A CONDUTA MORAL QUE EMBELEZA A VIDA - Lúcia Helena Galvão da Nova Acrópole - SEMANA DA ARTE 2023

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There is a phrase that I like a lot, that the eyes of a sage are deep, and deep in the eyes of a sage you see as if he were having a dialogue, a hidden dialogue between a man and a God. In the back of his eyes something very mysterious happens. This reflection that turns us inward, seeking this divine essence that exists within us, seeking to recognize who we really are. He is a man who reflects, reflects on his heart, reflects on his identity, reflects on his values. And his action is always illuminated by this
reflection. He is a man who loves reflection, focused on reflecting on all the facts of life, increasingly considering the facts of life filtered through his heart. Hello! Welcome to another chat at the beginning of our Art Week at New Acropolis. In this Art Week I decided to bring you a theme that seems very interesting to me, a different place to seek beauty, which would be human moral conduct. This is the theme of our conversation, the moral conduct that embellishes life. We realize that there are certain human actions, certain contexts, where we look and feel it
as if it were a work of art. Someone's behavior, someone's dignity, someone's wisdom. Sometimes in scenes that in themselves would not have anything beautiful, quite the opposite, such as an accident, but someone is there, helping, doing their best to get her out of that delicate situation. You think that beautiful gesture of that person, even if the context is not a beautiful thing to appreciate, but it is a beautiful action of solidarity, of fraternity, of help that is given to each other. That is, the moral world is also endowed with an unusual beauty. And it is
a little of this beauty, of this work of art, which is human moral conduct, that we are going to talk about today, so that we can reflect a little about what it is made of, how is a human being who has moral beauty in his conduct, how would it be to acquire all these necessary qualities, to build in ourselves a beautiful moral life, which is like a work of art. Perhaps the origin of all works of art, which is the correct human conduct, the centered man, the one who has the necessary virtues, so that his
life is also considered a work of art. Let's go then? Let's start by talking about what it is to be considered a work of art. Among several examples, there are several examples, There are several examples, there are several examples, and among these attributes we could say that what promotes harmony and elevates consciousness. So, at certain times, the presence of certain people in our lives promotes harmony in that environment where they are, and elevates our consciousness to the simple presence of that person, simply being next to her. This type of person is a person who promotes
beauty, promotes as if it were really a work of art. Being able to work for the sake of life. That is, art, we could say, has among several other attributes, that of harmonizing, that of raising our consciousness, of working in favor of life. Because beauty is vitality, beauty demonstrates life in its best moments. How can we find all this within a human conduct? A human being who provokes this feeling of harmony, of raising consciousness, and that all his action contributes to life, vitalizes the world, because beauty, is vitalizing. Let's go, let's see what this human
being would be like, imagine it. As the philosopher Epictetus said, the seeds of greatness in us need an image to grow and germinate. In other words, we need an image of a human being that can be morally beautiful, so that we can mirror ourselves in it, to sculpt ourselves. What would this human being be like? What are the behaviors that make us proud, proud of being human? This is also another way of looking. The human condition that sometimes seems terrible to us, miserable, and put in the most absurd conditions of cruelty, alienation, often also seems
sublime to us. What are these moments when we are proud of being human? Let's list some of them? For example, the first thing I would draw your attention to, are the daily acts, versus heroic acts. We say that the two things have nothing to do. Daily acts are those we do in the routine of our life, for our survival, in the best way possible, to fulfill our functions. And heroic acts are great things. But what if I told you that one is a continuity of the other? Heroic acts are not born in a common life,
they are born in a life of what we call the daily hero, the one who takes advantage of the smallest details, the smallest situations in life, to print this human mark of value. That is, as it is said in the history of Greece, when it comes to Sparta, which was a tremendously warrior civilization, why were they warriors and always victorious in wars? Because they trained in peacetime. This is the daily hero. He trains in peacetime. He can spend all his life just exercising his virtues, within his daily life. Sometimes, if the historical circumstance arises, he
will show a shine and exceptional value, that perhaps they did not suspect he had. So we will talk a little about it later. This duality, which may not be a duality, but a continuity of a dignified daily life, and a heroic life that is shown in specific historical moments. Well, let's go. How will our man be who has such a beautiful moral life, so worthy of a human being, so worthy of admiration? An attribute that we can say about him is that he has a lot of respect for what he serves, from the little things.
He is a man who has affection for objects, for the things he serves. He has a way of treating things with delicacy, with respect, as if each thing were endowed with life. All the work that is embedded in the little object, he treats it with affection. He does not waste it, he does not waste the sources of energy of nature, he does not waste the resources of nature, he treats everything with due affection, with due value, he preserves his things in the best possible way, he even shows, for inanimate objects, great respect and great affection.
So you will see that he is that person whose things are preserved for a long time, he values ​​the little things, makes them last, he takes advantage of all the energies that are given to him in the best way possible, and this is typical of a man who has this ability to face the world in a beautiful way. What else do we notice? Tracing, imagine that we are trying to glimpse a little of what this man is, wandering around him and knowing his attributes. Another attribute that we can notice is the pleasure of serving, that
is what we call a productive human being. He loves to serve, he loves when opportunities arise to serve, to be useful to someone, to be useful in a certain process, to interfere in that moment that people need to add value. He then feels honored, worthy, when he is able to serve. He does not think that service turns into a servant, or into a servant, or anything pejorative. He sees the act of serving as dignity, as a wonderful opportunity. He is always ready to enjoy the gaps that opportunity leaves, so that he can put his services
to the side, so that he can add so that something is resolved, some situation is smoothed out, some work is done. So this man is tremendously productive, respects things, is very productive, likes to serve. What else can we observe in our ideal man? We can say that he likes to practice and constantly practices acts of integrity and dignity. He is that person that you can not imagine him being reduced to anything incoherent or vulgar. He has a dignity that characterizes him, that gives a gravity of posture, that makes it as if the fact of her
being in an environment has a certain weight. She has dignity, she respects herself, and she respects all occasions in which she has the opportunity to participate. She is integral, she does not corrupt, does not divide, does not let herself be tempted, does not give up, does not be a situation that attacks her human dignity. So he has that weight and circumstance in his presence, a certain gravity of presence. He imposes respect, without asking absolutely nothing, but for dignity and for the integrity that he shows in his daily way of acting. This is a human being,
we are already beginning to see the first lines of the work of art. Try to imagine this human being being built in front of you, as if you were a model. Try to imagine all these details that I'm giving, as if you were with a chisel sculpting a sculpture. Put one more detail, one more detail. Let's see how this work is ready, and how this is one of the greatest, if not the greatest work of art of nature. This man has the pleasure of beautifying his day to day, without excesses. He is not that person
who makes a highly luxurious environment full of things, he doesn't need excesses. But he does like to have things tidy, that daily beauty that the philosopher Roger Scruton spoke of. Daily beauty, in the small details, everything organized, everything in the best possible way. He is that person who, from time to time, takes a flower to his work environment to make that environment better. And beautifies not only with that, beautifies with his smile, with his presence, with the way he interacts with people, with the interest he has for people. His presence is also a factor of
beautification. So he creates very beautiful environments where he passes, beautiful in a discreet and dignified way. He always harmonizes the environments where he passes. Always with a search to make the environments better than he found. This is a very beautiful life maxim, which makes him always seek opportunities to add, to make the environments a little better. So that he leaves there, better than he found. This becomes a philosophy of life that carries everywhere. A focus that allows us to see all the time opportunities of improvement. Where we go. What else can our human being tell
us? He has a very great ability to see the other. See the other in fact. It is not that person who passes by someone and says good morning, good afternoon, good night. He is afraid to look into the eyes, he is afraid to delve into the other. He does not want to understand the mystery of the other, that is, it is superficial. He does not look into the eyes of the people who are around him. He has no real interest in unraveling what the other is. What he has to exchange with me. It is superficial.
He considers the other in a very superficial way. Sometimes if you ask this man how are the people around him for years, for example, in the work environment, he does not know to say much. Because he treats people as if they were tools. In a very superficial way. A man who beautifies his life goes deeply into the eye of the other. With a respectful curiosity, but with a curiosity to know what the other is. And also let yourself know because that is how you create deep ties. Therefore, he knows how to see the other in
fact. And it's not just that. He also knows how to hear the other in fact. It is that person who sometimes we talk to certain people that you realize that they are not listening to what you are saying. They are waiting for the interval you give to throw their argument. You realize that they are looking at you and they are not listening to anything. As if they already knew everything. As if they did not need anything that you have to say. This is terrible. Because people are isolated thinking that they have everything inside of them.
And that there is nothing to exchange, there is nothing to learn from the other. At least it is a great pretension. It is a very wrong pretension. Every person who passes through us has a lot to teach us and us to her. And so we are doing in life thesis, antithesis, synthesis. We get out of all our relationships and we make the other bigger. Therefore, this man of moral beauty is a man who knows how to hear the other. He is interested in what the other has to say. For a very simple reason. He does
not think he owns any truth. He is constantly improving. Therefore, he is curious to see another angle in front of life. To see what he can improve. To learn with that. What he can transmit. He is curious. He has the spirit of improvement. Therefore, consider. See the other, hear the other. The other exists for him. It is something worthy of being witnessed. Worthy of being heard. Worthy of being known. And this has to do with that dignity that he demonstrates at all times. What else is our man? What is our sculpture of moral beauty? We
imagine that he could have Think with me. A person who I imagine would have a simple and natural joy. Thanks simply to the fact of being alive. Thanks to life. That is, every day that starts he takes a new opportunity and fills himself with this natural joy that is typical of life. He recognizes the value of life and is always grateful for having had another opportunity. Another white screen that arises in front of him. So in any situation he has not euphoria, but a natural joy. For being alive. For being here. With so many beautiful
things to meet, to learn, to exchange. He has this state of light, elevated spirit. Always with a soft joy. For the fact of life itself. That life is already a great argument to be in a high emotional state. Life is a lot. Life gives us. He realizes this. He knows this. And he is full in life. Grateful for it. And taking advantage of the opportunities that it brings him. So that person who has a lightness. A lightness of astral, as we start to say from time to time. That creates an environment that is light. Because
his presence brings this soft joy wherever he goes. What else? He is happy to know the victories that he has to imagine. We live in a very competitive society. Where the success of the other sometimes seems to affect us. That in some way shows our failure. Or we think it could have been me who got it. A competitive society. Where we do not know how to win together. We only know how to win over. One over the other. It is necessary that some are defeated so that my victory has flavor. This man does not. He
knows how to legitimately rejoice with the other. As if it were his own. So when he greets someone for a win, you feel that there is a legitimate nature. There is no hypocrisy. He really likes and gives. And he is happy with the victory of the other. Consider that in a certain way that the victory of any human being is the victory of humanity. It has this bond, this bond, this spirit of community, of union. Therefore, he gives with a legitimate joy. The victory of the other. The victory of any person he knows. He rejoices
because someone crossed his borders, because someone went beyond. This is a very rare and beautiful thing to see. Only this would have a requiem of a work of art. It is beautiful to see someone who has this spirit so clean, so pure, so light, capable of doing this with great naturalness. What else composes the beauty of our man, which is a work of art? A capacity to establish emotional bonds. That is, where he is, he does not limit his emotional bonds. It is that half dozen people who surround me and when I leave the door,
they are people that I am closed to emotional bonds. I already have some emotional bonds inside the house. I don't want any more. This man, far from that, he walks with his heart open. He is willing to establish as many emotional bonds as possible. As if he were enrolling all life, connecting with everything and with everyone. And the more we we are enrolling life, we are getting closer to that great mystery that is union, unity, which is the final point of all evolution. So he is always willing to create bonds, create a bond. At the
first moment you are with him, quickly, for a few minutes, you will already feel a good will, a kindness that encourages you to create bonds. This man is always with his heart ready to distribute it, to leave it wherever he goes. So he is a person that when you talk about him to someone, you will realize that several people, without knowing him very deeply, show affection. They show affection for what he is, for the way he treats them, for the way he lives with them, for the trail he leaves in the environments where he goes.
So he has a constant disposition, not limited. He does not regress with his heart. He is always open to create emotional bonds wherever he goes. He has no emotional selfishness. He is always open and throwing bridges for all those who want to create human relationships with him. This is also beautiful to see. A person who leaves his heart wherever he goes. There is a phrase that I always quote from a philosopher of the last century, Sri Ram, who said that we must lose our heart, then go in search of it, so that we discover that
our heart is the heart of the world. The heart of all things. Imagine where we go, leaving an emotional bond created. Little by little our heart ends up being the heart of all things that belong to our life. And open to what will come. Always open to what will come. This is a man with a very great capacity for love. What else exists in our man? A natural empathy. And a natural capacity for understanding and forgiveness. This issue of empathy is something that we sometimes have to make a very great effort to practice. It is
not simple. There are psychological barriers that we create. When we think, for example, that we are owners of some truth, that we are right in something, that we see the world better than the other, we can't put ourselves in the other's place. Moreover, it is important that we understand that empathy is not simply putting yourself in the other's place. It is about understanding your beliefs, your opinions, your way of seeing the world, to understand the psychological framework of the other. To enter this psychological framework. Understanding the world from his experience, from his experience, from the
conjunctions that weigh on him. So you have to dress his life, dress his story. Enter that psychological framework where he is. To understand the world the way he understands it. This is to be able to be with him, to be able to help him, to be able to understand his point of view through which we can see life, we can see the world. In other words, a natural empathy is a person who knows that he doesn't have everything, that his point of view is not absolute truth. And he has this vital curiosity to know the
psychological framework of the other. With great ease he puts himself in the other's place. And by putting himself in the other's place he has this greatly increased capacity of understanding of the reasons, of pondering the reasons that led him to a certain point. This doesn't mean that he won't be fair, he won't direct each situation to what corresponds to him, according to a principle of justice. But he has a very deep capacity of understanding. If it is his turn to judge, he has a very well-founded judgment. Because he has this capacity of understanding, of understanding
the basis with which the other's decision was made. And beyond all, a capacity for forgiveness. And to make sure that other people's mistakes don't affect anything at all. Not to be bound to ties that can become chains, that can prevent him from walking. So he is also very light in this. He doesn't keep grudges. He has a great capacity for forgiveness. Can you already see how our diamond is getting? More and more details that we are seeing. What special man would this be? Who is this? I firmly believe that this possibility exists, that he can
be in the world and that we can run after him. What else? Sobriety in the face of difficulties. This man has a state of soul. We can say that he is a happy man. Because he is always consistent with his principles. Therefore, he always feels at ease with heaven and earth. He is always at peace, always serene, always worthy of the sleep of the righteous. He is always in a state of tranquility and knowing that he is coinciding with himself, not betraying himself, not contradicting himself. And this state of peace, serenity, conformity with life, gives
him happiness. And happiness itself is human. Imagine it as if it were a stage of a theater, in a play that has a single scenario. A curtain at the end, at the bottom. This scenario is like this state of serenity and happiness where he is. On top of this stage, actors pass, objects pass, many things pass. Adversities pass, ugly things pass, beautiful things, aggressive things, affectionate things. A lot of things go through this stage of life. But everything goes through this stage that is involved in its state of serenity and happiness. It doesn't get out
of there. That is, the environment where these facts of life occur is an environment of serenity, of consciousness of self-control, of sobriety, of being in a kit with oneself, a kit with heaven and earth. He is a person who never lets his state of happiness be stolen by anything that passes through this stage. He knows how to keep himself in the most difficult situations. You look, he may be there, concentrated, looking for a solution. But you feel that that serenity deep down was not abandoned. He is with him everywhere. Nothing or no one makes him
abandon this serenity deep down on the stage. He is always with him. Capacity to accept things as they appear, but without losing the protagonist to improve them. That is, I see what life is giving me and I accept this state of current things. Not to conform, but to modify it. But to modify it, I have to take it as a starting point. To see it, to understand it, to accept it as it is. And from this acceptance, I begin to build the transformations that are necessary. When we do not accept things as they are, we
do not have a basis to operate any transformation. We are based on a fantasy, on something that is not real, what we would like it to be, not what it is. Therefore, he has this lucidity to accept things as they appear. These are the details, these are the elements that are involved. I understand, I accept. And from here I will begin to build a dignified exit. A better alternative than those that appear now. But he has this capacity of acceptance as a starting point, which is very beautiful and very necessary. It is linked to the
virtue of lucidity. This man is a lucid man. And this is also one of the details of that image of our diamond. But an angle that makes him beautiful. He is like a statue sculpted by a great artist. All these details you imagine, it is a statue sculpted by some intelligence of nature, who imagined human nature as a very beautiful work. And the more difficulties occur in his life, the more beautiful he becomes. As if these things added up so that he could correct the pointed edges that he still has. And he is becoming a
more and more sober being, more and more with self-control, more and more knowing how to face the adversities of life without giving up being what he is. That is, the difficulties are improving him and not knocking him down. There is an Indian story that I like a lot, which says that there was a temple that the floor was all built, the floor was made of marble. And in the center of that temple there was a statue sculpted in marble. And people went there every day and they would step on that ground and pay homage to
the statue, they gave flowers crowns, and then they would leave. And one day, one of those squares on the floor, one of those pieces of marble floor, started talking to the statue. And he said the following, I think this is very unfair. Why do you think this is unfair, the floor? Said the statue. And the statue replied, we came from the same stonework, we are made of the same marble, because for you they do so many cults, they give you so many flowers, and for me they just trample me. This is unfair, it couldn't be
like that. And then the statue responds to him and says, do you remember when our master took us out of the stonework? That he started working on you, that he started working with ashes on you and you constantly complained of the pain, asked him to stop, he accepted your requests and simply trampled you and turned you into a piece of the floor. When he started working on me with ashes, I also felt the same pain, it was also difficult for me, but I saw in his eyes the dream he had for me, and he accepted,
he accepted these difficulties, and I let him build me in that beautiful way he dreamed. That's why I am what I am and you are what you are, and I accepted all the difficulties necessary to make me the work that my master dreamed of me. That is, all the difficulties were assimilated in such a way that I knew that I was building in me the perfect statue with which my master dreamed. I think this story is very beautiful, very interesting, because it shows an aspect of this man that we are working with, the wisdom of
knowing that we have to be wise to accept the difficulties and the possibilities that come to us. They come to hit those sharp edges that we have to to correct. It is an sober acceptance, while it has all the action necessary to get out of this situation. Of course, he doesn't bother about anything, but he knows that these situations are not casual, that they are sculpting in him the perfect structure of the human being and submits to this process consciously, with all serenity. He leaves a trace of elevation of consciousness wherever he goes. So that
kind of person who, sometimes, if you are critical, if you are with a low consciousness, if you are conflicted, passes by this person on the street, talks to her for five, ten minutes, he makes your consciousness as if it spiraled up, the maximum it can reach. The fact of being with him, you notice a lot of good reasons to be well, see a totally different angle of reality, it takes you to the maximum your consciousness can reach. A few minutes with him already changes your mood. He is a person who, wherever he passes by, leaves
the mark of what he is. Therefore, when you enter an environment, you can even notice, someone must have passed by here. The way he enters the environment, you can even notice, someone must have passed by here. The way we perceive the spirit state of people, this environment must have had, someone like him or himself, passing by here. So he leaves a trace, very easily identifiable. It elevates the consciousness of the people, wherever he goes. A little more of our work of art, right? Walking. You can live a life like this, a whole life like this,
doing these little things at home, on the street, at work, elevating people, giving their best to people, learning from them, teaching them. You can spend a lifetime like this. But there may also be a circumstance, I don't know, a war broke out, something like that, these unpredictable things in history. And in these circumstances, our man of such perfect morality, sometimes ceases to be a daily hero and can become a great hero. Because then it comes to light, these virtues are extrapolated to the maximum power. He can show a value that before no one even suspected
he had. Within his life, so regulated, orderly, fair, beautiful, he suddenly shows something extraordinary. But he doesn't have that. He has an extraordinary ability to respond to circumstances. And then, from a daily hero, he has the potential to become a complete hero. If the circumstances are like that, he loses it. He has this seed of heroism within him. Because the way he faces the little difficulties of life has his heroic what? That is, he has the seeds of heroism within him. So, we are going to see some historical cases that I brought you, just two,
just so we have an idea of how this is not a fable. We are talking about the story of the hero, the hero of the world, the hero of the world. We are talking about a real situation. Two men linked to the Second World War, two very interesting figures. One of them, even, became a saint. It was the Frey Maximiliano Maria Kolbe. This is a very beautiful story. It was a Franciscan Frey. He was killed in 1941 in the Auschwitz concentration camp. But how did Kolbe die? He was a very charismatic figure. He was a
very strong preacher. He was arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. I'm here, missing several details. He was a man who had a lot of leadership, a great piety. He is arrested and sent to a concentration camp. And there, with all the terrible difficulties that were experienced in Auschwitz, he tries to maintain a high mood, tries to comfort people, tries to minimize the pain of people around him. Until at a certain point, the escape of three prisoners happened in the Auschwitz camp. When there was a escape of prisoners, the Nazis took the
prisoners who were in the concentration camp, arbitrarily chose ten, and put them in a certain space so that they would die of hunger and thirst, as a way of giving the example so that others would not try to escape. And then these Nazis put the prisoners all in the yard, and they went to choose the ten who would be sacrificed. Suddenly they choose a man who was a Polish sergeant, and this Polish sergeant falls into tears, imagining that he would never see his wife, would never see his children, have a family, would never see him
again. And Kolbe sees this situation, this sergeant so consternated, for never seeing his family again. He advances, then leaves the ranks, which is a very bold act, no one knows why he didn't get a bullet right away. And he goes to the Nazi who was in charge of that operation, and asks that his life be exchanged for that man's life, who had a family, who had children, that he could die in his place. It was a man he didn't even know. He asks that his life be exchanged for that man's. And the Nazis accept. And
this sergeant is spared, he survives the war, he lives to a very advanced age, and Maximiliano Kolbe dies in this cell where the ten prisoners were placed. He says that all the time he was singing, praying, raising the spirits of men. And he, who was a very fragile man, suffering from tuberculosis, had constant pneumonia, had a weakened health, was one of the last to die. Two weeks later he was still alive, and trying to raise the spirits of the two men who were still alive with him. That is, he didn't want to give up, he
didn't want to die, without first consoling the last man who was with him. He ended up dead, and his body was burned. Anyway, Maximiliano Kolbe was a frey, who did his religious ceremonies, had his very specific work, he had a work of diffusion of devotion to Our Lady. He was a character who fulfilled his duties, everyone admired him, but he was a simple man, a man, let's say, a daily hero. But in a circumstance like this, he showed his brilliance. He showed the enormous capacity he had of compassion, of surrender, of giving his life so
that someone could enjoy life. Maximiliano Kolbe was sanctified by Pope John Paul II, also a Polish, quite interesting. Kolbe was a Polish. Anyway, even the man whose life he saved was still alive at the time of his canonization. He was present at his canonization. He died at a very advanced age. It is an example that I find very beautiful, that's why I wanted to bring it to you, how beautiful it is for a human being to be capable of a great breakthrough like this. How beautiful it is, what is the moral strength of someone to
sustain such a decision. The beauty of character of a man who sustains such a decision. Another case, which is also a case of war, is a slightly different case, which is the case of Oskar Schindler, the one from the Schindler's List, the Spielberg movie that moved us so much. He is a historical hero who existed. Before the fact that he saved the lives of several Jews, he was an absolutely common man, with a somewhat dubious behavior, let's say. Ambitious, opportunistic, wanted to have opportunities to grow in life. Nothing, nothing, nothing exceptional. But he was a
man who brought within himself a very great beauty, which at a certain moment came out. When he saw the way the Nazis, and he was affiliated with the Nazi Party, when he saw the way the Nazis treated the Jews, the massacre they practiced, he felt this pain deeply. He decided to have a very courageous attitude. He was a small German industrialist, and he had an industry that manufactured painted pieces for the kitchen, pots, painted pieces for the kitchen. And his employees, his thousand employees, he did everything to preserve them from being taken to concentration camps.
So he started to bribe all the officers who wanted to take their employees to the concentration camp. He spent his fortune on having bribes, on elements to be able to negotiate with the Nazi officers, so that their men were not taken. He asked them to change the place of his factory for a more distant place, and there he took his men. He managed to save 1,200 Jews. Using everything he could. He completely ruined all the money he had, his factory, everything he owned. He ended the war absolutely destitute of even a penny. He managed to
get things in the black market to be able to bribe the Nazi officers, managing to negotiate all kinds of things. He was even detained three times for testimonies, because the Nazis began to distrust him. In other words, he was at a serious risk of life. But he kept it to the end. And he managed to save 1,200 Jews. He is one of those who in Israel is considered one of the honored on earth, one of those who, during such a hard time, worked to preserve the Jews who were so hard persecuted. We realize that this
is a more curious case, because Oscar Schindler was a common man. Even with some defects, a behavior that was not exemplary. But in the face of a circumstance, of a great injustice, he knew how to bring out this beauty that was inside him. The ability of extreme satisfaction, sacrifice and risk, constant risk of life, to save these 1,200 Jews. So there is another story that I show you so that we can see how there is this transit between the daily hero and the historical hero. The exceptional hero, the one who exposes himself to great risks
for a great deed. How there is this transit, which is a continuity, when the historical opportunity arises for so much, when it is necessary. An integral man, a man whose moral behavior is beautiful, he does not show himself, he does not want to be recognized. But if there is an opportunity to do something bigger, there is a great probability that you have there, a person who will take a step forward. A person who will be in the front line, to continue benefiting and helping humanity. Continuing with our portrait of this perfect man, let's talk a
little about the thoughts and the senses. What are his feelings? What generates these so harmonious, so beautiful actions? How do they think? How do they feel? What kind of feelings does a man have? Thoughts and feelings that generate a very solid moral structure, very beautiful. For example, ethical, aesthetic and mystical feelings. What is this? A great love for ethics, for justice, for things that are done according to the law of nature, according to a code of goodness, of man's principles. That is, a deep love for ethics, for justice, for everything that is correct. Aesthetics, aesthetic
feelings. He has the ability to shine in front of things that are harmonious, of things that are noble, of things that are beautiful. In front of the beautiful acts of a human being, to admire those who were great in history and try to somehow mirror themselves. He knows how to recognize human beauty, the beauty in human life in a very clear way. He is a promoter of harmony, therefore he has very strong aesthetic feelings. Beauty is directly linked to harmony. And mystical feelings, which is an exceptional capacity for sacralization. Mircea Eliade, who was a philosopher
from the last century, said a phrase that I always use, I think it's very beautiful, that the sacred is the function of giving meaning. A man with this moral beauty, he is able to make simple situations in life become like a ceremony. Imagine that you, at a certain moment, walk at the end of the afternoon, next to a person you love and admire a lot. Both walk in silence, realizing that he falls from that afternoon. This moment can be transformed into a sacred moment, a special moment, where I was next to someone I loved, and
we realized one of the great beauties of nature. At the end of the afternoon, the sunset, and that moment seems that it can never be devoured by time. It is a special moment, a moment that was sacralized. A simple moment where you take the hand of someone who is going through a difficulty and shake that hand. This is a ceremonial moment. He is able to rescue things from banality to sacredness. He is able to put this special halo of sacredness in simple and pure scenes of life. He is able to sacralize life. That is, he
has very strong mystical feelings. That is, it is a very delicate structure, very complex and very rekindled. He is able to see the details of life, looking for opportunities to make life a succession of beautiful and sacred acts. He has feelings of compassion and solidarity, of course. He is always looking for some way to anticipate the pain of the other, to paly it, to avoid it, to comfort it in some way. There is a phrase by a 19th century philosopher, Helena Blavatsky, who said the following, Do not let a tear run from the face of
the last of the mortals if you have not acted on the pain that provoked it. That is, commit yourself to human pain. I do not ignore human pain, it is on my own. A person that I pass by and see his face contracted with pain, suffering, is not something that does not interest me. It does interest me, it is human. This is about me, it is my family. That is, a feeling of compassion and solidarity, of being willing, at the disposal of those who suffer, and do your best to be able to ease this suffering.
It is also a disposition, a very deep feeling in this morally beautiful man that we are building. What else could we think of him? Feelings of gratitude, which are one of the most beautiful feelings we can have. A broad and deep gratitude, gratitude for life, gratitude for being here, gratitude for all those who have passed through your life, who, for good or for evil, taught a lot. Gratitude for all the elements of life around you, seeing beauty in all the details and harmony. He has a constant state of gratitude for everything he is, for everything
he receives, for every day that arises in his life. Gratitude is one of the most beautiful and noblest feelings we have. Therefore, he knows how to exercise gratitude, he knows how to perceive all the gifts he has been given, he knows how to recognize and he knows how to thank. Feelings of true love, which is another complex thing, we would have to make a long digression about what true love is, but basically I use a little of the Platonic mentality, that there are feelings that are very horizontal, they are a side-by-side. It's like if you
imagined two boyfriends, the girlfriend gives a kiss to the boyfriend and the boyfriend does not give a kiss back, she already feels lost. I gave a kiss and I didn't receive anything. A exchange where there is a constant demand from one side to the other. Many relationships, in quotes, are so horizontal. The most legitimate relationships that have love are those that are vertical. I love because I recognize the need for the other of my love. I love because I owe, because I am a human being. And I don't expect anything in return. I am satisfied
by the act of loving myself. What is my satisfaction? Exactly to be loving, I don't need anything else. I realize myself in the act of loving. I don't need any counterpart. It's a bit like that feeling, when it's legitimate, the feeling of the parents for the children. They don't want anything in return, they just want this being to be happy, to follow their life. The feelings of love of this man are like that. They realize the love, therefore, they distribute their love generously and don't expect any kind of recognition or counterparty. It is realized in
the act of loving. This is the deep and true love that a person does exercise. And he always feels good. He doesn't consider himself in any moment that someone was ungrateful, or that someone didn't correspond. He doesn't expect anything in return. He simply expects to have the opportunity that his love can always be gushing, always being delivered, everywhere he goes. This is already a privilege for him. It is already a gain. Feelings of kindness. A deep desire to interfere in the fate of things, in such a way as to take them closer to that point
where they have to be. Closer to his ideal. Push things, people, living beings, all one millimeter or more towards their ideals, their fulfillment, their fullness. He wants his interference in the world to be a guided interference by the idea of good. That he is a benefactor. That he brings good to the world. That his interference in life is always in the sense of benefiting. This is for him another realization. Seek opportunities. And try to check well how are your relationships. To realize if he is in all spaces, in all places, taking advantage of the opportunity
to benefit. He is a beneficiary of the idea of good. He has thoughts, now starting with thoughts, thoughts of admiration for those who perform worthy acts. That is, he knows how to admire a man who has dignity. He knows how to appreciate the virtues of a human being. And every time he sees a human being like that, he feels tremendously gratified for this opportunity to witness an act of this kind. He takes all these acts as references. He is always looking for more and more references to grow. Therefore, he knows how to recognize and knows
how to admire the moral greatness of another human being. And he does it in the best possible way, whenever he has the opportunity. And he is happy to have found someone like that. For having had the opportunity in his life to meet someone morally beautiful. The absence of thoughts of hatred or resentment. He is very light. He is very light to have heavy loads. He carries with him loads that are not useful for him to exercise what he determined to do in life, which is to love and benefit. Neither hatred nor resentment serve for either
of the two things. Therefore, he would not carry a load of these. He would not bring that with him. So he has a very great lightness. All these farts he is able to leave behind. Because he rigorously fulfills his duty to love and benefit. And that would be incompatible. He is a person who you feel is always clean. She is very transparent, very calm. He does not have all these afflictions and these terrors that a person has, who we are, most of us, with difficulty forgiving, with difficulty forgetting. He has thoughts of search for what
remains in the midst of what is temporary. He is always looking for the lasting, the greatest value of life. And not giving much importance to small details, which sometimes are wrong, small things. He always seeks what is greater. A greater meaning for events. What is greater within me. That is, my consciousness raised to its maximum power. He looks for what is definitive. What really makes a difference. And leaves behind banalities. He is not a man given to banalities, to futility. He is always looking for what is valued. What is lasting. What makes a difference in
human life. What adds. He has thoughts of real interest in knowing the mystery that dwells in each person, in each life, in each object. That is, he has an interest in knowing this mystery that is life. Knowing all the details of the nature's plan. What she intended with all this. And marvels before life. He is that man who, even after being an adult, maybe even an elderly, still behaves like a child, looking at the drawing of the butterfly's wing. Because he thinks it is a miracle of nature. And he never stops to be dazzled by
the miracles of nature. He is always attentive, awake, as if he were the eyes of a child. At any age. Curious to understand the mysteries of life. He has thoughts of legitimate concern for humanity and for the world. That is, there is not for him someone who is too far so that it does not fit in his concern. There is someone who suffers on the other side of the world. Someone who is within his concerns. He seeks, in some way, to have a positive attitude towards these people. If he can benefit them physically, he will.
If not, he will at least make a deep support for these people. A deep affection he will send to these people. And he will suffer with them and he will be happy with them. That is, he considers that the problem of humanity is his problem. Humanity is his family. Therefore, he suffers and vibrates with the gains and losses of humanity. Thoughts of search for ways to promote unity. This is also very common in this type of man. He understands that the logic of life is like this. This is the meaning of life. We came from
unity unconsciously. And now we have to return to it consciously. Our action has to be to promote everything that combines, everything that adds, everything that unites, everything that will make things fit in its proper place, like a big puzzle. We have to recover the lost unity, but now consciously and by an act of will. Therefore, he who is a distributor of harmony, always seeks to work in favor of union, of unification, of harmonization, of the encounter between men, of the capacity to create ties between men. He is always a promoter of unity. He knows that
unity, union, is the fundamental attribute of God. And he seeks to get closer to this point. Always, in all his actions. He has a permanent disposition for learning. Above all, learning to live. He does not feel like a doctor in this subject, nor in any other. He is always wanting to learn. Plato used to say that the biggest impediment to learning is to think that you already know. This is a man who has the humility to know that he does not know much. So he is always with the spirit of learning. Above all, learning lessons
about the life of those who lived well and who left us some inheritance of teaching. He has this vital curiosity to learn about life. And he is always receiving these teachings that were left by men who knew how to live. Consider this his greatest treasure. That is, he has the spirit of learning. All his life, at any age, he has the spirit of learning. So he is always alive, he is always active, he is always young, facing life with the spirit of improvement. He has the habit of reflection. There is a phrase that I like
a lot, which says that in the eyes of a wise man, imagine a wise man, says that the eyes of a wise man are deep. And deep in the eyes of a wise man, you see as if he were having a dialogue, a hidden dialogue between a man and a woman. And deep in the eyes of a man, something very mysterious happens. This reflection that turns us inward, seeking this very divine essence that exists within us. Seeking to recognize who we really are. He is a man who reflects. Reflects on his heart, reflects on his
identity, reflects on his values. And his action is always illuminated by this reflection. He is a man who loves reflection. He is focused on reflecting on all the facts of life. More and more, considering the facts of life filtered by his heart. There is a phrase from a contemporary writer, Steven Pressfield, which I find very beautiful, very interesting, which says that the great work of man is to push humanity forward, no matter how much, on his long way back to God. This man is always looking for this, pushing humanity forward, no matter how much, on
his long way back to God. Looking for all the opportunities to do it. And for that, he takes the lead, diving into himself through reflection. Looking for the most profound tools, his deepest identity, his values, to be able to act with these tools in the world. Imagine, did you manage to build this work of art in your imagination? People of this type exalt peace, warmth, depth, support. People of this type are a work of art. And maybe, what we can consider, is that all other works of art are born from this. This is the greatest
beauty, the lasting beauty, the beauty that time will never be able to corrode. It is the beauty of the construction of a human being morally harmonious, rekindled. A human being as a work of art. And this is a goal. Many times people ask me what is my life goal, what is my purpose, what is my ideal? For all humanity there is an ideal, which is a wise man, a man with values, virtues, wisdom, a little of this man that we just described. And it is very interesting that we visualize and build this image, so that
we can say, that's where I want to go, it's in that direction. I also want to sculpt myself to transform my life into a work of art. They are a product of the combined action of nature, which gave them wonderful latent powers, with human nature, that is, their own conscience, their own will, which brought these latent powers to the surface. So it is a society between nature and human nature. This one produced the gifts, and this one brought them to the surface and lived them. And that generated a wonderful human being. In all of us
there is this double possibility. Nature gave us gifts, as long as now our conscience and our will work to bring them to the surface, to make them practical in our lives. That is, the potential of this man, of whom we speak, exists in any human being. And finally, what I would like to bring to you is a phrase, to inspire us in relation to everything we speak, sculpting ourselves, having as an ideal model human, consists in the most perfect and refined of the works, which allows the birth of all the other arts from it. That
is, in the end, the great work of art that we have to build, the first one that generates all the others, is the work of art of the construction of ourselves, as human beings, the most perfect possible, as far as what is expected of a human being, as far as what nature made us to be. Find our place in the universe, be legitimately human. And that is very beautiful. This is a work of art. And that's what I would like to bring to you. I hope it was a good exercise of inspiring imagination, for you
to think about it. Many times we say, we don't have references, we are able to, with our imagination, create a reference. If you don't want historical references, you doubt them, create a reference with your imagination. Plausible, all this is possible, they are not things from another world. A plausible reference of what is a human being who, with all honesty, with all justice, with all commitment, works on the construction of oneself. A big hug to all. Thank you.
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