Disappearance of Breasia Terrell - 10-Year-Old Goes Missing | Prime Crime | A&E
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This episode of "Prime Crime with Jesse Weber" dives deep into the disappearance of Breasia Terrell....
Video Transcript:
on Prime crime cuz first I'm thinking like she ain't really missing once it really set in that can't nobody find her that's when he hit me a 10-year-old girl vanishes Without a Trace there are just an outpour of people that are instantly troubled by her absence it was something that we had never seen can mounting circumstantial evidence cracked the case you saw your sister I'm tired of people ask me you were the key to finding your sister you want to bring her home yep # bring BR [Music] home hey there everybody I'm Jesse Weber and welcome to Prime crime this is where we break down the most compelling and memorable True Crime cases from across the country it is a parent's worst nightmare a child disappears sending them World completely upside down and on July 10th 2020 in Davenport Iowa that is exactly what happened a 10-year-old girl suddenly goes missing in the middle of the night 911 emergency my uh daughter was there a night with my son's dad and my son and I had went into work and he had just called me and told me that he don't know how long she's been gone frantic mom Aisha Langford calls 9 111 to report her daughter briia Terell has disappeared she had been spending the night with her half brother 8-year-old Dell and his father 51-year-old Henry dinkin at the apartment of dinkin girlfriend Andrea culon he doesn't know how long she's been gone nor where she has where she's even going I hav even got a call from her anyone else Aisha arrives she still has her name tag on her her work uniform so she you know was coming from her job to come up and deal with this really troubling phone call that she received from Henry dinkin saying Bri is gone when investigators are first called to the scene they view this as a missing child they've got Henry dinkin and Aisha saying we don't know where she is and through bodyw warn camera we see these two people outside kind of yelling at each other and the officer there trying to keep the peace but also gather information your mom yes and Henry lives here yeah I guess so this is where he told me to come okay what's up Henry so this is your girlfriend's address here just a good friend this is crazy man this is like you know what I'm saying I know she hysterical big brother I think the most troubling component to this was the unknown we quickly learned that she was a small child she was somewhat hearing impaired and vision impaired this was one of the first times that briia stayed in this location where could she have gone if she doesn't know the area who have you called what doors have you knocked on I I I don't know these people out here at first I was riding around looking and then me and my son started riding around looking have we called family I've call everybody we've been everywhere we've been Aisha's emotional response I think is very typical my child was under your supervision and she's come up missing first of all she would have never woke up at 8:00 in the morning and she would have never you mean 8:00 in morning that ain't what I said I never guys guys this isn't the time to fight exactly I don't give a about you walking you lost her though how did I because you was watching her Henry what the do you mean but hey I'm gone sir come on D listen to me I'm G her anger at him for how he's handling this situation I think was very very warranted as a mother you're feeling very frantic your child's missing for Henry his attitude is kind of like why are you mad at me I I'm trying my best you guys got to come together right now this isn't a time to fight about it okay how am I supposed to what what do you want me to do I got no picture I got what do you want me to do what am I supposed to do know what I'm saying I can do I get it all I can do is look get it Henry I understand why she's upset but when I'm trying to help she can't run away from me and deal with the issu you got to keep a level head Mrdinkin sets forth the notion that she wandered off so then law enforcement familiarized thems with the child is this the type of child who is prone to do this is this a child who has a tendency to run off you guys never heard her come down walk out there's no forced entry or anything like that was there any fights or arguments or anything last night where was she sleeping us so she was sleeping in the bed with her brother and you guys slept out here miss Langford talked about relative to Bri Asia that is not my child my child doesn't wander off in the middle of the night she's scared of the dark and she won't go out in the dark do you know if the door was locked or anything door is always locked it may have been locked last night and she unlocked it but was the door locked when you now that part I cannot answer but then let's say the child came out and maybe there was a third party who might have taken that child it's a very methodical process where they're ruling out one possibility after another and every time they took steps to explore a possibility nothing developed nothing developed nothing developed ma'am you haven't seen a little little like 10-year-old black girl with long dreads walking around anywhere have you well my God I'll pray that she gets down and I'll be on the lookout yeah she will we'll find her they were doing a massive canvas in that whole area around that apartment complex ideally you will find somebody who witnessed or observed something and nobody saw anything there are just an outpour of people that are instantly troubled by her absence she was a very inspirational person within her groups of people and we saw that around this community from balloon launches to people assembling thousands of Flyers it was something that we had never seen with Bri Asia nowhere to be found investigators need to sit down with the last known person who saw her Henry dinkin but now he's fallen off the map they have their contact with officer burkel then he just Le leaves and he's just missing so law enforcement is inquiring where he's at Miss lenford keeps calling him Miss cers is calling him after several stressful hours police finally catch up with dinkin and he shows up at the station for questioning thinking you so long answer my phone call and text messages well I didn't see your phone call I just answered it just now did I you have any info for us what type of info like what like what as a prosecutor my opinion is that the only reason he presented was because he knew that if he didn't go down there it would be extremely suspicious I was going to come down man it just makes it easier we just can make contact with you right away just but I I was right there with the officer when he I call yeah but then you left because she left and it made me mad because she was you know basically blaming it all on me up next the clock is ticking and detectives need to get to the bottom of Bria Terrell's disappearance it's kind of obv because I never known Bri to ever leave ever you know what I'm saying never never ever ever leave I never it's was just [Music] odd anyone you can think of that would would try to take briia why for what reason I don't know I'm at getting you July 10th 2020 Davenport Iowa investigators are desperately searching for 10-year-old Bri Asia Terell Bri Asia and her half brother DL had been staying with the boy's father Henry dkin at his girlfriend Andrea culberson's apartment when Bri Asia vanished rasa's mother Aisha Langford is in hysterics over her daughter's disappearance I don't give a about you walking you lost her though how did I because you was watching her Henry what the do you mean detectives are questioning the last person believed to see Bri Asia Henry dinkin this is crazy man okay um so's let's start out with uh yesterday yesterday Li dink wanted to come with me okay L dink is my son your son I raised Bri Asia so free Asia are kind of what you consider your kids is that is that kid they my kids okay he's not you know what anyone would probably want to recognize as the very active father you know a provider but Henry dinkin was somebody that has been in their life since Bri Asia was a little child Henry dinkin is is somewhat transient he doesn't really have a home in which he stays in permanently he spends some time at his girlfriend's apartment and he also has a trailer close by in Davenport but we also know he has a criminal history convicted of sexual assault of a 5-year-old for when he was 17 years old when did you pick them up I mean uh I'm trying to stay cool right now me and Aisha uh I had seen them and they said they wanted to come and spend time with me I picked them up at Aisha's mom house and what car were you in when you picked them up um I don't remember I think it was the Impala I don't know we went to the house they started playing the games at the house and then they took their showers and then they got into bed you know me and Andrew laid down I got up I left when I came back I did a little look around I didn't see Bri I went and looked for Bri so seen Li dink in the bed he said he then jumped in the car kind of expanded his search around the neighborhood he comes back to the apartment goes back out searching when I came back Andrea was up she like what's wrong and then what did you tell her I didn't tell her nothing I was just like man right now I'm frustrated I'm looking I should have said something to her but I I assumed that she knew I'm like man something ain't right you know what I'm saying I I was freaking out a little bit if he's saying that he woke up and the child's gone what is any normal human being going to do they're going to call that child's mother right away what else are they going to do they're going to call law enforcement right away so when he's not reaching out that right there raises a big red flag when I came back I grabbed dink I text this Mom I'm like B's missing she's like stop playing with me you know what I'm saying stop stop playing with me Henry I'm like man no I'm not playing them for real she was like you're responsible you're responsible you know and it made me feel so bad because I am responsible you know what I mean mhm I was like lost I didn't know what to say to her I was I was lost for words I couldn't even talk to her really and she was yelling and ribbing first I'm thinking like she ain't really missing once it really set in that can't nobody find her that's when he hit me she's missing you now know that everybody knows that you're the last person with her and she's nowhere to be found did you have your phone then when you were looking for her or no no the phone wasn't even a a concern you know what I'm saying finding her was he a concern for sure investigators seem to be underwhelmed by dink's story but his strange reaction to this next question only casts more doubt would you be fine if we downloaded the phone to have the call logs and the text for what reason to to cooperate everything here I can just show you my phone I got you you know what I'm saying you want to see I can just show you my phone I mean I can just open up my phone and let you go on my phone what's uh passort to your phone just give me my phone and I and I'll open it up for you he seems to be very concerned about well what do you want to look into my cell phone for why do you want to find out where the car is that I was driving he seems to be both willing to give information deflecting when they get to certain points but also trying to befriend the officer why you looking at me and do my pass well that's that's that's why I asked no I I said I will open it for you I'm I'm not going to give you my password okay why why you still watching I going to open it down bro you know not not if you staring into me while I'm trying to get my number what I'm doing is I'm making sure that you're not going in dele anything that's what my concern why would I delete something you never know with guys trust me it happens it boils down to is this a man who's had a number of run-ins with the law and just doesn't trust them completely understandable or is he hiding the truth I don't understand how I got suspicious with my own kids man these are my kids we learned through this early season that cell phone data is not an immediate help to us we don't have any good information on that for those overnight hours and what was going on where is the car currently is is it's reachable reachable as in I can get it to you guys at any time if you want to search the car I can bring the car to search I received a phone call from a patrol officer that had located a vehicle that was known to be driven by Henry denin that vehicle was located in front of our library he parked two blocks away from the police station and walked up there and we have parking right in front of the building that seems like a concerted effort to conceal your vehicle you're breathing kind of heavy is that you're just thinking about my baby you know what I'm saying man it's like just it's rough bro it's rough even though she ain't my biological but she's still my baby what do you think happened big bro I don't even know I'm not going to even try to even put a finger on it I don't know there's a bunch of people right now with the Department going out there we're trying to do what we can I hope pray to God that they find my baby you know what me [Music] cuz we need our home mhm definitely we need our home y coming up Authority speak with another key witness DL Bri Asia's half brother all was bleaching in life did you ask him about that I was afraid he was going to stab me why were you afraid of your dad cuz he's me cuz he lost my sister could he be the key to cracking this whole [Music] case this is crazy man yeah I'm more hurt for Aisha I know she feels some type of way behind it she like Henry you should have had more of a watch I ain't never have to watch my kids like that July 2020 Davenport Iowa 10-year-old briia Terell disappears from a sleepover with her half brother DL at the apartment his father 51-year-old Henry dinkin shared with his then girlfriend Andrea Culberson after the girl's mother calls police to report her missing authorities set their sights on dinkin and they feel he knows more than he's letting on so investigators need to speak with someone else who was there the night briia disappeared DL your daddy picked you up last night and then what happened when Dad got there he told me to brush my teeth and then my sister came he said she don't mind if he come did she want to go with him okay my n told her don't go and she went where'd you go right after daddy picked you up he want to go get him some cigar and then we went to his girlfriend house DL he's very energetic he has a a wonderful mind and he remembers things from talking to his mom we know that he really idolized his father but deal also understands that his sister's missing and he is hurt by that what did you guys do last night played again and where were you playing that at in the living room okay who was in the living room with you Andrea where was your daddy in the room with Bri what was he doing in the room with Bri was he sleeping no was the door open yeah were you sad that he was playing with her and not you yep I met one of the things that I noted was the fact that his father was in the bedroom sitting with his sister rather than spending time with him in the living room I really felt that the observation had a lot of significance to what was going on what' you do after that we ate dinner and then we went to bed the I woke up and then she was gone did you go looking for her mhm me and my dad when he got back he told me he was L did your daddy drive you anywhere he went a couple places he went to go fishing with a couple people this morning yeah were you there yeah I was in the car did you actually see your dad with fishing pools or did he tell you he went fishing he told me to explain to a little kid that's got a million questions probably about where we going where are we going what are we doing if you're Henry denin and you know that you're going back to a body of water that's at least a logical thing but you know DL never talks about seeing fishing poles he never talks about going fishing he just was told he was going fishing that's when DL shares a shocking detail that sends detectives into a tail spin did you see your dad get anything out of the car he grabbed some bleach and what I saw in his trunk he pulled it out it was a knife and then he washed it off washed it off with what though uh some bleach and a w when detectives find the motor home and search it they do find a a squirt bottle of cleaner that contains bleach they find a machete and that seems to bolster The credibility of dl's memory do you know where you heat went fishing do you think think you could take me that way I don't remember that way what if I drove you down that way it's a long way that's okay I don't remember just a place that he got stuck he got stuck his car he needed another push was it by the river or by cre water this has got to be red flags just flapping in the air uh for investigators to say he must have stabbed her to death and he must have dumped her body by some body of water Detective orbert and detective hamus loaded him up in a car with Miss Langford and they said let's go for a drive I could not believe the child's like oh yeah this business here yeah we passed by this fast food place oh yeah no back up no we turned here as investigators continue to search for Bri Asia the pain of her disappearance is felt most by her friends and family there's behind the the scenes type stuff okay we're doing search warrants we're doing paying the phones okay obviously Henry a't talking everybody is working on it okay it doesn't end okay I know but it's 9:31 and I haven't heard from her not okay I can't go to sleep with d like what the 930 and she's Nowhere In This Moment you see the breakdown of this mother who is completely torn by the fact that she will not be able to see her daughter before she lays her head down at night we're not stop and looking for your baby okay I can't go to sleep without knowing she's okay I have not heard from [Music] her all me I would do anything why my baby why over a period of time it starts to set in that this might not be a missing child case and so investigators have to reposition the way they're thinking the case goes from where could have Basia have gone to where is her body detectives still need more evidence to tie dinkin to bria's disappearance nearly 2 weeks after dl's sister went missing investigators meet with the 8-year-old once again so you know you're safe from your daddy right yes do you know that everyone just wants to find where Bri is Right including you right yep let's talk about after dinner what happened after dinner we had to go to bed so you locked the front door before you went to bed yep so then what happened I woke up he kicked me oh and then I know that him and Bri was walking down the stairs was it light outside or dark outside light and how do you know it was him and Brie cuz I heard Bri voice where were you when you heard her voice in the bedroom in peing why were you peeking was there something going on that you make sure he wasn't doing anything to my sister was he doing anything to your sister no we now have an eyewitness to Mrdinkin being responsible for removing briia from the apartment which would counter Mrdinkin statements to law enforcement did your dad tell you not to say anything about something I can you tell me what you're dad didn't want you to say he's nothing why are you getting mad at me I'm not well you are did your daddy say anything about the trailer he told me don't tell yall where the trailer's at why did you not want us to know about it cuz he was afraid he said if you tell anybody that I got a uh trailer I'm going to tell you up they started pulling video surveillance footage we are able to start to put together a timeline he leaves at 3:30 he stopped at the quick shop to get gas in the early morning hours he parks at the furthest gas pump we see him go into the convenience store and he kept looking back out into the parking lot as if he's monitoring what's going on in the car he arrives back at the apartment right after Sunrise he gathers DL and he leaves who have Ved you tell me a place where he got stuck there was dirt and he had a go he talks about some fishermen had helped push him out of the mud when we find the location of Henry dink's motor home it is by Credit Island Park it has a Causeway that goes out to the island there is also an overflow lagoon area where's the first place you guys went we went to go look for her then and then he called where did you go look for her everywhere why don't you to tell me where he took you we get limited phone ping from the commanche Iowa cell phone tower in relation to Davenport Iowa it's in a whole another County keep in mind during that time is when Henry dinkin was out looking everywhere for her I've seen you places with your dad so I kind of know where you went do you remember your dad taking you to any type of store know with that cell phone hitting there that took law enforcement to the store where we got video we have him buying Clorox at the Clinton Walmart he gets there a little before 700 a. m. in the morning I'm just making sure I get this right you saw your sister I'm tired of people ask me you are the key to fighting your sister you want to bring her home yep # bring bring home when we return what really happened to Bria Terell they've got to figure out where her body is because her body will give them all of the information as to what happened to her what she murdered could this have been an [Music] accident I know I blames me because I should had more watch on I know my baby mama is like furious at me like I never seen her that's mad at me ever but she got reasons Iowa investigators suspect sex offender Henry dkin had something to do with the July 2020 disappearance of 10-year-old Bri Asia Terell his son dl's half sister but a discovery 8 months into the investigation will change everything the dport police department was contacted by the Clinton County Sheriff's Department in regarding to the discovery of human remains near DT in March of 2021 a group of fishermen stumbled across a skull there would have been so much overgrowth that no one could barely even see the Pond yet alone a body but after the winter that's when this very horrific Discovery was made an autopsy on the remains was conducted we've received confirmation that the uh remain are those of briia Terell DL had talked about how his father had gone to an area where it was wooded and there was water there's a place called Kunal Implement that's out um by the area of this Pond and that child described it and he was right on the money she shot in her the lower part of her jaw and then a bullet traveled down a couple of her vertebrae in her spine and then a bullet went through her right shoulder and then another bullet likely grazed off of it and then you can picture what you think a monster looks like because a monster shot this little girl in the face after they found her body Miss lenford said that she went out there and she just felt the presence of her daughter putting her arms around her and saying mommy you found me I'm here everything's okay now now detectives need to put the rest of the pieces of the puzzle together we had surveillance of him at different locations in his car one of which was the quickstop gas station that puts him in a certain location with briia cuz they believe her to be inside the car at the time almost simultaneously investigators get another huge break we got a phone call that you had some information that you wanted to share with us tell me everything that you can possibly remember my buddy was asking me that cuz I was over at his house last night I said you know what's weird about them finding that body up there or whatever I said last fall I said I can't remember the date I said I pulled the black man out of the ditch here in the morning like 4:30 in the morning law enforcement does find one witness they believe can place Henry dingin in the area of the murder what color was the car I'm almost POS it was man I can guarantee it was an Ella so I got on the fourl and it went about a half mile around the corner and black man jumped out in the road in front of me and weighed his arms he said he was stuck in the ditch and ask if I can pull him out so he got in my truck I took him down about another half mile and there I seen his car in the ditch and it was towards the south end of that pond his trunk was facing he was skewed just a little bit off the edge of the dish that was a critical piece of evidence because we had the chunks of mud that got caught up underneath the undercarriage of the vehicle that later then identified as being inclusive to soil samples that were collected from that area after her body was discovered I just SP around and backed up to him I pulled him out I asked him what the hell he was doing up here yeah said made a wrong turn was there someone else in charge no this morning Henry Earl denkin was charged in the death of 11-year-old Bri Asia Terell murder first degree kidnapping first degree all the evidence seems to add up to the chilling conclusion that Henry dingens killed briia Terell but why there was the belief that she was sexually abused and that's why she was murdered but the sex abuse offense was not charged because of the state of decomposition there was no ability to be able to recover any type of DNA evidence in August 2023 Henry dingens is set to go to trial in front of a jury but instead he makes a surprising move we were in there early that morning and waiting for the clerks to you know call in all the jurors one of the Court attendants comes up she said Miss Cunningham defense Council needs to talk to you Mrfree said Mrdinkin wants to wave jury trial and I said what every person facing a criminal charge has the right to be Tried by a jury of their peers but that right can also be waved and they can ask for a bench trial the jury would probably hear that sex offender status and not think of anything else with the case now being decided by the judge the trial of Henry denin begins it was a normal evening when Miss culson went to sleep she knew of MrDeens was there in the living room on the couch at 3:00 a.
m. in the morning she woke up MrD was wasn't there and Bri Asia wasn't there now at 3:30 a. m.