[Music] monkey trees today pepper and her family are visiting an Adventure Park welcome to monkey trees Miss Rabbit is in charge what do we do at monkey trees you climb through the trees like monkeys I just hope we don't have to climb too high daddy pig does not like heights don't worry Daddy Pig you'll be wearing a harness so you can't fall if you lose your balance oh the wire will hold you it looks fun me first and now me I just have to keep my balance [Music] I don't know what I was worried about
this isn't high at all that's because this is the practice bit what the real course is high up in the Treetops ah don't worry I'll be down here giving you advice that's good to know follow the wire it will lead you where you have to go the steps are going high into the Treetops here is the wobbly Bridge Danny dog and his daddy are crossing it hello so high up brilliant isn't it as long as I don't look down I should be fine oh this bridge is wobbly that's why it's called the wobbly Bridge you're
doing great um maybe I'll wait here for a bit come on Mr Pig we can't cross until you cross what's the hold up how how going on sorry everyone okay here goes I did it I did the wobbly Bridge these are the swinging Hoops oh there's nothing to walk on just use your arms to swing from hoop to hoop like a monkey um I'm not sure come on mummy you have to go first so we can go okay here goes oh my goodness this is hard work [Laughter] well that's too difficult oh I can't hang
on anymore mummy Pepper and George are hanging from the wire now what do we do you need something big and heavy to push you across I see where this is going hang on here I come daddy pig it's what my tummy was built for this is the ginormous zip wire [Music] yeah it is the last bit Mr rabbit will give you some help just decide if you want to go head or feet first definitely feet first feet first off you go Peppa and George head off feet first head first off you go [Applause] well I'm
certainly not going to say head first head first off you go did you have fun I must admit that was quite fun it was the most amazing good thing in the whole wide world police the friends have come to the trampoline park I never bounced on a trampoline I bounce Lots it's the best thing ever welcome to the trampoline park Miss Rabbit is in charge when you bounce you must bounce safely first take your shoes off [Music] one person on each trampoline at a time away in the middle and no clever tricks just bouncing it
looks fun yes really fun I might even have a go myself happy trampolining everyone [Music] yes for these mini trampolines are for little children these are the trampolines for big children like us pepper and Rebecca are doing big bounces [Music] I love bouncing [Music] I think I'll have a ghost [Music] look Peppa your daddy is on a trampoline are you sure that's a good idea daddy pig I know what I'm doing I want to go too and me [Music] Mummy Pig is bouncing really high bouncing up so high not too high Mummy Pig [Music] in
the sky [Music] whoa Mummy Pig has landed on top of a tree oh how do I get down don't worry Mummy Pig we'll rescue you uh we'll call Miss Rabbit's rescue service [Music] hello trampoline park oh the emergency telephone Hello rescue service Mummy Pig is stuck in a tree help I'll be right back Miss Robert to the rescue [Music] this is embarrassing yes it's the sort of thing that normally happens to me hurry Mommy will have you have you time thank you Miss Rabbit hmm I can't land on the tree I know I've got a
really good idea oh where's she going [Music] she's bouncing back into the sky here I come thank you [Music] this is unbelievable yes it is one of my more amazing rescues what happens next who knows that was lucky I forgot the helicopter was here thank you for rescuing me Miss Rabbit just doing my job next time don't bounce quite so high yes mummy if you bounced on trampolines you must bounce safely thank you Peppa I remember that in future memes pepper and her friends are at play group children today we are going to do drawings
of our families this is me I live on my own in a very tall house sometimes my two sisters come to visit and we play music Greta plays Bass can I please play drums and I play guitar [Music] that is my family now it is your turn I live with my mummy she likes to push me on the swing and that is my family Mandy Mouse here is me with Mommy and Daddy we like playing in the park to you Mandy Everyone likes playing in the park who's next what a lovely drawing Pedro this is
Mommy and Daddy and me Pedro pony I have glasses Daddy has glasses mummy has contact lenses amazing how about the panda twins Pandora and Peggy are doing their drawing together daddy is a police officer and mommy is a firefighter sometimes daddy drives Us in his police car Daddy Tyron yes please can we do the siren now girls you know the siren is only for emergencies all right then and Danny Dog my daddy is a sea captain he has Adventures on his bones but now Daddy has come home to me and mummy and he won't go
back to see ever ever again what a wonderful adventure oh is next I'm Penny polar bear I live with my mummy and my other mummy well mommy is a doctor and my mummy Cooks spaghetti I love spaghetti ugly Penny and Freddie Fox my dad has a van it has everything in the world inside it in packs of five Super and Rebecca this is me with mummy daddy Richard Rosie and Robbie we live in a hill sometimes my auntie Miss Rabbit visits oh it's nice to have a break from all my jobs and I need rescuing
oh Dad not again okay I'm on my way because she does all the jobs in the world yes what would we do without Miss Rabbit who isn't next I am Peppa Pig and this is Mommy and Daddy and my little brother George George thinks his toy dinosaur is scary it is not scary but if I don't play he cries [Music] having a little brother the parents are here to collect the children hello hello mummies and daddies come and find yourself on our wall oh is that me yes Mommy and that's you daddy oh oh it
looks exactly like me yes what wonderful drawings of the families I love families yes I love families everyone loves families mountain climbing today pepper and her friends have come to The Climbing Center grumpy rabbit is in charge hello children today we're mountain climbing difficult yes but it's fun too I've climbed many mountains got stuck yes once I was climbing a mountain and I couldn't go up or down [Music] I called Mountain Rescue they came and saved me using a helicopter oh Dad not again sorry you buy a helicopter brilliant yes but that will be happening
today we haven't got mountains we've got climbing walls we call this one Mount Snowden it's just like a real mountain apart from the fact it's little and made of plastic and you're good to be wearing safety helmets what are the bubbly color bits you use them to put your hands and feet on like this WOW a month ago me please like this very good bedroom which Bobby do I use any color you want okay I'll do yellow [Music] climbing using [Music] use using the blue bubbly bits this is fun George would you like a go
George has climbed to the very top well done George your brother is the best climbing that was a little climbing wall now for our big one may I present Mount Everest [Music] it's very it's fairly High yes why nobody climbs Mount Everest without a safety rope stop [Music] or gently on the Rope remember you can come down anytime on the Rope George is climbing Mount Everest wow my goodness that is high George has reached the top brilliant climbing [Applause] oh dear George is a little bit worried hello George mummy's coming stop you can't cry without
a rope it's against the rules no time for rules I have to rescue George [Music] mommy's here do you feel better now George George is not worried anymore God down you come George George hello what about me how do I get down for you we will have to call Mountain Rescue [Music] hello Mountain Rescue please oh the balancing again not me it's Mummy Pig she's on Mount Everest actual Mount Everest no the plastic one I'll be right there Mummy Pig is rescued mommy was it fun being rescued uh it was kind of fun I suppose
Mummy Pig loves mountain climbing everyone loves mountain climbing skateboarding today pepper George mummy and daddy pig are at the park Peppa has her scooter George has his tricycle Mummy Pig has her bicycle and Daddy Pig has his skateboard D can I have a go in your skateboard skateboarding is quite difficult even for a grown-up like me yes you don't have anything to hold on to well maybe daddy could give you a lesson yes I think you're just old enough to learn best to start off slowly like this daddy pig is good at skateboarding now it's
your turn Peppa yay put one foot on the board and push with the Other Well Done pepper and now try it with both feet on the board look at well done [Music] they are big children hey Peppa yo hello is that your skateboard it's my daddy's can you skate on it yes my daddy taught me he's the best skateboarder in the world well I suppose I am a bit of an expert at it really so what do you make of these ramps [Music] [Music] are very good at skateboarding would you like to try yes but
I can't skate like you hmm but only because we're older than you yes we're almost grown-ups I'm nearly 10. wow maybe you big children could give pepper a lesson please okay we'll teach you as long as you keep it slow and safe of course we'll keep it real cool let's go down this little ramp I'm here to catch you Peppa okay Daddy I'm here to catch you too George is helping as well Peppa put both feet on the board yes I've done that before and we'll give you a little push um it looks high I'll
take you a bit lower ready now it's still hi how about here [Music] I did it I did it Well Done pepper yes you did brilliantly I'm going to do it again watch this are you all right yes I think so she's fine when you're learning to skateboard there's lots of falling off yes that's why helmets are Ace [Music] wow that's so good can you do that Daddy um I expect I could if I wanted to please show us Mr Pig oh all right um daddy pig are you sure this is a good idea don't
worry I know what I'm doing right have you ever been on a ramp before not as such wow he's gone to the highest ramp oh and realizing quite how high this was wow look at him go my goodness that was awesome unbelievable my daddy is the best at skateboarding because he is very old thank you Peppa Daddy Pig loves skateboarding everyone skateboarding the tractor Pepper and George are visiting Mrs Badger's Farm George can you guess what you see at the farm today so no George there won't be a dinosaur but there will be a tractor
what what tract huh they're like cars with big wheels and they can drive through mud I love tractors it is a traffic jam come on get a move on beeping won't make the cars go any faster daddy pig we just have to be patient no What's blocking the road head tractor thank you for your patience hi there Mrs Badger we were just talking about tractors Peppa and George have come to see your palms who could follow me here is the farm Danny Dog Pedro pony and Susie Sheep are visiting too we'll pick you up later
have a nice time hello there my lovelies hello no before I show you the farm I'd like you all to wash your hands [Applause] very good now let's have a look at my tractor hasn't she a beauty yes she's ofly she's got big chunky Wheels and a strong engine but all things alone the tractor is pulling a trailer open everybody let's go for a tractor ride [Music] here is a field of long grass the field is ready to be cut you wait here and watch cut her on the front a Baler on the back and
the tractor does all the work the tractor is cutting and making Bales [Music] job done all thanks to my tractor [Applause] the trailer is joined to the Tractor again on with the tour here will we get stuck no tractors are good at driving through mud and now we're going to drive along the road thank you for your patience mummy and daddy pig are coming to pick up Pepper and George oh no we're stuck in a traffic jam again like you said Mummy Pig we just have to be patient or maybe we could take a shortcut
no traffic jam for us I think we're stuck [Music] that's our car do you need help no thanks we're fine um we might be a little bit stuck perhaps we could use some help of course hold tight thank you for rescuing us Mrs Badger don't thank me thank my tractor oh yes thank you tractor tractors are the best Peppa loves tractors everybody loves tractors club today Peppa and her friends have come to the Woodland Club Mr Wolf is in charge children please come to the middle mummies and daddies please stand back and watch children I
know all about living in the woods I was born in the woods and I was raised by a family of wolves today I will teach you how to look after yourselves out here in the wild wow imagine you're on your own far from home no one else around oh sorry carry on no one else around what do you do if it starts to rain get wet ah but what if you don't want to get wet go home but remember you are far from home I've got an umbrella yes all right but sometimes the only thing
to keep you warm and dry in the woods is a shelter it's like a little house it'll keep out the rain and it will keep you warm from the wind you make a shelter using sticks and other stuff found in the woods wow who wants to try off you go then here are some sticks this leaves can be the flag it's finished well dog okay who would like to test the shelter I will are you warm and cozy in there Mr Pig yes I like my little house of sticks good let's see if your little
house keeps out the rain ah the water goes straight through the roof I'm getting wet did the house keep out the rain no no let's see if the house keeps out the wind I will huff and I will puff and I will blow your house down [Music] oh dear maybe the children should have used bricks a brick house would be good Mr Pig but there aren't any bricks to be found in the woods only sticks and leaves but we've tried sticks and leaves we're going to have another go first collect Big Sticks like this one
off you go here's a big stick here's a bigger stick here's the biggest stick in the world very good let's have that big stick here radio sticks along here over the roof little sticks itsy bitsy ickle sticks use the little sticks like this is it finished nearly we just need lots and lots of leaves loads sandals and jumbles of please no it's cozy house now it certainly is Daddy Pig please go inside um maybe somebody else should have all the fun of testing it this time [Applause] are you ready children yeah first the rain is
the rain coming in now the wind I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down peel the wind the little house is very strong so that children is how you build a shelter in the woods [Applause] [Music] oh it's raining all the grown-ups are getting wet but pepper and her friends are lovely and dry in their tickle house it's fun Peppa loves the Woodland Club everybody loves the Woodland Club