and for all time number two his work of blessing and speaking to God for others as
a priest of God most high melkisedek was like a bridge between God and people he blessed people and spoke to God for them when he met Abraham he blessed him and thanked God for helping Abraham win a battle number three the meaning of Bread and Wine in Genesis 14 melkisedek gave Bread and Wine to Abraham this was a way to show friendship and to share God's blessings later in the Christian church Bread and Wine are used to remember Jesus's sacrifice showing that melchisedec's actions pointed forward to what Jesus would do for all people number four
what his name means melchisedec's name means king of righteousness and king of Peace these names tell us about his job as a good and peaceful leader this shows us that God wants the world to be just right and peaceful number five how he showed what Christ would be like melchisedec's life was a preview of Jesus Christ who is the ultimate high priest the book of Hebrews in the Bible Compares melkisedek and Jesus showing how they are alike and how Jesus is even greater Jesus like melchisedek is a priest forever and he brings eternal life to
all who follow him by understanding melkisedek as a priest of God most high we see how important he is in the Bible and how he shows us what Jesus would later do melchisedec's life and actions help us remember God's never-ending love and care throughout history chapter 2 the enigmatic references in Psalms Psalm 231 NIV the Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing the Psalms a group of old poems from Hebrew culture include mysterious mentions of mkdc that add to the secrets about this character these mentions found across different Psalms provide intriguing hints about melkisedek one
Psalm 110 1-4 this Messianic Psalm contains a prophetic reference to melkisedek in verse 4 the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever in the order of MDC here the psalmist speaks of a future Priestly figure who who will be appointed by God and who will serve perpetually in the order of melkisedek this illusion to melkisedek underscores his enduring significance and prefigures Christ's Eternal priesthood two Psalm 762 in Psalm 76 the City of Salem associated with melkisedek in Genesis 14:18 is mentioned as the place where God's Tabernacle dwells his
tent is in Salem his dwelling location within Zion this illusion to Salem as God's home emphasizes the city's importance as a holy location and serves as a reminder of mdc's dual function in this city as king and priest three Psalm 72:17 Psalm 72 contains a reference to the blessings that will flow from the righteous rule of the king may his name endure forever may it continue as long as the sun he will bring blessings to all countries and they will refer to to him as blessed this phrase implies a relationship between the promises given to
Abraham in Genesis 12:3 and All Nations will be blessed through him and they will call him blessed this verse Echoes the promises made to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 and suggest a connection between melchisedec's priesthood and the universal blessing that will come through the righteous ruler four Psalm 89 3-4 Psalm 89 speaks of God's Covenant with David and his descendants promising them an enduring Dynasty you said I have made a covenant with my chosen one I have sworn to David my servant I will establish your line forever and make your throne firm through all generations This
covenantal Promise recalls the Eternal priesthood of melkisedek and suggests a connection between davidic kingship and the priesthood of melkisedek these enigmatic references in the Psalms contribute to the ongoing mystery surrounding mkis and highlight his enduring significance within Israelite Theology and Messianic expectations through these references the Psalms invites readers to ponder the deeper theological implications of mdc's priesthood and its fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ Psalm 110 1-4 the Lord swears an oath to melkisedek Psalm 110 is a Messianic Psalm that contains a profound declaration regarding the relationship between the Lord and melchisedec in verses
1-4 the psalmist provides a glimpse into a Divine oath sworn by the Lord to melkisedek affirming his unique role and eternal priesthood verse one establishes the mood the Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a foot stol for your feet here we observe a conversation between the Lord Yahweh and the psalmist Lord who is often interpreted as a reference to the Messiah this declaration underscores the messiah's exalted position and his eventual victory over his enemies in verse two the Lord extends the scepter of power to the Messiah
empowering him to rule over the Nations the Lord will extend your Mighty scepter from Zion saying rule in the midst of your enemies this imagery portrays the Messiah as a conquering King who will establish his Reign from Zion the holy city of Jerusalem verse three introduces mkis into the narrative your troops will be willing on your days of battle arrayed in holy Splendor your young men will come to you like DW from the morning's womb this verse alludes to the participation of the messiah's followers in his Victorious campaign the imagery of melchisedec's troops and young
men evokes the priesthood and spiritual warfare suggesting a connection between MDC and the messiah's Divine Victory finally in verse four the psalmist declar the Lord's oath to the Messiah the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever in the order of mkdc this oath confirms the messiah's Eternal priesthood in the order of melkisedek a priesthood that surpasses the levitical priesthood established under the Mosaic law the mention of melkisedek here underscores his significance as a type of foreshadowing of the Messiah whose priesthood is characterized by righteousness peace and Eternity Psalm
110 1-4 thus presents a profound declaration regarding the messiah's exalted position his Victorious Reign and his eternal priesthood in the order of melkisedek through these verses readers are invited to contemplate the Divine Plan of Redemption and the Fulfillment of God's promise in the person of Jesus Christ the ultimate high priest in the order of melkisedek Messianic interpretations melkisedek as a type of Christ melkisedek has been inter interpreted as a type of foreshadowing of Christ serving as a prophetic figure who prefigures the characteristics and Ministry of the Messiah these Messianic interpretations draw parallels between melkisedek and
Jesus Christ highlighting their shared attributes and emphasizing the significance of melchisedec's priesthood in understanding the role of Christ as the ultimate high priest priesthood and kingship one key part of understanding melkisedek is seeing how he was both a king and a priest in the same way Jesus Christ is shown in the Bible as both the king of all Kings and the high priest for all people melchisedec being both a priest and a king is a preview of what Jesus would later be Jesus's role combines these two positions and goes beyond the limits of this world
setting up a rule of fairness and peace that includes everyone Messianic explanations of melkisedek show how important he is as a preview of Christ pointing out how they both serve similar special roles through being a priest a king right and just and bringing blessings to everyone melkisedek gives us a glimpse of the saving actions of Jesus Christ Jesus completes and goes beyond the old promises and messages from the Old Testament when Believers think about melchisedec's role they get a better idea of what Christ's role as a priest means and are encouraged to fully appreciate the
forever important work Jesus did to save of all people melchisedec's Eternal priesthood implications for us universal access to God melchisedec's priesthood is characterized by its Universal scope offering access to God for all who seek Him in faith similarly Christ priesthood extends to all Humanity regardless of ethnicity nationality or social status through his sacrificial death and Resurrection Christ opens the way for all people to to approach god with confidence all people to approach god with confidence knowing that they have a high priest who understands their weaknesses and intercedes on their behalf melchisedec's Eternal priesthood holds profound
implications for Christian theology highlighting the preeminence of Christ's priesthood the continuity of redemption the Assurance of Salvation and the universal access to God that Believers enjoy by understanding the significance of melchisedec's priesthood Believers are are drawn into a deeper appreciation of Christ's Redemptive work and are encouraged to live in the light of Eternal hope and assurance that it provides chapter 3 melkisedek in the letter to the Hebrews Hebrews 7 1-3 this melchisedek was king of Salem and priest of God most high he met Abraham returning from the defeat of the Kings and blessed him and
Abraham gave him a tenth of everything first the name melkisedek means king of righteousness then also king of Salem means king of peace without father or mother without genealogy without beginning of days or end of life resembling the Son of God he remains a priest forever the letter to the Hebrews includes a very detailed talk about melkisedek more than anywhere else in the New Testament the person who wrote Hebrews uses the story of melkisedek to show that Christ's role as a priest is greater than others this helps readers see more clearly ly how Christ serves
as the highest priest of all number one Christ's superiority over the levitical priesthood the writer of Hebrews Compares Jesus Christ's role as a priest to the priest from Levi's family who served under the laws given by Moses he explains that Jesus Christ's role is better because it comes from a promise made by God himself not just from family history this better position is shown when melkisedek another priest from the past blessed Abraham who is the ancestor of the Levi priests melkisedek also received gifts from Abraham showing he was even greater than Abraham therefore this makes
Jesus Christ's role as a priest even greater than those priests from Levi's family number two Christ's Eternal priesthood Hebrews emphasizes the Eternal nature of Christ's priesthood in the order of melkisedek unlike the levitical priest who were limited by death and succession Christ Christ holds his priesthood permanently and is able to save completely those who come to God through him this eternal priesthood ensures the Believers have a permanent and unchanging Advocate before God who continually intercedes for them and grants them access to the presence of God number three Christ mediatorial role the author of Hebrews presents
Christ as the mediator of a new and better Covenant established on better Promises by drawing parallels between mkis and Christ he highlights Christ's role as the mediator of a covenant and surpasses the old Covenant established through Moses this New Covenant inaugurated by Christ's sacrifice on the cross provides Believers with forgiveness of sin intimate fellowship with God and the promise of Eternal inheritance four Christ's sacrificial atonement Hebrews portrays Christ as the ultimate high priest who offered himself as a perfect and unblemished sacrifice for the sins of humanity ity by offering himself once for all Christ fulfilled
the typological significance of melchisedec's priesthood providing Eternal Redemption and Reconciliation for all who believe through his sacrificial atonement Christ fulfilled the demands of the law and opened the way for believers to enter into God's presence with boldness and confidence the letter to the Hebrews presents melkisedek as a type of foreshadowing of Christ whose priesthood is characterized by its superiority eternality mediatorial role and sacrificial atonement by understanding the significance of mdc's priesthood in Hebrews Believers gain a deeper appreciation for Christ's Redemptive work and are encouraged to draw near to God with confidence knowing that they have
a high priest who sympathizes with their weaknesses and intercedes on their behalf Hebrews 5:7 the central passage on melkisedek the main section about me m kedc in the letter to the Hebrews covers chapter 5 to7 here the writer gives a thorough explanation of why melchisedec's role as the priest is important and how it relates to Christ's role as a priest this section is the heart of the letter sharing deep thoughts on how Christ's priesthood is greater and everlasting just like melchisedec's one Christ's appointment as high priest Hebrews 5 1-10 in Hebrews 5 the author establishes
Christ appointment as a high high priest after the order of melkisedek he emphasizes Christ's qualification as a sympathetic high priest who can empathize with human weaknesses having experienced Temptation and suffering himself through his obedience and suffering Christ was perfected as the source of Eternal salvation for all who obey him being designated by God as a high priest in the order of melkisedek Hebrews 5 1-10 Amplified Bible for every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in things relating to God so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices
for sin he is able to deal gently with the spiritually ignorant and misguided since he is also subject to human weakness and because of this human weakness he is required to offer sacrifices for sin for himself as well as for the people and besides one does not appropriate for himself the honor of being high priest but he who is called by God just as Aaron was so too Christ did not glorify himself as to be made high priest but he was exalted and appointed by the one who said to him you are my son today
I have begotten fathered you declared your Authority and rule over the Nations just as he also says in another place you are a priest appointed forever according to the order of melkisedek in the days of his Earthly life Jesus offered up both specific petitions and urgent supplications for that which he needed with fervent crying and tears to the one who was always able to save him from death and he was heard because of his reverent submission towards God his sinlessness and his unfailing determination to do the father's will although he was a son who had
never been disobedient to the father he learned active special obedience through what he had suffered and having been made perfect uniquely equipped and prepared as Savior and retaining his Integrity amidst opposition he became the source of Eternal salvation an eternal inheritance to all those who obey him being designated by God as high priest according to the order of melchisedek two melchisedec's superiority over Abraham Hebrews 7 1-10 Hebrews 7 starts with a clear discussion about when Abraham met melkisedek it shows how melkisedek is greater than Abraham and the levitical priests the writer points out that melkisedek
was both a king and a priest of God most high he blessed Abraham and received tithes from him by doing this the writer shows that melchisedec's role as a priest is more important than the levitical priesthood for this melkisedek king of Salem priest of the most high God met Abraham as he returned from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him and Abraham gave him a tenth of all the spoil he is first of all by the translation of his name king of righteousness and then he is also king of Salem which means king of
peace without any record of father or mother nor ancestral line without any record of beginning of days birth nor ending of Life death but having been made like the Son of God he remains a priest without interruption and without successor now pause and consider how great this man was to whom Abraham the patriarch gave a tenth of the spoils it is true that those descendants of Levi who are charged with the Priestly office are commanded in the law to collect tithe from the people which means from their Kinsmen though these have descended from Abraham but
this person melkisedek who is not from their levitical ancestry received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who possessed the promises of God yet it is beyond all dispute that the Lesser person is always blessed by the greater one furthermore here in the levitical priesthood tithes are received by men who are subject to death but in that case concerning melkisedek they are received by one of whom it is testified that he lives on perpetually a person might even say that Levi the father of the Priestly tribe himself who receiv received tithes paid tithes through Abraham the
father of all Israel and of all who believe for Levi was still in the loins unborn of his forefather Abraham when melkisedek met him Abraham Hebrews 7 1-10 Amplified Bible three Christ's Eternal priesthood Hebrews 7 11-28 the second half of Hebrews 7 talks about how Christ's role as a priest will never end and is in the order of melkisedek the writer explains that if the levitical priest were perfect there would be no need for another priest like melkisedek but Christ is a forever priest in melchisedec's order bringing better hope and a new promise that gives
Eternal salvation to those who believe unlike the levitical priests who die and need to be replaced Christ's priesthood is for forever he can fully save those who seek God through him now if Perfection a perfect Fellowship between God and the worshipper had been attained through the levitical priesthood for under it the people were given the law what further need was there for another and different kind of priest to arise one in the manner of melkisedek rather than one appointed to the order of Aaron for when there is a change in the priesthood there is of
necessity a change of the law concerning the priesthood as well for the one of whom these things are said belonged not to the Priestly line of Levi but to another tribe from which no one has officiated or served at the altar for it is evident that our Lord descended from the tribe of Judah and Moses mentioned nothing about priests in connection with that tribe and this becomes even more evident if another priest arises in the likeness of melkisedek who has become a priest not on the basis of a physical and legal requirement in the law
concerning his ancestor anry as descendant of Levi but on the basis of the power of an indestructible and endless life for it is attested by God of him you Christ are a priest forever according to the order of melkisedek for on the one hand a former commandment is canceled because of its weakness and uselessness because of its inability to justify The Sinner before God for the law never made anything perfect while on the other hand a better hope is introduced through which we now continually draw near to God and indeed it was not without the
taking of an oath that Christ was made priest for those Levites who formerly became priest received their office without its being confirmed by The Taking of an oath but this one was designated with an oath through the one who said to him the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind or regret it you Christ are a priest forever and so because of the Oaths greater strength and force Jesus has become the certain guarantee of a better Covenant a more excellent and more advantageous agreement one that will never be replaced or en olded the
former successive line of priest on the other hand existed in greater numbers because they were each prevented by Death from continuing perpetually in office but on the other hand Jesus holds his priesthood permanently and without change because he lives on forever therefore he is able to also save forever completely perfectly for eternity those who come to God through him since he always lives to intercede and intervene on their behalf with God it was fitting for us to have such a high priest perfectly adapted to our needs holy blameless unstained by sin separated from Sinners and
exalted higher than the heavens who has no day-by-day need like those High priests to offer sacrifices first of all for his own personal sins and then for those of the people because he met all the requirements and did this once for all when he offered up himself as a willing sacrifice for the law appoints men as high priests who are weak frail sinful dying men but the word of the oath of God which came after the institution of the law permanently appoints as priest a son who has been made perfect forever Hebrews 7 11-28 Amplified
Bible Hebrews 5 through 7 gives a full explanation of melchisedec's priesthood and how it connects to Christ's priesthood but by comparing melkisedek and Christ the writer shows that Christ's priesthood is supreme and everlasting giving Believers a solid base for their faith and shess of their salvation in these key sections the readers are encouraged to think deeply about Christ's priesthood and approach God confidently knowing they have a high priest who understands their struggles and speaks to God for them meedan influence on the early church fathers the influence of mzc on the early church fathers can be
seen in their theological Reflections particularly in the interpretations of Christ's priesthood and its relationship to melkisedek while the early church fathers did not have a unified interpretation of melkisedek many of them Drew upon melchisedek and themes in their writings here are some examples Clement of Alexandria Clement of Alexandria a Christian Theologian of the 2 and 3rd centuries interpreted mzc allegorically in his strata Esau melkisedek as a symbol of logos the Divine word who brings blessings and salvation to humanity two Austine of Hippo Augustine a prominent Theologian of the fourth and fifth centuries discussed melchisedec in
his city of God he interpreted melkisedek as a prefiguration of Christ's priesthood highlighting his role as a priest king who brings peace and blessing number three John Cham John Cham a renowned preacher Theologian of the fourth and fifth centuries commented on MDC in his homeliness he saw mzc is a type of Christ emphasizing his righteousness and his offering of bread and wine as a prefiguration of the Eucharist these early church fathers interpreted mzc in various ways but they generally saw him as a figure who prefigured Christ's priesthood and kingship their writings demonstrate the importance of
meedan themes in early Christian theology and their efforts to understand the significance of Christ priesthood in light of Old Testament typology chapter 6 application and implications for believers today 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in IV all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work studying the themes of melkisedek is very important and meaningful for believers today let's look at some ways that learning about melkisedek can deepen the faith and ways of living for believers nowadays one understanding
Christ's priesthood studying mzc provides Believers with a deeper understanding of Christ's priesthood and its significance for their lives recognizing Christ as the ultimate high priest in the order of melkisedek highlights his eternal intercession on behalf of Believers and their access to God's presence through him two living in Hope of the Kingdom melkisedek as a priest gave Abraham a blessing that looks forward to the time when God's kingdom will be fully realized this Kingdom will be marked by fairness peace and everyone worshiping God those who believe are urged to live with the expectation of this coming
truth getting involved in God's work to save and heal and showing others what God's kingdom stands for in the world embracing the the call to Holiness and righteousness answering the call to be holy and right is a key part of being a Christian based on who God is and shown through what Jesus taught the example of melkisedek gives Believers help and direction in following this call to be holy and right here's how Believers can answer this call with ideas from melkisedek one model of righteousness melkisedek is described as the king of righteousness in Hebrews 7:2
highlighting his moral integrity and upright character Believers can look to melkisedek as a model of righteousness striving to live lives that are characterized by Integrity honesty and moral uprightness two Pursuit Of Peace as the king of Salem which means peace mzc embodies the pursuit of peace and Reconciliation Believers are called to follow his example by seeking peace in their relationships communities and the World At Large this involves promoting reconciliation fostering understanding and working towards Justice and Harmony three practice of generosity melchisedec's encounter with Abraham involveed the offering of bread and wine which symbolize hospitality and
generosity Believers can emulate this Spirit of generosity by sharing their resources with others showing Hospitality to strangers and caring for those in Need by practicing generosity Believers reflect the character of God who is abundantly gracious and generous towards Humanity four commitment to worship melchisedec's Priestly role involved offering sacrifices and blessings to God most high Believers are called to worship god with reverence and awe offering their lives as living sacrifices and service to him regular participation in corporate worship prayer and spiritual disciplines helps Believers cultivate a deeper relationship with God and align their lives with his
purposes five pursuit of Justice milis 's role as a priest king underscores the Inseparable connection between righteousness and Justice Believers are called to advocate for justice defend the oppressed and work towards the establishment of God's kingdom of righteousness on Earth this involves speaking out against Injustice standing up for the marginalized and promoting equality and dignity for all people embracing the call to Holiness and righteousness in light of mdan themes involves embodying qualities of Integrity peace generosity worship ship and Justice by following the examples of melkisedek and seeking to live lives that reflect the character of
God Believers bear witness to the transformative power of God's grace and contribute to the flourishing of God's Kingdom on Earth living as ambassadors of Christ in the order of mzc being ambassadors for Christ like mzc means living out the values and principles shown by mkis DEC and completed through Jesus Christ here's how Believers can do this Embrace Christ's Priestly ministry as Christ Representatives like mzc we must adopt Christ's role of bringing people together and praying for others this means showing Christ's love kindness and forgiveness to everyone inviting them to join in peace with God model
integrity and righteousness just as mzc did Believers need to lead Lives full of honesty and goodness this includes always being truthful genuine and morally upright showing Christ's character to everyone around us pursue peace and Reconciliation melkisedek was known as the king of peace and similarly Believers should work for peace and Men relationships in their communities this means always looking for ways to heal disagreements solve problems and help different people get along practice generosity and Hospitality like melkisedek who shared bread and wine with Abraham Believers should be generous in welcoming to others this involves giving what
we can to those who need help welcoming people we don't know and being kind to everyone we meet engage in worship and prayer as Christ ambassadors Believers should worship and pray both alone and together with others this involves giving thanks to God asking for his guidance and respecting the holy ceremonies with deep devotion advocate for justice and righteousness melkisedek was both a priest and a king and in the same way Believers should stand up for fairness and good in society this includes speaking out against wrongs supporting those who are treated unfairly and striving to bring
about God's fair and just Kingdom on Earth proclaim the gospel of Christ as representatives of Christ Believers must share the good news of Salvation through Jesus Christ with the world this means telling others about God's love kindness and salvation and inviting them to join in a relationship with Christ Living as Christ's ambassadors in the way of mil kzdc involves showing the values of Christ's priesthood living honestly and righteously seeking peace being generous and welcoming worshipping and praying fighting for justice and sharing the gospel of Christ with everyone by doing these things Believers show the changing
power of Christ saving work and help grow God's Kingdom on Earth
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