heavy body welcome to this i choose english' listening praktisch video you can use this video to train your listening and comprehension and ice peak jcb and join the talk to you about reading for some people this is a great topic and 4 other people with my boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy zo dit is het effect de iolite talking about zo first lets talk about in the for great books first we hebben difference between fiction and non-fiction time or fiction beter bereik easily reach online fiction boek stoel in this category
sambal bawang racing club de zelfhulpboeken biographies politiek of books and many books and die specifiek die ons het stel ik denk met name de is met je tot of starting to read more than fiction din fiction maar naast mijn studenten wipe box 2 minuten they usually tel niet babybox en dan weer line for reading is een great way to improve your knowledge in your viel de vloer of zo en de lade people that love reading selfshot box die cast they want to improve the wise oké dominante fiction german idee van genres white papers mystery the
isle of mystery napels ein cm mijn fabr achterin de genre is eigen te christi' in case you before she actually the best-selling nadeel is de bal time more people gebak napels ben any other other snavels the reason why like eigen de christie's box is dat je wil ik doe dat keeping the answer de mystery as i could you no idea what is going te helpen met die en de de boek zoiets als barry satisfying verder ieder hij als really like literary fiction hoe het is de fiction and many students acteur iedereen high school usually en
highschool students do like reading books belong with wide web merry little deeper and more complicated in bij also find and thats why i'm really enjoy reading de great american authors attest such as many mooie john steinbeck william faulkner in others liked ernest hemingway in particular is one of my father and daughter genres die interested in is de westhoek summer of love stories en dat de wild west de politici hundreds de early mijn team van us and also like my mother westerns stammen mijn figuur utterson de chandra invloeden zijn grey bloeiende more en kom ik mccarty
setting not many people like westerns per vier liter super van andel de many people prefer fancybox live kerriepoeder in game of thrones broccoli like them and usually do for more realistic nagels ook een alle strakke waaraan je kunnen wie de to learn a language dit is een great way to improve your english get yourself some interesting books in english in my opinion reading your target language is de best net in for learning dutch language hallo er is een poort een beetje cheezzbaby material that you can understand your level european er dom try to be de
van sleutelbox get your thoughts and children's books for apple iphone in french zo uit ai door wie de beet en french every day and just started een appel beits pearly easy but also really interesting for the skyline en hem van at the same time dit is de titel learn english us any recommendations for easy english books je kunt weten in de comments of ander english langer soundcheck daarna oké dat zal for today let nou in de comments wat juffer boek is als zie je nextime [Muziek] [Applaus] [Muziek]