23 is about to come and we are gonna get confident right now right here hi guys my name is this and welcome back to my channel let's get right into it first things first I want you to create a would you buy it mentality what do I mean by this would you buy it mentality is basically when you are a business owner and you're selling a product uh or you're selling a service that product and service has to be so good to you right that you would even buy it yourself because if you would buy
it yourself you can sell that thing with conviction and people are much more likely to buy it and actually feel some authenticity in what yourselves you to create this mentality about yourself look at yourself and think like would I date myself yeah because at the end of the day if we really become comfortable with ourselves if we really work on ourselves if we become self-aware about our pros and cons we can become a person that is attractive to ourselves and other people will be attracted to that when you would date yourself when you can literally
look at somebody like I would date myself I literally think that I am an amazing human being other people will feel the same way focus on what you can control so your self-talk your words how you talk about yourself how you talk about other people your attitude towards life is it uh oh no I'm the victim or you know what I'm gonna fix this I do not see problems I see Solutions look at on social media are you looking at things that make you insecure and that make you compare yourself or are you looking at
things that can educate you where you can learn new skills the people that lift you up make you feel more positive foods you eat what you put inside of your body um if you constantly eat fast food processed foods that make you feel sluggish and bad about yourself or if you actually want to put good nutrients inside of your body because you care about this vessel your boundaries How firm Are you on them how how do you allow people to treat you are you serious about them you can't have boundaries but not be serious about
them if you say for example right this is my boundary I do not like it when you do this to me but then that person does that and you just allow them to do it then okay you're not serious about your boundary so that person is also not going to be serious about your boundaries do not focus on things you cannot control like um your past your past doesn't exist the past is literally not there it's only a thought in your head it does not exist that's it um your future you also don't control your
future we do not know what is going to happen we can try our best to make it the best possible outcome but at the end of the day we do not know what is going to happen other people's beliefs other people's opinions who cares literally who cares about them like it's about you you are the main character of your life so start acting like it other people say or think about you you know my mom she said this to me me there was a thing and she said Liz you can go live flat on the
ground for people to walk all over you and those people will start complaining that you're not flat enough it's true people you cannot control them not their beliefs not their thinking not it's none of your business what other people think about you is none of your business confidence it's about knowing who you are right um if you do not know who you are or have to Define yourself focus on who you are not I for example I know that I am not a eventual person so I'm I'm the opposite like I forgive I do not
forget but I forgive people I know that I'm not a lazy person I know that if I want something I will work for it I'll have the discipline to work for it and actually get what I want or that I'm not an uneducated person I like educating myself I like learning new skills I like listening to other people's opinions and other people's beliefs I like always making my mind bigger and bigger and more open to new things take a paper and write down who am I not and that way you can become more self-aware of
yourself what you can also do is go on Pinterest and look up Shadow work questions Shadow work is basically trying to figure out who you are and and it relates to Childhood you'll see all these questions pop up write them down and um answer the questions for yourself so you can create that connection with your create routines see why school why we are in school is so amazing is because we have a routine we wake up at a certain time we have to go to school then in school we have this less then we have
uh break whatever and it's a whole routine our lives are based on routines but then when we get out of school we're left out and like adulthood and we don't know what to do so now it's for us to decide what do we do but in order to make your life more structured you need to create new routines for yourself for example I wake up I like to go to yoga um I like to go um walk around and I like to do a gratitude meditation I like to do my skincare I like to shower
myself that is routine for me and then I also have a nighttime nighttime routine before I go to bed right so I have routines a meeting when I wake up because it sets me up for a really organized day obviously you won't feel like um doing this every single day I have days where I don't follow my routines or something happens you can never predict things um this is okay right but I have the basis of what my routine is so even if I don't feel like it I can kind of know what I'm going
to do the next day because I have a base routine get your money up not your funny up listen if you are out of a job right now just go find a job anywhere anything literally the one thing I have always done in my life is I have worked because I wanted money I do not feel confident in myself if I don't have money because I I like I can't I can't even go out with my friends I'm not the kind of person I will allow my friends just to pay for me and stuff no
I will stay home literally if I have no money because I do not want to go out and then my constantly paying for me um so I I see confidence in my successes I see confidence in um the fact that I have a job I have money it doesn't matter what kind of job you have okay it doesn't have to be your career job whatever something to make you money I literally cleaned toilets and I was 12 I would literally buy like waffles in a whole pack right and I would sell like one waffle door
to door I was like decorate it and I would sell it door to door for like hours and hours on end like knocking on every single door and I would make money that way I will always focus on like trying to create money for myself and people with this kind of drive that have always had that they really do become successful because they do not care about oh it's an embarrassing job whatever no I worked even with grown men carrying heavy boxes because that would make me money now at the end of the day when
I did accomplish like I am very well accomplished thank god um and I I did everything I want I can walk with confidence because I really feel proud of myself and I I am confident in myself and in my abilities because I can see lizard you can do whatever literally whatever I set my mind to I can accomplish because I have to drive and I have the will and the Art of communication communication is one of the biggest reasons people can be confident people can be successful your the way you talk to people is very
important because you can leave an imprint on them and you never know who you're talking to it can be a a person that can literally change your uh life overnight because people always focus on the outward and like the physical appearance which is also important I'm not saying that's not important but physical will only get you so far the way you talk to people and the way you make people feel when they talk to you is a big big positive thing and is a thing that will get you so far in life I remember um
I was talking to my neighbor once um when I was living in a country where I grew up and I was just talking to her I never talked to her before and she literally at the end of my conversation she stopped me she's like Liz you should literally do something with communication because the way you talk is insane like literally you should do a career that has something to do with communication and before that like I did I thought I didn't know I wanted to do like I was going to do YouTube or things like
that you know and I'm like oh okay so my communication is very application is important in all aspects of Life your relationship everyone who has been in long-term relationship knows it'll comes all it all comes down to communication if you are not able to communicate uh correctly with your partner the relationship will also not last family friends everyone bosses every single person around you you should learn how to communicate with people um I have read books about this so one book that helped me is the art of people and the other one is How to
Win Friends and Influence People these two books are very good about communication and how can you learn to communicate better literally go out and socialize with people you can learn all the books you want you can get all the knowledge you want but at the end of the day if you do not mingle with people and if you don't don't surround yourself with different types of people and talk to them you cannot put this into practice and you will fail at this so if you talk to different people you will see they these people are
kind of weird they have weird quirks everyone is kind of different different cultures different mentalities also when you travel a lot you see this um but then you also learn like oh okay with this person I have to be like this because in life we have to be kind of like a chameleon you cannot act the same way with everyone because it will not be received the same way you know people have different cultures different beliefs so what you for example say to are very open-minded person you cannot say to a very religious person because
it will not be received the same way it's not that you're not being authentic to yourself no it's more that there should be certain respect also with other people and their belief when you go out and you talk to lots of people male female you will learn so much not only about them but also about yourself in the way you react to them in the way you're you are able to communicate with them start wearing glasses and look people in the eye and this is a practice why basically I grew up and I was always
told to look down always thought to look down look down so that was increased in my mind I always have to look down now listen if you're in a business setting of your or if you're just talking you will look like so insecure if you're looking down and you are not able to look that person in the eyes it's insane it's like literally a killer so what you need to do start wearing glasses outside make them like I have like really black glasses and I would wear them and I would start looking people in the
eyes when they're walking by obviously they cannot see that I'm looking at them so I felt more comfortable um with practicing this I actually started to feel more comfortable to look at people once I'm talking whilst I'm in a meeting so um this thing really helped me wear glasses and started looking people in the eye doing things you find cringe or uncomfortable in public so basically I find it very I used to find it very cringy G to like record Tick Tock video whilst I'm walking outside of myself or anything and I would be like
get ashamed immediately right but I started like you know what let's just do it and like you can get red if you want it doesn't matter you continue because that way you are teaching yourself that it's okay this is not something so big and at the end of the day those people do not care they're not looking at you and the more you do that the less things you will have that you will feel uncomfortable about the thing is your body language make sure you like look up look up that's so important shoulders back but
it doesn't have to be crazy but make sure you're not walking like this you know look at this how did this look it doesn't look confident but look how I'm standing like chest up shoulders Back and You're you literally talk like this talk with your hands make sure you're not scared to take up the room and you walk somewhere don't constantly look on your phone put your phone away look around start walking with your head up high uh when you enter a room don't look on your phone don't look down when you enter it don't
like hide away no open the door and enter the room look around and then say hi can I have a table please I'm so delusional listen I if you could go into my mind and if you could see what I think that I can accomplish myself you would call me crazy today but the people that called me crazy before for what I for what I have right now are all saying oh wow she actually did it so when you are delusional and you actually believe that what you're trying to do and it has to be
a good thing I'm not saying do like bad stuff and become delusional about that no no a good goal that you want for yourself and you're so delusional about you know what no matter what I'm gonna achieve this you are going to achieve this because it's the energy you're radiating it's what you are manifesting it's what you're telling yourself and our brain is the most powerful thing ever what you believe about yourself will be your reality even the way that you think about yourself can affect other people's reality about you because I have noticed when
I am walking out and I look at myself oh damn I look fine today and I'm really happy about the way I look other people start to compliment me a lot but when I have like a day where I just feel uncomfortable and I don't really feel that good and I just want to be you know in my little shell but I still have to be out I can see the reaction from people is totally different as well literally the way you think about yourself affects other people's reality as well listen to meditations affirmations um
that make you feel confident I do this when I am doing my skincare or whatever I have this uh one affirmation uh or meditation whatever that I listen to I really like it I'm gonna put it down below and it's basically like constantly like saying like you're beautiful things like that but it it doesn't really matter because you can see like oh no that's toxic positivity no you're training your brain to listen to something constantly and if I am listening to something that says to me constantly I'm beautiful I'm beautiful I'm beautiful listen I'm gonna
believe I'm beautiful just because I'm constantly like listening to them it's the same way if I would listen to a meditation or affirmation that says I'm ugly constantly I would also start to believe that so and the brain is wired to believe negativity over positivity so we ourselves already tell ourselves uh what what is wrong with us constantly so to refresh your brain listen to something that will actually lift you up another thing is when you are walking around to put on some music that makes you feel confident or even you wake up in the
morning put on some music that makes you feel confident stand in front of the mirror start dancing you know um this raises your vibrations as well so instantly you will become more attractive and um also it just makes you feel comfortable with yourself so listen to that even whilst you're walking if I just uh like put on a badass song and I'm walking honey I feel like I literally those streets were made by me let's start making decisions that are best for you a confident person does what is best for them people even like to
call them selfish no they're not selfish they always know that their needs have to be put forward first because they know that they are the most important important person in their own lives I've like this friends and he's extremely extremely wealthy like really really wealthy and uh one time I was invited for dinner and um there were like a couple other people there and there was like also a producer there and this producer guy was constantly like talking to my friend like oh yeah and and there's this project a lava and like really trying to
impress my friend like constantly constantly it went on for 30 minutes I felt bad for this producer so I started to give him like yeah like I am interested because my friend who's not giving any reaction at all like nothing and then after that guy finished talking I swear my friend didn't say a word to him he finished talking this was after 30 minutes he looks at him and he says after 5 PM I do not talk business and he just continues with his dinner I was so shocked because I was literally like oh my
God how powerful was that he does not accept anyone to cross his boundaries and that's also honestly why this person is so successful even in the ways you eat what you choose to put in your body what you choose to watch everything every single time you choose to do something it's a decision you decide what is best for you and you start making those decisions because that way you start to trust yourself more if you make the right decisions that way you will also become more confident in yourself and see and comparison is believing that
you cannot have it okay listen I have never been a really envious person ever if someone became successful or someone like had something I would always see that as motivation because I would look at it I was like oh my God yes so I can accomplish that as well if they can do it I can do it as well you know um Envy is literally thinking that you cannot do it or you do not deserve it but that is not true you will never miss out on what is meant for you and that is very
peaceful if that person has a certain thing at that age that is what was meant for them what you have right now is what was meant for you and you have to create peace with that don't focus on what they have focus on what you have and believe that you can accomplish this believe that you deserve that as well and see it as motivation see confidence is not a certain look right so create an aesthetic for yourself that you feel most comfortable in really look at your style look at who you are and start to
look for different Aesthetics you can look this on Pinterest like different Aesthetics whatever and choose the one that is most your Vibe for example if you feel more comfortable with a classy aesthetic if you feel more comfortable with um like you know those um sporty clothes you feel more comfortable with like baggy style whatever it is that you like as an aesthetic confidence is feeling comfortable in yourself it's you don't have to create this fake aesthetic that you don't feel comfortable in sometimes I myself I don't feel comfortable in dresses or or these things you
know so if I don't feel comfortable other people would see it and I look quite insecure because I'm not comfortable in what I'm wearing um but other days I am comfortable so that I do choose that aesthetic so start to think like what is my vibe what is my aesthetic do not force yourself in certain things that you do not like because it will show that you're forcing it and that you're not being authentic to yourself no whatever that is that you like if even if you you like to more darker Styles like um emo
aesthetic that's also so cool if you're confident in that besides all the Aesthetics keep yourself clean and well groomed this is so important make sure your hair is clean um make sure you you take care of your skin make sure you take care of what you put in your body uh shower all these things are so important make sure you you have your dental checks make sure you go to the hospital when something is really wrong um just make sure if you keep up with your health and well-being because that is one of the most
important thing healthy from the inside beautiful from the outside sometimes you might be insecure because you think oh I'm not getting enough attention or whatever it might literally be the environment you live in I have known many women that have moved countries and were shocked by how beautiful they found them in those other countries you know um I had the same experience like obviously um I think I am genuinely an attractive person but some people are more shocked by my attractiveness than others and uh it can be like other nationalities that look at me and
I'm like whoa you know and then I can go like somewhere else for example where they have different beauty standards and there I am not that attractive become comfortable with your body and realize that no one is perfect listen no matter how much I try to like look my best and whatever I know I will never be perfect there will always be someone out there that is more beautiful than me um and I am okay with that there will always be someone out there that is smarter than me funnier than me everything like it can
explain things better than me whatever but they're not me and that's it and that's good enough for me I am me with with things that I cannot fix like there's even like things physically that I don't like or that I am like oh like you know I would much rather prefer that it was not there but still I just accept it because what can I do about it like I literally cannot there's certain things that you just cannot change like even if you try to do plastic surgery whatever certain things you cannot change certain things
are genetics and whatever so become comfortable with that and realize that you will never be perfect no one is perfect actually it's draining to constantly strive for something that is just not there stop like thinking that oh Perfection exists no there's even this model she was talking about the fact that she was so beautiful already like on camera and stuff she said the way they edit my photos when like um they release it is insane like I have literally cried about how they release my pictures because they completely edit everything it doesn't even look like
me anymore that's why we we get a false image of of what is supposed to what we're supposed to look like but nobody looks like that it's itching AI like it doesn't exist also become cultural with your body by I for example I took belly dance classes oh my God I have never felt more comfortable in my body literally I don't know what it was but it was like this energy and the way you move your body it feels so good and comfortable and you walk out of there feeling so confident about yourself anyway with
yoga I was actually listening to a doctor that said that yoga is one of the best things a trauma Survivor can do because they have seen that that was more most effective with abuse survivors because they learn to trust their body again they can see how their body can move they also yoga has breathing exercises so that makes them calm down as well yoga is very very good it's also very good to balance yourself completely From the Inside Out uncomfortable with your own company these days people do not want to be around themselves they constantly
look for someone to hang out with or look for someone today because they cannot be alone I honestly I am the quiet opposite I need time for myself I literally tell even my partner like please can you just leave me alone like I want to be alone and maybe just with my cat or something you know I really enjoy my own company because I really think that I am really amazing like honestly I would be my own best friend that's how much I enjoy my own company um I like to sit with myself sometimes I
do nothing I just stay on the wall I like it it's fun to me but obviously do not take it to the extremes because when you are constantly alone you will isolate yourself and you will also not know how to deal with people anymore or how to socialize and that way you will become more insecure because when you are in a social setting you you have anxiety you don't know how to talk to people and do this by taking yourself out on dates going uh on walks with yourself talking to yourself hugging yourself giving yourself
a little kiss every single thing you can do looking at yourself in the mirror telling yourself you are so beautiful you are so smart you are so magnetic oh I love your aura treating yourself as you would someone you love sometimes I buy myself flowers sometimes I buy myself gifts um I like it not sit with people that constantly disrespect you um I used to do this and I used to always slide it off and be like oh they don't mean it that way whatever no because then when you actually make your voice hurt and
you say like Hey listen when you do something really big and you're like Hey listen I didn't like that you did that to me and then they will call you sensitive and you're too emotional because you let all these other things slide before and you continue to to engage with them once they were disrespecting you no I'm not saying after like a small little thing you you blow up and you leave whatever no but if there's continuous disrespect and continuous manipulation of this person telling you I will change and I will do this but the
actions does not line up with what they're saying then you leave you do not sit somewhere or someone is disrespecting you you do not that is very that is a sign of very low self-worth because you can say I don't care but what you're actually saying is I don't care about myself don't get offended or threatened easily see I'm the person I don't like to get disrespected but I also not the kind of person that will get offended by anything and everything constantly and oh you have to walk around eggshells no I'm really chill you
know but I have my boundaries and you will not cross my boundaries do not get threatened easily honey if you know who you are if you know what you're capable of no one can threaten you what will you do who are you you think I'm afraid no honey sit down give people their space if somebody says to you Hey listen I don't want to hang out with you today or even your boyfriend says like Hey listen like I need some space whatever don't immediately go freak I'm like oh my God why is that lava no
sometimes people like to be alone and they need their own space to collect their thoughts we are still individuals even if you are in a relationship give people their space because if you're gonna latch on and be like why why whatever it looks so desperate now say okay fine have your space do whatever and you go do your own thing have your own space as well then realize you are the main character of your life if I even have to think about the fact that my sister or my other siblings or my mom like they
have a own life that doesn't revolve around me I'm shocked because in my head it's literally all about me but then sometimes I sit back and I'm like huh wait they also think about themselves like that like it's in their head they also think about their own lives and that's just insane to me but realize that you are the main character of your life so start acting like it do what is best for you hang with people that want the best for you start taking opportunities that are the best for you because at the end
of the day you are your main character you are living your life I have expectations for other people and yourself and be apologetic about it listen if you want something in a partner if you want something in friends if you want something looking for a boss or a job or whatever um yeah you can have expectations and you can you can ask for things don't let these people manipulate you into thinking that you're asking for too much no you're not asking for too much you're asking the wrong person and also have expectations for yourself say
hey Liz I for example Liz I expect you to be like this I expect you to do this whatever blah blah people can say oh no that's being harsh on yourself no I want to have expectations for myself if I have no expectations what will I do I will do nothing so really write down and think about it what are your expectations for yourself how do you expect yourself to be how do you expect yourself to show up how do you expect yourself to act start doing gratitude meditation so I have been doing this now
for the past month every single morning like it's a five minute one I will link that one down below as well and it's just in the morning I sit and I just think about how my body serves me because that's also what she says in the meditation and it really makes me feel so grateful and grateful people can look at what they have and how abundant they are so in that state you can attract more abundance realize that you create your own reality whatever you think that you deserve or whatever that you think that you
can have you will attract and that's it if you think that you don't deserve a good relationship if you think that you don't deserve to have money if you think that you don't deserve to have Beauty confidence all these things you will not have it you will simply not have it because you create your own reality whatever you want will happen because you will create that for yourself do what you can with what you have now do not think oh I don't have this I don't have no no no no no start focusing on what
you do have and take what you do have to the next level like you can literally create from nothing you have billionaires today that came from being homeless these people do not complain these people actually do what they can with what they have and that's how you become successful that's how you become confident instead of constantly complaining see look at your situation be like okay this is what's going on this is how I am and this is what I can do to fix it and or to create peace with them you realize what kind of
blessing you are start talking acting walking like a blessing because you are imagine being old and looking back at your younger self and thinking like oh my God why was I so insecure like I was I had everything why was I so insecure right that's so sad literally live your best life right now like enjoy it do silly things sometimes you'll have such bad days but enjoy them as well at the end of the day when you're when you're older and you can look back at your life at least make sure you look back at
a life that was worth living look back at it say like yeah I was that girl I was that girl anyways I love you guys so much I will see you in the next video and yeah I hope you guys learned something bye-bye