go to Luke 8 26-39 uh and uh we know that Jesus and his disciples have come uh through the storm we know that they didn't drown we know that they didn't go under we know that Jesus was uh Peter woke him up out of his sleep and Jesus woke up and rebuked the Bible said the winds and the ways we we are clear about that this 8 26 of Luke takes us into not what they've been through but what they were going to and it is so important because you cannot evaluate the significance of what
you've been through until you study what you are going to what you are going to will explain what you just went especially when you understand that well don't let me get ahead of myself I'm excited so I don't know whether to throw the chicken at you or the Egg you know I'm ready to throw everything at you but we're going to start with Luke 8 26 and uh let's just read it down through it they sell to the region of the Gatherings which is across the lake From Galilee when Jesus stepped ashore he was met
by a demon-possessed man from The Town for a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house long time but had lived in the tombs or the cemetery when he saw Jesus he cried out and fell at his feet shouting at the top of his voice what do you want with me Jesus son of the most high God I beg you don't torture me now well hold on it it says he cried but who's really crying out yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's his voice but but but but the enemy is
having a spiritual conversation through a human being Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah because it would not make sense for the man to say why did you come to torment me when Jesus wanted to deliver the man but the spirit is talking out of the man's mouth you have to understand that that sometimes the enemy talks through people [Applause] if you can believe that God speaks through people then you must also understand that the enemy needs a vessel to speak through and so when you deal with these moments you have
to be able to separate what is spiritual from what is human you understand what I'm saying so so Satan always needs something to speak through whether he speaks through a serpent or a person he needs something to speak through because he is spirit and anyway when he saw Jesus he cried out and fell at his feet shouting at the top of his voice what do you want with me Jesus Son of the most high God I beg you don't torture me for Jesus had commanded the impure Spirit to come out of the man come out
of the man many times it had seized him and though he had he was chained with hand and foot and kept under guard he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into a solitary places have you ever allowed demons to drive you into solitary places you're watching online have you ever allowed the enemy to to to separate you from everybody and put you into isolation the enemy seeks to put you into solitary places so he can have his way with you so he can convince you that nobody cares and nobody's coming
and nobody's going to deliver you he puts you in solitary places Jesus asked him what is your name he's still talking to the spirit he's talking to the spirit that is in a man the answer comes back Legion he replied because many demons had gone uh-huh yeah yeah yeah yeah see we got to teach this stuff because we we cannot assume that this generation understands this stuff and so they don't understand it so when they see it manifest they don't have enough biblical background to understand that that which is of the flesh is of the
Flesh and that which is of the spirit is of the spirit they can't differentiate one from the other anyway and they beg Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into the abyss the King James version says don't send us out of the region we are occupying territories don't send us out of the region that's why that's why when the Bible talks about uh principalities and Powers Satan has regions and territories that he seeks to dominate and to control and Jesus is coming to a new region and they had Equity the demons had equity in
the region and they didn't want to have to start over again so they said we'll leave the man but we don't want to leave the territory y'all don't hear what I'm saying we have to understand that because the Apostle Paul says we are not ignorant of his devices so we can't just talk about Jesus and not talk about the adversary because if you do you will be ignorant of his devices and a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside the demons begged Jesus the demons begged Jesus the demons begged Jesus the demons
begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs and he gave them permission and he gave them permission and he gave them permissions to go into the pigs remember that underline that pay close attention because I'm going to talk tonight about storm drains all right every storm needs a dream and they beg Jesus they negotiated with Jesus if you're going to rebuke us let us go into the big to bigs when the demons came out of the man they went into the Pigs and The Herd rushed down everything is going down the Steep Bank into
the lake yeah and was drowned when those tending the pigs saw what it happened wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up a second Jews don't raise pigs or Orthodox Judaism wouldn't be raising swine so not only has Jesus come into the territory of demonic control he has also crossed the line before the cross to deliver a gentile or we wouldn't see pigs if if they were Jews we would see sheep and Shepherds okay but you wouldn't see swine when those tending the pigs saw what had
happened they ran off and reported this in the town and Countryside and the people went out to see what had happened when they came to Jesus they found the man from whom they found the man who separate from whom the demons had gone out the man is still there but the demons have drained out [Applause] I'm just talking about what the word of God said I'm not talking about your opinion I'm just talking about what the word of God said they found the man from whom the demons had gone up that these demons had been
in this man according to the text for a long time controlling his behavior leading to his depravity his nudity his self-hatred his isolation his degradation wasn't him but up under the influence of the enemy had controlled his behavior and Jesus has now separated or severed the connection between the Demonic influence and the individual and the demons were just concerned okay we know we got to give him up because you're here [Applause] so so don't send us into the abyss but but but but but but let us go into the pigs so at least we can
stay in the region yeah yeah there there are Regional spirits I'm teaching while I'm reading there there are Regional Spirits the the principality that hovers over Paris is not the same principality that hovers over Dallas you have to understand that Satan wants territory and Jesus has come into the territory that one is upon the Demonic influence but also is Gentile not Jew and Jesus has crossed the line before the cross Sunday we read the text let us cross over foreign to the other side let us cross uh y'all don't hear me let us cross over
to the other side this is a preview of a Coming Attraction because Jesus went to the cross so he could reach the others let us cross over to the other side now this this is I love this text because we get to see spirits talking we we get to see them negotiating with our Lord who is Lord in the earth under the Earth and above the Earth we know now that his power works in the Dark World like it works in the present world we know he is the same yesterday today and forevermore because the
Bible said he gave them permission to drain out of the man into the pigs and the pigs now go down and drain into the lake and the pigs drown but the demons didn't there's a difference between the content and the container are you following me I'm a borrow Pastor raise work because I like how you track it with me y'all tracking with me you're tracking with me and the people went out to see what had happened when they came to Jesus they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting sitting at Jesus
feet dressed and in his right mind and they were happy oh and they were glad to see the delivering power of the Holy Ghost no they were a friend and people are still afraid that you're gonna get loose yeah people are still afraid that you're gonna come into the fullness of what God has for you people are still afraid that you're going to discover who you are in the kingdom of God they want to keep you in solitary confinement but the devil is alive I said the devil is alive I said the devil is a
liar those who had seen it told the people how the demon possessed man had been cured that's good news you would think when you gave people good news they'd be glad but the reality is you can be so up under the influence of the enemy that good news doesn't make you glad then all the people of the region of grassarines but it really is Gatherings and the King James version as Jesus what they asked Jesus to leave Jesus asked the demons to leave and then the people come and ask Jesus to leave if you have
any notion that doing good is going to get you applauded get rid of it right now because Jesus did a good thing and they asked him to leave because they were overcome with fear so he got into the boat [Music] and left the man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him but Jesus sent him away saying no I want you to go home this man is a seed sown into a region God never leaves himself without a witness and Jesus said if you come with me it's going to defeat the
purpose but I want to leave you as a sign in the region that I was here and that I drained back the storm took authority over the enemy drove it back into out of the man into the pigs out of the Peaks into the Lakes and I want you to go back so there is indisputable evidence that your transformation was for my glory [Applause] deliver you For Your Glory I delivered you for my glory and so I want you to be a light in a dark place and I want them to see you return home
and tell how much God has done for you now this is not the normal language that Jesus speaks because throughout the scriptures Jesus healed lots of people and told them don't tell anybody but this man he says I want you to go back and tell them that it wasn't happenstance it was a therapy it wasn't psychology I want you to tell him this is spiritual warfare and tell them what great things God has done for you so the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him can you say
Amen father sanctify the word in our hearts and in our Spirits as we delve into your truth tonight we thank you for what you have done what you are doing and what you're about to do we believe you for the transformative power of your word to flow tonight into every crevice of our being in Jesus name amen you may be seated y'all uh y'all remember the other night when the storm came through Dallas wasn't that crazy I don't know how it was in your neighborhood but it was it was like a flood and and my
wife was in the kitchen and she was showing me that that because our property is slowed so much water was coming down our driveway and into our property now we we have a drain in the driveway but there was so much water coming in and maybe some leaves that got in the drain until I couldn't even see the drain for the rain okay the drain is there because any time you're gonna get rid of the storm water the storm may stop but the water's got to go somewhere are you hearing what I'm saying so that's
important for you because the water's got to go somewhere now now I want to make you to understand that when you start talking about Gathering it's an adjective that means uh in in the Greek it means to move rapidly and without control to move rapidly and without control that's the name of the area to move rapidly and without control and Jesus comes to Gathering whose name is to move rapidly without control and he has come to Gathering through a storm that moved rapidly and without control now you got to marry the two texts you got
to marry what I preach Sunday okay steady in the storm and you got to remember the fact that when they got on the boat and Jesus said let us cross over to the other side now we understand that Jesus is crossing to the other side not only of the lake but the other side theologically to reach the Gentiles and when they started out everything was cool but the closer they got to their destination suddenly a storm comes out of nowhere and Peter freaks out and and and questions God's love because of his storm have you
ever questioned God's love because of your strong Charis thou not that we perish how can you sleep through a moment of my discomfort you ought to be doing something to make me feel secure and safe in other words he has put the burden on Jesus to deal with his complex crisis while Jesus is asleep I'm gonna talk about a sleepy Jesus sometimes a moving Jesus doesn't build your faith like a sleepy Jesus this storm is an exercise in faith faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen we understand then
that the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal so all of a sudden we begin to catch a glimpse of the fact that when Jesus woke up and rebuked the winds and the waves he says to Peter where is your come on where's your faith where is your faith because this is a spiritual battle okay yeah this is a spiritual battle somebody say this is a spiritual battle we are living in a time that we are fighting spiritual battles and we are fighting them with carnal weapons the
Bible said the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every High thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and brings every thought into captivity unto The Obedience of Christ you're in a fight you cannot use carnal weapons in a spiritual fight I never will forget years ago many many years ago I was in West Virginia and my mother and my brother came to church uh up at the storefront when we was on Lee Street in Montgomery and I was casting
out a demon and the demon was manifested in the service and it was just carrying on and it was disrupted my brother had never seen anything like that he told my mother he said I'll be right back foreign where you going he said he said I'm going to my car get my Pistons my mother said you can't shoot no demon fool he said no but I can shoot the Joker he in the problem with that is you can't fight a spiritual battle with carnal weapons okay we have such well-intended but misinformed people who are so
carnal that they don't understand spiritual Warfare so master the Tempest is Raging and we think we're just talking about rain wind and water but if all that Peter was fighting was rain wind and water why did Jesus use the word rebuke you don't rebuke a storm you rebuke a spirit come on people you have to understand that these two stories are connected that the enemy over gatherings moving fast and furious has to move quickly because Jesus is Crossing over to the other side so you think the story about the demons begins with Legion no it
begins with the resistance to you coming over into the enemy's territory so when Jesus gets up out of the sleep he rebukes the winds and the waves and a great calm Came Upon the face of the waters because this was not a storm in the first place it was a manifestation of demonic resistance that wanted to stop Jesus from Crossing y'all not ready for me tonight come on y'all not ready for me tonight when God has something for you the enemy wants to block your pathway into the destiny that God has for you and the
storms that you're fighting are not your faults or your issue is Satan's fear that you're coming after him and crossing over into his territory type it on the line I'm crossing over I'm crossing over I'm crossing over I'm crossing over into occupied territory I'm crossing over into an area where there's been barriers and restrictions I'm getting ready to cross the line the devil don't mind as long as you stay in your little place and sit down in the corner never don't mind as long as you just shut up and dribble but the moment you make
up in your mind I'm gonna cross over and then the enemy sense resistance [Applause] and you got to know that you don't need an umbrella you need to rebuke the winds and the waves so the moment Jesus lands in gatherings the demons start running because they already knew come on they already knew he was coming and the and the resistance wall that they sent to stop him didn't work oh I don't know who I'm talking to but don't you know the enemy already sees you coming he already sees you coming [Applause] I said just get
off the boat how else would Legion know that it was Jesus and where to go and the demons start talking the man did the running but the demons did the talking come on somebody because Jesus has entered into occupied territory the devil of mine you have in church with church folk but when you start breaking into occupied territory when you start possessing ground where he has been working for years and years and years he's going to do everything he has to resist you and all of a sudden your money gets funny and all of a
sudden your kids get sick and all of a sudden you lost your job and all of a sudden you're dealing with a store and all of a sudden they found a lump in your breath don't you know it's just that the devil sees you coming You Gotta Be steady [Applause] You Gotta Be steady in fact the storm is a result of the anointing that's on your life and look at how steady Jesus is in the storm he sleep sleeping Jesus he he sleep in a hurricane that has terrified and experienced fishermen Peter crosses Lakes for
a living he's seen everything and this storm has terrified and Jesus see Jesus asleep which is the ultimate of peace [Music] you can't speak peace if you don't have peace come on somebody come on somebody Peter has given up his peace and lost control of the circumstances what I want to see want you to see tonight is what started out as an outward storm leads into an inward possession yeah wow so so when the storm came the other night we had to unblock the drain because even when the storm stops the water has to drain
somewhere and this text is a storm drain what manner of man is this that even the winds and the waves obey his will why are you all riding with for Jesus you don't know [Music] [Applause] you're just you just on the boat just going along with the flow until he starts manifesting in the spirit and all of a sudden you'll understand this ain't just no regular dude this dude is operating in another dimension and I have underestimated who I'm following so the storm comes to put Jesus power on display not only for the rebuking of
the Demons but for the education of the disciples [Applause] your real power doesn't show in the quiet it shows in the storm are y'all following what I'm saying so in order to see the complexities of the texts and to become uh uh advised of The Wiles which means techniques of the enemy you have to understand that this fight started before this fight started okay in other words the enemy has been setting up this defense for a while and everything was cool it was going according to plan the man was cutting himself he had stripped himself
for closing he had no boundaries each one of these descriptions are signs of what happens in the life of a man who is under demonic control okay he stripped himself he has wounded himself you understand what I'm saying he hates himself and he's only comfortable in the tombs when the enemy's taking over your life death is comfortable so he dwells amongst the Dead lives in the tombs and everything was cool until Jesus crossed over I want to serve notice on the devil tonight [Music] I want to serve notice on the enemy tonight Jesus is coming
to get you and he's coming to get you he's coming to get you oh yeah he's coming he's coming he ain't gonna stay in no sanctuary and stay in the choir stand and sit in the Pulpit he's coming over into your territory he's going right up in that apartment he's coming right up in that house he's going right up on that job he's going right up on that block he's going right into that crack house he's going right into that den of iniquity he's going right into that spot that hell thinks it has a control
over but it does not control what God is about to take over somebody's shouting this house right now foreign in the presence of Jesus in the presence just the presence April just a presence he hadn't even done anything yet the demons come in and start begging him don't a torment us before our time so the demons know that Jesus is Lord while the disciples are trying to figure out what manner of uh come on with me the disciples still are trying to figure out what manner of man is this and and and the demons already
know and they call him Lord and fall down at his feet and the reason they kept falling in the floor is because they knew that the power in him was greater than the power in them can I go deeper so so what we're looking at I want I want you to get this there are two different kinds of storms the the first story that I taught you on Sunday is a store is a storm in the elements in the exterior it is outside attack environmental attack attack in your circumstances attacking your situation attacking your finances
attacking your family attack with your stuff it's the same Spirit but it's a different tactic because what was an outer storm now in the second phase becomes an inner storm everything this man is doing he's doing to him yeah he's doing to himself because the the storm has moved out of the exterior to the interior and this man has been tormented by the demons who are now asking Jesus please don't torment us what really devil you want me to be cool and Casual after you have been tormenting this man for years and the sign that
you have set up residence is how he feels about himself Oh wait we're coming for you we're coming for you we we're coming for you this man hates himself this man has no constraints this man is gnashing on himself because the storm is no longer on the exterior listen to me tonight there is a storm that can go on inside of you that the person sitting next to you knows nothing about you can lay beside somebody who is right in the middle of an internal tsunami and not be cognizant of the fact that the person
you lay with or work with or eating with is of under attack on the inside the pressure that I'm seeing attack people today is not just an external attack it's not nothing that you can fix by changing their conditions because the storm has moved inside and the enemy is tormenting you internally and he don't want you to say nothing and he's got control of the conversation we don't even get to hear the man talk all we get to hear is the enemy talk because the enemy has taken over the territory and he has moved the
attack on the inside because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so if the heart is filled with the Holy Ghost he's Sunday when you've got the Holy Ghost on the inside he'll speak out of your mouth well when you got hell on the inside hell will speak out of your and look at the contradiction the the man is running to Jesus but the man who's running to Jesus is being run by demons if I had time I'd take you over and acts yeah you got me you got me I take you
overnights and show you how this woman is following Jesus of Fallen Paul with the spirit of divination and she's right in behind him and see the Bible says she has the spirit of divination which is witchcraft and yet she's right in the congregation and after several days Paul got sick of it and then rebuked the spirit that was inside of the woman well the reason the woman was following him is that he was headed into Ephesus and Ephesus is where the all banks began in Ephesus and this woman had made money because she worked for
the silversmiths at Ephesus and she is trying to distract Paul from reaching the epicenter of economic empowerment do your research you'll find out that the first Banks came out of Ephesus the enemy that wants you to get your money out but the devil is alive the enemy wants to shut down your promises of God but the Devil is a Lie the enemy wants you to be free in your spirit but Bound in your economy but the Devil is a Lie I rebuke the spirit of poverty that's hanging over your life in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and every foul Spirit that's trying to shut you down from what God has promised you be called in the name of Jesus somebody giving 30 seconds of Crazy Praise foreign [Applause] you will remember in the book of Acts there were some cities the disciples got ready to go in and the spirit constrained them because God has a strategy to take over certain territories so he let them go into Athens because he wanted to get control over the language because Greek was The prominent language so they
were allowed to go into Athens so that the Holy Spirit could be conveyed into a language that was covering and reaching all over the world so when you start reading the scriptures you have to understand that they were written in Greek because that's why Jesus had to go into Athens Greece to get a halt and a witness in the language that was most common amongst the people then they were allowed to go into Ephesus because Ephesus was the epicenter of economic empowerment and you remember when Paul rebuked the devil out the woman they got mad
at Paul because he had shut down the money come on come on come on come on come on come on come on Bible come on Bible come on Bible and the other City they wanted him to go into Rome because Rome was the epicenter of political power and God wanted to influence the government of Rome and so you remember when Paul got ready to go to Rome and the storm came so strong that the boat oh wait a minute oh wait a minute the same thing that happened to Jesus happened to Paul and Satan don't
have those new tricks he keeps on using old tricks glory to God this is the same old tactic if you look back in your life he don't have no new tactics he just keeps rehearsing the same stuff over and over and over again and the Bible said that the storm got so bad that the boat fell apart but the people survived and some on boards and some on broken pieces made it safely to the other side [Music] because this ain't about boats this is about Destiny [Applause] and even if my boat don't make it [Applause]
you all don't want to have no church with me tonight even if my boat don't make it even if the ship falls apart I'm gonna make it to the other side because if Jesus defeated the storm now Paul survives the storm only to come up on malata to run into the snake foreign the reward for winning the last battle is getting the promotion to the next battle so when Paul comes up on Malita he faces the snake After the Storm Jesus when he comes to Gatherings he faces the snake After the Storm only the snake
is the demons in Legion and your Bible is repeating itself if it happened to Jesus and it happened to Paul what in the world makes you think that the enemy is going to let you cross over and take over territories now this is grown folks food here right now God wants to anoint you not just so you can sing in the choir not just so you can preach good not just so you can Usher good and greet people good no God wants to anoint you until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our
God and of his Christ God wants to anoint you to do business in places you've never done business before God wants to anoint you to be able to go into areas where you can communicate with people that nobody else has been able to communicate with with the anointing that is on your life God is strategic about the doors he's opening up to you and the enemy is strategic about the fences he's building to block you from taking over the territories who am I preaching to [Applause] see I want to teach this Bible class to somebody
who's been attacked on the outside and been attacked on the inside I'm not saying you've been possessed but the tormented in your mind told me the enemy just every bad news possible he lets you hear it so that the winds and the waves have moved from beating against the ship to beating against your own head and when it starts beating against your own head you start attacking your own self and in order for the enemy to do what he wants to do he needs you to be in isolated places when men are abusive to women
the first thing they do before the abuse starts is to separate them from friends and family because an abuser needs isolation for infiltration so when the enemy is working and you don't you don't want to have just someone to be around nobody I just don't feel like you I'm not feeling people after as long as I'm going on with the Lord I don't need nobody watch that Spirit carefully because that Spirit of isolation is trying to move you away from the power you get from agreements [Applause] I'm glad that all of you are streaming on
tonight I'm glad that you're being blessed there in your house and in your living room I hope there's somebody with you because one can chase a thousand but two can chase ten thousand not now that's not good math because if one could chase a thousand good math is two could Chase two thousand but God says when you got somebody to agree with I'm going to give you exponential increase in your life so it's more to it than watching me teach it's the agreement that comes in a room when two or three of you agree as
touching anything on Earth that's how you fight the Enemy by agreements have you noticed the worst the weather gets the more the people are in disagreement you can't teach preach talk say post do anything that didn't come up under Fierce attack because the spirit of disagreement is loosed and it's working with the weather uh y'all don't want this can you please can you teach us yes Satan it's the prince of the power of the what of the air have you noticed how he's been working in the air have you noticed that as he takes over
the air the diseases are being loose like you've never seen before and the disagreements are so crazy that you don't even know how to argue back because people are falling out about stuff you can't even figure out what they mad about [Applause] oh storm drains the enemy has always worked through the elements to shut down the movement because he has he is the prince of the air check out the weather check out how unpredictable how crazy you don't know whether to put on a coat with shorts and flip-flops and an umbrella you trying to figure
out can I put away my summer clothes and bring out my winter clothes and your closet looks schizophrenic because the moment you folded up all your sweaters then it got cold you almost froze to death do you see the prince of the air creating turbulence on the outside so that he can access your inside because some of you have outer storms and other of you are fighting inner storms and you don't understand it's the same storm [Music] and the storm needs somewhere to drain I'm almost ready y'all with me the storm he rebuted out of
the lake the spirit met him on the land Jesus says to the spirit what is your name what is your name and the spiritual Legion for we are many no wonder you're many you can go out to the lake and be waiting on me on the land because this is an army of spirits a brigade of satanic attack that has come against what Jesus has come to do which is to change the region [Applause] you just stepped into a new region you're not gonna have to fight the California demon because when you move into another
territory there's another principality you got to deal with this Texas demon is a different Spirit from from that California spirit and your tactics have to change for the environment that you're in you're not fighting a Maryland demon down here you're fighting the Texas demon down here it's taking over the territory and there are certain traits in the region that you didn't have in Maryland [Applause] what worked in West Virginia did not work in Texas because this is a different principality and they are working together can I go deeper while we are arguing amongst ourselves I
have never seen a demon fighting another demon from Genesis to Revelation but I've seen preachers fighting preachers I've seen choir directors fighting choir directors I've seen Saints Fighting Saints because the enemy wants to distract you from the real fights your real fight is not with your brother and sister your real fight is with the principalities and the powers that are trying to stop you from reaching your destination and every time you get close the enemy will use somebody to get on your nerves so if you don't have a storm on the outside you got a
storm on the who am I talking to tonight oh but we gonna drain them storms tonight come on somebody I said we're gonna drain them storms tonight we're gonna drain them storms tonight when a real Holy Ghost anointing hits a house you can always tell because if there's a demon or a witch they will manifest in the room because great Glory will bring the enemy to his knees I got to quit don't you do that don't you put that organ on me it'll bring the enemy down to his knees because the Bible said at the
name of Jesus every knees shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God so devil you don't like me but you got to acknowledge my anointing the greater is he all right I wish I had that anointed shout in this house [Applause] an anointed South in this house an anointed shout in this house and anointed shout in this house an anointed shout in the house an anointed shout in the house and anointed shout in the house foreign [Applause] slap somebody and tell them go get your stuff can't just
sit up under this word and not go get your stuff you can't just sit up under this word and not take over territories you can't just sit up under this word and not move into other dimensions go get your stuff are you watching me tonight you know I gotta quit go get your stuff go into the enemy's camp and take them back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're watching online type on the line something is about to happen something is about to happen something is about to happen how do you know something is about to
happen I can tell by the storm the storm is a sign that God is about to do something in my life because the enemy wouldn't send this kind of storm if God wasn't about to cross over and take me into new territory tape it on the line new territory new territory do territory new territory new territory foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so watch this [Music] Jesus separated the man from the spirits so the spirit said okay we'll give up the man but don't send us out of the region send us into the Peaks this man had
so many demons in him that they filled up a herd [Applause] how many demons and one man home it took a herd of demons to drain the storm out of this man and when the pigs experience what the man was experiencing the whole herd committed suicide [Applause] somebody watching me tonight you have been going through what would kill anybody else what would make somebody else jump into the river you've been up under immeasurable pressure and upon the great attack but I got good news for you tonight the Holy Ghost said there's going to be a
storm drain whatever's been on you is about to be separated off of you oh my God can I feel some praise I rebuke the spirit of suicide I rebuke the spirit of depression I rebuke the spirit of Envy I rebuke the spirit of frustration I rebuke the spirit of Agony hallelujah look at somebody say brain that thing [Applause] [Music] foreign Legion went into the pigs and the Bible is careful to tell you now that's a step down from man to Pig that's a step down and then the Bible said the pigs went down into the
lake and the enemy keeps trying to press you further and further and further down nothing in the text is coming up everything in the text is going down lower and lower and lower and lower and lower and the Peaks committed suicide animals don't commit suicide they have a natural instinct to know what element they can operate in Peaks would not normally go into the lake that's why the people who were taking care of the pigs were shocked because in all of their years of raising pigs they had never seen a big commit suicide [Applause] and
I know that they still haven't given up the region because when the people came out to see what Jesus had done they have the strangest reaction to the most positive information you would think if the man got delivered they would want Jesus to stay you've been thinking that people don't like you it's not that they don't like you they don't like the anointing that's on you your your anointing makes them uncomfortable and the reason they can't relax when you come into the room because something in you is tormenting something in them and you say I
don't understand how come I keep falling out with people that I'm trying to be nice to [Applause] and you need to understand it's not your actions that they hate it's your anointing that they hate [Music] watch this so when they saw the man clothed and in his right mind they asked Jesus to leave some people only like you when you bow you mean you you'd had no problem with this man cutting on himself living in the tombs breaking every chain and feather you tried to put on him that didn't bother you at all you had
no trouble with him being bound in the presence of pigs but him being loosed in the presence of the Lamb [Applause] you can live with pigs but you can't live with the lamb [Applause] so we'll keep our pigs but the lamb must go away watch this Jesus rebuked the spirits but when the people ask him to leave he got on the boat and left because if I offer you peace [Applause] and you reject that peace I'm not gonna fight you for the peace you refuse foreign so Jesus who went through all that trouble to get
in the region left without a fight once they had seen the glory and rejected it he gets back on the boat and sails back on the lake and there is nothing about a storm stopping him from leaving [Applause] the only time we see the storm is stopping him from coming oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying am I teaching good tonight am I teaching good tonight am I teaching good tonight see see there are people that are uncomfortable with Deliverance because if they had to accept your deliverance then it would put a mandate on them
that they believe God for their Deliverance so rather than to be confronted with the possibility that my life could be better they asked the anointing to leave the region we cool with pigs we're cool with self-butilation we're cool with lasciviousness but that Jesus stuff you you're you're cool with the payday loans in your community you're cool with the liquor stores in your community you're cool with the crack house in your community you're cool with the prostitution at the car wash in your community but that church stuff I got church hurt you didn't get Barbershop hurt
you didn't get Beauty so I've heard you didn't get strip club hurt you didn't didn't get dope deal hurt but you got hashtag Church hurt what is it about church they got a Hypocrites in Detroit they got Hypocrites in the club they got Hypocrites everywhere you think the person who all right let me go back home before I miss this good message up she don't like you take the money off the table the dance is over [Applause] but none of that bothers you none of that but none of that Pig stuff bothers you [Applause] and
what I don't like about the church today is that we will let them win the argument and they will be more vocal in their descent then we will be in our defense we'll look at it and talk about it and pass it around but we will not stand up and be a witness and Jesus got on the boat that left now Jesus is leaving and watch this demand doesn't want to live in gatherings in the moving fast and swiftly area of demonic attack he says I don't want to be in the flow of iniquity and
why everything everything in this text is moving everything in this Texas move everything in your life is moving right now it's moving in the world that's why you're tired when you go to bed and you're tired when you get up in the morning cause you just tired you tired at 30. you you wore out at 27. I'm just tired child I'm just tired I'm just absolutely wore out I just can't do it I just can't do it I'm tired you just got out the bed you tired again you tired you tired you tired we're gonna
have grandma cook Grandma's 75 [Applause] I ain't gonna bother you I ain't gonna bother you foreign [Applause] that you're living in this man wanted to leave gatherings I don't blame him the fear of having to go through that again would make you want to get out but Jesus says no no stay watch this I'm leaving but you're staying because you are enough type it on the line you are enough I came over here I'm going to instigate Revival through you Me Lord I was making and cutting on myself and I know I know I know
that's that's who I like because my strength is made perfect in weakness I picked you because there's a big contrast between who you were when I met you and how I've transformed you come on come on come on come on with me let me show you one more thing I asked the Lord I said Lord when you told the man to take up his bed and walk why didn't you just tell him to walk and leave his bed he said no I wanted them to have Association [Music] between where he was and what he is
and if he didn't carry the bed they might not recognize him God will leave some kind of sign around you to recognize what he has done in your life glory to God glory to God do you hear what I'm saying to you you don't want nobody to know that you ever was laying in what you was laying in but God will let a sign drop out every now and then because his strength is made perfect in your weakness stand here feed him real close [Applause] these are your takeaways storms proceed precede destiny a storm isn't
always what rocks the boat it can be what torments to mind every storm needs somewhere to go so if the enemy has to let you go he's looking for someplace to drain so Mama cover your children daddy cover your son cover you all your stuff for your property your possessions because the enemy needs somewhere to drain so the more anointed a man or woman of God is the more likely their seed is to come up under attack [Applause] because the enemy don't want to leave the region [Applause] so you got to cover your children because
there's a battle for the seed are you hearing what I'm saying I mean I mean I mean a shown up battle too I don't mean no little petty pet store I mean a real Knuckle Up battle for the seed because storms need to drain somewhere next takeaway there are some doors God didn't open so that you could have Direction if he didn't open it for you it was not going to be consequential to what he has designed for you Ephesus Athens Rome the acts of the apostle is strategic God will make the right folk like
you to maneuver you into a position and a posture somebody online God is positioning you and don't be afraid to cross over to the other side your anointing will work in the boardroom in the courtroom in the Oval Office it doesn't matter God will position you into an area because the Bible has prophesied that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ so if the church won't invade the World Systems then how is the wealth of the unjust laid up for the just if you won't go get
it if I'm speaking to you say type it on the line or write a note to yourself go get it [Applause] [Music] these texts married together is about going to get it the final takeaway that I want you to be sure that you get is this man who hadn't been in the Bible School hadn't been trained wasn't raised in the synagogue wasn't an orthodox just got delivered no credentials and Jesus leaves him here and says just tell everybody what I did for you [Music] you don't have to explain the Tabernacle in Solomon's Temple and you
don't have to speak Hebrew and you don't have to be kosher just tell everybody what I did for you the Lord wants to use your testimony tonight he delivered your tongue from the enemy the whole fight was over this man's mouth did you get that the whole fight is over his mouth the enemy wouldn't even let him speak now Jesus tells him go talk to everybody [Applause] and I found out the more you give the more God will give back to you [Applause] that works about money that works about wisdom that works about truth that
works about opportunity that works about love that works about anything that you want to come back to you exponentially not one to two thousand but ten thousand exponential increase [Applause] exponential Direction Mitchell increase exponential anointing exponential Glory exponential talents see what you don't realize is I'm speaking stuff over your life everything that I'm speaking I'm speaking over your life and I'm it's coming out of my mouth through the air penetrating what the enemy wants to dwell in to reach you with life so my wife says she said uh if we don't get that drain unclogged
the garage is gonna flood anytime a storm comes and it has nowhere to train there'll be damaged we don't have you worshiping because we need your encouragement to preach or teach we have you worshiped because when you worship you open up your spirit and you cleanse and you flush out your spirit of all the contaminants that you've seen heard thought felt been subject to and that's why when you worship God you leave lighter feeling better more uplifted mind renewed Spirit refresh came the church tired got energy you didn't even expect to have come on can
I can I get a witness can I get a witness yeah Glory my God my God my God my God my God my let me stop oh my God somebody touch me how you know I felt vert to go out of me I felt energy go out of me that's what Ministry is to impart to you the things of God [Music] I speak specifically to people who are about to cross over this word is prophetic to you do not allow the storms to distract you from your destination because your destination is your destiny and the
last attack the enemy can do it's in the storm against you to stop you from hitting the region of your destiny if that word spoke to you so into it that word spoke to you plant into it if that word unlocks something in your head or gave you direction or Clarity or understanding or Revelation or illumination value it value it because the anointing you respect is the anointing you receive the anointing you respect is the anointing you receive and I don't know and I can't prove it but I sense in my spirit that for somebody
this was a destiny word [Music] he gave you Clarity and illumination into the next Dimension it explains some things it cleared up some things you're going to rest in this word tonight with a different level of peace [Music] not be attacking you if you weren't so close you're gonna cross over to the other side you got a vision to go places where most Saints wouldn't go and to do things what most Saints wouldn't do and to believe God for things that you can't even tell everybody about and you don't know how you're gonna do it
and you don't know what when you're gonna do it and you don't know how you're going to accomplish it but it keeps taunting you in your head that there's something greater down inside of you [Music] and the Lord ordained you to be here tonight or to stream on tonight to hear storm drains because God wants to drain every restriction that's stopping you from getting to the next dimension and you're like can I pray for you tonight I want to pray over you tonight Lord I've seen my share of storms and it feels like I've seen
other people share it too I've seen ships crumble in the storm and I've seen you Salvage people on fragments that other people cursed and you decided to bless I have seen you open up doors that people spoke against but couldn't stop them from opening I've seen you since Supernatural provision into lives of people that one moment a dagger was over their head and the next moment there was a ram in the bush Jehovah Jireh I call you down on this Moment In This Moment In This Moment with a revelatory word with a move of God
a touch of God that rebukes every storm and every doubt and every fear and every loathing and every insecurity and every intimidation that ever stood up over your people I prayed tonight that a holy boldness will come into your life and that the full manifestation of what you believe would come to pass in your spirit tonight for everybody all over the world that's hearing this word I speak life over your death I speak Joy over your sorrow I speak peace over your confusion I speak Deliverance I speak Deliverance over your bondage today I speak Deliverance
over your bondage over your ashes I speak the Garment of Praise over the spirit of heaviness you will not go home heavy tonight release I release you [Music] because you are enough I'm going to leave you in situations that you couldn't handle before but you're enough now because he whom the son have set free is free indeed go in peace God bless you good night [Music] [Music]