Low Rank Hero Trains Hard and Surprises Everyone by Becoming the Strongest Adventurer

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Low Rank Hero Trains Hard and Surprises Everyone by Becoming the Strongest Adventurer 00:00 Part 1 ...
Video Transcript:
in a desolate Wasteland Rick gets launched several feet across the floor during a fight and he is seriously worried that he may die just then his mentors emerge from the smoke and rather than administer some first aid they Praise Him for improving so much over the past 2 years of training so he should have no problem with the e- rank Adventurer exams now and the praise is nice but he still needs medical attention normally the adventurers in this world are all young people due to all the strain that it would put on a person's body
but there are still some adults who never give up on their dreams and that's why Rick is still trying to take the entrance exam he walks up to the reception desk and asks for his exam ticket to be issued but while the receptionist is confirming his details she happens to recognize Rick and excitedly reminds him that used to know each other Rick doesn't recognize her at first but he soon recalls that he last saw her 2 years ago they used to be co-workers and she was really shocked when Rick resigned from his position out of
nowhere but even more so when she heard that he quit his job to become an adventurer Rick is a little embarrassed since people in their 30s like him usually would apply to become adventurers normally you've start a g rank in your teens and work your way up to e within a year or two the receptionist asks what Rick has been up to these past 2 years since she hadn't heard from him at all so Rick explains that he was pretty much cooped up in the mountains the entire time so that he could train with his
mentors just then the Guild's usual drunkard walks up to the front desk and starts trying to flirt with the receptionist but when she tries to decline because she is still obviously working the guy doesn't take no for an answer so he starts getting a little rough with the receptionist and that's when Rick decides to step in so he pulls the guy aside and lightly tabs his stomach with enough Force to knock him out instantly the receptionist apologizes for the inconvenience the drunk guy caused him but Rick says it's fine since he used to work as
a receptionist as well and he still doesn't understand why the guild thinks is a good idea to serve alcohol in here after Rick receives his exam number he heads outside where a maid named rinette greets him she asks if Rick is done with his registration and Rick confirms as much thanking her for waiting for him and while he says this he's intently staring at rinette's huge jiggly Puffs she calls him out on this so Rick tries to change the subject and talk about how excited he is for the exam back inside the other adventurers are
in Shock at the handprint that was left on the drunk guy's armor and that armor was made of dense steel so whoever did this must be seriously strong just then two guys walk in and recognize the drunk guy from a mug shot they saw a while back his name is domal and he is an A- rank Adventurer who's wanted for 30 counts of assault the receptionist knows that Rick is the one who did this but if he was really able to take out an A- rank Adventure then he may be overqualified in the meantime Rick
is getting a physical exam done and its height is measured to be about 5'8 The Physician are surprised Rick is taking this test when he's already 32 years old after that all the examinees are led to the next room where they are instructed to place their hands on the crystal ball to measure their Mana they will glow depending on the level of Mana a person possesses so the others touch it they get varying results with the highest being being a c but when it's Rick's turn the orb barely lights up at all so the examiner
gives Rick an F on his Mana exam the other candidates begin mocking Rick for having such a low mono score as he leaves but once the examiner calls for the next candidate to step up the orb spontaneously shatters the next test is one to measure the candidate's offensive abilities so they are instructed to strike the green Rod as hard as they can it is a special slime bag that can absorb a lot of impacts so they don't need to worry about damaging it rick remembers training the slime bag once and at the time one of
his mentors told him that he had to be able to destroy a golden slime bag with nothing but his fists rck didn't think that was possible since a golden slime bag is as hard as a dragon's Fang but his mentor told him that it was the least he had to do if he wanted to become an adventurer and since his mentor was able to effortlessly destroy one with a single punch Rick became motivated to train until it broke even if he had to punch it 50,000 times a day he hdden that training but back to
the present the candidates began lining up into strike the bag with all their might and after the first guy has kicked it the next candidate called up is the Second Son of the darier family and it is rumored that his magic is as strong as a c rank adventurers despite only being 11 years old as the boy begins he casts a hell fling spell and everyone is surprised including Rick although the surprised because the spell is so tiny the fireball is launched and hits the target and the judges are actually impressed by the kid's output
so Rick is even more shocked since the Fireballs his magic teacher would throw at him were far more dead ly than what that kid just used naturally Rick assumes the kid's Fireball must have been just as powerful as his teacher's Fireball but maybe the kid shrunk it down so that it wouldn't destroy the building as the attack power exam goes on eventually gets to Rick's turn but as he is walking up to the Slime bag The Examiner calls his attention and asks if he is really over 30 years old Rick answers yes so the examiner
tells him that he is too old to be doing stuff like this training usually doesn't yield much of a result unless it is started very early on in life and with how bad his Mana exam score was he should just quit before he makes a fool of himself Rick knows people are judging him for being too old he really feels like giving up but he has worked too hard to get to this point punching slime bags until his knuckles were red with blood and he still kept punching all that pain has to count for something
so even if he is at a disadvantage for being old he's going to give this everything he's got Rick windes up his punch and as he makes contact with the bag it splatters everywhere and goes flying through the wall leaving everyone shocked including Rick since he wasn't expecting the bag to be so weak the kid can't believe what he just witnessed and he is frustrated by Rick's success since this was supposed to be his stage to shine on but he can accept losing to Rick for now since his specialty is really defensive magic so he
will make sure to outperform Rick on the next test however by the time they start the next test the kid is left speechless as Rick has just tanked a fourth nature spell with ease the examiner compliments Rick on being skilled enough to block his attacks and Rick appreciates it since he is doing his best the instructor doesn't think Rick is actually giving it his all since he has just been using a first nature spell to defend himself so far so he advises Rick to use a higher tier of defensive Magic from now on however Rick
informs him that he doesn't actually know how to use any other spells aside from first order ones so he really is doing the best he can the examiner can't believe Rick is actually only capable of using first order spells since he has such precise control over his Mana but Rick assures him that there won't be any problems since from what he has seen so far his first order spells should more than enough to handle anything The Examiner can throw at him the examiner takes that as a personal insult so he prepares to use a fifth
order spell to show Rick that he shouldn't take someone like him lightly as he casts the spell and unleashes a shock Cyclone a massive shock wave Echoes through the Kingdom so far that even a night on the other side of town could hear it a few minutes later Sylvester arrives at the exam Center to figure out what's going on over here is informed that an f-rank adventurer managed to completely destroy a slime bag with his bare hands and perfectly block a fifth nature spell while only using basic defense magic Sylvester thinks she must be playing
a prank on him or something but she is dead serious about everything she just told him right now Rick is busy taking the written part of this exam he looks like he's confident in his knowledge for this one after the test is over Rick takes a break with rionette and she asks him how the written test went Rick confidently answers that he is sure he will get 100% on the written test after all he spent 14 years working as a receptionist for the guild so there's no way he could fail however he's still not sure
his overall scores will be good enough to pass the exam rette asks if Rick is worried about his practical exam scores but he thinks he did pretty well in all the categories however he still got an F on his Mana exam so he's not sure how that will affect his chances of passing greenette assures Rick that he should be fine after all the training he did to prepare for this exam but moments later the kid from earlier comes up to Rick and screams at him for doing too well on the tests Rick doesn't know what
this is about so he assumes freed must have gotten lost or something so he offers to help him freed is upset because this was supposed to be the day he showed off his exceptional skills to all the peasants but Rick went and outperformed him so he's crying about it now Rick tries to tell freed that he didn't intend to steal his Spotlight but Freed's sister has already arrived and after seeing her little brother crying she immediately starts yelling at Rick Rick asks if she is related to Freed by any chance so she introduces herself as
Angelica dute and freed wastes no time and telling her that this 40-year-old man ruined his day Rick is offended and says he is only 30 but Angelica and freed keep calling him a 40-year-old man eventually Angelica throws her glove at Rick to challenge him to a duel and Rick doesn't realize that it's a challenge so he picks up the glove because he doesn't want it to get stained unfortunately as per Noble Customs picking up that glove is a declaration of intent to throw hands so Angelica happily sets a venue for them to begin the fight
she says she's going to take great pleasure in punishing Rick for the crime of making her brother cry but if they are going to do this then they have to play by the rules do duels in the philim Kingdom allows the winner to set a penalty for the loser if they win so she sets a penalty stating that the loser will have to serve the winner for the rest of their life Angelica is apparently a second class Royal Knight but Rick doesn't know how strong a second class Knight is supposed to be so rette gives
him some context and explains that a second class Knight would be around B rank Rick starts freaking out because he knows B rank adventurers are able to take out huge monsters on their own but rinette doesn't think it's a big deal and asked Rick to hold back so he doesn't end up killing her Rick can't imagine holding back against someone at B rank while he is still F rank since he still has no context for how strong he truly is so renette tells him to just have faith in all the training he has done for
the last 2 years all of a sudden all the traumatic training Mones he had to go through come flooding into his mind so he ends up throwing up Rick curses reinette for making him relive such torture but she reminds him that if he was able to survive all that and he shouldn't have a problem handling Angelica after all he's a member of the strongest party on the continent so he should have a little more faith in himself Rick realizes that she's right so he gets up to face Angelica with no fear he is still not
sure how well his current level of strength will hold up against a second class Knight but there's no use worrying about it now Angelica is confident that she's much stronger than Rick so she promises to hold back against him so that he doesn't die and then begins charging up her attack she then uses blink step to dash past Rick just to show him how fast she is her speed has earned her the title of light speed Angelica and Rick is is definitely surprised but not for the reason she thinks Angelica says she will now finish
him off with her next attack so she uses blink step again but as she's approaching Rick he can't believe what he's seeing because Angelica is moving so slow the power scales must have been high on copium if they thought she was worthy of the light speed title because she is moving slower than his normal running speed Rick easily Dodges her strike and Angelica can't believe it since it should be impossible for an Frank Adventurer to keep up with her speed in fact only first class mits have ever managed to react to her speed so she
rationalizes it by saying Rick just got lucky but she won't let it happen again she uses blink step once more but in Rick's eyes she is still moving really slow so he wonders how she could have possibly made it to be ranked like this he's starting to realize that he may actually be pretty strong but just as he is getting ready to dodge Angelica's attack she trips on a rock and briefly unlocks the vertical beblade attack Rick can't predict any of the strikes so he is having trouble dodging and by the time Angelica finally stops
herself he no longer thinks he can call himself strong because he was completely unprepared for that attack however neither was Angelica because she didn't plan any of that she tries to play it cool and tells Rick she's impressed that he managed to dodge her last attack because she totally meant to do that but that just means she will have to go even faster to overwhelm him she uses her special technique which allows her to move three times faster than normal but even though she is three times faster she is still pretty slow to Rick however
he chooses not to attack carelessly since he doesn't know what kind of tricks she might out up her sleeve so he dodges instead and Angelica is left flabbergasted that Rick can still keep up with her she can only use that technique two more times before she runs out of energy so she gives it everything she has and goes for one last desperate attack however she trips once more so Rick tries to intercept her with a punch and ends up blowing a hole in the ground Angelica realizes that she would have died from a punch like
that if it had connected so she is terrified of Rick and questions who he really is Rick just says he's a former receptionist turn Adventurer he is eager to continue his fight with Angelica so he climbs out of the hole to face her again but Angelica immediately surrenders so she doesn't end up getting killed Rick doesn't understand why she is giving up but her surrending makes him the winner and as per the penalty Angelica set she now has to serve him for the rest of her life Angelica had forgotten all about that penalty so she
does the only thing she can think to do and runs away Rick doesn't really care about the bet so he doesn't chase after her and the results of the exam will be coming out soon so he needs to go back to check if he passed this is when renette tells Rick that the rest of his mentors will be coming to check on him and Rick starts freaking out because their presence always spells trouble Rick and renette head back to the exam Center for now and they are told that the results will soon be announced through
their exam tickets if you pass your ticket will glow blue and you will be allowed to move on to the second stage of the exams but anything else would mean the candidate has failed Rick is really worried that he might have failed the exam so rinette tries to reassure him that he did well on the exam Rick thinks rinette is nice for trying to make him feel better and if he were 10 years younger he would totally marry her but she also has her scary side as she threatens to Triple his training if he somehow
managed to fail just then Rick's car begins to Glow so he picks it up in anticipation and he is elated to discover that he has successfully passed the first exam he leaves the hall with rionette but as he steps outside a dreadful stench fills his nostrils he looks over and sees this Rich dude walking straight up to rionette and he immediately introduces himself as the eldest son of the dire mute family raster dire mute Rick has had to deal with two dire mute family members already but this time raster isn't here for Rick he's here
to shoot his shot with ranette Rick tries to introduce himself to raster but raster wants nothing to do with a muscular middle-aged man so he goes back to talking to rionette and tells her that he is deeply in love with her jugs sorry he meant to say personality and wants renette to come with him so that she can become his second wife this is where Rick draws the line since he can't lose renette to someone like raster so he steps in front of ranette and says she is his girlfriend so raster has no right to
shoot his shot anymore raster looks down and notices that Rick is holding an exam card which means he must still be F Rank and he finds it hilarious that someone as old as Rick is still at the lowest rank Rick tries to defend himself by saying raster is a little too old to be taking the exam as well since he looks like he's at least 25 but raster just laughs and tells Rick that he isn't here as an examine he already passed this test back when he was 14 so he's actually an A- rank Adventurer
and he is here as an instructor for the second part of the exam believing he has asserted dominance over Rick raster turns back to rionette and asks her if she would like to join him for dinner but rinette shuts him down and says the only man she'll go with his Rick especially with the ungodly amount of perfume raster sprayed on himself raster is enraged and can accept that he won't be getting rette to go with him so he swears that if he ends up in charge of Rick's exam that you will make sure Rick suffers
as much as possible and that definitely going to make rionette love him instead totally after raster walks off Rick prays that he doesn't have to deal with him during the exam but then he notices that renette is still clinging onto him so he jumps back in embarrassment he apologizes to rette for calling her his girlfriend all of a sudden but rette says he doesn't need to be sorry about it since he did it to get rid of raster and it made her really happy meanwhile raster stewing in Rage because he couldn't get rinette to be
his second wife and he lost her to a middle-aged man at that just then his two siblings come running up to him and fre as an old man was messing with him during the exam while Angelica complains that the same old man beat her in a duel and wanted to make her his servant even though she is the one who made the BET to begin with the way they say it makes it sound like they didn't do anything wrong so raster is outraged that someone would dare to humiliate his family like this but when he
learns that the one who did this is Rick he gets a wicked grin on his face because he now has an excuse to get payback a while later the mock battles are about to begin and Rick is really nervous about it Reena asks him to make sure he holds back during the exam but Rick still believes he is weak so but he doesn't understand why he would have to hold back against people who should be stronger than him and he still has to worry about raster since it would be terrible if he was the one
in charge of his test just then Rick and rionette bump into a man named lynx and he says he will be the one in charge of Rick's exam and Rick instantly begins celebrating because that's one more thing he doesn't have to worry about Lynx goes on to say that he is surprised that Rick would want to switch jobs to an adventur at his age but it's not like he is saying it's a bad thing in fact he believes is inspiring that Rick's still has the determination to work toward his dreams and he can relate since
they are similar in age Lynx became an adventurer back when he was 24 but in the 20 years since then he has only been able to achieve B rank but if he wants to accomplish his goals he would need to get to a rank seeing Rick work so hard has motivated him to do his best as well and he is excited to test Rick in the upcoming mock battle but he won't be going easy on him however around the corner we see raster lurking with devious activity on his mind as Rick and links part ways
lyx walks down the dark stairwell and out of nowhere raster shows up behind him with a proposal which doubles as a threat at the same time Rick and rette are waiting in the locker room and Rick seems to be in a much better mood than he was earlier and it's all because he got Lynx as his instructor however a moment later someone comes in to announce that Lynx has mysteriously Fallen ill so he won't be able to act as an instructor anymore in his place grter has been assigned to take over Rick's exam and Rick
starts freaking out rette mentions that raster must have pulled some illegal strings to to get this to happen and since he is related to Angelica and freed he may be holding a grudge against Rick the other examinees in the room begin talking about how terrible it is to have raster as your instructor for the exam and while he may be a dignified member of the daru family he is also known for how much he enjoys beating up f-rank adventurers every single year he picks a particular Adventurer to mess with and does everything in his power
to make them fail which is bad news for Rick since raster definitely hates his guts right now later as raster is outside tormenting a random examine he fires a barriage of ice blasts and knocks the guy out but just as he was insulting the examine for being weak his fun gets interrupted as he receives a message from the elite guard meanwhile Rick is pacing around inside as it is soon going to be his term and he doesn't know how he is going to handle raster rette doesn't understand what Rick is so worried about since he
just needs to beat raster however Rick thinks beating raster is impossible since he is a respected A- rank Adventurer while Rick is only f-rank he believes he will die if he faces r but if he backs out he'll have to do three times his normal training re gets in front of Rick and asks him if he really isn't confident in his skills he sincerely believes that he is an inadequate Adventurer since he switched to this job too late in life and everyone always tells him that he is too old to do it but rinette tells
him that he shouldn't let what other people think shake his confidence because all that matters is that she believes in him even if Rick can't believe in himself she wants him to trust her judgment when she says he can win Rick thanks her for her kind words and says he is feeling feeling much more confident now just then a cloak boy approaches Rick and offers him with free fortune telling he explicitly says there's nothing Shady going on here so despite this whole thing being really suspicious Rick decides to go along with it however just as
Rick is about to sit down renette notices a magic circle on the chair so she tries to warn Rick that it's a trap but she ends up being too late as Rick is teleported away in an instant after that the boy removes his cloak and reveals that he is actually freed and he is quite pleased with himself for being able to trick Rick into falling for his trap however he should have thought of a plan to teleport himself away as well since reinette is severely pissed and blows a hole through the wall while holding him
by the collar she asks freed where Rick has been teleported to and freed refuses to tell her initially but after a non-consensual eyelash trim and the threat of some eye poking freed tells her that his teleportation magic can only send someone 100 m away at most so Rick is still nearby meanwhile Rick has just appeared on the river behind the training center and he is really confused confused about how he got here in the first place just then the elite guard shows up and Rick is told that Unfortunately they have orders to beat him up
they are the Elite guard of the dam family so Rick realizes that raster and the others must be behind this they don't want raster to get his hands dirty so they'll make it so that Rick won't be able to participate in the exam Rick calls them Shameless for trying to stall him so he misses his exam but the leader corrects him and says this is a coordinated jumping among the elite guard they have B and A- rank adventurers so Rick Field feels like he is utterly outmatched as he is contemplating what to do he notices
some people standing on the ledge nearby and upon taking a closer look he realizes that they are the senior members of his party and they scare him more than the elite guard his party members jump down to ask Rick why he is here when he has an exam to get to so fearing for the lives of the elite guard he makes up a lie that they were just trying to help him get ready roson offers to join them if they are doing training but Rick knows how hellish training with bruson is so he tries to
warn the leader of the elite guard to get every to leave before they get themselves killed the leader doesn't take him seriously and tells his team to kill Bron but as one of them tries to slash Bron on the head the sword shatters to pieces and broson is just standing there Stone faced he commends the guy for strengthening his body well but he is disappointed that he failed to strengthen his weapon enough so that it wouldn't break the guy gets angry and decides to use his fists instead but that goes about as well as you
would expect since Bron just grabs his hand and squishes it until it turns purple however Bron tells him that he doesn't need to worry since he has healing magic to restore his mangled hand to normal the leader of the elite guard is starting to realize that he might have screwed up by attacking these guys and finally seems to be grasping how powerful they truly are while all this is going on is it asks Rick if the elite guard are really here to pick a fight with him Rick confirms it so mazette says he will handle
it for him in a peaceful manner he then proceeds to pull out a super fire Barrel MK3 rifle and Fires at all the people within range leaving them limp on the ground RI rck yells at him for killing everyone when he said he would resolve this peacefully but maette asserts that none of them are dead yet probably one guy tries to take Alice as a hostage to gain the upper hand but he has no idea just how badly he just messed up even brost tells him that he had better back away from her slowly if
he doesn't want to die but the guy doesn't listen and hits Alice to get her to shut up and his fate was sealed once he did that because Alice proceeds to vaporize him the other members of the elite guard can't believe what just happened but the leader has figured F out exactly what's going on so he tells them that the vampire girl is a prodigy who is the world's strongest Mage despite only being 10 years old aliser at draal mizette is a dwarf who is so skilled that he can make technology no one has ever
seen before and broson is an orc with Incredible strength and wisdom they are all s-rank adventurers meaning they possess strength Beyond common sense and on top of that they are part of a party which consists entirely of s-rank adventurers or chalum fist the leader never thought he would get to see such powerful people in person so now that he has he decides to do the smart thing and retire from the elite guard effective immediately however the rest of the guys who didn't quit ended up having to deal with Alice so Rick just tries to ignore
all the screams of pain and focus on his exam Rick makes it back to rionette after she's dealt with freed and they soon find Lynx who has been badly beaten earlier raster cornered lynx and asked him what his dream was and when Lynx answered that he wanted to build a school for the kids back in his village raster said screw those kids and beat Lynx up for daring to have a dream dream raster did this so that he could get to Rick and Rick is insanely pissed about it so while he was scared before he
now has nothing but determination to beat raster's ass but before that this is Adolf and he's going to tell us about the four cores of power in this world they are strength dexterity magic capacity and Magic control and it just so happens that Adolf was born with a special ability to tell exactly how much power a person possesses by looking at them to demonstrate he looks at a random examine and sees that the guy is a total weaking so expect he gets taken out by raster immediately on the other hand raster is a Powerhouse with
most of his stats going into Mona capacity so it hurts a little for Adolf to look at him since scanning strong people strains his eyes as a result when he took a look at Rick he straight up went blind meanwhile in the stands Rick's former coworker goes up to renette and introduces herself as Alisa Granger and says she had seen Rick with rette the day before so when rette tells her that she's part of Rick's Party Alisa is Overjoyed to hear that Rick has new friends and since everyone was getting ready to watch Rick's test
rette invites Alisa to join them she happily agrees and walks over to the seats but she is shocked by Bron being here since he's an orc maette invites Reena to sit next to him but she politely declines since maette is guaranteed to harass her if she sits anywhere near him just then mazette notices the girl standing behind rette and asks who she is so rette introduces her as Rick's former cooworker and Alisa greets them all maette notices the huge personality Alisa has so he eagly offers her the seat next to him but reinette isn't going
to let Alisa fall victim to Miz's perverted intentions just then Rick steps out into the arena soen asks reinette how she thinks Rick will do in the exam she confidently says Rick will pass the exam without incident but Alisa doesn't think he'll be that easy she says raster is an A- rank Adventurer and he is known for using excessive force to beat down the e- rank Adventures but if raster is just a rank then broon is sure Rick won't have any trouble as the fight is about to begin Angelica and a badly injured free cheer
for r to teach Rick a lesson and raster intends to he doesn't know how Rick managed to escape the guys who were meant to beat him up but they are nowhere near as strong as him Rick asks raster why he became an adventurer and raster answers that he just did it for the status since so long as he has a high rank he gets to beat up rookies for fun he doesn't actually have to put himself in any danger he can show his Adventurer card anytime someone questions his authority if his reasons are truly so
shallow then Rick says he refuses to lose to him no matter what raster begins by firing a level one ice spell at Rick and he intentionally misses but Rick didn't move an inch he mocks Rick for being frozen in fear but the real reason Rick is standing still is because rionette had advised him to use the first minute of the battle to calm himself and observe raster's movements raster is getting ready to attack Rick for real this time so he casts a level three fire spell at Rick and Rick is impressed by raster casting such
a spell so quickly but he has to keep observing so he can't Dodge it the fire blast hits Rick head on and while Alisa is really worried about him Rick turns out to be perfectly fine Roston tells Alisa that Rick is strong enough that a blast like that has no chance of damaging him he explains that of the four cores of power mono capacity must be trained from an early age otherwise one loses all hope of growing in that category it usually has a limit of about 20 so since RI became an adventurer at the
age of 30 his mono capacity is really low which is why he puts so much effort into training the other areas broson trained him in physical strength and had Rick do things like running between Villages but with 900 kog ankle weights attached and venomous snakes that chased him through the forest Roston did everything he could to build up Rick's strength and maette train him in mon control it's honestly surprising that mazette didn't give up on teaching halfway through since he never liked working but when it came to Rick he wanted to make sure that Rick
could put up some good magical defenses otherwise he would have been a pilot Ash by now he also says rinette was the one who trained Rick in dexterity and this comes as a shock to Alisa since she thought rinette was a maid but rette just enjoys wearing made outfits for fun Rick put everything he has into learning from them so he already possesses the power of an s-rank adventurer although he doesn't realize it since Bron kept guest letting him into thinking f-rank adventurers were much stronger than him as raster is about to cast another spell
he begins insulting Rick and Lynx for being too old to stick around in the adventurer business and as he says this he throws every Elemental attack in his skill tree at Rick by the time he's done he believes Rick must be dead or at least severely injured but to his and his siblings horror Rick survived all of that without a single scratch raster is starting to get annoyed by how resilient Rick is so he decides that he will finish Rick off with his bare hands he casts a strengthening spell on his hands and feet before
rushing in to attack Rick but as he throws a punch Rick counters with a punch of his own and blows raster back reet's advice really paid off since Rick has watched raster for long enough that he now sees the truth while raster does have a larger Mona capacity than him that's all he has he never took the time more effort to truly refine his powers so he has the potential to be stronger than Rick but as of this moment Rick understands that he is stronger than raster raster tries to pass off Rick's successful counter punch
as a fluke so he's going to get serious and cast a full incantation spell to take Rick out but all the spell looked pretty impressive Rick was able to block it with one hand and even insults raster for his sloppy spell execution Alisa doesn't understand how Rick could possibly block a spell of that level with his low mono capacity so mazette explains that Rick learned to have great control over his Mana use so even the raster has more Mana Rick can use 100,000 times less Mana to match raster's spell casting raster's confidence is starting to
falter so he tries one last attack to prove that he's stronger but Rick is far too fast for him and delivers a punch that forces raster to use iron body defense Magic by this point raster has realized that Rick possesses far more power than the average e- rank but he still claims that he has just been getting lucky with his attacks up to this point but Rick isn't falling for any more gaslighting he knows that everything up till now has been a result of his strength and on top of that Rick didn't even use any
strengthening magic yet he was able to overpower raster after he used it to attack raster realizes he can't Bluff his way out of this so he asks Rick how he managed to become so strong when he possesses very little Mana but Rick feels insulted that raster thinks he used some cheap trick he was thrown into a dragon's lirer and wasn't allowed to leave until he defeated it he got blasted over and over with extremely powerful explosions and then he was forced to swim through a swamp of monster goo until he choked on it Alisa can't
believe Rick survived all that but in reality Rick didn't survive but since prost's healing magic is so powerful as long as it was applied quickly no matter how many times Rick ended up dying they always brought him back to life that's how he managed to exceed his physical limitations and it is honestly surprising how well Rick handled it since none of them had any regard for his safety so if maette Lush him off a cliff for training and he died they just called proston to heal him the same thing happened with Al is training and
reet's training leading to several life-ending injuries raster doesn't believe any of it though since even if there was a way for Rick to train like that what reason would he have to willingly put himself through hell like that Rick says he has a dream of eventually killing the world's strongest monster Kaiser alpide raster begins laughing at Rick because he thinks the monster is nothing more than an old story but in truth the monster is very real and the main goal of the orchalcum party is to one day eliminate it raster doesn't believe the monster exists
and calls Rick Dum for believing in a children's story but Rick doesn't care if raster doesn't believe him since his mission has nothing to do with him raster is tired of listening to Rick's stories so he says he will now end this fight once and for all and uses a level seven binding spell to hold Rick in place he then Begins the chant for the strongest spell he has available the level eight Idris elvine Mech with this raster believes the fight has been won since there's no way Rick would be able to overpower a spell
is powerful however Rick begins charging up a level one air shot to fight back raster laugh at him and says a mere level one spell could never be his level eight spell yet Rick is still completely confident that his air shot will be enough to punch through R's Vine Mech and that's because raster has used this spell a handful of times at most so he hasn't refined it to its utmost capabilities on the other hand Rick has used his air shot over a 100 million times already so he has learned how to unleash its full
potential No One Believes Rick's claim of using the spell 100 million times since it is physically impossible to have done that in only 2 years but brost assures Alisa that Rick is telling the truth although he needed space-time magic to make it possible raster still doesn't believe it though so he gets ready to smash Rick into the ground and finish this but as he gets ready to punch Rick effortlessly snaps the binds on his arms and legs and clashes with raster raster is certain that he has won now that he has landed his attack but
then his Mech started crumbling from Rick's power before finally being shattered to pieces and sending raster flying off into the stands and he is still alive but his pride definitely isn't hardly anyone can believe what they just saw as an f-rank adventurer just defeated an A- rank although Rick's friends totally expected this outcome after Rick returns to the locker room the other go to meet him and congratulate him on winning his fight especially Alisa who was really impressed by how strong he has gotten Rick finally understands that he is really strong and he doesn't know
why he didn't realize it sooner but he thanks his friends for training him so well they tell them there's no need to thank them so formally and instead they should all go out to celebrate at a bar but before that Rick hears the voices of raster and his siblings entering the room and raster is clearly feeling the pain from Rick's punch but he refuses to get treated for it as Rick sees him he starts telling raster that there's a reason he lost the match today raster doesn't want to hear any mockery from Rick but Rick
is trying to give him some genuine advice so he tells raster that while he was training he limited the number of techniques he would use in order to master them fully so if raster wishes to grow stronger he should refine a single technique until he tells like he's going to die but he doesn't have to follow the advice if he doesn't want to Rick says he has high hopes for raster's future as an adventurer and it looks like raster has finally learned some humility since he silently walks past Rick and tells him that when the
time comes for Rick's next promotion exam raster will make sure he is strong enough so that he doesn't lose his second time raster then leaves and his siblings follow after him but before leaving Angelica lowers her head to apologize for all the trouble she caused Rick and then she helps raster walk out after that the e- rank exams have officially concluded so an announcement is made for the candidat who passed as the numbers are called Rick eagerly waits to hear his own and meanwhile the others have already started a preemptive celebratory Feast for him since
they are sure there's no way he will fail Rick ends up passing his exam but he seems a lot more calm about it than rein had expected and it's because he has a lot of stuff to think about Rick recalls a time in his childhood when he read a book about a hero fighting the ultimate monster Kaiser alpi in order to obtain the akashic records But ultimately that hero failed to defeat it so he left the akashic records to be found by Future generations of venturers this was the moment Rick first decided that he wanted
to become an adventurer just like the one in his story book but his mother wasn't too keen on him becoming an adventurer since the job is pretty dangerous so she nicely tells Rick that she would be more at ease if he chose a different career however Rick's father was much less M about it and told Rick that he should get a real job before throwing his life away as an adventurer one day after a checkup Rick was congratulated by his physician who tells him that he possessed an innate skill Rick is in disbelief because innate
skill is an insanely rare attribute which makes him pretty similar to Yamato the hero but the doctor reminded him that innate skills aren't things that can be awoken through hard works it's going to take some time before he is able to use his ability however Rick was still every bit as happy as could be since this brought him one step closer to being able to declare himself as a successful Adventurer to his parents the next day Rick wakes up and tells his friends that he's got an innate and when he's finally able to use it
it's going to be amazing however days soon turned to weeks weeks to months and eventually Rick had to come to terms with the fact that his innate skill would never manifest his friends were sympathetic with him and encouraged Rick to try becoming an adventur anyway since most adventurers don't have innate abilities anyway plus adventurers make a ton of money so it's not a bad job however the reason Rick wanted to become an adventurer wasn't for the money but to become like the hero Yano so since he can't become the kind of Adventurer he was hoping
to be he decides to go get a real job after all Rick tells his parents about his decision and they are Overjoyed to hear that Rick has finally given up on his dreams and is ready to get a soul crushing job like a normal person the next few years went by with Rick learning the ropes of the receptionist job and watching countless adventurers all living out his dream so as time went on Rick became more and more jaded to reality until finally he grew to accept his mediocre life and enjoy the time he spent with
his friends and family one day while looking through his old books he finds that story book of Yamato's legendary Adventures but by now it's nothing more than an old fairy tale he used to believe in Rick heads into work the next day and Alisa had just been hired at the time so she was struggling to keep up with all the paperwork Rick came over to help her out a bit and reminded her that there was no need to rush the learning process since she'll get the hang of it sooner or later there's also one more
thing he wants to tell her since from what he has seen around town monsters are becoming more active so a quest will likely pop up soon to subjugate them Alisa is thankful for the heads up since she can now get the forms ready ahead of time as Alisa leaves to go get the Picker work done an adventurer Rick is friends with walkon and he's got something to show Rick he just got back from his promotion exam and he was proud to say that he is officially a b rank Adventurer from this day onwards Rick is
happy for his friend but he would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous seeing someone get to live out his dream of becoming an adventurer to deal with the jealousy Rick does what any responsible adult would do and drinks late into the night to make the pain go away but even with his drunken State the difference between himself and Zade are crystal clear Zade has been promoted all the way up to B Rank and is living Rick's life while Rick has sat in the same chair for 14 years at this point and he has
nothing to show for it other than a stable income and a few yearly pay raises it's not like he thinks he wasted his life but he can't help but wonder how far he could have come if he chose to become an adventurer after all back then just then Rick hears a commotion in the middle of town and he goes to check it out and see if he can help however what he sees cories him since for whatever reason there's a mid-rank hand troll in the city under normal circumstances as soon as Rick saw that thing
he would have run away but he notices a woman walks right into the path of the troll and he can't just stand by while someone gets hurt so runs out in front of the woman to try and protect her from the troll even if he can't really do much to hold it back as the monster closes in on them Rick braces himself for a gruesome death but before that could happen renette walks out in front of Rick and slashes the monster to Pieces she then tells Rick that she appreciates him trying to protect her but
there's no need to be concerned for her safety since she is a skilled Adventurer after that Rick and rionette walked together and introduced themselves to one another after which Rick says he was really impressed with how strong renette was back there so he asks her if she happens to be a b rank Adventurer renet says she's not B ranked so Rick assumes she must be a rank and he is amazed since it's a rare occasion to meet an A- rank Adventurer out in town but rette corrects him once more and says she's not an A-
rank either she then pulls out of her s-rank badge to prove her rank to Rick and the shock Rick feels as immeasurable srank adventurers are so powerful and rare that this is his first time meaning one in fact there are rumors that HQ intentionally takes them out of the local guild registers and oversees their missions directly he can't believe he gets to meet such a legendary Adventurer but since she's here he says he has a weird question to ask so he pleads with renette not to laugh at him reinette assures him that she hasn't laughed
even once in the N9 years after her eth birthday but Rick isn't sure if she should be proud of that moving on Rick tells reinette about the dream he had when he was younger to become an adventurer and eventually defeat Kaiser alipate so he wants to know if she thinks he could still achieve his dream if he tried becoming an adventurer today even though he's already 30 after seeing how Rick acted when he thought she was in danger she is sure that he possesses the courage necessary to become an adventurer but Rick must be aware
of the importance of monor reserves to adventurers Rick says he is aware that monor reserves are hard to develop unless it is done during your youth but difficult is an understatement as rinette believes is practically impossible to build your Mona reserves once you grow older considering the importance of Mona reserves to Adventure uring reinette has to be honest with him and says she doesn't think Rick could make it as an adventurer if he started as he is now Rick was already expecting an answer like that but it still hurts to hear at the very least
he finds closure in the fact that it was an s-rank adventurer who broke the news to him so there's nothing left to do but give up on his dreams and settle into his ordinary life ranette apologizes if she made Rick feel bad but he says it's fine since he appreciates her honesty plus it's not every day he gets to meet a lady as pretty as her so he even invites her to grab a meal with him sometime although he was only joking rette immediately agrees to his dinner invitation and offers to meet him tomorrow for
their date the next day Rick is in a really good mood so he wants to work even harder than usual today even when Zeta comes in and brags about his new B rank status Rick doesn't show even a hint of jealousy and wishes him luck on his next Quest by the end of the day Rick is happily skipping down the road to meet up with rionette and he is slightly hoping that they could start dating if things end up going well on their date but then he hears people screaming that monster are attacking so unfortunately
his date plans are ruined since rette was supposed to meet him nearby Rick assumes she must already be fighting the monsters so he rushes to check on her although she seems to be doing all right on her own there are a lot of monsters approaching so renette asks Rick to stand back while she handles this and he lets her do her things moments later the battlefield is covered with hundreds of monster chunks and rinette looks like she's barely even warmed up but all of a sudden she senses something that gives her flashbacks to the death
of everyone she loved and the trauma makes her fall to her knees a monster happens to show upright as rinette is having a panic attack and Rick isn't equipped to defend her but luckily Zade steps in at the last second and saves them both Rick is thankful but he also doesn't know why Zade is here in the first place just then two other adventurers show up to help as well and Zade tells Rick that the guild put out an emergency quest to subjugate these monsters so they all rushed over to help and since they are
here now Rick should hurry up and get his date to safety while they handle the rest of the monsters while the adventurers are fighting the monsters Rick realizes that he is still as jealous of them as he has always been after rionette regains some of her composure she warns Rick that it's dangerous for him to be here Rick tries to reassure her that the B rank adventurers will be able to handle the rest of the monsters but rette says they won't be strong enough to handle what's coming she tells Rick that there's a dragon nearby
and she won't be able to fight it due to years of unaddressed trauma that causes her to lose control of the magic within her body whenever she senses a dragon Rick doesn't believe a Dragon would appear all the way out here but in the next moment something flies overhead and as Rick looks up he spots the dragon reinette was talking about it makes no sense for a dragon to show up in a human Town according to the Guild's recommendations if an adventurer lower than a rank ends up encountering a dragon the only thing they can
do is stand still and pray that the dragon leaves on its own and no matter what no one should attack the dragon first but the magician gets scared and does exactly what the rules said not to do leading to the entire B rank group getting decimated there's no way any of them can fight the dragon so Zade tells everyone to make a run for it but as they try to escape they find themselves trapped in a barrier the dragon put up it looks like the dragon doesn't intend to let any of them here alive and
they stand no chance against it but Rick begins walking straight up to the Dragon Z tells him to stop since there's nothing he can do to the dragon as a receptionist but the way Rick sees it if he's going to die anyway he might as well face death headon and die as an adventurer would Rick thought he would feel better if he gave up on his dream being an adventurer but he still feels the fire inside pushing him to work towards that goal he picks up a rock and throws it at the dragon and it
does absolutely nothing but Rick's bravery motivates the other adventurers to try their best as well even if they know they'll lose in the end they all begin throwing every attack they have at the dragon but it doesn't do much other than provoke the dragon into using its fire breath Zade realizes this is probably going to be bad so he uses his iron body skill to protect everyone and while it allows them to survive they still suffer a considerable amount of damage from it but from the Flaming Rumble Rick gets up and walks straight over to
the dragon claiming that he will make his dream come true no matter what it takes the dragon uses its foot to squish Rick but on the verge of death Rick's dormant innate skill awakens giving him the power necessary to survive being stepped on and pushed the dragon away with ease the amount of magic flowing from his body is so potent that it is actually visible and Rick realizes that this must be his innate skill so while he wishes it awaken earlier it's better late than never now that he has the power necessary to fight back
Rick is a lot more confident about facing the dragon so as it fires another blast at him he stretches his hand out and blocks the fire with his magical energy and when he finally gets the chance to Counterattack Rick unleashes a punch that cars a hole straight through the dragon's body killing it in an instant once it's all over Rick goes back to normal and collapses to the ground and by the time he wakes up he's in a hospital bed and in great physical pain rette is there as well and informs Rick that he overloaded
every single magic circuit in his body during the fight with the dragon so by all accounts he should already be dead he's been unconscious for about a week and the entire time rinette has been waiting by his bedside because she wants to personally invite Rick to join the party she's a part of orchalcum fist the party's goal is to defeat Kaiser alipate just like Rick and after seeing Rick fight on Courage alone even when he didn't have the power to win gives her the confidence to say that Rick can grow stronger and fight alongside the
srank party and become an adventurer this was the first time anyone ever supported the idea of Rick becoming an adventurer so he is moved to Tears by rinette's faith in him that leads us back to the present where Rick has just officially passed his e- rank exam so for the first time in his life he can say that he is an adventurer after Rick's exam results were announced he was to pay a visit to Lynx who is currently recovering the hospital he congratulates Rick on passing the exam and asks if he is still willing to
go get those drinks they had talked about earlier Rick is happy to hang out with Lynx but as soon as Lynx mentions wanting to come to visit Rick at home Rick's face contorts like never before he tries to convince Lynx but since Lynx was so insistent Rick gave him some directions and told him to wear his strongest set of armor if he wanted to survive at first Lynx didn't understand why Rick was making such a fuss about someone coming over but as he arrives at the address he was given he realizes that Rick literally lives
in a demon Lord's castle as he gets to the front door he rings the bell and Rick comes out to meet him the inside of the castle is a lot nicer than links expected and as they enter Rick apologizes for Link's having to come all the way out here Lynx says it's fine since he didn't even run into any monsters along the way and Rick explains that monsters never come anywhere near the castle but that gets Lynx wondering why he had to wear armor if that's the case Rick says it's for lynx's protection but not
necessarily from Monsters they enter the mansion and rinette is there to greet lynx and Lynx Returns the greeting while thanking her for her help earlier just then Alice comes walking down the stairs and she's so excited to see Rick as she fires a massive Lightning Spell straight at Lynx now now Lynx would be guaranteed to die if that lightning bolt actually hit him but luckily Rick was there to swat him away so the only Damage Done is a hole in the wall Rick then scolds Alice for using magic in the castle after he specifically told
her not to but Alice complains that Rick hasn't played with her for a while now so she was getting bored since Alice doesn't seem to feel sorry for her actions at all rionette steps in and says that as punishment for her Reckless use of Magic the repair costs for that wall are going to be taken out of Alice's food budget this finally gets Alice to a apologize for what she did and she promises to never use magic inside again but Rick knows Alice is definitely going to do it again as soon as she gets bored
so he tells Lynx to go ahead while he plays with her Lynx is told to make himself at home but this place is so big that he doesn't have any idea where to even start with it he looks out the window and notices maette casually working on his military grade weapons so he goes over to say hi Rick had informed mazette about Lynx coming over so mazette welcomes him Lynx asks what he's working on so mazette explains that building things like these is an old hobby of his and he named this bad boy Patricia he
offers to let Lynx test it out so he shows him how to hold it and Lynx aims for the Target but as he pulls the trigger he is shocked by the level of power mazette managed to pack into this thing and mazette is just doing it for fun after that Lynx continues to explore the castle until he comes across Bron's room and he is quite shocked to see an Orc in there so he leans in to get a better look however broson spots him and invites Lynx to come in if he wants to so link
accepts the invitation and enters Bron's room he is amazed to see the number of books Bron has in his collection so Bron explains that he enjoys being surrounded by books and collects them often although recently he has been more focused on training Rick so he hasn't been able to read all the new books in his collection hearing this Lynx asks if Bron was the one who oversaw the majority of Rick's training and after Bron confirms it he asks if Lynx is interested in training as well Lynx excitedly answers that he would love to receive a
lesson from brost and since he has a motivated look in his eyes Roston agrees to teach him after Rick is done playing with Alice he goes looking for links so they can grab some drinks together however to his horror he is informed by mazette that he saw Lynx heading into the forest with bruson and Rick knows exactly what training with brost is like so he is insanely worried about lynx's safety meanwhile Lynx is currently falling off the edge of a cliff with huge weights tied to his ankles and as he goes over the edge he's
convinced that this is the day he dies so he begins saying goodbye and apologizing to his daughters for not being able to make it home but as he was plummeting to the ground he thankfully lands on top of the belly of the bore rionette was going to use to make dinner for everyone after Lynx gets down he sincerely thanks rionette for saving his life and from the weights he was wearing rette can already tell that Bron was the one behind all this Lynx confirms this and tells her that Bron told him to run down the
cliff with weights attached to his feet and before Lynx even had a chance to process the absurdity of his order Roston had already pushed Rick off the edge of the cliff Lynx really believed he was going to die for a second there and rette says he's right to be worried about dying since brost was the number one cause of Rick's deaths during his training and unfortunately there's no escaping brost once training has begun so Lynx gets dragged off into the forest to continue his deadly training by the end of the day Lynx is still alive
but he's totally drained Rick asks why Lynx would agree to train with brost even after knowing what he put Rick through to train him but lyns didn't think it would be that bad since brost said he would give Lynx some light training but that's where Lynx went wrong because because Rick already learned the hard way that you can never trust what the others say never trust Bron to go easy on you never trust Alice to behave herself and never trust mazette to take his job seriously the others don't think it's that big of a deal
since they've always been this way and brost can always just bring links back to life even if he dies so he doesn't see a problem here if anything they say Rick is to blame for any trauma Lynx goes through since he is the one who invited him here in the first place a little while later once Lynx has recovered from his training he and Rick St down together and renette pours them a cup of tea while they wait for dinner as she leaves Link's comments on how nice renette is and on that note he asks
Rick how far his relationship with rette has gone Rick tells him he doesn't have a romantic relationship with her he's a boring man in his 30s and rette is 16 so he doesn't think it would work out between them but from the way he sees Rick look at her he can tell that Rick really likes rinette and age is just a number anyway so there should be nothing stopping Rick from asking her out in fact Lynx is 20 years older than his wife but the age Gap never posed a problem in his marriage Rick just
needs to wait for the right moment to make his feelings known and everything should work out for him and rette eventually later that night rette is done making dinner for everyone so they all Gather in the dining room to eat Lynx compliments r renette on her Stellar cooking skills and everyone else seems to be enjoying the food as well so they all ask renette to get them refills renette is happy to oblige so she gets up to go and get all the things everyone requested and as she is leaving Lynx leans over and tells Rick
that this is is the perfect chance to get some alone time with rionette and further his relationship with her so Rick decides to get up to help her once Rick is gone Lynx wants to make some conversation with the others so he asks them about Rick's inborn skill broson tells Lynx that Rick's skill is one that is activated by fulfilling certain conditions so he isn't able to activate at will it would have been better if his skill was one that was always active or voluntarily activated but even without it Rick's power level is already srank
level but if his skill Reckless soul or to activate he would be able to surpass all of them easily after Rick and rionette return Roston says he has something he wishes to ask Lynx since he works at Central he wants to know if Lynx has heard anything about the magic Stones known as the six Jewels Lynx recognizes those as the ones from the legends of Yamato and they are necessary for the party to accomplish their goal of defeating Kaiser alipate those Jewels are used to open the door to the source spiral where Kaiser sleeps and
they only activate once every 200 years but luckily this is around the time when they should be giving awful lot of magical energy so they want to know if Lynx has seen or heard anything about it Lynx had thought the legends of Yamato were just an urban legend but if Rick and the others are talking about it so seriously and the story must be true he can't think of any information that would match the description of the jewels but he can check the confidential information at the central agency to see if he finds anything brost
says he is grateful for lynx's help and after that Rick asks Lynx if he has any more relationship advice to give since Rick's plan to help renette out didn't go so well since she's just too good everything on another day at the adventurer's guild we see a girl moping the floors but she's dissatisfied with her current task since she's an adventurer now so she should be allowed to go slay monsters or something just then she hears some adventurers at the front desk asking for a quest so she goes to check it out Rick and the
others are asking to take on a quest with a threat level of 82 but unfortunately the Guild Master tells them that they can't take the quest he's well aware that they are strong enough to handle the quest easily but the rules say they need a party of four with at least two adventurers a rank or above that's easy enough to fix so they ask the Guild Master at find some random person to join them so they can meet the quota for the quest and the girl just so happens to be the closest random person here
so the Guild Master goes over to Ry and since she has been saying she wanted to go on some real Adventures lately he offers to let her fill the spot on orchalcum fist scene for the day Ray doesn't really understand what the big deal is but since the team consists of an old man and a little girl she thinks it's normal enough so she'll just ignore the fact that brost is a talking orc and act like this is a normal group of adventurers she introduces herself and says she's willing to join their team they head
out on the quest and along the way Alice says she senses something up ahead so Ray asks if they are looking for something Rick explains that they got a tip from a friend that a special Magic Stone that they've been searching is somewhere around here so that's what they came for as soon as Ray hears Rick mentioned a Magic Stone she starts wondering how much they could sell it for and while it is probably incredibly Val valuable they don't intend to sell it since it can be really dangerous in the wrong hands and can even
attract monsters Ray says she's not worried since she is strong enough to defeat any monsters that attack she says is only F rank right now but in no time she'll be all the way up to a rank she asks Rick what his rank is so Rick tells her that he just got promoted to e- rank recently and while Ray doesn't say anything out loud she internally calls Rick an old loser for still being e- rank at his age a little while later Alice spots a wyvern which is exactly what they were hoping to find and
Ray starts freaking out since wyverns are insanely powerful but brost just walks up to the wyvern and slaps it away he intentionally chose not to kill it so it would call for backup but that makes Ray freak out even more since a swarm of wyverns is basically a death sentence to an adventurer Bron is getting sick of all her complaining so he asks Rick to take Ray and go somewhere else for now so Rick leads her out of the forest along the way Ray begins talking about how crazy it was for Bron to intentionally attract
the attention of all those wevers but a couple seconds later wyvern corpses begin crashing to the ground as Bron and Alice start slaughtering them Ray is dumbfounded by what she sees and while she is stunned she nearly gets taken out by a red wyver so Rick pulls her to safety a red wyvern is so tough that even A- rank adventurers struggle to defeat one so Ray thinks they need to get out of there since she's F Rank and Rick is e- rank but Rick just walks up to the wyver and blows its head clean off
his body with one punch leaving Ray stun Once More by the next day Ray is deep in thought over what happened to her yesterday and the Guild Master is glad to see she made it out alive he tells her that orchalcum fist is the strongest party in the continent and it is made up of adventurers who are all as rank level the whole experience has motivated Ry to train hard until she can eventually get to srank so she hands her broom to The Guild Master so she can start training immediately but sweeping the floors is
kind of her job so Guild Master is not happy meanwhile after returning from the wyvern hunt Rick and the others were able to retrieve one of the jewels from the wyverns den and with it mizette is able to use magic to pin the location of the next Jewel they need to find and it looks like it's located in her atopia a large city known for its coliseums and strong Fighters 400 years ago in a land mostly comprised of desert a king named Alexander Herotopia built a Coliseum where strong Fighters could gather and face each other
in battle the king himself also participated in battles and over the years he became the undefeated Champion with 10,000 victories and no losses the popularity of the Coliseum gave rise to the kingdom of heraia and now the King Alexander hopia is immortalized as the Kingdom's founder roson wishes he could have gotten to spar with Alexander at least once before he died but if that happened the whole Kingdom would likely be blown away in the process in Herotopia being a fighter is a popular profession but while brost would love to learn more about this place he
thinks it would be a good idea to start looking for the item they came here for the others agree so they all start looking around together but whenever they try to ask someone for information the person gets scared because of brost and runs away they aren't going to make any progress like this so Rick suggests that they could go to town hall instead to see if they can find some useful info there however just as they are about to leave and notice a girl being harassed by a guy she wants nothing to do with so
Rick is about to step in but Bron Cuts an off and walks up to the guy instead the guy is at least brave enough to stand his ground but he seriously messes up when he challenges Bron to a fight Bron is always down for a good round of violence so he walks into a dark alley and as soon as they are out of sight the distinct sound of a skull cracking is heard and broon walks back out with the guy's limp body the guy managed to survive somehow and having such a near-death experience seems to
have knocked the scumbag right out of him so he's now an upstanding citizen and introduces himself as gold the girl also introduces herself as militia and brost says he has something he would like to ask both of them he takes out the Red Jewel and asks if they have any idea there is something like this in town Gold says he has seen some something similar before but he doesn't remember where militia also recognizes the jewel but she's having a hard time recalling where she has seen it before just then a loud parade for this year's
fighting tournament passes by and both militia and gold are excited about it there are apparently only two more months before the king of fists tournament officially begins but rinette doesn't know anything about it gold explains that it is a tournament to decide the champion of all fighters and it's so popular that they get over 500,000 Spectators each year the parade is being led by the five-time champion of the king of fists tournament Kerwin wolf and he is quite popular for his strength so everyone here adors him while watching their Idol go by in the parade
militia and gold take a look at his belt and that's when they notice that kerwin's champion belt has the jewel Rick and the others are looking for kerin heads back to the gym where he trains after greeting all his fans and once inside he takes a seat to relax a little the owner of the gym comes over to Kerwin and apologizes for making him do all these publicity stunts but Kerwin understands that is important to build up height for the tournaments ahead of time he also asks how Kerwin is feeling while he doesn't feel bad
he doesn't feel great either things have gotten pretty boring for inim since he always wins the tournament without much of a challenge so for once he would like to meet a worthy opponent just then Rick and rionette Walkin and Kerwin can immediately tell that these guys are different from all the other Fighters he has seen before the gy owner tells him it's bad manners for them to come in here uninvited even if they are fans so Rick apologizes for barging in here unannounced but he clarifies that they aren't here because they are fans of Kerwin
they are actually adventurers who came here in search of a particular gem RI is about to explain the whole story behind the gem but then brost comes in and cuts things short he isn't the kind of guy to waste time with a lot of words so he tells Kerwin straight up that he wants that belt the manager now thinks Bron and the others are thieves who came to steal the belt but Bron clarifies that they didn't come to steal a belt they are specifically after the jewel in the belt because it belonged to a former
member of their party along long time ago and they need it for something important but of course he will have a perfect replacement gem made so they can put that in the belt instead the owner thinks broon is lying so he starts calling for someone from the gym to come over and kick these crazy people out however Kerman tells him there's no need for that he has a very unique no so he can smell when someone is lying and Bron doesn't give off the scent of a liar but while he may believe that Bron's party
is the original owner of the gem he still can't just hand it over to him because this belt is the pride of heraia they only way brost will be getting his hands on this belt is if he becomes the new champion of the tournament and brost thinks that's a reasonable condition so he turns around to leave Rick begins asking if brost's seriously going to leave without the jewel but brost is fine with it since he just has to win the tournament to get what he wants they all leave and the owner starts complaining about how
rude those people were but if Kerwin has let the owner try and kicked them out like he wanted to they would have gotten into a fight that would have killed everyone in this gym the owner breaks out in a cold squat over kerwin's statement he knew that they didn't look like average people but he never would have guessed they were that strong Kerwin states that from how the May carried herself he can tell that she is a wide array of lethal skills then there's the normal looking man but while he seems unremarkable Kerwin can tell
that he has trained his body to an inhuman degree so he isn't one to be messed with finally there's Bron and by every indication he's the most interesting meanwhile outside Bron explains to Rick and rinette that he thinks they should all join the tournament as Fighters so they can win the belt fair and square in order to enter the tournament one must first pass the preliminaries held in the east and west of the Kingdom after which you need to win another match among those who qualified from the preliminaries and that's when you are finally allowed
to participate in the tournament Roston says you will apply through the Eastern Gate while Rick and rionette can enter through the Western gate so they'll all be in different tournament brackets Rick and rionette are fine with the plan but they ask brost if he will be really okay getting around town by himself but there's no need to worry since brost already got gold to agree to guide him around town in order to register for the preliminaries Rick and rette are going to need to pass a test first which is a lot like the promotion exams
at the adventurer's guilt as Rick enters the arena for his test he's informed that he will be required to fight a mock battle to gauge his strength his opponent will be one of the newly recruited fighters from the previous batch Rick asks if his opponent is going to be strong so the examiner checks the forms and tells him that the girl he is going to be fighting has won every match up till now but whether Rick wins or loses he will still pass the exam as as long as he meets certain criteria all of a
sudden the doors swing wide open and a very familiar voice begins to introduce herself she confidently declares that because of her speed people have started calling her in the flash so whoever is up against her next has better watch out however her confidence goes down the drain completely as soon as she recognizes Rick Angelica asks why Rick is here but he could easily ask her the same question he's also a bit worried about me raster here since it would be awkward after what happened last time but in Angelica tells him that her siblings aren't here
with her so Rick doesn't have to worry with that said she knows how powerful Rick is so it's terrible luck that she has to face him in a mock battle even if a loss won't really have any consequences she has an undefeated streak going so if she would like to keep it going to do this she decides to go all out from the start against Rick in hopes of overwhelming him with her speed but as she tries to attack she falls flat on the ground she thinks she must have tripped since she is so nervous
so she gets back up and prepares to Dash Rick again however the same thing happens so she realizes that she isn't Fallen because she is nervous she's falling because Rick is doing something Rick looks down at Angelica and asks her what she thinks of the new skill he has been practicing over the last few months after realizing how strong he had gotten Rick didn't want to risk hurting the people around him if he ever got into a fight so he developed the eight secret Arts of going easy and right now he is using the first
art which is basically constant leg sweeps this is really effective because leg sweeps demoralize and incapacitate opponents as they fail to get up and it barely does any damage Angelica thinks it's insulting but Rick points out that she hasn't been hurt because of the leg sweeps even if Rick is only doing leg sweeps he is doing them at a speed that Angelica can't keep track of even with her exceptional speed it would normally be impossible to pull something like that off but after the stuff she has seen Rick do she isn't surprised that he can
manage it she thinks the best course of action would be to keep her distance from Rick but as she tries to back away she still gets her leg SED again she still isn't willing to give up yet and Rick Rick is impressed by her will to keep going so he says he will fight her seriously from now on but as soon as he said that Angelica gave up because she's mad stupid Rick is a little disappointed that things ended so abruptly but his victory means he is now recognized as a fighter and can compete in
the preliminaries however before he can head over to register for the preliminaries Angelica comes running up and asks him one more time why he had to come here she starts crying because it's not fair how Rick pounds her into submission all the time but with how she phrased it Rick is worried that re might misunderstand so suggests they all get something to eat so they can talk things out they later go to a restaurant and just so happens that militia's parents own the place so she's happy to hook Rick and rette up with some fruties
Rick tells her he appreciates it but before she leaves she asks if Bron will be coming here as well because she kind of has a thing for him unfortunately Rick tells her that Bron is registering on the Eastern side of town so they won't be seeing him for a while militia is a bit disappointed so she leaves and once the three are alone angel asks Rick why he decided to come here Rick says he is thinking about winning the tournament and Angelica can't believe he is talking about winning the tournament so casually Rick then asks
her why she came here since he didn't think a KN like her would be willing to give up on her sword and fight with her fist Angelica says she has her reasons for wanting to be here and Rick asks if she plans on entering the tournament to which she answers yes since she will be participating Rick feels motivated to give it is all in the tournament as well but this surprises her since she thought Rick was planning to compete compete in next year's tournament she tells him that in order to qualify for the preliminaries you
need to have won at least 40 matches against other random Fighters and it's a very exhausting process so most people average about 10 matches per month with that said there's only a week left before the preliminaries start so there's no way Rick will have enough time to fight all those matches without getting exhausted but Rick tells her that he already requested 10 matches per day for the next 4 days the next day Rick heads to the arena to begin his series of matches and his first opponent is a guy called called grit but the coordinator
warns Rick that grit is rumored to be cheating by using a weapon although they never managed to prove it in the arena Rick comes face to face with grit and the guy looks really shady but Rick can't see any weapons so he's sure he'll be fine as the match is set to begin grit pulls out an impact Stone he had hidden in his shoe impact Stones increase the power of a punch dozens of times over so his grit punches Rick the giant dust cloud is kicked up but by the time things settle down the only
one injured is GR who now has two new elbows G doesn't understand what went wrong since he was able to shatter Boulders easily with the impact Stone but now that he has had his turn Rick gets ready to attack using his secret art of going easy so he throws a punch and misses intentionally so that the Air Force from the punch would knock him out instead and this way grit won't suffer any fatal injuries everyone is left in shock at what they just witnessed but with that Rick's first match has come to an end and
it looks like the tournament of fists is going to be a real psych to be hold this year Rick and rette later go to watch one of Angelica's matches and Angelica lives up to her title of the flash by swiftly defeating her opponent after kicking him straight into a wall after the match Rick and renette congratulate her for successfully winning her 40th match meaning she has officially met the requirements for a qualify for the preliminaries seeing her complete her matches motivates Rick even more to do well in all his matches but Angelica still can't wrap
her head around the fact that Rick wants to complete 40 matches in the span of 4 days Rick still doesn't see what's so difficult about it so Angelica points out that you are only allowed to register for one match per day at any given venue and while there are more than 10 venues in Herotopia some of them are really remote even as far as 100 kilm from any other venues so traveling between venues and time for his matches should be practically impossible however Rick cuts off Angelica's explanation because he says he has a match over
at the Green Hill venue soon Angelica yells that there's no way he's going to make it there in time because that venue is over 30 km away and even the fastest Carriage won't be able to make it there in time but Rick never said anything about taking a carriage he's in a hurry here so it's faster for him to just run Angelica thinks that's a crazy idea but as Rick takes his step and disappears into a dust cloud from his speed she realizes that she doesn't deserve to be called The Flash anymore if Rick is
this fast while she's still coping with the loss of her identity rette asks Angelica if she would like to go watch Rick's match and sure she definitely wants to but even with her speed there's no way Angelica could keep up with Rick if that's the case then rinette offers to take her there instead but Angelica is hesitant to agree since she has a bad feeling about this however before she can give a response reinette has already picked her up and begins jumping from roof to roof at high speed Angelica pleads with reinette to go back
to the ground but rinette doesn't want to take the roads since they are annoyingly complicated Angelica eventually made it to the arena to watch Rick's fight but she was so busy barfing that she missed the whole thing Rick says he messed up on that fight since he still needs a bit of practice with making his attack non-lethal but you will have to practice later because for now he has to get to his next venue and runs off Angelica doesn't want to go through the terror of being carried by rette again so she tries to back
out of it but rionette has already grabbed her and is hopping through town again Rick continues to win his matches effortlessly all across town and Angelica suffers severe motion sickness from being carried Everywhere by renette eventually the four days are up and Rick has officially qualified for the preliminaries by winning all 40 of his matches so the next step is the league Angelica is really glad she isn't in the same bracket as Rick so she won't have to fight him for now renette asks Angelica if she was hoping to win the tournament and yes Angelica
would have liked to win since she's participating anyway but if Rick is in the tournament then her chances of winning are basically zero on top of that brost is also participating in the tournament and while Angelica has never met him renet mentions that he is the one that trained Rick so Angelica knows Bron must be even more monstrous than Rick is but even if winning is impossible for her maybe she can still get that guy to leave her alone by participating Reena asks what guys she is referring to but Angelica doesn't want to explain so
she changes the subject and asks reinette where Rick went rinette tells her that Rick went on a light 600 km job but Angelica is no longer surprised by the absurd things Rick does she asks Reena how she can stand accompanying Rick all the time but has never once bothered rinette in fact she kind of enjoys it Angelica points out that at some point people are going to start rumors that she and Rick are lovers but again Angelica wouldn't mind that one bit since she really does have feelings for Rick Angelica is shocked by how blondly
rette just said that but a moment later a guy comes up to them and says he has a request for the two beautiful ladies Angelica thinks the guy is hitting on them but in reality he is pleading with them because he is short staffed and needs some part-time workers later that day Rick gets back from his Jog and he is approached by a man named Snape who is the chairman of the West League RI asks how snake knows him but it turns out that Rick has become pretty famous around here from being the fastest man
to ever qualify in the west League snake shakes hands with Rick and as he does his guard comes out of the bar and informs him that Angelica isn't here snake is disappointed to hear this so Rick asks him if he knows Angelica snake confirms that he and Angelica are quite close but he is just a merchant who is on good terms with the dire mute family changing topics Rick asks Snape when he retired from being a fighter but Snape is shocked that Rick knows he used to be a fighter since he never mentioned it Rick
explains that when they shook hands he could tell that snap's hands are those of a trained fighter Snape admits that he did once win a small tourament and the cheers of the crowd were like nothing he has ever experienced before but that was 20 years ago and he has long retired since then so that was his first and last victory he is really excited when it comes to fighting and in fact his company is sending a fighter to the tournament this year but he has other business to attend to so he's going to have to
cut their conversation short snake bids farewell to Rick but before he goes he also asks Rick to tell Angelica he came looking for her and that she shouldn't play around too much since snap wants her to take good care of her body once Snape leaves Rick heads inside and militia comes over asking him if everything is all right she saw him outside talking with Snape and while it's good that nothing happened she wants Rick to be careful he may look like a gentleman but rumors are going around that Snape is part of the criminal underworld
and Rick is surprised to hear that since Snape is connected to Angelica's family it was a total shock when snap's company became the major sponsor for this year's tournament and as the sponsor he get a free sponsor slot to send anyone he wishes to the tournament just then Rick hears some guys in the bar talking about how pretty the bunny girls outside are and as soon as they mention that there's a dark elf bunny Girl Rick has a feeling he's going to want to see this we cut to the front of the West League Stadium
where Angelica and rionette are volunteering as the advertising bunny girls Angelica is really getting into it but she's not doing it because she wants to she just couldn't bring herself to deny the man's request when he was so desperate but renette says the only reason she is doing this is because Angelica agreed to do it too the job's not too bad but they're always going to be drunk idiots who don't know when to quit and this guy seems to really enjoy harassing the bunny girls until they run away but when he tries to grab Angelica's
chest first off there's not much to grab but he also receives a horrible beating from her while she is still angrily stomping on his head Rick walks up and he is shocked when he sees Angelica in the bunny outfit Angelica is embarrassed and tries explaining that she is just doing this to help out a little but Rick stops paying attention to her as soon as he spots rinette and you can literally see the sparks flying but Angelica is just standing in the middle of it meanwhile kerwin's coach is reading the newspaper and he sees an
article about Bron and how he completed all his qualification matches in the span of two days Kerwin comments that Rick seems pretty tame compared to the ogre but he still managed to finish all of his matches in 4 days so he is really excited for this year's fight the coach thinks back to the time when he went to a rundown City in search of new Talent he walked into a bar and found Kerwin having taken down an entire gang who were after him back then Kerwin was known as The Hungry Wolf of the slums and
he asked the coach if he was here to try and take him down but on the contrary the coach was here to offer him the opportunity a lifetime he said he wanted to scout Kerwin as a fighter for Herotopia and with his strength he will be able to acquire anything he wants by winning fights there are also going to be plenty of strong Fighters there to keep him busy and as soon as he heard that Kerwin was convinced and it has been a while since he has been this excited for a fight the next day
the leagues are about to begin and only one person from each block can advance to the tournament so they are in for several Fierce battles the first fight of block a is between Angelica and a fighter named Helen and as the fight begins Angelica seems to be straining herself a lot more than she usually would which is out of character for her she eventually wins her match by kicking Helen into the wall but she is already starting to get winded next up is Rick's match and his opponent begins charging up his special move but Rick
just chops him across the neck knocks him out the rest of the matches pretty much end the same way with Angelica coming out on top after a struggle and Rick effortlessly annihilating the competition so far Angelica has been on a roll with her victories but if she wants to guarantee that she can make it to the tournament then she can't afford to lose even a single match Rick encourages her to do her best but as he is about to give her some advice about her next fight she walks off before he can say anything Angelica's
next match begins and she's up against a tank so while she is still faster than him her attacks are a lot less effective she tries to make up for this by incorporating magic into her attack so she creates a water prison around him and fires a bolt of lightning into it but the big guy is still standing after it all he mocks Angelica for not being able to take him down and asks if she's running out of steam already Angelica tries to dash in with blink step but she has indeed run out of stamina so
the big guy is able to outpace her Angelica gets knocked out because of it after Angelica's match is over she gets treated with healing magic at the infirmary but as she leaves Rick is waiting for her outside to see how she is doing Angelica doesn't want to talk but Rick points out that she was being too hasty in that fight it's true that her opponent had amazing defenses so it was a bad matchup for her from the start but Angelica could have still won if she switched tactics instead of continuing to use moves that would
drain her stamina Angelica doesn't want to hear it but Rick keeps following her because he can tell that there's something on her mind and he wants to hear her out if it will help Angelica eventually caves in and says we'll tell Rick all about her situation it all started when her parents died leaving her and her siblings in charge of running the dire mood estate of course at the time they were all still children so they quickly fell into Financial ruin however their scheme and Grandpa went and made a deal with a man known as
Snape in exchange for a significant amount of financial support and in exchange he agreed to have Angelica engaged to Snape as a way for Snape to have a connection to the nobility after that Angelica and her siblings did everything they could to restore the dire mute family so they wouldn't have to rely on Snape but by then it was already too late to call off the engagement that is a really complicated situation but Rick still hasn't gotten over the fact that Angelica is engaged in any case Angelica tried to investigate Snape to see if she
can find enough dirt on him to call off the engagement but what she found instead was that Snape had become a sponsor for this tournament and with him being the sponsor he's allowed to insert a fighter if his choosing into the tournament just then they hear commotion in the bar nearby so they go over to check it out and they find the guy that defeated Angelica arguing with a lizard man he is tell telling the lizard man to let go of the waitress that he is holding by the neck but the lizard man refuses so
Taylor tries to knock him out and save the woman however the lizard man is too powerful and eats that punch before knocking Taylor out instead G then mocks Taylor for thinking he could win when he is so weak and after that he goes back to harassing the waitress but Angelica runs up and yells for him to stop she knows she stands no chance against gai but she can't just sit back and let him do whatever he wants gu is offended that another weakling would dare to stand in his way so he's about to punch Angelica
in the face but Rick catches his arm and tells him to Cal him down G is about to start a fight here but Snape suddenly shows up and tells him to quiet down and leave GTH does as he is told and Snape apologizes for all the trouble he has caused G is Snape's younger brother and he has serious anger management issues but there has been no one strong enough to put him in check lately although he does calm down pretty quickly if Snape tells him to after Snape leaves Angelica explains that Snape put a lot
of money into the engagement deal so he became a sponsor of the tournament in order to recoup some of his money and to do that he plans to take advantage of the gambling Rings surrounding the tournament and use his sponsor slot fighter to guarantee the results of the matches so he can win a lot of money that's why Angelica entered in the first place in order to take out snap's fighter and force him to call off the engagement but as much as she hates to admit she knows there is no way she can defeat guy
as she's now Rick thinks about it for a second and then he asks Angelica if she would like him to train in her but given the kind of training Rick went through that sounds more like a death threat to her Angelica ends up agreeing to the training but before they go through with this Rick warns her that his training is going to be so tough that it defies all logic by now Angelica has resolved to do whatever it takes to grow stronger and Rick likes her determination so he straps over 100 kg of weight to
her body and warns her not to mess up her physical enhancement magic otherwise she will die Angelica asks him to explain what kind of training this is supposed to be but Rick gives no such explanations and ties rope to himself before taking off running Angelica is being dragged behind him and she's already wishing she didn't agree to this she doesn't even know what this is supposed to be so Rick explains that it's called baby bird running it's basically just getting pulled by someone who's faster than you so your body either learns how to move quickly
or you'll quickly end up Dead Rick tells Angelica that she's good when it comes to acceleration but her other movements aren't stable so they should help her improve on that Angelica asks him if they can at least take a little break so she can mentally prepare herself but Rick tells her that it is important to push beyond your limits so they'll have to keep going for another 6 hours by the end of those 6 hours Angelica is barely alive and she can't believe her feet are still attached to her body but even with the state
she's in Rick compliments her for doing really well for her first training session back when Rick had to do this with reinette he passed out almost immediately and got dragged across the floor he died three times that day but Angelica made it out relatively fine so she's proud that she got through the training although that was only only in the morning session so after a 1-hour break Rick will be back to get her so they can begin the afternoon training session Angelica can't believe what she is here and tries to plead for a more lenient
training schedule but Rick doesn't listen to her and says he will be back in an hour after 5 days of this hellish training Angelica is sitting in a random bar in the middle of nowhere and trying to justify her actions it's not like she's lazy for running away she has to be trained but what Rick is doing to her is more like torture so is perfectly reasonable for her to make a tactical Retreat far away from him for the sake of her mental health there's no way Rick will be able to find her all the
way out here or at least that's what she thought but Rick shows up right outside the window he says he has been looking for her all over the kingdom but Angelica still doesn't know how he found her so quickly since it has only been 15 minutes since she ran away she expects Rick to scold her for abandoning her training but Rick doesn't intend to do that at all he understands the feeling of wanting to run away and he can barely count the hundreds of times he tried to escape while he was training not to mention
the thousands of times he died he has a flashback to a time when brost had accidentally killed him so broson asks Alice to lend him some of her magic and after she does broson revives Rick with the extra magic Alice gave him broson said he could probably revive Rick another 2,000 times so he wanted to get back to training immediately Angelica is surprised Rick managed to make it through that kind of experience and Rick definitely tried to quit a bunch of times but Bron told him something that changed his mind he was told that the
regret of quitting would far outweigh the current suffering he was EXP experiencing and when Rick thought of it like that the right choice became clear to him but still Bron told Rick that if he ever seriously wanted to quit then he would be free to do so and knowing that made the training a lot easier to bear Angelica tells Rick that she has always hated the customs of nobles she had been taught all the etiquette and manners of a noble but she never understood why she needs three different sets of spoons for one meal that
is why she wants to contribute to her family not as a noble woman but as the first ever special grade female Knight and to do that she was is willing to endure any amount of suffering Rick is glad to hear it so they head back outside so they can continue the training session and he's been thinking about something lately Angelica is a knight so she would naturally fight better with a sword however Angelica reminds Rick that the rules of the tournament say Fighters are only allowed to use their bodies to fight Rick knows that and
that's why he suggests that Angelica should learn a technique that makes her hand as sharp as a blade she didn't know such a technique actually existed but this kind of thing isn't Rick's specialty so be calls for rinette to help train angel by the time Angelica's next match comes up she straight up looks dead inside from all the training she had with rionette her fans don't know what caused the sudden change in her appearance but her opponent is a big muscular dude so her usual fighting style of repeatedly striking won't work here however through the
torturous hours of training Angelica has developed a new fighting style and it's just for punching the guy with so much force that the match ends immediately and Angelica is declared the winner and it's clear that the training really worked but it takes a lot to to calm her down afterwards a while later Angelica is agonizing over what happened because she can barely remember what she did during the match but Rick tells her it doesn't matter since she won her match and has qualified for the tournament now just then Alice and maette arrived at the bar
and Rick greets them asking if the tip they were following actually LED them to one of the jewels but unfortunately it was a false rumor so maette had been wasting his time mizette looks over and notices a cute girl nearby so he tries to hit on her but she already has a crush on on someone so she spins out of the way and a moment later her Crush arrives as gold announces Bron's return they all sit down to eat together and maette asks what Bron has been up to lately broson tells him that he and
Rick are entering the tournament so they can win and claim one of the jewels as their prize Alice says she wants to enter the tournament as well but Rick knows she would destroy the entire Kingdom if she did something like that broson calls over to Angelica since he heard that she is in the tournament as well and she responds confirming it she even asked Rick and rette to train her but they nearly killed her so many times Rick tells her that the fact that she didn't actually die is proof that she has talent but even
so she doesn't think there is enough time for her to get strong enough to win rosted and maette tell her to have a little faith in her efforts because hard work will always yield good results the day of the tournament is finally here and the match pairings are finally made with how things are set up Rick is glad you won't have to fight brost anytime soon because if he did he would just withdraw altogether Angelica points out that the way the tournament brackets are arranged is totally rigged to favor G with how it is set
up G won't have to face Bron or Kerwin until the final round it was probably done that way because Bron and Kerwin are major trouble for G if the plan is to have him fix the results of the matches she assumes that Snape wants to impress the crowd with G's fights against a bunch of the weaker Fighters and once enough hype has been built up and people begin betting on GE Snape will place a bet against GE and he will lose that round on purpose to build a the amount of hype gei needs to look
like he's barely trying so his opponents can't be too strong that's why she wants to go up against him early on and ruin gu's plan Angelica's plan works out with the way the tournament brackets are organized but Rick wonders what Angelica planned to do if she couldn't face GTH until the finals to be honest she hadn't even considered what to do if that happened but it all worked out anyway so there's no use thinking about it now G is bored with this whole thing and while brost and Rick are heading to the stands they run
into Kerwin and congratulates them on making it to the tournament brost says he will be taking that belt from him and Kerwin can't wait to finally have a good fight again back when the coach first recruited him Kerwin was eager to have a good fight with some strong opponents and though the coach's gym wasn't as popular at the time he had some fighters who were able to make it to the semi-finals of the tournament at the time Kerwin excitedly gets in the ring and asks if it's okay for him to kill the Ganan but the
coach reminds him that killing is against the rules of the tournament weapons and armor are also forbidden so the only thing you are allowed to fight with with or your fists Kerwin was okay with that and asked Gan not to hold it against him if he got hurt but by the time the fight was over Kerwin was the one who was badly hurt the coach wasn't surprised that Kerwin couldn't beat Gan but for someone who had never received any formal training Kerwin was still pretty good he did Ed that with some good training and guidance
Kerwin could become one of the greatest fighters of heraia and he was right as Kerwin began to devote himself to his training and became stronger with each defeat until he eventually stood as the champion of the tournament of fists it's been 6 years since then but Kerwin still has that same look of excitement on his face the first round is about to begin and gu is facing a dude called Herman as the match begins geith is still bored but Herman is offended that gu isn't taking this seriously so he attempted to knock his jaw off
however his attack does absolutely no damage to him whatsoever G is getting annoyed so he attempts to punch Herman but he misses and Strikes the floor instead the resulting dust cloud is so massive that even geith can't see a thing so in his confusion he accidentally strikes Herman and knocks him out of the ring G is definitely powerful and he achieved his goal of making people think he is unbeatable but Rick finds him strange because even though GA possesses all that power he still moves like an amateur with no actual training the rest of the
matches go as expected with Angelica Rick and Bron all winning their respective matches so the final match of the day is between Kerwin and a random guy Rick and Bron want to see what Kerwin is made of so they watch attentively as kerwin's opponent tries to attack him but Kerwin punches the guy to the the ground before he could finish the motion in this case it's not that kin's reaction time was particularly fast it was more like he knew what was going to happen before it happened Kerwin has trained his nose to be able to
sense the impulses of an opponent before they make their move it's basically smelling into the future but shockingly he gets knocked down a moment later but the thing is it didn't look like he failed to react to the punch he just let it happen kin lets himself get punched just to add a little bit of drama to the fight but he gets back up and finishes the fight in one punch the next day the semi-finals are being held and Angelica is set to fight gu in the next round so she'll finally get to put her
hard work to the test snake comes over to Rick to ask if he can sit there and Rick has no objections but he asks why Snape isn't using his designated seat as a sponsor snake says he just wants to watch this match really up close since the people involved are his younger brother and his future bride as Angelica is walking through the stadium Corridor she comes across gai and she confronts him saying she will be his opponent today gei doesn't remember her at first but he soon recognizes her as the girl Snape is getting married
to Snape asked him not to mess up Angelica's face too badly so the wedding photos don't need to be edited Angelica scoffs and says that she will show him the results of all her hard work but G thinks hard work is utterly worthless he has a train a day in his life yet he is still so much stronger than Angelica and nothing she does will ever change the fact that she is a weakling a little while later the match begins and Angelica tries attacking G but celle is way too hard for her to do damage
to with her kicks she backs away and decides to put her training to good use she begins circulating her Mana within her body and as she dashes forward she manages to make a small cut on G's body so she still has a chance of winning Snape is visibly shocked by this since it should be impossible for even the sharpest swords to cut through G's armor but Rick tells him that he shouldn't underestimate Angelica's capabilities this is one of the secret techniques of body control that rette taught Angelica although it took a lot of hard work
for Angelica to master it at the start of the training session rette demonstrated the technique by using her hand to slice a boulder in half and Angelica didn't know it was possible to do that much damage without using any magic Rick told her that this is the technique he wanted her to learn but Angelica didn't believe there was any chance she could learn such a strong skill reinette assured her that it wouldn't be that hard since Even Rick was able to learn it eventually although he still isn't as good as ranette they tell her that
the trick is to feel the air and swing through completely and since they believe that she can do it Angelica trained more than she ever has before until she was finally able to utilize the thread slash although she had to make some adjustments for her body she uses her magic to channel it into one powerful blow and normally this would put too much strain on her body but after all that training with Rick she's able to handle it with this technique she can now consistently damage gei but that doesn't mean she is guaranteed to win
against him as GE is still stronger than her GE punches the ground to create a dust cloud and while Angelica's vision is obscured he attempts to knock her out but Angelica managed to lean back in time that was a close one but Angelica is confident that she won't fall for that move again so she relentlessly darts around the arena and slashes GE Snape looks really frustrated but it's not because he thinks Angelica might beat GE it's because he knows what GE is going to do next GE punches the ground to create another smoke screen but
this time he isn't messing around anymore so he appears behind Angelica and smacks her into the wall he was originally going to take it easy on Angelica because Snape didn't want her to get hurt but Angelica has gotten on his miror so has done holding back Angelica gets back up and tries using her flickering feet technique to get close to GE and attack but G simply uses his tail to knock her away mids sentence she tries using her technique again but G has seen it so much that he is able to copy it perfectly and
outspeed Angelica before knocking her into the wall again Snape was worried something like this might happen but there's no stopping ge now he explains that g is his adoptive brother and they first met back when Snape was still a fighter and GE was 8 years old they were having a sparing match and he beat Snape's ass so bad that Snape had to take a look at himself realized he just got manhandled by an 8-year-old and retired from fighting altogether ye was gifted with the best possible genetics for combat so even with no training he far
outclasses any normal Fighters Angelica may have thought Snape was rigging the matches but in reality Snape is just confident that GA will win so if you place a large bet on G's odds of winning the tournament however right now GE doesn't even care about the tournament anymore and is just beating Angelica up for the sake of it he wants her to realize that all the effort she put into training is meaningless in the face of raw talent like him he grabs Angelica and holds her up asking if she has finally accepted her place as untalented
trash but Angelica still doesn't want to give up and frows the feeble punch with the last morsel of strength in her body gei throws Angelica into the wall again as her punch did nothing but infuriate him so much so that he now intends to kill Angelica even though it's against the rules Rick yells for him to stop because he has already won the match but G keeps charging forward with murderous intent luckily just before Angelica is killed a boot comes flying out of nowhere and knocks G's claws out of the way the boo belongs to
Rick and he doesn't get angry often but this is the one time he feels nothing but rage after the match Rick heads backstage where gu throws his boot at him and confronts Rick he is pissed that Rick made him miss his kill shot and he says he will make Rick pay for his insulin interference however Rick remains completely silent this annoys GE so he tries to throw a kick at Rick but the next moment Rick appears behind GE and begins putting his boot back on he knows he could get revenge on GE right now but
there would be no justice in that so Rick says he will make GE pay for what he has done by humiliating him when they fight in the tournament he then starts walking away and geith can't wait to get his hands on Rick at the tournament tomorrow the next match starts and Rick is a little worked up so he forgets to hold back against his opponent and does this to him in any case his victory means he will be participating in the semi-finals so he goes to check on Angelica the nurse in charge of Angelica's treatment
tells him that due to her severe injuries the treatment is going to take longer than usual but there is no immediate risk for Angelica's life Rick is glad to hear that she's okay but he feels sorry for Angelica since she went so far to push through that hellish training just to have things end up like this in other news Bron and Kerwin won their matches as well so the finalists for the semi-finals tomorrow have been decided the next day Rick comes across Angelica in the halls and he's happy to see that she's doing better since
he asked broson to personally heal her but he reminds her that she still shouldn't push herself too hard he doesn't want to bring up what happened yesterday so he starts walking away but before he leaves Angelica speaks up and apologizes for not being good enough to meet his expectations Rick went through all the trouble of training her even when he didn't gain anything from it yet she still failed to achieve her goals so maybe she isn't cut out to be a fighter after all Rick tells her that she has nothing to apologize for because she
worked really hard to train for the fight and if anything Rick is the one at fault here because he failed to adequately gauge G's true strength so he could prepare Angelica properly he wants her to watch his match with gith closely so he can show her the results that can be achieved with hard work the time for Rick's battle finally comes and he is standing across from G but surprisingly gaith actually seems concerned about Angelica he says he was thinking about apologizing to her later and for a moment Rick thinks G might have actually learned
his lesson and feel bad about what he did but then Keith says he only feels sorry for Angelica because she has to live the rest of her miserable life with the knowledge that she will never be good as him Rick runs up to GE to deliver the first blow of the match and geith just stands there waiting for Rick to do his worst Because he believes there is no way someone like Rick could ever hurt him however as Rick clocks him across the face GE falls to his knees in shock Rick mocks him for being
knocked down by a single punch when he claims to be so much stronger than him y gets back up and charges at Rick wildly but Rick evades the punch and palm strikes the air straight out of G's lungs Angelica is amazed that a basic attack was a ble to do damage to gu so she assumes it must be because of Rick's superhuman strength however reinette corrects her and explains that Rick is barely using any strength at all rather he is using the second technique of body control to damage GE the through body attack is one
that ignores all forms of armor and Deals damage straight into the core of the body so no matter how tough GE is he's going to feel a lot of pain Rick tells geith he can withdraw from the tournament if he wants but G still believes he is Superior in every way so he unleashes his special Dragonite strength lening magic with this boost geith is actually able to knock Rick back but Rick catches himself and begins running around to evade G Roston now realizes what Rick's game plan is and from what he can see G's strengthening
magic uses a lot of magical energy G never trained his Mona capacity but he was born with such massive Mana reserves that it doesn't matter Rick tries to attack again but with ge's new reinforced body the technique now has no effect so gei slashes at Rick and kicks him away geith throws another punch at Rick but this time he is starting to look like he is getting tired while on the other hand Rick doesn't have even a single scratch Rick has been using one of the other techniques of body control called flowing strikes and this
technique allows him to disperse the damage from the attacks G has been delivering so he's pretty much unharmed G is enraged that Rick isn't taking this fight seriously but Rick explains that he is actually fighting seriously he is intentionally restricting himself to match Angelica's stats and he intends to beat using nothing but Angelica's full strength GIF declares that he will make Rick regret looking down on him and prepares an allout attack but because he is so tired he is losing control of his magic which allows Rick to easily punch through his defenses J doesn't understand
how he is losing to Rick when he is only using Angelica's level of strength but he has never trained to the point of being tired before so his body doesn't know how to handle it Snape is amazed that Rick is actually winning and asks if Rick possesses even more Talent than G but all the others immediately tell him that Rick has almost negative levels of talent all the strength he possesses is a result of pure hard work which is something gei could never understand being able to push yourself to the Limit and keep going is
true strength and G does not have that gu tries to punch Rick once more but Rick catches it and sends a wave of force through G's arm he acknowledges that gu is definitely a prodigy and definitely has the potential to be the strongest in the world but he is still only at level one on his path to growth the truly strong are those who have taken their talents and train Beyond human comprehension he assur GE must have thought he was the strongest in the world but that's only because he has never run into anyone who
could actually beat him G doesn't want to accept that he just can't beat Rick so he decides to use his trump card and calls on his Ancient Dragon Blood to transform now he's pretty much a dragon and Rick is having trouble keeping up with his attacks again Rick tries another through attack but it does absolutely nothing to G's new form he's gotten stronger more durable and his attacks are even faster than before so he is getting pushed around easily Rick is forced to admit that g talents are actually too great for Angelica to overcome as
there's no way she could ever beat him with her current level of power but that doesn't mean she can't do it eventually with a little hellish training Angelica will be able to outclass G's power and Rick is going to give a demonstration of what that would look like after 6 months of training Angelica's speed would be so high that she could Blitz gei easily and after 9 months her strength could easily overpower him and after a year of training she would be too fast for guy to even see Angelica is nowhere near capable of any
of this now and Rick says it takes a certain level of craziness to endure such hellish training for a year just to beat someone's inborn talent and Angelica crazy enough to go through with it rick knocks G to the floor and tells him that the only way he will be able to stay strong would be if he puts his ego aside and trains to hone his strength but gu is still in denial of the fact that hard work can truly beat Talent so he creates a smoke screen and makes one last desperate charge at Rick
showing that he has leared nothing Rick decides that it is time to end it so it's gu approaches he uses the thread slash technique and slices through G's chest which knocks him down and makes Rick the winner of this match once Rick is declared the winner The Crowd Goes Wild for him and Angelica thanks him for what he did she promises that she will train hard and someday reach Rick's level of strength and Rick is glad to hear that she is feeling motivated again Angelica then looks over to Snape and she was expecting him to
be in a frenzy over gu's loss but he actually looks really calm Snape tells her that it is indeed a painful loss but at the same time gei was an Arrogant Bastard so it feels kind of good for snake to see him get beaten he may not have won any bets today but he's satisfied regardless Angelica tries to rub it in his face that he no longer has the money to uphold the marriage contract so he can't marry into a noble family anymore and Snape admits that it's a real shame that he won't be able
to marry Angelica anymore but it was never about marrying into a noble family for him he just genuinely liked Angelica and that is surprising to her the next fight of the day is Bron versus Kerwin and Kerwin is really pumped for his fight he can tell that Bron is insanely strong because he can't find a single opening in his defenses so as the match starts he unleashes a flurry of attacks on Bron and Dodges when broson counterattacks the fight is just about to get serious but all of a sudden the wall into the stadium crumbles
as gu is going on a rampage it looks like his Dragonic transformation overwhelmed his brain and caused him to attack everything in his vicinity specifically the audience members who are just minding their own business all the chaos G is causing is interfering with Cowan's match so he gets ticked and yells at GE for interrupting his match and harming the people G then turns his attention towards Kerwin but even when faced with ge's full strength Kerwin is able to stop his punch with one arm and punch G so hard that he is sent flying and passes
out Rick and the others are amazed because G strength Rivals that of a top A- rank Adventurer so for Kerwin to be able to One-Shot gei he must possess strength on the level of an s- ranker Kerwin is ready to continue his fight with brosten but due to all the injuries G caused the match and end up being postponed till tomorrow so they can treat The Spectators and handle any lawsuits that come from this Kerwin says he is disappointed that he will have to wait till tomorrow since he was really looking forward to their fight
but doesn't think he's telling the truth because he can sense some doubts within kerwin's punches later since there are no more matches scheduled for today the group heads back to the restaurant to grab a bite to eat however Rick isn't with them so Angelica asks what he's up to and rette explains that he went on a quick 700 km jog so he should be somewhere near the border by now he cut to Rick as he arrives at the Town border but before he turns back he notices a mountain over in the distance that reminds him
a lot of rette a few moments later he sees a small dust cloud come from that same Mountain so he gets curious and decides to go investigate it and once he gets there he finds Kerwin in the middle of a training session Kerwin chose to come all the way out here specifically because no samean person would ever randomly pass by but since Rick is here anyway Kerwin decides to make good use of him as a sparing partner Rick was surprised by kerwin's sudden attack but he decides to go along with with it and fights back
against him however Kerwin effortlessly Dodges thanks to his foreseen ability Rick tries throwing another punch and the force behind it surprises Kerwin but he is still quick enough to block it before it lands it's impressive that Kerwin could react to and block a serious punch from Rick but Rick finds it weird that Kerwin is fast enough to react to this but he still somehow gets hit with attacks that are far slower Kerwin admits that he hasn't been giving it is all in his fights and since Rick is pretty strong as well he gets the feeling
that they may be able to understand one another Kerwin has always been obsessed with fighting but at some point in his training he got so strong that he no longer felt challenged by any of the fighters he went up against it became boring for him to have to fight in the tournament because he could defeat all his opponents in one punch but he decided that he would keep doing it as long as it made the gym owner happy since he couldn't enjoy fighting anymore his only source of fun was training to get stronger so he
put all his efforts into that instead one day he overheard the gym owner talking with his account about how they had been losing viewership for the tournaments recently people started getting bored of the fights once they realized that Kerwin would always win in one punch and that's hurting ticket sales the accountant suggested doing something to keep the fights interesting but the owner didn't want to force Kerwin to lose fights on purpose just to keep the crowd invested by the time the next match came Kerwin had a lot on his mind since he didn't want to
continue winning as it made the owner's business suffer but while he was deep in thought his match started and his opponent already threw a punch however it was taking three to four business days to arrive so Kerwin could have dodged it if he wanted to however he chose to take the hit instead and lose on purpose to keep the crowd excited over time he learned to adapt his strength as he fought in order to keep people guessing so he can still win tournaments but he hasn't been able to use his full strength in battle in
a long time Rick understands what Kerwin means but since he's facing brost tomorrow Rick says he won't have to worry about needing to hold back in fact for his own good Kerwin better not hold back if he wants to survive Rick then runs off without saying another word and Kerwin is a little confused about what he said the next day Bron and kerwin's match is about to begin and to make sure there are no more incidents a magic barrier has been erected to ensure the safety all the spectators Kerwin Begins the fight by throwing several
punches at brosten which are all effortlessly blocked however Kerwin then throws a special rolling punch which is enough to break through Bron's guard Rick is shocked since breaking brost's guard is in the small feat however when Bron punches back Kerwin is forced to retreat he admits that Bron is definitely strong and Bron acknowledges Kerwin strength as well even if he isn't using his full strength since Bron was able to figure out that Kerwin was holding back Kerwin admits that he has been hiding his strength for the sake of keeping things interesting he would like to
face Bron at full power but if he goes all out now all the spectators will know that he has been lying about his strength brost says he understands and kman thinks he's a failure of a fighter for lying to all his fans for so long but brost doesn't see it that way at all Kerwin only did what he did for the sake of his fans and bruson can respect that so he says he will will fight in a way that matches the level of strength Kerwin usually uses to do that he's going to fight using
only two fingers and not move from the spot he's standing in Kerwin is a bit confused but he begins attack him again and to his surprise Bron is actually embarrassing him with just two fingers he gets tossed on his back forcing him to back away again and he would really like to go all out against brost but he still feels the need to hold himself back so the people don't realize his true strength just then the gimm owner yells out to Kerwin and tells him to stop pretending that he's weaker really is Kerwin says he
is only doing this to help the owner's business but the gym owner says he doesn't want him to fight like this even if it's for his business his dream has always been to train the world's strongest fighter and he knows kerwin's dream is to become the world's strongest fighter so he shouldn't have to hold himself back Kerwin gets the message and since the owner is fine with the people knowing the truth turns to broon and apologizes for holding back for so long but he's ready to fight at full strength now he charges at Bron and
throws a punch that creates a massive shock wave and it's so powerful that broson ends up having to use five fingers to block it Kerwin continues laying on the punches but then he switches It Up by using two roll Fang punches to force brosten to block and while his arms are up kbin goes for a kick straight to the gut however Roston doesn't even budge and grabs kerwin's leg and then throws him across the arena Kerwin manages to break his Fall by using the steel body technique but the crowd is starting to realize that he's
a lot stronger than he was a second ago so he must have been holding back this whole time and they begin to murmur amongst themselves eles about how he deceived them Kerwin hears all the bad things they are saying about him but it's already too late to go back to how things were before so he's just going to focus on throwing everything he's got at proston he begins chanting a fifth nature fire spell and casts a hellflame wave in Boston's Direction everyone is surprised by this since beastmen like him are unusually terrible at Magic so
the fact that he can cast such an advanced spell speaks volumes to the amount of training he must have undergone his power qualifies as that of a true genius on the level of broon and the others but brost nonchalant kicks him a rock and uses it to blot the Flames Kerwin then uses blink step to get close to brost and as soon as he is within range he casts a seventh nature spell to bind broon in place and then proceeds to cast an eight nature meteor spell the others in Rick's Party are pretty impressed with
what Kerwin has done so far but Rick is really worried because Kerwin is way stronger than he thought you would be so at this rate broson is going to stop holding back against him as the meteor is about to hit Boston commends Kerwin on his strength and then proceedes to One-Shot the meteor out of existence once the dust has settled broson tells Kerwin that he has felt his conviction to fight with everything he has so as a display of respect roson promises to stop holding back as well and gives Kerwin a quarter thumbs up the
quarter thumbs up is a gesture done among the Orcs when there is a dispute and it basically means that respectfully someone is going to catch a fade as broson begins walking towards Kerwin he gets an instinctive feeling that he is about to get his ass beat with efficiency ex as Bren throws a punch Kerwin barely manages to evade a direct hit but the pressure from the punch is still enough to send him flying Kerwin gets back up and tries throwing all the highle magic he can at brost but doesn't even make brost blink he then
dashes forward and lands a blow in kerwin's abdomen sending him flying backwards the only reason Kerwin managed to survive was because he layered all sorts of defensive techniques to defend himself but that punch would have killed a regular fighter Kerwin is having trouble getting back up and he contemplates just giving up since there's no no way he can win against brost but his fighting Spirit won't allow him to quit just because he is faced with a strong opponent even if he is out of Mana he still has the stamina to keep going however after punching
Bron for a while his stamina runs out as well he's really out of juice this time and he finds it hard to believe that someone as strong as Bron actually exists in this world but just as he is about to give up he hears the crowd begin to cheer for him after seeing him fight with such conviction they don't care if he was holding back before what they want to see now is C doing his best to win no matter what with the support of the crowd behind him Kerwin gets back up and puts every
ounce of strength he has left into a single punch he doesn't have Mana or stamina left but his fighting Spirit propels him forward to deliver a punch with all his techniques combined and the power he unleashes is far greater than anything he has done so far yet broson still stands unharmed by the end he Praises Kerwin for such a splendid display of fighting spirit and asks if he has Unleashed everything he has in him Kerwin stares at the ground into defeat because even his most powerful attack wasn't able to phase broon but then he notices
that he actually managed to push broon backwards with his attack so he is satisfied with the results of this match and says he has no regrets so proston punches him and kwin falls to the ground unconscious but even so he still got a smile on his face after Bron's Victory he heads backstage where he is congratulated by Rick and Angelica since brost is the one moving on to the finals their party is now guaranteed to get the jewel no matter the outcome so Rick plans to just withdraw from the final match since he wants nothing
to do with Bron's fists but Bron is actually looking forward to fighting Rick so B tells him that he's not allowed to withdraw from the match Roston then walks off and Rick almost immediately starts losing hair out of fear of the fact that he will have to fight brost a little while later Kerwin has just been treated and he is reading the newspaper article about his fight the article says there are people who are angry now that they realize Kerwin has been holding back as the champion all this time so Kerwin thinks his time is
a role model is up but judging by the fact that the kids outside still idolize him the owner doesn't think he has to worry about the public hating him for what he did more importantly he had no idea Kerwin was capable of unleashing an attack as powerful as what he used against brost and to be honest me did Kerwin he was just so focused on fighting that he came up with it on the spot but in the end he still lost the fight the owner doesn't think it's that big of a deal that Kerwin lost
since it just means he has to train so he is strong enough to win the next fight Kerwin appreciates the owner looking out for him so much but he wonders why he is always so considerate towards him so the owner explains that he thinks of Kerwin as a son so he would do anything for him just then brost walks into the room and he realizes he interrupted a touching moment but he's already here so he sits down and asks Kerwin how he's doing Kerwin tells him that most of the bones in his body are broken
so Bren offers to heal him but Kerwin refuses since this is the first time he has felt pain like this in a long time and he wants to savor it a little Rick had told him that he wouldn't need to worry about holding back against Bron and now that he has lost he is really looking forward to Bron and Rick's fight in the finals at the same time snake pulls up to Rick's in to pay him a visit but he is surprised to find that Rick has locked himself in his room and Angelica is trying
to convince him to come out he's refusing to leave because he knows he will die if he faces brost and Snape can understand his fears but everyone is looking forward to seeing him go up against brost so he would really appreciate it if Rick came out Rick tells him that he's not participating in that fight no matter what because his life is more important to him than the tournament Spectators and if that's how he feels there's nothing that snake can do to convince him but before he leaves he uses his showman voice to talk about
all the hard work and money that was put into this tournament and how it will all go to waste if Rick backs out of the finals as stape walks away Rick feels pretty guilty for letting everyone down and Angelica tries to convince him to come out by telling him it's fine if he dies since he can just be brought back to life and Technically she's right but she doesn't know how bad if feels like to die so she has no right to telling him to go face certain death Rick tells her she wouldn't understand how
scary it is to fight bruson and Angelica finally gives up on trying to convince him but she says she has lost respect for him as a teacher once she leaves maette asks Rick if he remembers how brosten had a training plan ready on the first day he joined the Party Rick hadn't really thought about it but it really was strange that he just had that pre-made so mazette explains that the training plan was one Bron developed a long time ago in order to train someone to fight on equal footing with him Orcs have a culture
that revolves around fighting and it's through their fists that they are able to relate with others however since braston is so strong he has never been able to have a real fist fight without straight up killing his opponent that's why he dreams of one day fighting someone of equal strength Rick is free to withdraw from the tournament if he really wants to but mazette reminds him that brost is really looking forward to it so it would be nice if Rick could give him a good fight Rick has a flashback to the day rette first introduced
him to brost and immediately after shaking his hand Boston could immediately tell that Rick had no training in martial arts and he had the lowest amount of Mana possible Rick was surprised that brosten could learn that much from just a handshake but Bron went on to tell him that he lacked the qualifications to be an adventurer with his current strength however that doesn't mean it's impossible to accomplish he just wanted to warn Rick that he would need to train over a hundred times harder in order to compensate for his lack of ability back to the
present Angelica is still pissed that Rick is so scared of fighting broon and calls him pathetic mizette is disappointed as well but he can understand why Rick doesn't want to do it because no sing human would ever willingly train the broon let alone fight him Angelica asks that Ron's training routine was really that bad so maette tells her that it was absolute hell for Rick it's a miracle that he didn't lose his mind after enduring so much pain although he did go crazy a couple of times Angelica is starting to understand how rough Rick had
it since he was put through such grueling training and he doesn't even have the skill however Alice interrupts her and forms and Angelica that Rick actually does have a skill which surprises her a lot since she has never seen him use any kind of skill before mizette explains that the conditions to activate the skill are difficult to meet and the skill takes a massive toll on Rick's body so broson forbade Rick from using it since he can't control it later that evening rinette goes to see Rick and he asks her if she thinks he is
pathetic for avoiding his fight with brost she assures him that she doesn't think he is pathetic and she understands why he doesn't want to do it but with that said she would like him even more than she already does if he finds the courage to face brost even though he doesn't have to the next day the tournament is about to begin and the excitement is high in the crowd the announcer begins listing off the prizes that will be awarded to the winner of the match including a lot of money precious stones and tickets for a
couple's trip to a hot spring rette and Angelica go to check on Rick to see how he's doing and Angelica asks if he's okay to a trick says he is totally fine but his face shows that he is still completely terrified that's when rinette walks up to him and says she will personally give him a reward if he does well against Bron and from that moment forward Rick was locked in Rick heads out to face brost and he tells him that he will give this fight everything he's got so as the match begins Rick charges
up broon to attack faster than the eye can see and by the time he is done he has successfully inflicted a wound on Bron and made him bleed Bron is really impressed with Rick's strength but Snape wasn't able to follow what just happened at all andn explains that in that fraction of a second R charged towards brost and after nearly a dozen attacks and blocks he managed to outpace broon and use thread slash to cut brost on his arm Rick charges back in and with the same amount of speed he throws a punch at brost
but it gets blocked so he repeatedly strikes until he is forced to back away even then he jumps off the arena walls and attempts to heal kick brost into the ground Roston once again defends himself and tries to throw a punch at Rick but Rick Ducks under it and pulls off another thread slash cutting into Bron's stomach because she has been trained by Rick and is able to understand just how much effort it takes to achieve Rick and brost's level of strength but Rick seems really motivated for someone who is terrified a moment ago so
Angelica asks what renette said to him that made him change his mind so quickly renette tells Angelica that she just told Rick that she would go on the couple's hot spring trip with him if he wins the fight and that's apparently more important to Rick than his life so he's going to do whatever it takes to win Angelica is flustered because a couple's trip means Rick and rette will spend the night together and rette is perfectly fine with that so Angelica decides to just focus on the match for now since Rick has been earnestly fighting
since the match began brasta decides to fight at full strength as well so he moves his arm back and prepares to throw a punch and it's so powerful that rake is forced to jump out of the way that singular punch was more powerful than level five magic and Rick is reminded why he was so scared to face broon in the first place but he doesn't have any time to rethink his decisions as Bron throws several more punches at him all at once Rick does his best to evade them all but while he was distracted by
the punches brost snuck up behind him as about to land a clean punch on Rick but just before Rick got hit he activated his air cushion spell to redirect Bron's punch away from him it's already impressive enough that Rick was able to block Bron's punch with a level one spell but it's even more impressive that he cast the spell without paw to gather his magic or say an incantation what Rick just did was instant spell casting and Boston finds it amazing that Rick can do it since even he can't completely cast a spell with no
incantation like that Rick says he only learned how to do it thanks to the training he received from Alice and mazette Alice and maette confirmed that Rick worked really hard to learn how to do it and he may have accidentally gotten evaporated once while trying to master it but it was all worth it in the end Rick begins dashing towards Bron again so Bron tries creating a shock wave to stop him but Rick just circles around and closes into land of flowing strike however Bron blocks it and counters with a punch of his own so
Rick is sent flying backwards but that's not enough to stop him as he rebounds off some rubbles and charges at brost again from the front The Spectators think that was a bad decision since brost now has plenty of time to Counterattack but as Bron throws a hurricane punch Rick jumps into the air to avoid it he may have successfully evaded the first punch but now that he's stuck in the air he has no way of dodging brost's punches anymore however as Bron throws another punch at him he uses an air cushion to punch himself out
of the way and then launches an air shot at brost but once the dust settled brost is still mostly unharmed before the Fight Continues brost speaks up and compliments Rick for how strong he has grown in the two years that they've known each other the trading Bron put Rick through was really effective but it was all thanks to Rick's strength and mental fortitude that he managed to complete the regimen and he is proud of him for that Roston never gives empty compliments so Rick knows he genuinely means what he said but that was more like
something a master would say to a student and Rick knows broon wants to have a fight with someone equal to him he tells Bron that mizette and Alice told him about his dream to fight an equal opponent and Bron is a bit embarrassed but he tells Rick that Alice and mizette were exaggerating he does want to have a good fight on equal terms but he wouldn't go so far as to say it's a dream be that as it may Rick wants to show his gratitude for all the passion brost put into training him so he
says he will fight Boston with the utmost respect so he can have the fight he has always wanted Roston smiles and says it is fortunate that he got to meet Rick and since Rick is already a member of their party he thinks it it is time to tell him about the history of orcam fist 46 years ago when Bren was still just 5 years old it became apparent to him that he was different from the other Orcs around him Not only was he stronger he was also much smarter than them so he could never truly
relate to his Brethren to fix this he tried teaching them things like how to make a fire or how to build a house and through his efforts he successfully Advanced his orc civilization but as a result the other Orcs soon began treating him like a god so he was even more isolated thanks to his new status one day during a particularly heavy storm broson just happened to be away from his pack for a while and in the time he was gone every single one of them died in an accident caused by the storm broson was
left speechless once he saw the aftermath but not because he was unable to save his people it was because felt nothing even though his entire family lay dead at his feet and that was when he realized that he was truly alone in the world later on Bron was reading a book by the fire after having killed a wyver but all of a sudden a man runs out of the bushes and tries to attack him Bron is able to jump out of the way easily and this surprises the man since Orcs usually aren't so Mobile on
top of that he notices that Bron was reading a book and even killed the wyver that was terrorizing the local Village the man is out here because he accepted a quest to exterminate the Orcs that live in these woods but broon seems like a calm and reasonable orc so he apologizes for the sudden attack brost says it's fine since he's used to humans attacking him and the man finds brost and interesting so he wants to have his seat with him and chat after a long talk the man now knows Bron's life story and how he's
struggling with loneliness due to his outstanding capabilities more than anything brost wants to be able to have a fight with someone who is just as strong as him but he knows a dream like that is never going to come true the man understands the feeling since there's a dream of his that he hasn't been able to make come true yet and proston is curious so the man elaborates he says he once fought alongside a hero named Yamada although in this day and age was more like a legend roson had actually read the book about the
legends of Yamato a while ago but the story is said to have taken place 200 years ago the man is glad to hear Bren has read the book because it turns out that he's the one who wrote it in the first place and everything described about the adventures of Yamato and his party is 100% true that means the dream the man was talking about earlier involves defeating Kaiser alpia and that's quite the challenging goal but it might bring broon a step closer to me someone as strong as him so he decides that he will make
it his mission to defeat Kaiser alpia as well with that the two formed the orchalcum fist party and as time went on strong people began to join just as Bron had hoped each of them had their own particular strengths but what brost sought was a person he could have a good old-fashioned fist fight with and none of them could do that for him that's what drove him to develop a training plan to help them achieve the required level of strength but maette took one look at it and told brost that there's no one on earth
who could survive a training routine like that Bron realized mazette was right so he gave up on his dream of having an equal fight but right now a man who can rival his strength is standing before him and he couldn't be happier Roston apologizes for interrupting their fight with his long story but Rick starts reflecting on all the time he spent training with brost what Bron really wants is a fist fight but so far Rick has been fighting using thread slashes and airshot Magic he recalls what brost told him about the quarter thumbs up tradition
among Orcs and how it means you will abandon all attempts at defense or evasion to focus solely on trading blows and though Rick may regret this later he extends his hand to give brost the quarter thumbs up brost is shocked when he sees this and internally Rick is apologizing to both himself and rinette because there's no chance he's going to win so he won't be able to go to the hot spring with rinette renette doesn't seem to mind though since she finds it sweet that Rick wants to make Bron's dream come true roson Returns the
quarter thumbs up and both he and Rick throw full force punches at each other's faces the force of their fight is so intense that is starting to destroy the barrier around the arena and it'd be terrible for everyone here if that happened so mazette asks Alice to help him out with a little bit of her magic Alice happily agrees to give him a boost while he cast his spell and once he has done everyone in the arena has been teleported away so they don't get caught up in the chaos that is about to unfold although
mazette left Kerwin here since he is strong enough to handle any Fallout Kerwin runs over and asks what happened so mazette explains that he just sent all the people outside so Rick and brost won't have to worry about causing fatalities soon after the barrier around the arena shatters and the force from Rick and Bron's punches have started creating many explosions in terms of number Rick has landed more punches but in terms of power Boston's punches are several levels stronger than Ricks are and it's starting to show since Rick is suffering a lot more damage than
broon is Rick lands in another punch but immediately after he gets knocked back by a punch from brost and he does a back flip into a face plant because of it as he struggles to get back to his feet Rick thinks back to his training and he refuses to let this fight end like this he charges at Bron again with a punch and Bron counters with a punch of his own so the Fight Continues they both connect with each other's faces and broon is starting to really enjoy this so he punches Rick into the wall
and accidentally destroyed a section of the stadium it looks like Rick is down count after that one and he can barely find the strength to move anymore he did pretty well considering the fact that he was up against brost so he believes he can go home and rest now since brost is probably satisfied however as he looks over at Bron he looks like he wants to keep going however Rick's body is so badly injured that he can only manage to move a finger Angelica thinks there's no way Rick can keep going after suffering an injury
like that but the others tell her that Rick isn't done yet because they've seen him in action before and he has a lot more left in the tank for broon this is just a fist fight and Rick knows he isn't strong enough yet to call himself an equal but that just means he has to pour out everything he's got to show his gratitude to proston Rick clenches his fists and a red Aura envelops his body as he activates his inborn skill Roston is absolutely shocked since he never expected Rick to be able to use it
and it turns out that it was a little secret among the other members of the party they helped give Rick special training without telling broon so now Rick is able to control his ability to an extent and he knows what the conditions to activate it are the activation condition is for Rick to be ready to exceed his limits against an opponent that is far stronger than him and the energy used to activate isn't Magic or physical strength it's the power of His will From This Moment onwards Rick is truly an equal to proston so things
are going to get a lot more interesting Rick charges at Bron and delivers with a punch several times more powerful than before and brost counters again but this time Rick isn't blown away and continues trading blows with him as Bron is fighting realizes that he has been looking at things the wrong way this entire time he found having a fight with someone on his level would make him feel less lonely but in truth brost hasn't been alone for a long time he realizes now that he has friends who are willing to go a long way
just to make him happy and that means a loot to him as the fight drags in both broson and Rick are beginning to run out of energy so their fatigue is taking a toll on them the next hit is going to be a deciding factor of this fight so brost and Rick both prepare every ounce of power they have in charge charge at each other before delivering one final headbutt the aftermath of the fight is visible for miles and once the dust has finally settled on the arena both Rick and bruson are still on their
feet although they are bloodied and bruised Rick laughs a little and compliments Bron on being truly incredible because even after throwing everything he has at him Rick still couldn't bring him down Rick then falls to the ground but broson tells him that he didn't lose since the only reason the fight ended like this was because Rick chose to honor brost's dream of an equal fist fight so he believes that if anyone is being declared the Victor then it would be Rick and soon after brost collapses from exhaustion as well a while later Rick wakes up
in the hospital and finds the Champion's belt on his chest with rionette sitting beside him Rick has been asleep for 3 days so the others were starting to get worried he might not wake up but then again the last time he used his skill he was asleep for a full week so his training must have been really effective Rick is glad he's all right but he wonders why he has the Champions belt since he clearly remembers numers going down before Bron at the end of their fight so that means brost won that may be true
but brost says he thinks Rick was the true Victor of that match so he wants him to have the belt Rick is happy to be acknowledged by Bron but the fact of the matter is that Bron is like a Dark Souls boss so he could have easily dropped a heal spell on himself and kept going with two more health bars he may have held his ground against brost during their fight but if he weren't limited to just his fists Rick knows he would have stood no chance Bron reassures Rick that he's inde deed strong and
he also thanks the others for everything they did to train Rick they'd all try to deny any involvement but Brasa knows they did this for him however Rick on the other hand had no idea that this was their intention so he is pretty surprised now that they got what they came here for brost takes the jewel out of the belt and asks reinette to bring over the jewel that she made to replace the real one as a Finishing Touch Alice uses some of her magic to charge up the jewel in order to make it even
harder to tell that it's fake and Angelica is just going to pretend she didn't see any of this just then Rick remembers something he was curious about so he asks Bron about Reinhard the man he met in his flashback if rehard is the same guy from The 200-year-old Legend Rick is curious about how he's still alive after all this time rosson doesn't know reinhard's exact age but he does know that reinhard's inborn skill is what keeps him from aging too much it's been a couple of years since brost last saw ranard so Rick wonders if
Reinhard is on some kind of important Mission but in reality he's just running away from his publisher because he is late on the deadline for one of his books later that night snake meets with Kerwin to tell him that both Rick and bruson have refused to become the new Champions and they've returned the belt so Kerwin is the next in line to receive the title however Kerwin really doesn't like the idea of becoming a champion again just because of some technicality the next morning everyone is getting ready to head home and Rick accidentally packed a
little too much food so they bought a carriage to transport it all Alice is sad that Angelica has to leave but she promises that she will come to visit especially since she wants Bron to train her Rick is shocked after hearing that Angelica wants to train under Bron and asks if she wants to die but by now Angelica is well aware that she's going to have to die a few times if she wants to get stronger and she's prepared to do whatever it takes she intends to catch up to Rick someday and even surpass him
and Rick is excited to see how strong she will become by the next time they meet Angelica asks if Rick intends to run back home and he does but it's almost 3,000 km away and Angelica doesn't believe he can make it that far Rick says he ran when he came here in the first place and it only took him 3 days but even if that's the case Angelica points out that the goods he bought are going to take several months to cross that Distance by horse so all the food will have gone bad by then
however Alice tells her that it's not going to be a problem with a little magic and maette then hits the horse with a dose of steroids magic so that thing's going to be traveling faster than a rocket now with everything set Rick is about to get going but rinette stops him and asks when they are going to go on a hot spring trip since they still have a DEC ided on a date Rick is flustered but he says he didn't win the match so he can't accept such a wonderful reward even though he wants to
mizette understands Rick's thought process since his fight with brost was basically a tie so he proposes a race back to the castle and if Rick wins he givs to go on the hot spring date with rette but if he loses he has to do 100 times the training Rick doesn't like the sound of that and tries to reduce the stakes to 10 times the training but before he finishes speaking maette and proston have already begun running and Rick follows them soon after because because he wants to take renette to the hotring and he really doesn't
want to have to do a 100 times the training this was the final episode subscribe for more anime Recaps
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