Healing Prayer with Healing Verses from the Bible (1 hour)

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Steve Racer
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Video Transcript:
[Music] today is the day we will pray and believe for your healing wherever you are make yourself comfortable and be ready to hear this prayer and the words of God today we will pray for mercy faith healing and peace as we pray we will hear verses from the Bible that deal with these subjects let us begin first we will pray and hear about God's mercy you O Lord of forgiving and good abounding in love to all who call to you let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy
and define grace to help us in our time of need God here says to approach with confidence the throne of His grace so that we may receive mercy God wants us to come and receive mercy God gives us mercy out of his infinite grace but because of his great love for us God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus in
order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of His grace expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus God is kind to you God is merciful to you God has grace for you but so that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins then he said to the paralytic get up pick up your mat and go home and the man got up and went home when Jesus came he not only spoke about the good news of his salvation but he healed the sick and
he did it to show that he has authority on earth to forgive sins if you believe that Jesus has forgiven your sins then you believe he has authority to heal you as well but when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared he saved us not because of righteous things we had done but because of his mercy God's salvation for you is not dependent on anything you have done it is because of his mercy his kindness his love expressed through Jesus his Savior the Savior is the one who saves give thanks to the Lord
for he is good his love endures forever give thanks to the God of gods his love endures forever give thanks to the Lord of lords his love endures forever over and over in Psalm 136 we are reminded that God's love never stops never fails never lessens it is always present and will never be removed for us to him who alone does great wonders his love indoors forever who by his understanding made the heavens his love and doors forever who spread out the earth upon the waters his love endures forever who made the great lights his
love endures forever the Sun to govern the day his love endures forever the moon and stars to govern the night his love endures forever God who made the moon in the stars the Sun for the day spread out the earth upon the waters also loves you forever he remembered us in our low estate his love endures forever and freed us from our enemies his love endures forever he gives food to every creature his love endures forever give thanks to the God of heaven his love endures forever give thanks right now in your heart for you
healing remember that his love for you indoors forever he is kind gracious and merciful [Music] now I will pray for your faith I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me the life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me Christ lives in you this is the source of your faith this is the source of love and mercy who is it that overcomes the world only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son
of God today in your heart and mind confess Jesus as the Son of God because when you believe that you overcome the world and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfecter of faith when we look ahead to Jesus we run toward him he is our pioneer he went ahead of us he made a place for us and we are like him he pioneers our faith He healed the sick he performed great miracles but he is also the perfecter of our faith as we
get close to him as we spend time with him he will make our faith more and more perfect he said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering right now in Jesus name I pray that these words exactly apply to you that you will go in peace and be freed from your suffering once again in your heart in your mind hear these words go in peace be free of your suffering whoever believes in me as scripture has said rivers of living water will flow from within them
right now as you believe in Jesus and hold out your heart to him I pray that you become aware of the rivers of living water it's not just a stream or a fountain it is a river it flows from you from the very source Jesus himself I pray that you feel this river in your whole body right now in your whole mind in your whole spirit this river washing you healing you and making you whole but also giving life to others from our source Jesus then Jesus said did I not tell you that if you
believe you will see the glory of God I asked it right now in your heart and mind God revealed to you his glory go said Jesus your faith has healed you immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road Jesus didn't ask the man to follow him he only said that his faith had healed him and told him to go but in gratefulness and joy the blind man followed Jesus along the road therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours and
so I say to you remember these words of Jesus there have been many times we have asked for many things in prayer God we ask you to help give us faith help us to believe that we have received these things father help us to not just believe but believe it in our mind in our actions in our body that we expect that we hope that we live in the knowledge that you are healer truly I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here
to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you you only need as small as a mustard seed you don't have to wait until your faith is huge you don't have to wait until your faith is perfect right now I pray that you feel the seed of faith down in your heart that Jesus Christ has already given you and you find it and use it hold on to that faith right now in your heart and say Lord God here here is my faith I reach it out to you and I connect with you
God as my father to heal me I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith god help us to be aware of the holy spirit that has been planted inside us strengthening us with power that we realize deep in our inner being we are now bonded with God and have received his spirit that we will live in the spirit through faith then jesus said to her woman you have great faith your request is granted
and her daughter was healed at that moment God can heal in a moment I pray this right now is your moment that you feel the warmth and presence of God wash over you that as you've extended your faith to him that your faith in return given to you by God brings you healing now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see God at this moment we don't see you but we know you are there we are assured of your grace and mercy and love and in that hope
we ask for healing of our bodies and our minds through him you believe in God who raised him from the dead and glorified him and so your faith and hope are in God for we live by faith not by sight always remember that you are a child of God no matter what things look like no matter what things feel like God is there and he has eternally saved you for every one born of God overcomes the world this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith that mustard seed within you is enough
to overcome the world hold on to it remember it it is all you need [Music] I want you to hear these verses from the Bible that tell you that God wishes to heal you when evening came many who were demon-possessed were brought to him and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick this was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah he took up our infirmities and bore our diseases but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was
on him and by his wounds we are healed right now receive forgiveness for your transgressions receive restoration for your iniquities receive the removal of your disease and your infirmities as Jesus bore them he took them he carried them already receive your freedom from sin and sickness paid for at the cross for I am the Lord who heals you even in the Old Testament God was a healer one of his names was the Lord who heals he heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds not only does he heal our wounds our body our external problems but
he heals our hearts if your heart is broken I pray you hold it out to the Lord right now and receive the healing of your broken heart receive the warmth and love of the father received the mercy and grace in his unlimited supply that heals your heart very truly I tell you whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father right now Jesus is with the father and he has promised that during that time we will do
even greater things father we believe in your mercy we believe in your healing I pray that you help us to understand all of the great gifts you have given us and the healing that comes out of your mercy Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them the authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness there is no disease or sickness that God cannot heal your father is greater than any disease he is greater than any sickness he is greater than any problem that afflicts you simply hold the problem
up to him and he will heal every disease and sickness right now feel the warmth of the Father Passover you feel the peace of his mercy grace and love feel the promise of his power to heal every disease and sickness beloved I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul we ask Lord that our soul be healed that things go well with our soul and therefore with our bodies that we may be in good health they had come to hear him
and be healed of their diseases and those troubled by evil spirits were healed everyone tried to touch him because healing power went out from him and He healed everyone Lord your word is power right now as these words in this prayer go out we asked in any evil spirit that is hearing them be driven away not be able to stay in the presence of these holy words created by the holy spirit we tell you demons flee begone God our Father is bigger than you and he gave us authority to cast you away begone and trouble
God's children no more he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness by his wounds you have been healed at the cross we died to sins and now we live in righteousness we have been healed in the greek i effete healing it means generally of the physical sometimes spiritual disease it also can mean to make whole this verse speaks to physical healing and it talks about a deeper meaning of being made whole right now by his wounds you have been healed by his
wounds you have been made whole by his wounds you have been healed of physical disease by his wounds you have been healed of spiritual problems you have been made whole and now we will pray for peace he will never leave you nor forsake you do not be afraid do not be discouraged for those of you who feel fear these verses will reassure you that there is now no reason to be afraid ever again because God is with you from now until eternity he will never leave you nor forsake you it's all right if you feel
afraid sometimes but remember you don't need to be because God will never leave you nor forsake you and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose we know it but God is working all things for our good we can trust in that and therefore not be afraid of tomorrow not be afraid of what happens because God is never surprised by these things he knows they are coming and he knows how to use them for our good don't fear for I
have redeemed you I have called you by name you are mine you belong to God no one can take you away from him he has claimed you you are his forever he knows your name the Lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer here God has three things to give you strength and peace the rock on which you stand your foundation it will not be shaken God is your fortress he surrounds you with walls and protects you and he is your deliverer when you're in trouble he comes to deliver you peace I leave with
you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid Jesus gave us his peace his peace his peace is deep and infinite and it has been given to us as a gift not the way the world gives things temporarily but as a permanent establishment of peace that comes with knowing Jesus Christ and so he encourages us once again don't let your heart be troubled don't be afraid because you have peace only look for his peace and you will
find it in your relationship with Jesus I sought the Lord and he answered me he delivered me from all my fears the Lord delivers us from our fears his presence alone is enough to cast out spirits to cast out fear and to bring peace our eternal inheritance from Jesus Christ when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy not only does God remove the anxiety but he gives us in replacement joy for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither Angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither
height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord there is nothing that could separate us from God and his love none of the things on this list none of the things in creation there is nothing greater than him and he has chosen to love us and therefore we are his and can never be separated from him and his love for the spirit God gave us does not make us timid but gives us power love and self-discipline maybe you
are feeling weak in your spirit in your faith but remember God's Spirit is in you and it is not making you timid but instead it gives you power it gives you love the Spirit of God is God in you and God is love through the power of God this is a gift when I am afraid I put my trust in you in God whose word I praise in God I trust and am not afraid these words remember them in your heart in God I trust and I'm not afraid for I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you do not fear I will help you right now wherever you are open your right hand and feel God taking it God takes hold of your right hand and speaks to you these words do not fear I will help you receive that and believe it God holds your hand and tells you to have no fear because he will help you in this part of the prayer we will confess the Apostles Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth I believe in
Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to the dead on the third day he rose again he ascended into heaven is seated at the right hand of the Father and will come again to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the one Holy Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen now that we have heard the words
of God I will pray for healing for your body and your mind Lord God and the name and authority of Jesus Christ I pray for healing for your brain for your nervous system for your digestive system for your circulatory system or all of these systems in your body but healing wash over you right now let your cells be regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit I pray for your skin I pray for your eyes your mouth and your ears I pray for your organs healing for your heart your lungs your liver your kidneys let
light and warmth fill these organs right now and bring healing and regeneration in Jesus name I pray for all of your internal organs that they may receive regeneration and healing that God will reset them to the original blueprint I pray for your bones your cartilage your ligaments your muscles your tendons may they receive fresh healing and strength through the blood of Jesus and his work at the cross now I will pray healing to your mind that you right now in Jesus name receive peace in your mind your heart in your body that any disturbance there
at any tension dissonance uncomfortableness fade away and the peace promised to us by Jesus Christ that passes all understanding I pray that your emotions become one in alignment with the will of God that the spirit and the mind of Christ lead you and that your emotions will be secondary and subject to the authority of Christ that they will not be out of control that they will not control you but instead that you will experience peace and authority over strong emotions in Jesus name I pray for your heart that any wounds that you have received to
your heart in your spirit in your soul be healed that God's healing power to bring you complete and total wholeness fill you right now and take away the pain of your broken heart God right now we envision our heart we see the scars that life has given us and we see the radiant power of your holy spirit surround our hearts and slowly and surely heal those scars and take away the pain we see our heart regenerate and be strong we see now God placing joy in our heart to replace the sadness God is replacing the
ashes the broken dreams with new beauty and with new visions at this moment we pray for thoughts Lord God that all thoughts be in alignment with your spirit if we are having thoughts that discourage us having thoughts that put us down that we will instead remember that you love us and not even these thoughts can separate us that you are there with us in these condemning thoughts in these scary thoughts and that you and your presence will slowly make them fade away these disturbing thoughts have no power over us and we proclaim and confess it
in Jesus name and accept the gift of peace that you have given us [Music] we pray now that happiness and joy fill your mind soul and body that no part of you be without it that true joy permanent joy be there implanted deep within your soul so that every day no matter what comes you can always find the joy of Jesus Christ your savior in your heart and so God we ask that there be no more fear no more depression no more pain only peace peace I give you says Jesus peace I give you receive
that peace now in your mind in the name of our God Jesus Christ I pray that your heart understands salvation and wholeness that your salvation is for your body mind and spirit and that you remember that you are one with God I proclaim over you that you are God's child you are one with him that you are healed and you are free that it is now and it is today that Christ is in you now and forever that the Spirit leads you now and forever and that you are a child of our glorious Father now
and forever we thank you Great God and give you glory and praise for what you have done today amen now we will repeat this prayer if you want to listen to it again today is the day we will pray and believe for your healing wherever you are make yourself comfortable and be ready to hear this prayer and the words of God today we will pray for mercy faith healing and peace as we pray we will hear verses from the Bible that deal with these subjects let us begin first we will pray and hear about God's
mercy you O Lord of forgiving and good abounding in love to all who call to you let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and to find grace to help us in our time of need God here says to approach with confidence the throne of His grace so that we may receive mercy God wants us to come and receive mercy God gives us mercy out of his infinite grace but because of his great love for us God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even
when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of His grace expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus God is kind to you God is merciful to you God has grace for you but so that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins then he said to the paralytic get up pick
up your mat and go home and the man got up and went home when Jesus came he not only spoke about the good news of his salvation but he healed the sick and he did it to show that he has authority on earth to forgive sins if you believe that Jesus has forgiven your sins then you believe he has authority to heal you as well but when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared he saved us not because of righteous things we had done but because of his mercy God's salvation for you is
not dependent on anything you have done it is because of his mercy his kindness his love expressed through Jesus his Savior the Savior is the one who saves give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever give thanks to the God of gods his love endures forever give thanks to the Lord of lords his love endures forever over and over in Psalm 136 we are reminded that God's love never stops never fails never lessens it is always present and will never be removed for us to him who alone does great wonders
his love endures forever who by his understanding made the heavens his love and doors forever who spread out the earth upon the waters his love endures forever who made the great lights his love endures forever the Sun to govern the day his love endures forever the moon and stars to govern the night his love endures forever God who made the moon in the stars the Sun for the day spread out the earth upon the waters also loves you forever he remembered us in our low estate his love endures forever and freed us from our enemies
his love endures forever he gives food to every creature his love endures forever give thanks to the God of heaven his love endures forever give thanks right now in your heart for you healing remember that his love for you indoors forever he is kind gracious and merciful [Music] now I will pray for your faith I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me the life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me Christ lives
in you this is the source of your faith this is the source of love and mercy who is it that overcomes the world only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God today in your heart and mind confess Jesus is the Son of God because when you believe that you overcome the world and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfecter of faith when we look ahead to Jesus we run toward him he is our pioneer he went ahead of us
he made a place for us and we are like him he pioneers our faith He healed the sick he performed great miracles but he is also the perfecter of our faith as we get close to him as we spend time with him he will make our faith more and more perfect he said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering right now in Jesus name I pray that these words exactly apply to you that you will go in peace and be freed from your suffering once again
in your heart in your mind hear these words go in peace be free of your suffering whoever believes in me as scripture has said rivers of living water will flow from within them right now as you believe in Jesus and hold out your heart to him I pray that you become aware of the rivers of living water it's not just a stream or a fountain it is a river it flows from you from the very source Jesus himself I pray that you feel this river in your whole body right now in your whole mind in
your whole spirit this river washing you healing you and making you whole but also giving life to others from our source Jesus then Jesus said did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God I asked it right now in your heart and mind God revealed to you his glory go said Jesus your faith has healed you immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road Jesus didn't ask the man to follow him he only said that his faith had healed him and told him to go but
in gratefulness and joy the blind man followed Jesus along the road therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours and so I say to you remember these words of Jesus there have been many times we have asked for many things in prayer God we ask you to help give us faith help us to believe that we have received these things father help us to not just believe but believe it in our mind in our actions in our body that we expect that we
hope that we live in the knowledge that you are healer truly I tell you if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you you only need as small as a mustard seed you don't have to wait until your faith is huge you don't have to wait until your faith is perfect right now I pray that you feel the seed of faith down in your heart that Jesus Christ has already given you and you find
it and use it hold on to that faith right now in your heart and say Lord God here here is my faith I reach it out to you and I connect with you God as my father to heal me I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith god help us to be aware of the holy spirit that has been planted inside us strengthening us with power that we realize deep in our inner being
we are now bonded with God and have received his spirit that we will live in the spirit through faith then jesus said to her woman you have great faith your request is granted and her daughter was healed at that moment God can heal in a moment I pray this right now as your moment that you feel the warmth and presence of God wash over you that as you've extended your faith to him that your faith in return given to you by God brings you healing now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance
about what we do not see God at this moment we don't see you but we know you are there we are assured of your grace and mercy and love and in that hope we ask for healing of our bodies and our minds through him you believe in God who raised him from the dead and glorified him and so your faith and hope are in God for we live by faith not by sight always remember that you are a child of God no matter what things look like no matter what things feel like God is there
and he has eternally saved you for everyone born of God overcomes the world this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith that mustard seed within you is enough to overcome the world hold on to it remember it it is all you need [Music] I want you to hear these verses from the Bible that tell you that God wishes to heal you when evening came many who were demon-possessed were brought to him and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick this was to fulfill what was spoken
through the prophet Isaiah he took up our infirmities and bore our diseases but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed right now receive forgiveness for your transgressions receive restoration for your iniquities receive the removal of your disease and your infirmities as Jesus bore them he took them he carried them already receive your freedom from sin and sickness paid for at the cross for I am the Lord who heals you even in the Old Testament God
was a healer one of his names was the Lord who heals he heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds not only does he heal our wounds our body our external problems but he heals our hearts if your heart is broken I pray you hold it out to the Lord right now and receive the healing of your broken heart receive the warmth and love of the father received the mercy and grace in his unlimited supply that heals your heart very truly I tell you whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing and
they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father right now Jesus is with the father and he has promised that during that time we will do even greater things father we believe in your mercy we believe in your healing I pray that you help us to understand all of the great gifts you have given us and the healing that comes out of your mercy Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them the authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness there is no
disease or sickness that God cannot heal your father is greater than any disease he is greater than any sickness he is greater than any problem that afflicts you simply hold the problem up to him and he will heal every disease and sickness right now feel the warmth of the Father Passover you feel the peace of his mercy grace and love feel the promise of his power to heal every disease and sickness beloved I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul
we ask Lord that our soul be healed that things go well with our soul and therefore with our bodies that we may be in good health they had come to hear him and be healed of their diseases and those troubled by evil spirits were healed everyone tried to touch him because healing power went out from him and He healed everyone Lord your word is power right now as these words in this prayer go out we asked in any evil spirit that is hearing them be driven away not be able to stay in the presence of
these holy words created by the holy spirit we tell you demons flee begone God our Father is bigger than you and he gave us authority to cast you away begone and trouble God's children no more he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness by his wounds you have been healed at the cross we died to sins and now we live in righteousness we have been healed in the greek i effete healing it means generally of the physical sometimes spiritual disease it also
can mean to make whole this verse speaks to physical healing and it talks about a deeper meaning of being made whole right now by his wounds you have been healed by his wounds you have been made whole by his wounds you have been healed of physical disease by his wounds you have been healed of spiritual problems you have been made whole and now we will pray for peace he will never leave you nor forsake you do not be afraid do not be discouraged for those of you who feel fear these verses will reassure you that
there is now no reason to be afraid ever again because God is with you from now until eternity he will never leave you nor forsake you it's all right if you feel afraid sometimes but remember you don't need to be because God will never leave you nor forsake you and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose we know it but God is working all things for our good we can trust in that and therefore not be afraid of tomorrow
not be afraid of what happens because God is never surprised by these things he knows they are coming and he knows how to use them for our good don't fear for I have redeemed you I have called you by name you are mine you belong to God no one can take you away from him he has claimed you you are his forever he knows your name the Lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer here God has three things to give you strength and peace the rock on which you stand your foundation it will
not be shaken God is your fortress he surrounds you with walls and protects you and he is your deliverer when you're in trouble he comes to deliver you peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid Jesus gave us his peace his peace his peace is deep and infinite and it has been given to us as a gift not the way the world gives things temporarily but as a permanent establishment of peace that
comes with knowing Jesus Christ and so he encourages us once again don't let your heart be troubled don't be afraid because you have peace only look for his peace and you will find it in your relationship with Jesus I sought the Lord and he answered me he delivered me from all my fears the Lord delivers us from our fears his presence alone is enough to cast out spirits to cast out fear and to bring peace our eternal inheritance from Jesus Christ when anxiety was great within me your consolation brought me joy not only does God
remove the anxiety but he gives us in replacement joy for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither Angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord there is nothing that could separate us from God and His love none of the things on this list none of the things in creation there is nothing greater than him and he has chosen to love us and therefore
we are his and can never be separated from him and his love for the spirit God gave us does not make us timid but gives us power love and self-discipline maybe you are feeling weak in your spirit in your faith but remember God's Spirit is in you and it is not making you timid but instead it gives you power it gives you love the Spirit of God is God in you and God is love through the power of God this is a gift when I am afraid I put my trust in you in God whose
word I praise in God I trust and am not afraid these words remember them in your heart in God I trust and I'm not afraid for I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you do not fear I will help you right now wherever you are open your right hand and feel God taking it God takes hold of your right hand and speaks to you these words do not fear I will help you receive that and believe it God holds your hand and tells you to have no
fear because he will help you in this part of the prayer we will confess the Apostles Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth I believe in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to the dead on the third day he rose again he ascended into heaven he is seated at the right hand of the Father and will come again to judge the living and the dead I
believe in the Holy Spirit the one Holy Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen now that we have heard the words of God I will pray for healing for your body and your mind Lord God and the name and authority of Jesus Christ I pray for healing for your brain for your nervous system for your digestive system for your circulatory system or all of these systems in your body but healing wash over you right now let your cells be regenerated by the power of
the Holy Spirit I pray for your skin I pray for your eyes your mouth and your ears I pray for your organs healing for your heart your lungs your liver your kidneys let light and warmth fill these organs right now and bring healing and regeneration in Jesus name I pray for all of your internal organs but they may receive regeneration and healing that God will reset them to the original blueprint I pray for your bones your cartilage your ligaments your muscles your tendons may they receive fresh healing and strength the blood of Jesus and his
work at the cross now I will pray healing to your mind that you right now in Jesus name receive peace in your mind your heart in your body that any disturbance there at any tension dissonance uncomfortableness fade away and the peace promised to us by Jesus Christ that passes all understanding I pray that your emotions become one in alignment with the will of God that the spirit and the mind of Christ lead you and that your emotions will be secondary and subject to the authority of Christ that they will not be out of control that
they will not control you but instead that you will experience peace and authority over strong emotions in Jesus name I pray for your heart that any wounds that you have received to your heart in your spirit in your soul be healed that God's healing power to bring you complete and total wholeness fill you right now and take away the pain of your broken heart God right now we envision our heart we see the scars that life has given us and we see the radiant power of your Holy Spirit surround our hearts and slowly and surely
heal those scars and take away the pain we see our heart regenerate and be strong we see now God placing joy in our heart to replace the sadness God is replacing the ashes the broken dreams with new beauty and with new visions at this moment we pray for thoughts Lord God that all thoughts be in alignment with your spirit if we are having thoughts that discourage us having thoughts that put us down that we will instead remember that you love us and not even these thoughts can separate us that you are there with us in
these condemning thoughts in these scary thoughts and that you and your presence will slowly make them fade away these disturbing thoughts have no power over us and we proclaim and confess it in Jesus name and accept the gift of peace that you have given us [Music] we pray now that happiness and joy fill your mind soul and body that no part of you be without it that true joy permanent joy be there implanted deep within your soul so that every day no matter what comes you can always find the joy of Jesus Christ your savior
in your heart and so God we ask that there be no more fear no more depression no more pain only peace peace I give you says Jesus peace I give you receive that peace now in your mind in the name of our God Jesus Christ I pray that your heart understands salvation and wholeness that your salvation is for your body mind and spirit and that you remember that you are one with God I proclaim over you that you are God's child you are one with him that you are healed and you are free that it
is now and it is today the Christ is in you now and forever that the Spirit leads you now and forever and that you are a child of our glorious Father now and forever we thank you Great God and give you glory and praise for what you have done today amen now we will repeat this prayer if you want to listen to it again
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