UNSTOPPABLE - Best David Goggins, Jocko Willink, and Eric Thomas Motivational Compilation Ever

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UNSTOPPABLE - Best David Goggins, Jocko Willink and Eric Thomas Motivational Compilation Ever 👉 Da...
Video Transcript:
what's stopping you are you too tired didn't get enough sleep don't have enough energy don't have enough time is that what's stopping you right now don't have enough money is that the thing or is the thing that's stopping you you have control over your mind you just have to assert it you have to decide that you are going to be in control that you are going to do what you want to do weakness doesn't to vote laziest doesn't get a vote everyone wants some life hack that eliminates the need to do the work but that
does not exist no you have to do the work you've got to hold the line you've got to make it happen some of you just don't understand some of you've been average for so damn long you don't know what it is to do hard work but there's a lot of you out there we want to be much more than Africa but just don't know how to do it every single day The Grind he didn't find someone to order oil those [ __ ] gears up now check it out this is a mindset maybe it's true
maybe it's not but there's a [ __ ] out there who wants you to have who wants the position you are who wants the job you have who wants the wife that you have or the husband and someone out there hungry and wants everything you [ __ ] have maybe it's true maybe it's not but if it is it's gonna be your ass so make that a motivation for you stay hard if you're going to be successful in life you got to understand that there is a sense of urgency that there are only 86 000
400 seconds in a day and you gotta not only operate them you gotta do it quick you got to do it fast you got to do it in a hurry wow because there's somebody else who's on the same track you are somebody else they're on the same path that you are it's somebody else just like you trying to do it and sometimes they're working just as hard as you're working they're putting in just as much sweat just as much tears just as much blood but you just gotta do it what you gotta do it faster
than they do it you got to do it quicker [ __ ] you listen to what I'm saying pick up the pace you're walking too slow pick up the face you're moving too slow pick up the place if you want to finish some time who can't just finish you gotta finish Fast you don't have as much time as you think you do you master the present that's why I wake up at three o'clock in the morning because if you getting up at six you might be smarter than me you hear me you might you might
have more privilege I mean you might you might have more resources than me you might but I'm gonna get up earlier than you and I'm gonna do it quicker than you do it I'm gonna do it faster you do it so by the time you get up put all your privilege by the time you get up with all your stuff I've already finished the race there's always someone out there working harder than you I'm haunted by that [ __ ] knowing that that's someone out there that's willing to forgo personal desires and Comforts him for
go to sleep for whatever it takes to be better to be the best in life a lot of times a lot of us have that person out there you may not be a name or a face to him but he exists you make sure in life when you think about that person you make sure they put a name in your face to it if you raise your name and face is yours [Music] we're all human you make sure you remember one thing all those times hours of games you sacrifice for your best stay hard the
battle the battle is actually in your head you're not gonna hear noises you're not gonna hear gunfighter not gonna hear any explosions it's not that kind of battle what's in your head is weakness and laziness and they're not attacking they're sneaking around they're poisoning strength in your brain all you have to do to kill procrastination is to start you just go and procrastination dies so don't wonder how you overcome procrastination it's easy all you do to overcome procrastination is go what the [ __ ] are you waiting on we sleep one third of our [
__ ] lives and we think we can take [ __ ] days off we think we have the right to sit back and give ourselves [ __ ] options on which way we're gonna go in life am I gonna run today it might go work out today well it's my birthday you think time gives a [ __ ] that's your birthday you give me some too many [ __ ] options let me tell you one thing time is running out keep on sitting around wondering what the [ __ ] you want to do just give
it our time so make sure you do one thing stop following the [ __ ] crowd they may take time off but you can't afford to life was always giving you a test trying to give you a way out trying to give you the excuse not to show up you gotta have the mentality to show up every [ __ ] day of your life about what life throws at you it's our responsibility result to the Coliseum of Life prepare for [ __ ] battle I don't care what you're going through with life thrown at you
it's your responsibility to find your new hundred percent take it upon yourself to do that stay hard where you trying to go you might have to give off some friends you might have to give off some opportunity you might have to give out some stuff to go from good to great and everybody talk that talk everybody talk about going to the next level everybody's talking it and two is time to pay up and when it's time to pay there are people who not willing to pay you're gonna have to sacrifice some sleep to get this
one you can't get up at the same time you're gonna have to sacrifice some friendship to get to this one you're gonna have to sacrifice some entertainment to get to this one and the only way you prove to yourself that you really want it is that you no longer hit the snooze button you no longer lose focus when you're studying you no longer take shortcuts you're no longer playing games you are willing to do whatever it takes I'll do whatever it takes to get to that milestone [Music] what happens is the quitting mine comes in
we have to find our new Norm you gotta create that new Norm that have to be your lifestyle you are the master of your own mind create that masterpiece you proud of yourself at the very end of it all you gotta change your mindset to know my whole job now is at four o'clock in the morning I get the [ __ ] kicked out of me it's important for us to stay hungry yeah 100 changes your mentality you go from being domesticated you being the Savage go out there and start [ __ ] walking put
some shoes on start running go to the gym do the elliptical trainer it's not rocket science a lot of folks talk about over training you gotta train first before you can over train better stop looking for a short short let your alarm clock find your destiny explain your guts and your passion and your drive and finding your will every day is a new day a new week a new shot at life an opportunity to come out of that gate like a man possessed and attacked the day without Mercy today I'm taking Scouts I'm putting the
pressure on I am the aggressor I am on the attack I will not stop Champions are focused on the goal they don't have time to be doing stuff that's not going to help them toward the goal so all of the stuff you talking about all the little social media cut it off do what you supposed to do you ain't no boy no more get off social media it's it's up Netflix only watching watch you cut that dog on football game up it ain't do enough for you they making millions you not more snow comes to
you when you execute son there's so many times in life you don't want to be doing what the [ __ ] you're doing you can't just [ __ ] quit remember this it's in the hobby it's in the [ __ ] joke it's a [ __ ] lifestyle so what you say to yourself is important there's no [ __ ] cause there's no training to keep you going it's only you the whole thing is this don't say a word stay uncommon amongst uncommon people you're never done don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done
stay hard it is the process of the grind that shaped you and forms you is not the game and that's why most of y'all get beat in the game or make mistakes in the game because you think grinding is what happens when the sun comes out you think Brothers will happen when the lights come on you think Brian is what happened with people getting the stage that's not grind the real grind is in the dark when nobody sees you when nobody knows what you're doing when you're studying with our coach when you putting in those
extra reps when you're watching those videos and you getting inspired when you change your music the process that makes you sweet you can't be average in the election you can't be good and be less you can't be great really and be a legend you got to be phenomenal I want you to push for legend every single day of my life I feel like giving 100 every single day I don't have days where I don't feel like it why because I'm counting on me my wife's counting on me my songs counting on me I don't have
days to waste you gotta get up earlier you gotta stay up later you gotta execute and you've got to go from 70. it's not enough you made to the NFL be the [ __ ] MVP if not enough you ready 5K win a 10K if that nothing became a doctor be a better doctor it's not enough to lost 50 pounds go out there and do something with it stay [ __ ] hard go get some [Music] if you want it you will find time in your life to do it if you don't want it you
will continue to do exactly right now give me excuses you can make up every excuse on why you can't do it and that's why I can't connect with you that's why you hear the passion come out of me and you want to say it's anger no because I know it can be done and you're telling me on why it can't be done and then what you do is he's crazy he's an academy no you don't want it bad enough if you want it bad enough you will figure out how to make this [ __ ]
happen people don't want to go in deep man all the answer inside of you it's a very primitive weight it's it's very Barbarian it's how we all think it's how it's it's how a man once walked the Earth and then we get all soft the most powerful thing we have is our [ __ ] brain it's our mind and we don't use it anymore What Separates Me From A lot of people is they go into an a daunting task and the task is overwhelming you have to be open-minded to the possibilities that I can do
this once you shut your mind down to the possibility that it can be achieved there's no way it can happen I know that if you're in a fight you have to attack you have to keep attacking the enemy has to know he is not going to give up you must break the soul or whatever the [ __ ] is in front of you that's what I realized I was never breaking the soul of anything in front of me if you keep on attacking something nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is relentless nothing
stop running from it and run to it stop telling me what you're going through the greats they get to it they go through it and the harder it is the better make it work let's go you are not where you want to be not because you need any more gifts you don't need nothing else you need to discipline yourself you need to learn to tell you no you keep talking about everybody else you can't tell no you can't tell you no you can't tell you stop you can't tell you quit you gotta get to a
point where you're disciplined and you need to learn to check yourself and I want you to say the reason I'm not amazing yet because I hit the snooze button that's why I'm not amazing right now the reason why I'm not amazing right now is because I couldn't get up early enough because I told myself I'm not an early person I'm not amazing because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing to be amazing stop rationalizing to stop making excuses stop giving yourself a little watered-down assessments of where you're really at tell yourself the truth
are you making yourself better are you making yourself worse are you moving forward or are you moving back are you making progress or are you stagnating make a decision yes or no are you going to work out today yes or no are you going to win yes or no don't allow for any gray area in there get rid of it and you know the right decision to make so go and make it what the hell we all waiting for start attacking life waiting for the [ __ ] stars to align there is no perfect time
to start you gotta start now with changing your life we're all being tested in life and guess what this one test you can't cheat on you gotta do your best work for your least motivated so those days you don't want to do it guess what you gotta do you gotta second the [ __ ] up to do it stay hard foreign you know sometimes you get that feeling in life that things aren't going my way you hear people say that things aren't going my way right now and you know when I hear somebody say that
I I say back to him listen just don't go your way that's not the way the world works you gotta make them go your way you think things are gonna just happen for you whether or not just gonna happen for you you gotta make them happen each Monday go make things happen there's so many times in life you don't want to be doing what the [ __ ] you're doing you can't just [ __ ] quit remember this it's in the hobby it's in the [ __ ] joke it's a [ __ ] lifestyle so
what are you saying to yourself is important there's no [ __ ] coach there's no trainer to keep you going it's only you the whole thing is this don't say a word stay uncommon amongst uncommon people you're never done don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done stay hard tomorrow doesn't work you do it today get it done today that's what you do people spend time waiting for when the time is going to be right we're waiting for the pieces to fall into place they're waiting for the planets to align they're waiting for everything
to be all set it's not gonna happen you want to know when the time is right the time is right now [Music] you cannot stop while you could be working while you could be further along the road you're sitting there contemplate like you're sitting there moaning about it you're sitting there complaining about it you gotta work get your life in your hands like flat out take responsibility it's time to take ownership take ownership of your life take ownership of your time take ownership of your day tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ain't no such thing as tomorrow we
only got today rise up and aggressively move forward down the path get yourself in the game shut down all those pathetic excuses and get after it you control your feelings don't nobody else control your feelings when you tell me I ain't feeling it no more you don't got nothing to do with something external it's some internal that you ain't pushing no more you push you you gotta move you every single day if you get to a point of your day and you down and out if you get to a point of your day and you
exhausted you'll get to a point of your day you're not feeling it you can stop right there and change the moves nothing controls you you control your feelings you control your mood somebody control your move you saw something threw you off well see something that throw you back on what the hell we all waiting for start attacking life waiting for the [ __ ] stars to align there is no perfect time to start you gotta start now with changing your life we're all being tested in life and guess what this one test you can't cheat
on you gotta do your best work when you're at least motivated so those days you know when to do it guess what you gotta do you gotta suck it the [ __ ] up to do it stay hard life was the most brutal endurance sport of all time and that's what we have to love about it and love the fact that life continues to attack us there are no timeouts you can't just go like in a important event when the coach doesn't like something called time out you have to be that person who's always prepared
look inside yourself stop looking at me and other people out here to be the hero of your story this is time for you right now to get to know who you are as a person be alone with yourself knowing one thing in life we are all very fragile in this world we have to know that when we die we die with some meaning and some purpose in this world my glory doesn't happen in front of a crowd it doesn't happen in a stadium or on a stage there are no medals handed out it happens in
the darkness of the early morning in solitude where I try and I tried and I try again with every thing I have to be the best that I can possibly be better than I was yesterday Better Than People thought I could be better than I thought I could be then claim one victory that no one can ever take away from me ever and a victory that is earned every single day a victory of determination that will and discipline Victory achieved because I will not stop when you become a Savage is in isolation when you train
for a big MMA fight or just a boxing match you don't stay outside of isolation you go in isolation your mind changes that's when your focus changes your dedication changes don't use this time to [ __ ] up your mind using use the grain strength gain Focus isolation is the key to strengthen your mind come on to Savage some of y'all so caught up on the game that you don't get it it is in practicing it isn't eating right it isn't making good decisions that you look a certain way it is how you practice it
is what you do that makes you look like you look it is the process of the grind that shapes you and informs you is not the game and that's why most of y'all get beat in the cave or make mistakes in the game because you think Brian is what happens when the sun comes out you think Brothers will happen when the lights come on you think Ryan is what happened when people get in the stage that's not crime the real grind is in the dark when nobody sees you when nobody knows what you're doing when
you studying without coach when you putting in those extra rest when you watching those videos and you getting inspired when you change your music it's the process that makes you sweet and the problem with some of y'all is you want somebody else to support your dream it's yours if you wanted to have it meet your butt up and make it happen if we wanted to have it rise and grind it's a hard journey it's a real journey it's a journey that's gonna take you way outside of being comfortable Gekko into that [ __ ] hell
hole of life that you have that [ __ ] you up and fix it Little voices in your head and you know what they're saying they're saying it's okay we've done enough take a little rest it's fine you can take the day off you don't need to go hard that's what those little voices but we've got another voice in your head that's asking you a question it's asking you what could you be what could you be what could you be if you worked as hard as you could what could you be if you opposed real
discipline in your life what could you be I said you crank up the volume on that voice crank up the volume on that question Max it out make the decision yes or no are you going to work out today yes or no are you going to win yes or no don't allow for any gray area in there get rid of the debate but you know the right decision to make so go and make it you know what's so funny we want people to make guarantees to us but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves
so like that you're guarantee 30-day guarantee in 30 days if you don't make what they told you was gonna make you got an attitude you want your money back but you never demanded your money back from yourself you've never looked at yourself in the mirror and said you let you die you keep saying you ain't on the next level because the economy you keep saying you're in the next level because it ain't a season you keep saying you ain't in the next level because the opportunity the truth of the matter is that you ain't here
because you ain't dead have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said I'm not getting up on time I'm not going to work on time I'm not putting in 120 when I'm at work I let me down and there's some of you you know what you want but you are not partially willing to do the work it takes to get it what you're trying to do is do what you've done on this level and get the next level you like I'm getting up every day I'm putting in two and a half I'm putting
in three and I'm not getting the opportunity the opportunity might require getting up and working out three and a half it might require you saying no to your friend it might require you changing your diet it might require you moving to another city whatever it takes you got to be willing to do it and you keep saying you're not there because of something else because it's easier to blame somebody else that's the problem with some of you you always want to hold other people to the fire but you're not holding yourself to the fire he'll
owe you an explanation you owe you an explanation you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50 what's wrong with you you need to put your staff on punishment you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more desserts no more alcohol no more no we working out now you need to tell you that you owe you something so we we live in a world that we want to be as comfortable as we can and we wonder why we have no growth we wonder why
when the smallest thing in our life gets difficult we wonder why we cower and we run away because we are kind of living our I mean our whole life is set that way our whole life is a set set up in in the path of least resistance we don't want to suffer we don't want to feel discomfort so the whole time we're living our lives in a very comfortable area there's no growth in that you will never learn from people if we always tap dance around the truth stop rationalizing stop making excuses stop doing yourself
a little water down assessments of where you're really at tell yourself the truth or you making yourself better are you making yourself worse are you even forward or are you moving back you are getting it any closer to your Five-Year Plan or your three-year plan or your seven year plan or any plan that you've got unless you get up and start getting accurate there are no excuses you cannot to success you got a word for her you gotta breathe it you gotta sleep and you gotta eat it you gotta put forth 120 I didn't get
here making excuses I stopped being a victim I stopped saying I've gotta wait for good things to happen to me and I said I'm gonna cry I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim [Music]
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