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okay hello beautiful people and welcome to this livestream video so i'm gonna get straight into it because i'm just gonna be uploading this so i want people to get straight to the point if they find this so if you are someone who have just found my channel um or you've just come across this video and you're like what's this girl talking about angels you know i'm not ready for that that's a bit too esoteric for me that is totally okay and that is totally fine when i first started learning about angels um i read the
book super attractor by gabrielle bernstein and i remember thinking she was crazy i was like what she's talking is crazy talk and i was judging her i was a little bit like oh this is too much out of my field and that was okay because in that point in time i wasn't ready for that truth to be unveiled to me i wasn't ready or i didn't believe it at that time and that's okay and now much later studying angels and encountering them and even seeing little visions of them um very connected to angels and just
a lot of synchronistic things i thought i wanted to share this to you so this isn't about me this is about you and how your guardian angel or your angels can help you so we all have one guardian angel some people say you have two it just depends um i do believe that some of what some have two and then we do have many angels to help us for various things as well as archangels but i'm not going to get into that today i wanted to talk about the three signs your guardian angel may be
visiting you maybe trying to communicate with you give you signs synchronicities omens and help you along your path and i have had many experiences that i've i've had two which i'm going to share in this video that are indescribable okay i can't describe it any other way it's just you know those things when the universe like throws something at you or something is so synchronistic it's just indescribable there's no explanation other than this is faith or this is the universe or the spiritual or something like that there's like no explanation these two things happen to
me which i'm gonna share and it completely changed my life and my perception on how i view these things so understand that angels is an esoteric term and it's not to get too caught up on which are angels which are spirit guides which is higher self it's just to understand that the entire spiritual realm have one purpose for you and one purpose only and that is to help you so i wouldn't get too caught up if you're in your head and you're like is this my spirit god of this my angel all of this it
doesn't matter okay in my opinion it doesn't as long as they're helping you and they love you and they want the best for you okay so three signs so the first sign of course is a very common synchronistic sign that i think everyone hears which is angel numbers now i see angel numbers as braille like a code okay and when we are constantly seeing angel numbers i look up it's five five people and when i see angel numbers that is a synchronistic sign that my angels are trying to communicate with me and are communicating with
you okay so when you are seeing numbers repeating numbers 1 1 1 and 11 555-444-3322 all of synchronistic repeating numbers when i continue to see them that is a sign that they're trying to communicate to me to tell me i am on the right path and i am being aligned okay that i am on the right synchronistic plan i am you know on the right path there's something to where you are you're in alignment okay so when you continue to see angel numbers when you see signs that is mostly a sign from them just saying
hey look you're in alignment you're doing incredible you're doing great okay and that is a very common one a lot of us experience so if you pick up your phone okay and it's 444 or you go to the shopping you go shopping and it's 11 11 or uh 12 euro and 12 cent okay whatever it is that is a synchronistic sign especially if you have many in a day it's very synchronistic and that's a big big sign so that is a beautiful one i know a lot of us experience that we kind of brush it
over but once you become aware of angel numbers you will start to see them everywhere and you will start to realize the spiritual realm is always trying to communicate with the physical realm okay and it can be very easy to you know go oh well the spiritual realm like but we know in quantum physics energy energy is everything this is just energy you know all in the air we're all just energy we can't physically see it we can't see air but we know it's there you know we we see all of these um we enjoy
all these things such as electricity but we can't see you know these things like physically it doesn't mean they're not there right okay i butchered that explanation but the point i'm trying to make is that understand that just because we can't see them doesn't mean it's not real and that's something we're conditioned from the logical egotistical physical plane in life is that if we don't see it it's not real so how we do that and how we can pick up their energy is through angel numbers and that's the first sign so the second sign is
intuition an intuitive rush of energy that is indescribable so right when i started this live stream i got that rush of energy it's like an electric shock for me sometimes and i'm actually going to share two crazy experiences um of encountering a very intuitive cull so before i explain this i want to make you guys know that for angels they are not allowed to intrude in your life they're not allowed to you know go they're not allowed to help you without your their like without you giving them permission without you allowing them to help you
okay so if you do not allow them they will not be there to help you but they do and i believe this they intervene with you if it is very serious so if it is a life-threatening situation or if it is a situation where you know they just feel like they need to step in to help you in this physical plane they will so what it is is is it is an intuitive rush okay so some sort of intuitive download message a voice so clear and concise but it's not your own so i'm going to
share one and then i'm going to share another so this happened about five five years ago so very long time ago ella was not into spirituality i didn't believe in anything to do with the spiritual realm higher powers none of that i was so closed off to it in fact i i kind of went against it because i felt um why did all these bad things keep happening to me now knows the law of attraction and me what i was putting out i was getting back but um at the time i was so against the
thought that there's something out there helping me because i felt so helpless um and so what happened was i was with my friends in my friend's car and we were driving around and you know we were just having fun whatever and this voice in my head it was so clear i can still remember it's so so so so concise and very just very clear and i knew it wasn't it wasn't me it wasn't my voice it was something so just so clear but it just wasn't me and that was the first very first incorporation i
kind of experienced something that was like what's this okay and the voice said get out of that car okay get out of the car and it was a very clear message um i i just took it i went yep okay i believe it i didn't even question it and i said drop me home like i need to go home right now i'm leaving this car my friends were like why like lila i was like just get me out of this car i was very like stern i was like get me out of this car so
i went home didn't think much about it a little bit confused by the situation um and then i got a text from my friend about 20 to 30 minutes later saying they had crushed the car okay so that was the first experience for me where i realized okay there is something a little bit strange here but after that situation i honestly didn't think much of it i labeled that as a coincidence and i kind of let it go and then another situation happened very recently and i believed in angels much before but this was another
confirmation for me that kind of blew my mind so i was doing angel journaling which is where i journal i allow the angels to speak through me okay so an intuitive and guidance so i started just writing journaling and all of a sudden a voice in my set my head said go up um and no no sorry the voice in my head said uh archangel raphael wants to speak to you okay it was either no i'm pretty sure was raphael or yeah i can't remember i have it written down but it basically said archangel raphael
wants to speak to you it says go to your bookshelf and pick the book up angels and open page i think 33 or something it was like a specific page and so i kind of stood up and i went okay this is really strange and so i pull out the book and this was an angel a book i read about angels about a year ago i forgot about the book was on my bookshelf gathering dust you know how it is and i opened the page that said and right at the very top of the page
was archangel raphael the angel for libras and then two other star signs but i'm a libra and my whole body just like shook okay like very just a freak like i was like are you kidding me this voice in my head said go get that book open this certain page arc angel raphael and speak to you and then it was the name of the book and and what he does in his purpose and that message on that piece of paper was what i needed so badly in that moment because i was going through some things
and there was it was just this clear concise guidance so when there is an intuitive guidance a nudge that is speaking to you especially if you allow it you say archangels angels i allow you to speak to me they will start to drop in here and there and tell you little things so when that experience happened to me it was very eye-opening for me it was very that was one i just couldn't explain right like how could that little voice in my head tell me to open this page and say the exact name and it
was angel for libra i was like i read this book a year ago i completely forgot i'm not going to memorize every piece of paper that was a moment for me where it was really really big okay so that is the second one so an intuition like a very deep inkling okay now the third one on the last one which is going to be a little bit i don't want to say like um maybe not as consistent in your life it may happen very sporadically but what they can do is they can incorporate like into
electricity and they can um create um i'll give you an example so the other day i was sitting in my living room and i said the words angels are you here with me okay i just was like kind of writing and i just said out loud and there was a computer in the corner that i never really used and um it never like it was just on but like i never used it all of a sudden it went bing like it made like literally a bing noise i don't even know where the big noise came
from on the laptop or why it was caused and i just sort of i like started crying like profusely started crying because i was like this is insane like literally i just asked this message and i received that like bing like that sign okay so what it can happen is when you start let's say you ask your angels for a sign you go uh angels can you please give me a sign there could be a wasp that flies up to the window or could there could be a lyric and a song that's playing the radio
that responds to that question or that sort of guidance like something synchronistic that happens in your life it could be a light orb okay so that's another one if you see like orbs of light on your wall or something like that that could be sign that your angels are trying to communicate with you through um energy and so this is something that when you tune into this and you you really tune into this because you have to understand that we're all on frequencies we're all on certain radio stations okay we're all tuned into different vibrations
so when you are tuned into your most optimal um souls pattern and you're you're in your your best state okay whether that be sad or happy whatever just from your soul state when you're tuned into that you will start to receive so much synchronicities so much signs okay like um like i said the like the radio plane that little computer dang like wasps flying up angel orbs lights and whatever it is you may actually just feel their presence in the room some days i'm like i can feel there's a presence in here like i can
feel it i can also feel and there's a darker energy okay they can give you that guidance angel numbers okay that intuitive voice all of these are signs that your angels are trying to visit you and trying to communicate with you and understand again that they cannot access they cannot manipulate they cannot do anything they would never manipulate they're here loving like they're on such higher dimensions and realms because they're way more pure um and lighter than we are like they they see the world from a bird's eye perspective they see the good and bad
all as good because in order to have good over here we need to balance it out in the universe with bad right that's just how the universal laws go we need harmony we need polarity and and so angels see everything a very pure pure pure pure light and they're here to help but you have to allow their assistance their guidance in it's the same with spirit guides okay so what i like to say is dear and my dear angels of love and light i allow you to incorporate with me and the reason i don't really
worry too much about what i say is because spirit guides are completely different to angels spirits are like you can call on lower dimensional beings but angels are just angels so that's really it and also i want to say that if you came across this video and you're like you know what it doesn't resonate with you right now you're still like what you're saying kind of sounds like crazy talk that's okay too and accept that allow that enjoy that time because maybe in a year's time you will be guided to a book you'll open a
certain page and you go ah that makes sense or maybe you'll have an experience right for me when i found out about this i wasn't ready for that i wasn't not that it wasn't ready because everything divinely happens for you but more i was allowed to open my consciousness a little bit like just a little bit and then when i started to really start experiencing synchronicities then it you know expanded and i allowed more information and just started finding people online who and were able to communicate and bridge the gap between angels like i i
am have uh work with a shamanic healer and she speaks to angels that's what she does and it's incredible and she's able to tell me things that her she would say like your angels are saying you do this this this and it would all be correct it would all be true and no one not even anyone in my life would know these things okay besides me so that was a big indicator just lots of different things you will start to attract and draw in experiences more um things to back that and then experience that for
yourself okay so um that's really the end of the video the live um on really just your angels and how they can incorporate and speak to you and i really really encourage you to try out the stuff really try and feel the energy pick up on these things allow these to come through because this is what makes life and the universe so much more liberating and exciting when you feel you're on the right path when you feel you're not alone you're here for a purpose a divine purpose all of these things that makes life better
it makes life so much more enjoyable more light more childlike more just all good okay i love angels i could i'm obsessed i'll definitely do more videos on angels but i just wanted to do this video and just on the sign so that you could really help because i was just thinking people have in the darkest of times in the most difficult circumstances that i wouldn't wish on anyone really really really difficult times have they found their guardian angel and have they been helped and guided to a beautiful life a life of healing abundance love
and i read a book called spirit guides and angel guardians and there was about hundreds of stories of people who had encountered angels into their life and how it helps them okay so i hope this video helped you if you are interested interested in these types of videos anything to do with spirituality you can click the subscribe button you can give a thumbs up and let me know in the comments what you thought i really really appreciate it and i also want to let you guys know i do have soul school link down below which
is a eight week transformational program school that helps you through all through spirituality and i give you guys an entire week on angels spirit guides archangels how to connect with them how to um connect with the angelic spiritual realms that you can receive guidance clairvoyance clairsentience and just receive a lot of um purpose and like a vision on your path really that's really what it is if you want to check that out it is linked down below i hope you guys enjoyed i'm sending you so much love and thank you so much for tuning into
this live and i will see you guys next time also let me know down in the comments what you would like me to do next i will one million percent do that i'm just reading your messages someone just said i just had a wasp up my window minutes ago and i saying the exact same thing has me shook see that that's the beauty you were guided to this life to hear this so then that could happen to you so it is crazy uh before we go i love knowing where everyone is in the chat box
i just love seeing all the countries as i look up it's one two two four four and angel numbers they're everywhere um but i hope you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments again if you have had any um experiences with angels what what's your experience did you enjoy it did you not enjoy it like how did actually you'd always enjoy it or like just crazy stories i love hearing all of these things and again you can check out seoul school down below if you want to um evolve spiritually and really just clear
all the energy blocks within you and help you align with the high vibration so you can be a magnetic match to the dream life that you desire the life that you deserve okay because we all deserve a good life we all deserve to be happy we all deserve to be healed we all deserve goodness wow i love seeing every one of the girl the angel numbers keep showing up one-on-one okay i love you so much thank you so much for being here and i will see you guys next video bye
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