Leandro Twin, I want a cheap diet. I have no freshness. I want results, only I don't have financial condition.
What will I do best to save? What are the sources of carbohydrates, proteins and cheaper fats i'll find for my diet, but I want result. I want top result, only I want to save the maximum as possible.
I understand that I will have to spend, but as little as possible. By the end of the video you will know. We have to remind you personally that when the we talk about a cheap diet, we have to emphasize that if you are a guy, enter quotes is not a non - nauseous discredit with diet.
A guy who - my taste buds are more touchy . . .
It is a licking taste. Licking, looks like my grandma. When you decide to save, automatically we will restrict the food to the cheaper and automatically fewer fonts.
And that will give us a smaller range of foods. automatically so when you speak of a cheap diet, we talk about a restriction. The vegetarian makes a restriction.
The guy who wants a cheap diet makes another restriction, right? And the first restriction of all that you What you will do is: do not take supplements. You will enter the supplement store.
You will get the pot of supplements. You will look at him, he will look at you. The tear will drain.
You will rotate it to the right, and then you turn left - I never understood because people who buy supplements turn the pot to the right and then rotates to the left. I think the counterclockwise may change some nutritional information. A tear will flow.
You will clean the tear. Go put it on the shelf and walk away to your house. Forget supplement!
The deal is food. So let's start with the carbohydrate source. A very cheap carbohydrate source but very cheap is rice.
Leandro Twin, but the rice is nine, ten, eleven . . .
depending on the place thirteen, fourteen reais. Is he cheap? Yes my friend, but comes five pounds of rice.
And it's not five pounds of rice, because the five pounds of rice once done, can triple its size. So you are buying, ready rice, fifteen pounds. So it's a lot of carbs, right.
So rice is very cheap. Much cheaper than for example - the pasta. Even though pasta is quite a food interesting from a cost benefit point of view.
Now the rice is excellent. Leandro, can I use white rice? Yes, you can use white rice without problems.
The only difference is that it has index glycemic slightly higher, but not have a problem. If you mix it with a protein and a fat, you lower the glycemic index. If you were subscribed here on the channel, you would I would already know that.
So enjoy signing up. And I would like to leave a message quickly for you who are wanting to save. Just look how smart I am.
I already start the business to save and already I take the opportunity to publicize the promotion of my consulting that will be only for the ten first, on the 8th of August, Thursday next, not now, the other Thursday. More info, these twenty discounts to forty percent here in the comments. All explained how you do to dispute One of these vacancies.
Another excellent carbohydrate source They are all kinds of potatoes. Of course, you will not opt for the white potato, you go in the purple potato. The white potato is more expensive.
But the potatoes have a very interesting price. An average kilo of potato will be five Real. Depending on the day you go to the market, if you go in made you can find even cheaper - two, three reais.
On days that are at a very good price, I've even paid less than one dollar myself. Ninety cents, anyway . .
. so potato is excellent for your diet, will pay cheap, It is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Along with the potatoes, we'll have almost that in a very similar price technical draw - the bananas.
Bananas are great sources of carbohydrates. A very cool digestibility. Fruits are welcome.
Fruits are not rich in fructose, although the banana has a nice amount of fructose, but this is not a problem, nor in bulking not least in cutting, than fructose in cutting is much less relevant than in bulking. If you want I can make a video about this. Just write here in the comments - why fructose is more careful in bulking than in cutting?
But the banana you will find a quantity carbs very cool, very similar with the rice. In fact it will be between the rice and the potato, and at a great price. Not to mention that she is a reasonably source, Let's consider it portable.
It is very easy for you to carry bananas. You do not need to prepare. So she becomes very versatile, very practice.
And the taste, at least in Brazil, is very well accepted. We can jump here to the oats. So the oatmeal along with the banana you can have a wonderful carbohydrate mix.
So a box of oats, where will have about two hundred and fifty grams, you will pay on average: three, four reais, however . . .
if you go in a cereal zone, or something like that and buy in bulk, you will pay five, six reais in the kilo. And the oats with thirty grams of oats, you gets over one hundred calories, which is equivalent to a big banana. So you have an excellent source of carbohydrates.
excellent value for money, very affordable. Leandro, it's cool so far. I've already saved with carbohydrate, I liked it, cool.
But is it a source of fat? Then it is difficult, because there is little, it is true. But in fats, you won't spend much money.
An excellent suggestion is olive oil. The olive oil you will say: "but it's sixteen, seventeen reais an extra virgin olive oil of five hundred milliliters. " But we have to remember that five hundred milliliters is basically five hundred grams of fat.
So it's a damn thing! So in olive oil you will save a lot. Even if it's the extra virgin.
Not an expensive food from the point of view of a diet aimed at muscle hypertrophy healthy, which is good for your life. I agree Leandrão, really olive oil is show and stuff but i weigh eighty pounds i I am going to consume a gram kilo. Am I going to drink eighty milliliters of olive oil?
Then it gets hard. It will have a laxative effect. I don't know if you are well, but the olive oil in large amount it has laxative effect.
It is even used for some athletes. lose weight quickly without use drugs. I knew that?
If not, write here in the comments. But anyway, olive oil - very good. But you can't live on olive oil alone.
I agree! What can we use? We can use the oilseeds.
Ah, Leandro, you made a bad mistake. No, you can't do this to us. Chestnut is expensive as hell, nuts are expensive damn it, macadamia is expensive as hell.
I agree my friend, you didn't make a mistake, just I didn't miss it either, see. So shake my hand because we both We didn't make mistakes. Peanut - Peanut is an excellent oleaginous.
Leandro, peanut butter or peanut butter? Both are the same. It changes nothing.
Peanut butter is peanut butter whole, but in a crushed form. That's it. There is nothing added.
Neither preservatives nor anything. It's peanuts. But the peanut can still be cheaper than peanut butter because It just does not have this preparation process.
So a pound of peanuts you will find around, about ten to fifteen reais. The one kilo peanut butter has some Brands that sell at a very good price. So here, Diegão, put the folder here of peanuts and the current price.
Put the date down because someone will enter on the site and will say: "This value is not Leandrao ". But anyway, peanut butter and peanut butter - excellent. We have one more option for the cheapest diet of the world.
Check it out! This here is the cheapest diet in the world. It will be, a little protein and a foot in the fat, that is, with one thing only we kill two, which is extremely welcome.
We spend once and have a hug of two macro nutrients, which is precisely the Whole egg So an egg will have five grams of fat, cool. Is not cool? Only it's not everything.
It will have six grams of protein, which is quite relevant since it kills two macros. So the egg is not very cheap, but if you consume six eggs a day there, you gives an excellent advance on protein, and a Excellent advance on fat too. So why is he here in the food cheaper for your diet.
Not to mention that the egg has the best biological value form foods, without supplements. And even eggshell can be used. Did you know that?
How, Leandro, the eggshell? For what? Eggshell is one of the largest sources of natural calcium.
And how do I do it? You can take the eggshells, put in a baking dish, put in your oven, dry them to remove that moisture . .
. Beat in the blender these peels. Sift.
And you have a calcium supplement so concentrated, the cheapest. So. .
. Leandro, my grandmother needs to buy calcium supplement and is expensive. My friend, it's in your fridge.
You are throwing away a supplement of calcium, and is buying another at the drugstore. So here's this tip. Did you know about this eggshell tip?
If not, write here in the comments. Remembering that whole eggs, cholesterol . .
. I already made video on the channel, no problem none. Twelve eggs you'll find there for more or less five reais.
But I'll give you a personal tip - look nearby a farm, right? Or an egg distributor. If you buy from there, I guarantee you, you You can pay half the price.
And then it becomes very cheap. And usually the coolest - no need Buy an egg truck. You can buy a small amount.
They sell little quantity. So an excellent tip there. But let's continue here on proteins.
Another source of protein from all marombeiro know it's great is chicken but when we talk about chicken fillet that makes it expensive a little our diet. He will rise to fifteen reais a kilo, more or less. As I do to reduce this cost, more or minus thirty percent?
You will buy chicken breast, which will come with bone and with skin. You take off the skin, take off the bone, at the end of bills will still pay cheaper. So chicken breast is more interesting that the chicken fillet for cost seekers benefit.
There is a little work, but no problem none. It's something that doesn't require that much. And of course, let's end with the protein source.
very cheap, and source of fats too, then more or less like the egg. A rich source of omega 3, a fatty fish . .
. Leandro, you will not speak salmon, you It's slutty. Of course I will not speak salmon.
I'll talk: Sardine. But sardines are expensive, every can . .
. No, no. It's going in the wrong source my friend.
It's not in the can you go. You go in the fresh fish. Fresh, ungutted sardines don't without head.
The really fresh sardines. You will find there for more or less - five, six, seven reais a kilo. Great!
Leandro, I can eat that little carcass of hers, that bone structure? You can eat. That is a source of excellent quality calcium.
So the sardines. Remember her for your diet. The only thing is that she's a little nauseating.
I agree. I love sardines, but to eat all days really I have a little bit of difficulty, but this is a matter of taste. Maybe you can.
Right? Very good? Click on the like, write here which source protein, carbohydrate, fat, do you find most beneficial to put on the diet for other people to consult, and subscribe in the channel.
These three ducts help you rank without spending a dime, and still helps others people, right? A hug, stay with the next video and until tomorrow. How am I going to lose fat without losing muscle mass in natural people?
Let's understand natural as a person who not using any kind of hormone anabolic or SARMs. This in the bodybuilding world was popularly known that way - natural is who doesn't use hormones, but someone who uses ephedrine, using. .