if you want your website to stand out in 2025 here are nine web design trends that you have to know about the world of web design is ever evolving to the point that websites don't have a very long shelf life before you've got to start considering making some changes to stay current with what's happening around you with all the other websites that are out there and so we thought we'd take a second and just list all of the web design trends that we are seeing for the year 2025 now before we dive in and before
you start and just go immediately to your website builder and try to implement some of these things you need to ask yourself a really important question and that question is what is the purpose of my website your website should have a purpose it shouldn't just be to be up online so people can know that I have a business right it should be to get a user to do something so what are you trying to get your users to do are you trying to get them to buy a product are you trying to get them to
sign up to an email newsletter are you hoping that they'll download a lead magnet there should be some purpose that you've built your website for once you know that then you can look at the web design Trends and say will these Trends help me meet the goals of my website you shouldn't just go and pick a trend and immediately start to implement it on on on a page or a canvas or or wherever you think it might look cool and fun that's not necessarily going to help you and your business grow and that ultimately is
what a website is it's a tool to help you grow your business your online presence or whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish so before we dive into these things and you consider them you should first ask yourself the question what is the goal of my website you got it cool now that we've got that out of the way let's talk about what some of the web design Trends we're seeing are the first web design trend of 2025 that we're seeing is messiness or something I'm calling intentional imperfection as AI grows in popularity folks
are trying to figure out how to differentiate themselves from stuff that a robot has made to stuff that a a human has made now ai is brilliant I use it all the time I'm not discouraging you from figuring out how to put that into your own website but this is almost like a reaction to the Flawless skin that we see in AI models or the picturesque scene that we see of a family around a dinner table this is a trend that is saying hey we're we're human a human made this thing so you'll see some
websites that seem to be okay with stuff that's maybe a little bit all over the place or maybe a handdrawn picture that looks like a six-year-old might have put it together and I like this trend I like how web designers are figuring out ways to push the envelope and differentiate themselves from AI That's out there and the good news is is that you don't have to worry if you've got something that you don't feel is like perfect and pristine right that little bit of humanness can add an edge to your website number two micro interactions
for a long time web designers were using using really big animation where images fly in from all directions Left Right top bottom and then pause the screen and force you to like scroll through a section in a specific kind of way but now web designers are choosing to scale down their animations and focus more on what's called micro interactions and micro interactions are little subtle hints that happen whenever a user does a certain action so for instance if they hover over a border maybe the the Border highlights or animates a little bit or maybe as
they scroll through something something will shift slightly it's not big it's not bold but it can in many ways cause users to pay a little bit extra attention to the thing that has that animation on it so in a world where we're desperately trying to get folks to keep their attention on what we are presenting to them this might be a great option for you and your website the third Trend that we're seeing is that things are getting really bright and really bold and this is probably not a surprise this has been going in this
direction for for a few years now but it seems like folks are just turning up the volume even even more this almost feels like a response to the mobile first campaign that everyone was on back when mobile devices became the norm for web browsing experience it's almost like you feel a little bit limited and so you're just going to do things as big and bold as you possibly can on the desktop version now that's not to say that similar things have been done on the mobile side of things it's just to say that this seems
to be a more desktop heavy Trend that that I'm seeing so with this you'll see super bright colors lime green happens to be one that I see almost everywhere on the internet these days you'll see fonts that are 100 pixels 200 pixels big in size that span across an entire section it's almost as if the web designers got frustrated with client saying hey can you make the logo bigger and then they went and said you know what you want this bigger I'm just going to make it super big it's going to be as big as
the entire screen and then they went and said wait a second I kind of like that I like seeing this trend and I encourage you to try out some big and bold patterns on your website number four I'm seeing a lot of websites that are super text Heavy I've been a web designer since about 2014 and I've served and helped a ton of clients and for the longest time the same thing that I kept hearing over and over again from my clients was we just want to make sure there's no big wall of text you
know like this a lot of text was really hard for users to be able to stomach and there's there's some wisdom in that right like you don't want to make users think too heavily about the website that they're engaged with or you risk the the chance of them kind of leaving all together this web design Trend actually comes back and says hey you know what we like really big walls of text the motivation behind this web design stems from what's known as as pattern interrupt every website on the internet has probably ascribed to a certain
type of pattern that you see somewhat often on websites a really common one would be how you've got one section that's got an image on the left and text on the right and then the next section right beneath that has the text on the left and and the image on the right right so they they've got that pattern going back and forth and back and forth to kind of keep things moving without they just being that big wall of text so this is doing that but it's saying you know what there are not a lot
of other websites out there that have really big text and so we're going to put really big text and a lot of it and it's going to cause users to have to slow down to engaged because if you see a pattern as a user you're more likely to begin ignoring it versus if that pattern gets interrupted you engage a little bit more heavily I find myself doing this with sections that have really big text and it's why I think this web design trend is one that you should seriously consider for your own website number five
is cursor Alternatives do you remember the days of of mypace maybe you don't that's okay back in my day we used to think it was really cool to come up with like some custom cursor that you would see whenever you'd be scrolling over our page and then we'd like call all of our friends look at this cool cursor it's a cat and it just kind of follows you around so this web design Trend kind of stays in line with that but it's much more subtle and and much more intentional and well done so you might
see like a little trailing ball that's kind of following your cursor I've seen some that had a square pattern and then a dot in the center but for sure it's another one of those ways to keep users engaged right it's that pattern interrupt that we talked about where they're seeing something that's just slightly different so their brain isn't checking out number six sound and no you you didn't hear me incorrectly people are starting to again put sound on their website right some of that is in the form of background music some of that is in
the form of little interactions that take place if somebody clicks on something or maybe Scrolls down on on a certain section this reminds me of that Meme that came out a while ago that said my my brain is like an internet browser I've got 17 tabs open four are frozen and I can't tell which one is playing music and believe it or not this is something that that I've started to see now is it something that I think will take the Internet by storm probably not is this something that probably fits for your website you've
got to think intentionally about what your brand is and and what you're trying to accomplish I've seen this take place on certain hotels or Spas where they have like really ethereal relaxing calm music whenever somebody hits their web page I've also seen this on really playful websites where the brand of the website is is is fun and quirky and so they've got little sounds that are beeping and booping all all over the place so this is definitely one of those ones where you've got to think intentionally about is this going to serve the purpose of
my website's goal number seven scrolly telling and I'll say that again because it sounds like I'm trying to say a different word but I'm not scrolly telling storytelling has been something that marketers have been been pushing for a while it started with with Seth Goden and how he would encourage people to not try to sell people but try to to tell a story and websites are now catching up to that idea this trend feels a lot like if you were opening up a children's popup book where you've got like big things that are kind of
coming out all over the place and then you can like take this lever and move like a mouse in and out of the picture stealing the the cheese right so the idea is that you're trying to tell a story as the user Scrolls so do you understand you're scrolling with a story you're scrolly telling to get it I think I think you kind of understand where this phrasing kind of came from so often times you'll see this with news articles that they want to go really in depth with so they'll kind of lay out the
history of why they're talking about the article or maybe there's some history that's included with article and so you'll scroll to a certain section and then it'll stop on a year and then all of the important information of that year will kind of fly in as you're scrolling so it doesn't look like that section's moving as you're scrolling down it just looks like it's staying in place and things are coming in as as you're scrolling so it can be a really great and effective way to keep people engaged if you do it right you've got
to be careful you don't want to overwhelm them you don't want to get people frustrated to the point to where they close the browser and rage punch their computer so do it in a way that that feels authentic but then feels natural for your website as well number eight it's something I'm calling back and forth left and right not just up and down for the longest time you'd engage with a website by going from the very top of the page all the way down to the very bottom almost like you're at the top of a
building and you're coming down an elevator and then you're going floor by floor until you reach the ground level this web design Trend kind of bucks up against that Norm so instead of going top to bottom you're going in through a door and then turning right and then if you want to you can go back out that door and then go into another door you're kind of going almost through the website as if the website were a world in and to itself and this is a really cool way to to engage with your website visitors
now I will say that there aren't a lot of website builders that have the functionality of being able to do something like this so it's going to probably have to be a custom coded option but this might be something that it makes a lot of sense for your brand to to figure out at least a few ways to kind of make it feel like you're not just going from top to bottom but you've got little options like a choose your own ad Adventure kind of thing and so it's a fun Trend to explore and to
keep in the back of your mind I think that websites are going to go more towards this level of experience but who's to say it's always just good to keep a finger on the pulse of what's Happening number nine and finally the last web design trend of 2025 is something that I'm calling anti- usability you know for the longest time we have as ux designers really pushed this idea that you have to make things incredibly simple for users to use if you want to get the highest level of Engagement from them and I'm actually a
big fan of this idea I think it's it's smart I think it's it's been shown to be true time and time again but I think this is a response to kind of going to almost the hyper usability side of things now all of this idea kind of stems from The Godfather of ux his name is Steve kug and he wrote a book called don't make me think where he tried to tell folks people don't really want to think when they're engaging with a website and so if you do things that cause them to stop and
try to figure out what's going on they're likely going to be able to exit and say goodbye I'm never coming back to hang out with you again but we've definitely taken that a bit too far and I think that this trend is is a response to that I think at its furthest point you begin to start to think that users are dumb or lazy and I don't think that's true right I think we're the opposite of of that and so in this trend we're figuring out ways to kind of make things almost a little bit
more difficult for users to engage with and what I found is that this actually forces me to to engage a little bit more where I say what the heck is happening why are there tennis balls all over this page and they move a little bit when I move my mouse but it makes it really hard to click that button so you've got to think does this trend fit in with my brand and I've only ever seen this on like really high design and and super quirky type of websites but it doesn't mean it might not
be something that you would want to try to implement on on your own website I think what it's really saying is that users are evolving and as they evolve we need to be aware that some of the Rules From the Past might not work anymore well hey I hope you enjoyed this video on the web design trends of 2025 if you haven't already make sure that you like subscribe to our YouTube channel cuz we've always got great content that's coming out and hey tell me which one of these Trends are you hoping to implement in
your own website or which ones would you never put on your website because it's just a little bit silly I'd love to hear from you and we'll see you soon