I think 98% of creators that you see on the internet are all fake they're all building a lie they've lied to themselves they've lied to you and you're bought into it and you know what I always think every Creator that's out there is one or two bad PR Pieces away from going to jail for lying for fraud or being sued in court I'm going to tell you right now with some apologies in advance cuz I'm firing some shots and there's more in the chamber here you have been saying that the thesis of personal branding is
self-discovered and I quote you personal branding for me is a process of discovering who you are and getting in touch with that and healing from trauma that we don't even understand we have it sounds like for you it's not Str huh hold on hold on yeah you said that that's what I'm saying you said that you better show me that where we got your personal branding for me is a process of discovering who you are and getting in touch with that and healing from this trauma that we feel like we don't even understand that we
have it sounds pry good go so for you it's clearly not a strategy just to get more clients expand your marketing but a deeper process of self-discovery I want to know from you your personal experience how did you come to this realization you personally I don't think we should pursue personal branding if you believe in the thesis to get clients at all this is the wrong thing to do and it kind of ties closely to my perspective on why we post content on social media almost everybody that I know posts content on social media as
a thinly disguised advertisement for their business for their services and products it just kind of makes us all cringe like why are you posting that and and even if you lead with 80% value and at that last little 20% you're kind of asking for something you kind of burn all the Goodwill so I'm really a big believer or proponent for this generosity kind of marketing where you just give lots and lots of value and when you're ready to ask just ask you don't have to worry about hiding in something we would have to use this
Trojan Horse concept I think 98% of creators that you see on the internet are all fake they're all fake they're all building a lie they've lied to themselves they've lied to you and you're bought into it think about all let's just talk about guys for a second guys are attracted to success the trappings and the symbolisms and the signals of success so if you you are a guy and you're hanging out with hot women or you drive a fancy car or you're flying in jet or helicopter living in exotic locations that is so less to
me that is just like I'm I don't know who the hell I am so I'm going to surround myself with all let's just call them props so that you can see in these props that I'm successful in somebody worth following and furthermore what we do is we leverage social proof so we think well what did this person do such that they're next to somebody that I really look up to and like someone who has genuine Authority and thought leadership and so they keep doing this and so we package things up there's a whole industry that's
set up that is designed for you to pay so that you can have a photo next to someone famous somebody who is famous who's accomplished a lot understands the value of their personal brand and their image or likeness such that they'll say if you pay me 200 Grand I'll show up to your event I'll take pictures with whoever you want then that person sells each one of their tickets at 10 grand and then takes on some risk but then this is what they do they're in a nice location you take a photograph and that's what
they're trading on nothing to do with the soul there and if we say like if we zoom out how many people that are famous do you really know their soul let's take another person for example the biggest Creator on YouTube is none other than Jimmy Mr Beast we know a personality we know a persona but I don't know who Jimmy is I don't know if Jimmy Jimmy believes in anything because he doesn't ever talk about it and now it's come to light there's some sketchy things going on with him allegedly and I don't really know
all that stuff but all of a sudden people are like a little bit shocked like I'm not shocked I don't know anything about him he makes entertaining videos mostly for younger audiences to watch that are very like endorphin hooking he understands all the hooks how to set up the thumbnail and to do mini hangers and to build to Crescendo and have outrageous big responses to things and he keeps doing that he's very successful at that I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the soul the Creator and if you go down the list of people
that you follow tell me how many people you think of that list that you're attracted to their soul I think we say that but we really don't mean that that's my counterargument what do you think no that's a good counter argument for me outside of taking it literally the soul of the Creator I feel like there needs to be a position not not I feel like I I believe the creators that work the best particularly on social whether it's a facade that they're portraying or whether it's their truth have a level of conviction around what
it is that they're doing for example there is this um Creator who would always talk about relationship advice he was very very very popular in his community the people that loved him primarily the people that loved him were women because the way he was talking was very empathetic very vulnerable in touch with his feelings this guy I don't remember the guy's name but like this guy it comes out like 3 4 years into his journey that he cheated on his lady I know who you're talking about you know what I'm talking about and he got
blasted and then the tables turned but when he was doing it right it was very it it was very believable now one might argue that he's a con artist even after he cheated on his significant other he continued to make the same content he still has an audience they still comment it's very interesting to me nonetheless my argument is there has to be whether it's your actual Soul whe there has to be something behind what you're saying you cannot just be the person reading something to a degree believe whether in the facade You're Building or
in the truth that you're convicted that's that's how I feel I know of a lot of people it's like they always say be careful of meeting your Heroes because they're bound to let you down because who they say they are they are not and that's problematic I'm not saying 98% of people are fake but 98% of the people online are completely fake and I'll tell you what's happening when we're building our companies we like to edit for sensationalism or for convenience of knowing who they are there are certain health and fitness gurus who purportedly sold
a companies for a certain dollar amount but they didn't actually sell their company for that amount they sold it for a portion of that amount therefore valuating it at a certain price and then they just claim that's what I sold it for and if you actually read their own story told by themselves at the end of the book you'll see that they didn't actually sell it for that amount but who really cares because that number sounds really sexy it sounds great and you know what I always think every Creator that's out there is one or
two bad PR Pieces away from going to jail for lying for fraud or being sued in court it's because people feel the need to put on a certain Persona to be accepted to be liked to be respected and admired and I'm just sick of it I'm going to tell right now with some apologies in advance cuz I'm firing some shots and there's more in the chamber here and I just tell you right now I see lots of people either posting content on social or speaking on stages writing books on this thing about personal branding I
think they know nothing about personal branding personal branding has become a cultural Zite guys it's become like a word lightning rod that if you use all of a sudden everything you say has more gravitas cuz it's very attractive to everybody few of us can build a brand all of us have a personal brand so they're using this new label to put lipstick on a pig they're teaching you about how to do marketing funnels sales strategies on how to position things in a marketing sense and I say it's all hogwash cuz who the hell are you
you're just packaging things up call it packaging I'm okay with that and this is why I say in in the Church of personal branding I am the blasphemer I am the Antichrist because I don't believe in any of this stuff because how can you go around telling people who you are and you've got a strong personal brand when you don't know who you are and you don't know what makes you you that you still have unresolved childhood trauma that you're reacting and responding to things in a way to to mask your insecurities in and the
hurt that you felt and I I feel bad for you so I almost look at it like this you know bullies are not very confident people they always say bullies are very confident they're not at all they're insecure broken human beings and the way they heal themselves is to put other people down so anytime you're around people who unnecessarily put other people down and cast judgment on them they are one really broken person most people get pissed off when they see a bully like that I just feel really bad for them because somebody important to
them somebody that they care about and look up to needs to just give them a freaking hug and say you know what you're okay I accept you you don't have to be anymore to be loved by me and you are worthy of being loved and I love you and if they did that they' probably be less violence in the world there' be fewer Wars and people don't go around trying to medicate or self-medicate by having more props more Jets more bank accounts whatever it is they're trying to do cuz that is a bottomless pit you'll
never find the bottom of that the fact of the matter is the most of the people that have a large social following are still broken themselves don't know who they are haven't done deep inner work I'm not saying all that's why I say 98% there's a 2% there that I'm like you're real real and I like you and I like to hang out with you and talk to you but they're not flashy and they don't have a large social following you know because they don't do all the things that you need to do in this
kind of short attention span culture that's driven by the algorithm they just don't care you know the Dal Lama created content and saguru created content they don't care if they have millions of followers they're probably not even doing the work themselves they just don't care they they just are who they are are and that's the thing it's like the thing that I want people to understand about personal branding is when you show up as you in all your glory the things that you're proud to tell people about your accomplishments and the the hard work or
the perseverance you've had the things you've had to overcome as a human being and you talk about things you want no one to hear about the things that you would be embarrassed that people talked about then now for the first time I think you're starting to show up as a real person [Music]