Secret Vault Under the Vatican Opened After 5000 Years & It Holds Terrifying Discovery

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Secret Vault Under the Vatican Opened After 5000 Years & It Holds Terrifying Discovery For centurie...
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the Vatican archives whenever they're going to be opened are going to reveal extraordinary levels of details for centuries the Vatican has kept some of the world's biggest secrets hidden behind thick walls and locked Gates but now after 500 years one of the most mysterious vaults has been opened and what they've found inside historians and researchers have uncovered things that were thought to be lost forever Priceless Treasures ancient writings and discoveries that could completely change what we think we know about history Vatican has a telescope and a big Observatory it has done for hundreds of years
Peter's bones were they somebody else's bones again we can't know for sure they can channel the power of God to drive Satan away number one secret Vatican vault Secrets surrounding the controversial papacy of Pope Pas the 12 are being revealed to the world today from the Vatican secret archived imagine a vault containing over 1200 years of hidden history that's exactly what you'll find in the Vatican secret archives now called the apostolic archives these archives hold some of the church's most secret documents locked away for centuries but now for the first time parts of the these
archives have been opened to the public Scholars who were once only allowed to see certain documents are now exploring records that stretch back through the ages so what have they found one of the most interesting discoveries is a collection of letters from Galileo galile during his trial for heresy in the 1600s these letters give us a clearer picture of the conflict between science and religion at the time especially how Galileo's ideas challenged the church another intriguing find is a series of secret diplomatic letters from Pope Pas the theme the person himself of p p the
12 will come out in a different way of course because there are answers to questions that are open during World War II there has always been controversy about what the pope did during the Holocaust was he silent or was he secretly working to help people these documents give us some Clues but they also leave us with more questions like And subscribe right now and you'll have amazing luck for the rest of the week number two the 500-year-old aunt while cleaning the frescoed walls Cruz discovered two neverbe seen paintings by the artist Raphael deep inside the
Vatican a stunning artistic Discovery was made completely by accident in a room known as the room of Tears where newly elected popes go for a moment of private reflection something amazing was found under layers of dirt and soot during a restoration project faint outlines of beautiful frescos began to appear slowly but surely art restorers uncovered a forgotten Masterpiece hidden for centuries these frescos full of Rich symbolism are believed to be about 500 years old but the big question question is who painted them art historians think the frescos could belong to the Golden Age of Renaissance
art the same period as legendary artists like Michelangelo Raphael and belli however no one has been able to identify the artist for sure some think it might have been one of Raphael's students or maybe a lesser known artist from Michelangelo's time the clues are there but so far no one has been able to solve the mystery number three the hidden room the argument will be reinvigorated as we open the room to the public and I hope the scholars will come back pause and look at the drawings and start to do more analysis in due course
another incredible Discovery comes from a hidden room beneath the mediche Chapels at the Basilica of San Lorenzo this small almost unnoticed space was sealed for centuries the room was discovered in 1975 when they were searching for a new exit for the museum because of M visitors increasing numbers but what was found inside is priceless it's believed that Michelangelo himself used this room as a hideout during the political turmoil in Florence in 1530 the walls of the room are covered in chalk and charcoal sketches these rough drawings show studies of anatomy and early versions of some
of Michelangelo's most famous works one sketch for example is thought to be a study for one of the sculptures in the medich tombs which are located right above the hidden room these tombs are decorated with stunning sculptures like dawn dusk night and day which are considered masterpieces of Renaissance art some of the sketches also look like figures from the cinee chapel reminding us of Michelangelo's genius at work even though these drawings aren't polished works of art they give us a rare look into the mind of a master during a very challenging time in his life
number four Vatican necropolis it's extraordinary to think that with the the uh creation of a car park the Santa Rosa car park you have this discovery hidden beneath the magnificence of St Peter's Basilica is a secret many people don't know about the Vatican necropolis this vast underground burial site dates back to Roman times and offers an extraordinary look into the early days of Christianity discovered in the mid 20th century the necropolis also called the scavi is filled with ancient tombs and mums from the 1st to 4th centuries ad just meters beneath one of the most
famous churches in the world these ancient Graves tell the story of the church's earliest roots archaeologically in other parts of the hill we have burials including of course the famous burials underneath St Peter's Church the necropolis stretches hundreds of meters underground with burial Chambers decorated with beautiful frescos and mosaics preserving these ancient artifacts was no easy task the excavation had to be done with extreme care to avoid damaging St Peter's Basilica above plus the high humidity levels underground posed a big risk to the fragile artwork so the Vatican used Advanced preservation techniques to protect this
historical treasure number five ancient paper documents deep inside the Vatican archives there's a collection of documents that spans over a thousand years these papers tell the story of major world events and the rise of Christianity and even include personal letters between popes and rulers Saints and scientists while some of these records have been shared with the public many remain sealed and hidden from view one of the most mysterious parts of the election is the ancient papal documents including the files from the Inquisition during the Middle Ages although some information about the Inquisition has been made
public a large part of the records is still locked away these hidden documents might reveal details about the church's interrogation methods private decisions about individual cases and Secret Letters between inquisitors and the pope what could these unseen files contain could they reveal facts that would change the way we view the church's past number six codex vaticanus inside the Vatican Library sits one of the most important books in history the Codex vaticanus this ancient manuscript written in Greek is one of the oldest and most complete copies of the Bible it dates back to the 4th Century
CE and is incredibly valuable to Scholars theologians and historians the Codex vaticanus was first mentioned in the Vatican libraries records in the 15th century during the time of Pope Nicholas I it's amazing that this ancient book survived through centuries of Wars political changes and religious debates the Codex was written on Vellum a type of fine parchment and originally included all 73 books of the Bible however some parts of the manuscript have been lost over time for example the end of the book of Hebrews along with parts of 1 and two Timothy Titus philimon and the
Book of Revelation are missing even with these missing sections the Codex vaticanus is still one of the most important texts in biblical studies number seven frescos in the catacombs beneath the streets of Vatican City in Rome lies a hidden underground world the ancient catacombs these are where early Christians buried their dead and expressed their faith through ART some of these burial sites date back to the 2 Century ad inside the catacombs you'll find frescos paintings on the walls that give us a glimpse into the beliefs of early Christian communities who often had to practice their
faith in secret these Roman catacombs including those under Vatican City weren't just places to bury the dead they also served as spots for worship and reflection the catacombs were dug into soft volcanic rock sometimes across several levels over time people painted frescos on the walls of these underground tombs these paintings tell stories showing the shift in Christian art from simple symbols to to full scenes from The Bible number eight mummies in the Vatican among all the treasures and historical items in the Vatican you might not expect to find mummies but they're there while they might
not be as well known as the mummies from Egypt's pyramids the mummies in the Vatican Museum are fascinating links to ancient civilizations some of these mummies date back as far as 2,000 BCE they don't just offer a window into the past they also show the vatican's connection to Europe's growing interest in egyptology during the 18th and 19th centuries during this time Europe became obsessed with ancient Egypt explorers and collectors brought mummies and other ancient artifacts back from Egypt the Vatican joined in when Pope Gregory thines opened the vatican's Egyptian Museum in 1839 today the museum
holds several mummies each preserved through different methods like embalming or natural processes number nine Leonardo da Vinci's codex one of the treasures hidden in the Vatican library is a collection of Leonardo da Vinci's writings and sketches known as the Codex vaticanus urbas 1270 this CeX was put together by his student Franchesco melzy after Leonardo passed away in 1519 unlike Da Vinci's other notebooks which are famous for being a bit disorganized this codex is well structured and gives a clearer picture of His Brilliant mind the Vatican got hold of it in the 17th century and it's
been a valuable resource ever since one of the most fascinating parts of the Codex is Leonardo's detailed study of human anatomy his sketches of muscles bones and organs along with his careful notes show How Deeply he wanted to understand the human body but Leonardo's curiosity didn't end with Anatomy the Codex also includes his thoughts on mechanics physics and the principles of movement and force it's a perfect example of how he Blended Art and Science constantly exploring and pushing boundaries in both Fields number 10 10 the obelisk in St Peter's square right in the center of
St Peter's Square you'll find an impressive Obelisk that tells a story of History power and Faith this huge Monument standing about 84 ft tall originally comes from ancient Egypt specifically the city of heliopolis it was built around 1300 BCE by Pharaoh Ramsey II to honor the Egyptian gods and show the power of the Pharaohs its Journey to the Vatican didn't happen until much later in 1586 Pope 6us I ordered the Obelisk to be moved to its current spot in St Peter's Square getting this massive Stone into place was a huge engineering challenge surrounding the Obelisk
of the beautiful colonades designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini which stretch out in a symbolic Embrace welcoming visitors to the church number 11 the bourier apartments hidden within the Vatican Museums are the Borgia Apartments a stunning example of Renaissance Art and history but also wrapped in controversy these rooms were commissioned by Pope Alexander II who was part of the infamous bourger family known for their mix of power politics and scandal despite the controversies surrounding the bourger family the apartments are a reflection of the cultural richness of the late 15th century showcasing both the glory of the
papacy and the artistic talent of that time the walls of the apartments are decorated with beautiful frescos by the artist pinio these paintings tell stories of faith and Triumph with one of the most famous works the resurrection ction celebrating Christ's victory over death another piece the Virgin and child shows a tender moment between Mary and baby Jesus these frescos are not just incredible works of art they also tell the stories of the era's spiritual and political world number 12 the Shroud of Turin the Shroud of Turin is one of the most mysterious and talked about
relics in Christian history many believe this linen cloth was the burial shroud of Jesus Christ as it Bears a faint image of a man who shows signs of being crucified for centuries this Relic has sparked both devotion and curiosity its first recorded appearance was in France in the 14th century but its true Origins are still unknown some think the Shroud was brought to Europe by the Crusaders While others believe it might have been created much later regardless the image on the Shroud complete with blood stains and marks from crucifixion has convinced many that it is
the actual burial cloth of Christ in 1988 radiocarbon dating tests were done on the Shroud and the results suggested that it was created between 1260 and 1390 CE which would make it a medieval artifact rather than an ancient one however not everyone agrees with these findings some critics believe that the sample tested came from a patched up part of the cloth not the original fabric there are many theories about how the image was created with some suggesting natural processes like heat or light While others point to microbial activity despite years of research and debate the
shroud's origins remain a mystery number 133 the body of St Catherine of Sienna in the Basilica D San Dominico in Sienna Italy you'll find the remains of one of the Catholic Church's most important Saints St Katherine of Sienna she was a Mystic a reformer and is considered a doctor of the church her influence during the 14th century was immense both in religious and political circles today her body rests in this Basilica and people from all over the world come to honor her memory after she died in 1380 something amazing happened when her body was exhumed
50 years later it was found to be in a remarkably well preserved State this miraculous Discovery only increased the Devotion to her parts of her body like her finger and head are displayed in a special Chapel inside the Basilica pilgrims visit to connect with these relics hoping to feel a deeper spiritual bond with the saint every year on April 29th which is her Feast Day the Basilica becomes a center of Celebration and prayer number 14 the Holy Grail Spain the Holy Grail is one of the most legendary and sought-after Relics in history believed to be
the cup used by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper The Grail has fascinated people for centuries while the Grail has appeared in many myths and stories there's a chalice in Valencia Cathedral that some believe could be the real thing this ancient Cup made from agot and sitting on a gold base has been a focus of devotion for a long time its connection to Christ and the Last Supper makes this chalice incredibly important to Christians even though historians argue about how old it is some think it could date back to the fourth or fifth century the
Cup's spiritual significance is what matters most in the 15th century people started referring to this chalice as the holy grail and since then it has become a powerful symbol of divine grace every year on the first Sunday of October the Feast of the Holy Grail takes place in in Valencia attracting both Believers and the Curious whether it's the actual Relic from the last supper or just a symbol of something greater the Holy Grail in Valencia holds a special place in both religious devotion and cultural Legend representing the connection between the human and the Divine number
15 the caves of kumran the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the kumran caves is one of the biggest archaeological finds of the 20th century these caves are near the Dead Sea in what's now the West Bank and the Scrolls inside them date back to between the 3r century B.C and the first century CE in 1947 a bedan Shepherd found the first Scrolls by accident changing how we understand early Jewish life and the beginnings of Christianity over over the next 10 years more Scrolls were found in 11 different caves it's believed that a Jewish
group called The Asen wrote These Scrolls the Asen lived far from others focusing on religious Purity their writings give us a glimpse into their beliefs traditions and their view of the world ending soon the Scrolls include parts of the Hebrew Bible commentary on scriptures and rules on how they live together experts from all over including Scholars from the Vatican worked to translate and preserve these texts at first only a few people were allowed to study the Scrolls but eventually they were made available to more Scholars the study of these Scrolls has changed modern biblical research
giving us a deeper understanding of religious life during a very important time in history number 16 the stone of anointing inside the Church of the Holy Seiler in Jerusalem is a special stone called the stone of anointing for millions of Christians this stone is incredibly important according to tradition it's the spot where Jesus Christ's body was laid and prepared for burial after his crucifixion also called the stone of unction it represents Christ's suffering death and resur Resurrection key events that form the foundation of Christianity the stone you see today was placed in the church during
a major Restoration in 1810 but it's believed to sit where the original Stone once was when people visit the Church of the Holy Seiler they often kneel before the stone of anointing they anoint it with oils and say prayers in deep respect for many touching the stone makes them feel closely connected to the events surrounding Jesus's death located at the entrance of one of Christianity's holiest sites the stone of anointing continues to attract visitors from around the world for those who travel to Jerusalem standing before the stone brings a sense of wonder and spiritual reflection
tying them to the legacy of Christ's sacrifice number 17 the St Martin's Cathedral altar in the center of Bratislava Slovakia stands St Martin's Cathedral a building rich with history and tradition built in the 13th century this Grand gothic church has seen centuries of change it was even the coronation church for 11 kings and queens of the kingdom of Hungary including Empress Maria Teresa at the heart of the cathedral is the altar an impressive piece of art made in the gothic style it has beautiful wood carvings and a tall radar behind it which is like a
decorative screen the altar is filled with religious symbols and stories that capture the attention and hearts of those who see it Gothic altars Were Meant to impress and this one does just that with its detailed craftsmanship number 18 the Chapel of the Holy Cross inside the Church of the Holy Seiler in Jerusalem lies the Chapel of the Holy Cross one of the most sacred places for Christians tradition says that this is where St Helena the mother of emperor Constantine found the True Cross the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified the church built in the
4th Century CE by Emperor Constantine honors the events of Christ's crucifixion burial and Resurrection when St Helena traveled to Jerusalem looking for Christian relics she discovered the true cross which was a huge moment in Christian history The Chapel of the Holy Cross now stands as a reminder of this discovery symbolizing the lasting power of faith and the importance of the cross in Christianity number 19 The Relic of St teres of lisu the relics of St terz of Liu a very loved Catholic saint are important to many people around the world also called St Herz of
the Child Jesus and the holy face she lived a simple life as a carlite nun her deep faith and devotion made her one of the most respected Saints in the Catholic church after she became a saint the Basilica of Sanz was built in Le New France to keep her relics these relics which include parts of her bones have traveled around the world so people from many countries can honor them the Journey of her relics reminds people of her simple but powerful message of love and trust in God often called her little way number 20 the
pilgrimage Church of V hidden in the Bavarian Alps is the pilgrimage Church of V also known as V kid built in the 18th century this beautiful church is known not just for its amazing Art and Design but also for a miracle that is said to have happened there according to local stories a wooden statue of the scourged Savior showing Christ after his suffering started to cry this miracle brought many people to the small village of Vis hoping to be healed the original Chapel was too small for the growing number of visitors so a bigger church
was built when you enter the pilgrimage Church of wh you are greeted by bright colors detailed stucco decorations and incredible frescos the gold and white interior gives a feeling of heavenly Beauty making it a place where art and Faith come together today people still visit Vis kushia to pray for healing and reflect on the Miracle of the crying statue this church remains a special place for both art lovers and those looking for a deeper spiritual experience number 21 the alterpiece of gent the Gent alterpiece also called the Adoration of the Mystic lamb is one of
the greatest works of Western Art it was finished in 1432 by Two Brothers Hubert and John Van Ike and is displayed in St Bar's cathedral in Gent Belgium known for its incredible detail lifelike images and deep religious meanings it has amazed people for centuries the altar piece was ordered by a rich Merchant named yokas viid and his wife Elizabeth borut it has 12 panels and can be opened and closed when closed it shows the Archangel Gabriel telling the Virgin Mary that she will give birth to Jesus but when it's opened you see the main scene
the Adoration of the Mystic lamb which represents Jesus and his sacrifice for Humanity the van Ike Brothers used new painting techniques that made the figures and details look incredibly real the colors are vibrant the textures are detailed and the religious story it tells makes it one of the most admired and studied pieces of Christian art number 22 the dogmatic sarcophagus the dogmatic sarcophagus kept in the Vatican Museums is an important example of early Christian art and beliefs carved from Marble in the mid 4th Century CE it was likely made for a wealthy Christian family and
is covered in beautiful carvings that show key ideas of the Christian faith which is why it's called dogmatic the front of the sarcophagus has two rows of carved biblical scenes one of the main scenes is the creation of Adam and Eve showing God's role as the Creator this ties in to Christian teachings about Jesus being the new Adam meaning he brings a new chance for Humanity's salvation the dogmatic sarcophagus gives us a look into how early Christians used art to show their beliefs mixing stories from the Bible with important ideas about creation and salvation it's
an important piece for understanding the early development of Christian art and theology number 23 centuries old tombs in the center of London under the floor of an old medieval Church archaeologists have made an exciting Discovery centuries old tombs these tombs are believed to belong to important people from medieval times such as church leaders and local nobility the fact that they were buried under the church Floor shows how respected they were in the community as the church was Central to both spiritual and social life during that time what makes this discovery even more interesting is the
detailed stonework and inscriptions on the tombs the beautiful carving and designs on the coffins show how much care was taken in Remembering and honoring the dead number 24 padmanaba Swami temple in the busy city of thuvan anap puram in Kerala India the padabas Swami Temple is known for its beauty wealth and deep sense of mystery built in the 16th century this Temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is famous for its Grand architecture detailed carvings and tall towers however what truly catches people's attention are the hidden doors inside the temple doors that are believed to
guard vast treasures and sacred items the biggest mystery of the temple lies in these sealed Chambers especially one door said to lead to the Royal treasury called the Karam even though there have been attempts to open these doors many remain locked protected by strong local beliefs some say that opening them could release unknown forces adding to the Temple's magical and mysterious feel in 2014 after a Court ruling an inventory of the Temple's wealth was ordered many Treasures like gold jewels and ancient artifacts were found but some of the hidden doors were never opened the mystery
of what could still be inside these secret Chambers continues to spark curiosity leaving us to wonder what other Treasures or ancient Secrets might still be waiting behind those doors number 25 St Peter's bone fragments a recent discovery in a Roman Church has created a lot of excitement and discussion archaeologists believe they may have found bone fragments of St Peter one of the most important figures in in Christianity Peter was a fisherman From Galilee who became one of jesus' closest disciples according to the New Testament Jesus chose Peter to lead the early Christian Movement if these
remains truly belong to Peter it would be a huge Discovery the bones were found during an excavation at a church that may have strong ties to the early days of Christianity this church could have been a place where Peter's followers once gathered scientists will need to use methods like radiocarbon dating to check how old the bones are and to see if they really could belong to Peter if these Revelations blew your mind just imagine what else could be hidden beneath the Vatican make sure to subscribe and hit the notification Bell because we're only scratching the
surface drop a comment with your thoughts what do you think is still locked away and don't forget to like the video if you're ready for more Mysteries to be uncovered
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