you know based on recent studies like the ipsis global happiness survey about one in four people consider themselves unhappy they fall into all sorts of traps that life throws their way and most of the time you don't even see them coming until it's too late but they are easy to avoid when you know what to look for so here are 15 traps to avoid in life Welcome to alux the place where future billionaires come to get inspired number one the cheap dopamine trap now most people just don't stand a chance here you're a lonely individual
meant to fight off the weaponization of modern technology that feeds you cheap dopamine every time you ask for it if you don't get it you become angry and resentful a third of your day is spent online we evolve to get a dose of dopamine every time we achieve something incredible over time programmers figure figured out how to tap into those triggers and that's why everything is gamified reward-based likes thumbs up all of it number two the pride trap so here's the Trap okay you're too proud to say you don't know something and instead of addressing
it and actually learning and improving yourself you Retreat into yourself thus perpetuating your own stupidity ain't that the truth pride and cheap dopamine are modern-day Devils you're too proud proud to ask for help you're too proud to be seen trying something new think about it okay people are actually willing to sacrifice their long-term success just so they don't have to be seen as inferior or be judged by others in the moment that is crazy all right long-term success is achieved by you pursuing your goals irrespective of others your goal is to grow so put the
ego aside number three the being in a hurry track have you noticed that everyone is in a hurry but very few people are actually going places most people are in a hurry the hurry to deliver this project the hurry to get it done they keep telling others that it's just this week that's going to be like this these people confuse what is urgent with what is important even when the most trivial Things become urgent it's easy to fall into the Trap of forgetting the important things the most successful people out there are not busy they
are productive learn the difference number four the prolonged indecisiveness trap people get hit with decision paralysis and freeze up making no choices and in the process both opportunities go away and they end up with nothing so avoid this trap at all costs know what you want out of life so that when you're facing a Crossroads you know which road to take there's this Hunter S Thompson quote that puts it quite elegantly a man who who procrastinates in is choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance don't be the person whose life is
decided by circumstance or by anyone else for that matter number five the Quick Fix trap now everyone wants a quick solution to all of their problems right but a wakeup call there isn't one the sooner you stop looking for the shortcut or the secret to success the sooner you realize the magic you're looking for is in the work that you keep avoiding the magic is in the discipline do it every day okay yes it's hard but it's supposed to be like that okay you can't expect to be part of the 1% but behave has the
remaining 99% consistency with a focus on growth is the solution every day expose yourself to new ideas and wisdom put in the practice make progress until you hit a brick wall then learn some more acquire new knowledge overcome those obstacles and keep moving forward keep your head down it doesn't matter what everybody else is doing or saying be focused and if you need someone to walk alongside you we've got you covered we built the alux app to basically be your Mentor guiding you step by step on how to reach your goals and build a better
life for yourself through daily coaching sessions plus dozens of expert courses where we pay industry experts their expensive fees on your behalf we sit them down in a studio and have them teach you the lessons that most help them along the way and if you've been sort of on the fence about making this kind of investment in yourself let me tell you this is the time to act because until the end of January we're offering our biggest app discount to date if you download the alux app and scan this QR code on screen you'll get
50% off the yearly membership a membership that will pay for itself within the first month alone if you want 2025 to be different you got to act differently okay let us show you the way we'll see you on the inside number six the lifestyle inflation trap the moment things start going well that's when this trap starts to get you people usually make the mistake to increase their lifestyle alongside their earnings but the problem is you're making long-term mistakes assuming your earnings will continue going up or at least maintain that's valid until it's no longer the
case that's why you see these celebs rappers and athletes go broke so fast at the slightest hicup in their earnings their lifestyle starts to eat them up go through a divorce where the few assets you have get split all of a sudden you find yourself unable to pay the mortgage on that Mansion the Trap lies in playing status games you want others to know that you're successful you want others to see how well you're doing it all goes back to the pride thing don't give into it okay it is a trap number seven the start
of life Trap some people live with this illusion that they're waiting for something like preparing for life to start at some point in the future it's this idea that at one point life will begin and all of this right now doesn't count you know we're big fans of delayed gratification right but this is not it okay people are wasting their lives EXP an imaginary moment in their future to click somehow and finally they'll become alive but with every day that comes to an end so does a part of your life your life started when you
were born and you've been living your life ever since so unless you want to bet all of your chips on reincarnation you might want to start living your life right now number eight the sunk cost trap do you know how many people stay in unsatisfying relationships because they're too scared of being alone and starting over do you know how many people are staying with the same job despite the fact it's making them miserable and going nowhere just because they've been with the same company for 10 plus years that's the sunk cost trap it's the belief
that since you already spent so much time and energy on this well you got to stick with it even though you don't enjoy it at all don't be afraid of change J luxer things could get better number nine the victimhood Trap have you ever heard somebody say why does this always happen to me bad things always happen to me I can't seem to catch a break that right there is victim mentality my friend these people see themselves as Perpetual victims everything happens to them they're not in control of anything in their lives it's always someone
else to blame the problem with this trap is that if you wire your mind that way you'll never be able to escape it because the solution is not in your hands you're just this fragile being and the world is this nasty Place determined to hurt you g just gives you the ick doesn't it number 10 the plenty of time trap now some of you here are the type thinking there will always be more time until you realize there isn't there are certain Windows of opportunity that you might miss life feels complet completely different at 20
than it does at 60 some people keep postponing their dreams their wishes and their goals thinking they've got time now here's something that nobody tells you when you grow up the volume of time you actually have at your disposal goes down and when you grow old although that volume goes back up the value of that time goes down so figure out when the time is right for you but don't go waiting too long number 11 Savior and expectations trap now this one's a dual trap okay meaning it applies to you as well as it applies
to others for yourself you're waiting for a savior to show up in your life and fix it for you you hear people all the time say that the country needs a president to fix things up but it ain't the president who fixes the country it's you who fixes your own life and through example fixes the lives of others around them and their Community as for deploying it onto others think of yourself as this savior being meant to change others you see potential in them and judge their actions based on what they could become not based
on what they are both sides of this trap will hold you back number 12 the education trap now this one is about thinking you have to get a degree or else you're a failure people pretend that because they have a degree they're Superior to those who don't a degree is a piece of paper you paid money and time for more often than not they're completely useless the only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want in life everything else is education is what you're left with what you can apply once that learning
stops fortunately for you high quality education is free or almost free these days do not underestimate the value of online learning of YouTube of apps or what digital courses can do for your life at a fraction of the cost number number 13 the buy now pay later trap now this continues the trend of chaining people through debt stop spending money you don't have we've said it over and over again okay financial institutions want you enslaved through debt that way you go to work and a portion of your earnings will always go to them that's how
they make their money they loan you some you buy liabilities then you have to slave away to pay it all back we guarantee you my friend you be better off paying on debit rather than credit number 14 the scarcity trap now most people live with a scarcity mindset right to them there's just not enough for everybody the pie is limited and if you don't move fast enough and get as much out of it as possible well you might go hungry to them value is fixed the money supply is fixed although we hear daily on the
news about how they're printing trillions to them opport Unity is fixed too if you get a job that means they won't find one if you start a business that means they can no longer start theirs all of that is just well it's factually wrong there's no pie there's no shortage of ingredients you can bake your own pie at any time you want the pie can also get bigger in time stay away from people with a limiting mindset and number 15 the winning by contrast trap now life feels like a competition but actually it isn't it's
more a single player game with Co-op quests here and there some people only care about doing better than those around them other people set their standards this works if you're comparing yourself with high performers or people who are a complete mirror of your own values and goals but more often than not that just isn't the case if you're surrounded by losers and you feel better that you're the least loser of the bunch well that's not actually winning you're still a loser the goal goal is to win your own race you're racing against poverty you're racing
against living a mediocre and meaningless life and a big part of it is not falling for these traps that others seem to fall into now we know there are more traps out there so it's time you add value to this conversation what other traps in life have you identified let us know in the comments and yep as always there's a bonus waiting for those true alers watching to the very end of these Sunday videos today's bonus is the it's never too late trap now there's one thing that will guarantee to constantly change as you go
through life and that's your priorities when you're a kid your priority is to catch the Saturday morning cartoons on national TV shout out to our Millennial alers out there when you're a teenager your priority is to be cool in front of your crush when you're an adult your priority is a stable income and life growth you see every priority has it its own timeline and there are things that you can only do in those timelines you can't really plan a six-month trip in Southeast Asia while also signing a mortgage on a house at the same
time you still have free agency at the end of the day and you can do whatever the hell you want but just because you can doesn't mean it's a good idea don't fool yourself into thinking that both time and your energy to do things are infinite because they're not now we hope you learn something valuable here today alexir we'll see you back here next time until then take care my friend